HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Updates4- In 2000, the City of Apple Valley adopted a new city ordinance offering further protections to owners of manufactured homes in the event of a land sale. The City of Lakeville is currently going through the same process. The Caty of Rosemount's City Council can instruct city staff to start this process regarding land zoning changes if at least 35t of the homeowners in Rosemount Woods sign a petition indicating they want to pursue this. Public information and discussion meetings would follow. The Bottom Line: Homeowners should never find themselves in a position of being forced to relocate within nine months /or have to sell their homes for less than full market value. STREET ADDRESS: ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS- Please sign this Petition, then take it to: 2884 138th St W >You can place it in the white mail box on the front steps; they'll be collected daily for the next 30 days. When enough signatures are collected, they will then be given to city staff to authorize starting the process. Thank You! LaVonne K Woodruff Return this to 2884 138 Street West in Rosemount Woods. The HOMEOWNERS in Rosemount Woods request a new ordinance regarding land zoning changes and respectfully ask the City of Rosemount to pursue this matter on their behalf, under the authority of Minnesota Statute 327C.095. PR:NT PLEASE HOMEOWNER'S (only) NAME (last, first, middle initial): PHONE: 651/ EMAIL: (optional) HOMEOWNER'S (only) Signature: DATE: 2005 PARK CLOSINGS ARE SWEEPING ACROSS THE STATE Since 2004, 3 mobile home parks have closed in Minnesota, eliminating 88 units of affordable housing Six additional parks have announced closure When these parks close, a total of 289 units will have been lost since 2004 •.4pproxunateh 80% of Metro Area park households are lower nzcotne, including senior citizens, single mothers. recent immigrants and people Unfixed incomes The vast rnjority of park households own their homes The estunated cost of moving a singlewade mobile home in the metro area is $4,300 to $6,600 The estimated cost of moving a doublewtde mobile home in the metro area is $9,400 to $12,000 &fany residents fear that they would have no place to go. would be unable to afford to move, and could become homeless in the event of a park closing Residents will likely see a 100% increase or greater in their housing costs zf they are forced to move into an apartment as a result ofa park closing. The estimated cast of relocating resident., would likely be lust a small percentage of what the park owner could make from selling the part. ENSURE PROTECTION FOR ROSEMOUNT PARK RESIDENTS Rosemount has one mobile home park, with approximately 185 households frith higher land values and the threat of redevelopment, the possibility of the park closing is always a risk Close to 400 people live in the park State law gives cities the authority to require park owners to compensate residents for reasonable relocation expenses due to park closings 16 Minnesota crates have passed park closing ordinances guaranteeing protection for mobile home park residents in their community tftheirparks ever close •In 11 of these cities, ordinances were passed w hen there were no parks closing They were passed as proactive measures to establish gndelmes for pilule closings Apple Palley, Shakopee and Burns vdle all have park closing ordinances The'trty of Lexington recently passed an ordinance in December 2004 Brainerd pas ced an ordinance in Aprrl 2005 TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, YOUR PARK IS NOT CLOSING AT THIS TIME. THIS ORDINANCE WOULD BE TO ESTABLISH PROTECTIONS IN CASE IT EVER DOES. Minnesota Statutes 2004, Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 327C 327C.13 Freedom of expression. No park owner shall prohibit or adopt any rule prohibiting residents or other persons from peacefully organizing, assembling, canvassme, leafleting or otherwise exercising within the park their neht of free expression for noncommercial purposes A park owner may adopt and enforce rules that set reasonable limits as to rime, place and manner HIST' 1982 c 526 art 2 s 13 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of MN Manufactured Home Parks t CO 3 a v Q cCa v cD N rt 0 0 o 03 O ca cD 0 1 2029 2 2027 20 26 2025 2024 1 2023 2022 1 2021 1 2020 1 2019 1 2018 1 2017 1 2016 1 2015 1_ 2014 2013 1 2012 2011 1 2010 1 1 2009 1 2008 1 2007 1 2006 2005 Year 1 TOTAL 1 73 1 74 74 1 75 75 77 78 79 77 75 72 74 75 77 78 81 83 84 84 82 1 80 1 78 76 1 75 1 76 verage Weighted PCI $52,500,0001 1 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,0001 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000', $3,000,000, $3,000,000 0 00'000'£$ 1 1 $3,000,000 1 $1,500,000 000'009'4$ 1 $1,500,000 1 $1,500,000 000'009'4$ 000'009'4$ $1,500,000 1 $1,500,000 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,5 $1,500,0001 Budget Allocated (dollars) $47,849,346 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 1 $3,000,000 000'000'£$ 1 $3,000,000 3, 0 00,00 0' $1,500,000 $1,500,000', 1,500 ,0 00 $1,500,000 $563,220 $786,1301. $1, 500, 000 $1,500,0001 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Budget Spent (dollars) 1 $1,650,654 $0 1 $o 1 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 I $o $o $0 $0 1 $o $o 1 $o 1 $936,780 1 $713,870 $0 $0 $0 1 $o 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 Unspent (dollars) 1 17% 1 15% 4% 1 19% 1 20% 1 21% 1 22% 1 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 51% 40% 22% 22% 31% 43% 80% 80% 80% 80% 34% 22% 1 21% 1 Overlay 1 57% 1 60% 59% 1 60% 1 60% 1 59% 1 58% 1 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 46% 58% 59% Reconstruct 1 26% 1 25% 1 37% 1 21% 1 20% 1 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 49% 60% 16% 30% 69% 57% 1 %oz 1 1 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 1 20% 1 Seal Coat 1 $4,985,2601 1 $5,286,9401 $6,826,4801 1 $8,695,5601 1 $10,393,7601 1 $9,034,2101 1 $4,602,1901 1 $3,508,6001 $3,945,1501 $3,289,1401 $3,029,2601 $1,109,8901 $564,9001 $61,0701 $01 $01 $81,4901 $468,0601 $885,6601 $1,463,0901 $2,245,6901 $2,537,3301 $3,191,7801 $2,917,0901 $3,272,5401 Backlog (dollars) t CO 3 a v Q cCa v cD N rt 0 0 o 03 O ca cD 0 20 0 S 20 0 6 2 OO 20 0 Q 000 20 20 7 7 20 7 2 Q0 20 Q0 0 7 2° 7 J 20 7 5 2 20 2O 2 2 2 2 2O 2 9 Cc 2 2 20 2 20 Dollars 4 Ea 43 69 N A O co O 0 O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to O O 0 0 0 0 v, m O O 0 0 0 0 c 3 to c g W 0. 0 0 W el. Di n x 0 O o 2002 2004 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 .<2018 to 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 o Average Weighted PC) m w cn ,n CO o Li 0 -0 to CL CO CD 0 0 z� 0 ' - WSB ' &Associates,Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 ' Minneapolis,MN 55416 ' Te1:763-541-4800 August 31,ZOOS Fax:763-541-1700 ' Honorable Mayor and City Council ' City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ' Re: Infrastructure Inventory and Assessment Study for the Downtown Redevelopment Area City of Rosemount, MN ' WSB Project No. 1556-39 ' Dear Mayor, City Council Members, and Interested Parties: Attached,please find results of our inventory and assessment of the sanitary sewer,water ma.in, ' and storm sewer for the area proposed for redevelopment within the City of Rosemount's downtown area. As you are aware,this study was undertaken to allow the City to evaluate and anticipate the need to replace or upgrade any of these systems as part of the redevelopment of the ' downtown area. Should you have any questions concerning information contained herein, or require any , additional information or interpretation,please do not hesitate to contact us at 763-287-7188. ' Sincerely, WSB &Associates,Inc. � � . I< . l� .�-�. � � ' Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Vice President ' Enclosure ' tsh/kw . ' ' ' Minneapolis 1 St.Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ' CERTIFICATION ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ' I< . �,.9�¢--r ' ' -- �'�' Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. ' Date: August 31, 2005 Lic. No. 15998 ' ����(./�%✓�/ f� %���.�2/�'J?l�,�'v , Kevin F.Newman, P.E. , Date: August 31, 2005 Lic. No. 25198 ' ' , ' , Downfown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Mineesota WSB Project No.1556-39 ' � I ' � � , I � August 31, 2005 � � � � � Downtown Redevelo ment Stud � p y � � � Prepared for; 1 � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �i ROSEMOL:iNT ;: � �; MINNESOTA ' ' ' ' � WSB Project No. '1556-39 ' � I I ' � � Prepared by: � � i � t _,: �. �SB 701 Xenia Avenue South,Suite 300 ' Minneapolis,MN 55416 763-541-4800 &.4ssociates,Inc. � ' ' ' DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT STUDY , , ' ' PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' ' August 31, 2005 ' ' ' i ' Prepared By: ' WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 ' Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 (763) 541-1740 (Fag) ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ' TITLE SHEET ' LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS ' I. INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE...............................................................................................2 , II. PROCEDURES AND METHODS FOLLOWED.................................................................3 III. INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF SANITARY SEWER...........................................5 , IV. INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF WATER MAIN..................................................10 V. INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF STORM SEWER...............................................13 ' VI. SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................17 , LIST OF FIGURES _ Figure 1 —Location Map Figure 2—Sanitary Sewer Map ' Figure 3 —Water Main Map Figure 4—Storm Sewer System& Subwatershed Map , LIST OF TABLES Table 1 —Sanitary Sewer System Location, Size, and Capacity Table 2—Peak Runoff Rates for Subwatersheds ' Table 3 —Hydraulic System Capacity for the Isolated and Non-Isolated Subwatersheds ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redeve[opment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 1 ' I. INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE ' It is the purpose of this study to complete an inventory and assessment of the sewer,water, and storm sewer infrastructure within the downtown redevelopment study area. This study is ' undertaken to allow the City to evaluate and anticipate the need to replace or upgrade any of these systems as part of the redevelopment of the downtown area. This area is generally bounded by Camero Lane and Cameo Avenue on the west, 149�' Street on the south, 143'� Street ' on the north, and the Union Pacific railroad right-of-way on the east(see Figure 1). Information on the location, size, and condition of these utility systems is provided in the ' following sections along with an assessment of the need for upgrading or replacing these systems based on the results of this investigation. ' , ' ' , , ' ' ' , ' ' t , Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemouiet,Minnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page 2 ' II. PROCEDURES AND METHODS FOLLOWED ' In order to inventory and assess the condition of the utility systerns within this downtown redevelopment area,background record drawings and GIS information for the downtown area , were obtained and reviewed for the sanitary sewer,water main, and storm sewer systems. Information on the size, slope, capacity, and materials utilized during the initial installation of these utilities was evaluated. To determine the extent to which repairs to the system had been , required in the past, WSB discussed with Public Works on two occasions the history of the downtown system. ' For the sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems, an evaluation was undertaken to determine if it would be helpful to televise these systems to identify deteriorating pipes,breaks,or other , possible problems. For water main,the date of installation and history of main breaks or other problems were evaluated. All of this information was used to deterrnine the condition of each system in developing recommendations to upsize or replace. ' In addition to the general inventory and assessment described above, a specific assessment of the sanitary sewer,water main, and storm sewer was undertaken to determine ifthe system was , adequate in size to accommodate current and future redevelopment conditions. Additional details on the procedures and methods followed as part of the specific assessment for each of these systems is outlined below. , A. Sanitarv Sewer ' The assessment of the adequacy of the existing sanitary sewer system was generally based on procedures and methods outlined within the 2004 edition of the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (10-States Standards). This document also provides recommended ' standards for anticipated flow rates from various land use types into the sanitary sewer system, and provides standaxds to be utilized to define peaking factors and variations of flow during a typical day,week, or month, as well as providing input based on wet or dry weather conditions. ' B. Water Main ' The adequacy of the existing water mains was assessed based on their ability to deliver minimum and maximum water demands and fire flows to the downtown area at satisfactory water pressure. The AWWA(American Water Works Association)recommends water systems deliver a ' maximum pressure in the range of 90-110 pounds per square inch(psi) and a minimum of 40-50 psi. Maximum pressure was analyzed with the system at minimum hour demand and water ' towers filled. Minimum pressure was analyzed with the system at peak hour demand and water towers at their lowest operating level. Maximum and minimum hour demands were calculated from the Comprehensive Water System ' Plan currently in progress. As a part of the plan, average day water demands from particular areas of the City were established based on the current land use plan and historical water usage. ' Peaking factors were determined to be a ratio of 2.5 for maximum day to average day, 2.0 peak hour to maximum day, and 0.2 minimum hour to maximum day. ' ' Downtown Redevelopmeni Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 3 ' Required fire flows for multifamily and commercial structures are 2,000-5,000 gallons per ' minute (gpm) and 3,000 -10,000 gpm respectively, as recommended by AWWA. The City's Insurance Services Office (ISO) fire rating is based on building size relative to flow available at ' the hydrant. Buildings greater than 12,000 square feet require 3,000 gprn. The City's Fire Marshal and City Standards require no less than 8-inch mains for fire protection in commercial areas. ' Pressure and fire flow analysis were each conducted with the system operating at firm capacity. Firm capacity is when the system is operated with the largest well out of service. In addition, ' fire flows were analyzed during maximum day demand after the peak hour demand had occurred. At that time, water levels in the towers are at the lowest point of the day, or minimurn operating level. The nature of this review was to determine the ability of the water mains to ' deliver fire flows, so fire duration was ignored for this system model. C. Storm Sewer ' The analysis and assessment of the storm sewer system within the stud area was com leted Y P utilizing standard hydrologic and hydraulic analysis practices consistent with those outlined in , the National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 4 (NEH 4). As part of the analysis, the study area was broken out into ten subwatersheds having drainage ' areas tributary to various segxnents of the existing storm sewer system. Based on land use, soils, slopes, and other hydrologic conditions, an estimate of the peak discharge rate from each of the subwatersheds was estimated for rainfall events having 5, 10, 50, and 100-year return ' frequencies. The hydraulic capacity of the existing storm sewer system within the study area was also evaluated utilizing inlet control,barrel control, and pressure flow conditions. The design capacity for each of the reaches was evaluated based on comparison of the peak runoff ' rates for the various designed storms compared to the full non-pressure flow capacity of this system. ' A computer hydrologic model utilizing TR-20 hydrologic routing methodology was utilized to generally evaluate the amount of storm water runoff that would be ponded within intersections or overflow the storm sewer for various designed storms that exceed the capacity of the storm ' sewer system. This computer simulation was also utilized to predict the time it would take for the intersection to drain dry following the design event taking place. , The information collected above was evaluated to determine if the drainage system was adequate to accommodate runoff from a selected return frequency event. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redeve[opment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.IS56-39 Page 4 ' IIL INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF SA1�IITARY SEWER ' A. Inve ntorv Samtarv Sewer) ' Sanitary sewers in the downtown study area consist of 8-inch and 10-inch diameter sewer pipe (see Figure 2). Approximately 9,668 feet of the sewer is 8-inch diameter and approximately ' 3,085 feet of sewer is 10-inch diameter. Approximately 4,420 feet of the sewer pipe is PVC and less than 10 years old. Approximately 7,228 feet is vitrified clay pipe (VCP) and over 30 years old. Approximately 1,105 feet is PVC pipe that is just over 20 years old. ' Based on record drawings, the 8-inch sanitaxy sewers were constructed at slopes ranging from 0.3 percent to 3.41 percent. The 10-inch sanitary sewers were constructed at slopes ranging from ' 0.24 percent to 0.39 percent. A summary of the existing sanitary sewers in the downtown study area are shown in Table L ' All the wastewater generated'in the downtown area is conveyed to a lift station located near the intersection of 145th Street West and Burma Avenue. The City refers to this lift station as Lift ' Station No. 1. Lift Station No. 1 was originally constructed in 1955 as a dry welUwet well station with two vertical centrifugal pumps. The station is approximately 21 feet deep with the below grade wet well and dry well constructed of cast-in-place concrete. The lift station has an ' above grade masonry building that houses the controls and control panels far the station. In 1987, the lift station was converted to a submersible type station with two Flygt Model CP3127- 433 submersible solids handling pumps. ' Lift Station No. 1 pumps wastewater through a 6-inch cast iron pipe forcemain that dischar es to g a 12-inch gravity sewer east of the intersection of 145�`Street West and Brazil Avenue. The ' total forcemain length is approximately 695 feet. Approximately 525 feet of the farcemain piping was constructed in 1955 and approximately 170 feet was constructed in 1971. The 12- inch sewer that receives the discharge from the lift station forcemain is Reinforced Concrete Pipe ' that was constructed in 1971. ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 5 ' , Table 1 Sanitary Sewer System Location,Size, and Capacity Downtown Redevelopment Study City of Rosemount ' Pipe Full Capacity Adequate Location/ Length Year Slope Flow Required Capacity , Description Size Material �feet) Cons. (%) Cap. (MGDJ (Yes or (in.) GD No Robert�s Trail(South 8 pVC 615 2003 0.4 0.50 0.02 Yes ' of 147 St. W.) East of Cambrian Ave. (South of 147�' 8 VCP 915 1955 0.3 0.43 0.01 Yes , St. W. Cambrian Ave. (South of 147�`St. 8 VCP 1095 1955 0.3 0.43 0.05 Yes W. ' Camero Ln.to g VCP 985 1962 0.3 0.43 0.03 Yes Cambrian Ave. Cameo Ave. �146 0.3 to 0.43 to ' St.W.to 147 St. 8 PVC 715 1996 3.41 1.44 0.02 Yes W. Cambrian Ave. 1955 , (North of 147�'St. 8 VCP 475 and 0��o Oi Ogo 0.01 Yes W. 1996 Between Roberts Trail and Bunna VCP and 1955 1.0 to 0.78 to ' Ave. (North of 147�' 8 p�C 235 �d 1.57 0.98 0.01 Yes St.W. 1996 147 St.W. (Cameo 10 PVC 900 1996 0.25 to 0.71 to 0.20 Yes ' to Burma 039 0.88 Burma Ave. (�157 0.25 to 0.71 to St.W.to 146 St. 10 PVC 485 1996 0.26 0.72 0.21 Yes I W. 146�'St.W.(West of VCP and 1955 0.6 to 1.10 to Burma Ave.) g PVG 365 �d 1.21 1.56 0.01 Yes ' 1996 . Burma Ave. (�146 0.24 to 0.70 to St. W.to 145 St. 10 PVC 435 1996 0.30 0.78 0.21 Yes W. ' 143 St.W. (Roberts 8 pVC 235 1997 0.35 0.47 0.01 Yes Trail to Cameo Ave. ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 6 ' Table 1 (cont.) ' Sanitary Sewer System Location, Size, and Capacity Downtown Redevelopment Study City of Rosemount , Full Capacity Adequate Location I Plpe Length Year Slope Flow Required Capacity , Description �ln j Material �feet) Cons. (%) Cap. (MGD) (Yes or GD No Between Roberts ' Trail and Cameo Ave. (South of 143� g VCP 498 1955 0.4 0.50 0.02 Yes St.W. , Cameo Ave. �143 0.48 to 0.43 to - St.W.to 144 St. 8 PVC 570 1997 0.66 0.64 0.02 Yes W.) Cameo Ave. �144 1994 030 to 0.78 to ' St.W.to 145 St. 10 PVC 375 and 0.47 0.97 0.03 Yes W. 1997 Between Cameo ' Ave. and Roberts � g VCP 450 1955 0.44 0.52 0.02 Yes Trail(South of 145 St.W. , Between Roberts Trail and Burma � 8 VCP 135 1955 1.0 0.78 0.01 Yes Ave. (South of 145 St.W. ' North of 145 St. W. between Roberts 8 PVC 575 2001 0.4 0.50 OAl Yes Trail and Ci Hall , 145 St.W. (Cameo 10 PVC 890 1984 0.38 to 0.88 to 0.18 Yes Ave.to Burma Ave. 0.60 1.10 Brazil Ave. 8 VCP 835 1975 0.4 0.50 0.04 Yes ' 145 St. W. (Brazil Ave.to Bumley 8 VCP 220 1975 3.0 1.35 0.04 Yes Ave. , 1955, Burnley Ave. (146� g VCP and 535 1962 1.0 to 0.78 to 0.03 Yes St. W.to 145 St.W.) PVC and 1.2 0.86 1996 ' 145 St.W. (Burnley Ave.to 8 PVC 215 1984 09 0.74 0.07 Yes Burma Ave. , ' ' ' ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemouny Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 7 ' B. Assessment(Sanitarv Sewer) ' The assessment estimated the wastewater flows that will be generated from the area and evaluated the capacity of the existing sewers to carry the estimated wastewater flows. Based on ' commonly used parameters far estimating wastewater flows, the average day wastewater flow that will be generated from the downtown study area is estimated to be approximately 33,000 ' gallons per day(GPD). The estimated futurepeak hour wastewater flow from the study area, using a peaking factor of 4.0, is 0.132 MGD. , In evaluating the required capacity of the sanitary sewers in the downtown area, wastewater that is generated from areas outside the study area but conveyed through the sanitary sewers in the downtown area will also need to be taken into account. Three 8-inch sanitary sewers extend ' west along 144�' Street, 145�'Street and 147th Street, and collect wastewater from the residential areas along those streets and convey it into the sewer system in the downtown area. The estimated average day wastewater flow that is generated from these areas outside the study area ' is approximately 65,000 GPD and the peak hour wastewater flow is 0.26 MGD. The total estimated average day wastewater flow that will need to be carried by the sewers in the downtown study area will be 98,000 GPD, average day flow and 0.392 MGD (275 GPM)peak ' hour flow. The 2004 Edition of the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (10-States ' Standards) indicates a minimum grade for an 8-inch sanitary sewer of 0.4 percent. As discussed previously,the 8-inch sanitary sewers in the Downtown Redevelopment Study were constructed as slopes ranging from 0.3 to 3.41 percent. Using a Manning Friction Coefficient(n-value)of ' 0.013, the capacity of the 8-inch sewers range from 0.43 to 1.54 MGD (300 to 1100 gpm),with the majority of the 8-inch sewers having a capacity of 0.43 to 0.5 MGD. ' The majority of the 8-inch sewer mains that have slopes less than the minimum recommended slopes are older VCP sewers. Replacement or rehabilitation of these sewers is recommended. If practical these sewers should be relayed at an increased slope when replaced. If relaying of these ' sewers is notpractical, these sewers should be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis to minimize solids buildup and odor problems. ' The 10-inch sanitary sewers were constructed at slopes ranging from 0.24 percent to 0.39 percent. The 10-States Standards indicate a minimum grade for 10-inch sanitary sewers of 0.28 percent. Using a Manning n-value of 0.013,the capacity of the 10-inch sewers range from 0.70 ' to 1.10 MGD (485 to 765 GPM). The 10-inch sanitary sewers that were constructed at slopes less than the minimum grade are ' relatively new PVC sewers constructed in 1996. Even at slopes below minimum grade these sewers have adequate capacity to carry the required flow. However,velocities at full flow are below the minimum recommended scouring velocity of 2 fps. Consequently, these sewers , should be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis to minimize solids buildup and odor problems. ' Wastewater is collected from the downtown area by the 8-inch sewer mains and then directed to two 10-inch sewer mains that convey the wastewater to Lift Station No. 1. As shown in Figure 2, one of the 10-inch sewer mains runs east along 147th Street West from Cameo Ave. to Burma ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 8 ' Avenue and then north along Burma Avenue from 147�'Street West to 145�' Street West. The ' full flow capacity,based on the minimuxn grade of this 10-inch main,is 0.70 MGD. The second 10-inch sewer main runs east along 145th Street West from Cameo Avenue to Burma Avenue. The full flow capacity,based on the minimum grade of this 10-inck sewer main,is 0.88 MGD. ' The combined capacity of the two 10-inch sewer mains is 1.58 MGD. ' According to the shop drawings of the pumps that were installed in 1987, Lift Station No. 1 has a firm capacity, with one of the pumps out of service, of 300 gpm(0.432 MGD) at 38 feet total dynamic head(TDH). A review of the run times for the pumps indicates that on average, each pump runs 1 to 1.4 hours each day. At a pumping rate of 300 gpm this equates to an existing � average flow pumped from the lift station of 36,000 to 50,000 gallons per day. , The maximum recommended velocity through a sanitary forcemain is between 7 and 8 feet per second(fps). Using a maximum velocity of 7 fps, the maximum capacity of the existing 6-inch forcemain is 0.89 MGD (618 gpm). ' The 12-inch sewer that receives the discharge from the lift station forcemain was constructed at a grade of 0.40 percent. At this grade the 12-inch sewer main has a full flow capacity of 1.5 ' MGD. C. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations (Sanitarv Sewer) ' • The existing gravity sewers have capacity to carry the projected future flows from the , downtown area plus the flows generated from axeas outside the study area that are conveyed through the downtown area to Lift Station No. 1. ' • The older VCP sewers should be televised and then evaluated for replacement or rehabilitations. Approximately, 7,228 feet(57 percent) of the existing sanitary sewer serving the downtown area is VCP that was installed in 1955, 1962 and 1975. Older VCP will ' characteristically have problems with leaking joints, due to structural failure and joint separation. This older pipe should be replaced or rehabilitated. Rehabilitation of the older sewer lines might include trenchless methods such as slip-lining or pipe bursting to minimize ' excavation and street reconstruction • Service laterals are often constructed of the same material as the sewer mains that they are ' connected into. Consequently the service laterals that are connected into the older VCP should be replaced as redevelopment occurs. ' • Inspection and evaluation for replacement of the forcemain from the sanitary lift station that serves the downtown area is recommended because of the age and potential for future breaks. ' ' ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 9 ' IV. INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF WATER MAIN ' A. Inventorv(Water Main) ' The existing water distribution system in downtown Rosemount consists of approximately 10,500 LF of ductile iron and cast iron water main ranging in size from 6"to 12"(see Figure 3). ' Approximately 50%of this water main is ductile iron and is less than ten years old. Water mains located on Cameo Avenue, Burma Avenue, Lower 147�' Street,,145�' Street between Robert Trail and Burnley Avenue, and Robert Trail from 143Ta Street to 800-feet south of 143rd Street, were ' constructed after 1996. The oldest water mains are on 146th Street and Burnley Avenue,which were constructed in 1955. Twenty fire hydrants are located within the study area for fire protection. '' ' B. Assessment(Water Main) ' The existing average day demand from the downtown area is approximately 33,000 gallons per day(gpd)based on data from the current land use plan and historical water usage. Current development served by this system consists of approximately 1 acre high density residential, 15 ' acres public/institutional, and 33 acres commerciaL Existing downtown water mains are capable of maintaining a minimum pressure of 53.6 psi ' under peak hour demands and a maximum pressure of 64.4 psi under minimum hour demands based on pipe age, size, elevation, and material. Both conditions are within the tolerances recommended by the AWWA. There is approximately a 4-6 psi fluctuation at each service ' between peak and minimum hour demands. System modeling cannot anticipate water main leaks. A more reasonable way to evaluate this , concern is to review the age and history of breaks and their causes. According to the City,there is no history of water mains leaking in the study area. As indicated�previously,most of the water mains are less than ten years old. The older water mains along 146 Street and Burnley Avenue ' are 6-inch cast iron pipe constructed in 1955. These water mains have been tapped within the last two years and were observed to be in good condition. According to City Public Works staff, the valves have been used and are in good condition. Some services from this main have leaked, , but the main is believed to be in good condition. Fire protection in mains greater than 6 inches is in accordance with AWWA recommendations. , Approximately 2,500 gpm was modeled to be available at the proposed library location, approximately 1,000 feet north of the intersection of 145t" Street and Robert Trail. Although fire flows were less than required, the proposed library loc�tion is covered for fire protection by ' mains capable of providing greater than 3,000 gpm within a 1000-foot radius. Therefore, no immediate improvements are required for fire protection. ISO ratings are determined based on hydrants within 1000-feet of the building location. ', ' �, � The existing 6-inch water mains on 146 Street and Burnley Avenue have no hydrants. If ' hydrants were installed on these mains, they could provide 2,200-2,500 gpm. There are two hydrants at the south end of Robert Trail capable of 3,600 and 3,900 gpm due to the length of the hydrant stub. The 8-inch stub north of the lift station can provide 3,400 gpm at the end of its ' main. All mains in the area not previously mentioned have available fire flows greater than ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Mdnnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page 10 ' 5,000 gpm. Mains providing greater than 3,000 gpm in the study area are considered to have , acceptable capacity based on AWWA recommendations and ISO requirements. The existing water mains have the capacity to deliver up to approximately 1.65 million gallons ' per day(mgd) at 50 psi to the downtown area while the rest of the community is at peak hour demand: Water mains are sized to deliver peak hour demand; therefore,the capacity of 1.65 mgd is considered a peak hour demand. Dividing the peak hour demand by the peaki.ng factors , discussed in Procedures and Methods yields an average day demand capacity of 330,000 gpd. The types of development to trigger flows this large include major water using industry, a population increase of 3,000 residents (population density would approximately equa160 ' people/acre),water usage of about 6,700 gallons per acre per day(gpad), or an average water usage increase of about 9 times from the existing users. Current average day demand is ' approximately 33,000 gpd. Although main capacity is sufficient for major usage increases, the existing services are probably ' not capable of providing adequate flows in accordance with the proposed downtown redevelopment plan. Existing 1-inch services at the proposed library site,mixed use sites, and high density residential sites are capable of providing 20-30 gpm at 50 psi at the water shutoff. ' This is acceptable for smaller individual users,but buildings including several bathrooms with multiple fixtures,multiple stories, or fire suppression will require larger services. ' C. Findin�s, Conclusions and Recommendations (Water Main) A summary of findings is presented below. Full explanarion is presented a.fter the bulleted items. ' • All mains eater than 6 inches in size are in ood condition. �' g ' • All services are adequate except those expected to connect users with much higher use than existing conditions. The l-inch services to proposed library,mixed use,high density residential, and possibly some commercial depending on use may need to be upsized. ' • Construct services to ro osed libr mixed use hi densit residential and ossible P P �'Y, � � Y � P commercial after final building design is complete for each site ' � �, � Upsize existmg 6-inch water mams to 8-mch on 146 Street and Burnley Avenue. ' � Upsize 6-inch water main along Robert Trail between 145�'and 143ra Street ui the long term future to 8-inches. ' No improvements are necessary to the downtown mains for normal operating pressures and flows. Most mains are less than ten years old,but even the older mains are in good condition as ' discussed with the City. Most existing services are capable of providing future flows and pressures for the proposed ' development. Proposed medium density residential users between Burma and Burnley Avenues are assumed to have 1-inch individual services as with most residences in Rosemount. 1-inch services are adequate for residential service. Existing services to the proposed library,mixed ' use, high density residential, and possibly some commercial depending upon specific water use ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 11 ' requirements may need to be upsized. These sites have 1-inch services and are capable of ' providing 20-30 gpm at SO psi at the shutoff. At this time it is not recommended to replace any services until final building design is complete ' for each user. The final building design can vary greatly from the preliminary plan depending upon the size,number of floors, type of use, location of service, and fire suppression needs. An ' individual three-story apartment building may require a sprinkler system and service for 100 residents,while a one-story building might use fire hydrants on the street and require service for only 20 residents. Architects will size and locate individual booster pumps and services during final building design based on the potential flows and pressures provided in the water mains. ' Since the water mains to serve these users are in place and provide adequate service,the only construction necessary will be increasing the service size, so it can be completed once final ' building design is complete. For fire protection, the Fire Marshal and City Standards require there be no less than 8-inch ' water main serving commercial areas. Modeling of the system supports this recommendation because flows tend to be lower than 3,000 gpm in mains less than 8 inches. , The existing 6-inch water mains installed in 1955 on 146th Street and Burnley Avenue currently have no hydrants and are smaller than the current City Standard of 8-inches. It is recommended to upsize these mains to 8-inches to meet City Standards which will provide 5,300 gpm available ' fire flow. In addition,the proposed development may require relocation of the mains it would be prudent to upsize them before placement in their new location. , Replacement of the existing 6-inch water main with 8-inch main to serve the proposed library along Robert Trail (TH 3) from 145th Street to 143ra Street is recommended for a long-term improvement. Hydxants along 145th Street are capable of providing 7,000 gpm within 1000-feet ' of the proposed location, so upsizing is not critical at this time. Robert Trail was overlaid in 2001 so it is important to preserve the pavements in this area. Upsizing to an 8-inch or 12-inch water main as a part of another project would increase capacity from 2,500 gpm to 4,600 gpm or ' 6,500 gpm respectively. ' ' ' ' ' , ' Downtown RedevelopmentStudy Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-39 Page 1Z ' V. INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT OF STORM SEWER , A. Inventorv(Storm Sewer) ' Figure 4 provides a relatively detailed description of the existing storm sewer system that is present within the study area. The system consists of a number of catch basins and leads ' directing storm water into a trunk drainage system that collects water and generally redirects it to the east and north prior to its outfall into a large 66-inch storm sewer system that outfalls into Erickson Pond,which is a large regional storm water retention and treatment system within the City of Rosemount. Erickson Pond is also classified as a Preserve Wetland in the City's Wetland ' Management Plan. Figure 4 also provides details on the size, slope, and elevation of all of the elements of the storm sewer system for this area. ' B. Assessment(Storm Sewer) ' The peak rate of runoff generated from each of the ten subwatersheds shown on Figure 4 was estimated for rainfall events having a 5, 10, 50, and 100-year return frequency. This information is shown on Table 2. , Table 3 provides information on the peak rate of runoff to selected reaches within the study area, along with the capacity of the reach under full non-pressure flow. Based on a comparison of the ' peak runoff rate to the capacity of the reach, the approximate design capacity of the reach was evaluated. This information was used to evaluate the adequacy of the storm sewer collection system for each subwatershed within the Downtown Redevelopment study area. ' Based on the analysis com leted, the storm sewer s stem located within the isolated P Y subwatersheds for areas 1, 2, 3, and 7 are considered adequate. This is based on the observation ' that the system can accommodate design flows ranging from a 10-year to 100-year return frequency storm event. The storm sewer system for subwatersheds 5 and 6 were determined to be not adequate for providing design flows for a 10-year return frequency storm event. The , storm sewer system far subwatersheds 5 and 6 may be acceptable if overland flow mechanisms are able to accornmodate peak flow rates at downstream locations without excessive ponding in the streets or structural inundation. ' The storm sewer system for the trunk lines were broken up into three areas as shown in Table 3. The trunk storm sewer located on Burma Avenue (147th Street West to 145�' Street West) and the , segment from 145�' Street West to Erickson pond were determined to be adequate for a design flow capacity of 10-year storm. The trunk storm sewer located on 145�` Street West(Cameo Avenue to Burma Avenue)was determined to be not adequate for conveying a 10-year return ' frequency storm event. The trunk storm sewer may be acceptable after a field survey is completed to determine if overland flow mechanisms are in place. ' C. Findings, Conclusions, & Recommendations (Storm Sewer) ' • Provided the grading plan for the redeveloping areas is developed with reasonable caxe,the storm sewer system serving subwatersheds 1,2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 were deterrnined to be adequate to convey design flows in excess of a 10-year frequency storm event. Building openings will need to be established at a high enough elevation to allow water to pond in low ' ' Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemouny Minnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page 13 ' . areas temporarily during events having greater intensity and not damage struatures ar ' contents. Provided such precautions are ta.ken, no storm sewer improvements are needed within these subwatersheds for the Downtown Redevelopment area. ' • The storm sewer system serving subwatershed 5, 6, and 8 were determined to be inadequate to provide design flows to accommodate a 10-year return frequency rainfall event within the ' pipe. Portions of the storm sewer system serving subwatersheds 5, 6, and 8 may need to be upgraded to provide adequate storm sewer capacity as future redevelopment occurs to prevent structural flooding. The storm sewer system could possibly be deemed adequate in ' selected areas if overland flow mechanisms are in place to convey design flows, or onsite retention is incorporated into the redevelopment plan for the area. A final assessment of the storm sewer capacity and need for replacement should be deferred until after a field survey is ' completed to determine emergency overflow locations, a grading plan for the redeveloping area is available, and the plan and/or need for street reconstruction in the vicinity of the storm sewer is better defined. ' • An evaluation of the ca acit of the storm sewer s stem within subwatershed 10 alon 143ra P Y Y g Street was also completed as part of a review for the proposed expansion of the middle , school. This analysis indicated that the existing storm sewer at 143rd Street and Cameo Avenue (21"RCP)may not have adequate capacity to accommodate a 10-year retum frequency rainfall event at this lacation if upstream retention in the school site is not t constructed. The downstream storm sewer crossing at TH 3 (36"RCP)does have adequate capacity to accommodate water from the upstream system. Consistent with recommendations provided in the previous paragraph, it is recommended that a final tassessment of the storm sewer capacity and need for replacement should be deferred until a grad.ing plan for this redeveloping area is defined, a survey of the overflow route is completed, and the need for replacement of pavement on 143rd Street is better defined. � ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' Downtown RedevelopmentStudy Rosemouny Minnesota WSB ProjectNa 1556-39 Page 14 , Table 2 ' Peak Runoff Rates for Subwatersheds Downtown Redevelopment Study , City of Rosemount Q Peak Q Peak Q Peak Q Peak , Watershed# Area(ac) 5-Year 10-Year Storm 50-Year Storm 100-Year Storm (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Storm (cfs) 1 18 33 41 56 63 , 2 5 ll 14 19 21 3 6 13 15 21 24 4 9 17 21 29 33 ' S 8 18 22 31 35 6 15 34 41 56 64 ' 7 4 10 12 18 19 8 9 20 25 34 38 , 9 9 23 28 38 43 10 7 17 21 29 33 , ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' Downtown Redeve[opment Study Rosemoun�Minnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page 15 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Table 3 Hydraulic System Capacity for the Isolated and Non-Isolated Subwatersheds Downtown Redevelopment Study City of Rosemount Isolated Subwatersheds Area Q peak Q Peak Q Peak Q Peak Design Design Capacity Outlet Evaluation of Watershed# 5-Year Storm 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year Capacity (Return Frequency (ac) (cfs) Storm (cfs) Storm (cfs) Storm {cfs) Description (cfs) Storm) Resutts 1 18 33 41 56 63 33"@ 0.5% 42 10 Year *Adequate 2 5 11 14 19 21 18"@ 1.3% 14 10 Year *Adequate 3 6 13 15 21 24 18"@ 2.1% 17 10 Year *Adequate 5 S 18 22 31 35 18"@ 1.0% 13 <5 Year **Not Adequate 6 15 34 41 56 64 21"@ 0.6% 17 <5 Year **Not Adequate 7 4 10 12 18 19 27"@ 1.0% 31 > 100 Year *Adequate 10 7 17 21 29 33 36"@ 0.2% 34 l00 Year *Adequate Non-Isolated Subwatersheds Q Peak Q Peak Q Peak Q Peak Average Reach Description Reach Description Reach S-Year 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year Design Evaluation Watershed &Capacity(Upper &Capacity(Lower D e s c rip tion S torm S torm Storm Storm End End Capacity of of Results cfs cfs cfs cfs > > Reach Burma Ave � ' �h 60"@ 0.2%- 117 147 St.to 145 1,2,3,4 74 91 125 141 42"@ 0.6%-78 cfs cfs 10 Year *Adequate St. 145 St.W., Cameo to 5,6,8 72 88 121 137 27"@ 1.0%-31 cfs 27"@ 1.8%-42 cfs <5 Year **Not Adequate Burma 145 St.W.to 66"@ 0.5%-238 66"@ 1.4%-398 Erickson Pond 1-9 179 219 302 340 cfs cfs 50 Year *Adequate *System determined adequate based on observation that system can accommodate design flows in excess of a 10-year return frequency storm. **System determined not adequate unless overland flow can accommodate peak flow rates at downstream location without excessive ponding in streets or structural inundation. Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page l6 I, ' ' VI. SUMMARY A. Sanitarv Sewer , The projected average day wastewater flow that will be generated from the downtown ' redevelopment study area is 33,000 gallons per day(gpd). The estimated future peak hour wastewater flow from the downtown study area, using a peaking factor of 4.0, is 0.132 MGD. The total estimated average day wastewater flow that will need to be carried by the sewers in the ' downtown area, including flows from contributing areas outside the redevelopment study area, will be 98,000 gpd average day flow and 0.392 MGD(275 gpm)peak hour flow. ' The capacity of the 8-inch sewers range from 0.43 to 1.54 MGD (300 to 1100 gpm),with the majority of the 8-inch sewers having a capacity of 0.43 to 0.5 MGD. The capacity of the 10-inch sewers range from 0.70 to 1.10 MGD (485 to 765 gpm). ' The existing gravity sewers have capacity to carry the projected future flows from the downtown area plus the flows generated from areas outside the study area that are conveyed through the ' downtown area to Lift Station No. 1. Lift Station No. 1 also has adequate capacity to handle the projected wastewater flows that will be conveyed to the lift station. ' The older VCP sewers and adjacent service laterals should be televised and then evaluated for replacement or rehabilitations. Rehabilitation of the older sewer lines might include trenchless methods such as slip-lining or pipe bursting to minimize excavation and street reconstruction. ' Inspection and evaluation for replacement of the forcemain from the sanitary li$station that serves the downtown area is re�ommended because of the age and potential for future breaks. ' B. Water Main ' The existing downtown water mains shown in Figure 3 were modeled and assessed to determine their adequacy to serve future users and provide fire protection. The following is a concise summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. For a complete explanation of ' these findings see sectian N.C. • All mains greater than 6 inches in size are in good condition. , • All services ar e adequate except those expected to connect users wrth much higher use than existing conditions. The 1-inch services to proposed library, mixed use, high density ' residential, and possibly some commercial depending on use may need to be upsized. • Construct services to proposed library,mixed use,high density residential, and possible ' commercial after final building design is complete for each site • Upsize existing 6-inch water mains to 8-inch on 146�'Street and Burnley Avenue. ' � • Upsize 6-inch water main along Robert Trail between 145`� and 143ra Street in the long term ' future to 8-inches. , Downtown Redevelopment Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.I556-39 Page 17 ' C. Storm Sewer ' The existing storm sewer system was evaluated to determine if the system is adequate to convey the design storm sewer flows for the proposed Downtown Redevelopment. The drainage area ' was modeled to asses if the storm sewer system could convey a 10-year return frequency storm event. The following is a summary of the findings, conclusion, and recommendations. ' • The storm sewer system serving subwatersheds l, 2, 3,4,7, and 9 were determined to be adequate to convey design flows ranging from a 10-year to 100-year return frequency storm � ' event. Therefore, it is recommended that no storm sewer improvements are needed within these subwatersheds for the Downtown Redevelopment site. , � The storm sewer system serving subwatershed 5, 6, and 8 were determined to be not adequate to provide design flows to accommodate a 10-year return frequency storm event. Portions of the storm sewer system serving subwatersheds 5, 6, and 8 may have to be ' upgraded to provide adequate storm sewer capacity as �uture redevelopment occurs, however, the storm sewer system in selected sections may be adequate if overland flow mechanisms are in place ta convey design flows. A final assessment of the storm sewer ' capacity and need for replacement should be deferred until after a field survey is completed to determine emergency overflow locations, a grading plan for the redeveloping area is available, and the plan and/or need for street reconstruction in the vicinity of the storm sewer ' is better defined. • The storm sewer system serving subwatershed 10 was determined to be adequate to provide ' design flows ranging from a 10-year to a 100-year return frequency storm event if a retention pond is constructed at the school site consistent with the review comments for the school site proj ect. ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' , , ' Downtown RedevelopmenY Study Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project Na 1556-39 Page 18 sewer jetting, sewer televising, catch basin cleanout, and repair and replacement of infrastructure. 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Q � 2.Easily communicate work requests with others in office via e-maiL CALLlirik is CarteGraph's innovative application for problem 3.Automatically transfer key report taking,recording and resolution.CALLlinkprovides an information to a work order through WORKdirector integration. intuitive interface diat gives the administrator the tools tn gather all the information needed to record any work request. 4.Work orders completed in WORKdirector ean automatieally CALLIink dynamically links to CarteGraph's WORKdirector populate asset history in any to generate work orders or work requests.For an even more CarteGraph viewSERIES apptication powerful management solution, use WORKdirector and 5.All work requests can easily be MAPdirec�or applications to spatially display work requests displayed on a map. on a basemap. CarteGraph Powering Public Works i !� I • e � � w � � ° ' < < �� :�.���`r. ..��� � 4 R�� n�a�� '�' ' _ �.. ,� r Z aoneM,�wlt��slsss�osr �o. 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I.�I wrM � � . �rTmr ���:.G Nw� . ... �... , .. 1RO�tl�u� � �^CYnlr/mtlm • .. . •• � pk.eH�nbw .I]I915551(5) �� ' ��.. Ci C«�Mr '•i_ " . � ; �nlNmC 5evs � SIa r� �� �crWJ r aJo1J � alofrJ .f" .� �. �.nH.,.�Hw,�r . ,ozcs �rn+ee...m h«-+�oibimn. �.-�, i�.:..«�•m Ina-mt�t.. . ��. . . __ . . — .PlerweFMn=() LelUuMm 39ac- �y I E IAdbes['� ��� . �� � r�.am N�.oe.�:iao s a�co+� " _ '' :.. PWc.9iH5iPEEi ... �. frd6W ENCLtn OwN 1 1�.. , � _ r�,..�«�,.___ __..__:. _..__- -- -------- =--= � � ' 'ame,�n� iwa - w�.tivPwm�—� ��'... ' .�'- n� .srHsrnE[i ���... or c„n�.a� . ., . � M� ',(—] s�.x Ji� a 9 . ! , ww J`� zccod.�s�sc� "" . a } --- - - - --- .._._:.:_. ewr',�!�-, ����: 1.WORKdirector simplifies resource x�+���;����'�'.'a'= ,`�� ; , . .._ accounting.All work management neaex,�n,u.,ii�„ns srem'(''rn� �n,�al:u a»`(rd���i �rea ls�i ` . , aex ., i -��� . components,such as labor,equipment �"" ""�"""��"` " � "� " ' ` " ' ����� ��� � "�� � � � `'` �"�•� - '~ � and materials,can be tracked to assist in budgeting and GASB 34 comPliance. W o r i< M a n a g e m e n � 2.WORKdirector integrates directly with CALLIink as the starting point to record service�equests and initiate It is the responsibility ofyour organization to maintain the daily tasks.Quickly and easily modify Tield names,design work aCtivities. public infrastructure to a satisfactory level of service— on-line work orders to match current paper forms,create 3.Wo�kordersCompletedin thisisajobmadeeasierwithCarteGraph'sWORKrlirector. reports to output inforn�ation—even add software func- WORKdirectorcan automatically tionalitythrough a built-in VBScripc"'editor. populate asset history in any In an easy-to-master interface,WORKdirecror provides CarteGraph viewSERIES application. thefunctionalitythatallowsyoutomanageallofthework Although a powerfui tool when used alone, 4.All WOrk o�ders dnd pfojeCts Can ea5ily activities performed in your organization. From initial WORICdireclor can provide additional benetits when be displayed and queried in GIS using one of CarteGraph's MAPdirector' request for work to the scheduling of routine maintenance combined with other CarteGraph applications as part ofa applications. through the completion ofeach project,WORKdirec[or complete Public Works management solution. Create tracks and maintains data on activities, materials, independent work orders or associate a work orderto a employees,equipment—andmore. specific asset record—WORKdireclor links to any viewSERIES application.Or use MAPdirector software With its completely customizable interface, including to spatiaUy display your work activities in a G1S. forms, libraries and reports, WORKdir•ector• has virtually unlimited potential to seamlessly automate your CarteGraph Powering Public Worlcs � . � � . , � � DaWb�sc • Microsoll•'Accas2000 Maierials • Material invcmory • Microsofl°SQL Server 7.x,2000 • Inventory reduction Oracic°B.Ix • Reorder invrntory Iriggers INerface • Microsoll Wmdows°98,ME,2000,XP,NT • Invrntory melhod • Navigalw'"workspace • Maierial his�ory • WORIGIirecror pages include:Requcsts,Work Orders,Lrbor, • On-line pans or material calalogs Equipmeni,Materials,Vendors,Workshects • Mnierial price lis�s • WORIGIirenor forms include:Request,Accounting,Identification, Vendors • Vrndor dala6•rsc with mique Vendor ID codes Work,Rates,Vendors,Summary,Assaiations,Quick Entry, • Vendor address,contact n;une,phone,e-mail and fas Marwgement Form Price quolations � • Multi-record grid to vicw all rccords or record subse�s On-hrrc Libranes Crea�e custom I�br;vy rnines • Tab mode or tildfortn mode AtWchmenls • Atlachment;md d�splay of digUal phoios(.BMP,.JPG or.GIF files)to • Applicalion Log/Multi Edit Lo�p/Impon•Expon Log individual raords Sccurity • Munagc users,roles and pemnssions wnhm�he dawb�se • A�lachment of any eketroaic file i�luding.PDF,.DOC,.XLS,video • Definc and mainWin daWbase and appliealion security :md OLE-linked documenLs to individual rccords Licensing • Concurreni nehvork licensing • Link CAD as-built(pl:ui,pmfile,eross-section)design documen�s to • Stand alone individwl recordt Field licrnse check in/check oul • lnclude multiple auachmems to each daubase«cord � Data Sh:ving • Data imporVezport fu�lionali�y antl forma�builder • Sharc au•rchmcnts with oiher C�@Graph applica�ions • Forms saved as individu:�l files , • Filtcr and wrt on images ' � Reporu saved Js individuul files Ac�ions • Prcde mcd task execut�ons md mg:Converl Request to Work Order, � • Database shured amo�olher C•vlcGraph upplicalions Recalculaie Costs,Add Malerial,Order Material SmunTools • Match enlries to exisUng lisl memlxrs or dcfaull vuluu H�slory History of all acUviues • Pop-up calendars:u�d number key pids Scheduled Aarv���es • Schedule rouune;mdior reeumng maimenuna acirvmes • English to melric convcrsion Mainlain hislo of aclivil lo • Default,c over and r uired da�a o tions Repons • Prcdc med repons mcludc:Dcpanment Reques�s Report,Ma�enals Cus�omizatwn • Unhm�led nwn6er of aunbmc relds Available Report,Work Order DeWiIs/Simple Report,Open Nork . • Creale cusiom Carms Orders Wilhin I Month Report,L•rbor Evenls Repon � • Add cuslom fields to tracA addilionai infortnalion on the Oy • Define custom reporls from all da�abase fields and save for Culure use • Buill-in VDScript°edilor • Includesub-reporLs Locaiion • 1�icinitY,coordina�es,road nenvork,imersection or description • Form-sryle or table-style fortna�s Requesls � �� C�Iler mfortwtion • View repor�s on-line,genera�e hardwpy repons or e-mail repon da�a - • Issue � FiliedSon • Define criteria io display record sc�s such as open requcsts,request • Description priority,unxssigned work orders and equipmenl sW1us • Requestlocauon Definecriteriaforttmrdorder • Reques�his�ory Synchronization/Replicauon • Export da�a scls for field dala colleclion,mainlen:u¢e or inspecUon Work Orders • Assign msources(labor,equipmcnL material,comrac�s,elc.)lo work • Update main dulabase with ihcse rewrds upcn rewm io o(Lcc ac�ivitiu � • Schedule and track work orders through swga oferealed,suned,open and complcicd � � • Moni�or and Irack worA bacAlog • Crcale und generale work orders • Create work ordcrs independenUy or Gom reyucsls � • Crea�e a work order witl�mulliplc sequrnlial work sleps � � � � ' � � � t � ' �� v �," • Create and manage unscheduled work activiiics , ,.,, . , «` ' ..,,... • Acttss on-line work ordcrs by work ordcr ID,loealion aclivily or � assigned supervisor < ��- � '.- � .'�� .'' � . . ; • Retriere work orders based on muhiple seleaion criteria including ���e followui n*a�iucts integ[ate wid�WORKdirector���to create a�wmplete and cust�n:;,,, pl:umed,scheduled,active,suspended,complele,closed and canceled =�nlanagemenl s.,��uC�,",n, • Chargecoslsforresources—directorindirccl—aladefinedrale . • Update an open work order ai any time _ � - � . � , � � �, a • Add resourccs to an exisiing open�vork order t� $�RViCE RE�UESTS t e ' � '�"` • Recallopenworkorders eR:a �,.,�,.�.,..na��..a �,_��x�. .. .,,w ,, ,, ,,,,,, , ,,,,,,^ S ..._.�.3 � _..>..,,` �._...,_�_._._ ; • Assign mWtiple resowca�o a worV:order txsk ���L��r��� • Display work order staws auyw...wou.ur. .' , �,� ` . `� . _ • View or print work orders with all estima�ed uruUor•rcWal resources � � Re u�ste[mfor[nati�.? ' �� • Standard o �ratut u,���e3ure.,W.;e`. � • Viav or prim delails of clased wwk orders �� , `� q.� ' - P� S ' � Producebothcorrectiveandprevenlalive�wrkorders �-. RequeS[Ci litStOi)' �, • �I1-1111e citlzen d2f !a��.��. Labor • Hmployeeinfom�suon andimaga ": Duplicate request icl��._,,.,��a° �-Complal�tt#rc �e.� • Compensation histories t Work 7equest geuerai�r+°^ � • Work crew associations and;�ssignmcn�s ,.< �� � � ' • Work his�ories � S�T�IAANAGEMEHT'���P � 3� � �" � � ' § �y • Laborralcs�ndaecurity % ' .._ ...,. �N.,.�.,.� »� i„w�.>�,�.,���_ s_ ,,..... .. s...:.,aan.�,.�, �..u,..>._`..�. .. ��..:n-,w,�.,H Lqwpment • IdenuGcauon and descnplion �°, � � ' • Cosls;u�d mainten:uice schedulea view5ER1ES" . � ;� ' ' , .� ., � � • Depreciation and�Ivage values . VERSAJpo1S`� • Opera�ion log books �:� Asset fCak�r`=,� '.•�.����caGoii ; LocaUon' � di �_y •' Inspectic��, �cheduicd acdvibew �•��.GASB 34 ��w �. � �� � i t � r r /:<.,GIS,:�.rta�.���GRAT51�F1 _�� .�...>:�, � Y�i`,.k � ��5,"�� *���e_.�...�> . �a��ca�vn��r.�1�� P ` � R � ' �°i` ~'�"��` y ,. . . , �, � , , � � „<. , � � � � MAP4lrecra/" � � �� � � � 111APdfrecior1°for ArcVlevv� � " � 'Z°%pzcal;worksl•aliou•mm�mum rcquircmrnls. _ , . : •'Raster/vector map display Cusromizable symbotogy, • Prccessors :: pentium..500 MHz � •��. Thematic'.data presentatiou' ;,ayeel,�,�:nze c`onknl ,' �' Pu�and zoom r�<<,=...�.,.��?5ng tools. �'T:.4N, 256 t�fft • Cad@Graph LiveLink"` s �+��.2�r �.�u�'� � , a r < Fr e df;�c aco: l00 M8 E �-t ,� �, e i �s r��r� . �` �p � � �� � � �M091LE FIELD k1SE R � �� � � � .��. w��.� ,� n.k.�:.� � _ � � .w ...� ,�. �� ..�.�._m . ,�, z� ;;, ' . , , , s.. , ^_,r: �.... s �:5: ' - �..W�nd�ws�4$.Mcn ZdT� 2flD'3,a;;t" . CAI4Gltr�h''.;_ .. ���:� k,v�°TPasx°'.� . '. , � a�i,a. 16 Ms �� � . � •< � � ° �*anaSer c1�� C�;4eaati� d,eeioniiig System(Cs-�y „ , .:u,�a�zates:rom a TriuibleGPS rece%ver _ . ,_ �i �..�� -��� �P-Rfi�Pr;-� '��L.Dburt�cr��:S'orlu.�,..,._1�i�,�y s � �� �R'II.a,� . - � BAE� ' -� •� Netwo�S�'� �� �� TCP/IPreuo r ,e_r r��.a4,�nClicensing . r,� � � -. .; � �" �awr�^��.����.,,7� _.�sg ��� ��i���fom�abon� . ia ;, �, - -� � , 'Kt��n.emems•maywrydep�:ndmgunpelorssuchasNoAalpbx.wt � ��i17„�ii%t97�tIlt Ll���y_dS2� ,� . < . ,,, ,.. " ype�fucese.SQLS�ver,orOracle).whethclNecompmeru' ..: . , � ' - i 4r umdaaP fntaba.cumrvc,adm�i�P��iMsoflw�rc'.htmlcllentwowstauou;indhowrtwnYmoflWesarcliu�llullbr�ktaiied: ' .,� :�- . , ` � _ . rc iur��c��s Ica�c zsn w.orte ,,; ... .. .;. . . - „ ,'.i,, ' CarteGraph � 3600 Digital Drive•Dubuque,lowa 52003 A ^ 800.688.2656 � ����Q/ _�^��� 563.556.8120 `v u 563.556.8149 ((ax) � www.wr[egraph.com Powering Pubiic Wori<s _ „ w J—L1�`1�1J 1�J r� Te wz . �J , � J_J_J_J±+1'i� , _ .. .. _. '�:.c��i»v�� ,- •� :. Cwf�Side C IlaLon SildCmt mc Jnform h a "- "�� ,- . . • G�w�[utmrMamYm.: ••. •• ••� •'' _ . : ... ... . . .. .... .. Gw 541D:� �.[wm�ID GtIDNurhs N P u10� Uwm.�N�r Cr15w P[�Nr 1�...Ra.t.-6� YN++tlrv -: .• •'�'a F`��^�••, '.�.IfJ�J sier,� r....,,sT.�. c«o.F:ro� LL_l*e1_r3'�l�.ih;!?�1_ * � ��lC�A751�:LG7 !�1_�' . n.u.�. � , , Fl �r 1 34r�1'�" ; , AJb��: . . „_ � ,: . .�. u nen.� -Swvs�i �,; . .. `ZW : � r. : . �r. suN ,��� urrm � J � . ' ' �� \' '�i r .t a �J I�_�� " ! �i ' .�v m z u n�+� I y f� 1!Y � � � i nv si�.. --� �,x��,,,e. n �'p i �' 1 � 1 ,'• �J t�-;Ty i i � ,r : � .vN«�ns�«..� u�s r�. � A o zU - v' �� � .. . � � ..:I� , ��i w e C�Rww�� �� .' �,/ � I � ��U 1 (7 . �qy�W1 . IJ� �..:IW6nr��w�m � .� f r� � II ,.f'/ ''TJ!(' �L�r _� ��1_'.���'� . . . ..wv `. : . 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GAU{DEN.Rl49lE5I.E ' 1 "� � f� .. . GI S¢e.0 yd j • , Mm� �Fin s:.iwr � GWoroiiwa 1 ,�._., 1j; �.CMbrM,�Dt:�'�'�� � �r U�.� -.Neb � � � , 54Nan:�— . . . E a�I�•< cpaivee�.i.. Na�ad . �'�"36NWOODBPIDGEDF 5 IMum� ' _.._.__ : ..��. - Rew 'Pwc�25119.W 5 T14� �� :SncVeh�Sa� � , •• � V� � �.... ,-. � . ..���CmmuM� '' .. _• � :. -, � � :��+k-H4SHNLLF.IN . � f4 r�� S V�f�def aFi��, '�i .��9P 3)11) ,..: � ......�.,.... w..-.�... _._.: T� N�nVw' Ur�Hum�evi (' Erl fw�e R� AYSIIW M.41wJ �r UiiHteLw p—'_'--�=---�••.I SI�IrImWux :. � I .�,�� �� j� , • ._. � p p : � AVX�tl�Awa 2 �; ? Ilri6ww�irta. 011Smn - I Sp6 ina Dtnim � �� www� E M��rMlt p p J.. � 4" ��J'. UMPVWwdt �)56 . .Si�N Wt�t 3)56. ... . ... � . F F I r , _ ' uMn...,... o �. s..n...�.. o o.��,. ��. ° f 1 ► N... . .; r—�I �-� � �.:� '. �:�- ` AN�cl.nnl �- .D�bl� hti]PNo-�+lm_ � -, .�_......_ ...._._.- ... . � � ; fY.^°" . I 1 ' PUPwu�.b..J""" � '�. hkU I�: H� OS : Cnca �.+L.� � �.---� �' fllA45ww 9]B Pd.IiPWMC �wli�l- f.-, --.� �J ��. res, uso � am: e�siaaw �� . -..u,mP A ��„�,�� se..isa. �.rtsa . �,. ��.. 'ii rnaa.rr ..ozn�k�e�_' resM.Aedeu`��: '�� . ,���„Mwrµ,�..',:.�r.'.�. . :'.:.lEWflMew...�. 1.VERSAtools provides the tool kit that �N� � �rvnh�ew I k��..�.fo,ea,:.s:m i n f w�+�o la.w�a�e.w 6ra�a.e Fr �" makes it easy to build a management �� ` ' �.�. w.�_ �,_a.�.. �� . ,..w.��. ,.,.�..�: a.� solution that exactly matches your ��� specific needs. � � ;;�°; , , � a _ �; , 2.Create your application by determin- ing layout,selecting functionality,and VERSAtools is CarteGraph's innovative developer toolbox • CemetefieS adding and modifying fields. desi ned to ive ou ilie � B Y powertocreateacompletelycustomized 3.The built-in VBScript editor allows you managementsolution.Drag and drop functionality allows you ' Solid waste collection to control the functions of each form, to include all of the features of a standard CarteGraph • Roadsid'e vegetation adding even more power to your application—including data screens,libraries,reports,images • Parks/playgrounds custom application. and fiters--designed to your exaetspecifica6ons.TheVBScript 4.Among the many administration editorgivesyou options to includeadvanced funqonalitywiU»n ' Parking meters features,VERSAtoo(s lets you control your program. • TI'ees fu�ctionality and user permissions within yourapplication. Applications created with VERSAlools not only link to other � Graffiti removal 5.VERSAtoofs applications are ready to Ca��'�Ph databases,but also have die ability to control work ' Permits linkdirectlytoworkmanagementand management activities through the built-in link to • S1deWdlkS GIS. WORKdireclor.VERSAtoo/sapplicationsalsoeasilyintegrate . Dams with ESRI'sArcView or CarteGraph's MAPdirector. • Guardrails • and more! CarteGraph , � � , � , �� . , � . . � � , � . � , Database • MicrosolY°Access 2000 • MicrosoRF SQL Server 7.x,2000 • Oracle B.Ix Interface • Microsoft Windows°4 98,ME,2000,XP,NT • Navigator'"workspace • Design Mode/Run Mode • Fortn(window)templates include:Identification,History,Location, Attachment,Inspection,Feawres and Financial Summary • Multi-record grid to view all records or record subsets `f c�CSt� ��,�ry U(� ����,.,., • Tab mode or tile/fonn mode ` �� � � �� '�;;.t;t s�.�'�,^� • Application Log/Multi Edit Log/Import-Export Log � bupliC��t,. C�,ess�td�6cattt�n��� Securiry . • Managc users,roles and pennissions within�he dalabaze �'�'^�`+�� --rx^�y -�'�.� `,�Y • Define and maintain database and application securily <w�+�� ���� Licensing • Concurtent network licensing . � • Stand alone ���� . "?��w Field license check in/check out Da�a Sharing • Data imporUexport funcuonality and fomiat builder ,�� � �, , • Fomis saved as individual fiics d "�4� ,� ��:� � � ��� • Repons saved as individual files ���teratGon� �,""'���'�� • Database shared among other CartcGraph apPlications q,cd �c�t�,TM ��`"�"���'�� SmarlTools • Match entries to existing list membcrs or default values �o ��,o�fi�a,t�, a • Pop-up calendars and number key pad tools .�.,� �' �' • English to metric conversion `� .,�,,$,,,; • Defauit,cartyover yid required dala oplions ��� Cuslomizalion • Unlimited number of altribulc fields • Rcname ficlds � Create wstom(omis »F, . • Add custom fields to track additional infomtalion on the fly N • Buill-in VBScripC10 edilor Location • Vicinity,coordinates,road network,intersection or description �� • Capwre and rewrd GPS coordinales wiq�XYZlii�k �"'�w Templates • Poinl-based(orm templates q` � • Linear-based fom�templates �. p , x � .�� • Top-level Starter(no fonn templates) � �� ' Features • Create new or customize fortn templates wilh the Cartetoolbax: p 4 fl � �= ` - Alpha/numeric data ficlds � o c q�� p' " ` - Grids/charts � "�' �`e � - Drop lists Bultons/chcckboxes '` - Slidedscroll bars • Drag-and-drop data fields from Chooscr list " ;% a� ' • Data groups ��,/�'�°,; t • Alignment�ools � ��+rT�'�a- � ��� GASB 34 • Financiai Summ Fann k ��� � • Financial report� $ �`'� ���� " . • Depreciation or Modified Approach �'"�. On-hne Libranes • Create custom library entries � � Include auachments and other data Attachments • Attachment and display of digital photos(.DMP,.JPG or.GIF files)to individual rewrds � -- - • Altachment of any electronic file including.PDF,.DOC,.XLS,video and OLE-linked documenls to individual records yr,r�t�c s, �,= rz: • Link CAD as-buill(plan,profile,cross-section)desibm documents to ��*y''��x���_ ���'''� � individual records E�� ?° • Include multiple attachments to each database record • Sliare attrchments with other Cart@Grrph applications 'p • Filter and sort on ima�es j5 � liistory • LJecvcle historv induding:originlchange dates,activities work orders + � Scheduled Acuvmes • Schedule routine and/or rewrring maintenance activities � �� " • Main�ain history of activitY logs p "� '����'r���°��T� ' Inspcct�ons • Date �� . Ratin� Reports • Predefined repons include:Asset Condition Report,Assel Gvenls Report, Asset ID Repon,Asset Localion Report • Define custam reporls Gom any field in the database • lnclude sub-reports FiltedSort • Dcfine cnleiia lo display record sets such as code,rating,route and � • � � ' inspection dates • Dcfine criteria for record ordcr � i, ��� � Synchronization/Replication • Export dala sets for ficld data collection,mainlenance or inspecdon ��a � � • Update main dalabase with these rewrds upon reWm to oflice �� ��:" r y�' z , 9. CarteGraph , 3600 Digital Drive•Dubuque,lowa 52003 C�..1 1 ��G 1 �.l�� 800.688.2656 563.556.8120 563.556.81�9 (fax) Powering Public VJorks www.cartegraph.com � C21YI.C�ni('inpbtiy�tnnn,Ice.SI�nJeNfe�Wrcy.nqMnu�m�epecifiwln�nesubj¢�IoclxngewilMrulnnliue.Micnxnll.Wi�uMw�.euJlheWiru4�welnbu�ieregirlemllnJomvkrofMicmnnllCn'ryx�linn.AllMherlr�em�h�orrtgialomllr�k�r4ane�Lepn��snynf tl�eir ro.pecli�r holJen. d�..�. .., . ... ,,._ ., ,v.,r,. _. 1. > u - �E�[e'Ma+Nun 5��*I��>k�d^•'tl�F�.�� � �� ._... ...... ... .. .,:_.�. .::.��: ..:.. o..coa�x�a*er,+.ee..,��.,. [1f�_tiziJ:44..::rrrati�PRow:�I . � -� .ry�l!w r,a ..�. ; _� �' �:.T. ,..,�..,.. ... . .�. r-a.—i�I R ..1--. ,: �' � �B s..�n.+.�.� � ,n .r s.eew. . , -r � .. �1 iu,. . i ° . 1 . •. ., , , �� L1hN�u ri.. .___. �^i �'Y 3 8 ue 1'1;'1;.83 1 tb�:.6;:!.l R� � . !iEe�Ed.��Yrw r¢m� rt•s�H.�oa 8u.n.�;.a�s lmk yMw tleb.:. . ... ,•.:cwi..c�.+mw . 1�. __ . . "". d..,.., .,... " �: ----�—._:�.;__,___..-- _-_.��'_.___. �._._.._ ._.____m.�_ rs, , �> r�a,_ 0 a Ra x � u � ► » a —_._��__�:_ f�SG:�QSo��i� n �.. _ ____... ,�, ���« � Jnww>s.�uy� ... : woRKolrecmr � !. „. imrwr.n«irn..w.a � l _ � ' � � a.a 1"�,q����?.'� / .� . . . ` ° yN �. v, ' l w /(�) j^ ,. � j�-`�� � 3 ,�rkS7se norrlauon G'` Fk v�. ` " I� . . �.£..; r r��:° _ . . ! �'s� 4�d ,:�Fil9B7J �1 t Walk�:0 d tDelnil�, Ii�y�y�y I�� �R 8�M' Mpwh I��N�Ms.Itb -� ,� ``yr'`�� �'�.�����"�•q x� av�r s,Y.,,oa.� . Nm« .r^. d� G aRa x 6 N � / Nl�f—��X�a3+ O, �t � � �a� I`s� i � — � � E I cd8v V pr+eXenicN sEwEPn . � . p R .. . '� f.�lk��d:4J Q k �. „a .. . ... � �: -` � earo.� oin,�ioo�itnrmrM ' ��SawerMainln(ormetioRr 1M,�5 � ¢��'- .. e ��., � sia�4. a<,.,,e k.'� i.in�d r�.: ���. � -. f . e .. S. � .s £.�t .�..u��r'�sa""^*�'+�. Ydao '. . , '��B�+.c� x ec�+t(—�v s�.r 3l r � � C��' � �w.e.�u�.w��. N tt �I ii a N❑ �, � ��� ���u� i-7` �� � I ,,� ,z� � � ,,,��lwz"`_'�<�� i I I'I I•I k�, t -� � �ev.r�rJ.' s oro mnr. ; �. x �'' " � d� �� � - �d i : �5 ; r�.v �—�: . "z . i 6+dk zvn �, odrowF��ia v�- 1}9i � ��° .F' ����"�7`�i� .- .n__cwemmMh9 •..� d��, RtD0YlY1av! IN 1'+fl ..tn�' +1 6 kR"'�`Ff `�,�b.;n',"+�id.�l�Asb � G M �' g���ry�{�� � � �4 a�w�N„�n.� ���� ����,}}�i�M�4c� z�� € ,'�{;� z }� � 0 1 �_ ; j--�SY r+aw e.�wr.d�.or'- ..g co a- � �, a � �u J a �,�,ykro� i,.siy�„u, P� a, P_.LLT� $ �} ;i r� �" ? T �� ,*,; n9`�=�.5' :�A. r j !, '�� . , , 3 �� z v �. �. � � 1 = � � „ .. `�� . �ms�in , ���nnr r, i.'� ��� .0 n, � lem [ar+�«+ Maew� ,Work Ordar Cummands 'kdsf}� h�'!� 1 � usr sis�- �as=rams �F'. ' L t x c x �, �! ,`�`"r:.N I Y N... :. ' ,. . � � M1s .� .' . Y�b�. _r-- .—` n .�-�i J�F� �V... }� '3'r�"YMY'A^�S':".n.w,".F.". H+I� WPeuT.,. ,.Y t . iD�. $IwUua �� Acb.N. . :��� a� � __ �p i'i"i �" � Ib3B oSewvJet�4. �1.�':Cnin+n.�WuI.J�Ce i„ tv+lF�(tyi� Pdi NNuln LMW14setln [� _ ,. � � �. � ,. , .., +.�, . �, :. .B-�m �� �o a.ea�d4» J. ._._._.._ ._�_____. rn�,��s,��� � I�� �" {��t,s �� ,. _'"" _ ...� _—..� _. � e t y� �y,t;,�.�t r'�� Rw.e 0��h lt. ��'����� ..-�. rs�..�t�mie.r�.'>:S � a«om �� zorz .w� �'� �-j' � ' . �.., . R� , � ww( lefs � ���Ti 'cwir�i�i6a � SfORMNeW ^'�� � �; .. !pNm lbi ...... � � ?��,.� y�� ;' ��tn - .. • �Ynifur[m(rtwn�Ir'. '�•�• ••.,•. �P...r1Can_ i1VwV,Qdds MtrkdtbNiita ko�0}Z:��,_�,9 �� � tslNm ib.�wM ' .:�(lk� . .'. � a. �m...w.�m ima • .: cm.�nw.ewertcw.E. ... ' : . , ...... ...... . .' NE��e�lo�. . . �flwn�T;��50'AS �. .. r .._.. •...,. . �. W�TEfMow� � . M� ' �. 6f0i1MAew {8 la�Nin ..HwaY�$.f�r��'] 'A�+a$ MNwx ��.Inq�?m ' 1�mt�.0 1 ). � ........ �..: _ .._ _ . . �.P.. ICCw. ��.:....:. 1.An inventory of pipes,components .:�:. _ :" . :; r�.,...,,�;� �.� �„.;a;d;• �a.., r.:;:.< , �;��� .. .. and inspections and the ability to ��m�•��-��� �' �a��.��,�;,o _ . _, � __ ._. „ � schedule maintenance activities is <. ,�m .»� ,. _. . ,� ._ ._ �. , vital to the success of any Public ,�R�� �d::::, � ° .. ,. _ � �,�.« - � � Works management system. ;,:� ``� -w,. . .._ ._ J «� 2.In addition to the asset data ""'�°" - contained in the CarteGraph ,;,��„ ��„„,�„ viewSERiES applications, SEWERview �� e 5`^ ° �" r�.w�mw.'< also provides graphical representation of the data through the Schematic � _ _ , , a,�; ,e , Viewer. •�� 3.SEWERview easily integrates with Managing a sewer network for a community is a constant battle of juggling preventative mainte- CALllink to record service requests nance activities,responding to emergency overflows and completing the long list of maintenance and initiate work activities. and improvements lhat are needed daily. SEWERview provides you with a tool to organize,record 4.Link work activities and maintenance and display each of your daily activicies,enhancing your ability to insure your organi2ation runs detaits from WORKdirector back to smoothiy. specific SEWERview asset records. 5.SEWERview data can fuel your GIS! SEWERvie�v contains d�e latest technology to display sewer video inspections and to detail the The sewer information can be various distress observations on a pipe. A repair and replacemen[schedule of activities can be graphically displayed and maniputated in a G IS environment.The live link generated.A pipe profile from manhole to manhole allows users to quickly see where cracking,root between the map and your intrusion or other distresses are located on eacli segment of pipe. SEWERview database allows you to quickty disptay specific records or to graphically update sewer data. Inspections and routine maintenance schedules are available to track all of your sewer system infrastructure including pumps located in lift stations throughout the city or sewer district. A data- �. base of sewer accounLs along with WORKdirector and CALLIink will keep an up-to-date list of �;,'. service requests and the status of the work orders needed to complete each job. The enhanced reporting engine allows for quick and detailed reports of work orders completed,job costs,sewer � system component inventory and inspections,sewer overFlows and many other daily activities. .�.,�aa� euse�rssr�ninu - - . . . '. , :.., t. . . ��.... . . �. . r..... .... CarteGraph � .� . . � � ;� . . . . ��� _ .. � Dawbuse • tVticroson"Acccss The followin roducts inte ratc witli - • Microsoll°SQLScrver . E P . 8 • tvficroson�awengine—MSDE SEWERview to create a complete and custom • oracie° management solution. Interface • MiCroso(l Wmdows°98,ME,2000,XP,NT • Navige�oP"worksp�re SERVICE REQUESTS . � • Standard Cart@Greph fortnt(window5)include:AUachmrnls,Financial � Summary,History,Locu�ion.Condition and Noles CALL/ink"� . . • Mulli-rttord grid to view all rccords or rccord subsoLs � • Tab mode or tildform mode x.vW...��woxr,xR�.,�:: �Applicaiion Lo ulii Edit Lo�lmpon-Expon Log � Requestcr i�ifortnation .. Secunty � • Manage users,rolcs and pertmssions wilhin the d•rtabase • �RequeStei history � . Defineandmainlaindatabaseandapplica�ionsecuriry ���Duplicate request identification L¢ensmg • Concurtcntnehvorkbcensmg • :��On-Iiue�citizen database�� • Swnd aionc Standard operatu�g procedures cue • Field license chcek in/chcck out • .Com lain[��hackin Data SharmS • Daw imporVexpori functwnahly and format bwlder � p S �. . :Work re uest enerrtion` • Forms s:rvcd as individuai files � ' 9 8 .... . • Rcpons saved xs individual filcs Dalabasc sh�red�unong olhcrCatl2Graph applicalions WORK�MANAGEMENT SmanTools • Malc entncs to exisung hsl membcrs or detaul�valua �� • Pop-up calendars and number key pad tools WORKdirecloi°'. • Engiish Io melric conversion .��WO�k TCqueSt�6CnCi�tion> • Default,curryover•rndrequimddataop�ions Cusionuzuiion • Unl�miied numberof aunbute fields � ��.Work order genetation"��. • Renarnc ficlds • Au[omated notification • Createcus�om Corms •' Work otder referencing • Add cuslom ficlds to Iruck addilional infortna�ion on the Ily • �Laboi��hacking • ouili-in vDScrip�Feditor • Equipment tracking Locauon • Vinmry,coordmates,road nehvorA,mlerscetion or desenption •. Material.tracking • Routddiswncc/olisa • 1ob�cost tracking __ • CapWre and record GPS coordinales wilh XYZfi�ik • Maintenance�schedulutg�. Fcatures • Track sewer mains,laterals,manholes,pumps,aus�liary equipment,facili�ies,lateral � � � cleanouls and main cleanou�s • CdrteGraphprxFORMS included GIS INTEGRATION � • Conneclivity browscr � • Video logging MAPdlieuo� • Ability lo inspecl condi�ions 6y numeric index or svbjeclive raling MAPdiiecloP'for ArcVieW:3.x • Schem�lic Viewer . GASB 34 • Financial Summ;vy form MAYdirectoY"��for ArcGIS'�:��� • Finuncial repor�s • Raster/vector map display • DepreciationorModifiedApproach � • Thematic data?presenL�tion . On•Ime Libranes • SHWERviewcomponent Iibr:uics • .Custoiuizable symbology. • Abiliry to aUach images to library rnvics �.�:Pau and zoom'� Crca�e cusiom library en�ries Layer/Uieme.control �� Attachmen�s • Auachmeni:md display of digual phoios(.BMP,.JPG or.Glf �les)lo • P1aCemenbedi6ng 10o1S � individwl rtcords � • Allachmrnl of uny eleclronic file including.PDF,.DOC,.aLS,video and - •� �CarlcGraplr�LiveLink'" �: � OLE-linked documen�s lo individuni records � • Ability to link CAD rs-built(pl;u�,profile,cross-seclion)design MOBILE FIELD USE documcnl�to individual rccords • IncludemulliplcalWchmen�stoeachdatabxsercmrd CAMliak'" • Sh;ve auachmen�s wi�h other CanBGraph applications • Transfer digital��.images • Filter and sort on images ._.: Acuons • Go io P�pe ID,Recalsulate Dependent Route Dala,Recalculale Key Dalu, -.- � Recalculale Inspeclions Enler Evrn� DMIlipk� Een�s • Track h�story of each mdmdu;�l storm componem Dow�iload Distance Measuring • Abiliiy lo creatc hislorical rcporls • Jnsttument�(DMI)data � � • Track schcduled�ctivi�ies for each component � � • Track imponant key dala XY71Grk"' • Schedule reoccurting ac�ivities � ��� � �nsp�cuons • Video log mspec��on • ��Capture Global Positioning System ' � • Ectabiish Overall Condilion Index '�.(GPS)�coordi»ales from'a Trimble � • Predicl Ihc repl�cement dute and the condition �GPS reCeiver�.�� • Abilit to ins cl condi�ions b numeric index or sub'ective r�lin ' Reporls • Predemcdrepor�smclude:inspecuonRcportandinvenloryRepon BARliltk" • Define cus�om reports from al I daiab�se fields and save for fwure use • Scan bar tode�infomiadon�: • Includesub-reports . � • Form-slyle or tuble-sryle fonnats � � � �� � • View rcooris on-line gencrate hurdcopy repons or e-mail rcpon da�a FilledSort . • Dcfinecnlenatod�spluyspecificscLso(records � • Definecriteriaforrecordorder Synchroniz:nior✓Replicalion • Export data sels for field dala collection,mamlenance or mspection . - • Updalc main dalvbase with these records upon relum lo o�ee h a3 �;2r a. . a . .. ... . ., .. ..<_ ,.. . .:,. ,„_,:a._..,,_..._..._rn SiGNvieiv PAVEMENTviewPlus SIG1VALvieiv WORKdireclnr LIGHTvicnv CALUink MARKINGvic�v CARTEJIee� SEWERview VERSAloo/s STORMnierv MAI'director WATERvieiv MAPdirec�orforAreGIS PAVEMENTvic�v MAPdrreclorforArcVicw CarteGraph � 3600 Digital Drive•Dubuque,lowa 52003 � 800.688.2656 C a rteG ra p h � 563.556.81Z0 563.556.8149 ((ax) www.cartegraph.com ' .. r f-.. :,. 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