HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Engineerign Division StaffingAGENDA ITEM: Engineering Division Staffing AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Andrew J. Brotzler, P E., City Engineer AGENDA NO. R ATTACHMENTS: Information from CarteGraph; Draft Job Descriptions; Proposed Wage Rates APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only City Council Work Session Date: May 24, 2005 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION ISSUE: Consider proposed restructuring of positions within the Engineering Division. BACKGROUND: With the recent departure of two employees from the Engineering Division, Staff has been reviewing the tasks performed by the Division and the needs of the Division, specifically related to the advancement of the City's Geographic Information System (GIS) system and development of an Asset Management Program At this time, the Engineering Division is comprised of the following positions: Pubhc Works Secretary Management Analyst (New in 2005) Senior Engmeermg Technician Senior Engineering Techmuan (Vacant) Water Resource Engineer (Vacant) Project Engineer City Engineer Staff is proposmg the elimination of the two vacant positions of Senior Engineering Technician and Water Resource Engineer, and the creation of two new positions of GIS Coordinator and Staff Engineer. With the recent addition of the Management Analyst and Pubhc Works Supernsor position and reallocation of duties to other Staff, there is an opportunity to create a GIS Coordinator position to focus on the development and enhancement of the City's GIS system and to develop a Comprehensive Asset Management Program. Followmg is an overview of the positions proposed to be restructured. SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (Vacant) The former employee who held one of the Senior Engineering Technician positions performed a number of duties. The general dunes performed are hsted below: Annual audit and year finance work This work was reallocated to the existing Senior Engmeermg Technician position in 2005. Traffic Counting The City is required to complete traffic counts on the City's Municipal State Aid street system every 2 years. The completion of this work along with other traffic counts as determined to be necessary will be transferred to the existing Senior Engineering Technician position. Assessment Roll Preparation and Administration Work associated with the preparation of assessment rolls and administration of assessments Ins been reallocated to the Pubhc Works Secretary and Project Engineer. The Management Analyst will also provide assistance with the preparation and administration of future assessment projects. Pavement Management Program The administration and contmuation of the Pavement Management Program has been assumed by the Project Engineer. As in the past, the existing Senior Engineering Technician will continue to complete the annual field rating of City streets. It is anticipated that the proposed Staff Engineer will provide support with the administration and coordination of the Pavement Management Program in the future. Administration of Municipal State Aid System In 2005, annual work to update the City's Municipal State Aid System was completed by the Project Engineer. It is anticipated that the proposed Staff Engineer will assist with the completion of this work in the future. Special Projects Through the course of work, there are any number of special projects that come up. This can range from the review of as- builts and projects to researching records to provide information that is requested both internally and externally and responding to calls and front counter requests. As the former employee who held this position was primarily m the office, he provided a significant amount of support with a multitude of tasks While some of these duties can and have been transferred to other employees within the Division, there is currently insufficient staff time available to meet these demands m the future. The addition of the proposed Staff Engineer will address this deficiency grtvs \EngineenngDivS taffingC W SS -2405 2 GIS and Asset Management The development of the City's GIS system was a part of the vacated Senior Engmeenng Technician position While work was performed on this GIS system by the former employee, due to the many other tasks and responsibilities of the position, hmited development of the City's GIS system has occurred. There are many aspects of GIS that once developed will allow the City to efficiently and effectively continue to meet the needs of the organization. More detail of the City's GIS and Asset Management goals are outhned further m the report. WATER RESOURCE ENGINEER (Vacant) Following is a summary of the duties previously performed by the Water Resource Engineer: Building Permit Review The review of building permits for conformance with development grading plans and erosion control requirements has been transferred to the Senior Engineering Technician Building Division staff is also providing assistance with this work. Erosion Control Inspection The inspection of building sites for conformance with erosion control requirements is now being completed by the Senior Engineering Technician who will continue to perform this work m the future. For development sites and projects, the erosion control monitoring is being completed by the on -site project representatives with the City's consultant engineer. Administration of Wetland Programs Work associated with the administration of wetland programs and permits is now being coordinated by the Management Analyst with support from the City Engineer. It is anticipated that the proposed Staff Engineer will assume some of these duties. Wellhead Protection Plan The administration of the Wellhead Protection Plan will be coordinated between Operations and Engineering. Administration of NPDES Phase II Permit The administration of the NPDES Phase II permit is anticipated to be coordinated by the proposed Staff Engineer. As noted above, several of the duties previously performed by the vacant Senior Engineering Technician and Water Resource Engineer positions have been transferred to the existing Senior Engineering Technician position. This is possible as a result of the added positions of Management Analyst and Pubhc Works Supervisor. Several of the maintenance type activities previously performed by the existing Senior gmis \EngnneenngDivStaffingC WS5 -24-05 3 Engineering Technician have been transferred to the new Public Works Supervisor and the Management Analyst has assumed the responsibility of maintaining project updates PROPOSED GIS COORDINATOR The GIS Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination, development and maintenance of a GIS system. This position will direct all of the GIS work and necessary data entry to keep the GIS system current and functional as a tool for other users within the organization. A proposed job descnption rs attached. As a GIS system will support and benefit all departments within the City, there is a significant amount of work associated with the development and maintenance of a GIS system The City currently employs a part-time person who prepares maps and provides support with the maintenance of the GIS system and data. As part of the 2006 budget process, Staff will be evaluating the need to make permanent a GIS Technician position to support the City's goal to advance the City's GIS system In addition to the above responsibilities, the GIS Coordinator will also be responsible for development and adnnmstration of an Asset Management Program. PROPOSED STAFF ENGINEER The proposed Staff Engineer will be responsible for performing a wide range of tasks withm the organization. Following is a hst of activities that will be performed by this position: Plan reviews for development projects Review drainage issues and develop solutions Assist with erosion control inspections Assist with the administration of Wetland programs and permits Respond to resident calls and front counter walk -ms Assist with design and coordination of maintenance projects Examples include storm sewer and drainage projects along with pond maintenance projects. Assist with the coordination and administration of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Coordinate and maintain City Municipal State Aid system Support Pavement Management Program gnus \EngmeemgDivStaffingC WS5 -2405 4 Engineering Technician have been transferred to the new Pubhc Works Supervisor and the Management Analyst has assumed the responsibihty of maintaining project updates PROPOSED GIS COORDINATOR The GIS Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination, development and maintenance of a GIS system This position will direct all of the GIS work and necessary data entry to keep the GIS system current and functional as a tool for other users within the organization. A proposed job description is attached. As a GIS system will support and benefit all departments within the City, there is a significant amount of work associated with the development and maintenance of a GIS system The City currently employs a part -time person who prepares maps and provides support with the maintenance of the GIS system and data. As a separate item, the Community Development Director will be preparing during the 2006 budget process a recommendation to create a full-time GIS Technician position. This proposed additional position will support the City's goal to advance the City's GIS system. In addition to the above responsibilities, the GIS Coordinator will also be responsible for the developing and administration of an Asset Management Program PROPOSED STAFF ENGINEER The proposed Staff Engineer will be responsible for performing a wide range of tasks within the organization. Following is a hst of activities that will be performed by this position. Plan renews for development projects Review drainage issues and develop solutions Assist with erosion control inspections Assist with the admuustration of Wetland programs and permits Respond to resident calls and front counter walk -ins Assist with design and coordination of maintenance projects Examples include storm sewer and drainage projects along with pond maintenance projects. Assist with the coordination and administration of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Coordinate and maintain City Municipal State Aid system Support Pavement Management Program gins \EngtneenngDivStaffingC W S5 -24-05 4 Special projects and research GOALS FOR GIS SYSTEM AND ASSET MANAGEMENT As previously discussed the City currently utili 'es GIS. The main function that the City's GIS system is used for is the preparation of maps ranging from street and utility maps to maps for presentations At this time, there is a lmuted ability to fully utilize GIS due to the status and configuration of the data. A fully developed GIS system, coupled with an Asset Management Program, can be an asset for an organization to manage data, infrastructure, resident calls, public works activities, City properties, etc. Following is a summary of the GIS goals. City base maps The City base map is current but requires regular updates to account for new developments. Utility base maps sanitary sewer water storm sewer record drawings electronically linked to base maps and accessible electronically from a remote location street hghts street signs The sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer maps are partially complete. One of the major goals is to electronically link the City's record drawings to these base maps to allow for quick and efficient access to record drawings. Once complete, Staff will have the ability to move forward to set -up laptops for field vehicles for access to the record drawings and utility information. Staff has previously acquired GPS information for a majority of the street signs within the City. However, due to hnutations of the current GIS system, this information has not been linked to GIS in a usable manner Once complete, Staff will have the ability to develop a street sign maintenance and replacement programs Another item that has regularly consumed a significant amount of Staff time is the maintenance of street lights. A goal of Staff is to acquire GPS information of the street hghts in the City including ownership and maintenance responsibilities to assist Staff with the mcreasmg street light maintenance responsibilities Infrastructure information hnked to utihty base maps location size material gnus \EngineenngDivStaffmgC WS5-2405 5 age repairs /maintenance valve and replacement cost At this time there is limited infrastructure information organized in an electronic database Through the development of a comprehensive GIS system the above information will be electronically organized and linked to the utility maps Parks Equipment Inventory Currently there is no GIS information that has been collected for the City's parks other than the property location Mappmg Map of maintained areas Inventory of equipment type location repairs /maintenance valve and replacement cost Land use Zoning Address maps Easements The City currently has complete zoning and land use maps An address map was recently developed for Staff use but requires programming improvements to allow for greater flexibility and use When projects are completed, the City often acquires easements as part of the project. At this tune, there is no map available that shows all of the easements in favor of the City. In addition to the identified maps, there are a number of other specific maps that are routinely requested In addition to the GIS goals, Staff has completed some preliminary research on various software programs that can function with GIS to manage City assets, track resident calls, generate and track work orders, and track maintenance activities. One of the programs that has been researched is distributed by CarteGraph. Attached are some examples of the various modules that CarteGraph provides The CALLImk module allows for the tracking of all calls received. When hnked with GIS, calls can be shown specifically on a base map. This can be useful when working to identify and resolve a recurring type of issue. Through the use of CALLhnk and CALLhnk, work orders can be developed and tracked electronically, ensuring that all items are responded to. The CALLhnk module, m addition to hi with CALLIink, will also provide a tool to develop work orders to promote the ability to better track work activities including personnel, equipment and materials. Other CarteGraph modules as shown add to the overall GIS system to track maintenance activities such as gnus \EngmeenngDmStaf6ngC Ws5 -24-05 6 sewer jetting, sewer televising, catch basin cleanout, and repair and replacement of infrastructure. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting Council direction on the proposed restructuring of positions within the Engineering Division. gmis \EngneenngDivStaffingC Ws5 -24-05 7 r Request IJ H C Q CIO kiL7IWw :R Lt HI S?YA 01141 CA 04JOraotatamal:: ri_WeN Monger -filer Caller one Number '(319) 555 -7057 First Nome :Steve Last Name Monger CNzen Address Number 11090 Citizen Route 9TH STREET Chien Zip Code ;50366 _IS k Irkernd' Request Number (AthoNumber) Issue pothole Aotivly Roadway Pavement Pa _DeperlrrrerA Road 8 Sireel Detmis '_erge pot In the left sid Observed oalerrtne �o5r902o03 35559 PM s Address Number r 1040 Rohe 9TH STREET sodded Work Order 1 1 a lsio ersgW ono a u 1, elr- dxm w...- w.] 1. CALLfrnk is the starting point to record service requests and initiate work activities. Citizen requests are simplified with the ability to create citizen Libraries of standard data. You Can also search for caller history and/ or similar work orders and requests. 2 Easily communicate work requests with others in office via e-mail. 3. Automatically transfer key information to a work order through WORKdrrector integration. 4 Work orders completed in WORKdrrector can automatically populate asset history in any CarteGraph wewSERI ES application 5. All work requests can easily be displayed on a map. CarteGraph 'mar .o-. .ivv aarTH 1 r e fl Ca 0 Save I 0 Clear MIR 1101.0. 1165 1452 ST await/. SUSSWEI ON SI XMAS.? 57 litSki,57 MIS Sn 1/44. VOLO 51616.4 3,1? MVO Sapp IgOtITOL 14•1 Iwo „Veal. 540S PLASvd rR,t on rave r Email request on save. CALLIink rs CarteGraph's innovative application for problem report taking, recording and resolution CALLltnk provides an intuitive interface that gives the administrator the tools to gather all the information needed to record any work request. CALL/rud dynamically links to CarteGraph's WORKrirrecror to generate work orders or work requests For an even more powerful management solution, use WORKdnectot and MA Nip ector applications to spatially display work requests on a basemap Power i n g Public Works SERVICE REQUE MANAGEMENT i s S e r v i c e R e q u e s t M a n a g e m e n t .oaar}e.n n.a, ,aa:. larks Isw ct_,RM,. i,RRrPK f1 nortvati Lj 11 ct,L t1 1,11MIL a M ItlE1 Z F1 IHLI ta r s eenlrLT -'S 1, WORKdirector simplifies resource accounting All work management components, such as labor, equipment and materials, can be tracked to assist in budgeting and GASB 34 compliance 2 WORKdtrectori directly with CALLbnk as the starting point to record service requests and initiate work activities. 3. Work orders completed in WORKdrrector can automatically populate asset history in any CarteGraph wewSERIES application. 4. All work orders and projects can easily be disptayed and quened in GIS using one of CarteGraph's MAPdvector applications CarteGraph ;lily Mad b'f Caw,W61tMk!4)c atoraSSi M_ Tifir r ma,$Mnb ,WO wi !encl. K [4 n+ yu qn, &w4 ry sn, a,pu _mP y pe ilre'lk&Pate- N-ia9 s e a 4 r ii lr h� napiES R cw MMf rWlvPnanv, iaimJ Ons k Er N ea We dor ,�aex,mr J n mE J EralAddx SwaluM, I Pam PEEI 4 iM fM,n E JCdn �J 0, c„ J M.r rP J ^a` 4lea xiws p V V. Dos ,41 4244 r,P.4 r Owl.' a el 39 1101 11 Hum It is the responsibility of your organization to maintain the public infrastructure to a satisfactory level of service this is ajob made easier with Cart&Graph's WORKdrrecfor In an easy -to- master interface, WORKduector provides the functionality that allows you to manage all of the work activities performed in your organization. From initial request for work to the scheduling of routine maintenance through the completion of each project, WORKehrector tracks and maintains data on activities, materials, employees, equipment —and more With its completely customizable interface, including forms, libraries and reports, WORKd,rector has virtually unlimited potential to seamlessly automate your hia i r W o r k M a n a g e m e n t P o w e r i n g P u b l i c Works daily tasks Quickly and easily modify field names, design on -line work orders to match current paper fomts, create reports to output information —even add software func- tionalitythrough a built -in VBScnpt" editor Although a powerful tool when used alone, WORKdrreclor can provide additional benefits when combined with other CarteGraph applications as part ofa complete Public Works management solution Create independent work orders or associate a work order to a specific asset record— WORKd,recto, links to any wewSERIES application Or use MAPd,, ector software to spatially display your work activities in a GIS WORKdirector SPECIFICATIONS Daab,ue Labor aCC rtIy Licensing Data Slunng SmartTools Cuslominilion Location Requests Work Orders Equpment HARDWARE Typical workstation* mammon requirements Processor RAM Network TCP/IP recommended for 9oncurren t h.clw e &our:mend may vary 'kl *nil mon Gams well a. the database type (Acura SQL Sayer, arOncte), whether tMmmp ter4 'unevaae lux dtnbas,o ,aamini•mme uorkwamn or,.henl wvrkeuaun, and how may mopes are Installed IciM11M requomenupkarennl row oneFapo mMnnmve free disk space OS Video CD -ROM dote CarteGraph 3600 Digital Drive Dubuque, lows 52003 800 688 2656 563 556 8120 563 556 8149 (fax) www cartegra ph com Microsoft` Access 2010 Microsoft' SQL Server 7 x, 2000 pmCIL 8 Ix Miooso0 Windows' 93, MB 2000. XP, NT Navigator workspace WORK/mortar pages include Requests, Work Orders. Labor, Equipment, Malena's, Vendors, Worksheets WORIOhrector f a i r s include Request, Accounting, Identification, Work, Rates, Vendors, Summery. Associations, Quick Entry, Management Form Mull- record grid to view all records or record subsets Tab mode or Iildfcim mode Application Log/Multi Edit Lagrimpvl- Export Log Manage 'users, robs and permissions wldlin Oc database Define and maintain database and application secunly Coscurranl network licensing Stand alone held licence check Mcheck out Deer tmpon'cxpmt funcuonamy and format builder forms sa•cJ as Individual files Repons saved as sndlwdual files Database shared amen other Cant Graph application Match cones to existing list members or default values Pop-up calendars and number key pads English to metnc conversion Default, carryover and regusred data options Unhmted number of aunhute Gelds Create custom fours Add custom fields to track additional infmswuon al the fly Buell -m BScnpn eddor Vminor. coordinates, road network, mlcrscc ion or description Geller information Issue Desorption Request location Requal history Assign resounes (labor, equipment, material. tongue's, do )10 work anrviucs Schedule end track work orders through stages of created, slaved, opm and completed Monitor and track work backlog Create and generate work orders Credit work od erz independently or from requests Create a work order wills multiple sequential work steps Crease and manage unscheduled work activities Access an -line work orders by work order ID, location activity or assigned supervisor Rtlneve work orders based on multiple selection criteria Including planted. scheduled, active, suspended, complete, closed and canceled Charge costs for resources--direct or indirect-41a defined rate Update an open work order at any time Add resources to an existing open work order Recall open work orders Assign multiple resources m a work order lack Display work order status View or pnnt work orders with all estimated and/or actual memgrs View or porn details of closed work orders Produce both corrective and preventative work orders Employee information and images Compensation histones Work crew associations and assignments Work histories Labor rates and security Identification and descnptim Costs and maintenance schedules Deprecation and salvage values Operation log books Pentium 500 MHa 256 MB 100 MB Windows 98, Mw NT 1, ever, tr 'AP 6MB f CD burner for tcclmical support Malcnals on On -litre Libraries Attachments Actions History Scheduled Activates `Pons Filler/Son Synduonixenon/Replication Mdsonal Inventory Inventory reduction Reorder mvenmry tuggers Inventory method Magna' history On -line pans or material catalogs Magna' pncc hits Vendor database with unique Vendor ID codes Vendor address contact mime, phone, a -mud and fax Putt quotations C mute custom Ispmry mores Attachment and display of digital photos I BMP, 1PG or GIF files) to Individual records Attachment of any electronic file including PDF, DOC, XLS, video and OLE- linked documents to mdi idual records Lank CAD as-built (plan, profile, cross section) design documents to individual records Include multiple attachments to each database record Share attachments with other CarteGraph applications Filler and son on Images Predefined task aecamm inclu mg Convert Request to W ear Recalculate Costs Add Material, Order Material linlory of 511 acbvnia Schedule toucan and/or recumng maintenance ant. toes Maintain hewn of activity logs Pre cmned upon include Department Requests Report, Matrnals Available Report, Work Order Dew's/Simple Ripon Open Work Orders Within I Month Report Labor Events Ripon Define custom reports from all database fields and save for figure use Include sub-reports Finn -sp lc or table -style formats N hew aeons on -line, generate hardcopv reports or e.mail report data Define coiena to display record sets such as open requests, request priority unassigned work orders and equipment status Define cntma forrccord order Expos data sets fu field data collection, maintenance or Inspection Update main database with these records upon roam to office PRODUCTS /ACCESSORIES The following products integrate with WORKthrector m create a complete and custom management solution. .;ygE�ViC�E�RE�QUE5T5 CALLQnk Requester Information Requester history Duplicate request Identification Work request generation stet Rs4" {tor ASSET MANAGEMEIJT, r e;' vfewSERIES' VERSA(ools Asset features Location Inspections GASB 34 reports MAPduec(oe MAPdirector, for ArcVlew Raster /vector map display Thematic data presentation Pal and 200555 Cant-Graph GveLlne •fi .:FR:fia'.'W' 6 ,1213 E. IELO us CAMhnk Transfer digital images Foil DMihiC Download lk!LLICC c.:n'ta g Instrument (DMI) data Standard operating procedures cue On•Iuie `amen database Complaint tracking u.74(1rr Idenufcabon History Scheduled acovthes Lusmu_nsoJe s}moology Layer /theme control ,Placemenr/ediong tools CarteGraph Powering Public Works \ZVhnk Capture Global Positioning System (GPS) eoordmatos from a TnrnbleGPS receiver BARlulk' Scan bar code mfamianott Cork S d. CAewonSldeubme Wu..W.n Coons Now Ay —I- torilaEq[y :LJ Don 1 301 J ta t1UCH JS1 J2LJ vu is Mao Poc.,11, CarteGraph I I 1 1. VERSAtools provides the tool kit that makes it easy to build a management solution that exactly matches your specific needs 2 Create your application by determin- ing layout, selecting functionality, and adding and modifying fields. 3 The built- in VBScnpt editor allowsyou to control the functions of each form, adding even more power to your custom application 4 Among the many administration features, VERSAtools lets you control functionality and user permissions within your application. 5 VERSAtools applications are ready to link directly to work management and GIS il•IIXcGiGK•ls NPa. ep N 1 s Nltl curb SW c.a.mnn sll✓cl,rt..,n]prmun.. Doan. s•o 10033 NYiip,o IA,IWIEW J h sr N.. J w.. IAOwo.o NODS l., rs..esm..., N n iw A I oob, Typo Slow -7 r w, magi ?NUJ. ,J, u. a.L. am .VMS. Con z .I� J 1 ws.ovl.. n, s.., Is t rN LI JY• .eww J M a n a IT c n o ..o1 Dei•IIR 14V1O1X CMOS n VERSAtools is CarleGraph's innovative developer toolbox designed to give you the power to create a completely customized management solution Drag and drop functionality allows you to include all of the features of a standard CartaGraph application including data screens, Ilbranes, reports, images and filter: designed to your exact specifications TheVBSenpt editorgives you options to include advanced funtionality within your program Applications created with VERSAtoo /s not only link to other CartaGraph databases, but also have theability to control work management activities through the built -in link to WOR&Grecto, VERSAtools applications also easily integrate with ESRI's ArcView or CarteGraph's MAPdu J ii umN Jr s 1� COI o.,..,Dt J, s.s..aN. 10.175 now vp. 1.5. J .+woo_ y.. A„ Polk UpOtoolo tw.o. 76” 21 r -r..rs r< ...ue_ r r Cemeteries Solid waste collection Roadside vegetation Parks/ playgrounds Parking meters Trees Graffiti removal Permits Sidewalks Dams Guardrails and more! VERSAtools SPECIFICATIONS Database Interface Security Licensing Data Sharing SmartTools Customization Location Templates Features CASH 34 On -hoc Libraries Attachments History Scheduled Activities Inspections Reports Filler /Sort Synchronization /Replication CarteGraph 3600 Digital Drive Dubuque, Iowa 52003 8D0 688 2656 563 556 6120 563 56 8149 Itaxt www rtegra ph corn Microsoft' Access 2000 Microsoft Server 7,x, 2000 Oracle" 8 Ix Micrasof Windows" 98, ME, 2000, XP, NT Navigator' workspace Design Mode/Run Mode Form (window) templates Include Identification, History, Location, Attachment, Inspection, Features and Financial Summary Mulu- record gnd to view all records or record subsets Tab niode or ule /fomi mode Application Los/Multi Edit Lop/Import-Export Log Manage users, roles and pemrssions within the database Define and maintain database and application secunty Concurrent network licensing Stand alone Field license check in /check out Data ImporVexport functionality and formal budder Forms saved as individual files Reports saved as individual files Database shared among other CadtGmph applications Match entries to existing list members or default values Pop -up caIendals and number key pad tools English la metric conversion Default carryover and required data options Unlnnaul number of attribute fields Rename fields Create custom forms Add custom fields to track additional information on the fly Built -in %/Men r editor Vinmly, coordinates, road network, Intersection or description Capture and record CPS coordinates with %YZlurk Point -based form templates Linear-based fom templates Top-level Starter (no fom lemptates) Create new or customize foot templates with the Cartetoolbox Alphalnumenc data fields Grids /chaos Drop lists Buttons /cheekboxes Slider /scroll bars Drag and -drop data fields from Chooser list Data groups Alignment tools Financial Summary Form Financial reports Depreciation or Modified Approach Create custom library entnes Include attachments and other data Attachment and display of digital photos (OMP, JPG or .GIF files) to individual records Attachment of any electronic file including PDF, DOC, .XLS, video and OLE -linked documents to individual records Link CAD as -built (plan, profile. cross section) design documents to individual records Include multiple attachments to each database record Share attachments with other CarteGrapll applications Filter and sort on Ima Lifecvdc history including onein/change dates, activities, work orders Schedule routine and/or recurring maintenance activities Maintain history of activity logs Date Rating Ptedcfined reports include Asset Condition Report, Asset Events Report, Asset ID Report, Asset Location Report Define custom reports from any field m the database Include sub reports Define cntena to display record sets such as code, rating, route and inspection dates Define coterie for record order Export data sets for field data collection, maintenance or inspection Update main database with these records upon return to office PRODUCTS /ACCESSORIES CarteGraap Powering Public Works 0 :IA_ Cor“Ireph Synnne, h A.JMle sun ,qaaxndpellblanshaiba•pen —t•ta WwA Mlin•, aid*. Wrbm Igoe minnend inalonsdu ofMwnCngMm All MMIMeneA•nerse,W w}IM•mlM popsy air MC IP 1,11,[0”i hOMOI [a in 7. c.S Walk Sawvlir Work Orar n.Nuuno arte raph po.veimR public Walks Tnnalk.nrmvlrJ• 0110 nna.rnn JIe O br 'weka616. N-' PnOz ink Order Weida. JT4Ittal2lalr5 <..vem EMer1PV Priam Wooer J LoCve Im.IV200111 37 01 PM N•M r eu. I J 1 p—lP �I. 41-•: NeNno S.,o-cr hIufl ,nr-4n.p Dace a y 1a rst I P WT'*' qm e.ma Wm n. m. 1— M.— Lob '!s L•.•6 V BaRx a NekNLl 211:1b0 v w vi w Jwrma,vr Lw. I rn Jft ae.6o-:h ..ten j 1 Ww loft owls' Mc r r..a J rR ia a la u. al ra— ro IO .(`iM1 yw N0 Wr vararnarromarn a I. a 1 4• 51.55 r_n c h ♦!8 vin 11 +1 video l•- •••■•••••..•-•d 4I«l•'IIIz1Nlo .11 0.Waph WdFFbr 10ONUImninr. laws _k pin egn. 1 ci a x le i 1 W tl 1. An inventory of pipes, components and inspections and the ability to schedule maintenance activities is vital to the success of any Public Works management system. 2. In addition to the asset data contained in the CarteGraph vewSERIES applications, SEWERwew also provides graphical representation of the data through the Schematic Viewer 3. SEWERwew easily Integrates with CALLIink to record service requests and initiate work activities 4. Link work activities and maintenance details from WORKdirector back to specific SEWERwew asset records. 5. SEWERwew data can fuel your GIS! The sewer information can be graphically displayed and mamputated in a GIS environment. The live link between the map and your SEWERwew database allows you to quickly display specific records or to graphically update sewer data ES111 ED CarteGraph nyJ f7 IN Taw uo vin..... ct r t...amw. Managing a sewer network for a community is a constant battle of juggling preventative mainte- nance activities, responding to emergency overflows and completing the long list of maintenance and improvements that are needed daily SEWERveew provides you with a tool to organize, record and display each of your daily activities, enhancing your ability to Insure your organization runs smoothly. SEWERwew contains the latest technology to display sewer video Inspections and to detail the various distress observations on a pipe A repair and replacement schedule of activities can be generated A pipe profile from manhole to manhole allows users to quickly see where cracking, root intrusion or other distresses are located on each segment ofpipe Inspections and routine maintenance schedules are available to track all of your sewer system infrastructure including pumps located in lift stations throughout the city or sewer distnct A data- base of sewer accounts along with WORKd and CALLInk will keep an up -to -date list of service requests and the status of the work orders needed to complete each job The enhanced reporting engine allows for quick and detailed reports of work orders completed, job costs, sewer system component inventory and inspections, sewer overflows and many other daily activities. Database Interface ecunty Licensing Data Stearns martTaot CLstoimnban Location Features GASB 34 On -line LlWaries Altaclunents Actions CMS lipce ens Fillcr/Son SynchronlzltimlRep SIGNvicw SIGNALview LICHTvltav MARKINGview SEWERview STORMiiew WATERview PAVEMENTview PAVEMENTriew Plus WORKdirector CALLfmk CARTE/Ice/ VERSAfoofs MAI'dirccvor MAP director forArcGIS MAPdirecto, for ArcView CartgGraph 3600 Digital Drive Dubuque, Iowa 52003 800 608 2656 563 556 0120 563 556 8149 (fax) www cartegraph cam M lcrosoll• Muss MwrosolDSQL Server M¢mson Data Enginc —MSDe Oracle` Microsoft Wndowt 98, ME, 2000, XP NT Navigator workspace Sundmd Carl @Graph forms (windows) Include Attachments. Financial Summary, History. Location, Condition and Notes Multi- record grid to view all records or record subsets Tab mode or Ilerform mode Application Log/Multi Edit LoW1mpart -Export Lag Manage users. roles and permissions within the database Define and maintain database and application security Concuteent network licensing Standalone Field license check mhhcck oul Data l mpoNCxporl funcnonahiy and lonnatbuilder Forms saved as mdn ritual files Reports saved u individual files Database shared among other C utecrraa di applications Match enmcs to existing list meta rs orbe dcfauh values Pop -up calendars and number kcy pad tools English to memo conversion Default, carryover and required data options Unlimited number of attribute fields Rename Gilds Create custom forms Add custom Acids to track additional tnramatian on the fly Stint -In VBSermix editor Ninny, cord hales, road nelworl, a tISWNOn m desenptimn Romr/dislanccroliset Capture and record GPS caordmutes with %Yank Track sewer mums. laterals, manholes, pumps, auxiliary equipment, facilities. Ialemi clearwuls and main cleanouu CariiGrapll ficxFORMS Included Con cctivdy browser Video logging Ability to inspect conditions by numenc Index or subjective soling Schemal¢ Viewer 1 inancial Summary form Financial reports D eprecia Zion or Modi fied A pproach SE`NERview component libraries Abdny lo attach nudges to library entries Create custom library mimes Attachment and display of digital photos BMP. 1PG or GE Inks) b mdn ritual records Attachment of any electronic G4 Including PDF, DOC, ALS, video and OLE linked documents to indvidual records Ability to link CAD as bush aoftle cross seeoon) design documents to nidividual rccords Include multiple attachments to each dd ebase record Share attachments with other Cart6Graph application Filter and sort on Images Go to Pipe ID, Rcwkulate Dependent Route Data, Recalculate Key Dales, Recalculate Inspcctwns, Enter Evens Track history of each in he ua stain component Ability to create histo cal rcpons Track scheduled activities for each component Track important key dates Schedule reoccurring amanita Video log inspection Establish Overall Condition Index Predict Mc replacement dale and the condition Abdul to ins ct conditions b numeric mdcx or sub =live rultm_ Prede mod sports Include Inspection Report and Inventory Repon Define custom reports from all database Gelds and save for future use Includesub- reports Faun- styiea table style formats View reports on -line generate hardcopy reports or e-mail report data Define criteria to display specific sou of records Define emend for record order Export data cols f or field data collection, maintenance or Inspection Update main database with these records upon return 10 office The following products Integrate with SEWERvuew to create a complete and custom management solution SERVICE REQUESTS CALL(rnk° 1141 MOW•direert. Requester information Requester history Duplicate request idenhficanon On-line citizen database Standard operating procedures cue Complaint hacking Work request generation WORK MANAGEMENT WORKdireerof Work request generation Work order generation Automated notification Work order referencmg Labor tracking Equipment hacking Material hacking Job cost tracking Maintenance schedulmg GIS INTEGRATION MAPdfree:or MAPdhectof for Arc in 3 x %IAPdirectoe for AreGIS" Raster/vector map display Thematic data presentation Custonnzable symbology Pan and zoom Layer /theme control Placementiediong tools CartcGrapli LrvcLmk MOBILE FIELD USE CAM link" Transfer digital Images DMI(rnk° Download Distance Measuring Instrument (DMI) data XYTlink° Capture Global Postponing System (GPS) coordmaics from a Tumble GPS recmver BARImk° Senn bar code mfonnanon CarteGraph 98103LafOOt ph 4WUnv. Inc Sanaa, fnlm,opamis as seecineatmasmipen enchant MWM IMV. MIumw ll. Wmdmw, and at Maims brow tegMedirakmvk•orMa,s,fCminntxn Alluilreakmahsurrep,Wedlademarb unlit pngarwnf Wee r upnnx looms CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JOB DESCRIPTION MAY 2005 POSITION TITLE: GIS Coordinator DEPARTMENT: Public Works ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Engineer SUMMARY OF POSITION Primarily responsible for development and administration of a well planned and accurately integrated Geographic Information System (GIS) operation and systems mapping, and Asset Management, to meet the goals and objectives of the City and agencies of the City. Person requires minimum supervision and completes projects in a timely manner. Responsible for performing application modifications, utilizing GIS applications which produce reports in tabular and /or map form, incorporating menus, macros and definition for linking relational databases to geographic databases. Transfers /updates files for various departmental GIS systems as required. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provides assistance to City staff as required in the use of ArcCad, AutoCad, ArcView and associated software for access to the City's database with special attention directed towards programs that will alter or modify existing data. 2. Acts as a liaison, resource and support person for other departments. Responsible for finding GIS solutions to business problems. 3. Updates and maintains "as- built" record data within the City database and associated base maps database. 4. Work is generally independent in nature. The assignments and objectives are prescnbed but the methods are not typically reviewed or controlled while the work is in progress. The employee is expected to take the initiative in solving most problems of detail, except those which are new or unusually complex in nature. 5. Manipulates graphic data and relates to attribute data for desired product. 6. Imports from various media, loads to database, checks and verifies data created by other personnel and departments. When possible, distributes data to proper system locations and data bases. Creates and maintains data files. 7. Manages and maintains the City GIS official map(s): i.e., street, utility, zoning, land use, etc. 8. Analyzes and resolves problems with GIS and CAD computer hardware, software and applications. 9. Reviews and recommends purchase of all GIS and CAD software /hardware applications to ensure compatibility with City's overall system. 10.Aids in preparing programs and budgets for the Engineering Division. 11.Oversees and directs GIS staff when working on GIS operations, systems mapping, or CAD /Civil drafting 12. Performs GIS analysis, application development, writes GIS applications to help users interface with and analyze GIS data and which build reports in tabular and map form incorporating on- screen menus, macros, key definitions and programming language for linking relational database to the geographic database. 13. Manages and oversees the development and implementation of the City GIS and participates in the budgeting process. 14. Performs such other duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1. Four years experience in Geographic Information Systems using ARC /INFO, ArcView, Relational Data Bases and Computer Aided Drafting experience using AutoCAD or combination of experience and education. 2. Equivalency of a bachelor's degree (master's degree preferred) in Geographic Information Systems, Computer Science, or directly related field. Strong preference given for GIS certifications on at least two types of software. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS 1. Experience working for local government. 2. One year experience administrating a Windows NT Server. 3. Knowledge of Computerized Mapping Techniques. 4. Knowledge of survey methods and techniques. 5. Five years experience in the planning, designing, construction, inspection and maintenance of Public Works Projects or combination experience and education. NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES 1 Knowledge of computers, experience using GIS software with NT workstations required and ARC /INFO preferred; GIS or AM /FM computer experience is required. LAN experience; networking of PC's or workstation is desired. 2. Mastery of the GIS software and hardware and a desire to explore the capabilities to obtain maximum utilization of the system. Should be innovative in testing the limits of the GIS. 3. Knowledge of Coordinate Geometry, Electronic Data Collectors, and Land Survey practices. 4. Thoroughly familiar with all GIS and mapping procedures, symbols, supplies, equipment, and have the ability to read and understand maps, schematic drawings and diagram and instruction manuals. 5. The ability to work independently, make decisions, assign projects, and follow projects through to completion as required by responsibilities and authorities in this position description. 6. Must possess a working knowledge of all maps and files relating to the mapping and data base structure. 7. Considerable ability to analyze and resolve problems with GIS computer hardware, software and applications. 8. Must determine and implement new procedures regarding methods used for GIS and mapping. 9. Must accept multiple tasks and be adaptable to a variety of disciplines and requests. 10. Must communicate effectively both verbally and written, to assure that applications are developed with the end user's best interest and ease of use in mind. 11. Must have a willingness to share knowledge and work harmoniously with others. 12.Ability and knowledge to train technicians and operators. 13 Ability to coordinate with City Departments, County and Utility Companies who need expertise and assistance with GIS and CAD projects. 14. Ability to reason through project and determine best way to solve using various modules of GIS and CAD software. The person in this position must be competent in one or a combination of any of the following projects: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DATABASE MANAGEMENT Knowledge and skill for loading of graphic files and extracting of graphic files by layers, classification and location. Knowledge and ability to check and verify data received from aenal photography stereo digitizing. Knowledge in file format needed for the exchange of data between different mapping and GIS systems. Knowledge of quality control procedures to insure data integrity. Knowledge and ability to maintain accuracy and integrity of the GIS database. Knowledge in how each agency interfaces in GIS. Knowledge of data source information. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Ability to recognize new potential for GIS use. Knowledge of techniques for indexing, optimizing, and relating various components of the GIS data. Knowledge of file types and how to convert between them. Knowledge of operating system environment (NT). Knowledge and ability to prepare Procedure Documentation. Knowledge of Application Programming Language (AML). PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the position. The employee is frequently required to walk, sit, talk and hear. The employee is occasionally required to use hands to finger, hand, feel or operate objects; and reach out with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to climb or balance, stoop, kneel or crouch. The employee can occasionally be required to stand for extended periods of time. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include vision, distance vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Noise level in the work environment is usually fairly quiet while in the office, although the ability to work with constant noise distractions is required. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed and are not all- inclusive. This job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and the employee, and is subject to change by the employer as the needs of the employer and requirements of the job may change. STATUS Exempt Reviewed by: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JOB DESCRIPTION MAY 2005 POSITION TITLE: Staff Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Engineer SUMMARY OF POSITION Under the general direction of the City Engineer, the Staff Engineer's responsibilities include performing planning, technical and administrative duties to ensure that public improvements and private developments (residential, commercial, industrial) conform with applicable engineering standards, ordinance requirements, and policy guidelines. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Reviews private project development plans for compliance with codes, regulations, and standards, adequacy of applications for permits and compliance with approved plans. 2. Coordinates and administers wetland programs and permits. 3. Responds to public or other inquiries relative to engineering policies and procedures on specific projects and other information. Evaluates issues and options regarding municipal public works and make recommendations. 4. Provides customer service, responding to citizen inquiries over the telephone and in person at the City Hall engineering office. 5. Reviews construction plans and record drawings of builders /developers, particularly as they relate to site grading, erosion control, utility construction and drainage on private property to insure conformance to city policy or other requirements. 6. Completes annual MnDOT state aid reports including: Certification of Mileage, mapping status reports and construction needs updates. 7. Reviews preliminary plats, preliminary utility plans, grading plans, final plats, construction plans, drawings, and specifications submitted by consultants, engineers, and developers to determine whether they conform to City comprehensive plans, guidelines, policies, ordinances and engineering standards. 8. Prepares written recommendations to City departments, committees, commissions, and the City Council. 9. Remain up -to -date on all specifications, regulations, codes, construction practices and generally accepted engineering standards. 10. Help address and resolve residents, developers, and property owners concerns. 11.Assist in implementing engineering activities conducted by the Engineering Division. 12. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other City Departments. 13. Keeps supervisor promptly informed of significant developments in areas of accountability. 14. Performs such other duties as assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1. A Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or related municipal engineering field and Engineer In Training (E.I.T.) Certification. 2. Minimum of six months experience in municipal engineering. 3. A valid driver's license. 4. Ability to drive personal or city vehicle. 5. Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering. 6. Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, and database softwares. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS 1. Construction and surveying experience. 2. Previous experience as a Staff Engineer. 3. Proficiency in computer- aided design software, pavement management system, Microsoft PowerPoint, and a Geographic Information System. NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES 1. Demonstrates completeness, accuracy, and timeliness in plan review, written reports and supporting data. 2. Demonstrates knowledge of engineering standards, construction techniques, and municipal development procedures and practices. 3. Demonstrates ability to work independently, making decisions based upon established City policy, standards or requirements 4. Demonstrates ability to coordinate with the work of others and to receive direction from supervisor. 5. Demonstrates an ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing 6. Demonstrates ability to establish and maintain effective communications with citizens, property owners, developers, consultants, contractors, members of boards, commissions and task forces, representatives of other public agencies, City employees and officials. 7. Demonstrates ability to manage numerous projects performed by several consultants in coordination with other review /regulatory agencies. 8. Demonstrates computer knowledge and ability to use computer in carrying out duties and responsibilities. PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the position. The employee is frequently required to walk, sit, talk and hear. The employee is occasionally required to use hands to finger, hand, feel or operate objects; and reach out with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to climb or balance, stoop, kneel or crouch. The employee can occasionally be required to stand for extended periods of time. The employee must occasionally lift and /or move up to 50 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include vision, distance vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The employee occasionally works near moving mechanical parts and in high, precarious places and is occasionally exposed to wet and /or humid conditions, fumes or airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals, risk of electrical shock and vibration. The noise level in the work environment is usually quiet to moderate. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed and are not all- inclusive. This job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and the employee, and is subject to change by the employer as the needs of the employer and requirements of the job may change. STATUS Non Exempt Reviewed by: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Vacant position $45,666 57,831 Vacant position $45,666 57,831 Sr. Engineering Water Resources Tech. Tech. Replacement $48,028 60,090 Replacement $43,825 55,452 GIS Coordinator Staff Engineer Difference $2,362 2,259 ($1,841 2,379)