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Dakota County Drug Task Force Joint Powers AgreementCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date March 15, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Dakota County Drug Task Force Joint AGENDA SECTION: Powers Agreement Consent PREPARED BY: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Polic AGE N ATTACHMENTS: Joint Powers Agreement APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION Motion to approve the execution of a Joint Powers Agreement to authorize the Police Department to participate in the Dakota County Drug Task Force from January 1, 2005 December 31, 2005 ACTION: BACKGROUND The Rosemount Police Department has been a member of the Dakota County Drug Task Force since 2001 and a member of its predecessor task force for several years prior to 2001 Rosemount has contributed a minimum of 20 FTE (416 hours) since 2002 and request continued participation at the same level All law enforcement agencies within Dakota County are members of the Task Force SUMMARY The Joint Powers Agreement was reviewed this year and has been slightly modified All modifications have been reviewed and approved by City Attorney LeFevere Modifications include, Language reflecting the addition of an agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to the Task Force Removal of language specific to the City of Burnsville as the fiscal agent, the City of Eagan will be assuming those responsibilities Length of agreement extended from one (1) to five (1) years, expiring on December 31, 2009 Termination language is included to allow earlier termination of the Task Force if desired Other language modifications to more accurately reflect the practices and duties of the Board Membership on the Task Force is a cost effective means to address the investigation of illegal drug use and sales in the community Council approval of the JPA is respectfully requested to allow the Police Department to continue to participate on the Task Force DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are units of government responsible for the enforcement of controlled substance laws in their respective jurisdictions. This Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties by Minnesota Statutes §471.59. NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned governmental units, in the joint and mutual exercise of their powers, agree as follows Name. The parties hereby establish the Dakota County Drug Task Force. 2. General Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish an organization to coordinate efforts to apprehend and prosecute drug offenders 3. Members The members of thus Agreement shall consist of the following units of government. City of Apple Valley City of Burnsville City of Eagan City of Farrington City of Hastings City of Inver Grove Heights City of Lakeville City of Mendota Heights City of Rosemount City of Savage City of South St Paul City of West St. Paul Dakota County 4. Administrative Board. 4.1 Creation and Composition Anoint powers board, known as the Drug Task Force Administrative Board, is established for the purposes contained herein with the powers and duties set forth in this Agreement. The Board shall consist of one member from each of the member units of government, appointed by their respective police chief or sheriff, plus one member appointed by the Dakota County Attorney Board members appointed by police chiefs and the sheriff must be full -time supervisory peace officers of their jurisdiction or office. Board members shall not be deemed employees of the Task Force and shall not be compensated by it 4.2 Term. Board members shall serve at the pleasure of thew respective police chief, sheriff or county attorney, or their legal successor. In the event that any Board member DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 1 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT shall be removed by the appointing agency, the vacancy shall be filled by the appropriate appointing agency. 4.3 Officers In January of each year, the Board shall elect from its members a chair, a vice chair, a secretary /treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its meetings and affairs Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until the officer ceases to be a board member, whichever is shorter. 4.4 Meetings The Board shall have regular and special meetings at such times and places as the Board shall determine Special meetings may be held on three (3) days' notice by the chair or any two (2) board members, except that a special meeting to consider adoption of or amendments to the Board's operating rules pursuant to paragraph 6.1 shall require ten (10) days' notice The presence of two -thirds (2/3) of the board members at a meeting shall constitute a quorum 4.5 Voting Each board member shall be entitled to one vote. Proxy voting is not permitted The Board shall function by a majority vote of the board members present. 5. Duties of the Administrative Board. 5.1 The Board shall formulate a program to carry out its purpose. 5.2 The Board shall coordinate intelligence between the members and the Task Force. 5.3 The Board shall appoint and supervise the Agent-in-Charge of the Task Force. The Board may appoint and supervise Assistant Agent(s) -m- Charge of the Task Force. All such appointments are subject to the concurrence of an Agent's police chief or sheriff. 5.4 The Board shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and accounts of the Task Force and shall make and file a report to its members which includes the following information (a) the financial condition of the Task Force; (b) the status of all Task Force projects; (c) the business transacted by the Task Force; and (d) other matters which affect the interests of the Task Force. 55 The Task Force's books, reports and records shall be open to inspection by its members at all reasonable times. DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 2 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 6. Powers of the Administrative Board. 6.1 The Board may adopt and amend such bylaws that it may deem necessary or desirable for the conduct of the business of the Board Such bylaws shall be consistent with the terms of this Agreement and any applicable laws or regulations. 6.2 The Board may enter into any contract necessary or proper for the exercise of its powers or the fulfillment of its duties and enforce such contracts to the extent available in equity or at law The Board may authorize the chair of the Board to execute those contracts 63 The Board may disburse funds in a manner which is consistent with this Agreement and with the method provided by law for the disbursement of funds by the parties to this Agreement. 6.4 The Board may apply for and accept gifts, grants or loans of money or other property or assistance from the United States Government, the State of Minnesota, or any person, association or agency for any of its purposes, enter into any agreement in connection therewith, and hold, use and dispose of such money, property or assistance in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant or loan relating thereto. 65 The Board may cooperate with other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to accomplish the purpose for which it is organized. 6.6 The Board may contract with any of its members to take title to, hold, manage and convey real property obtained by the Board and on its behalf as a result of civil asset forfeiture proceedings, to enter into contracts regarding such real property; and to pay reasonable and necessary expenses related to the hold, managing and conveyance of such real property The member shall be entitled to reimbursement for such expenses upon sale of the property and shall transmit any net proceeds to the Board. If expenses exceed the sale of proceeds, the Board shall reimburse the member from other funds. 6.7 The Board will purchase liability insurance, which shall be payable from Task Force funds, and the members may not take any actions under this Agreement until such liability insurance is in effect. 68 The Board may hold such property as may be required to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and upon termination of this Agreement make distribution of such property as provided for in this Agreement. 6.9 The Board may recommend changes in this Agreement to its members. DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 3 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Budgeting and Funding. 7.1 The members intend to fund the cost of operation of the Task Force from grant funds and matching funds from member cities and Dakota County, from the proceeds of forfeiture actions, and from restitution. It is the members' intention that matching funds shall fund the continued cost of maintaining the replacement officers for the full -tune officer assigned by some members to the Task Force 7.2 The Board shall adopt a budget based upon grant funds, member matching funds and money made available from other sources. The Board may amend the budget from time to time. 7.3 The Board may contract with any of its members to provide budgeting and accounting services necessary or convenient for the Board Such services shall include, but not be limited to: management of all funds, including member contributions and grant monies; forfeiture proceeds; payment for contracted services; and relevant bookkeeping and recordkeeping No payment on any invoice for services performed by any person providing services in connection with this Agreement shall be authorized unless approved by the chair, vice -chair or secretary /treasurer. 7.4 The members agree to contribute their grant funds and required matching funds to operate the Task Force 7.5 All funds shall be accounted for according to generally accepted accounting principles. The Secretary /Treasurer shall make a monthly financial report of all expenditures and receipts, and current fund balances to the Board. 7.6 The Board may not mcur debts 77 The Board's obligation to reimburse members for any expense, furnish equipment and the like is contingent upon the receipt of grant funds for that purpose. If insufficient grant funds are received, the Board may reduce the level of reimbursement and/or reduce other expenditures 8. Agent 8.1 Each member shall assign one experienced, licensed peace officer to serve as agents for the Task Force as follows: City of Apple Valley City of Burnsville City of Eagan City of Farmington One (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) One (1) FTE One (1) FTE One Seventeen Hundredth (.17) FTE DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 4 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT City of Hastings City of Inver Grove Heights City of Lakeville City of Mendota Heights City of Rosemount City of Savage City of South St. Paul City of West St. Paul Dakota County One Half 50) FTE One (1) FTE One (1) FTE One Quarter (.25) FTE One Twenty Hundredth 20) FTE One Quarter 25) FTE One Half (.50) FTE One (1) FTE Four (4) FTE 82 Agents shall not be employees of the Task Force. Agents shall remain employees of the member that has assigned them to the Task Force and shall be compensated by that member. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for injuries to or death of its own personnel. Each party to this Agreement waives its right to sue any other parry for any workers' compensation benefits paid to its own employee or their dependents, even if the injury were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other parry, or its officers, employees or agents. 8.3 Agents will be responsible for drug investigation, including intelligence management, case development and case charging Agents will also assist other agents in surveillance and undercover operations Agents will work cooperatively with assisting agencies. 8.4 Agents will be supervised by the Agent -in- Charge or, in his/her absence, by the Team Leader assigned by the Agent -m- Charge to act in his/her behalf 8.5 The member appointing the Agent shall furnish the Agent a weapon, cellular phone, and a vehicle and pay any lease payments, insurance. maintenance and operating costs of the vehicle. Further, the member appointing the Agent shall pay all expenses associated with tuition, travel, lodging and meals. Each party shall be responsible for damages to or loss of its own equipment Each party waives the right to sue any other party for any damages to or loss of its equipment, even if the damages or loss were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other parry or its officers, employees or agents. 8.6 The members shall maintain the officer positions lured to replace the officer assigned to the Task Force, or maintain the Full Time Equivalent staffing assigned to the Task Force as shown in 8.1. DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 5 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 9. Agent -in- Charge and Team Leader(s). 9.1 From among the full -time Agents assigned by members, the Board shall appoint an Agent -m- Charge who shall serve at the Board's pleasure The Agent -m- Charge must be a full -tune, licensed supervisory peace officer of a member The Agent -m- Charge shall remain an employee of the member that has assigned them to the Task Force 9.2 The Agent -in- Charge shall be in charge of the day -to -day operation of the Task Force, including supervising the Task Force's assigned personnel subject to direction received from the Board. The Agent-in-Charge is responsible for staffing, scheduling, case assignment, case management, record keeping, informant management, buy fund management, petty cash management and intelligence management The Agent -m- Charge will be responsible to keep the Board updated as to the Task Force's activity, which would include mayor case development within memberjunsdictions The Agent in-Cbarge will supervise the drafting and execution of all search warrants initiated by the Task Force Unit and will work cooperatively with the agencies with venue over the case. The Agent-in-Charge will be responsible for all buy fund monies and petty cash funds, and will provide Board members with a monthly accounting of all funds disbursed and a written summary of activity with the unit. 93 The Agent -in- Charge may exclude Agents from further Task Force involvement subject to review by the Board and approval of the member that assigned the Agent to the Task Force 9.4 From the Agents assigned by members, a Team Leader(s) may be appointed by the Board, with the concurrence of the Agent's member agency, and serve at the Board's pleasure. The Team Leader(s) must be a full -time, licensed peace officer of a member and shall be paid a supervisor's salary by that member agency only during that time that the Agent -in- Charge is absent The Team Leader(s) shall remain an employee of the member city or County at all times. 95 The duties, responsibilities and authority of the Team Leader(s), while the Agent in- Charge is absent, shall be the same as the Agent -in- Charge as described in paragraph 9 2 herein. If there is more than one Team Leader, the Agent-in-Charge will assign one Team Leader to act as Agent -in- Charge while the Agent -m- Charge is absent. 10. Forfeiture, Seizures and Fines. Items that are seized pursuant to this Agreement shall be used to support Task Force efforts. The use and disbursement of these items must be approved by the Board In the case of federal forfeiture actions, established federal rules shall be followed The Board may chvide all remaining forfeited items among Task Force members in proportion to the Full Time Equivalent contributions of each member of this Agreement as set forth in paragraph 8 1 herein. Fine and restitution DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 6 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT monies ordered paid to the Task Force by court order shall be used to offset equipment or operating costs of the Task Force not funded by grant or matching funds. 11. Indemnification. Each member shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the other members against all claims, losses, damage, liability, suits, judgments, costs and expenses by reason of the action or inaction of its employees assigned to the Task Force to the extent not covered by msurance This Agreement to indemnify and hold harmless does not constitute a waiver by any member of limitations on liability provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. 12. Effective Date. This Agreement shall take full effect on January 1, 2005. All members need not sign the same copy. The signed Agreement shall be filed with the City of Burnsville, who shall notify all members in writing of its effective date. 13. Termination and Withdrawal. 13.1 Termination Date This Agreement shall terminate upon the occurrence of any one of the following events, whichever occurs first. When necessitated by operation of law or as a result of a decision by a court of competent jurisdiction; or When a majority of members agree by resolution to terminate the agreement upon a date certain, or On December 31, 2009. 13.2 Withdrawal Any member may withdraw from this Agreement upon six months' written notice to the Board The Board shall notify the members pursuant to paragraph 14. Withdrawal shall not act to discharge any liability incurred by the member prior to withdrawal Such liability shall continue until discharged by law or agreement In the event of withdrawal by any member, the agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all remaining members. 13.3 Effect of Termination Upon termination of this Agreement, all property of the Task Force shall be sold or distributed to the members in proportion to the Full Time Equivalent contributions of each member of this Agreement as set forth in paragraph 7.1 herein. DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 7 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 14. Notice. Notice of withdrawal shall be provided by first class mail to the following: Apple Valley Chief of Police 7I00 147 Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Burnsville Chief of Police 100 Civic Center Parkway Burnsville, MN 55337 Eagan Chef of Police 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Farmington Chief of Police 325 Oak Street Farmington, MN 55024 Hastings Chief of Police 150 3 rd Street East Hastings, MN 55033 Inver Grove Heights Director of Public Safety 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Savage Chief of Police 6000 McColl Drive Savage, MN 55378 Lakeville Chief of Police 20110 Holyoke Avenue South Lakeville, MN 55044 Mendota Heights Chief of Police 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Rosemount Chief of Police 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 South St Paul Chief of Police 125 3` Avenue North South St. Paul, MN 55075 West St Paul Chief of Pollee 1616 Humboldt Avenue West St Paul, MN 55118 Dakota County Sheriff Law Enforcement Center 1580 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned governmental units, by action of their governing bodies, have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statute §471 59. Approved by the City Council Date CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE a JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date CITY OF BURNSVILLE By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF EAGAN By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF FARMINGTON By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF HASTINGS By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 9 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date Approved by the City Council Date CITY OF LAKEVILLE By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Rv Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RV f Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF SAVAGE By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL By Date of Signature Attest Date of Signature i 1 DAKOTA COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE 10 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT