HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of February 9, 2005 Work SessionPursuant to due call and notice thereof the City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 at 6:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members Shoe Corrigan, Sterner, Baxter and DeBettignies were present Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant Administrator Weitzel, City Engineer Brotzler, Public Works Superintendent Cook, Community Development Director Lindquist, Finance Director May, Police Chief Kalstabakken, and Fire Chief Aker. The agenda was revised to consider County Road 38 TH 3 Assessments first because of Council Member Baxter's request to leave early for a family obligation. DISCUSSIONS ITEM 6 ij 1 ROSEMVIOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 9, 2005 County Road 38 TH 3 Assessments, City Project 393 City Engineer Brotzler presented special assessment options for residents for the proposed extension of sanitary sewer and water service The proposed assessment rates are $4,000 /unit for street improvements and $9,400 for water and sewer improvements for this project. In follow up to previous discussions by Council regarding options for recovering project costs, City Attorney LeFevere prepared a letter outlining the City's authority to establish a special connection charge for this area. This would allow the City to not levy assessments for sewer and water and to recover costs in the future through connection charges collected at the time a property owner connects to City services. There are four properties that would have an assessment of $13,400 and one double unit lot for an assessment of $22,800 Should Council consider levying special assessments, options available to property owners include the following: 1. Prepay assessment in full within 30 days after assessment levied with no interest. 2. Make annual assessment payments over a ten year period. 3. Apply for a senior citizen deferral through Dakota County. It was noted that with this option, interest does accrue during the deferral period. The City Code states that property owners would be required to hook up to water/ sewer within two years of installation to property boundary or sooner in the event a system fails. Discussion ensued about if this two -year penod should be extended to five to seven years to allow homeowners more time, especially if they had recently upgraded their septic system City Engineer Brotzler spoke about creating a special district applying to the five homes mentioned. This will be researched further. Council Member Shoe Comgan mentioned the "human issue" here that residents do not like to pay assessments especially if they have recently made improvements to their own water or septic systems. Shoe -Comgan encouraged staff to make clear to the residents the options that are available, and to let them know who to contact at Dakota County to levy the unpaid assessments. As with all assessments, land value benefit to the property owners must be supportable. There is also an assessment deferral option available to senior citizens within Dakota County. Council Member Baxter reiterated the three choices: 1) pay up front; 2) pay at time of connection or failure of system; and 3) or hook up in 2 years and then pay. Council requested staff to find out if connection charges would be required at the time a property is sold. City Engineer Brotzler said that how the assessments are handled does not have to be determined until the time of the Public Hearing for assessments. Council Member Shoe Corrigan said it is bad policy to defer street and utility improvements because the City has to pay up -front and carry that debt. The apartment building owners contacted City Engineer Brotzler about extending the water and sewer to the apartment building. The family owns three lots plus the apartment building on the west side of Highway 3 on 132nd Street. They would like to connect the apartment building and stub utilities to the other three lots. The apartment would be reguided to Urban Residential zoning. The street improvements would include curb and gutter. City Engineer Brotzler stated that based on previous Council direction, staff would be meeting with the owners of the apartment building and of the properties located south of 132 Street, between Dodd Road and TH 3 to discuss possible re- guiding of these properties. Council Member Baxter left the meeting at 7:15 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Fire Station #2 City Administrator Verbrugge presented information on the 2005 Capital Improvement Plan for the construction of Fire Station #2. The City secured the land at Connemara Trail and Azalea Avenue for the fire station in 2003. The site will also include a future water tower and possibly a water treatment plant. Mr. Verbrugge discussed the timing, scope, architect selection, and debt issuance. Fire Chief Aker was present to answer questions. Chief Aker said that fourteen volunteer firefighters would staff the satellite station. Staff has been looking for multi purpose functionality of the facility to serve as a future polling place, emergency operations center, and training space. Police Chief Kalstabakken reported that Dakota County has decided to use their its old maintenance facility on Biscayne Avenue for a Central Command Post, but the Chief noted that Rosemount needs an independent facility. Emergency response time was discussed. The majority of emergency calls are for medicals Usually the first on scene are the police, second the firefighters, and third, ambulance service. Health East Ambulance services Rosemount, Eagan, Mendota Heights, and South St. Paul. Response time is tracked for every call. Staff recommended retaining Vetter Johnson Architects for the design. Vetter Johnson was the architect for Fire Station #1. Council members expressed concern about retaining an architect without having a request for proposals (RFP). Staff had researched what other communities had experienced as architect fees for recent projects and found that the 7.5% requested by VJA was very competitive with other projects. Council directed staff to pursue a reduced architect fee, in exchange for not doing an RFP process, to assure the public that the City was appropriately managing public dollars. A voter approved referendum is not required to finance public safety buildings such as a new fire station with general obligation bonds, although there is a petition process that allows the question to be put to on the ballot. Financial Consultants at Springsted have recommended that the City issue the debt before the end of May due to pending legislation that could adversely affect the City's options for financing the project The City Council public hearing would occur in early 2 Council directed staff to move ahead with the project schedule. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 9, 2005 April. Preliminary cost estimates are that an average value home would see an approximate $27 per year tax increase in 2006, although future debt retirement and continued growth in the community will lessen the financial impact. Informational meetings will be held prior to the public hearing, probably at the end of March. Downtown Beautification City Engineer Brotzler and Public Works Superintendent Cook presented prices and examples of other Minnesota communities that have enhanced their downtown areas with hanging baskets. Funds could be used from the SKB landscaping deposit of $25,000. The biggest obstacle is the daily watering needs of the baskets That would mean installing watering lines for water access and labor to water each basket. Staff has received notice that the Flower Garden Club has been dismantled, so volunteers from that group cannot be counted on for watenng. Businesses may be interested in maintaining plants in front of their stores. Council Member Shoe Corrigan and Mayor Droste wanted to see a common theme with ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers to commercial areas. Additional banners and holiday lights would also enhance the commercial areas. City Council suggested forming a sub committee through the Parks Recreation Commission to consider these options. Rita Dupre was recommended as a leader for this sub- committee. Council and staff recommended floor planters rather than hanging baskets. UPDATES City Administrator Verbrugge noted that the Leprechaun Days Agreement will be considered by City Council on February 15` The agreement has been worded much the same as the Haunted Woods agreement. City Administrator Verbrugge reported that the Webb Company has offered a "Lucy" statue which will be displayed in the lower lobby of City Hall. Lucy's theme uniform is portrayed as a police officer. City Administrator Verbrugge invited City Council to tour the City Hall to explain some remodeling that will combine two conference rooms to allow for a larger size meeting room, and moving files from engineering, planning, and administration to the small conference room off the lobby area. The restrooms will also be remodeled. Mayor Droste asked staff to price out shades for the upper windows in the Council Chamber. Community Development Director Lindquist had been contacted by a company interested in developing the Wachter land It is a lumberyard, not retail, which would use a rail spur and have mostly outdoor storage. The business park zoning doesn't allow that amount of outdoor storage. Council advised Lindquist not to change the business park zoning ordinance at this time. Mayor Droste reported he could not attend a Flint Hills training or a prayer breakfast with Governor Pawlenty and he invited the Council Members to consider attending. Council Member Sterner was interested. Also Council was advised that the Amencan Legion will celebrate an anniversary on March 12 at 5:00 p.m. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS' CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Council Member Sterner noted that he has a coaching conflict on Wednesday evenings and asked if Council and staff would consider moving the regular Work Session meeting to Thursdays. Council was not opposed; however, they would like to consult with Council Member Baxter before deciding to change. The regular City Council Work Session was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Staff took three Council Members on a tour of the proposed City Hall remodeling. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -6. 4 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary