HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing-County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 393CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 1, 2005 AGENDA ITEM. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public AGENDA SECTION: Hearing- County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to Consent East Tract Line of Reflections Street Utility Improvements, City Project #393 PREPARED BY: Andrew J Brotzler, P E City Engineer N )A. r e p ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report, Letter APPROVED BY: W RECOMMENDED ACTION MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE COUNTY ROAD 38 (BONAIRE PATH) TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 TO EAST TRACT LINE OF REFLECTIONS STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #393 ACTION: BACKGROUND: On November 3, 2004 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for County Road 38 (Bonaire Path)(CR 38) Street and Utility Improvements This project has been designated as City Project No 393 The feasibility study for this protect has been before Council at previous work session meetings to discuss policy considerations regarding the extension of City services to properties At the last Council work session, on January 12, 2005, the direction given to Staff was to omit proposed improvements to 132 Court, provide future expansion of sanitary sewer and watermain west of Trunk Highway 3 (TH3), and to research the possibility of deferring assessments for the sanitary sewer and watermain services that will be provided to properties directly accessing CR 38 as part of the proposed improvements Since that meeting, the feasibility report has been updated to reflect the necessary changes as directed by Council Also, Staff has discussed with the City Attorney, options that Council can consider for recovering project costs from benefited property owners Attached is a copy of a letter from the City Attorney that provides an overview of options that the Council can consider to recover project costs In the interest of keeping the protect on a schedule, it is recommended that Council receive the feasibility report and set the public hearing for February 15, 2005 Prior to the public hearing, at the February 9, 2005 work session, Council will have an opportunity to discuss the options available for recovering project costs Attached, please find a copy of the Feasibility Report for County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street and Utility Improvements This project consists of the upgrading of existing CR 38 from TH 3 east approximately 2,250 feet to the easterly tract line of the Reflections Development Utility improvements will consist of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer installation, trunk and lateral watermain installation, and storm sewer installation A brief review of the proposed improvements and funding is as follows 1 SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS CR 38 is proposed for complete reconstruction as an urban section roadway with 8424 concrete curb and gutter along a revised profile The new road will be designed to meet State Aid Standards for a 40 mile per hour roadway It is proposed to be 42 feet in width, and will include a 12 -foot wide thru /nght turn lane in each direction and a 14 -foot wide center left turn lane An additional right turn lane is also proposed for construction for eastbound CR 38 onto southbound Brockway Avenue An eight -foot bituminous path is proposed for construction on the south side of CR 38 2 SANITARY SEWER An 18 -inch PVC sanitary sewer trunk main is proposed for construction in CR 38 from the intersection with Brockway Avenue west to TH 3, where it will be stubbed to the north along the eastern TH 3 drainage ditch for future extension An 8 -inch PVC lateral main is proposed to be hacked west under TH 3 to 132 Street West An 8 -inch PVC lateral main is also proposed to extend east of Brockway Avenue to provide future service to the properties located to the north and east of the proposed street reconstruction Sanitary sewer service stubs will be provided to the north at both intersections with 132 Court for future extension 3 WATERMAIN A 16 -inch DIP trunk watermain is proposed for construction along the entire length of CR 38 and across TH 3 as part of this project Eight -inch DIP stubs will be placed to the north at each intersection with 132 "d Court W for future extension A 16 -inch DIP watermain will be stubbed to the north along the west side of TH 3 to provide for future service to the north. 4 STORM SEWER New lateral storm sewer will be designed and constructed along the entire length of the project area Local storm sewer stub pipes will be constructed to the north to drain an existing pond area in the northeast corner of Trunk Highway 3 (TH 3) and CR 38 and to drain an existing closed depression in the rear yard of one of the properties adjacent to the project All storm sewers would meet State Aid and Dakota County Standards and would be in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan � � � � � � ���� �.,, �� „� e � �.. �. .._ � , � \,�. ����{�'�, � " T �,., ����� \\�������� ��"� � �E,m � � , � � � � � ���,� j,;"}V 1 �. _ � ' � February 1, 2005 � ,���,,,� ,���� �,� ����� � � � � • Count Road No. 38 Bonalre Path y � . . (Trunk Hi hway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) g � . . Street and Utilit Im rovements 1 Y p and A urtenant Work 1 pp ' Pre ared for: p I !�C ROSE1VlOL�NT MINNESOTA ' � City Project No. 393 ��"���� �:� �; �oh�����������o�������� ' �0.��`�.\\O�`�.e'�.� . . . �� `s."v`}7sT�Y.`�.U\ee�\\��.°��?Y.`�.O\�\\\\\\\\\�.�S.�aF\\ WSB ProjectNo. 1591-01 ' ��,. , � � ` Prepared by: � ��\ „�,� � ;, ,� � ��,,�� _ �SB � 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 �� , ' Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 &ASS°�`ares,In`'. � FEASIBILITY REPORT ' ' � ' COUN1'�ROAD 38 (BONAIRE PATI� TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 TO EAST TRACT LINE QF HARMONY , STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK ' CITY PROJECT NO. 393 ' FOR THE ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' ' , February 1,2005 . ' ' ' Prepared By: WSB & Associates,Inc. ' 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 ' (7fi3) 541-1700 (Fax) ' ' City of Roseinount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Banaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line ofHarmony) Street and Utiliry Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.393 WSB ProjectNo.l S9i-01 ' - ��� , &As I Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xeoia Avenue South Suite 300 _ Minneapolis,MN 55416 ' Te1:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 February 1, 2005 ' � ' Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 — 145�Street West , Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 Re: Feasibility Report ' County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line�of Harmony) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No. 387 � WSB ProjectNo. 1591-01 ' Dear Mayor and City Council Members: � Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report that addresses the street and utility improvernents on County Road 38 (Bonaire Path)between Trunk Highway 3 and the east tract � line of the Harmony Development. We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to ' contact me at(763) 541-4800 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, ' . � WSB &Associates,InG ' � Anthony A. derhold,P.E. ' Project Manager Attachment � bc ' . , ' Minneapolis 1 St.Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ' CERTIFICATION ' � , ' , I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by � me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ' , Antho A. Aderhold, P.E. , Date: February l,2005 Lic.No. 43422 � ' Quality Control Review Completed By: ' ' hn D. Hardy,P.E, ' Date: February l, 2005 Lic.No. 41499 ' ' , ' ' CityofRosemount—FeasibilityReport County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Re,�lecdons) Street and Utility linprovements and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.393 WSB Project No.l S91-01 , ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ' TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET , TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................ 1 ' 2. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................2 ' 2.1 AtrrxoRrzaTTON..................................................................................................................2 2.2 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................2 2.3 DATA AVAILABLE................................................................................................................ 3 , 3. GENEi2AL BACKGROUND............................................................................................4 3.1 PROJECT'LOCA'ITON.............................................................................................................4 � 3.2 PROJECT HISTORY................................................................................................................4 3.4 E�s�rnvG Cormrrtorrs..................................................................................................:......4 , 4. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS......................................... ......... ...................................................5 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS.....................................................................................6 • ' S.1 SURFACE IMPROVEMEN'I'5.................... � .. 6 ..... . .. 5.2 S�vrrnitY SEwER................................................................................................................ 6 5.3 WA�x�.IN.................................................................................................... .... 6 , 5.4 STORM SEWER..............................................................`...........'.......................................... 7 S.S WE'rt.,ArmS ................................................................... ............ . 7 5.6 RIGI3T-OF-WAY/EASEMENTS............................................................................................... 7 ' 6. FINANCING.......................................................................................................................8 6.1 OPINION OF COST................................................................................................................. 8 ' 6.2 FUNDING.............................................................................................................................. 9 6.2.1 DAKOTA COUNTI'.................................................................................................... 9 6.2.2 HARMONY DEVEI.OPMENT....................................................................................... 9 �, 6.2.3 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS............................................................................................ 9 6.2.4 SArtrrAxY SEwEx CoxE Fu�vn................................................................................ 9 6.2.5 WA'1�x�nv CoxE Furm...................................................................................... 10 ' 6.2.6 STORM SEWER CORE FUND ................................................................................... 10 6.2.7 S'rx�ET CaPTT�.,INrnROVEMENT PROGx�vt(CIP)................................................. 1 O ' 7. PROJECT SCHEDULE..................................................................................................12 8. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................................13 , _ ' City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East TractLine ofHarmony) , Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project 1Vo.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 ' Appendiz A ' Project Location Maps Street Typical Sections � APPendix B Opinion of Probable Cost ' Appendix C � Estimated Oversizing Costs � APPendiz D Special Assessment Calculations , Cost Distributions ' ' ' � ' ' � � ' ' , ' City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) ' Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 ' l. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � � City Project No. 387 consists of recor�structing County Road 38 (CR 38) (Bonaire Path) from Trunk Highway 3 (TH 3) east to the easterly tract line of the Harmony, formerly known as , Brockway,residential subdivision. The proposed improvements consist of right turn lanes, left turn lanes, sanitary sewer trunk and lateral mains,trunk and lateral watermains, storm sewer, , concrete curb and gutter, a retaining wall, and a bituminous path along the south side of the road along the entire length of the project. The existing pavement on CR 38 will berehabilitated by complete removal and replacement. , Dakota County has proposed to turn back ownership of CR 38 to the City of Rosemount. Consequently, additional discussions are being held with the County to make sure the funding ' for all street and associated storm sewer improvements along CR 38, as outlined in this report, are included in the tum-back agreement, or are provided for in the event that the turn-back does not occur prior to the start of construction. The City will also need to confirm adequate funding , to pay for their share of the improvements. The total estimated project cost for CR 38 is $1,5'77,300. Of this amount, approximately$76,400 , would be assessed to adjacent property owners on the north side of CR 38. Dakota County is expected to contribute funding for 55%of the roadway and associated storm sewer improvements to CR 38 in accordance with County funding policy. County contributions would / total an estimated$658,200. The remainder of the estimated $842,700 required in project funding would be contributed by the City of Rosemount through the City's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund, Watermain Core Fund, Storm Sewer Core Fund, Street Capital Improvement(CIl') Fund, 1 and previously deposited cash payrnents from the developer for the Harmony Development. It is proposed that construction would take place in 2005. This project is feasible,necessary, and ' cost-effective from an engineering standpoint, and should be constructed as proposed herein. ' � � , � , ' City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line oJHarmony) . 1 Street and Utiliry Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 WSB Project No.l 591-01 Page 1 � 2. INTRODUCTION � 2.1 Authorization , On November 3, 2004 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for County Road 38 (Bonaire Path)(CR 38) Street and Utility Improvements. This project has been designated as City Project No. 393. � 2.2 Sco e P ' This project consists of the upgrading of existing CR 38 from TH 3 east approximately 2,250 feet to the easterly tract line of the Harmony Development. Utility improvements will consist of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer installation, trunk and lateral watermain installation, and storm , sewer installation. CR 38 is currently part of the Dakota County roadway system. Dakota.County is proposing to ' turn back ownership of CR 38 to the City of Rosemount. Since CR 38 is currently a county road, and is designated for the City's Municipal State Aid System, all proposed improvements must be designed to state aid standards. This improvement project is intended to upgrade CR 38 to , accommodate traffic volumes associated with the existing and projected development of the adj acent area. � A sanitary sewer trunk main is praposed for construction along CR 38 from Brockway Avenue west to TH 3, and will be stubbed north along the eastern ditch of TH 3 for future extension. A new sanitary sewer lateral main is proposed to extend to the east of Brockway Avenue,to ' provide future service to the existing properties north of CR 38. It is proposed that a lateral sanitary sewer line be jacked west under TH 3 to 132nd Street West,where a stub will be placed for future extension to service the area adjacent to Dodd Boulevard and 132°d Street West. , A trunk watermain is proposed along the entire length of the CR 38 improvements. It is proposed that the trunk watermain be jacked under TH 3 to provide local area service for future ' development to the northwest. The trunk watermain will also be stubbed north of the roadway area at TH 3 for future extension. , Storm sewer improvements are proposed to collect storm water runoff in accordance with Municipal State Aid standards and as necessary to meet the requirements of the Rosexnount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. , . ' � � ' City of Rosemount—Feasibitity Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Har�nony) ' Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 R'SB Project No.1591-01 Page 2 � 2.3 Data Available , Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: � • City of Rosemount Utility Plans • City of Rosemount Record Plans � City of Rosemount Topography Maps , � • Field Observations of the Area • City of Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan � � • Field Survey • Soil Borings • Preliminary Plat information for Brockway (Harmony)Development prepared by � Westwood Professional Services, Inc. • Preliminary Grading Plans for Brockway(Harmony)Development prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � • City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy • North Central Sanitary Sewer Study,prepared by WSB &Associates. Inc. • Wetland delineation work by WSB &Associates. Inc. (May 5,2003 &August 20, 2004) � � . � � � � � � � � � Ciry of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.393 WSB Project No.I591-01 Page 3 ' 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND � 3.1 Project Location , The project includes CR 38 from TH 3 east approximately 2,250 feet to the easterly tract line of . the Harmony Addition. , 3.2 Project History � This project was initiated as a result of the Brockway Development, and other continuing residential developments within the north-central portion of the City of Rosemount along CR 38. The area adjacent to CR 38 has been experieneing rapid development. The existing street section � is not adequate to accomxnodate the proposed traffic volumes and it is suggested that the street be upgraded to current urban roadway standards. The intersection of CR 38 and TH 3 also needs upgrading with turn lanes to improve intersection functions due to increasing traffic volume. A ' right turn lane on CR 38 at Brockway Avenue is a requirement of the Dakota County Highway Department and was a condition of the plat approval for the Harmony Development. � 3.4 Ezisting Conditions CR 38 is currently a rural two-lane paved street section. The existing pavement width on CR 38 � is approximately 25 -26 feet wide and is in very poor condition. There are two existing wetland areas located adjacent to CR 38. One is located along the south � side of CR 38, extending from approximately 300 feet to 400 feet east of TH 3. The other small wetland area is in the rear yard of an existing home directly north of CR 38 and east of TH 3. This wetland, and a small depression to the east of this wetland,has had a history of high water ' issues during the spring thaw and during large rainfall events. There are several e�cisting storm sewer culverts across or along CR 38. The storm water runoff ' flows in ditches or directly into existing closed depressions along the road, or into Keegan Lake. There are no existing sanitary sewer mains or watermains in CR 38. The adjoining residential and commercial properties utilize private septic systems and private wells. , I32nd Street W. at TH 3 is an existin avel road a roximately 25 -26 feet wide and is in poor g�' PP condition. West of TH 3,there are no public utilities servicing the area. � � � � ' City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) Street and Utiliry Improvemenis and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.393 WSB Project No.I591-01 Page 4 , 4. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS � A traffic im act stud was r ared as lat for the Brockwa Glass p y p ep part of the prelunuiary p y property. The study concluded that TH 3 needs to be widened,turn lanes added at specific � intersections, including at CR 38, and traffic signals constructed at Connemara Tra.il and at CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road). The TH 3 improvements are being completed as a separate project, City Project No. 385, and are currently under conshuction. � The stud also determined that additional east-west road ca aci was r uired to continue the Y P tY � existinglevel of service as traffic increases in the area. CR 38 has been designated as one of the ' corridors that axe recommended for improvement. The report states that the projected average daily traffic(ADT)in the year 2025 is estimated at 2,000 vehicles per day. Due to this increase of vehicular traffic as a result of the Harmony Development and other developments at full build � out along the CR 38 comdor,the need for improving CR 38 to a 44-foot three-lane roadway was a recommendation of the report. The report also recommends that the traffic conditions be monitored at the CR 38 and TH 3 intersection to determine when a traffic signal system would � be warranted and justified. The proposed improvexnents to CR 38 regazding lane alignment and layout take into consideration a possible future signalized intersection at CR 38 and TH 3. ' � _ ' � . � � � ' � � � City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report Counry Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) Street and Utiliry Improve�nents and Appurtenant Work � City Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 Page 5 � 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 5.1 Surface Improvements 1 CR 38 is ro osed for com lete reconstruction as an urban section roadwa with B424 concrete P P P Y curb and gutter along a revised profile. The new road will be designed to meet State Aid ' Standards for a 40 mile per hour roadway. It is proposed to be 42 feet in width, and will include a 12-foot wide thru/right turn lane in each direction and a 14-foot wide center left turn lane. An additional right turn lane is also proposed for construction for eastbound CR 38 onto southbound ' Brockway Avenue. The pavement section will be designed for a 10-ton axle load and will consist of approximately 6 inches of bituminous pavement, 10 inches of Class 5 aggregate base, and 24 inches of select granular borrow. A retaining wall is proposed along the north side of CR I38 next to Keegan Lake. An eight-foot bituminous path is proposed for construction on the south side of CR 38. � Proposed street improvements can be found in Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Appendix A. Typical street sections can be found in Figure 4 in Appendix A. ' 5.2 Sanitary Sewer � An 18-inch PVC sanit sewer trunk main is ro osed for construction in CR 38 from the �5' P P intersection with Brockway Avenue west to TH 3,where it will be stubbed to the north along the , eastern TH 3 dra.inage ditch for future extension. An 8-inch PVC lateral main is proposed to be jacked west under TH 3 to 132nd Street West and then stubbed to the west to provide for future service to the area adjacent to Dodd Boulevard and 132nd Street West. An 8-inch PVC lateral � main is also proposed to extend east of Brockway Avenue to provide future service to the properties located to the north and east of the proposed street reconstruction. Sanitary sewer service stubs will be provided to the north at both intersections with 132nd Court for future � extension. These proposed improvements aze in accordance with the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. , Proposed sanitary sewer improvements can be found in Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Appendix A. 5.3 Watermain � A 16-inch DIP trunk watermain is proposed for construction along the entire length of CR 38 and across TH 3 as part of this project. Eight-inch DIP stubs will be placed to the north at each ' intersection with 132nd Court W. for future extension. A 16-inch DIl'watermain will be stubbed to the north along the west side of TH 3 to provide for future service to the north. These proposed improvements are in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Water Plan. �. Proposed watermain improvexnents can be found in Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Appendix A. ' ' City ofRosentount—Feasibility Report Counry Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) Sdreet and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work � City Project No.393 ' WSB ProjectNo.1591-01 Page 6 � 5.4 Storm Sewer � New lateral storm sewer will be designed and constructed along the entire length of the project area.. Small storm sewer stub pipes will be constructed to the north to drain an existing pond area � in the northeast corner of Trunk Highway 3 (TH 3)and CR 38 and to drain an existing closed depression in the rear yard of one of the properties adjacent to the project. All storm sewers � would meet State Aid and Dakota County Standards and would be in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. � Proposed storm sewer improvements can be found in Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Appendix A. 5.5 Wetlands � The proposed project will impact an existing wetland area on the south side of CR 38, approximately 300 feet to appro�mately 400 feet east of TH 3. The anticipated impact is � approximately 11,560 square feet of existing wetland area that will be filled during the road widening and associated construction activities. The Harmony Development has received approval from the City of Rosemount as the Local Governing Unit to mitigate 4,036 square feet , of the wetland impacts created by the additional fill required for the right turn lane needed as part of the Harmony Development. The City of Rosemount will be required to mitigate the remaining 7,528 square feet of anticipated impacted wetland area.as part of the street and utility , improvement project. ' S.6 Right-of-Way/Easements - There will be some additional construction easement needs along the north side of CR 38 due to , slope encroachments.All required right-of-way and construction easements along the south side of CR 38 have been, or will be, dedicated by the Hannony Addition as part of the plat approval ' process. It is anticipated that 16,300 square feet of temporary construchon easements will be necessary for construction of the slopes along the north side of CR 38. A more accurate figure for the total ' temporary construction and permanent easement area required for construction will be determined during the final design phase of the project. � ' � ' � City of Rosemount-Feasibi[ity Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Har�nony) Street and Utility Improvenients and Appurtenant Work � Ciry Project No.393 WSB Project No.I591-01 Page 7 ' 6. FINANCING � � 6.1 Opinion of Cost ' Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions incorporate estimated 2005 construction costs and include a 10% contingency and 30% for a11 related indirect costs (legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items). ' Table 1 provides a summary of the opinion of cost for CR 38: ' , Table 1: County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Street and Utility Improvements � Summary of Costs Im rovement TOTAL ' Schedule A- Surface Im rovements $1,041,900 Schedule B - Sanit Sewer $132,300 Schedule C -Watermain $234,200 � Schedule D - Storm Sewer $151,500 Schedule E-Pond Outlet Im rovements $14,100 Land A uisition/Easement Costs $3,300 ` Total $1,577,300 � It is anticipated that land acquisition will need to occur in order to construct the CR 38 improvements as proposed. Only temporary easements are anticipated to be necessary along the north side of CR 38 to match the roadway slopes into the e�sting topography. Table 2 ' summarizes the estimated easement acquisition costs: ' Table 2: Estimated Easement Acquisition Costs County Road 38 Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary TOTAL � Easement Easement Easement Easement Easement (S.F.) Cost* (S.F.) Cost** Acquisition Cost � North Side - - 16,300 $3,260 $3,260 * Permanent Easement estimated at$1.00/S.F. (comparison of recent permanent easement acquisition costs within the City of Rosemount) ' ** Temporary Easement estimated at$0.20/S.F.(comparison of recent temporary easement acquisition costs within the City of Rosemount) ' ' , City of Rosemount—Feasibiliry Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) . , Street and Utiliry Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 WSB Project No.IS91-01 Page 8 ' 6.2 Funding ' Financing for this project will come from a combination of sources including Special Assessments,Dakota County funds, City Sanitary Sewer Core Funds, City Watermain Core ' Funds, City Storm Sewer Core Funds, City Street CIP Funds, and previous cash deposits by adjacent property developers for roadway improvements. Detailed assessment calculations can be found in Appendix D. ' 6.2.1 Dakota County , In accordance with Dakota County's cost participation policy,it is proposed that Dakota County will pay for 55%of the roadway and storm sewer systexn improvements on CR 38. The total Dakota County contribution is estimated at$658,200. � l�2.2 Harmony Development ' As a requirement of the plat approval for the Harmony Development along the south side of the proposed CR 38 improvements,the developer was required to submit a cash payment of$246,500 to pay for the costs of the roadway and access improvements. ' 6.2.3 Special Assessments Properties along the north side of CR 38 with direct access on to CR 38 will be assessed � on a per-unit basis. According to the City's 2005 Fee Resolution, for complete street reconstruction projects, a lump sum of$4,000 per unit will be assessed to benefiting properties. Five properties have direct access to CR 38,which brings the total street ' assessments for CR 38 to $20,000. Additional assessments are proposed for the installation of new sanitary sewer and ' watermain. These assessments are determined on a per-developable unit basis. Although there are five properties with access to CR 38, there is the potential for one of these properties to subdivide into two parcels,bringing the total developable units to six. Each ' developable unit is proposed to be assessed a total of$9,400 for sanitary sewer and water service. This rate is based on the average lateral sanitary sewer and watermain extension cost. Tota1 utility assessments are estimated at$56,400. , _ Tota1 special assessments are estimated at$76,400.. , 6.2.4 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund The City's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund is available to fund txunk sanitary sewer ' improvements throughout the.City of Rosexnount. For the CR 38 portion of the project, there is approximately$101,700 in estimated trunk sanitary sewer improvements. , ' ' , City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Flarmony) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' Gity Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 Page 9 ' 6.2.5 Watermain Core Fund , The City's Watermain Core Fund is available to fund any trunk watermain improvements ' throughout the City of Rosemount. Trunk watermain improvements along CR 38 total an estimated$208,400. , 6.2.6 Storm Sewer Core Fund The City's Storm Sewer Core Fund is available to fund major storm sewer and pond ' improvements throughout the City of Rosemount. For the CR 38 portion of the project, approximately 55%of the storm sewer costs will be paid for by Dakota County. The rexnaining 45% of the storm sewer, and 100%of the adjacent pond outlet improvements, ' are the responsibility of the City of Rosemount. The City storm sewer costs are estimated at$82,300. ' 6.2.7 Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The City's Street CIP fund is responsible for fundirrg up to 45%of the cost associated ' with the improvements for CR 38,minus the total in developer's fees (Harmony Development) and special assessments. This results in an estimated City Street CIP contribution of$450,300. ' ' ' ' � ' , ' ' , : ' City of Rosemount—Feasibi[iry Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) ' Street and Utiliry Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 Page 10 ' 6.3 Funding Summary ' A summary of the proposed funding for the CR 38 portion of the project is as follows: ' County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Street and Utility Improvements ' Fundin Summa ' Dakota County $658,2U0 Harmony Development $246,500 PIN 34-02010-010-06 $13,400 , Jose h B.Pannkuk PIN 34-02010-010-09 $22,800 William&Bonita J.Rohr ' PIN 34-44300-100-01 $13,400 Todd R.Hen PIN 34-44300-040-02 $13,400 ' Tracie L.Balse PIN 34-44300-010-02 $13,400 Allan F.&Janet H.Fedlsein Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $101,700 , Watermain Core Fund $208,400 Storm Sewer Core Fund $82,300 , City Street Capital Improvement Program(CIP) $203,800 ' Total $1,577,300 ' ' ' , � ' , , City of Rosemount—Feasibility Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Hdghway 3 to East Tract Line ojHarmony) , Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant R'ork City Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 Page 11 ' 7. PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed project schedule for these improvements is as follows: ' Public Informational Meeting............................................................................... January 12,2005 City Council Receives Feasibility Report............................................................. February l, 2005 ' Public Hearing and Order Improvements............................................................February 15, 2005 , Design...............................................................................................February, 2005—March,2005 ' State Aid ApprovaUCounty Approval/Agreement...................................March,2005—June, 2005 Easement Acquisition................................................................................April,2005—June,2005 ' City Council Receives Plans & Specifications, Authorizes Advertisement for Bidding.............................................................June 21,2005 ' OpenBids........................................................................................... ......July 13, 2005 , City Council Awards Bids................................................................... ......July l9, 2005 Construction.........................................................:...................August, 2005—November 15, 2005 ' Assessment Hearin .Novexnber 2005 g ................................................................................................ , ' , ' - , ' - , ' CityofRosemount—FeasibilityReport County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harniony) Street and Uti[ity Improvetnents and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.393 WSB Project No.I591-01 Page 12 ' ' 8. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION Due to the continued residential development in this area,increased traffic, accidents, and _ deteriorating streets, CR 38 should be reconstructed to provide improved traffic flow, safer , traffic movements and increased pavement rideability. The total estimated cost of the street and utility improvements for CR 38 is $1,577,300. Funding ' will be provided through a combination of special assessments,property development fees, Municipal State Aid funds, Dakota County funds, City Sanitary Sewer Core funds, City � Watermain Core funds, City Storm Sewer Core funds, and City Street CIP funds. This project is feasible,necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering viewpoint. We � ' recommend the street reconstruction and new sanitary sewer,watermain, and starm sewer installation along CR 38, from TH 3 east approximately 2,250 feef to the easterly tract line of the Harmony Development, and extension of lateral sanitary sewer and trunk watermain under TH 3 ' at 132nd Street West to service future development to the northwest of CR 38 and TH 3, as outlined in this report. ' � ' ' � , � . , � ' � ' City of Rosemount—Feasibi[ity Report County Road 38(Bonaire Path) (Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Harmony) ' Street and Utility Improvements knd Appurtenant Work City Project No.393 WSB Project No.1591-01 Page 13 5 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING The estimated construction cost for the CR 38 proposed Improvements Is $1,577,300 as shown in the following table County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Street and Utility Improvements Fundin Summa ry Road 38 Dakota County $658,200 PIN 34- 02010 010 -06 $13,400 Joseph B Pannkuk PIN 34- 02010 010 -09 $22,800 William Bonita J Rohr PIN 3444300- 1Q0 -01 $13,400 Todd R Hend PIN 34- 44300 040 -02 $13,400 Trace L Balse PIN 34- 44300 010 -02 $13,400 Allan F Janet H Fedlsein Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $101,700 Watermain Core Fund $208,400 Storm Sewer Core Fund $82,300 City Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) $450,300 Total $1,577,300 The table shows the possible funding sources for the proposed improvements In accordance with Dakota County's cost participation policy, It is proposed that Dakota County will pay for 55% of the roadway and storm sewer system Improvements on CR 38 Properties along the north side of CR 38 with direct access on to CR 38 will be assessed on a per -unit basis According to the City's 2005 Fee Resolution, a per unit rate of $4,000 is proposed to be assessed to benefiting properties Additional assessments are proposed for lateral sanitary sewer and watermain service These proposed assessments have been determined on a per unit basis The City Core Funds would be utilized to fund the trunk sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain extensions The remaining cost is proposed to be funded by the City's Street CIP fund and previous cash deposits by adjacent developers SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of a resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the public hearing for the County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #393 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE COUNTY ROAD 38 (BONAIRE PATH) TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 TO EAST TRACT LINE OF REFLECTIONS STREET UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #393 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit City Project #393, County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street Utility Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer, and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #393 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on February 1, 2005, and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Protect #393 and places it on file NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #393, County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street Utility Improvements, to be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 7 30 o'clock p m or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall ADOPTED this 1 s day of February, 2005 William H Droste, Mayor ATTEST Linda Jentmk, City Clerk Motion by Voted in favor Seconded by Voted against 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 telephone (612) 33' -9310 fax http ,1w kennedy- graven corn CHARLES L. LEFEVERE 4ttotae; at Law Direct Dial (612) 2_' -9215 email clerevere @kennedy graven cam January 19, 2005 Andy Brotzler City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145 St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Re. Collection of Special Assessments for Sewer and Water Project Dear Andy; You have asked for a letter describing the options available to the City to finance sewer and water project costs by current or deferred special assessments The most common procedure, of course, is to require the payment of the costs of extending sewer and water service to property through the collection of special assessments at the time service is provided The impact of such special assessments can be reduced by extending the term of payment of the assessments State law authorizes special assessments to be deferred only in limited circumstances One is that special assessments on unimproved property may be deferred under Minn Stat §429 061, Subd 2 In the case of Improved property, the statutes authorize deferment of special assessments only in the case of properties owned by senior citizens or disabled persons Minn Stat §435 191 If a City Council decides that it does not want to collect the costs of such projects from benefited properties at the current time, but wishes to collect at a later time, it may collect the charges as a connection charge at the time the property is connected to sewer and water service Ordinarily, connection charges are imposed only to recover the costs incurred by the City in permitting and overseeing the connection of the property to public facilities However, State law authorizes connection charges to be adjusted to take into consideration the payment (or non- payment) of special assessments at an earlier date Specifically bd Minn Stat §444 075, Su 3, provides in part that "Charges for connections to the facilities may in the discretion of the governing body be fixed by reference to the portion of the cost of connection which has been paid by assessment of CLL- 258220vi RS215 -3 v C H A R T E R E D 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337 -9300 telephone (612) 33' -9310 fax http ,1w kennedy- graven corn CHARLES L. LEFEVERE 4ttotae; at Law Direct Dial (612) 2_' -9215 email clerevere @kennedy graven cam January 19, 2005 Andy Brotzler City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145 St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Re. Collection of Special Assessments for Sewer and Water Project Dear Andy; You have asked for a letter describing the options available to the City to finance sewer and water project costs by current or deferred special assessments The most common procedure, of course, is to require the payment of the costs of extending sewer and water service to property through the collection of special assessments at the time service is provided The impact of such special assessments can be reduced by extending the term of payment of the assessments State law authorizes special assessments to be deferred only in limited circumstances One is that special assessments on unimproved property may be deferred under Minn Stat §429 061, Subd 2 In the case of Improved property, the statutes authorize deferment of special assessments only in the case of properties owned by senior citizens or disabled persons Minn Stat §435 191 If a City Council decides that it does not want to collect the costs of such projects from benefited properties at the current time, but wishes to collect at a later time, it may collect the charges as a connection charge at the time the property is connected to sewer and water service Ordinarily, connection charges are imposed only to recover the costs incurred by the City in permitting and overseeing the connection of the property to public facilities However, State law authorizes connection charges to be adjusted to take into consideration the payment (or non- payment) of special assessments at an earlier date Specifically bd Minn Stat §444 075, Su 3, provides in part that "Charges for connections to the facilities may in the discretion of the governing body be fixed by reference to the portion of the cost of connection which has been paid by assessment of CLL- 258220vi RS215 -3 Andy Brotzler January 19, 2005 Page 2 the premises to be connected in comparison with other premises, as well as the cost of making or supervising the connection" The disadvantage of collecting these charges as connection charges in the future is that the City must carry the costs until connection In some cases, connection may not occur for a substantial period of time, and may never occur unless connection is compelled by an ordinance or the water or septic systems on the property fail It is common for cities to require properties to be connected to sewer and water within a specified time after service is made available to the property It seems to me that such an ordinance serves two purposes The first is that connection to a municipal water supply and sanitary sewer system protects the public health and environment The second is that reasonably prompt connection to the system will facilitate payment for both the construction and operation of the facilities If the City Council wishes to collect for the cost of the project through a connection charge, it would be necessary to amend the City's connection charge policies and rates so that properties that were not previously subject to special assessments would be required to pay those costs at the time of connection Please let me know if you have any further questions Very truly yours, Charles L LeFevere CLL peb CLL- 258220vl RS215 -3 � � ' ' R W R/W VARIES ' 42 F—F 14'THROUGH 14'LEFT RIGHT 14'THROUGH LANE TURN LANE LANE g'MIN. 8� 6424 CONCRETE CONCRETE CURB ' ATCH AND GUTTER 4,py, 2,py MATCH EXISTING EXISTING ��2.Oy, 2.Oy._—i,,,. �� GRqpE RADE ' �A � z: ' 2" 2340 TYPE 41 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE MIX DESIGNATION 41WEA50055 (PG 58-28) 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (700% CRUSHED) 12" SELECT GRANULAR FILL � ' 2" 2350 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE (LVWE35030C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 4" 2350 NPE LV 3 NONWEARING COURSE, (LVNW35030C)(2 LIFTS) 8" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100� CRUSHED/QUARRY ROCK) ' 24" SELECT GR,4NULAR FILL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MnDOT 3733, TYPE V)(AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER) I COUNTY ROAD 38 � � � � . � WSB Project No.1591-01 , 701 Xenia Avenue South,Suite 300 TYP I CAL S ECTI O N February 1,2005 WSB Minneapolis,MN 55416 COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 IMPROVEMENTS ' www.wsbeng.com Figure No. &^��°°� �RO S EMOUNT 4 ,��,�_��„_,� INFRASTRUCTURE i ENGINEERING!PLANNING 0 CONSTRUCTION M 1 N N ESOTA ' M:\0159t-011FEP.S\FIG_07.dwg,1128/20056:45:39AM . � i Opinion of Probable Cost � WSB Project: County Road No.38-Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line Reflections Addition Design Byc JDH Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: AAA City Project No.: 393 ' WSB Project No: 1591-01 Date: 1/26/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 � Item MN/DOT Estimated Estimated Total No. Specification No. 1�escription Unit To�Q��� Unit Price Cost A. SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS , � zosisoi MOBILIZAITON LLRvfP SUM i s2i,600.0o a2i,eoo 2 sioi.soi c�a,xu�rc acxE a.90 ar,soo.00 ss,sso 3 2101.502 GRUBBING ACRE 3.90 51,500.00 $5,850 ' 4 2104.501 REMOVE P1PE CLTLVERTS LIN FI' 184 510.00 SI,840 5 2104.505 REMOVE BiTUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 21 52.00 S42 6 2104.505 REMOVE BTTUMINOUS PAVIINII�IT SQ YD 5,870 $2.25 $13,208 � 7 2104.513 SAWIIdG BITUMIIdOUS PAVII�4ENT(F[JLL DEPTTi) LIN FT 110 53.50 5385 8 2104.123 SALVAGE SIGN T'YPE C EACH 6 $75.00 5450 9 2105.501 COMMONEXCAVATION CUYD 23,300 S5.00 5116,500 10 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YU 9,280 55.00 536,400 � 11 2105.521 GRANi7LAR BORROW CCT YD 1,330 $6.50 58,645 12 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW(CV) CU YD 9,100 $6.50 $59,150 13 2105.523 COMMON BORROW(CV) CU YD 5,900 55.00 529,500 � 14 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW(L� CLJ YD 700 510.00 57,000 15 2112.501 SUHGRADE PREPARATiON ROAD STA 21.4 5200.00 54,280 16 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5(100%CRUSHF.D) TON 7,650 510.00 576,500 , 17 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE(C) TON 1,210 534.00 541,140 18 2350.SQ2 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE(C) TON 2,420 533.00 579,860 19 2359.502 BITUMII�IOLTS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 1,100 E2.00 52,200 20 2411.501 RETAIIdIIdG WALL SQ FT 3,950 $25.00 598,750 � 21 2411.511 STRUCT'[JRAL EXCAVATTON CU YD 500 510.00 55,000 22 2521.604 2"BTfUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 1,730 $10.50 518,165 23 2531.501 CONCREfE CURB 8c GU'ITER,DE3IGN T'YPE B424 LIN F!' 4,000 E10.00 $40,000 ' 24 2531.507 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVIIvfIId'P SQ YD 110 540.00 E4,400 25 2540.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAII,BOXES EACH 5 5150.00 5750 26 2563.601 TRAFI�YC CONTROL LUMP SLTM 1 $20,000.00 S2Q000 , 27 2564.602 PAVIIvfIIVT MESSAGE(LEFf ARROVI�PAINf EACH 3 550.00 5150 28 2564.602 PAVEbfEIVT MESSAGE(RIGHT ARROV�PAl1VT EACH i aso.00 aso 29 2564.602 PAVEMIIVT MESSAGE(THRU ARROVi�PAINT EACH 1 550:00 S50 30 2564.602 PAVEMIIVT MESSAGE(RIGHT-THRU ARROW)PAINT EACH 2 575.00 5150 � 31 2564.602 PAVEMENf MFSSAGE(LEFf ARROVI�POLY PREFORbIED EACH 3 5350.00 51,050 32 2564.602 PAVIIvviENN'L MESSAGE(RIGHT ARROVI�POLY PREFORMED EACH 1 5350.00 S350 33 2564.602 PAVIIviIIVT MESSAGE(TFIItU ARROV�POLY PREFORMED EACH 1 5350.00 $350 ' 34 2564.602 PAVEI�TiT MESSAGE(RIGIiT-THitU ARROVi�POLY PREFORMED EACH 2 $450.00 5900 35 2564.603 4"SOLID WHIT'E-PAINT LIN Ff 5,200 $0.25 $1,300 36 2564.603 4"DOUBLE SOLID LINE YEI.LOW-PAIIVT LIN Ff 2,450 $0.50 $1,225 � 37 2564.603 4"SOLID WfILTE-EPDXY LIN F1' S,200 50.50 52,600 38 2564.603 4"DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY LIN FP 2,450 S1.00 52,450 39 2573.501 BALE CFIECK EACH 50 56.50 5325 - 40 2573.502 SII.T FENCE,TYPE HEAVY DUTY I1N Ff 3,000 52.50 $7,500 , � Opinion of Probable Costs 1 of 4 � � Opinion of Probable Cost � WSB Project: County Road No.38-Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line Reflections Addition Design By: JDH Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: AAA City Project No.: 393 � WSB Pro'ect No: 1591-01 Date: 1/26/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 � Item MN/DOT Estimated Estimated Total No. Specification No. Description Unit Total Quantity U�t�� Cost 41 2573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 25 $60.00 $1,500 ' 42 2575.501 SEEDING(INCL TOPSOIL,FERT,MULCH,DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 4 $1,000.00 54,000 43 2575.505 SODDING TYPE IAWN(INCL TOPSOII.8c FIItT.) SQ YD 2,250 S3.00 56,750 44 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 20� S2•00 $400 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A-SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS $728,565 � +10%Contin encies $72,860 Subtotal $801,430 +30%InditeCt Cost 5240,430 � TOTAL Schedule A�-Snrface Improvements $1,041,900 B. SANITARY SEWER � 45 2451.602 GRANUL.AR FOLINDATTON MA'I'E1tIAL TON 55 E3.00 5165 46 2503.541 18"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN Ff 730 527.50 520,095 47 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANffARY SEWER EACH 1 E750.00 5950 � 48 2503.602 8"X 4"PVC WYE EACH 3 560.00 $180 49 2503.602 18"x 4"RCP WYE EACH 2 $125.00 5250 50 2503.603 20"STEEI.CASING PII'E(JACKED) LIN FI' 130 5200.00 526,000 51 2503.603 TEI.EVISING SANTfARY SEWER LIN FI' 1,360 SI.00 51,360 , 52 2503.603 4"PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN F1' 300 517.00 $5,100 53 2503.603 8"PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN FI' 630 $17.00 S10,710 54 2503.603 8"PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN Ff 130 520.00 52,600 ' S5 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 7 5400.00 52,800 56 2506.603 CONST 48"DIA SAN SEWER MANEIOLE LIN F1' 150 5150.00 522,500 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B-SANITARY SEWER $92,490 � +10%Gontingencies 59,250 Subtotal $101,740 +30%Indirect Cost $30,520 TOTAL Schedule B-Sanitary Sewer $132,300 , , . � . 1 1 , Opinion of Probabie Costs 2 of 4 � � Opinion of Probable Cost � WSB Project: County Road No.38-Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line Reflections Addition Design By: JDH Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: AAA City Project No.: 393 , WSB Project No: 1591-01 Date: 1/26/2005 COUNTY ROAD NU. 38 � Item MN/DOT Estimated Estimated Total No. Specification No. Description Unit Total Quantity Unit Price Cost C. WATERMAIN � 57 2504.602 IIYDRANT EACH 5 $1,850.00 59,250 58 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH i 5800.00 $800 59 2504.602 1"CORPORATION STOP EACH 5 $60.00 $300 � 60 2504.602 6"GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 5 $550.00 52,750 61 2504.602 8"GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 $800.00 $1,600 62 2504.602 16"GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 5 $3,300.00 516,500 � 63 2504.602 1"CURB STOP&BOX EACH 5 $100.00 S500 64 2504.603 30"STEEL CASING PIPE(IACKID) L1N FI' 100 $250.00 $25,000 65 , 2504.603 1"TYPE K COPPER PIPE LIN FT 400 $1125 54,500 � 66 2504.603 6"WA1'ER MAIN-DUCT IItON CL 52 LIN F!' 80 $20.00 51,600 67 2504.603 8"WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 140 $18.00 52,520 68 2504.603 16"WATER MAIN-DUCT IItON CL 52 LIN FI' 2,300 $32.00 $73,600 69 2504.604 4"POLYSTYRENE'INSiJLATION SQ YD 20 $20.00 5400 , 70 2504.604 DUCT'II.E IltON FTTTINGS POL]ND 6,405 a2.00 s�2,810 71 2550.512 HANDHOLE EACH 6 5600.00 $3,600 72 2550.603 2"FLFJfIBLE NON-MEI'ALLIC CONDUIT LIN Ff 2,300 $3.50 58,050 ' SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C-WATERMAIN $163,780 +10%Contingencies $16,380 Subtotal $180,160 � +30%Indirect Cost 554,050 TOTAL Schednle C-Watermain $234,200 � ' , � t , ' Opinion of Probabie Costs 3 of 4 � � Opinion of Probable Cost � WSB Project: County Road No.38-Trunk fiighway 3 to East Tract Line Reflecrions Addition Design By: JDH Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: AAA Ciry Project No.: 393 ' WSBProjectNo: 1591-01 Datec 1/26/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 � Item MN/DOT Estimated Estimated Total No. Specification No. Description Unit Total Quantity Unit Price Cost D. STORM SEWER � T3 STORM WATER MANAGEMEN'f POND(NURP) LL7MP SLJM 1 520,000.00 520,000 74 2104.501 REMOYE PIPE CULVERTS L,IN Ff 184 510.00 51,840 75 2451.602 GRANUL'AR FOUNDATION MATERIAL T'ON 100 $3.00 $300 , 76 2501.515 15"RC PII'E APRON EACH 2 $450.U0 $900 77 2501.515 24"RC PIPE APRON EACH 2 $510.00 $1,020 98 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15"PIPE APRON EACH 2 $250.00 5500 � 79 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24"PII'E APRON EACH 2 5400.00 SS00 80 2503.541 15"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN Ff 1,540 523.50 536,190 81 2503.541 I8"RC PII'E SEVJER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN Ff 280 $25.00 $7,000 82 2503.541 24"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FI' 120 527.50 53,300 , 83 2506.501 CONSTRIICf DRAINAGE STRUCTU1tE DES 48-4020 LIN FT 45 $225.00 $10,125 84 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 LIN Ff 25 $25U.00 $6,250 85 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCT'[JRE DES SPECIAL 1(2'x3'CB) EACH 9 51,200.00 $1Q800 ' 86 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 12 S450.00 55,400 87 2511.501 RANDOM RII'RAP,CI,ASS IV CU YD 22 $65.00 S 1,430 88 2511.515 GEO��F FiLTER,T'YPE N SQ YD 33 53.00 $99 � SUBTOTAL-SCHEDULE D-STORM SEWER $105,954 +10%Coatin encies $10,600 Subtotal 5116,550 +30%Indirect Cost 534,970 tTOTAL Schedule D-Storm Sewer $151,500 E. POND OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS � 89 2451.602 GRANCTI.AR FOUNDATtON MATERIAL TON 10 53.00 $30 90 2501.515 15"RC PII'E APRON EACH 2 S450.00 5900 91 2501.519 FLAP GATE FOR 15"RC PIPE EACH 1 S1,000.00 $1,000 , 92 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15"PIPE APRON EACH 2 5250.00 S500 93 25Q3.541 15"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT 195 E23.50 54,583 94 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCT[JRE DES 48-4020 LIN FT 10.5 5225.00 52,363 � 95 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 1 5450.00 5450 SUBTOTAL-SCHEDULE E-POND OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS 59,825 +10%Coatingencies • $980 Subtotal $10,810 � +30%Iadirect Cost $3,240 TOTAL Schednle E-Pond OnUet Improvemeats $14,100 � County Road No.38-Trnnk Highway 3 to East Tract Line Reflections Addition-Project Totai 51,574,000 1 � Opinion of Probable Cosis 4 Of 4 , � � County Road Na 38 Estimated Trunk Sanitary Sewer Oversizing Costs � City of Rosemount City Project Number 393 Mn�DOT Total Total � Item Specification Description Units Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Number Quantity Unit Price Trunk Cost Lateral Cost 1 2503.541 18"RC Pipe Sewer,Des 3006,Ci V Lin Ft 730 $27.50 $20,075.00 � 2 2503.602 8"x 4"PVC W e Each 3 $60.00 $180.00 3 2503.602 18"x 4"RCP W e Each 3 $125.00 $375.00 4 2503.603 20"Steel Casing Pipe(Jacked) Lin Ft 130 $200.00 $26,000.00 � 5 2503.603 8"PVC Pipe Sewer,SDR 26 Lin Ft 730 $17.00 $12,410.00 6 2503.603 8"PVC Pipe Sewer,SDR 26(stub) Lin Ft 130 $20.00 $2,600.00 7 2506.603 Construct 48"Dia Manhole Lin Ft 60 $150.00 $9,000.00 � Subtotal-Estimated Trunk Cost $58,050.00 Subtotal-Estimated Lateral Cost $12,590.00 Subtotal-Remainin Oversizin Costs $45,460.00 � +10%Contingencies $4,550 Subtotal $50,010 � +30%Indirect Gost $15,000 Estimated Trunk Sanitary Sewer Oversizing Cost-County Road No.38 $65,010.00 � � � � ' � � r � Oversizing Calculations ' ' � � � � . � F . . � County Road No. 38 ' Estimated TrunkWatermain Oversizing Costs City of Rosemount ' City Project Number 393 Mn�DOT Total Total Item Specification Description Units Estimated Estimated Estimated Estim�ted � Quantity Unit Price Number Trunk Cost Lateral Gost 1 2504.602 8"Gate Valve&Box Each 5 $800.00 $4,000.00 2 2504.602 16°Gate Valve&Box Each 5 $3,300.00 $16,500.00 � 3 2504.603 8"DIP,Class 52 Lin Ft 2,180 $18.00 $39,240.00 4 2504.603 16"DIP,Class 50 Lin Ft 2,300 $32.00 $73,600.00 5 2504.603 30"Steel Casing Pipe jJacked) Lin Ft 100 $250.00 $25,000.00 � 5 2504.604 Ductile Iron Fittings-8" Pound 735 $2.00 $1,470.00 6 2504.604 Ductile Iron Fittings- 16" Pound 2,200 $2.00 $4,400.00 7 2550.512 Handhole Each 6 $600.00 $3,600.00 � 8 2550.603 2"SCADA Conduit S stem Lin Ft 2,180 $3.50 $7,630.00 Subtotal-Estimated Trunk Cost $130,730.00 Subtotal-Estimated Lateral Cost $44,710.00 ' Subtotal-Remainin Oversizin Costs $86,020.00 +10%Contingencies $8,600 ` Subtotal $94,620 +30%Indirect Cost $28�390 � Estimated Trunk Watermain Oversizing Cost-County Road No.38 $123,010.00 � � � � � � � ' Oversizing Calculations � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � County Road No. 38(Bonaire Path) Street and Utility Improvements Assessment Calculations&Cost Distribution Breakdown Total Assessmen 55%of Street Costs $573,045.00 DakotaCounty 55%ofEasementCosts $1,815.00 $658,185.00 55%of Storm Sewer Cost $83,325.00 Harmony Development(CPDC) Developer Contribution(Flat Fee) $246,500.00 $246,500.00 PIN 34-02010-010-06 Street Assessment($4,000) $4,000.00 Jose h B.Pannkuk $13,400.00 P Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Assessment(�9,400) $9,400.00 PIN 34-02010-010-09 Street Assessment($4,000) $4,000.00 William&Bonita J.Rohr $22,800.00 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Assessment($9,400)x(2 developable units) �18,800.00 PIN 34-04300-100-U1 Street Assessment($4,000) $4,000.00 $13,400.00 Todd R.Hendry Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Assessment(59,400) $9,400.00 PIN 34-44300-040-02 Street Assessment($4,000) $4,000.00 Tracie L Balsle $13,400.00 Y Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Assessment($9,400) $9,400.00 PIN 34-44300-010-02 Street Assessment($4,000) $4,000.00 Allan F.&Janet H.Feldsien $13,400.00 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Assessment($9,400) �9,400.00 100%Sanitary Sewer Cost $132,300.00 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $101,700.00 DEDUCT Sanitary Assessment($5,100/Properiy) ($30,600.00) 100%Watermain Cost $234,200.00 Watermain Core Fund $208,400.00 DEDUCT Watermain Assessments($4,300/Pmperty) ($25,800.00) 45%Storm Sewer Cost $68,175.00 Storm Sewer Core Fund $82,275.00 100%Pond Outlet Improvement Cost $14,100.00 45%of Street Costs $468,855.00 45%of Easement Costs $1,485.00 City Street Capital Improvement Program(CIP) $203,840.00 DEDUCf Harmony Development Contribution ($246,500.00) DEDUC'T Special Assessments($4,000/Property) ($20,000.00) TOTAL 51,577,300.00 Assessment Calculations and Cost Distribution