HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING February 15, 2005 7 30 P M 1 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance 2 Additions or Corrections to Agenda Council, Staff 3 Public Comment *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attention 4. Response to Public Comment update on prior public comment 5 DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS a 2005 Service Agreement with Leprechaun Days Committee b 6. CONSENT AGENDA a Minutes for February 1, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting b Minutes for December 15, 2005 Work Session c. Minutes of January 26, 2005 Special Council Meeting d Bills Listing e. Donation Expenditure for Parks Recreation Department f Accept Quote for Tactical Transport Vehicle- Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program Grant for MAAC g. Compensation on Easement Acquisition- Eastside Waterman, Phase II, City Prot 345 h. Receive Plans Spec's /Authorize Ad for Bid Glendalough 5"' Addition Street Utility Improvements, City Project 389 i Mineral Extraction Permit Phasing Plan Update for Shafer Contracting Co 04 -73 -ME j. Mineral Extraction Interim Use Permit in AG District for Stonex 04 -80 -ME k. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for Danner, Inc 04 -85 -ME I. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for Vesterra, LLC 04 -86 -ME m. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for Ames Construction Ped 04 -87 -ME n. Meadows of Bloomfield Plat Dimension Correction o Connemara Crossing Final Plat, Basic Builders 04 -83 -FP p Glendalough 5th Addition Final Plat, Lundgren Brothers Homes 04 -84 -FP q. Joint Powers Agreement for Waste Abatement Community Funding Zoning Tex r. Zoning Text Amendment Nonconforming Buildings, Structures, and Uses 05 -01 -TA S. 7 PUBLIC HEARING 2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project 392 Staff Comments Applicant Comments Open Public Hearing for Public Comment Close Public Hearing City Council Discussion and Action 8 PUBLIC HEARING County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street Utility Improvements, City Project #393 Staff Comments Applicant Comments Open Public Hearing for Public Comment Close Public Hearing City Council Discussion and Action February 15, 2005 City Council Agenda Page 2 9. OLD BUSINESS a b c 10 NEW BUSINESS a Ordinance Amendment City Code 3 -1 On -Sale Liquor License Limits b Participation in the Purchase of Conservation Easement Wiklund Property c 11. LEGISLATIVE /INTERGOVERNMENTAL 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 ADJOURNMENT 2 s�'�° �:'� �� � sx= � . . . . � . .. ., . � . ` . . . . . . . � �` . . , � . . . . . . . . .... - �� VVel�ome t� the RaSemo � . , unt �� Pub1,� HeQ . ty ��unci1 • r�n9 Purp°Se of P�bli rhe � Hectrin9 P�rpose o f �. fihe City and the � e pubJic hearin9 �S to esidents. obtQ�n �0mments reicrted to hoW t As designated he iss hearin9s an al! bY the City Councrl the : ue affects then Council mQkes t se aPpticfltions. And°semount Plannin9 Com • hQ frnal decisions , makes recommendQtf ns to� cor�d ucts pUb��� NotificQtions the Crt have been y Counc�l and all p�operty owners wit posted at the site Q . Agricu�t�re o� hin 350 feet, or a� _ nd p�'eviously been Q Proposed pro�e�t e quarter o f Q mile r publrshed and/or m • Publ i� f the ct�ted to �-lep�in p Property �S �oned rn arder 9 rocess hearin s �t� provide the 9reQte 9 S 9enerally as followsst �pPortunity for inform 1. ed ��mments, the - rhe Developer and/or q Process Qt includin pP��cant i P�b/ic 2• City StQ f a�°r irrtp�overnents Qn ntroduces hitflse1 f/h wrll provide d uniQUe fe erself and COmP►'ehensive P! a detctiled revie atureS of t the proposed pr°Ject• St °n and w o f the he pro ject. projeet existing ord;nances. Sta r�p�sa1 and aff identifies issue5 an hoW it stipulatrons related ta e . ff does relates to t 3• Cit d propased not promote he y Council x�s�"n9 Cit solutions as we11 as rec �r ��vocate pr�pased members witl discuss Y �rd�nances for the Pra ect °nd the Ca °mmends 4• Pubiic � and/or stQ f{r questrons to mprehensive Plan. and Qsk Hearin eport, cl4ri comments to 9 C�mme"ts,: 1�I/e want fY issues re9ard�n t and th� City Council and Y°� to feel cornfor 9 he 4ddreS� at the Your table in your �o podiurn and cornfients Qre providin �n mments Qre r S►gn irt at the "S� °pP�`ec�ated plectse � forrrted Staff fio address the�ceived or heqrd, t gn 'n,� ��st i state your na 5• Discussio 9uestrons r h� C�tY Coune�� � the rear of t me +�/Res aised Q�d res wi11 Q,�k the he roorn, After 6• City Council t�onses. PQnd to Deveb mernbers wi11 discuss Your corttments. per and/or City a ntotiort for crctron on th . rhQnk y�� for o e ►ssue i� de ' Y �� 1tlterest ' srred, Ci 'n the ROSem�unfi Ci tY activifiies. tY COUncil 4nd