HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes for February 1, 2005 Regular City Meeting1 1 L ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS W v REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 1, 2005, at 7 30 p in in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe Comgan, Baxter, and Sterner attending Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant Administrator Weitzel, Project Engineer Aderhold, Parks Recreation Director Schultz, and Community Development Director Lindquist The City Attorney in attendance was Michael T Norton from Kennedy Graven, Chartered The Pledge of Allegiance was said. City Administrator Verbrugge requested one item be added to the Consent Agenda Summary of Ordinance XII 21 Updating the Penalty Clause in the City Code Mayor Droste moved to accept the agenda with the additional Item 6.m Second by Shoe- Corrigan Ayes Five Nays None The agenda was adopted Consent Agenda Mayor Droste requested Items 6 g and 6.1 be pulled for discussion. MOTION by Shoe Comgan to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of Item 6 in and the removal of Item 6 g and 61 for discussion Second by DeBettignies. Ayes- DeBettignies, Shoe- Corn gan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter Nays None Motion earned a Minutes of January 18, 2004 Regular City Council Meeting b Minutes of January 12, 2005 Work Session C. Minutes of November 10, 2004 Work Session d. Bills Listing e Receive Donation and Authorize Expenditure of Funds for Administration f Set Public Hearing for Liquor License Fee Amendment 9 1. Reeeive Feasibility Re H bli^crrReafing 2005 Pw, emet}t Nlanageffiei}t Pre'eet It. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Trunk Highway 3 to East Tract Line of Reflections Street Utility Improvements, City P 393 1 Change Order 2, Rosewood Village 2° Addition Street Utilities Improvements, City Project 378 i Change Order #1, Bloomfield Park Project k Authorize Recruitment for Public Works Supervisor 1 2005 Selid'Waste Flamers License in Summary of Ordinance XII 21 Updating the Penalty Clause in the City Code Add -On Item 6.g. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing -2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project 392 Mayor Droste asked Project Engineer Aderhold to give a brief review of this project for the audience Project Engineer Aderhold pointed out the location for the pavement improvements including Dodd Court, 130` Street West, and 146` Street West east of Canada Avenue Dodd Court will be reconstructed and 130` Street West will receive a two -inch bituminous overlay In the southwest area, 146` Street West will receive a full reconstruction of surface and existing 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2005 curb and gutter The remaining streets will receive pavement rehabilitation to extend the useful life period There are areas that will need storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain, and sidewalk improvements Assessments will account for 35% of the project funding The Rosemount Assessment Policy assigns benefiting property owners $4,000 per lot for street reconstruction The Sanitary Sewer /Waterman Utility Fund, the Storm Sewer Core Fund, the City Street CIP Fund, and the General Street Fund will fund the remaining portion The Public Hearing will be held on February 15, 2005 MOTION by Droste to ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 392 Second by DeBettignies Ayes Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies Nays None Motion tamed Item 6.1. 2005 Solid Waste Haulers License Mayor Droste requested that City Council consider the limitation of the number of waste haulers allowed in the City at a future work session Droste noted that resident safety is his main consideration and he pointed out that several other cities have limited waste haulers Parks Recreation Director Schultz noted that Rosemount licensed about 15 or 16 haulers which provide mixed residential and commercial services Schultz noted that the hours could be limited. MOTION by Sterner to approve the license for Highland Sanitation and Recycling to baul solid waste in the City of Rosemount Second by Droste Ayes. Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan. Nays None Motion carved Concept Plan Review and Comprehensive Plan Amendment, GlenRose of Rosemount by Dean Johnson Homes, 04- 26- CON /04 -52 -CP Community Development Director Lindquist presented the application facts to Council on the development of land north of St Joseph's cemetery This property has been known as the Sunrise Lumber site This site was at one time on the selection list for a county library The county library was recently sited at another location Council is asked to direct staff on the land use designation for this site The land in 1993 was reguided as Parks and Open Space Then, in 2000 the Comprehensive Plan zoned it as Public/Institutional due to the ownership of St Joseph Church The issues that remain are traffic congestion on Highway 3 and deciding the most appropriate land use Staff is recommending a residential use because it would allow for a more even flow of traffic throughout the day Any public, park, or commercial use would dump traffic on Highway 3 at peak times Conditions of the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) for residential townhomes were reviewed Ideally access onto Connemara Trail would be the best traffic pattern The City does not have easement rights through the private property to the north at this time A future underpass is proposed to connect the school and community center to Erickson Park through this development The entrance to the housing development will have to be aligned with the Commumty Center access on the west side of Highway 3 Parks and Recreation Director Schultz requested that the trails connect with the Koch Trail in Central Park Council Member Shoe- 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Corrigan noted that a sidewalk along the east side of Highway 3 should be considered because residents will likely take the shortest route to downtown Director Schultz said that at present pedestrians would be directed to one of the controlled intersections to cross to the west side of Highway 3 Council Member Baxter reported that he visited the site and his personal opinion is that it would not be a good place for residential Admittedly Baxter said he was not familiar with zoning issues and would depend on staffs professional opinion Baxter said that due to the logic of the traffic counts he would go along with the recommended action Council Member Sterner did not agree with changing the land use designation Mayor Droste agreed with Council Member Baxter and admitted this is a difficult property because it is low and on a busy highway Droste said the amenities of the park to the east may be attractive to home buyers and the townhomes should also be good transitional zoning between the downtown and the Brockway housing site Droste noted that the elevation drawing of the townhome structure is evr massive and should have more detail to breakup the view Landscaping would be used as a buffer along Highway 3 Community Development Director Lindquist noted the process would have the Planning Commission reviewing the PUD, then the zoning would be reguided, and City Council would have final approval Council Member Shoo-Corrigan noted she will be looking for more creativity in the PUD process MOTION by DeBettignies to ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT PLAN AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT BY DEAN JOHNSON HOMES subject to conditions Second by Baxter. Ayes Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Comgan, Droste Nays Sterner Motion carried Announcements City Administrator Verbrugge reported that the City had closed on the purchase of St Joseph Church campus on Highway 3 today, February t Verbrugge thanked Gary Mitchell, Parish Administrator, and all those who participated in the transaction City Administrator Verbrugge congratulated Project Engineer Anthony Aderhold, who mentored a team of 81h graders at Blackhawk Middle School His team took first place in the final round of judging in the state competition for Future Cities, There were 18 schools competing Mr Aderhold will accompany the school group to Washington, D.0 for the national competition later this month Project Engineer Aderhold and City Engineer Brotzler provided mentonng to Blackhawk Middle School on this project for several months. The Council and staff congratulated the students and Project Engineer Aderhold Mayor Droste reviewed the upcoming regular meetings The February Utilities Commission is cancelled There will be a Stormwater Public Information Meeting regarding NPDES Phase H on February 10` at 7 00 p in at the Community Center Applications for commissioner openings will be received through February I i` Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m Second by Steiner Ayes Five Nays None The meeting was adjourned 9 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Respectfully submitted, Lmda Jentmk, City Clerk Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -05