HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes for December 15, 2005 Work SessionROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION DECEMBER 15, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 6 30 p in in the Council Chambers at City Hall Mayor Droste and Council Members Shoe-Corrigan, Riley, Strayton, and DeBettignies were present Also in attendance were Council -Elect Member Sterner, City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant Administrator Weitzel, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Aderhold, Community Development Director Lindquist, and Communication Coordinator Cox Parks Recreation Director Schultz and Finance Director May entered after the meeting began Mayor Droste explained the process for work sessions for the residents that were in attendance DISCUSSIONS County Road 38 Feasibility Report City Engineer Brotzler led a discussion regarding policy implications associated with the proposed extension of sanitary sewer and water service to the property at 132 Street and Dodd Road, and properties on County Road 3S from TH 3 to the east tract line of Reflections Areas of discussion included the extension of sanitary sewer and water service to the Rose Terrance Apartment building, a comprehensive guide plan amendment, the extension of the MUSA, and levying special assessments to properties that are designated transitional residential For the properties on County Road 38, Council directed staff to hold informational meetings with the residents, provide as much information as possible, and share options as were discussed this evening For the property at 132 °d Street and Dodd Road, Council directed staff to clarify the request for services from the property owner, determine who will assume the cost for the project, and have a meeting with the residents to the south of the project if it looks like the project will move forward 42/52 Draft Land Use Plan Community Development Director Lindquist recapped the 42/52 land use study group's activities for the past six months The group has met five times and discussion focused on developing a draft land use plan Staff requested authorization to begin the public comment process If Council approves, staff will be marling invitations to property owners for three neighborhood meetings during January and February of 2005, Comments from these meetings will be forwarded to the Planning Commission The Planning Commission will begin the formal comprehensive plan amendment process needed to re -guide properties within the 42/52 area Director Lindquist indicated there would be response cards and a web page available to collect information It was the consensus of the Council to move forward with the public meetings Non -Union Salaries Assistant Administrator Weitzel led a discussion regarding the non -union salaries for 2005 The past practice of the City has been to use three factors in determining wage ranges internal equity, Stanton comparison, and cost of living increase Staff recommended internal equity or Stanton adjustments for the positrons of Assistant City Administrator, Public Works Superintendent, Community Center Manager, Parks and Recreations Supervisors, and the City Clerk, and a three percent increase for all non -union positrons 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION DECEMBER 15, 2004 Ann Antonsen of Labor Relations Associates was present to answer questions regarding the processes used to determine internal equity and Stanton comparisons Areas of discussion included past practice, legal requirements for pay equity, and developing a compensation policy The Council directed staff to prepare for a three percent market adjustment, adjust the ranges for the five identified positions, develop a compensation policy, and bring the compensation policy back to Council at the beginning of 2005 for review and discussion UPDATES The US Navy's lease of 88 acres in UMore Park will be terminating in January of 2005 City Engineer Brotzler and Community Development Director Lindquist attended a meeting hosted by DCTC regarding the distribution of aggregate taxes collected from mining Seventy percent of the taxes go to the county and thirty percent goes back to the community hosting the mining activity The regular City Council Work Session was adjourned at 9 30 p.m Respectfully submitted, Maryann Stoffel Recording Secretary The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -49 2