HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10-24-16 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION October 24, 2016 Regular Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Mauxeen Bartz,Mike Eliason,Baxb Farrell,Dave Speich,Lincoln Tilson, Members Absent: Bryan Feldhaus,Jim Young Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Paxks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to ordeY at 7:02 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 26,2016 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Tilson to approve the minutes of the SeptembeY 26, 2016 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Expansion of the Family Resource Ceater—Schultz reviewed the plans, dtawings, cost estimates and planning analysis for the pxoposed addition to the Family Resource Centex. Bidding foY the e�cpansion has been deferYed until January 2018. City Staff will talk with Family Resource Centex xepresentatives to make sure they a.Ye planning to extend their lease before we move forwaxd with the project. Schultz explained that the City would e�cpect that the partners in this pxoject(the Family Resource Centex, 360 Communiries,Dakota County) will be woxking to secure donations and writing gxants to help fund the project. The Commission asked if CNH Architects would be willing to donate some of their services. Schultz will ask them about this. The Commission asked if the Family Resource CenteY will be shut down during construction,and if so,where the staff will be tempoxarily relocated. Per Schultz,we will be looking for a suita,ble temporary relocation site such as a vacant storefxont, the Community Center,or temporary structures (trailers). The Commission asked if thexe will be enough restrooms,as the plan shows only the e�cisting ones. Per Schultz, the e�cisting restrooms meet code requixements for the proposed expansion. The Commission suggested that if the wall whexe the new mechanical room is located could be bumped out so that it is even with the rest of the building, thexe would be room for additional Yestrooms near the mechanical room. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget—Project Planning—Schultz will bring a draft of the CIP Budget to the November meeting foY the Commission to review. He handed out a spreadsheet with participation numbexs for the Rosemount Area Athletic Association programs and REV Soccer South. The spreadsheet was refexenced in the memoYandum to City Administrator Johnson that was included in this month's packet. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION � October 24, 2016 Regular Meeting Schultz asked the Commission to choose their top five projects from the Paxks and Recreation Project List that was included in the packet. After discussion, the Commission's top items were: • Flint Hills Athletic Fields—Include 3 natural grass fields, 1 artificial tuxf field with lights, a track and dome, and pickle-ball courts. • UMore Ball Field Project—2 youth fields and concession stand. • Central Park/Splash Pad—Plaza, fixe pit and playground. • Skate Park Equipment Replacement—New pad and equipment. • Restoxe NatuYal Resources in Carxoll's Woods/Schwarz Pond Paxk—Develop a natuxal resources management plan and restore the natuxal resources/remove buckthorn. • Addition of a Full Size Indoox Ice Sheet—Develop a new full size ice sheet. The Commission made other recommendations regarding the Parks and Recreation Pxoject List: • Athletic Facilities: Remove Erickson Paxk Tennis Courts—Phase 2. • Special InteYest Facilities: Remove Sculpture Gaxdens between the Library and the Steeple Centex,and remove Outdoox Exercise Equipment. • Neighboxhood Parks: Remove the entire category. These pa.tks will be built as development occurs. (Thi.r c�ategory included the follo�aring note: incor�iorate.rhaded�ilayground.r (other than tree.r)in future�iark.r aa�hen they are built). • Natural Axeas: Per Schultz we can pursue grants fox the Keega.n Lake WateY Access— Canoe Dock and also for McMenomy Woods • Community Facility/Community Center: There was discussion regarding the Community Facility and whether the City should partner with a private entity. 'The concern was that if the City helps to fund the facility, and then xesidents are charged to use the facility,residents axe actually being chaxged twice.Will there be a lower cost fox xesidents who use the facility if City funds axe used to build it? Schultz reviewed the detailed RAAA and REV Soccer feedback that was part of the memoxanduxn he wrote to City Administratox Johnson regarding the needs of these gYoups. He also reviewed the participation numbexs provided in the spreadsheet. T'here was discussion on how to best meet the needs of these two groups. It was suggested that if we build an axtificial tuxf field with a 6-81ane track at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex and put a dome ovex it,it would help to meet the needs of sevexal sports. We could rent the facility out,and xesidents could also walk axound the track for a nominal fee. Schultz will bring this item back next month for review. -2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION October 24, 2016 Regular Meeting b. Parks and Recreation Fees —After reviewing the curxent fees and doing fee comparisons with other facilities in the area, Schultz was xecommending increasing the summer ice xate from $125 per hour to $135 per hour to keep our fees in line with what othex facilities are charging. No changes were recommended for the community centeY,the outdoox facilities oY the Steeple Centex. MOTION by Bartz to appxove the fees with an increase to the summer ice rate from $125 per houx to$135 per hour. SECOND by Speich. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. c. Placement of Sidewalks in New Developments—The Commission recendy made a recommendation regarding changing the placement of sidewalks in the Prestwick Place 13�' Addition,and the changes were approved by the City Council. Schultz was asked to xeview with the Commission the current standards for sidewalks and trails in new developments. Schultz reviewed a list from the Executive Summary of the sidewalk and trail standards we use based on road type. Schultz feels that these standards work well and that we should continue using them,making adjustments only if needed. T'he Commission asked Schultz to bring back information on guidelines fox walkable/bikeable communities. The Commission asked if our policy could be revised to requite sidewalks/trails on both sides of streets, subject to review. d. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of September 30,2016 was $403,543.98. Dedication fees of$95,200 were received. There were no gYants or donations. InteYest was $59.15. Thexe wexe expenditures of$3,998.92 for construction of a gaga pit at Camfield Paxk and A.ilesbury Paxk construction. Sidewalk Along 145�' Street West at Brazil Avenue—The Ciry's Engineering Deparmient has indicated that the railxoad is improving the tracks where the proposed sidewalks are to be insta.11ed for the new development in this axea. T'he City will add new sidewalks on both sides of the street once the railroad impxovements are complete. The sidewalks are expected to be installed in 2017. Off-Leash Dog Areas —A neighborhood meeting was held recendy to let people know about the proposal to use the hockey rinks in Jaycee and Bloomfield parks as off-leash dog axeas on a seasonal basis. Staff mailed out over 350 notices to residents who live near both paxks Yegarding the meeting. Only two people showed up fox the meeting,both with positive comments, and we also xeceived one phone call about the proposal. Both off-leash axeas are now open for use. ISD 196 Community Education District-Wide Advisory Council—This advisory council meets throughout the year. A Parks and Recreation staff peYson will be attending meetings. Fall Clean-Up Event—The fall event took place on Oct. 1 and 208 vehicles were serviced. Eagle Scout Projects—Two eagle scouts completed paxk projects this fall: one built a haxd surfaced t-pad for the sixth hole at the Brockway Pa.Yk disc golf course and the other built a gaga pit at Camfield Park. Both pxojects were really nice improvements to the parks. 8. ADJOURNMENT -MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjoumed at 9:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary - 3 -