HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Director's Report � ROSEMO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: November 28, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of October 31, 2016: $390,804.19 Inflows to the Pa,Yk Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees—$0 Grants/Other- $0 Interest-$51.71 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $12,791.50 (Ailesbury Park Construction and New Paxk Sign) Land Value Analysis—T'he City has hired Evergreen Land Services to conduct a Land Value Analysis to assist the City with setting our parks dedication fees. Sta.ff e�cpects the study to be complete and ready for review at our meeting in December. SORR Event-The annual SORR (South of the River Recreatoxs) Mother-Son Morning of Fun event was held Saturday,November 5 at the Steeple Center. Fifty-nine couples (118 people) attended a fun-filled morning of dancing,playing games, creating fun projects and enjoying rime togethex at our construction themed party. Each couple received a special photo keepsake ta.ken by a professional photographer to remember the da,y.This special event was hosted by the SORR communities of Apple Valley,Eagan, Farnungton,Lakeville,Rosemount and Savage. These communities team up to offer a series of family- oriented da,nces and special events to celebrate togetherness and strengthen the special bond between family members. Pla,nning for our father/daughter event in February is currendy underway. Here Comes Winter-We are getting ready for winter. "The temporary hockey rink boards have been exected at Jaycee Park and that rink is ready for flooding whenever the weather allows.The temporary warming shelter will be deliveYed to Bloomfield Paxk in two weeks and that site will be ready for ice- making. All of the gaxden plots have been cleaned out and roto-tilled and are ready for the winter. Halloween Event-The 34th Annual Halloween Trail was held on Saturday,October 29. Despite the rainy conditions, over 1,600 people attended the event,with 520 pounds of food collected for the local food shelfl Commission Meeting December 2016—Our Yegular meeting for the mc>nth of llcccmbcr �vc�uld usuall�- take place on i�Ionda��, llecember 26, but that is a City- Holida�- and our offices are closed. Staff is recommending that if we need to meet in December, that�ve move our meeting to 1�londay, December 19. If we do not have any pressing issues, the meeting inight be cancelled. Central Park Pavers - I�or many� �-eaYs thcrc ha�re bcen brick pavers near the Central PaYk Shelte.t building. r�ppxoximately 90 of these pavers had been engxaved with the name of a Rosemount Yesident or an aYea business. Unfortunately, over the y�cars many of thesc pavers, both the engraved ones and the blank ones,ha�-e cracked or cxumbled and the area �vas no longeY attracti�-e. Last month all of the pa�rers were Yeplaced�vith ne�v concrete paveYs. "I'hc engYaving work was done locally and the installation�vork �vas done by a Rosemount firm, Devine Design Hardscapes, Inc. In addition to replacing the existing pa�-ers south of the main dooYs (approYimatcl�� 500 sq. ft.), an additiona1200 sq. ft. of pati-ers weYe installed in�vhat�vas a grassy aYca just north of the doors. This ne�v haid suYface looks great�vill be a con�renience to an� oYganization using the shelter building. , !—� .— -- � � � � ( � � � � � ...�. � �_ -_ � , , ; ��� �„�� � � .__y_ � ' � . �._� , . � .._ _. � , � _ � � � � _-� ! ! ..� 1 , �..--..-- � ��� � .�.:�.A.��=.�,, ';--�-�T,�_ =`- � � - ....... � � _�___��� �` - , i � � � ���. � - � � � �- � � �- i, .��... � . � t .�. �,. .. .. .�� ;� _ _�`� , � �� l � �