HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget - Project Planning EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting: November 28, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) AGENDA SECTION: Budget— Project Planning Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 6 b. ATTACHMENTS: 2017 — 2026 CIP Budget, Parks and Recreation Commission Project List . . APPROVED BY: dls Memo, Facility Needs Memo and Parks and Recreation Commission Project List RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve the CIP Budget as presented in the Parks and Recreation Commission Packet. ISSUE The City of Rosemount is in the process of updating the 10 year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget. The CIP includes larger parks and recreation projects and equipment purchases and is updated annually. Included in the packet is a draft copy of the 2017—2026 CIP Budget.Also included in the packet are two memos that were written to the City Administrator with regards to the Parks and Recreat�on Commission priority projects and the outdoor facility needs of RAAA and REV Soccer. Staff has also included a draft list of projects the Commission recently identified as being a priority. Based on the funding currently available, staff supports the CIP Budget as presented. Staff would like for the Commission to discuss the attached Parks and Recreation Commission project list and the CIP Budget. , MSA 11/21/16 Building �� Funds � , , 8�Facilities Street E ui ment Paric Im From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm, Debt 9erv Total q P P Year � �� Item-�Descri tion De artment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Util' Util' Util' Le � �Other � Cost 2017 1 Re lace Ice Ed er Arena 6,000 1 6,000 2017 2 Restroom Rehab-U r Arena 30,000 9 30,000 2017 3 PC Workstation U rades From 2012 Police,Fire,P.W. Finance 69,000 69,000 2017 4 Technolo U rades Station#1 Fire 10,000 10,000 2017 5 Hose Truck Re lace 9-Ton Truck Fire 55,OOQ 55,000 2017 6 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2D17 7 Business Park Si n Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2017 8 Indoor Recreational Facilities Gen'I.Govt. 500,000 500,000 2017 9 Ci Facilities Im rovements Gen'I.Govt. 1,000,000 1,000,000 2017 10 Parks Master Plan U date Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2017 11 Dunmore Park Develo ment Park&Rec 150,000 150,000 2017 12 Horsehoe Lake Park-Phase 1 Park&Rec 200,000 20d,000 2017 13 Gre stone Park Develo ment Park&Rec 500,000 500,000 2017 14 Additional S lash Pad Features Park&Rec 12,000 12,000 Z017 15 Carroll's Woods Master Plan&Restoration Park&Rec 210,000 210,000 2017 16 UMore Ball Field Im rovements-Phase 1 Park&Rec 900,000 900,000 2017 17 Re lace Police Portable Radio Batteries Police 4,500 4,500 2017 18 Bod Cameras Police 14,000 10,000 2 24,000 2017 19 Portable Alarm Re lacements Police 15,000 15,000 2017 20 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 20,004 20,000 2017 21 Re lace S uad La to s 5 1 Printers/Netmotion 2019 Combined Police 70,000 70,000 2017 22 2 S uads Sell Back 2-#3560&#3570 Police 64,000 18,000 3 82,000 2017 23 PW Buildin Addition LeaselPurchase Year 19 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2017 24 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2017 25 PMP Shannon Hills B,Shannon Parkwa A Pub Works 944,367 83,137 1,027,504 2017 26 Count Road 38-CSAH 31 to TH 3 ROW Costs Pub Works 100,000 4 100,000 2017 27 Bonaire Path-Akron Avenue to Gre stone with Quiet Zone Pub Works 200,000 5 200,000 2017 28 CSAH 42 Brid e at TH 52 Includes Watermain Extension Pub Works 1,305,000 800,000 6 2,105,400 2017 29 Kee an Lake Draina e Im ruvements Pub Works 118,750 356,250 475,000 2017 30 Carte ra h OMS Im lementation&Licensin Pub Works 42,900 10,700 10,700 10,700 75,000 2017 31 6"Trash Pum Re lace#8088 Purchased 1989 Pub Works 7,000 7,000 8,000 22,000 2017 32 Dum &Clean Station for Vactor/Mowers Pub Works 40,000 40,000 2017 33 Broom Attach for#8071&#8072 Re lace#0146 1995 Pub Works S,OOa 5,000 2017 34 Paint Mixer Pub Works 12,000 12,000 2017 35 RN Kubota Re lace#8401 Purchased 2004 Pub Works 18,OQ0 2,000 7 20,000 2017 36 Ford Focus-Ins ections Re lace#8612 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 23,000 2,000 7 25,000 2017 37 Minivan Re lace#8621 1998 Vehicle Pub Works 28,500 1,500 7 30,000 2017 38 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8315 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 7 35,000 2017 39 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8333 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 10,000 11,000 10,000 4,000 7 35,000 2017 40 JD Tractor&Broom Attachment Re lace#8408&0139 2002 Pub Works 65,700 16,000 7 81,700 2017 41 Swee er Re lace#8444 Purchased 2005 Pub Works 99,000 99,000 12,000 7 210,000 2017 42 Grader Re lace#8413&#0192 Purchased 2001 Pub Works 260,000 40,000 7 300,000 2,671,000 1,Q69,367 931,600 83,137 870,000 1,605,000 800,000 0 118,750 37,70D 38,700 523,950 0 145,50Q 8,894,704 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2017 $4,671,967 $0 {1) Ice Edger�Upper Restroom Rehab funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Body Cameras comes from assigned funds. (3) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old�ehicles. {4) Other funding for County Road 38 project for County's share and the City of Apple Valley's share of project are not included. Costs are for Right of Way purchases and are Rosemount's share only. (5) Other funding for Bonaire Path project are not included. Costs are RosemounYs share only. (6) Other funding for CSAH 42 Bridge at TH 52 project for County 5tate Aid share and Federal Funding share of project are not included. Construction costs are Rosemount's share only. (7) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value af old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2017 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as patential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2017 is$811,400. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives. Total Equipment CIP levy for 2017 is$580,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 1 of 11 MSA 11/21/16 Building Funds 8 Facil'�ties Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri on De rtrnent CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund Stata Core Core Core Utll Util' Util' Le Other Cost 2018 1 Restroom Rehab-Lower Arena 25,000 1 25,000 2018 2 PaintArenaCeilin Arena 85,000 1 85,000 2018 3 Re lace Council&Staff Tablets Finance 12,500 12,500 2018 4 C' -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2018 5 Covered Du outs at UMore Bali Field 8 Erickson Park Park 8�Rec 70,000 70,000 2018 6 UMore Bail Field Im rovements-Phase 2 Park 8 Rec 900,000 900,000 2018 7 Koch Trail Restoration Park&Rec 50,000 2 50,000 2018 8 Trail Plans&Desi n Park&Rec 30,000 30,000 2018 9 Horseh�Lake Park-Phase 1 Park 8�Rec 300,000 300,000 2018 10 Re lace S Trailers Palice 15,000 15,000 2018 11 Evidence Processin Room E ui ment U rades Software Police 30,000 30,000 2018 12 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 39,000 39,000 2018 13 Re lace S uad Mobile Radios Police 54,000 54,000 2018 14 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3520,#3580 8#35120 Police 96,000 18,000 3 114,000 2018 15 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase ear 20 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2018 16 PedesVian Im rovements P ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2018 17 PMP Motz,Bisca ne Pointe A,Bisca e Avenue C Pub Works 730,660 243,741 974,401 2018 18 Coun Road 38-CSAH 31 to TH 3 Construction Pub Works 800,000 4 800,000 2018 19 Bonaire Path-Akron Avenue to Gre stone with Quiet Zone Pub Works 2,000,000 5 2,000,000 2018 20 Blower Attach for#8071 8�#8072 Re lace#0119 2001 Pub Works 7,500 7,500 2018 21 1/2-Ton Ex-Cab Picku Re lace#8329 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 29,000 6,000 6 35,000 2018 22 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8310 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 52,500 7,500 6 60,000 2018 23 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8068 Purchased 2008 Pub Works 77,000 8,000 6 85,000 2018 24 Sidewalk Trac&Blower Re lace#8417&0121 Purchased 2003 Pub Works 95,000 15,000 6 110,000 2018 25 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8436 2005 Vehicle Pub Works 140,000 35,000 6 175,000 2018 26 Sno Ga Blower Re lace#0130 Purchased 1987 Pub Works 150,000 150,000 2018 27 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8345 2007 Vehicle Pub Works 48,000 7,000 6 55,000 2018 28 Jetter Re lace#8445 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 92,500 92,500 25,000 6 210,000 2018 29 Extend Util'�ies to UMore Pub Works 300,000 1,648,000 4,310,000 7 6,258,000 994,000 855,660 822,500 243,741 330,000 2,800,000 300,000 1,648,000 0 58,000 102,500 92,500 0 4,591,500 12,838,401 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2018 $2,672,160 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Lower Restroom Rehab&Paint Arena Ceiling funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Koch Trail Restoration funding will come from a grant. (3) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (4) Other funding for County Road 38 project for County's share and the City of Apple Valley's share of project are not inciuded. Costs are for construction and are RosemounYs share only. (5) Other funding for Bonaire Path project are not included. Costs are RosemounYs share only. (6) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (7) Other funding for Extending Utilities to Umore will come from the University and the developer. Total Building CIP levy for 2018 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference beriveen this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2018 is$843,856. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives. Total Equipment CIP levy for 2018 is$600,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 2of11 MSA 11/21l16 Building Funds &Facilities Street Equipment , Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item=Descri tion De rtment " CIP CIP CIP ' Assess ` Fund �' State ' Core '' �Core Core Util' Util UUI' Le Other ' Cost 2019 1 Re lace Chilier Barrel Arena 55,000 1 55,000 2019 2 Re lace Coolin Tower Arena 75,000 1 75,000 2019 3 PC Workstation U rades From 2014 Admin,Park 8�Rec Finance 83,000 83,000 2019 4 Re lace Air Com ressor Station#1 Fire 60,000 60,000 2019 5 C' -Wide SoHware Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2019 6 Baseline Fencin for 3 Fields Park&Rec 30,000 30,000 2019 7 Communi Center/Artno Remodel Park 8�Rec 150,000 150,000 2019 8 Develo Park N-5 Park 8 Rec 200,000 200,000 2019 9 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 40,000 40,000 2019 10 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3590,#35100&#35110 Police 96,000 18,000 2 114,000 2019 11 Re lace Police Portable Radios Enc ted Police 138,000 138,000 2019 12 Pedestrian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2019 13 PMP O'Lea 's ABB,Carrollton C,Oak Rid e Estates,145th St.C Pub Works 863,905 276,613 1,140,518 2019 14 Biower Attach for#8418 8#8420 Re lace�123 2008 Pub Works 7,500 7,500 2019 15 Bobpt Trailer Re lace#0503 Purchased 1999 Pub Works 10,000 10,000 2019 16 1/2-Ton Ex-Cab Picku Re lace#8346 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 29,000 6,000 3 35,000 2019 17 Full Size Van-Park 8�Rec Re lace#8601 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 3 35,000 2019 18 Bobpt Re lace#8418 2008 Vehicle Pub Works 45,000 5,000 3 50,000 2019 19 Bobcat Re lace#8420 2008 Vehicle Pub Works 45,000 5,000 3 50,000 2019 20 Pavement Roller Re lace#8129 Purchased 2003 Pub Works 48,000 2,000 3 50,000 2019 21 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8340 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 54,000 6,000 3 60,000 2019 22 Swee r Re lace#8443 Purchased 2007 Pub Works 100,000 100,000 12,000 3 212,000 2019 23 6"Trash Pum Re lace#8089 Purchased 1995 Pub Works 7,000 7,000 8,000 22,000 2019 24 Generator Re lace#8057 Purchased 1996 Pub Works 28,500 28,500 5,000 3 62,000 2019 25 Util' Picku wlCrane Re lace#8342 2007 Vehicle Pub Works 32,000 32,000 31,000 15,000 3 110,000 2019 26 Water Stora e Facili Pub Works 5,000,000 4 5,000,000 2019 27 Water Treatment Facili Pub Works 8,500,000 8,500,000 4 17,000,000 180,000 988,905 811,500 276,613 200,000 0 13,500,000 0 0 8,567,500 67,500 139,000 0 208,000 24,939,018 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2019 $1,980,405 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Chiller Barrel&Cooler Tower funding c�mes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (4) Funding for the Water Storage Facility and the Water Treatment Facility will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Building CIP levy for 2019 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2019 is$877,610. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding progrem and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2019 is$620,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 3of11 MSA 11/21/16 Building Funds 8�Facilities Street Equipmerrt Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year ftem-Descn tion De rtmerrt CIP CIP CIP° Assess Fund State Core Core Core Util' Util' Util Le Other Cost 2020 1 Scoreboards Arena 40,000 1 40,000 2020 2 Phone Server Re lacements From 2015 Finance 20,000 20,000 2020 3 Re lace Fire De artment Mobile Com uters From 2016 Finance 35,000 35,000 2020 4 PC File Server Re lacements 8 Backu S stem From 2015 Finance 120,000 120,000 2020 5 Aerial Platform Truck Re lacement Purchased in 2020 Fire # 0 2020 6 C' -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2020 7 Flint Hills Field Im rovements-Phase 1 Park 8 Rec 2,100,000 2,100,000 2020 8 Re tace 1/2 of AED's 5 Police 8,000 8,000 2020 9 S uad Set U and E ui ment Instailation Police 52,000 52,000 2020 10 4 S uads Sell Back 4-#3540,#3550,#35150 8�#35170 Police 128,000 24,000 2 152,000 2020 11 Pedestrian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2020 12 PMP est Rid e A,Chi endale A Pub Works 621,041 98,875 719,916 2020 13 Bisca ne Avenue-Boulder Treil to CR 46 1/2 from U of M Pub Works 2,000,000 3 2,000,000 2020 14 Ford Ran er-Ins ections Re lace#8615 2008 Vehicle Pub Works 26,500 3,500 4 30,000 2020 15 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8430 2009 Vehicle • Pub Works 145,000 35,000 4 180,000 2,100,000 746,041 559,500 98,875 0 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102,500 5,606,916 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2020 $3,405,541 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Scoreboards funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Biscayne Avenue project for the University of Minnesota are not included. Costs are RosemounYs share only. (The University needs a 2-year notice prior to project start) (4) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2020 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding aitematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total SVeet CIP Ievy for 2020 is$912,715. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2020 is$640,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 4of11 MSA 11/21/16 Building Funds &Facilfies SVeet Equipmerrt Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year ' Item-Descri tion De rtrnent CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core' Core Core ' ' Util' U61' Util' Le Other Cost 2021 1 Arena Refi eration/Rink S stem Arena 375,000 1 375,000 2021 2 Aerial Platfortn Truck Re lacement ear 1 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2021 3 C' -Wide Soflware Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2021 4 Flint Hills Field Im rovements-Phase 2 Park&Rec 600,000 600,000 2021 5 Re lace Less Lethal Wea ons Police 6,000 6,000 2021 6 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2021 7 Re lace S uad Video S stem Police 120,000 120,000 2021 8 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3530,#3570&#35140 Police 100,000 18,000 2 118,000 2021 9 Pedestrian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2021 10 PMP est Rid e C,Shannon Pond,Dodd,Bisca ne B,» Pub Warks 1,437,990 383,921 1,821,911 2021 11 Sho Hoist Re lace#0002 Purchased 2006 Pub Works 55,000 5,000 3 60,000 PMP Cont.-Rosemount Hills B,Ja Simons 600,000 1,562,990 603,000 383,921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398,000 3,547,911 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2021 $2,765,990 $0 (#) These ftems will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Arena Refigeretion/Rink System funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2] Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from Vade-in value of otd vehicies. Total Building CIP levy for 2021 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2021 is$949,223. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2021 is$660,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 5of11 �qgq 11l21/16 Building Funds �Facilities Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Storm Debt Sero Total Year Item-Descri 'on De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Util' Util' Util' Le Other Cost 2022 1 Re lace Zamboni Batteries Arena 15,000 1 15,000 2022 2 Re lace Com ressors Arena 70,000 1 70,000 2022 3 PC Workstation U rades From 2017 Police,Fire,P.W. Finance 70,000 70,000 2022 4 Aerial Platform Truck Re lacement ear 2 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2022 5 C' -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2022 6 Central Park Im rovements Park&Rec 1,200,000 1,200,000 2022 7 Re lace Police Portable Radio Batteries Police 5,000 5,000 2022 8 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2022 9 Re lace S uad La to s 5 /Printers/Netmotion Police 55,000 55,000 2022 10 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3520,#3560 8�#3580 Police 100,000 18,000 2 118,000 2022 11 Pedesfian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2022 12 PMP ensmann A/B/C,December Trail,Stonebrid e,» Pub Works 2,408,824 752,215 3,161,039 2022 13 Coun Road 73-Bonaire Path to IGH Construction Pub Works 2,500,000 3 2,500,000 2022 14 Blower Attach for#8409 Re lace#0122 2001 Pub Works 15,000 15,000 2022 15 Crash Attenuator Re lace#0049 Purchased 2007 Pub Works 20,000 20,000 2022 16 Weil#17 Construction Pub Works 1,500,000 4 1,500,000 PMP Cont.-Dee woods,White Lake Acres 1,200,000 2,533,824 587,000 752,215 0 2,500,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,000 9,176,039 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2022 $4,320,824 $� (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Zamboni Battery Replacements 8�Compressors funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for County Road 73 project for County's share and the City of Inver Grove Heights'share of project are not included. Costs are for construction and are RosemounYs share only. (4) Funding for Well#17 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. Total Building CIP levy for 2022 is$0. If there is a d'rfference,the difference beriveen this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total SVeet CIP levy for 2022 is$987,192. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2022 is$680,000. If there is a difference,the d'rfference between this number and the numbar from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 6of11 MSA 11/21N6 Building Funds �Facilities Str�t Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewar Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core U61' Util Util' Le Other Cost 2023 1 Re lace Ice Ed er Arena 8,000 1 8,000 2023 2 Re lace Skate Tiie Arena 90,000 1 90,000 2023 3 Aerial Platfortn Truck Re lacement ear 3 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2023 4 Ci -Wide Soflware Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2023 5 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2023 6 3 S uads Sell Back Z-#35100&#35110&1 New Addition Police 105,000 12,000 2 117,000 2023 7 PedesVian im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2023 8 PMP Geronime Pond,Town Center,Cameo&143rd,McNamara Pub Works 811,581 225,016 1,036,597 2023 9 Aerator Re lace#0157 Purchased 2013 Pub Works 18,000 2,000 3 20,000 2023 10 1-Ton Picku Extended Cab Re lace#8330 2011 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 10,000 3 40,000 2023 11 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8341 2011 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 10,000 3 40,000 2023 12 Generator Re lace#8059 Purchased 2003 Pub Works 35,000 35,000 5,000 3 75,000 0 936,581 505,000 225,016 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 0 137,000 1,873,597 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2023 $1,441,581 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certficates. $0 (1) Ice Edger 8�Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehictes. Total Building CIP levy for 2023 is$0. If there is a d'ifference,the d'rfference between this number and the number hom above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potenGal SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2023 is$1,026,680. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2023 is$700,000. If there is a d'rfference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). ' 7of11 MSA 11/21h6 Building Funds &Facil'�ies Street Equipmer�t Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv ' Total Year item-Descri 'on De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Util' U61" Util' Le Other Cost 2024 1 Re lace Skate Sha ner Arena 20,000 1 20,000 2024 2 Re lace Fire De artment Mobile Com uters From 2020 Finance 35,000 35,000 2024 3 PC Workstation U rades From 2019 Admin,Park&Rec Finance 70,000 70,000 2024 4 Aeriai Platform Truck Re lacement ear 4 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2024 5 C' -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2024 6 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2024 7 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3510,#3540&#3590 Police 105,000 18,000 2 123,000 2024 8 PedesVian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2024 9 PMP Boomfield B,O'Lea 's Hills C,Connemara A,» Pub Works 1,222,832 305,817 1,528,649 2024 10 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8066 Purchased 2015 Pub Works , 87,000 8,000 3 95,000 2024 11 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8073 Purchased 2015 Pub Works 87,000 8,000 3 95,000 2024 12 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re Iace#8432 2012 Vehicle Pub Warks 151,000 39,000 3 190,000 PMP Cont.-Aubum Ave.,145th St.A 0 1,347,832 857,000 305,817 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93,000 2,603,649 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2024 $2,204,832 $0 (#) These items will tse funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Skate Sharpener funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2024 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference beiween this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP Ievy for 2024 is$1,067,747. If there is a difference,the d'rfference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues) Total Equipment CIP levy for 2024 is$720,000. If there is a difference,the d'rfference behveen this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 8of11 MSA 11/21/16 Building Funds 8�Facilities Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De rtment CIP CIP CIP' Assess Fund State Core Core Core Util' Util' UtiI' Le Other Cost 2025 1 Phone Server Re lacements From 2020 Finance 20,000 20,000 2025 2 PC File Server Re lacements 8�Backu S stem From 2020 Finance 120,000 120,000 2025 3 Aerial Platfortn Truck Re lacement ear 5 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2025 4 Ci -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2025 5 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2025 6 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3570,35140&#35170 Police 110,000 18,000 2 128,000 2025 7 Pedestrian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2025 8 PMP Bloomfield A,West Rid e B,Count Hills A,» Pub Works 1,044,591 351,968 1,396,559 2025 9 Caravan-Parks Re lace#8603 2013 Vehicle Pub Works 31,500 3,500 3 35,000 2025 10 Water Truck Re lace#8431 2013 Vehicle Pub Works 180,000 20,000 3 200,000 2025 11 Dum Tandem Re lace#8434 2013 Vehicle Pub Works 195,000 35,000 3 230,000 2025 12 Loader,Win &Plow Re lace#8419 Purchased 2005 Pub Works 275,000 50,000 3 325,000 PMP Cont:Conle ,Chi ndale B 0 1,169,591 1,253,500 351,968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126,500 2,901,559 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2025 $2,423,091 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Ice Arena item funding comes from Arena Fund operaGons/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2025 is$0. If there is a d'rfference,the difference between this number and the number from a�ve is a result of a 10-year Tunding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total SVeet CIP levy for 2025 is$1,110,457. If there is a ditference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP Ievy for 2025 is$740,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 9of11 MSA 11/21/16 \ Building Funds 8�Facilities Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De ent CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core U61' U61' Util' Le Other Cost 2026 1 Re Iace Ice Resurfacer Arena 120,000 1 120,000 2026 2 Phone Server Re lacements From 2020 Finance 20,000 20,000 2026 3 PC File Server Re lacements&Backu S stem From 2020 Finance 120,000 120,000 2026 4 Ci -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2026 5 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 45,000 45,000 2026 6 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#3530,3550&#3580 Police 110,000 18,000 2 128,000 2026 7 Pedestrian Im rovements Pr ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2026 8 PMP Count Hills B,Hawkins Pond,Broback Park,» Pub Works 883,238 318,103 1,201,341 2026 9 John Deere Trailer Re lace#0525 Purchased 2010 Pub Works 12,000 12,000 2026 10 Wood Chi er Re lace#8161 Purchased 2014 Pub Works 45,000 5,000 3 50,000 2026 11 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8068 Purchased 2017 Pub Works 85,000 10,000 3 95,000 2026 12 JD Tractor&Blower Re lace#8406&#0128 2006&2011 Pub Works 108,000 7,000 3 115,000 PMP Cont.-Bisca ne A,Autumn Path 0 1,008,238 570,000 318,103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 2,056,341 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2026 $1,578,238 $0 {#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Ice Resurfacer funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2026 is$0. If there�s a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total SVeet CIP levy for 2026 is$1,154,875. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2026 is$760,000. If there is a difference,the difference befinreen this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). 10 of 11 MSA � 11/22l16 '� ,i � I I 'I � i � 'I �I '� ��' �� � , �I�' i� , , 'r� r, �' � 'o' ;I �r I � � la: � �� �, �� -�!�' r ,, ,, �,�,' ;^�; ,�b r�, � Ib� t�i i' Iij � i a r' pri ;'il: i„ �i', I�• i I i' I �'i' i �il i I i � i i i i, r� ,� , i�' 'i i ��i"I,i i� �I d�i �i i' i'i' i , a, i B i�d n ,�,�„'�, F ds, � � i u i 'i���,'� u 'i; � �";i v' ��,i ►1 �I' i r il. �i��" 9 I I i j"� ,� Uir i� �' :ii I i ��P';' I i 'I i I' ul' '.�'"� �I � ��vrv'�� "II�I�� i. I„I, y' , , � �� � ��� � � , i� , ,i � � � , ;i � � Fa�ll�ies E i � Street' u ment �Pa Im From' �Water �Sewer Stomn' Water� ISewer� Storm' DebfSeN 7otal Year Item'-D�cri 'on De e CIP CIP Q P � i , � p 1, r� CIP Assess Fund State Core' Core Core Util' Util' Util' Le Other Cost Future 1 Public Works/C' Hall Buil in ansion/P li d o ce Council 000 4 000 000 1 4 000 Future 2 Tender Truck Addition Fire 180,000 2 180,000 Future 3 En ine Truck Addition Fire 700,000 3 700,000 Future 4 Add Fire Station#3 Same time as additional En ine Truck Fire 3 Future 5 ADA Com liant U rades Stud Park 8�Rec 20,000 20,000 Future 6 Erickson Park Tennis Courts-Phase 2 Park&Rec 350,000 350,000 Future 7 Commun' Center Covered Walk Park&Rec 175,000 175,000 Future S S lash Pad-Phase 2 Park 8 Rec 1,000,000 1,000,000 Future 9 Umore Ball Fields-Phase 2 Park&Rec 2,600,000 2,600,000 Future 10 Flint Hills Athletic Fields Im rovements-Phases 2&3 Park 8 Rec 3,200,000 3,200,000 Future 11 TH 3 Aesthetic Im rovements Pub Works 448,500 5 448,500 Future 12 North Central Sanita Sewer Extension Pub Works 6 Future 13 Street Construction-Boulder Avenue Extension Pub Works 3,000,000 7 3,000,000 Future 14 Shannon Pond Outlet Pub Works 8 Future 15 Gravel Road Im rovements Pub Works 8 2027 16 1/2-Ton Picku Re lace#8307 2015 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 9 35,000 2027 17 1/2-Ton Picku Re lace#8335 2015 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 9 35,000 2027 18 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8331 2015 Vehicle Pub Works 34,000 6,000 8 40,000 2027 19 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8332 2015 Vehicle Pub Works 35,000 5,000 9 40,000 2027 20 Dum Sin le Re la�#8437 2014 Vehicle Pub Works 160,000 40,000 9 200,000 Future 21 Soccer Goal Trailer Re lace#0501 Purchased 1980 Pub Works 12,000 - 12,000 Future 22 Hose Trailer Re lace#0502 Purchased 1990 Pub Works 12,000 12,000 Future 23 Barricade Trailer Re lace#0510 Purchased 1886 Pub Works 12,000 12,000 Future 24 Hose Treiler Re lace#0517 Purchased 1995 Pub Works 12,000 12,000 Future 25 Stri r Trailer Re lace#0518 Purchased 1994 Pub Works 12,000 12,000 Future 26 Easement Treiler Re lace#0521 Purchased 2003 Pub Works 12.000 12,000 Future 27 Akron Avenue South of Coun Road 42 Pub Works 1,250,000 1,250,000 6,975,000 0 1,083,000 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,687,500 16,095,500 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Future Years $8,058,000 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Funding for the City Hall Expansion($1,000,000)8 PW Building Expansion($3,000,000)will come from a general bond issue. (2) Funding and timing of purchase of Tender Truck(Addition)still to be determined. (3) Timing for Fire Station#3 and Additional Engine Truck still to be determined. (4) Other funding for Squad Cars cames from auction sales of old vehicles. (5) Other funding for TH 3 projects will come from grants or other incentives. (6) Future costs associated with the san'itary sewer will include extensive street reconsVudion on the following streets: 124th St,125th St,Blanca Ave W,128th St,Bolivia Ave,130th St W,Biscayne Ave,Bengal Ave,129th St W,CR 38,132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time. (� Other funding for Boulder Avenue extension will come from a Port Authority bond issue. (8) Costs and funding are not available at this time. (9) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. 11 of 11 �C RQSEMOC;��T PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: October 18, 2016 Subject: Outdoor Facility Needs Staff recendy met with xepresentatives fxom the Rosemount Axea Athletic Association (R.AAA) and REV Soccer to discuss theix outdoox facility needs. Listed below are the details about the input they provided to staff. RAAA RAAA uses faciliries that are pYovided by the City of Rosemount, ISD 196,the City of Lakeville and the City of Apple Valley.Two key facility issues that were brought up by leadership at RAAA and were the quality and safety of facilities used by the association. RAAA has indicated that most of the facilities pYovided by the City of Rosemount axe well kept and safe to pla,y on.'They have requested the City consider adding baseline fencing at Camfield,Twin Puddles,I{idder and Chippendale paxks. The feedback that we received for each RAAA sport that uses our outdoox facilities is listed below: • In-House Baseball—They are curxently at capacity fox this pxogram. They a.re looking to try and secu.te fields at Red Pine Elementary (ISD 196) for 2017.They have also requested 3 more fields with permanent base pegs as well. One with a base dista.nce of 60 feet fox 4th/5th gradeYs, similar to Winds and two fields fox 6th-8th grades with bases 75ft and pitching dista,nce of 52 ft(mound preferred).These xequests are based on program growth and trying to keep teams to a ma,nageable size. • In-House Softball—They have enough fields but are facing some quality issues at ISD 196 facilities.The field at Rosemount Elementary is not used because of lack of maintenance by ISD 196. In-house softball is planning to have theix oldex girl's teams join the South Metro Slow pitch league this year as there axen't enough girls to keep it all in-house. 'They have xequested a nicex field as they will be playing games against othex cities. • Txaveling Baseball—They have enough fields fox the pxogxam, although at the 13 year old level only one field is available. T'hey would like to see moxe batting cages and covered dugouts added to City of Rosemount parks. • Traveling Softball—They could use another field to practice on.They have enough fields for games. • In-House Football (gxades 3-6)—Football currendy has enough fields with the space the City pxovides at Shannon Park. • Lacrosse—Lacrosse is cuxxendy having challenges finding enough fields and also to find fields that allow for safe play because the sport needs sevexal feet of clearance at the ends of the field to contain the small hard ball that is used. • In-House and Traveling Tennis—They axe doing okay with facilities but the RHS tennis court complex went from 8 courts down to 7 with theix xecent xeconstruction. • In-House Soccer—In-house soccer was able to secure enough fields fox their pxogram. REV SOCCER REV Soccer mainly uses fields provided by the City of Rosemount, City of Apple Valley, ISD 196 and the one field from the City of Eagan. Representatives from REV indicated that playability is a big factox in the ability to keep games happening as scheduled.They indicated that the conditions at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex are ideal because the fields drain so well after it xains.They typically do not have to cancel games because of field conditions at the Flint Hills Complex. • REV Soccer—'I'hey are currendy finding enough facilities for theix progxams but axe concerned they will not have enough fields fox any future growth. Fields with lights axe valuable because their older kids can play games late into the evening undex the lights. REV Soccex is also very interested in an artificial turf field with lights.This type of facility would allow for expanded use in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Attached is a spreadsheet that shows the participation numbers by sport for RA.AA. Also attached is a spxeadsheet that identifies the participation numbers for REV Soccer. Staff Recommendation Staff is xecommending that we continue to puYsue the development of the four green fields at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex,two additional baseball/softball fields at UMore and the one large baseball field at UMoxe. Staff also recommends that we consider including athletic facilities in some our futuxe neighborhood paxks. As out community continues to grow, sta,ff expects that RAAA and REV Soccer will see an increase in participation levels. 'The increase in participation numbexs will xequire additional facilities. Listed below is a pYojection developed by staff fox the future needs based on the recent participation trends of RA.AA and REV Soccer. "T e o£�'ield/Raxi of Yeaxs: ' 1 —2 'ea�s ' 3 �A� ears 5—6 ea,rs Youth Baseball/Softball 1 2 1 Greenfield soccex,lacYosse or football 1 2 1 13 eax old baseball field 1 2 � Lax e baseball field 0 1 0 Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this memo. RAM Participation Numbers Program 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 In-House Baseball 470 482 550 530 547 586 552 564 557 572 637 666 Traveling Baseball 144 167 196 205 205 191 227 259 246 286 237 251 In-House Softball 150 176 200 190 186 179 202 207 166 158 165 149 Traveling Softball 73 63 90 67 82 91 95 100 90 105 106 108 In-House Soccer 833 900 898 940 919 905 868 830 824 904 1,050 1,130 In-House Tennis 44 57 72 92 105 106 73 93 116 131 135 140 Traveling Tennis 36 35 42 45 43 46 53 54 42 38 36 53 Lacrosse-Summer - - - 1 9 230 198 25 234 198 25 37 318 Lacrosse-Spring - - - - - 88 164 124 107 129 97 79 Football(3-6 grade) 247 254 264 284 270 298 274 334 303 263 249 244 Track 236 291 302 311 314 318 421 490 491 475 487 581 Cross Country (new in 20' - - - - - - - - - 43 65 55 REV SOUTH Participation# REV Soccer South NA NA NA NA 755 791 833 902 932 1021 1,145 1,270 �C ROSEMOL:�NT PARKS AND RECREATIOPI M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 2, 2016 Subject: Parks and Recreation Commission Priority Projects The Pa,rks and Recreation Commission recendy discussed future paxks and xecreation projects. Identified below is a dxaft list of pxojects that the Commission felt should be priorities fox the City. They have not yet ranked these pxojects to identify the ordex in which they should be developed but plan to do so at their meeting on Monday,November 28,2016. • Flint Hills Athletic Fields—Include 3 natutal grass fields, 1 artificial tuxf field with lights, a track and dome,and pickle-ball courts. • UMore Ball Field Project—2 youth fields and concession stand. • Central Park/Splash Pad—Pla.za, fire pit and pla.ygxound. • Skate Park Equipment Replacement—New pad and equipment. • Restore Natuxal Resoutces in Carxoll's Woods/Schwarz Pond Park—Develop a natuxal xesoutces management plan and xestore the natural resources/remove buckthorn. • Addition of a Full Size Indoor Ice Sheet—Develop a new full size ice sheet. Please let me know if you have any questions xegarding this memo. Parks and Recreation Commission Priority Project list • Flint Hills Athletic Fields—Include 3 natural grass fields, 1 artificial turf field with lights,a track and dome, and pickle-ball courts. • UMore Ball Field Project—2 youth fields and concession stand. • Central Park/Spla.sh Pad—Plaza, fire pit and playgxound. • Skate Park Equipment Replacement—New pad and equipment. • Restore Natural Resources in Carroll's Woods/Schwaxz Pond Paxk — Develop a natural resources management plan and restore the natural resources/xemove buckthorn. • Addition of a Full Size Indoor Ice Sheet—Develop a new full size ice sheet.