HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Placement of Sidewalks in New Developments �tROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: November 28, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Placement of Sidewalks in New AGENDA SECTION: Developments Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 6 a. ATTACHMENTS: Resource Page and US DOT Guidelines APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend we keep our current practices with regards to reviewing the placement of sidewalks and trails in new developments. ISSUE The topic of the pla,cement of sidewalks and trails in new subdivisions was discussed at the October Commission meeting. The Commission asked that we look at some of the sta,ndards from othex organizations. Staff has looked into this request and has found the following"Great Resources"page fxom the US Environxnental Protection Agency (attached). This page lists a numbex of organizations that either promote walkable communities or provide information for planning for pedestrian facilities. The US Department of Transportation (US DO'I� is one oxganization that provides guidelines on the placement of sidewalks and trails.Attached is a table that identifies guidelines that they recommend for new sidewalk installation.T'he City of Rosemount's current practice of pla.cing sidewalks and trails is very close to that of the US DOT. One difference is that the US DOT recommends additional sidewalks in areas that have a moxe dense development, such as apartments or multi-family townhomes. BACKGROUND Following the review of the development pla.ns for the Prestwick Place 13�'Addition,you may recall that we had detailed discussions about the locations and how many sidewalks should be included in the development plans. Because the Paxks and Recreation Comxnission is the assigned advisory board to the City Council with regards to implementing the walk-bike network,it was suggested that we review our curxent methods for locating trails and sidewalks along roads when new development or redevelopment occuxs. Currendy,listed below are the standaxds that we follow for locating trails and sidewalks in new developments or redeveloping areas: Road T�pe Types of Improvements (examples) Local streets Sidewalk on one side of the road (also reviewed on a case by case basis) Collectors Bituminous trail on one side and concrete sidewalk/or bituminous txail on the otheY side (Shannon Parkway, Chippendale and Ave Connemara TYail) Minor Arterials Bituminous trail on one side and concrete sidewalk/or bituminous trail on the othex side (County Highway 71,46, 38 and 33) Principa.l Arterials Bituminous trail on one side and concrete sidewalk/or bituminous trail on the other side (Hwy 52,Hwy 55 and County Hwy 42) Staff feels that the current standards have served the City well and should continue to be followed into the future. SUMMARY Staff is recommending we keep our curYent pxactices with regards to reviewing the placement of sidewalks and trails in new developments. Staff would like foY the Commission to review the standards and provide direction to staff. �9eed some guidance? These resources might help... WALKING INFORMATION PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Pedesaian and Bicycle Informadon Center(PBIC) National HighwayTraffic SafetyAdministration LJNC Highway Safety Research Center Traf�c Safety Pro�rams 730 Airport Road,Suite 300 400 Seventh Sueet,SW Campus Box 3430 Washington,DC 20590 Chapel Hill,NC Phone:(202)662-0600 27599-3430 - www nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/ped Phone:(919)962-2202 wwwpedbikeinfo.org National SAFE KIDS Campaign wwwwalkinginfo.org ��4° �` ,,�'',�, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave.NW , a`+�:�� - ,�, Sui[e 1000 Narional Center for � , Washington,DC 20004 Bicycling and Walking �' Phone:(202)662-0600 Campaign to Make Fax:(202)393-2072 AmericaWalkable ` „�i' wwwsafekids.org 1506 21st Street,NW �' Suite 200 Washington,DC 20036 WALKING AND HEALTH Phone:(800)760-NBPC US Environmental Protection Agency wwwbikefed.org Office of Children's Health Protection(MC 1107A) Washington,DC 20460 Phone:202-564-2188 WALK TO SCHOOL DAY WEB SITES Fax:202-564-2733 USA event:wwwwalktoschool-usa.org wwwepa.gov/children/ International:www iwalktoschool.org www epa.gov/airnow/ www epa.gov/air/urbanair/ozone/what.html www epa.gov/sunwise/uvindex.html STREET DESIGN AND TRAFFIC CALMING wwwepa.gov/otaq/transp/comchoic/ccweb.htm Federal Highway Adininistration Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Reseazch Program President's Task Force on Environmen[al Health Risks and HSR-20 Safety Risks to Children 6300 Georgetown Pike wwwchildrenshealth.gov McLean,VA 22101 wwwfhwa.dot.gov/environment/bikeped/index.htm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity Institute ofTnnsportaaon Engineers Phone:(888)232-4674 www ite.org www cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/readyset www cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/kidswalk/index.htm SurfaceTnnsportarion Policy Project wwwtransact.org Prevention Magazine ,;�. , 33 East Minor Street '��$ :��;. '��� Tnnsportation for Livable Communities Eminaus,PA 18098 www dcnetwork.org www itsallaboutprevention.com Shape Up America! WALKING COALITIONS 6707 Democracy Boulevard ��;�- ' , ''"';,;�� America Wallcs Suite 306 ,� P.O.Box 29103 Bethesda,MD 20817 �' Portland,Oregon 97210 wwwshapeup.org i _- Phone:(503)222-1077 �' wwwamericawalks.org -� �a ` _ ACCESSIBLE SIDEWALKS � a. Partnership for a Walkable America US Access Board Nadonal Safety Council � 1331 F Street,NW 1121 Spring Lake Drive ==� � Suite 1000 Itasca,IL 60143-3201 '�' � � Washington,DC 20004-1111 __ .�-, r---. � Phone:(603)285-1121 =� �. .. - Phone:(800)872-2253; � �� + ...�.. wwwnsc.org/walkable.htm �'r,� (800)993-2822(T'TY) " www access-board.gov '� " - _ d � i Office of PlannL�g,Emironment,&Realty(HEP) Vtanning EnvlronmeM Real Estate ' � � HEP Events Guidance Publlcedons Gtossary Awerd � �• '�.Md}:���*;.A�'���• • •�� , �_;,,, `f _- � - � 6� -- r� i 1,891GI8tlOfi FM�'9�Environment--.R��cvcle and Pedestnan Proaram—�➢ubllmnons—�S4 I F°"a��re _ Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Guldance -'� Part II of II:Best Practices D�ign 6uide � Resources Tab/e 4-Z.Guidelines for New Sidewalk Instal/ation Roadway Ciassification and Land idewaik Requiremenks Future Phasing Use Highway(rural) Min,of 1.525 m(60 fn)shoulders Secure/preserve ROW for future sidewaiks. requlred. Highway(ruralJsuburban-less than One side preferred.Min.of 1.525 Secure/preserve ROW for future sidewalks. 2.5 d.u./hectare(1 d.u.Jacre)) m(60 in)shoulders required. Suburban Highway(2.5 to 10 Both sides preferred.One side Second side requlred if density becomes d.u./hectare(i to 4 d.u./acre)) required. greater than 10 d.u./hectare(4 d.u./acre). Major Arterial(residentiaf) eoth sides requfred. Collector snd Minor Arterial Both sides required. 1.525 m(60 In) (residentlal) Local Street(Residential-less than One side preferred.P1in.of 1.525 Secure/preserve ROW for future sidewalks. Z.5 d.u.Jhectare(i d.u./acre)) m(60 in)shouiders required. Local Street(Resldential-2.5 to 10 Both sides preferred.One side Second side requlred if density becomes d.u./hectare(i to 4 d.u./acre)) required. greater than 10 d.u./hectare(4 d.u./acre). Locai Street(Resldenttal-more than Both sides required. 10 d.u./hectare(4 d.u./acre)) Ail Streets(commercial areas) Both sides required. All Streets(Industrial areas) Both sides preferred.One stde required. Vote:d.u.s[ands for dwe!ling unit