HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of October 26, 2005 City Council Work SessionITEM#6 C ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Special Work Session of the City Council was held on Wednesday, October 26, 2005. Council Member Kim Shoe Corrigan called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. with Council Members DeBettignies and Baxter present. Mayor Droste and Council Member Sterner arnved shortly thereafter Also m attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Admrustrator Weitzel, Commumty Development Director Lindquist, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Finance Director May, Fire Chief Aker, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Communications Coordinator Cox and Recording Secretary Domeier. DISCUSSION: 2006 Budget Mr. Verbrugge opened the discussion by inviting any questions on the budget memo highlighting changes from the last meeting. Mr. Baxter questioned what was new with the budget. Mr. Verbrugge reviewed the changes m the fiscal disparities information. Mr. May stated the TIF number changed slightly as well. Mr May also added that the Truth m Taxation number is new from the county. The result of these adjustments is that the prelimmary levy has been reduced by $268,200 from the origmal levy in the early part of September. The adjusted tax rate is 0.441261, or a 4 15% decrease from the 2005 rate. Rosemount's tax rate is second by comparison to other cities m the Dakota County Mr. Verbrugge stated that the City's utilities are going up 25% from this year to next year. Mr DeBettignies questioned the decrease from October 12t to date. Mr. May pointed out that the original numbers were the preliminary levy and the new numbers reflect the changes to the budget on September 28t Mr. May stated the Truth in Taxation numbers will be out during the first part of November and explained the numbers m Attachment 2. Mr. Cox will be communicating to the public regarding the Truth m Taxation information Mr. Verbrugge added that in tracking the year to date budget, the City is at 67% of the original budgeted figures through the end of September. Mx. May added the forecasted year -end revenues exceed expenditures by $300,000. Mr. Verbrugge pointed out that the average increase of the average home values in Rosemount is at about 9 About 40% of Rosemount residents will see a valuation increase of 12 15% driven by the limited market value statute. Mr. May stated its not just older homes seeing the increase. Most of the homes with the increase are m the approximately seven, eight to 15 years old range. Mr. Verbrugge informed the Council that at the next budget meeting there will be a comparison in home values and the City's tax change with the valuation added in so the Council can see the true dollar figures. Mayor Droste joined the meeting. Fire Department Mr. Aker stated there are not significant changes and some of the categories are up due to the cycles. The only mcreases include the annual fire relief contribution (an automatic 3 0 /o) and the other increase is in the salary category. For the first time since 1995 there is an adjustment in the salaries of fire officers. Mr. Verbrugge asked for any questions. 1 Ms. Shoe Corrigan questioned why the City pays for the hepatitis shots and if individual's insurance should be covering the shots. Mr Aker responded that the City is required to offer the senes to the fire fighters. Fire fighters have the choice to receive the shot. Mr. DeBettignies noted the salary adjustments. Mr. Verbrugge stated the only position affected by the 3% salary adjustment consideration is the Fire Marshal position. The addition to the officer salary is the other increase shown. Mr. Verbrugge added that while looking at the options for Fire Station No. 2, some items are being pulled out of construction costs and placed in line items as part of the general budget. Ms. Shoe Corrigan commented that flu shots should be offered to fire fighters. Ms. Weitzel clarified that flu shots are offered only to City employees that are covered under the City's health plan. There were no further comments on the Fite Department budget. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 Parks and Recreation Mr Schultz highlighted his budget items and noted the increases in salary and benefit related items. Staff is requesting $5,000 for the part-time horttculturahst that was hired last summer and paid from other funds This person maintained the downtown planters, landscaping at City Hall and Central Park. The seniors have requested a Senior Coordinator be hired. Mr. Schultz reported that staff has tracked their time with the seniors on a monthly basis. A Recreation Supervisor spends an average of 11 -12 hours per month assisting the seniors. The seniors have requested 20 hours a week from staff, but at this time staff will plan to pick up the slack where they can but will not be able to dedicate 20 hours a week to the seniors. Mr. Baxter questioned if the high school group can help with the seniors. Mr Schultz stated there are some activities where the high school students help out. Mr. DeBettigrnes questioned why the seniors are no longer funded through community education. Mr. Schultz stated there were financing issues and seniors were gaining their own independence Mr. DeBettignies questioned if Flint Hills Resources can offer any funding to the seniors. The Mayor commented that Fhnt Hills Resources is hugely involved in youth programs through the Science Museum. Mr. Schultz stated the seniors themselves are active in their own fundraising. The Mayor noted that with three senior housing units the seniors enjoy internal functions where they hve The Parks and Recreation staff has marketed the private senior units but there hasn't been much of an increase in parncipation from those units. Mr. DeBettignies inquired about funding for the City Newsletter. Mr. Schultz stated that about 75% of the newsletter is funded by the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr DeBettignies also questioned what the use of the Yellow Pages is intended for. Mr. Schultz stated community center rentals generally come from the yellow page ads. Mayor Droste stated the new park signs look great and he believes the signs should get moved up and be installed next year Mr. Verbrugge stated the 2007 CIP signs could be accelerated and be installed next year. The Council was all m agreement. 2 Ms. Shoe Corrigan questioned if the fights will be moved in the redevelopment of the downtown and requested electncal sources in the lights for the hanging baskets. The City Council was in accord with the addition of the part-time horticulturahst. Community Development Ms Lindquist highlighted her report and stated a request for a new GIS Technician to staff to service planning and economic development as well as parks and recreation and the police departments. 50% of the salary would come from utility operating funds and the other 50% would come from the general fund. The City currently has a part -tune GIS person who works at an hourly rate with no benefits Mr. Verbrugge noted there is a $15,000 impact on the general fund. Mr. Baxter questioned if the position is full or part-tune Ms. Lindquist noted it will be full-time with an approximate salary and benefit total of $60,000 for the position. Ms. Lindquist stated a formal application process would take place for this position. Mr. DeBettigiues questioned if $60,000 is the median for a GIS Tech. Mr Verbrugge noted that number is based on Stanton reports and calculation of benefits. A more thorough review of the salary and benefits would take place when the position is approved IVlr. May stated a new position is usually budgeted at family coverage. Mr. DeBettigmes thanked Ms. Lindquist for the detailed memo. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 Ms. Lmdgmst went over the revenues with the Council Members based on average values this year without lots. Ms. Lindquist also handed out the lot survey updated to date. Mayor Droste asked if some numbers could be worked out projecting the years 2007 and 2008. Ms. Lindquist responded that 2008 projects would require approvals m 2006. Mr. Verbrugge also added that Mmea or Arcon would have to apply by the end of 2005 of the beginning of 2006 to begin working on utilities and infrastructure that may allow budding permits to start being issued at the best case near the end of 2006. Ms Lindquist stated that the Minea and McMenomy parcels need the Arcon project to develop first. There were no further comments regarding the Community Development Budget. Council Member Sterner joined the meeting. Police Department Mr. Kalstabakken stated the changes m the budget were generally for salanes and benefits. Other line items remained essentially unchanged. In training, subcategones were added to be more precise in tracking how the money is spent and this has resulted in the history on some categones to appear skewed due to the changes. Ms. Shoe Corrigan asked the number of officers being added. Mr. Kalstabakken noted two officers would be added For staffing the changes are made to provide for a contuiued high service level The amount of staffing is based upon population growth and the numbers and /or types of calls received. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 The vehicle rotation and purchase time is generally 3 years and 100,000+ miles. Once cars hit 75,000 miles range, there tend to be more transmission and anti-lock brake problems. The cars go for about $3,500 at auction. One car is up for rotation this year but the car is running well and has lower mileage. There is no need to replace the car until 2006. The CIP can be reduced by one squad car by delaying the purchase of another squad schedule for '06 replacement to '07. Ms. Shoe Corngan asked when the new logo will be painted on the cars. Mr. Kalstabakken stated the logo is not planned to be placed on squad cars. The feeling is that squads need to be clearly marked and distmguishable as ponce vehicles. Mayor Droste questioned the staffing and stated the City was always one officer per 1,000 Mayor Droste also questioned if the three civil employees were full-time Mt. Kalstabakken responded the three full-time civilian positions include two secretaries and one receptionist. There is also a part- time secretary but with more efficiency m technology and the transcription process, such as the ability to transfer cases electronically, her hours have declined. Mayor Droste questioned if the change of housing has caused less policing. Mr. Kalstabakken commented that they don't receive many calls, for example, at Bards Crossing or the Wachter Condos. It is harder to predict the amount of the calls that would take place at a single family home area. Typically, there tends to be more calls at townhomes because of the shared walls and entrance ways but this is only a generah7ation and is not true in all developments. Mx. Verbrugge noted that in terms of coverage areas, Farmington has 21 officers covering 12 square miles whereas Rosemount has two fewer officers coveting almost three times as much area. Mayor Droste asked if the pohce cover the university area and Flint Hills property. Mr Kalstabakken responded that they do cover the university area and do receive quite a few calls to the area, particularly dumping of garbage and household items. There are also several busmesses on the U property which receive patrol services. The City does receive calls from the Fhnt Hills security firm. People tend to go to the east side of Highway 52 not knowing the property belongs to Flint Hills This is in addition to the calls to Flint Hills main property. Although both the University and FHR are large open areas, the pohce department does pattol the roads on and around the properties just as other agricultural areas of the community are provided service. Ms. Shoe Corrigan inquired if Mr. Kalstabakken dnves a squad car home or if there has been any issues with not having a squad car at home. A police car in a neighborhood could serve as a deterrent. Mr Kalstabakken stated he does not drive a squad car home and that most officers do not live within the City Mr. Kalstabakken stated there are really two issues when discussing take home squads One is as a benefit, which is a separate discussion from the budget discussion at this meeting The second is the necessity of having a squad to respond directly to a scene from a home. This does not occur often and the delay to retneve a squad from the station is not a problem Mr Baxter stated the City should save the $23,000 with the retaining of one squad and get the police force staffed at one officer per every 1,000 m population. Mr. Baxter reminded the Council that according to the City Survey, 97% of the residents were happy with the police services and being visible is cntical to crime prevention. Mayor Droste stated he concurred with Mr. Baxter's 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 comments in relation to saving the $23,000 on a squad car and his desire to move forward with the staffing. Council asked Staff to firm up the number for population. Mr. Verbrugge responded that the City doesn't assume a vacancy rate. The number used for calculation is the same per household figure used by the Metropohtan Council Mr. Sterner asked Staff to check if the City's estimate is similar to ISD 196's estimate Mr. DeBetngnies questioned how many hours the Community Service Officers are working per week and why there is a 16 °,Yo increase m pay Mr Kalstabakken responded that the two CSO position work a total of 50 hours a week combined, each working approximately 25 hours per week. Mr May added that the new budget gave the Community Service Officers' their raises now and that with the step system; their increases will max out in two years. Mr. Kalstabakken wrapped up his presentation by relating comments from the Police Reservists wishing to receive a minimal stipend at the end of the year for the driving they do for their position and volunteering of their time to the program The Pohce Reservists are supphed with a uniform and do not receive any other compensation. The proposed earnmgs would be approximately $1.00 per hour per officer if all goals are met by the reserves. The City would be looking at spending about $120 per reservist. The Council found no problems with spending the $1,500 (or less) on this great group of people. Ms. Weitzel noted there may be some legal issues that will need to be ironed out. Mayor Droste asked staff to pursue any legal issues and to make the benefit for Pohce Reservists happen if possible. Mr. Verbrugge summarized the Police budget review by stating one squad vehicle will be pulled out of the CIP, two officers will be pursued in 2006, and that staff will work on a stipend for the Police Reservists. Finance Department Mr. May stated the Finance Department is looking to add a part -time position to help with the utthty billing aspects of the department based on the volume of work and additional reporting responsibilities. The number of customers has increased, turning out 5,500 water bills four times a year. The new plan is to split the amount and mail a third each month to cycle and stagger quarterly. The plan will stabilize the amount of work and should require less assistance from other staff to help out. The amount of work for the Accounts Payable Clerk has increased which has made it harder for her to cover and help the Deputy Registrar The volume of work has increased for the Deputy Registrar as well. Recent discussions have included allowing credit card purchases at City Hall as another way to pay for building permits and utility bills. It is against State Statute for the Deputy Registrar to be paid by credit card. Computer support services are provided by a consulting company on Monday and Thursday mornings to address all outstanding issues. While it may not be the most efficient use of IT Services, the City is able to save significantly, therefore it is not recommended to do things differently at this time. 5 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 The industry average for purchasing computers is to replace computers every two to five years. Most of our computers are four years old when replaced. The purchases are effecnvely managed and maximize employee productivity. Mr. DeBettignies asked about the $11,200 annual payments being made to Microsoft. Mr. May responded that Microsoft has a program where all computers would have Office 2003 and is good for a six year contract. Mx May informed the Council that the six year contact also allows us to receive free Office upgrades for all computers during that time. Mr. Sterner inquired as to how much work is done m house on the computers. Mr. May stated he does the back -ups and works with the software. The GIS Coordinator takes care of his own files. As pointed out earher by Ms. Lindquist, the GIS Tech position would have the knowledge to do software work. Mayor Droste stated he would like to know the cost associated with switching over to outsourcing the utihty billing. By next year, what would be the cost to mechanize such a system versus having to build up the amount of staff to utthze the current process. Mr. Baxter added that if it is taking 5 employees to process the bills it would make more sense to have an electronic payment option for residents. Mr. May stated 10 -12% of the residents use the direct pay option. Mr. DeBettignies questioned if the computers were owned or leased. Mr. May replied that the computers are owned and are rotated based upon usage. Mr. Sterner inquired if the network support should be bid out or if the City is comfortable with their vendor Mr. May stated the City has used the same vendor for 7 -8 years and the service is not required to go out for bids. Mr. Verbrugge asked if Council had any further questions for Mr. May. There were no further questions. Updates Mr Verbrugge reviewed the schedule with the Council. The dates included November 9 as the regular work session, November 16th for the budget work session and November 30 is the tentative work session if necessary to attend to any issues before adopting the final budget. Mr. Verbrugge updated the Council on the Fire Station No. 2 project Mayor Droste suggested using the $30,000 designated for the facilities report towards Fire Station No. 2. Mr. Baxter stated the need to know what we need for office space m five years. Mr Verbrugge suggested leaving the $30,000 for the Space Needs Study and if the City runs into issues with the fire station then the money can be transferred. Mr. Baxter commented that the Schwarz Pond park sign looked nice and suggested replacing the entrance sign to the City. Discussion was held regarding sign ordinances. Mr. Verbrugge noted that one of Ms. Lmdquist's goals is to update the sign ordinance Ms. Shoe- Comgan thanked Mr. Cox for forwarding banner and flag information to the school. Mr. Verbrugge noted he would like to address banner issues at a future work session. 6 r ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2005 Mayor Droste stated the CAC is looking for three members from the City of Rosemount to serve on the council. The AMM /LMC jomt meeting is November 27 There being no further business to come before this Council, the Special Work Session was adjourned at 9:21 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier Recording Secretary