HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Receive Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing-Old Country Road 38 Phase II Improvements, City Project 387AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing -Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, City Project #387 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer ij� AG 6 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Feasibility Report APPROVED BY: $339,300 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving the Feasi ity Report and Setting a Public Hearing for Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, City Project #387. Dakota County Funds $2,240,000 Special Assessments $1,340,800 Cash Payments with Development $330,900 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $339,300 Water Core Fund $1,626,800 Storm Core Fund $90,400 Street CIP $225,300 Total Fund $6,193,500 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: October 4, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On May 3, 2005, Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, City Project #387. The feasibility report, a copy of which is attached, addresses the proposed upgrade of Old County Road 38 from the east line of the Harmony development, east to Akron Avenue (County Road 73) The proposed improvements consist of upgrading the existing gravel road to a 42 -foot wide urban section with concrete curb and gutter Additional improvements include the construction of storm sewer, salutary sewer, and u attrmairi, both lateral and trunk Improvements Also included is the construction of stormwater ponds and proposed wetland mitigation associated with the necessary wetland impacts resulting from the road widenmg. The report also considers additional right -of -way to be acquired for the project. During the development of this report, two public informational meetings were held to provide project information to the property owners and to gather feedback The total estimated project cost is $6,193,500. The proposed project funding is as shown below: It should be noted that the estimated costs do not include right -of -way acquisition costs As right -of -way costs are part of the total project costs, it is anticipated that right -of -way acquisition costs will be added to the special assessments for the project. G \EN GPROJ \387 \ReceiveFRSetPHCC 10.405dot dot SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of a resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the public hearing for the Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, City Project #387. Staff will provide a formal presentation of the report at the pubhc hearing. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE OLD COUNTY ROAD 38 PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #387 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #387, Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #387 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on October 4, 2005; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a pubhc heating on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the Improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #387 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the pubhc hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #387, Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements, to be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall ADOPTED this 4th day of October, 2005 ATTEST: Linda Jenunk, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: voted in favor: Voted against: William H Droste, Mayor Old County Road 38 (135th Street W.) (East Tract Line of Harmony Addition to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 Prepared for: 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Prepared by: WSB Associates Inc City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 October 4, 2005 Old County Road 38 (135th Street W.) (East Tract Line of Harmony Addition to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work Prepared for: 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Prepared by: WSB Associates, Inc FEASIBILITY REPORT OLD COUNTY ROAD 38 (135 STREET WEST) EAST TRACT LINE OF HARMONY ADDITION TO AKRON AVENUE STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135`" Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 CITY PROJECT NO. 387 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA October 4, 2005 Prepared By: WSB Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) WSB YY S Associates, Inc Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 October 4, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, IVLV 55068 -4997 Re: Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony Addition to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report that addresses the street and utility improvements on Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) between the east tract line of the Harmony Addition and Akron Avenue. We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (763) 541 -4800 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. David E. Hutton, P.E. Vice President Attachment be Minneapolis 1 St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 541 -4800 Fax 763 -541 -1700 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: October 4, 2005 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (13? Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 CERTIFICATION 4i/ i_d2 Jeff W. Stewart, P.E. Date: October 4, 2005 Lic. No. 16511 Quality Control Review Completed By: onnolly, E I T TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2 2.1 Authorization 2 2.2 Scope 2 2.3 Data Available 3 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 4 3.1 Project Location 4 3.2 Project History 4 3.3 Existing Conditions 4 4. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 5 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 6 5.1 Surface Improvements 6 5.2 Sanitary Sewer 7 5.3 Trunk Water Main 7 5.4 Raw Water Main 8 5.5 Storm Sewer 8 5.6 Wetlands 8 5.7 Right -of- Way/Easements 9 5.8 Private Utilities 10 5.9 Permits /Approvals 10 6. FINANCING 12 6.1 Opinion of Cost 12 6.2 Funding 13 6.2.1 Dakota County 13 6 2 2 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund 13 6.2.3 Water Main Core Fund 13 6.2.4 Storm Sewer Core Fund 13 6.2.5 Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 13 6.2.6 Cash Payments by Developers 14 6.2.7 Special Assessments 14 6.3 Funding Summary 15 7. PROJECT SCHEDULE 16 8. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION 17 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utduy Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Appendix A Project Location Map Project Figures Street Typical Section Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C Special Assessment Calculations Cost Distnbuuons City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Project No. 387 consists of reconstructing Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) from the easterly tract line of the Harmony residential subdivision east to Akron Avenue. The proposed improvements consist of removal of the existing gravel surface and installing bituminous pavement, new concrete curb and gutter, a railroad crossing, a bituminous trail, trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water main, raw water main, storm sewer, and stormwater treatment ponds. The proposed improvements are a continuation of the County Road 38, Phase 1 improvements (City Project No. 393), which consisted of the upgrade of the existing rural section of Old County Road 38 between Trunk Highway 3 and the easterly tract line of the Harmony residential subdivision. The Phase 1 project has been delayed, and is currently proposed to be constructed with this project. On June 21, 2005, Dakota County turned back the ownership of County Road 38 to the City of Rosemount. As such, Old County Road 38 will be referred to by its City name, 135 Street West, throughout the remainder of this report. The total estimated project cost for the 135 Street West project is $6,193,500. Of this amount, approximately $1,340,800 would be assessed to adjacent property owners benefiting from the proposed roadway and sanitary sewer improvements Cash payments in the amount of $330,900, paid by Centex Homes and the Giles Properties for the Meadows of Bloomfield and Biscayne Point North developments, respectively, have already been contributed toward the improvement of 135 Street West. As part of the turnback agreement with the City of Rosemount, Dakota County has contnbuted a total of $2,900,000 for the improvement of the entire length of Old County Road 38. $660,000 has been dedicated toward Phase 1 of the project, leaving $2,240,000 available for the roadway and associated storm sewer improvements to 135 Street West. The trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water main, and raw water main, totaling $2,056,500, would be contnbuted by the City of Rosemount through the City's Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, and Storm Sewer Core Funds. The remaining $225,300 would be paid out of monies set aside in the City of Rosemount Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP). It is proposed that construction would take place in 2006. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineenng standpoint, and should be constructed as proposed herein. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135`' Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization On May 3, 2005, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for County Road 38, Phase 2 Street and Utility Improvements. Since this time, Dakota County has turned back ownership of County Road 38 to the City of Rosemount. As such, Old County Road 38 will be referred to by its City name, 135 Street West, throughout the remainder of this report. This project has been designated as City Project No. 387. 2.2 Scope This project consists of the upgrading of existing 135 Street West from the easterly tract line of the Harmony development east approximately 7,900 feet to Akron Avenue (County Road 73). Utility improvements will consist of trunk and lateral sanitary sewer installation, trunk water main, raw water main, storm sewer, and stormwater ponds. 135 Street West is designated for the City's Municipal State Aid System, and as such, all proposed improvements must be designed to State Aid standards. This improvement project is intended to upgrade 135 Street West to accommodate traffic volumes associated with the existing and projected development of the adjacent area. A trunk sanitary sewer extension is proposed for construction at Bacardi Avenue, running from 135 Street West south to an existing trunk sewer stub installed as part of the Meadows of Bloomfield project (City Project No. 351) A lateral sanitary sewer stub will be installed west of Bacardi Avenue along 135` Street West to provide for future service extension. A trunk water main is proposed along the entire length of the 135 Street West improvements. The water main will connect to existing trunk water main along the length of the roadway, including at the east end of the Harmony Addition, south of Bacardi Avenue, and at Autumn Path, as outlined in the City's Comprehensive Water Plan. Storm sewer improvements are proposed to collect stormwater runoff in accordance with Municipal State Aid standards and as necessary to meet the requirements of the Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Improvements will include storm sewer pipe and a series of stormwater treatment ponds located along the length of the roadway. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Lute of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Unity Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 Page 2 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: City of Rosemount Utility Plans City of Rosemount Record Plans City of Rosemount Topography Maps Field Observations of the Area City of Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan City of Rosemount Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan (DRAFT, prepared by WSB Associates, Inc., September 8, 2005) Field Survey Private Utility Maps Soil Borings City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy North Central Sanitary Sewer Study, prepared by WSB Associates. Inc. Wetland Delineation Work by WSB Associates. Inc. (June 22, 2005) City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 3 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Location The project includes 135 Street West from the easterly tract line of the Harmony Addition east approximately 7,900 feet (1.5 miles) to Akron Avenue. 3.2 Project History This project was initiated as a result of the Dakota County turnback of County Road 38, (135 Street West) to the City of Rosemount and the continuing residential developments within the north central portion of the City of Rosemount. The area adjacent to 135 Street West has been experiencing rapid development. The existing street section is not adequate to accommodate the proposed traffic volumes and it is suggested that the street be upgraded to current urban roadway standards. 3.3 Existing Conditions 135 Street West is currently a rural two -lane gravel street section with drainage ditches on each side. The existing roadway has a width ranging between 24 feet and 30 feet, and is in very poor condition. There are four existing wetland areas located adjacent to 135 Street West. One of these, Mare Pond, located east of Bacardi Avenue, will be directly impacted by the proposed improvements. Mare Pond is considered a "Water of the State," and as such, is subject to various design regulations previously adopted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the City of Rosemount. The other three wetlands, including Keegan Lake at the western end of the project, while not directly affected by potential stormwater runoff from the proposed project, will serve as the ultimate outlets for the new stormwater treatment ponds being proposed. There are several existing storm sewer culverts across or along 135 Street West. The stormwater runoff flows in ditches or directly into one of the existing four wetlands along the road. There are no existing sanitary sewer mains or water mains along 135 Street West. The adjoining residential properties utilize private septic systems and pnvate wells. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (13? Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 4 4. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS A traffic study was completed as part of the preliminary plat for the Brockway project between Connemara Trail and 132 Street (old County Road 38), east of TH 3. The study recommended improvement to 132 Street as part of the Phase 1 project. These improvements included widening to provide a single lane in each direction with turn lanes at TH 3 and Brockway Avenue. The typical section of the roadway was a 42 -foot street with curb and gutter and a pathway on the south side of the roadway. The Phase 2 project curves south and the street name changes from 132 Street to 135 Street east of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Additional study was conducted to determine if the same typical section should be continued through Phase 2. The analysis concluded that based on the City's transportation plan, currently being completed, by 2025 there will be approximately 5,800 to 7,300 vehicles per day on 135` Street. This is a typical volume for a three -lane roadway section. Further analysis found that left and/or right turn lanes should be provided at only collector streets. Minor streets into future developments will be evaluated as they are proposed. Based on this analysis, a typical 42 -foot street with provisions for turn lanes at selected intersections should be constructed. This is consistent with the Phase 1 street section. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and tatty Improvements and Appurtenant Work Czty Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 5 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 5.1 Surface Improvements 135 Street West is proposed for complete reconstruction as an urban section roadway with B424 concrete curb and gutter along a revised profile. The pavement section will be designed to accommodate the proposed increase in traffic volumes, and will consist of approximately 5 inches of bituminous pavement, 6 inches of Class 5 aggregate base, and 24 inches of select granular borrow. The new road will be designed to meet Municipal State Aid geometric design standards for safety, given a design speed of 40 miles per hour. As such, it is proposed that the existing curves in the roadway east of the railroad tracks and west of Bacardi Avenue be lengthened to meet the Municipal State Aid standards. A new railroad crossing at the existing CP Railway railroad tracks would be installed, including railroad crossing gates. An 8 -foot bituminous path is proposed for construction on the south side of 135 Street West from the Harmony development to Bacardi Avenue. Bituminous path construction on the north side of 135 Street West and on the south side east of Bacardi Avenue is proposed for construction with future development along the roadway. The location of the proposed improvements in relation to Mare Pond posed a challenge in determining the best option for widening of the roadway across the wetland. Soil borings taken in the area indicated that any structure, such as a retaining wall, would need to be placed on piling in order to support the wall and the roadway behind the wall. The same soil borings indicated that if a retaining wall was not built, and the road was widened to fill in the wetland areas, that the weight of the road and embankment matenal could cause future settling within the soft wetland soils. Two options were explored for the roadway section along 135 Street in the area of Mare Pond. The cost to install a retaining wall on each side of the road across Mare Pond, taking into account the need to preserve and protect the existing wetland while doing so, was estimated at $1,420,000. The cost to fill in the wetland areas, create `overburden' while constructing the roadway (adding weight to allow compression of soft soils), purchasing drainage easements, and constructing approximately 1.7 acres of additional wetland for mitigation purposes, was estimated at $605,500. Based on cost savings, the option to fill in the wetland and create new wetland elsewhere within the project was chosen over construction of retaining walls along Mare Pond. An added benefit of choosing to perform wetland mitigation is that portions of mitigation can be included with the required stormwater treatment ponds being constructed along the length of 135 Street West, as well as at locations located within Meadows Park, along the southwest side of Mare Pond, helping to reduce the cost of acquiring land for pond construction. The proposed street improvements can be found in Figures 2 -7 in Appendix A. A typical street section can be found in Figure 8 in Appendix A. Cost estimates for the retaining wall and wetland mitigation options are summanzed in the Funding section of this report, and can also be found in Appendix B. City of Rosemount Feastbdity Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 6 5.2 Sanitary Sewer The North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (NCSSS) was developed to determine the costs to extend sanitary sewer into the north- central portion of the City of Rosemount. The NCSSS was also utilized to determine the best possible alignments for sanitary sewer, taking into consideration excavation depth, property acquisition, and development patterns. According to the NCSSS, sanitary sewer service to the area north of 135 Street West in the vicinity of Bacardi Avenue is proposed to occur via a trunk sanitary sewer extended north from Connemara Trail, along the west property line of Meadows Park, and then continuing north along Bacardi Avenue. Since the area immediately south of 135 Street West in this area has already begun development, and utility extensions for trunk water main are necessary to connect and loop the proposed water main along 135 Street West to areas to the south, it is recommended that the trunk sanitary sewer line south of Bacardi Avenue be extended across 135 Street West at this time. A 15 -inch PVC sanitary sewer trunk main is proposed for construction from the Meadows of Bloomfield development (City Project No. 351) south of 135 Street West at Bacardi Avenue, north approximately 700 feet, and then stubbed north along Bacardi Avenue for future extension. An 8 -inch PVC lateral main is proposed to be installed in the northern boulevard of 135 Street West from Bacardi Avenue west approximately 1,000 feet, and then stubbed to service future development north of 135 Street West, mainly adjacent to Keegan Lake. This proposed improvement is in accordance with the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. Additionally, it is proposed that an 8 -inch lateral sewer be extended west from Bacardi Avenue along 135 Street West to provide sanitary sewer service to properties immediately adjacent to the roadway. Such installation is in accordance with the proposed layouts as shown in the NCSSS. Sanitary sewer stubs would be provided for future development, and existing properties would be given the option to connect to the sanitary sewer via one of these stubs. Benefiting properties would be assessed for the total cost of the lateral sanitary sewer improvements. The proposed sanitary sewer improvements can be found in Figures 3 -4 in Appendix A. 5.3 Trunk Water Main A 16 -inch DIP trunk water main is proposed for construction along the entire length of 135 Street West, as well as south of Bacardi Avenue to the proposed water tower site as part of this project. The trunk water main will be connected to existing 16 -inch trunk and 8 -inch lateral DIP stubs at the east end of the Harmony Addition, Birchwood Avenue, south of Bacardi Avenue, and at Autumn Path. Additional 16 -inch DIP stubs will be placed at Akron Avenue, Bacardi Avenue, and other intermediate locations as outlined in the City's Draft Comprehensive Water System Plan. Additional 8 -inch DIP stubs will be placed at locations where future roads are proposed to be installed, mainly at quarter section lines, or every 1,300 feet. The proposed trunk water main improvements can be found in Figures 2 -7 in Appendix A. City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 Page 7 5.4 Raw Water Main According to the City's Draft Comprehensive Water Supply Plan, the area located north of 135 Street West and east of Bacardi Avenue has been identified as the location for future municipal water supply wells. The Draft Comprehensive Water Supply Plan identifies a future water treatment plant at the Bacardi Tower site In order to accommodate the transport of raw water from future municipal water supply wells to a water treatment facility, raw water mains are being proposed for installation along 135 Street West between Bacardi Avenue and Akron Avenue. Raw water mains have the same components as trunk water mains, but are generally much larger to accommodate larger flows. The proposed raw water main would consist of a 36 -inch DIP main installed for approximately 750 feet south of Bacardi Avenue to the proposed water tower /treatment plant; a 24 -inch DIP main installed along 135 Street West from Bacardi Avenue to Akron Avenue; and 16 -inch DIP stubs at Bacardi Avenue, Autumn Path, and Akron Avenue for future connection to municipal water supply wells. The proposed raw water main improvements can be found in Figures 3 -7 in Appendix A. 5.5 Storm Sewer New lateral storm sewer will be designed and constructed along the entire length of the project area to provide drainage from roadway surfaces. Additionally, trunk storm sewer improvements, including a new culvert within Mare Pond crossing 135 Street West, six stormwater ponds, as well as outlet pipes for individual wetlands in the area, are also being proposed The purpose of the individual stormwater ponds is to provide treatment of roadway runoff prior to discharging via the trunk storm sewer system into one of the four designated wetlands located in the project area. All storm sewers would meet Municipal State Aid standards and would be in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Proposed storm sewer improvements can be found in Figures 2 -7 in Appendix A. 5.6 Wetlands The proposed roadway widening will impact Mare Pond on the north and south sides of 135 Street West. Mare Pond (DNR -012W, WL -1533, WP -379) is located immediately east of Bacardi Avenue, and is connected via a culvert pipe under 135 Street West. The anticipated impact of filling in the wetland area is approximately 43.241 square feet (0.99 acres). In accordance with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan, Mare Pond is considered a "preserve" wetland, meaning that the wetland impacts caused by construction need to be mitigated at a rate of three -to -one, which is 129,723 square feet (2.97 acres). This mitigation is proposed to occur onsite, and consists partially of the construction of new stormwater treatment ponds, as well as the construction of "wetland buffers," which are permanent easements dedicated to consist of wetland habitat immediately adjacent to wetland areas, throughout the project area. One new stormwater treatment pond (Pond 3) would be located adjacent to Mare Pond, and would serve primarily for treatment of stormwater runoff City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135" Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 8 from 135 Street West, prior to discharging into Mare Pond. Additional mitigation would occur along the west side of Mare Pond, within Meadows Park, as well as north of 135 Street West. The majonty of wetland mitigation for Mare Pond is proposed to be provided in these two areas. Additional wetlands in the project area are not anticipated to be directly impacted by the widening of 135 Street West The wetland located east of Keegan Lake (KL -2471, WP -359), also considered a "preserve" wetland, will not be disturbed by construction activities. This wetland will receive treated stormwater runoff from a treatment pond (Pond 1) located immediately east of this wetland. Another wetland located approximately 1,000 feet west of Bacardi Avenue, and immediately north of the Biscayne Point North development (KL -1568, WP -384), is proposed to be expanded for the remainder of the Mare Pond wetland mitigation. Another stormwater treatment pond (Pond 2) would be located adjacent to, and discharge treated water to this wetland. The fourth wetland (WL -1560, WP -382), located east of Mare Pond, would receive treated stormwater runoff from a fourth stormwater treatment pond, located north of the proposed Autumn Path (being constructed as part of the Meadows of Bloomfield development). This wetland would be connected via trunk storm sewer to Mare Pond. Finally, a fifth stormwater treatment pond (Pond 5) is proposed to be constructed immediately west of Akron Avenue and south of 135 Street West. This stormwater treatment pond would be constructed as a temporary pond, and could be relocated as development south of 135 Street West occurs, at the expense of a future developer. This pond is proposed to discharge east across Akron Avenue into existing ditches along 135 Street West. The proposed wetland impact locations, as well as proposed mitigation areas and stormwater pond locations, can be found in Figures 2 -7 in Appendix A. 5.7 Right -of- Way/Easements The existing nght -of -way along 135 Street West east of the Harmony development varies in width and location. In some locations, the right -of -way has been defined in terms of prescriptive rights, meaning that the right -of -way vanes based on the width of the ditches and as bounded by existing private utility easements. It is proposed as part of this project that a minimum of 100 feet of total nght -of -way be acquired along the entire length of the road. This will allow for the construction of side slopes and embankments, the installation of both public and private utilities, and the clarification of nght -of -way location and property lines. In some locations, additional permanent easements will be required for stormwater treatment pond construction, and temporary construction easements will be required for any potential encroachments during construction. City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 9 It is anticipated that 148,000 square feet (3.40 acres) of permanent right -of -way, 485,600 square feet (11.15 acres) of permanent easement, and 8,000 square feet (0 18 acres) of temporary construction easements will be necessary for construction of the proposed improvements. While the estimate for permanent right -of -way has been well defined, the estimates for permanent and temporary easements are still preliminary A more accurate figure for the total temporary construction and permanent easement area required for construction will be determined during the final design phase of the project 5.8 Private Utilities It is anticipated that utility relocations and coordination will be necessary along the length of 135 Street West. Private utility companies are responsible for the costs to relocate utilities serving local residents. Pnvate utilities with local service lines in the area include Xcel Energy (power and gas) and Frontier Communications (telephone). The costs to relocate aerial electric transmission lines are shared between the pnvate utility company and the City. An aerial transmission line operated by Xcel Energy runs along the entire length of 135 Street, and a portion of it will need to be relocated. The extent and exact cost of such relocation is not known, and City representatives are conducting ongoing meetings with Xcel Energy to determine the final costs and timing of transmission line relocations. For the purposes of this feasibility report, an estimated relocation cost, based on previous discussions with Xcel Energy, has been included in the cost for the proposed surface improvements. Additionally, there are natural gas and petroleum pipelines that exist within the project area, but are not anticipated to be relocated. Koch Pipeline and Magellan Midstream Partners each have petroleum lines within a pipeline easement along the south side of 135 Street West, from approximately 1,300 feet west of Bacardi Avenue east to approximately 100 feet east of Bacardi Avenue, where they cross 135 Street West and run to the northeast out of the project area. Northern Natural Gas has two pipelines crossing 135 Street at Bacardi Avenue. A third pipeline crosses Bacardi Avenue north of 135 Street at the edge of the proposed construction Iirriits. 5.9 Permits/Approvals The anticipated permits and approvals that will be required for the 135 Street West reconstruction and the respective regulatory agencies are listed below: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Water main Dakota County Transportation Department Work within ROW Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Sanitary Sewer Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sanitary Sewer MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity (MN R100001) City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135` Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Unluy Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 Page 10 Koch Pipeline Work Within Pipeline Easement Magellan/Midstream Partners Work Within Pipeline Easement Xcel Energy Work Within Power Line Easement Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Approval Wetland Impact Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Wetland Impact Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Dewatenng Canadian Pacific Rail Way Work Within Railroad ROW City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 11 Table 1: 135 Street West Street and Utility Improvements Summary of Costs r 'V'1i-• ,i 1)�r�;i sh'tetr,ry: "r e S 111 1� ..4h` I S it�irtlly =�elrienN`. "r'''s'�;�'� a� 'F3 ;;Ai ![]��!�i 1 f7 �1E�r u`�'�'im: tt t�''1P Schedule A Surface Improvements $2,954,500 Schedule A2 Wetland Mitigation (Alternate No. 2) $605,500 Schedule B Trunk Sanitary Sewer $339,300 Schedule C Lateral Sanitary Sewer $50,600 Schedule D Trunk Water Main $764,800 Schedule E Raw Water Main $862,000 Schedule F Trunk Storm Sewer $90,400 Schedule G Lateral Storm Sewer $526,400 Total Estimated Cost $6,193,500 6. FINANCIiNG 6.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions incorporate estimated 2006 construction costs and include a 10% contingency and 30% for all related indirect costs (legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items). Table 1 provides a summary of the opinion of cost for 135 Street West: As previously mentioned, it is anticipated that land acquisition will need to occur in order to construct the 135 Street West improvements as proposed. The cost of permanent right -of -way and permanent utility easements varies based on location, existing property use, and the amount of right -of -way being obtained per property. As such, the cost for nght -of -way acquisition has not been included in these cost estimates. Since nght -of -way is being obtained from property owners who will benefit from and be assessed for the proposed improvements, the negotiated right -of -way costs will be reflected in the total proposed property assessments. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (13? Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 Page 12 6.2 Funding Financing for this project will come from a combination of sources including Special Assessments, Dakota County funds, City Sanitary Sewer Core Funds, City Water Main Core Funds, City Stoi Water Core Funds, City Street CIP Funds, and previous cash deposits by adjacent property developers for roadway improvements. Detailed cost distnbution and assessment calculations can be found in Appendix C. 6.2.1 Dakota County As part of the County Road 38 turnback agreement, Dakota County has provided $2,240,000 toward the second phase reconstruction and upgrade of the roadway. 6.2.2 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund The City's Sanitary Sewer Core Fund is available to fund trunk sanitary sewer improvements throughout the City of Rosemount. For the 135 Street West portion of the project, there is approximately $339,300 in estimated trunk sanitary sewer improvements. 6.2.3 Water Main Core Fund The City's Water Main Core Fund is available to fund any trunk water main improvements throughout the City of Rosemount. Trunk improvements can include both trunk water main and raw water main. Trunk water main improvements along 135th Street West are estimated at $1,626,800. 6.2.4 Storm Sewer Core Fund The City's Storm Sewer Core Fund is available to fund any trunk storm sewer improvements throughout the City of Rosemount. Trunk improvements can include installing outlet structures within ponds, replacing existing culvert pipes between ponds, and connecting storm sewer ponds within the trunk system as outlined in the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Trunk storm sewer improvements along 135 Street West are estimated at $90,400. 6.2.5 Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The City's Street CIP fund is responsible for funding portions of the costs associated with upgrading and maintaining City streets. The dedicated CIP funding for individual projects can vary based on street size, use, location, and estimated construction costs. The City of Rosemount has budgeted up to $280,000 for the proposed 135 Street West improvements. According to the current cost distnbution, the City of Rosemount would only need to contribute an estimated $225,300 for the proposed improvements. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135" Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No 387 WSB Project No. 1S91 -02 Page 13 6.2.6 Cash Payments by Developers As a requirement of the plat approval for the Meadows of Bloomfield development, located south of 135 Street West, east of Bacardi Avenue, the developer was required to submit a cash payment of $265,000 to pay for the costs of the roadway and access improvements along 135 Street West. Similarly, the developer of the Biscayne Point North development was required to submit a cash payment of $65,900 to pay for the costs of the upgrade of 135 Street West. The total amount of pre -paid assessments contributed to the project is $330,900. 6.2.7 Special Assessments Properties with front footage or accessible acreage along 135 Street West are proposed to be assessed on a front footage basis. According to the City's 2005 Fee Resolution, for complete street reconstruction projects along gravel roads, assessments for the total cost of the improvement can be levied against benefiting properties. Since 135 Street West is both a County Road turnback and a Municipal State Aid street, outside funding sources, such as Dakota County turnback funds and Street CIP funds, are also being used for the proposed reconstruction. The assessment cost for the 135 Street West improvements is proposed at $110 per front foot for properties directly fronting 135 Street West. For properties with developable acreage that would benefit from the proposed roadway improvements and have access to their property from 135 Street West, the front footage assessment was divided evenly among the benefiting properties. Total street assessments are estimated at $1,290,200. Additionally, assessments are proposed to be levied against properties that would immediately benefit from the installation of lateral sanitary sewer. The total cost of the lateral sanitary sewer is proposed to be assessed to five benefiting properties along 135 Street West between Birchwood Avenue and Bacardi Avenue. Total sanitary sewer assessments are estimated at $50,600. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 Page 14 County Road 38 (Bonaire Path) Street and Utility Improvements Funding Summary elfll01M1 m�iky�;.,..,34.Aix,t }5 ,ir L't° �•I, it,r.'. tmoptrt I�i,thzr."�`i' e C ounty Road 38 Dakota County $2,240,000 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $339,300 Water Main Core Fund $1,626,800 Storm Sewer Core Fund $90,400 Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) $225,300 Cash Payments (from Developers) $330,900 Special Assessments $1,340,800 Total $6,193,500 6.3 Funding Summary A summary of the proposed funding for the 135 Street West improvement project is as follows: City of Rosemount FeasibiIity Report Old County Road 38 (135`” Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 15 7. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for these improvements is as follows: Public Informational Meeting No. 1 July 27, 2005 Public Informational Meeting No. 2 September 22, 2005 City Council Receives Feasibility Report October 4, 2005 Public Hearing and Order Improvements October 18, 2005 Design November 2005 February 2006 State Aid Approval March 2006 April 2006 City Council Receives Plans and Specifications, Authorizes Advertisement for Bidding April 18, 2006 Open Bids May 12, 2006 City Council Awards Bids May 16, 2005 Construction June 2006 November 15, 2006 Assessment Hearing November 2006 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135` Street West) (East Tract Lzne of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 16 8. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION Due to the continued residential development in this area, increased traffic, accidents, and deteriorating streets, 135` Street West should be reconstructed and upgraded to provide improved traffic flow, safer traffic movements, and increased pavement ndeability. The total estimated cost of the street and utility improvements for 135 Street West is $6,193,500. Funding will be provided through a combination of special assessments, property development fees, Dakota County funds, City Sanitary Sewer Core Funds, City Water Main Core Funds, and City Street CIP Funds. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineenng viewpoint. We recommend the street reconstruction and new trunk and lateral sanitary sewer, trunk water main, raw water main, and storm sewer installation along 135` Street West, from east tract line of the Harmony development east to Akron Avenue (County Road 73), as outlined in this report. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report old County Road 38 (I35` Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Uttlay Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 Page 17 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (13? Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Liddy Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Protect No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591-02 APPENDIX A Project Location Map Project Figures Street Typical Section w B Assoctotes nc I1 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www wsbeng com ,m.41-4e fY I81541 -Iu00 \ILiFRASTRWBIRE ENGINEERING PLANNING WNSTRUC11GN PROJECT LOCATION OLD COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 IMPROVEMENTS (135TH STREET W /ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA WSB Project No 1591 -02 October4, 2005 Figure No. 1 K 01591- 021CachExhlbits10 1 591 0 2 -FIG -01 dwg I 7�i , 17 0 0 Z M M KMO m z m W*z 0 0 KMO m z m W*z 0 0 0 0 LL Z M M E RC" m& t N U |Ult.!1 0 f -0 -0 0000 `z /�l,z 0 c X=Z 0 , 0 � m m m 0 z M > 0 z 0 z c > 34 c m z 0 F7 .............. _0 0 M�Z> 0 0 0 0 c o co z m 0 70" J , 41 \11 A :E * 0 K: O�Z> I m *Z 0 0 R o co m �w T 0 2 5M� m -:Z--\ 70" J , 41 \11 A :E * 0 K: O�Z> I m *Z 0 O r 0 �Z m0 z o U� �L z 0 co z z m C D 1 a c m 0 1 8 8 1 I 1 m 11-0 z z z 6 t �0 O O 0 0 m m m m m ❑0000 T n m m m n mn iE n O faz x c a z z 0 I c z e 1 R/W R/W TCH Y DITCH VARIES 12' TURN LANE VARIES VARIES (100' MINIMUM) 42 F F 14'LEFT /RIGHT 12' GRAVEL SURFACE EXISTING SECTION VARIES 2" 2350 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE (MVWE35030C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" 2350 TYPE MV 3 NONWEARING COURSE, (MVNW35030C)(2 LIFTS) 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100% CRUSHED /QUARRY ROCK) 24' SELECT GRANULAR FILL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MnDOT 3733, TYPE V)(AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER) PROPOSED SECTION r t DITCH R/W R/W j U11111 Nor pais RIMMEN MAE EXISTING 0 14THROUGH LANE 20% 20% 14THROUGH LANE 8424 CONCRETE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 8'MIN.I 8' 40% 20% ATCH EXIST GRADE 2 2340 TYPE 41 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE DESIGNATION 41WEA50055 (PG 58 -28) 6 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100% CRUSHED) 12" SELECT GRANULAR FILL WSB AlMe 11 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www wsbeng cam 753- 111800 Fai763541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL SECTION OLD COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 IMPROVEMENTS (135TH STREET W.) SROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA WSB Project No 1591 October 4, 2005 Figure No 8 K \01591 -021Cad1Exhibits101 5 91 0 2 FIG -08 dwg City of Rosemount Peashility Report Old County Road 38 (135" Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 APPENDIX B Opinion of Probable Cost Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project Old County Road No 38 (135th Sneer W Phase 2 Design By BDC Pt ojecr Location City of Rosemount Checked Be KN /AB,'15 City Project No 387 WSB Pro/eet No 1591 -02 Date 9/27/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO 38 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Descnpnon Una Esmnated Total Quantity Unit Price Estimated Total Cost A. SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SLIT 1 $104,00000 1104,000 2 205150 MAINTENANCE& RESTORATION OF HALL ROADS LUMP SUM 1 $9,000 00 59,000 3 2101 501 CLEARING ACRE 160 52,000-00 $3,200 4 2101 502 CLEARING TREE 25 $15000 $3,750 5 2101 506 GRUBBING ACRE 160 $2,00000 $3,200 6 2101 507 GRUBBING TREE 25 $50 00 51,250 7 2104501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS UN FT 350 $1000 33,500 8 2104504 REMOVE FENCE LIN FT 350 5200 3700 9 2104 505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 45 $2 00 390 10 2104 505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 1,100 32.25 52,475 11 2104 513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UN FT 200 33 50 5700 12 2105 501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 17,100 57 00 5119700 13 2105 507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 36,000 3500 3180,000 14 2105 521 GRANULAR BORROW CU YD 5,000 36 50 532,500 15 2105 522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 28,500 3650 $185,250 16 2105 535 SALV AGE TOPSOIL CUYD 4,500 31500 367,500 17 2105 604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE V SQ YD 2,000 31.50 33,000 18 2105607 EMBANKMENT CUYD 9,500 $400 338,000 19 2211 501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON 13,000 310 00 3130 000 20 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE (C TON 4,100 336 00 5147 600 21 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE (C TON 6 000 334 00 5204,000 22 2357 502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 3,500 5200 57,000 23 2521 604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 2,400 SI050 525,200 24 2531 501 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER, DESIGN TYPE F3424 LIN Fr 15,800 311 50 3181 700 25 2531 507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 110 $40 00 34,400 26 2531 602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 5 3500 00 52,500 27 2540 601 RAILROAD CROSSING LUMP SUM 1 3180,000 00 5180,000 28 2540 602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOXES EACH I I 5150 00 51,650 29 2557 501 WIRE FENCE UN FT 150 35 00 5750 30 2563 601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 525,000 00 525,000 31 2564 602 FURNISH INSTALL SIGN TYPE C EACH 22 5175 00 53,850 32 2564 602 FURNISH INSTALL SIGN TYPE D EACH 10 3275 00 52,750 33 2564 602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) PAINT EACH 10 35000 5500 34 2564602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT -THRU ARROW) PAINT EACH 10 375.00 $750 35 2564 602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPDXY EACH 10 535000 53,500 36 2564602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT -THRU ARROW) EPDXY EACH 10 545000 54,500 37 2564 603 4' SOLID WHITE -PAINT LIN FT 1,500 $025 5375 38 2564 603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT LIN FT 14,100 5050 57,050 39 2564 603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT LIN FT 6,400 $3 00 519,200 40 2564 603 4" SOLID WHITE -EPDXY LIN FT 1,500 S050 5750 41 2564 603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY UN FT 14,100 5100 514,100 42 2564 603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY LIN FT 6,400 54 50 528,800 43 2571 501 CONIFEROUS TREE 6' HT B&B EACH 15 5325 00 34,875 44 2571 502 DECIDUOUS TREE 15" CAL B&B EACH 15 540000 56.000 45 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY UN FT 18,000 52 50 545,000 Opinion of Probable Cost 1 af 6 Opinion of Probable Cost TI'SB Pt ojecr Old County Road No 38 35th Street W Phase 2 Design Br BDC Project Locanon City of Rosemount Checked By KN/A B /1S Qry Project No 387 WSB Pr oject No 1591 -02 Date• 9/27/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO 38 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Description Umt Estimated Total Quantity Unit Price Estimated Total Cost 46 2573 602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 85 $100 00 I $8,500 47 2573 603 BIOROLL LIN FT 1,500 5650 $9,750 48 2575 501 SEEDING ACRE 8 8 1000 00 $8 800 49 2575 511 MULCH FON 12 $200 00 $2,400 50 2575 608 SEED MIXTURE 310 POUND 515 58 00 $4,120 51 2575 608 SEED MIXTURE 250 POUND 220 $4 00 5880 52 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL TOPSOIL FERT SQ YD 10,000 $3 00 330,000 53 2575 523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 16,000 3200 332,000 54 UTILITY COORDINATION LUMP SUM 1 5160,000 00 $160 000 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 52,066,065 TOTAL Schedule 10% Contingencies 3206,610 Subtotal 32,272,680 30% Indirect Cost 3681,800 A Surface Improvements $2,954,500 A L ALTERNATE NO_I RETAINING W 55 2411 511 l STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION CU YD 2,100 31000 321,000 56 2411 541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (PLAIN) POUND 58,000 3100 358,000 57 2411541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED) POUND 62,000 3120 $74,400 58 2411 503 RETAINING WALL, FOOTING CU YD 705 5350 00 3246,750 59 2411 603 RETAINING WALL CU YD 710 3400 00 5284,000 60 2452 520 PILING (INCLUDES DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION) LIN FT 10,100 S28 00 5282,800 61 2452 520 TEST PILES EACH 4 36,500 00 326,000 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE Al ALTERNATE NO I RETAINING WALL 3992,950 TOTAL Schedule Al Alternate 10% Contingencies 399,300 Subtotal 31,092,250 30% Indirect Cost 3327,680 No. 1 Retaining Wall 31,419,900 A2. ALTERNATE NO. 2 WETLAND MITIGATION 62 LAND ACQUISITION SQ FT 78,000 3100 378,000 63 2105 501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 36,900 37 00 3258,300 64 2105 505 MUCK EXCAVATION CU YD 500 31000 35,000 65 2105 507 SLBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 200 55 00 31,000 66 2105 521 GRANULAR BORROW CU YD 500 5650 53,250 67 2105607 EMBANKMENT CL YD 14,000 3400 556,000 68 2521 604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 530 51050 35,565 69 2571 501 t CONIFEROUS TREE 6' HT B&B EACH 18 3325 00 35 850 70 2571 502 DECIDUOUS TREE 1 5" CAL B&B EACH 18 340000 37,200 71 2575 501 SEEDING ACRE 18 31,000 00 31,800 72 2575 511 MULCH TON 3 $20000 5600 73 2575 608 SEED MIXTURE 310 POUND 110 38 00 3880 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A2 ALTERNATE NO 2 WETLAND MITIGATION 5423,445 TOTAL Schedule 10% Contingencies 342 340 Subtotal 3465,790 30% Indirect Cost 3139,740 A2 Alternate No. 2 Wetland Mitigation $605,500 Opinion of Probable Cost 2 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project Old County Road No 3S (135th Street W Phase 2 Design By BDC P,grect Locanon City of Rosemount Checked Bp KN,AB'JS City Project No 387 W58 Piorect VG 1591 -02 Date- 9/27/2005 38 COUNTY ROAD NO Item No MN /DOT Spectficanan Na Desrnpnon Unit Etiolated Total Quantity Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost B. SANITARY SEWER 74 LATERAL S ANITARY SEWER OVERDEPTH (INCLUDES PIPE MATERIAL COST INCREASE TO DR 13 PVC) LIN FT 900 $6200 555,500 75 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 260 55 00 51,300 76 2503 541 16" PVC PIPE SEWER DR 18 LIN FT 700 5110 00 577 000 77 2503 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1 51,000 00 51 000 78 2503 603 30" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT 150 550000 575 000 79 2503 603 TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 650 31 00 3650 80 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 2 540000 3800 81 2506 603 I CONST48 DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 105 320000 $21,000 82 2521 604 12" BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 450 51050 34,725 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B TRUNK SANITARY SEWER 8237,275 TOTAL Schedule HD' Contingencies $23, 730 Subtotal 5261,010 30% Indirect Cost $78,300 B Trunk Sanitary Sewer $339,300 C. LATERAL SANITARY SEWER 83 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 200 3300 3600 84 2503 602 8" x 4" PVC WYE EACH 3 385 00 5255 85 2503 603 8" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 6 5300 00 51,800 86 2503 603 4" PVC PIPE SEWER LIN FT 200 518 00 53 600 87 2503 603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER LIN FT 900 32000 318,000 88 2503 603 TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER UN FT 900 SI 00 5900 89 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 3 340000 31 200 90 2506 603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 45 5200 00 59,000 e SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C LATERAL SANITARY SEWER 835,355 TOTAL Schedule 10% Contingencies S3,540 Subtotal 338,900 +30% Indirect Cost 511,670 C Lateral Sanitary Sewer 850,600 Opinion of Probable Cast 3 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project Old County Road No 38 (135th Street W Phase 2 Design By BDC Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By KN /AB /IS City Project No 387 0'SB Protect No 1591 -02 Dare 9/27/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Description Una Estimated Total Quantity Unit Price Estimated Total Cost D. TRUNK WATER MAIN 91 2504 602 HYDRANT EACH 17 31,800 00 530,600 92 2504602 CLEAN -OUT HYDRANT EACH 5 52,00000 310,000 93 2504.602 BLOW -OFF HYDRANT EACH 5 32,00000 $10,000 94 2504.602 j CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 4 31,000 00 54,000 95 2504 602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 27 $650 00 317,550 96 2504602 8" GATE V ALVE AND BOX EACH S85000 35950 97 2504 602 16" GATE VALVE AND 130X EACH 11 33,900 00 342,900 98 2504 603 30" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT 120 327500 333,000 99 2504 603 6" W ATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 500 $22 00 311,000 100 2504 603 8" WATER MAR. -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 400 S24 00 39,600 101 2504 603 16" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 8 000 534 00 5272,000 102 2504 604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD 100 32000 $2 000 103 2504 604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 21,000 S2 00 342,000 104 2550512 HANDHOLE EACH 27 $60000 316,200 105 2550 603 2" FLEX]BLE NON METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT 8,000 33 50 $28,000 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D TRUNK WATER MAIN 5534,800 TOTAL Schedule IOC/ Contingencies $53,480 Subtotal $588,280 30% Indirect Cost 3176.480 D Trunk Water Main $764,800 E. RAW WATER MAIN 106 2130 501 WATER (FOR TESTING) MGAL 170 518 00 33,060 107 2504 602 AIR RELEASE VALVE WITH MANHOLE EACH 4 34,500 00 518 000 108 2504 602 CONVECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 51,500 00 31,500 109 2504 602 16" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 4 33,900 00 315,600 109 2504,602 24" BUTTERFLY VALVE AND BOX EACH 5 34,000 00 320,000 110 2504,603 16" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 400 534 00 513,600 111 2504 603 24" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 5,800 57500 5435,000 112 2504 603 36" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 600 3130 00 578,000 113 2504 604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 9,000 52 00 518,000 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE E RAW WATER MAIN 3602,760 HP/ Contingencies 360 280 Subtotal 3663,040 30% Indirect Cost 3198,910 TOTAL Schedule E Raw Water Main $862,000 Opinion of Probable Cost 4 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB .°t greet Old Couaty Road No 38 t 135th Street W Phase 2 Design B% BBC Pt oject Lacatron City of Rosemount Checked 33 KIN/AB /JS City Project \o 387 WSB Protect No 1591 -02 Date 9/27/2005 COUNTY ROAD NO 38 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No Descnpnon Unit Estmated Total Quantity Unit Price Estimated Total Cost F. TRUNK STORM SEWER rt 114 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 500 53 00 SI 500 115 2501 515 12" RC PIPE APRON EACH 4 5375 00 S 1 500 116 2501 515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH S400 00 S800 117 2501 515 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5450 00 5450 118 2501 515 21" RC PIPE APRON EACH 2 $500 00 S1,000 119 2501 515 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 $550 00 5550 120 2501 515 30" RC PIPE APRON EACH 3 5610 00 51,830 121 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 12" PIPE APRON EACH 4 5200 00 5800 122 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15" PIPE APRON EACH 2 5250 00 8500 123 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH 1 5275 00 5275 124 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 2 PIPE APRON EACH 2 5350 00 5700 125 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH 1 5400 00 5400 126 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 30" PIPE APRON EACH L 547500 5475 127 2503 541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT 140 521 00 52,940 128 2503 541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT 250 538 00 59,500 129 2506 501 CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL2 (OUTLET) EACH 5 58,000 00 540,000 SIJBTOT4L SCHEDULE F TRUNK STORM SEWER 563,220 TOTAL Schedule 10% Contin 56,320 Subtotal $69,540 30 %Indirect Cost $20,860 F Trunk Storm Sewer $90,400 Opinion of Probable Coal 5 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB PI olect Old County Road No 38 (135th Street W Phase 2 Design B7 BDC Project Location Ctty of Rosemount Checded By KN/AB /]S City Po oject No. 387 WSB Po oleo! No 1591 -02 Date 9/272005 COUNTY ROAD NO 38 Item No MN /DOT Specification No p Descnption Unit Estimated Total Quantity Una Pnce Estimated Total Cost G. LATERAL STORM SEWER 130 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 1,600 S3 00 54 800 131 2501 511 15" CS PIPE CULVERT LIN FT 200 $21 00 54 200 132 2501 515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 2 5400 5800 133 2501 515 13" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5450 00 5450 134 2501 515 2 RC PIPE APRON EACH I 5500 00 5500 135 2501 515 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5550 00 5550 136 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 15" PIPE APRON EACH 2 5250.00 5500 137 250t 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH 1 5275 00 5275 138 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 21" PIPE APRON EACH I 535000 5350 139 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH 1 5400 00 5400 140 2503 541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT 1,600 823 50 537,600 141 2503 541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LN FT 2,000 S25 00 550.000 142 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL 111 LIN FT L700 527 00 545,900 143 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL 111 LIN FT 1,550 53000 546,500 144 2506 501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48 -4020 LIN FT 180 522500 $40,500 t45 2506 501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRLCTURE DES 60 -4020 LIN FT 120 525000 530,000 146 2506 501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL I (2'x3' CB) EACH 30 51,200 00 536.000 147 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 60 5450 00 527,000 148 251 t 501 RANDOM RIPRAP, CLASS IV CU YD 600 565 00 539,000 149 2511 515 GEOTEXTtLE FILTER TYPE IV SQ YD 920 53 00 52,760 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE G LATERAL STORM SEWER $368,085 TOTAL Schedule +10°/ ConnnRenmes $36,310 Subtotal 8404,900 30% Indirect Cost 5121,470 G Lateral Storm Sewer 5526,400 County Road No. 38, Phase 2 (ALT #1) Project Total 57,007.900 County Road No. 38, Phase 2 (ALT #2) Project Total 56,193,500 Opinion of Probable Cost 6 of 6 City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report Old County Road 38 (135 Street West) (East Tract Line of Harmony to Akron Avenue) Street and lhiluy Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 387 WSB Project No. 1591 -02 APPENDIX C Special Assessment Calculations Cost Distributions y Assessment Roll Old County Road No 38 (135th Street W Phase 2 Design Br BDC City of Rosemount Cher Led Be AJB 387 1591 -02 Dote 9/27/2005 1 mamssassY pl Total Assessment 1 01.1"0£$ $77,989 6P$ "EZS 1 0 05L'9t$ $288,750 1 Sanitary Assessment Sanaa, y Assessment 4r; 0 0 0 CA 00 6ZCZ$ Cost Per Acre 00'SZI'I$ I I 00 SZI'I$ 0 0 SZ I'IS Servicable Acreage 6E ZZ 817 OI LO Z tssessment 1 Street Assessment O 010' LOI$ 0 08`ZS 0P8'LES 0Z1'I ZS 005'SS 06Z'69I$ 05C9t$ 061.',9$ 0SL'88Z$ Cost Per Lot Cost Per Front Foot 00 0115 00 011$ 00011$ 00•0115 000!1$ 00 011$ 0001I$ 00011$ 00'01IS 00 O I I Front 1 Footage LLZ CL6 081 PPE Z61 OS 6ES'1 szp 68S SZ9'Z Owner Address NORTHERN S1 A I ES POWER CO PROPER I Y TAX DEPT 1 414 NICOI LET AVE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401 -1993 JOAN ANDERSON 2295 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOI TNT MN 55068 -3400 HEI TY JANE NIELAND 11201 FAIRFIELDS RD APP 126 1 MINNE1ONKA MN 55305 -7421 HENRY E SUE L NIELAND 2067 135111 S F W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3425 ROBEIt1 L KAUFMAN 2025 135 PJ t ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3425 NORTHERN NA1 URAL GAS CO PROPER I Y TAX DEPARTMENT PO BOX 3330 OMAHA NE 68103 -0333 ADAM LAFAVRE 1290 BACARDI AVE W ROSEMOUN1 MN 55068 DOUGLAS J YOUNG 1741 135TH S1 W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3012 NORMAN SHARON DRUCKER 1665 135T11 ST ROSEMOUN 1 MN 55068 JOHN 13 MCMENOMY 1283 1351 H S 1 W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3008 Nld I 34- 02110 010 -33 1 34- 02110- 018 -31 I 34- 02110- 010 -35 I 34- 02110- 011 -34 I 34- 02110 020 -37 34- 02110- 010 -37 34- 45601 010 -00 34- 02110 010 -09 34 -02110- 012 -01 34- 02200- 010 -25 I I Preliminary Assessment Roll c m.,e *_xrq.... _.��,.,p 'tt ,',t"' _Ki$Eitt;'� 'm�•Vnh.'rya:"rTX� ri e— Fi.CtVRi 409I14€n -sh -o a 4"'°e..•4 hali�£H. =a. �.}ii; s'c? T2tf`A Y-`(-yj� WSB ho/eet Old County Road No 38 (1351h Street W,), Phase 2 Design By RDC Protect Location City of Rosemount Checked By AIR City home( No 387 WSB ;holed No 1591 -02 Dote 9/27/2005 Total Assessment 1 Total Assessment OS4`ZEI$ 01V9PI$ $37,219 $46,138 SEZ'9ZS S 5E S 09E'ZSS 1 U08ObC`It Sanitar Assess Jnam9929et1 .Ilalnm5 00 61Z'4S 00 880'L$ 009`OSS Cost Per Acre 00 SZI'I$ 00 SZI'IS annassir algcalnaaS SL'£ 0E9 6646 Street Assessment I Street Assessment 054 Zbl 014'94!$ 000'£ES OS0`6£5 SCZ'9ZS Ft 2. SEZ'9Z$ SEZ'9Z$ 09C'ZSS 1 00Z`06Z`IS Cost Per Lot 00 SEZ 00 SCZ'9Z$ 00 SEZ`9ZS 00 SEZ'9Z$ Cost Per Front Foot 00 0115 000115 00 011$ 000115 000115 a aloo,1 moil S6Z'I ICC1 OOE SS£ 49£ 065 0 0 9L4 an! Owner Address JMOR REAL ES I ATE INVESTMENTS LLC 1903 WINSI OW CT W SAINT PAUL MN 55118 JMOR REAI ESTATE INVESTMENTS LLC 1903 WINSLOW CT W SAINT PAUL MN 55118 GEORGE A JUDY L NOVACEK 2058 135111 ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3424 DONALD J FI ACII 2100135T11S7 W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3405 MAR V IN G VERENE J FRITZ 2316 BONAIRE PATII ROSEMOUN F MN 55068 -3432 1 RICHARD 1 LAM011 E 2318 BONAIRE PA 1 H ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3432 l KEVIN LOIS MUELLNER 2320 BONAIRE PA7 H ROSEMOUN E MN 55068 -3432 JOHN H KAREN S GILLESPIE 2322 BONAIRE PATII ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 -3432 CONTRAC I OR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS CO 3030 CENTRE POINT E DR STE 800 ROSEVII I E MN 55113 1 1'O FALI Nld I I 34- 02200 013 -50 34- 02200- 013 -60 34- 02110 010 -51 34. 02110- 020 -50 34- 02110- 016 -31 I 34- 02110 013 -31 I 34- 02110 -014 -31 I 34- 02110 015 -31 !E-510-011Z0 -4E O N CV 0 rn en 0 r ei 0 g s al ;f» b c en })f |a ri sz 0 0 s.' cr ea it. in Ti 1 Cost Distribution Calculations WSB Peojecr Old County Road No, 33 (135th Street W Phase 2 Protect Location City of Rosemount City Project No 337 WSB Protect No 1591 -02 Design By BDC Checked 3y AJB Date 9/27,2005 Dakota County $2,240,000 Costs provided through County Road 38 tumback agreement Dakota County TOTAL 1 $2,240,000 Sanitary Sewer Core Fund $339,300 Trunk Sanitary Sewer (Schedule B) Sanitary Sewer Core Fund TOTAL $339,300 Water Main Core Fund $764,800 $862,000 Trunk Water Matn (Schedule D) Raw Water Main (Schedule E) L Water Main Core Fund TOTAL $1,626,8001 Storm Sewer Core Fund $90,400 Trunk Storm Sewer (Schedule F) Storm Sewer Core Fund TOTAL 590,401 Assessments 5265,000 $65,900 5330,900 Cash Payments Centex Homes (Meadows of Bloomfield) Giles Properties (Biscayne Point North) Total Prepaid Assessments Special Assessments Total Street Assessments ($110 Per Front Foot) Total Lateral Sanitary Sewer Assessment ($1,002 Per Acre) Total Special Assessments S1,290,200 S50,600 $1.340,800 Assessment TOTAL 51,671,704 Street Capital Improvement Program $4,137,000 (52,240,000) ($1,671,700) Street, Lateral Sanitary Sewer, and Lateral Storm Costs (Schedules A, A2, C, and G) Minus Dakota County Contnbution Minus Assessments Capital Improvement Program TOTAL S225,30011 1 oft