HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Final Draft Comprehensive Water Supply PlanAGENDA ITEM: Final Draft Comprehensive Water Supply Plan AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer 5 "AGEN f E J` r ATTACHMENTS: Draft Plan APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. 4 ROSE City Council Work Session: October 12, 2005 BACKGROUND: MOUNT CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With the recent adoption of the 42 Land Use plan, work has been progressing to complete an updated comprehensive water supply plan for the City. The final draft Plan, a copy of which is attached, has been reviewed and approved by the Utility Commission. At this time, staff and representatives from WSB would like to present the final draft Plan to Council for discussion prior to presenting the Plan at a regular meeting for Council consideration and adoption. G. \ENGPROJ \Comprehensive Water Supply Plan \CWS10.12 -05 doc Comprehensive Water System Plan WSB Project No. 1582 -00 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 November 4, 2005 Prepared for: 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Prepared by: s WSB ,Isaociates, Inc COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Prepared for the: City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 November 4, 2005 Prepared by: WSB Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 (TEL) 763 -541 -1700 (FAX) WSB Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction Associates, Inc 9 9 9 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763 -541 -4800 fax 763 -541 -1700 November 4, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith is the Comprehensive Water System Plan for the above referenced project. The report is a planning tool to help the City meet its short-term and long -term water demands. We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please give us a call at 763 -541 -4800 if you have any questions. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. Kevin F. Newman, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure srb Minneapolis 1 St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer CERTIFICATION Prepared by: Cmaprehenuve Water Sy‘te,, flan City of Rmen,ount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: November 4, 2005 Kevin F. Newman, P.E. Joseph C. ard, E I T Date: November 4, 2005 Quality Control Review by: /ancy D. igler, .E. Lic. No. 25198 Date: November 4, 2005 Lic. No. 42823 TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Introduction 2 3.0 General System Policies 3 3 1 Strategic Growth Management 3 4.0 Land Use 3 4.1 Land Use Breakdown 3 4.2 Developable Areas 3 4.3 Potential Ultimate Service Area 4 5.0 Existing Conditions 4 5.1 Current Service Areas 4 5.2 Existing Water System 5 5.2.1 Current Water Sources 5 5 2 2 Current Water Treatment 5 5.2.3 Current Water Storage 6 5.2.4 Current Water Distribution and Firefighting Capacity 6 5.2.5 Summary of Existing Deficiencies 8 6.0 Growth Projections 8 6.1 Projected Residential Growth 8 6.2 Projected Non Residential Growth 9 7.0 Existing and Future Water Demands 10 7.1 Estimated Unit Water Demand 10 7.2 Peak Day Water Demand 11 7.3 Projected Water Demand 12 8.0 Future Water Systems 12 8.1 General. 12 8.2 Background 13 8.3 Water Supply Needs 13 8.3.1 Future Source Requirements 13 8.3.2 Groundwater Modeling 14 8.4 Water Treatment Needs 14 8.4.1 Raw Water Quality. 14 8.4.2 Water Treatment Plant Capacity 15 8.4.3 Water Treatment Alternatives 16 8.5 Water Storage Needs 18 8.6 Trunk Water Main Looping 18 9.0 Capital Improvement and Upkeep Program 20 10.0 Water System Financing 20 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Land Use Plan Gross Developable Acreages Potential Ultimate Service Area Existing Water Distribution System Ultimate Trunk Water Main System Trunk Water Main System Phasing Rosemount Hourly Water Usage (Stepwise Water CAD Population Projections Daily Water Usage Pattern (Observed Data) Existing System Average Day Pressure Contours Existing System Peak Hour Pressure Contours Existing System Minimum Hour Pressure Contours Existing System Available Fire Flow 2010 System Peak Hour Pressure Contours 2010 System Minimum Hour Pressure Contours 2010 System— Available Fire Flow 2015 System— Peak Hour Pressure Contours 2015 System Minimum Hour Pressure Contours 2015 System Available Fire Flow 2025 System Peak Hour Pressure Contours 2025 System Minimum Hour Pressure Contours 2025 System Available Fire Flow Ultimate System Peak Hour Pressure Contours Ultimate System Minimum Hour Pressure Contours Ultimate System Available Fire Flow 10 MGD Pressure Filter Option for Northwest WTP 10 MGD Gravity Filter Option for Northwest WTP 6 MGD Pressure Filter Option for Southwest WTP 6 MGD Gravity Filter Option for Southwest WTP Gross Developable Acreage Potential Ultimate Service Area Historical Water Demand Existing Well Information Existing Elevated Water Storage Facilities Population Estimates and Projections West Side Serviced Population Projection by Land Use Type East Side Serviced Population Projection by Land Use Type Summary of Projected Water Usage for the City Service Area Projected Water Usage for the West Side Service Area Projected Water Usage for the East Side Service Area Well Development Schedule Water Treatment Needs Projected Water Storage Needs Water Storage Construction Schedule Capital Improvement Plan Appendix A Water Treatment Plant Cost Estimates Appendix B Barr Engineering: Rosemount Well Field Study Technical Memorandum Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report represents a comprehensive water system plan to help the City of Rosemount meet its short-term and long -term water demands, The existing water distribution system consists of seven wells, three elevated storage tanks, limited water treatment at each well site, and over 100 miles of water main ranging in size from 6 to 16 inches in diameter Also, the system is broken into two pressure zones, eastern and western, by a pressure reducing valve. The total well capacity is 6,400 gallons per minute (gpm) and firm capacity, assuming the largest well out of service, of 4,800 gpm. However, one of the existing wells (Well No. 3) will be taken out of service in the future and an eighth well (Well No. 14) is currently under construction. Once Well No. 3 is taken out of service and Well No. 14 is in operation, the total well capacity and firm capacity will be 7,100 gpm and 5,500 gpm, respectively Each well pumps into the distnbution system after treatment with chlonne, fluoride, and polyphosphate. System storage includes two towers in the western pressure zone, one tower under construction in the western pressure zone to be completed in 2005, and one tower in the eastern pressure zone. Existing system storage is 2,000,000 gallons (gal), which will increase to 3,500,000 gal after completion of the Bacardi Tower. The 2004 average water demand was approximately 2.1 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) and a maximum day demand of 5.6 MGD. An extended period simulation (EPS) computer model (WaterCAD v. 6.5) was used to evaluate the existing system's operating pressures and available fire flow. The modeling results indicate a functional system without a fire event with seven wells (including Well No. 12) in operation and the three existing towers in service. Although the City currently provides adequate service and fire protection to the vast majority of development, there are a few deficiencies and future challenges including: Limited fire protection in the eastern pressure zone The existing system is not capable of serving the proposed Air Cargo facility In the event that the Air Cargo facility is developed, approximately 4 miles of trunk water main will be necessary to serve the development, either additional wells will need to be constructed on the east -side or construction of approximately 4 miles of trunk water main will be necessary to serve the development from the western pressure zone. The limited fire protection in the eastern pressure zone will be improved as development is increased. The future trunk mains will serve development as needed and provide fire protection. Rosemount has been experiencing considerable growth and anticipates growth to continue. In the last five years, the population has increased approximately 40 Also, major business development is anticipated with the possibility of constructing an Air Cargo facility in the eastern area. Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 1 The quantity and timing of future water demands were estimated in accordance with the City's recently adopted land use plan, estimated developable acreage, and the water demand per acre for each land use type (estimated unit water demand). Both average and peak day demands were estimated. A peak day to average day demand ratio of 2.5 was used for demand. The resulting projected average water demand is 4.58 MGD, 6.34 MGD, and 8.80 MGD in 5, 10, and 20 years, respectively. These estimates include future industrial users and some existing areas that are presently on individual wells joining the water system. The water distribution system will expand as development requires service. An ultimate trunk water main system has been developed to provide adequate service to the total City development. If development occurs quicker than anticipated, construction phasing can be changed. However, the ability of the trunk water main system to provide adequate service and fire flow depends highly on the location of supply. If future supply locations are greatly changed, for instance an inability to develop any wells in the eastern pressure zone, then main sizing may need to be redeveloped. Another variable in future water system phasing is treatment. As the City grows, water customers typically will expect higher quality water. Therefore, water treatment will be proposed m the future and it is only prudent to include it in the City's future plans. Due to the location of these facilities around the City of Rosemount, large transmission mains would not be required to provide service to customers. The Ultimate System shown in Figure 5 would include mostly 12 -inch distribution mains located on the along section lines. Also, the existing 16 -inch loop started by the City in the western pressure zone would be continued throughout the western pressure zone. A 16 -inch trunk loop would serve as the backbone of the eastern pressure zone as well. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemount has experienced considerable growth in recent years and anticipates similar growth to continue. The purpose of the comprehensive water system plan is to provide the City with a plan to serve future development. The existing water system consists of wells, storage, distribution, and limited treatment facilities at each well location. This water system plan will review current water system demand and existing system capabilities. The study will also project growth and resulting demand on the system and recommend future system improvements necessary to meet increased demand. A capital improvement plan will be presented and financing options will be discussed. Flexibility in planning, design, and construction in the near term and long term are of high importance, since such flexibility will allow savings in time and money when changes to the water system are necessary. Comprehenswe Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 2 3.0 GENERAL SYSTEM POLICIES 3.1 Strategic Growth Management Strategic growth management is a key factor in a community's success as it grows. It is important to promote new commercial and industnal development while also balancing such growth with residential growth. Residential development needs to be guided in terms of amount, type, location, and quality While accommodating growth, it is also essential that environmental quality in Rosemount is protected. Rosemount's ability to deliver reliable services must be maintained as the City grows and there needs to be an awareness of all services, such as water (distribution system, wells, storage, and treatment), sewer (trunk sewer system, wastewater treatment and discharge), storm water, transportation, schools, and other public facilities and services. Rosemount has exhibited a proactive approach to strategic growth management by the development of an updated land use plan, discussed in section four, in conjunction with this comprehensive water system plan. Combining the two plans will allow Rosemount to meet its water service needs well into the future and continue its rapid growth while maintaining a high quality of life. 4.0 LAND USE 4.1 Land Use Breakdown Figure 1 is the current land use plan for the City of Rosemount. This plan was developed by the City of Rosemount and separates the planning area into fifteen (15) different land use categories. Land use is a cntical factor in determining future water demand because different land uses exert different demands on the water system. 4.2 Developable Areas The area within Rosemount's City limits is approximately 32.2 square miles or 20,600 acres. The existing developed area is approximately 9,100 acres including existing parks, agricultural, and unserviced (residential and industrial) areas. Therefore, there is still much land within City limits with development potential. Each land use section's total acreage was calculated. Existing developed, whether serviced or unserviced, and undevelopable areas (parks and agnculture) were subtracted to obtain developable acreage. This is identified as "Gross" Developable Acreage because it includes roads and common or public areas potentially included in developments. The Gross Developable Acreage by land use categories is shown in Figure 2 and summarized in Table 1. Comprehenswe Water System Plan City of Rosemount, .YIN WSB Project No. 158240 Page 3 4.3 Potcntiai Ultimate Service Area The potential ultimate service area quantifies gross developable acres in terms of those most hkely to develop and when development is anticipated. The potential service area development time frames were discussed with City staff. Projects in the planning stage were taken into account as was a site's location in relation to existing developed areas and existing services. Currently, there is approximately 3,000 acres in the south central area of the City used by the University of Minnesota Rosemount Research Center UMore Park). UMore Park is bounded by CSAH 42 on the north, 160 Street/City limits on the south, Biscayne Avenue on the west, and extends approximately 1 4 mile east beyond Blaine Avenue. This 3,000 acres excludes 165 acres for Dakota County Technical College located in the north central portion of the 3,000 acres. Since the University's plans for UMore Park are unknown, the time frame for development, if ever, is unknown. Therefore, development and water service to this area has only been included in the ultimate service area. Another unknown serviced area is the proposed Air Cargo facility located in the eastern area. There has been no specific location proposed, but it would encompass 630 acres somewhere between US 52, CSAH 42, 160 Street/City limits, and Emery Avenue. The time frame for this development is unknown, but has been included in the 2010 service area as a conservative measure. Potential service areas are shown in Figure 3 and summarized in Table 2. The potential service area is shown for the years 2005, 2010, 2015, 2025, and ultimate build out. In addition, residential and non residential areas are identified. Growth is projected to occur primarily by surrounding the existing western service area then expanding eastward, with the exception of the Air Cargo facility included in the 2010 service area, and UMore Park. The 2005 service area shown in Figure 3 and described Table 2 is 4,911 acres. This acreage is the total developed area discussed in section 4.2 of 9,112 (approximately 9,100), less developed unserved (2,412 ac of residential and industrial), and undevelopable areas (1,789 ac). Agncultural, Rural Residential, and Parks were not considered to be part of the ultimate service area. 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 5.1 Current Service Areas The existing water distnbution system for the City of Rosemount is shown in Figure 4. It consists of two pressure zones, western and eastern. The eastern zone has a lower ground elevation than the western, therefore, water supplied from the western zone could cause main breaks in the eastern zone without a reduction in pressure. A pressure reducing valve (PRV) connects the two zones, which allows the eastern zone to maintain a constant downstream pressure regardless of flow supplied from the western zone. In addition, it allows both pressure zones to act as one system relative to facility sizing and fire protection. Comprehenssve Water System Plan City of Rosemouta, MN WSB Project No 1582 -00 Page 4 The water distribution system currently serves an area of approximately 4,900 acres and consists of both ductile iron and PVC water mains ranging from 6 inches to 16 inches in diameter The western pressure zone has been developed and consists of an array of mains, generally ductile iron, with a 16 -inch loop throughout the pressure zone. The eastern pressure zone is largely undeveloped and is connected to the western pressure zone via 16 -inch transmission main and PRV. Mains are sparsely located as are the users. Existing water demand is approximately 2.0 MGD on an average day and 5.6 MGD on a peak day Historical water usage is shown in Table 3. The historical water usage shown in Table 3 has been adjusted to correct for a substantial public /institutional meter reading. Details are discussed in 7.1. 5.2 Existing Water System Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582-00 5.2.1 Current Water Sources The City of Rosemount currently has seven wells in service. They are designated Well No. 3, Well No. 7, Well No. 8, Well No. 9, Well No. 12, Well RR No. 1, and Well RR No. 2. Well No. 14 is currently under construction and will most likely be pumping into the system in 2006. Well Nos. 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 14 serve the western pressure zone while Well RR Nos. 1 and 2 serve the eastern pressure zone. Locations of the wells are identified on Figure 4. All wells draw groundwater from the Jordan Aquifer and are then treated with chlorine, fluoride, and polyphosphate in each well house. After treatment, water is pumped into the distribution system. Detailed information for each of the wells is found in Table 4. The total capacity of the seven Rosemount wells is 6,400 gpm. The firm capacity of the seven wells, which assumes the largest well out of service (Well No. 9), is 4,800 gpm. Abandonment of Well No. 3 is proposed because of the age and condition of the equipment in the well house for Well No. 3. Abandonment of Well No. 3 and the addition of Well No. 14 will increase the total and firm capacity of the system to 7,100 gpm and 5,500 gpm, respectively. To meet the needs of the existing water system, well firm capacity should equal or exceed the peak day water demand in accordance with AWWA recommendations. The highest peak day demand was 3,850 gpm, which occurred in 2001. Therefore, after Well No. 12 is in service the existing supply needs will be met 5.2.2 Current Water Treatment Water treatment is not mandatory for the City of Rosemount. As discussed in section 5.2.1, the only treatment occurs at each well house. Raw water is treated with chlonne, fluoride, and polyphosphate. Page 5 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSJ) Project No. 1582 -00 5.2.3 Current Water Storage There are three elevated storage facilities serving the City of Rosemount with a fourth under construction. Of the three existing, two are located in the western pressure zone and the third in the eastern. The fourth tower is located in the western pressure zone. The locations of all the towers are identified on Figure 4. The Chippendale Tower is a toro ellipsoidal tower with 500,000 gal of available storage located at the northeastern corner of Chippendale Avenue and West 150 Street. The Connemara Tower is a 1,000,000 gal Hydropillar located northeast of the intersection of Connemara Trail and Clover Lane. Another Hydropillar, the Bacardi Tower, is located directly south of the intersection of Bacardi Avenue and West 135 Street. It will store 1,500,000 gal upon completion in 2006. A 500,000 gal spheroid tower serving the eastern pressure zone is located southeast of the intersection of US 52 and East 145 Street. Since the system is pressurized by the well pumps, elevated water storage floats on system pressure. Each of the towers in the western pressure zone has the same overflow level of 1,105. Specific information on each tower is listed in Table 5. 5.2.4 Current Water Distribution and Firefighting Capacity The existing water distribution system consists of two pressure zones connected by a PRV, as discussed in section 5.1, and over 100 miles of water distribution mains ranging in size from 6 inches to 16 inches (Figure 4). Some mains connecting wells or towers to the distribution system are greater than 16 inches. An extended period simulation (EPS) computer model (WaterCAD v.6.5) was used to evaluate the existing water system's ability to provide adequate service under a variety of conditions and provide fire protection. The EPS model replicates the daily fluctuation of water demand versus time of day. The EPS model offers a view of time varying features such as tank levels, water system demand, and pump on and off operation, and available firefighting flow. Figure 6 is a graphical representation of the maximum day hourly water usage that was used to develop the EPS computer model. The development of this curve and other demands is discussed later in section 6.1. Computer modeling of existing conditions was performed assuming the well pumps were operating at their firm capacity (largest well out of service, Well No. 9) of approximately 4,800 gpm. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) data and the City GIS system were used to assign elevations to the points in the model. Hydrant flow tests were used to calibrate the model. Twenty pounds per square inch (psi) of residual pressure at all nodes in the system should be considered a minimum pressure for firefighting needs when reviewing computer modeling outputs. According to the Insurance Services Office (ISO), fire flow demands should be superimposed on the maximum day diurnal demand curve (hourly water usage, Figure 7) after the peak hour demand has occurred. At this point, storage facilities have been used for equalization of demands and would be at a lower level than at other times of the day. Page 6 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MTV WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Water Distribution Figures 10, 11, 12, and 13 show existing average day pressures, peak hour pressures, minimum hour pressures, and available fire flow, respectively. During peak hour conditions, system exhibits western zone pressures ranging from 27 psi to 75 psi, and 45 to 85 psi in the east. Under minimum hour demands western zone pressures range from 35 to 82 psi in the west and 48 to 93 psi in the east. Water distribution mains are typically sized to deliver peak hour demands at pressures in the range of 40 -110 psi in accordance with Amencan Water Works Association (AWWA) engineering standards. In addition, it is recommended for pressure fluctuation during the day to remain less than 30 psi. System modeling indicates existing mains can deliver peak hour demands and minimum hour demands to the City while maintaining pressures above 40 psi and lower than 110 psi, except in the area of Danube Court/Danube Lane. Homeowners in the Danube Court/Danube Lane area have installed individual booster stations to increase service pressure. There are some small pockets in other areas of the City with pressures slightly lower than 40 psi, however, they are isolated. In addition, there is limited pressure fluctuation of 5 -10 psi between peak hour and minimum hour demands. Existing demands are discussed in section 7. There have been sporadic complaints regarding low pressures according to public works staff. These complaints typically come from a single house and not from several in an area, and are usually caused by soil in the water meter. Once soil is removed from the water meter the problem pressures are corrected for the user. Homes on Clover Lane, in close proximity to the Connemara Tower, complained of low pressures for irrigation systems when they were first constructed. However, individual booster pumps may have been installed to correct this problem. Fire Protection For fire protection, distribution mains should be able to deliver greater than 1,500 gpm for residential protection and 3,000 gpm for commercial. WSB met with the City fire marshal to discuss the ISO rating. ISO determines fire insurance rates based on the adequacy of the fire protection system. The ISO ranks cities on a scale from 1 to 10 based on the fire department's communication system (10 the water supply system (40 and the fire department (50 with Class 1 being the highest rating. Class 1 is comprised of the best fire departments, of which there are only about 45 in the United States. Based on discussions with the City Fire Marshall, buildings in the City of Rosemount that are greater than 12,000 SF require a sprinkler system. Also, buildings are rated the highest if they are within 1,000 feet of a hydrant capable of providing 3,000 gpm for three hours Flint Hills Resources and most other industnes in the vicinity of US Hwy 52 have their own holding ponds and provide Page 7 their own fire protection. Currently, the City is not responsible for providing fire protection to Flint Hills Resources and many of the industries on in the eastem area. The western pressure zone exhibits satisfactory fire protection as shown in Figure 13. In the eastem pressure zone, most mains have not been sized to deliver fire flows as it is not developed with the exception of the industries providing their own fire protection. Improvements to the eastside water system, including the tower, were designed and constructed with the understanding that the system, as proposed, would not be able to meet fire flow demands. The eastside water main improvements were constructed to provide a more reliable source of water for consumption to the commercial and residential users on the eastside, but not eliminate all the deficiencies. Due to limitations of the existing eastside w ater system it was not feasible to meet fire demands without major improvements. 5.2.5 Summary of Existing Deficiencies Existing system deficiencies include: Limited fire protection available in the eastern pressure zone 6.0 GROWTH PROJECTIONS 6.1 Projected Residential Growth Rosemount's most current population estimate is 20,501. In the last five years, Rosemount's population has grown 40 with the bulk of growth occumng in areas receiving water service. According to the 2000 and 1990 censuses, populations were 14,619 and 8,632, respectively. Estimates of the population of the City of Rosemount as published by the State Demographers Office for the years 1991 through 1999 are presented in Table 6, along with the census data and current estimate. Figure 8 is a graphical representation of the population trends. Figure 8 shows two different scenarios. One scenario carries the last five years of growth forward for 20 years. The other shows growth based on the current land use plan. Through discussions with City staff it was determined that as development moves eastward, the population density per acre would increase because the land is more suitable for development. The assumption of increased residential density was incorporated into the land use plan causing the difference between the projected land use population and the continuation of the last five years of growth. The projected population will be based on the land use plan for this comprehensive water system plan. Currently, there is a large amount of property owned by the University of Minnesota in the previously described UMore Park. Under the projected growth scenarios, this property is considered ultimate growth, because there are no current development plans. Most of this property is considered residential in the land use plan. Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 Page 8 Also, much of the property identified for the Air Cargo facility would become residential if the Air Cargo facility is not developed. Population projections do not account for that increase. In the event the Air Cargo project is not constructed, the water demand from the residential and business park, the backup and use, would not vary greatly from the proposed Air Cargo facility due to the associated types of businesses. Population projections based on the City's current land use plan are included in Table 6. As shown, the difference between the current population based on the land use plan and the City's current estimate is approximately 200 persons, which is a difference of 1.0 The minor margin of error between the given population and land use plan indicates the population density assumptions for each land use type are accurate. Therefore, population projections were based on those initial assumptions and then increased as discussed in this section. All population density and residential and use assumptions are listed on Tables 7 and 8. These tables show the projected population with water service based on land use type for both the east and west pressure zones, and correspond with the serviced population listed in Table 6. 6.2 Projected Non Residential Growth In the past, Rosemount has attracted industnal and public /institutional growth. A major industrial park consisting of Flint Hills Resources, an oil refinery serving much of the upper Midwest, and several smaller industrial users is located west and east of US Highway 52 and north of County Road 42. Dakota Technical College is located one mile east of downtown, and the University of Minnesota owns approximately 3,000 acres south of County Road 42 and east of Biscayne Avenue. The non residential growth trend will most likely continue in the future with the potential development of an Air Cargo handling facility in the eastern pressure zone. This development would not consist of one major user, but of many individual office /warehousing businesses (business park) coordinating efforts to transport material to the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport. Flint Hills Resources, Dakota Technical College, and Rosemount Public Schools currently comprise the major non residential water users for the system. There are growth opportunities for these users and these opportunities have been accounted for by the City in the proposed land use plan. Also, these major users have been included in determining the appropriate water demand per acreage per land use type. For example, Flint Hills Resources uses City water, but they also supply their own water through individual wells located on their property. It is assumed that this combination of usage will continue into the future. To estimate the quantity and timing of future non residential demands, a water demand per acre was determined for each land use type (estimated unit water demand) and these factors were combined with gross developable acreage and potential ultimate service area to quantify future water demands. Comprehenswe Wafer System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Protect No. 1582-00 Page 9 7.0 EXISTING AND FUTURE WATER DEMANDS 7.1 Estimated Unit Water Demand Different types of users will exert different demands on the water system. Table 3 shows Rosemount's historical water demand according to residential, commercial, public /institutional, industrial, and unaccounted water usage. Unaccounted water usage may include such losses as flushing water mains, fire fighting, leaks, breaks, and meter inaccuracies. Unaccounted water has remained around 10 of total usage, which is consistent with most cities. Agricultural usage was assumed to be negligible. The vast majority of water usage comes from residential, followed by unaccounted, then commercial, public /institutional, and industrial. Table 3 does not correspond directly to DNR water usage reports in the public /institutional and total water categones because it has been adjusted for a missed meter reading over an eight -year period. The meter reading was missed for an institutional customer and was billed for in the first quarter of 2004. It was known that the reading had been missed for eight years, and was therefore averaged out over that time period to produce a more accurate representation of total and public /institutional water usage. The last two years (2003 -2004) of water usage have been consistent and are a good representation of existing water demand from the various land use types with the exception of the Industrial land use type. Industnal usage was consistent between 2002 and 2003, therefore, the average water usage per acre of industrial was determined from these years. The average water usage for each land use type over these penods can be broken down as follows: residential, 91 gallons per capita per day (gpcd); commercial, 785 gallons per acre per day (gpad); public /institutional, 230 gpad; and industnal, 55 gpad. The residential, commercial, and public /institutional demands are all estimates consistent with other communities; however, the industrial demand is skewed because of the large land area consumed by Flint Hills Resources. Flint Hills Resources uses City water in conjunction with their wells to satisfy their total water demand, therefore, they use City water for only a portion of their needs. Estimated future demands per unit acre of industrial should be more consistent with commercial/business park usage Residential usage was moved slightly higher to account for the highest per capita usage year. Estimated usage per acre includes unaccounted for system losses. The following estimates are used in Tables 9, 10, and 11 for projected water demand: residential, 95 gpcd; commercial, 800 gpad; public/institutional, 250 gpad, future industnal, 800 gpad; and existing industrial 55 gpad. To estimate the quantity and timing of projected water usage, Tables 9, 10, and 11 tie the estimated unit water demand to the land use plan to produce a schedule of projected water usage. Table 9 shows the entire system usage, while Tables 10 and 11 show the west and east side demands respectively. Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, .NN WSB Project No 1582 -00 Page 10 Based on the land use plan, average day water usage is expected to increase to 4.58 mgd by 2010, to 6.34 mgd by 2015, to 8.80 mgd by 2025, and an ultimate service area usage of 12 52 mgd. Peaking factors and demands are included in these tables. These water demand estimates include existing industrial users and the future Air Cargo facility, but no other major water users. Also, no major usage changes are anticipated from Flint Hills Resources. 7.2 Peak Day Water Demand Water consumption will vary greatly over different penods of the year and dunng different hours of the day. The average daily demand is important for calculating revenues and operating costs. However, peak day and peak hour demand is necessary for sizing the water supply, treatment, storage, and distribution systems. A review of the daily water records indicates peak day water usage of approximately 5.87 mgd in 2001, which equates to a peaking factor (Peak Day Demand/Average Day Demand ratio) of 3.7. However, in 2004 the peak day demand was 5.55 mgd, a peaking factor of 2.76. In some cases, the accuracy of the 2001 peak number as a true peaking factor is somewhat suspect due to the variation in meter reading times from day to day and water main flushing. Daily water usage meter readings may vary by up to two hours each day, which could under or over estimate actual peak day readings. Water main flushing may overestimate peak day water usage if water main flushing continues on a schedule and adequate water reserves are available. Therefore, the availability of water dunng water main flushing may actually create the illusion of a higher peak day water usage in historical records. Over the last six years, the average peaking factor for Rosemount has been 2.5 excluding the extremely high year of 2001. In general, as City populations increase, peaking factors decrease due to the increased variety of water usage in a larger City. Based on discussions with City staff, historic water usage, and similar City trends, a peaking factor of 2.5 will be used for the remainder of the report. To develop a more accurate system model, hourly water usage for the City was studied. Sizing of water distribution mains, storage, and supply are all influenced by the hourly water usage on a peak day of water usage. Data for system water usage was studied over June of 2005. June 6, 26, and 28 were some of the highest usage days and are shown in Figure 9 as an example. This figure shows the ratio of water used per hour relative to the average for the whole day. Results indicate that the highest demand for water occurs from 5:00 8:00 a.m., with an additional peak in use between the hours of 8:00 12:00 p.m. During the hours of 5:00 8:00 a.m., hourly demand reaches 1.6 times or 60% higher than the average over the entire day. Comprehenswe Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582-00 Page 11 This data was used to produce a stepwise pattern (Figure 7) for input to the EPS model. Therefore, the system demands were higher during these hours of the day and distnbution. supply, and storage were all analyzed for capacity relative to this demand pattern. It is anticipated that as the City grows and industry and population becomes more diverse, the hourly /average demand will decrease. However, to be conservative, this demand pattern was used in each future model. 7.3 Projected Water Demand The resulting projected water demands for Rosemount, calculated using gross developable acres and the estimated unit water demand as descnbed in this section, are shown in Tables 9, 10, and 11. These estimates include future residential, commercial, public /institutional, and industrial users. In addition, projected water usage estimates incorporate existing developed transition residential and general industnal currently on individual wells into the City's service area. The maximum day demand expected in the years 2010, 2015, and 2025 is 11.46 mgd, 15.84 mgd, and 21.99 mgd, respectively. The ultimate maximum day demand for the City is estimated at 31.29 mgd. 8.0 FUTURE WATER SYSTEMS 8.1 General Water systems may be comprised of supply, treatment, storage, and distribution. Water treatment for Rosemount consists of chlorination, fluoridation, and polyphosphate at the individual well houses. Water from the Rosemount wells does not exceed any of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) pnmary drinking water standards. Therefore, additional treatment is not mandatory. Water from the Rosemount wells does exceed secondary standards for iron and manganese. The Secondary Standards for iron and manganese are 0.3 mg/1 and 0.5 mg/1, respectively. Considering the typical water quality from the region, we anticipate future water supply wells to pump to treatment facilities prior to distribution for softening. Well and treatment plant capacity impact water storage requirements. Diurnal water demand and fire protection requirements also impact water storage needs. The location of water treatment facilities and water storage facilities impacts distribution system requirements. Diurnal water demand and fire protection requirements also impact distnbution system requirements. City water system needs are met by first providing a water source capable of satisfying a peak day water demand. When the source water is from groundwater, as is the case in Rosemount, the peak day demand should be satisfied assuming the largest well is temporarily out service (firm capacity). The ultimate water system includes two wells out of service, one in the east and one in the west for firm capacity. Comprehensive Water System Plan City me Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 12 If the wells are to pump to a treatment facility, as will probably be the case for Rosemount, the treatment facility or treatment facilities' capacity should equal the peak day water demand. If more than one treatment facility is providing water to a community, as will be the case for Rosemount, the firm capacity of the wells supplying each treatment facility shall equal the respective treatment facility capacity. The storage capacity for a water system is used to satisfy system demands in excess of peak day demands. These additional demands include peak hour demands and potential fire suppression demands. 8.2 Background The City of Rosemount is divided into two pressure zones. The eastern and western pressure zones are connected via a PRV. Existing Well Nos. 3, 7, 8, 9, the 1,000,000 gal Connemara Tower, and 500,000 gal Chippendale Tower are in service in the western pressure zone. Well No. 12 and the 1,500,000 gal Bacardi Tower are currently under construction in the western pressure zone. Well No. 12 will be in service before the end of 2005 and the Bacardi Tower will be in service by the end of 2006. The eastern pressure zone is serviced by Well Nos. RR1, RR2, and a 500,000 gal Tower. Treatment consists of chlorination, fluondation, and polyphosphate addition as previously discussed. System demands are currently much greater in the western pressure zone. Growth projections associated with the City's comprehensive plan indicate water demand in the western pressure zone will be greater and occur sooner than the eastern zone. Based on growth projections, a large number of production wells will be necessary to service the City of Rosemount 20 years into the future. Also, greater water treatment capability will be necessary to serve the growing population and industry. Considering existing facilities and current and projected water system demands, a water system has been laid out which incorporates wells, treatment, storage, and distribution in both pressure zones. Three treatment facilities are anticipated with two in the western zone and one in the eastern zone. Each treatment facility will be a nucleus from which the distribution system and associated storage will radiate. The system will be tied together by 16 -inch trunk water mains. Possible locations for the western pressure zone treatment facilities are in the vicinity of Well Nos. 12 and 14. The eastern pressure zone treatment facility could be located to the east of the proposed Air Cargo facility Ultimately, well water availability and water quality will greatly influence realized treatment facility location and process. 8.3 Water Supply Needs Comprehenswe Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 8.3.1 Future Source Requirements As previously discussed in section 8.1, the firm capacity of the system's wells should equal the peak day demands. It is currently not a requirement for the system, but it is prudent planning. Therefore, in the future model, it was assumed the well pumping firm capacity would equal the peak day demands. Page 13 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Water demand projections were presented in the Existing and Future Demands section of the report. To determine the number of wells that will be needed to supply future demands, the highest projected maximum day demand was compared with the adjusted base firm pumping capacity. As discussed in section 5.2, the current firm pumping capacity is 4,800 gpm (6 91 mgd). However, abandonment of Well No. 3 is proposed and construction of Well No. 14 is currently under way, which will provide the City with an adjusted firm capacity of 5,500 gpm (7.92 mgd). Using this adjusted firm pumping capacity as a basis for future planning, the system will need 2337 mgd (31.29 mgd maximum day 7.92 mgd current firm pumping capacity) of additional well capacity to meet the maximum day demands for the ultimate planning penod. Three well field locations are proposed for providing the additional capacity to meet the City's projected ultimate demand. Since the pumping capacity of three of the City's existing wells range from 1,000 gpm to 1,300 gpm, a pumping capacity of 1,000 gpm per well was assumed for future wells. A northwest well field, with a total of seven wells, including Well No. 14, having a combined capacity of approximately 10 mgd is proposed for the western area, along with a southwest well field with a total of four wells, including Well No. 12, having a combined capacity of 6 mgd. An eastern well field with eight wells having a combined capacity of 11.5 mgd is proposed for supplying the projected ultimate maximum day demands for the eastern portion of the City. Based on growth projections, associated treatment facility construction, and expansion projections, the well construction schedule shown in Table 12 was developed. The schedule in Table 12 was used for the cost analysis which follows. Due to the large number of wells that will be needed, and the probability that more than one well could be out of service at the same time due to failure or maintenance, consideration should be given to providing the firm capacity for future planning with two wells out of service; one well serving the western area and one well serving the eastern area. This would require the construction of one additional well in the eastern well field. 8.3.2 Groundwater Modeling A technical memorandum summarizing the results of a well field study conducted for the City is included in Appendix B. 8.4 Water Treatment Needs 8.4.1 Raw Water Quality Water from the City's existing wells is, in general, good quality water The water does not exceed any of the Safe Dnnking Water Act (SDWA) Pnmary Drinking Water Standards, but does exceed Secondary Standards for iron and manganese. The Secondary Standards for iron and manganese are 0.3 mg/1 and 0.05 mg/l. Page 14 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No 1582 -00 Based on sampling and testing information, the iron and manganese concentrations in the raw water from Well No 12 are 0.453 mg/1 and 0.072 mg/1, respectively. The iron and manganese concentraions in the raw water from Well No. 14 are 0.465 mg/1 and 0.112 mg/l, respectively. Although exceeding the Secondary Standards will not impact a consumer's health, the water quality will be undesirable for aesthetic reasons. Excessive iron and manganese concentrations can cause red, black, brown, and yellow colored water. Waters with concentrations above the Secondary Standards will typically cause customer complaints if some form of water treatment is not used. These complaints can be controlled either by sequestering or by removing the iron and manganese. The City of Rosemount currently uses polyphosphates to sequester iron and manganese. Sequestenng does not remove the iron and manganese. The polyphosphates chemically bind with the iron and manganese to reduce the formation of precipitates, which cause, red, black, brown, and yellow water. However, the chemical bond deteriorates with time. Sequestenng, in general, is not recommended for waters with combined iron and manganese concentrations greater than 1 mg/I or for waters with manganese concentrations greater than 0.1 mg/1. At iron and manganese concentrations greater than the recommended limits, sequestenng becomes less effective. The most effective means of controlling red, brown, black, and yellow water caused by iron and manganese is to remove the iron and manganese before it enters the distnbution system. Treatment for iron and manganese is a common practice. The removal of iron and manganese from waters involves two basic processes; oxidation and filtration. The oxidation process involves oxidizing the iron and manganese to insoluble particles, which then can be removed by the filtration process. 8.4.2 Water Treatment Plant Capacity Three treatment plants are proposed to serve the ultimate demands for the City. These three water treatment plants would each be located near the proposed well fields and sized to match the proposed well field design capacities. A proposed northwestern water treatment plant and southwestern water treatment plant are planned in the western pressure zone. The northwestern plant would be designed to treat 10 mgd to match the proposed firm capacity of the northwest well field, and the southwestern plant would be designed to treat 6 mgd to match the proposed firm capacity of the southwest well field. An eastern water treatment plant designed to treat 11.5 mgd to match the proposed capacity of the eastern well field is proposed in the eastern pressure zone. Page 15 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 The combined capacity of the three water treatment plants would be 27.5 mgd. At this combined treatment capacity, 100% of the projected ultimate average day demands would be treated water, and approximately 88% of the projected ultimate maximum day demands would be treated water The remaining portion of the projected ultimate maximum day demand would be provided as untreated water from existing Well Nos. 7, 8, 9, RR1 and RR2. 8.4.3 Water Treatment Alternatives Two alternatives were evaluated for removal of iron and manganese from the City's water supply. Alternative No 1 includes a treatment system for each of the proposed plants, which would use pressure aeration for oxidation of the iron and manganese followed by pressure filtration to remove iron and manganese. Alternative No. 2 includes a treatment system for each of the plants, which would use gravity aeration for oxidation of the iron and manganese followed by gravity filtration for removal of iron and manganese. For both of these alternatives, space would be allotted for the basic treatment processes involved with removal of iron and manganese Unless required, no space is proposed for treatment of radium, nitrate, or arsenic. For Alternative No. 1, raw water from the production wells will be pumped to the pressure aerators for oxidation of iron and manganese. Following the pressure aerators, water will flow under pressure to the pressure filters for removal of iron and manganese floc. Under normal operation, flow from the production wells will be split evenly between the individual aerators and pressure filters. Four (4) chemical feed systems are proposed, including hquid chlonne (sodium hypochlonte), potassium permanganate, fluonde (fluorosilicic acid), and polyphosphate. After filtration, the water will be fluondated and chlorinated and then discharged to the distribution system. Continued feeding of polyphosphate following treatment is recommended to provide corrosion control in the distribution system. Potassium permanganate will be fed to the raw water after aeration for regeneration of the manganese greensand, which is one layer of the filter media. Finished water from the individual pressure filter cells will be used for backwashing the filters. Filter backwash water will be discharged to two below grade, cast -in- place, concrete backwash reclaim tanks for reuse and settling of solids. Settled solids will be periodically pumped to the sanitary sewer. Clarified backwash water will be recycled to the filter influent Lines. The estimated capital costs for Alternative No. 1 treatment plants at each of the three water treatment plant locations are summarized below. A breakdown of these cost are included in Appendix A. Cost for 10 MGD Northwest Water Treatment Plant: $8,600,000 a Cost for 6 MGD Southwest Water Treatment Plant: $6,226,000 Cost for 11.5 MGD Eastern Water Treatment Plant $9,405,000 Page 16 Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582-00 For Altemative No. 2, raw water from the production wells will be pumped to gravity aerators for oxidation of iron and manganese. Following the aerator(s), water will flow by gravity to the gravity filters for removal of iron and manganese floc. Under normal operation, the flow from the aerators will be split evenly between the proposed gravity filters. After filtration, the water will flow to a below grade, cast -in- place, concrete clearwell. Four (4) chemical feed systems are proposed, including liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlonte), potassium permanganate, fluoride (fluorosihcic acid), and polyphosphate. Finished water from the clearwell will be chlonnated and fluoridated before being pumped to the distnbution system Continued feeding of polyphosphate following treatment is recommended to provide corrosion control in the distnbution system. Potassium permanganate will be fed to the raw water after aeration for regeneration of the manganese greensand, which is one layer of the filter media. Finished water from the clearwell will also be used for backwashing the filters. Filter backwash water will be discharged to two below grade, cast -in- place, concrete backwash reclaim tanks for reuse and settling of solids. Settled solids will be periodically pumped to the sanitary sewer. Clarified backwash water will be recycled to the filter influent lines. The estimated capital costs for Alternative No. 2 treatment plants at each of the three water treatment plant locations are summarized below. A breakdown of these cost are included in Appendix A Cost for 10 MGD Northwest Water Treatment Plant: $9,928,000 Cost for 6 MGD Southwest Water Treatment Plant: $7,110,000 Cost for 11.5 MGD Eastern Water Treatment Plant $10,538,000 The City has identified potential locations for proposed northwestern and southwestern water treatment plants. Figure 26 shows a conceptual layout for a 10 mgd pressure filter plant constructed at the northwestern plant site and Figure 27 shows a conceptual layout for a 10 mgd gravity filter plant constructed at the same location. Figure 28 shows a conceptual layout for a 6 mgd pressure filter plant constructed at the southwestern plant site and Figure 29 shows a conceptual layout for a 6 mgd gravity filter plant constructed on the same site. No sites have been identified for an eastern water treatment plant and therefore conceptual layouts have not been included in this report. Methods of phasing construction of the building and the equipment for the proposed water treatment facilities should be incorporated in the planning, design, and construction of all water treatment improvements. Flexibility should be inherent in all efforts to allow for changing regulations and variations in source water quality. Page 17 8.5 Water Storage Needs Sufficient storage capacity must be available to provide storage to balance peak demands with water production capacity and to meet emergency needs. Equalization storage is required to meet water system demands in excess of delivery capability and is sized to provide demands in excess of the maximum demand up to the peak hour demand. Typically, a water utility provides emergency storage to supply fire flow requirements recommended by the ISO. As discussed in section 5, the maximum fire flow recommended for Rosemount is 3,000 gpm available for a duration of 3 hours. Table 14 quantifies the amount of water storage required to meet diurnal flow variations and limited fire suppression requirements during a peak day event for the years 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, and ultimate build out. Table 14 is based on an evaluation of past diurnal demands for Rosemount and fire suppression capabilities of approximately 3000 gpm for a 3 -hour period. The approximate location of storage facilities is based on distribution system extent at year of need and distribution system layout and sizing to meet system demands and limited fire suppression needs. A combination of elevated and ground storage facilities is shown for the future water system. An evaluation of elevated storage versus ground storage is recommended before planning for the design and construction of new storage facilities. In general, the capital cost for construction of elevated storage will be more expensive than ground storage. However, because of the additional pumping and power requirements, operation and maintenance cost for ground storage will be more expensive then elevated storage. Elevated storage operates without relying on pumping or other powered facilities and is a more reliable source of water for distribution in the event of a power failure. For ground storage facilities, a back -up power supply is required to operate the high service booster pumps during a power outage. Table 15 presents the storage facility construction schedule and is based on meeting the water demands associated with peak hour flows and fire suppression needs. The schedule was used for the cost analysis which follows in a subsequent section. 8.6 Trunk Water Main Looping The ability to transport flow between water sources, water storage, and water demand is a key element in providing an economically responsible and reliable water system. A good distribution system makes each element of the water system more effective across the entire water system service area, reducing the cost for redundant individual facilities. Water main looping also provides for redundant flow paths across the distribution system so a reliable water source exists regardless of a single break in a water main. Comprehenssve Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 18 The ultimate proposed trunk water main system and piping grid system is presented in Figure 5. The system consists primarily of 12 -inch water main along section lines. Trunk mains were distributed to serve each particular development in accordance with the land use plan, therefore, mains serving smaller land use sections are smaller than 12- inch. Demands were estimated for each of the land use types and locations and applied at each of the locations. In addition, the City has already begun a 16 -inch trunk main loop. This loop was continued throughout the western pressure zone and another 16 -inch loop was created to serve the eastern pressure zone. The amount of looping and redundancy presented in this figure provide adequate operating pressures and available fire flow capacity to serve each land use type appropnately. Phasing of the trunk improvements was determined by conducting computer modeling at key years including 2010, 2015, 2025, and the ultimate service area. Figure 6 shows phasing for the proposed ultimate trunk water main system. Modeling results are presented in Figures 14 through 25 Figures include peak hour (of maximum day) pressure contours, available fire flow contours, and minimum hour pressure contours. Projected water demand (Tables 9, 10, and 11) and projected wells, water treatment, and water storage capacity were used in the modeling. Water mains were added to meet demands as they are projected to develop, unless they were needed earlier to meet desirable system pressures and fire flows. Upgrades to existing water mains are proposed as they are needed. In the year 2015, an additional PRV is necessary to provide water to the eastem pressure zone. This PRV will provide redundancy to the system in the event one is taken out of service for maintenance. Also, in this year, demands in the eastern zone require more transmission capacity since the water treatment plant is not slated for development until the year 2025. Pressure contours show some areas having less than 3,000 gpm fire flows on the proposed future trunk mains. These lower fire flows are caused by dead ends in the trunk main system at the borders of the eastern and western pressure zones. Additional mains may be necessary in these areas in the future for water main looping; however, as more 8- inch mains are constructed to serve individual homes it may become unnecessary to loop the trunk mains. Air Cargo Facility Due to the unknown schedule of development for the Air Cargo facility, WSB modeled potential alternatives for providing water to this area. The two options include: 1. Begin developing wells in the Air Cargo facility vicinity 2. Construct transmission mains from the western pressure zone to the Air Cargo facility As discussed in section 7, demands from the Air Cargo facility are expected to be similar to a business park or industrial /mixed use development. The potential service options were modeled as a part of the 2010 system. In this scenario, the only new development in the eastern pressure zone would be the Air Cargo facility. Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 19 To serve the development with transmission mains, another 16 -inch main would need to be installed from the existing PRV to the intersection of CSAH 42 and Emery Avenue and is recommended. The total length for this transmission main would be approximately 4 miles. Although this option seems expensive for the immediate future, ultimate system demands will require a 12 -inch main be constructed along this same route. Therefore, the only cost difference between would be to upsize this main. 9.0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND UPKEEP PROGRAM The cost of improvements, including construction cost and annual operation, maintenance and replacement costs have been estimated and used in developing a Capital Improvement Program These costs will also be used in determining trunk fees, water access charges (WAC), and user charges. The schedule of improvements for the next 20 years and their estimated construction cost are presented in Table 16. Improvements are categorized in 5, 10, 15 and 20 -year increments. Improvements include wells, water treatment, water storage, and trunk water mains. Operation, maintenance, and replacement (OM &R) costs are not included in the capital improvement program, but have been estimated and will be included in the calculation of user rates that follows. Planning for a system's operation, maintenance and replacement is equally as important as planning for capital improvements. The basis for OM &R cost estimates is summarized in Table 17. 10.0 WATER SYSTEM FINANCING Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1582 -00 Page 20 1 1 P11 1 11 1 n G0 m z 0 MN Y S A COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN ve AS Nan la AN- w z 0 m 0 711 111 z 1� 1 Pmts o L ei [I; v. alj Cy? 41111 rani grovurse ter NI halm sepal —nArAminny "um Lithesw. 4 ■0/11 1 .aya �I sw �La La: 1 s 1 1 11111111 Alma UNIRATI SKS 1111111I malt 1 III COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN r a FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MN mac 0 —003 z 0 1 3 1 3J D 0 O m 0 m z NO 0 s z A 0 m z A O m Z 0 O y D z `c, 0 m rn rr c 0 c c z In 0 s s X 0 e L li m 0 0 0 c..z z 00 0 z 0 m m m A m 0O O T 0 CO A N O m z n 0 0x 0 C A yZ m 0 O Z An D 0 O O m O rn m 0 O 0 n�3 c r 0 0 x 0 -i N. M 0 z 0M 0 M Z C 0 <0 1 z O A N C 0 KISS Aropwe Sault BAs. COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN WIN YrIED Amoy z O z 1 di WSB COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MN z«� 4. YYSB D I N W m D E D D Z z 2 r m 0 m z 0 c am r r -ti°--r n T�'� t tel nom Mal ei S L I �'L St COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN c g- 1 H 4 -H 1 1 I 1 I F--- -1-- -H 1 I I -or' I I 1 0 5 z 0 n ni m C N 0 O O H N 0 -1 N D m r m 0 m Z Str F L L --I -J A. COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Mit AS NOM A� 1.0 ;10.8 3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 00 Figure 7 City of Rosemount Hourly Water Usage r 4.0 8.0 12.0 Time (hr) 16.0 20.0 24.0 m \cad \watercad \ultimate water model wcd WS8 8 Associates, Inc. WaterCAD v6 5 [6.5120f] 09/08/05 07 02 00 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 CO co co CD 0 Population N co 0 0 8 O 0, 8 O Historical Population Future Population from Land Use Plan Linear (Last Five Years Trend) ow CO co co CD 0 Population N co 0 0 8 O 0, 8 O N 0 Peaking Hourly Demand /Daily Avg. Hour Demand) 0 0 0 0 u Ka a OD N A 0) 07 N I L L 1 i a Pri ,,k i I At I I 11#1 k r I it i l NI I tie. i. m orn rn o) N N N N N o 0 o o O cri ul al N 0 Peaking Hourly Demand /Daily Avg. Hour Demand) 0 0 0 0 u Ka a OD N A 0) 07 N 0 1 c� o g. 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ROSEMOUNT, MN .�...,..f,,..— l.m, K.. 7. -1, L: .1--s- s ,--_±=r, INC t4 r 1; 1, 0 c;u. 01 i I r, Id MI Het-, IZEI I i h L2_, i L H 8":rd PHA ar I i l, 1 I III I r N. 5 v s s.,—_,_•-n.,_ re C1,-- r- 1 1,_s s s ss. es, 4.... „se- I l i i 1 s ss. ,s, frs C CITY PROJECT 10 MGD GRAVITY FILTER OPTION RAGE FOR NORTHWEST WTP FIGURE 27 i 1 1 1 1 2 I I 1 1 1 1 DRIvEWAY I sn 1-= IN Ii IS Er I2T.I I R[ DMGS F D[WALY I N i DRAW. FILTER pc FF Urc 2 5I GRAVU. Fn[EF RA. ',RASH eaLAN TRNF I 0 0 (D 0 000 l El C E 1 DE I R..p 9 r,,E c Ci I I i s i L '5 2 e r MISS COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN l -7- FOR THE CITY OF .....,-,L....-.........,..,.."... ROSEMOUNT, MN 1 9 Q i I A COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN NASH RECLAIM IPNK ql f x F 1 n.ily MI uen F4 LRAM 11 II ILK X3 Ni V ROL ROOM 1`— I coo �ANK h H w a nl 0 ,Y U0I GRAM IY FE TER •3 WSB COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CI Y OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Land Use Acres Urban Resiential 5,262 Medium Density Residential 530 High Density Residental 123 Transition Residential 137 Rural Residential 414 Public /Institutional 0 Business Park 1,857 Commercial° 502 General Industrial 802 Industrial/Mixed Use 699 Air Cargo' 630 Corporate Campus 512 Total 11,468 TABLE 1 Gross Developable Acreage City of Rosemount, Minnesota 'Includes 2,480 acres in the Univ of Minn. Property 2 lncludes 199 acres in the Univ of Minn Property 3 lncludes 40 acres in the Univ of Minn Property "Assumes existing Wastewater Facility is not developable 6 lncludes 296 acres in the Univ of Minn Property 6 lncludes 49 acres in the Univ of Minn. Property T If Air Cargo Project is not completed land area will become Urban Residential as shown in Figures land 2 M IWalerWastewaterWasomoun (11562- OOICIerlReportReport Tabled -Gross Dew Acres TABLE 2 Potential Ultimate Service Area City of Rosemount, Minnesota 'Ultimate residential includes 2,719 acres of potential residential development on the property owned by the Univ of Minn. 2 Ultimate non residential includes 296 acres of potential business park and 49 acres of commercial development on the property owned by the Univ. of Minn M 'WcaerW t ewamnftoxmoom (l582-001ClerVhporoReport Tablee2 -Pot Ult Se" Area 2005 (ac) 2010 (ac) 2015 (ac) 2025 (ac) Ultimate (ac) Residential' 2,400 3,907 4,750 6,191 8,910 Non Residential` 2,511 3,796 4,897 6,366 7,698 Total 4,911 7,703 9,647 12,557 16,608 TABLE 2 Potential Ultimate Service Area City of Rosemount, Minnesota 'Ultimate residential includes 2,719 acres of potential residential development on the property owned by the Univ of Minn. 2 Ultimate non residential includes 296 acres of potential business park and 49 acres of commercial development on the property owned by the Univ. of Minn M 'WcaerW t ewamnftoxmoom (l582-001ClerVhporoReport Tablee2 -Pot Ult Se" Area en ro a. 0 N c co N C C C o O E a w 0 z 0 0 o. re re ra to U :r: 3LU 9 984'Z Z 401 r 1 LG L48; Z r 1 1 LS9 I LB 39 V6 UL 4' •5c 1 I (GPh I IL LL ZOL 099 ■9171- £L4 -6£ l 49 4 Lb l ZZ4 60 Z E9 L LO 889 LE9 L44 469 99L EEL (MG) Lb I 84 1.9 1 1-9 1 1-8 69 ieutsnpui CO 0 ZL 62 L LE i leuogntgsui lE ZE 4£ LC LE Commenced EC 6E 1 L4 94 1 99 I 99 Residential 1 LEE 1 i 804 1 914 924 1 91'4 1 1 •4 r c i 4 4 v 4 Z 4 4 1 L c 4 a 4 I 4 •l r c e 1 cnn7 11 C aA� C s l 11 i 1 i0Z iro en ro a. 0 N c co N C C C o O E a w 0 z 0 0 o. re re ra to U U uuc 004 .,U 5L UUL 004 964 4£4 ;sem 900Z OL4 00Z' L I „bZ 9L £LL 00£'1. ,.4Z 09 7 044 864 68£ LsaM 0664 I „84 £9 9 8 06b 004 199M 9L6L 1 „9 L 89 404 OOZ' 4 LLb 88£ LsoM Z96 .,Z4 Z6 ei� Well No;1, Year Installed Service Area Casing Depth (ft Total Depth (ft i 4 I MaIIC vvaler Level (II 7 u1 aW??wn Level (II 1 f j N V t ro LL O co y C A C w Lo N C CO A O H -0 N a o w O ro M m O W 0 X W L d 0 0 r d N N co W 0 0 a 0 C7 0 m 0 0 O co O O N O O m r r Ol o ro U d w l0 N O O LO O m w 0 0 LO n CO O V O co) ui 0) C ro O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O 0 O 0 LO m o) U ro O N CC U Year Total Population Land Use Population' Serviced Population I 1990 8622 1991 9129 1992 9750 1993 10478 1994 11086 1995 11721 1996 12272 1997 12772 1998 13146 1999 13544 11286 2000 14619 12361 2001 13537 2002 14714 2003 15890 2004 17067 2005 20501 20296 18038 2006 23213 21000 2007 26198 24030 2008 29251 27128 2009 32337 30259 2010 35458 33425 2011 37203 35265 2012 38948 37104 2013 40692 38944 2014 42437 40783 2015 44182 42623 2016 45534 43975 2017 46886 45327 2018 48237 46678 2019 49589 48030 2020 50941 49382 2021 52293 50734 2022 53645 52086 2023 54997 53438 2024 56348 54789 2025 57700 56141 I li/t/mate' 85639 84080 l TABLE 6 Population Estimates and Projections City of Rosemount, Minnesota 'Based on and use growth assumptions 2 Years 1999 -2004 based on City Figures of 2,258 unserved residents, and years 2001 -2004 assume uniform total population growth 3 Ultimate population includes University of Minnesota Property as shown in Figure 1, and construction of the Air Cargo Facility as shown in Figure 1 M 1 WaterWasrewarertRasemounr11 582- 001CIerlReporaRepan Tablesbpa table 0. 0 L0 0 a v a o mw 02 m c m n O W 6 3 o E m W a C a `o o E N a N 0 W O O (O m 0] M1 m 0 c- M m CM M M m M Cfl a t7 M N O M N m N m N V e- w m m m W mmm W m m O fO O h O M m f0 m O r- N- F N N- F F N r-- h M1 N N N M M M 0, M V 0 V 0 V O O 0 O V V V b 0) CC b E 0 0I 0) C 0 a 2 3 N 0 0 0 a 0 N 4 o M 0 f0 F m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N m V. O N O M O 0 O N M a F F N h N h F h F N F N N M M M M V* V V V O O V V V V 0 V V Q O O O O O m m M1 m 0) N i0 m a V) m m Y) m 0) O N V N m O O M N O V V` V` V V V' V V m N N M M V M 0) h a a a N N m a m 0 0 0 0 0 M O O N Y) m 10 m m m m L0 N m a O N V u) 0 O M m NI} h F F F F h M1 F F o O O O O m m N m N a m m 10 10 m 10 10 m a O N V m m O r m N N N N N N N N N N N N O m? O) V m M N m m m m m m m o0 m m m M. M m N V Y) F m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M O N 0 m M V 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c0 t OM1mm O) m00000000000 -rcmiMNm tcD nn wm mm mmmmm mw Vm 0 N 0 0_ V 0 4) O t0 m h F M Oi 0 M m m (0 m 0 (O m tD m (D m m m M t0 0 m m V m W m m W m m 0) W m m N N N M M M V V V m m N 10 m 10 0) m (O m m m 0 3 a N (D m m m m N (D N V V V V V V V V V V V m W m m 1 O m N 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m V M M M M m M N N F F h n h n N F 1` N n N N N N N N N N N 1--1--1- N N N N N N N N N N h N M N O Y) N m F F n n F n N N N N n n M O O N M Y) m m m W W m W m W m 0) m m d Q m dO) n•- m o 05 0 0) o M mm m m mm m m 2 2 2 2 M ae4O)o m m h0) mm mm 0)220) mmm m N m M O O M m W N i0 m Y) 10 m N N m m 0 V) L b N M (ONO NN F N m M M M M M M mamma v 0 1- n m m m W O m 0)M 0)i 0) m 0) 0)i m m 0)i m `n m V F^ O N M V N N m m m N o m m m 10 d O M 0 m 0 O V m V m m m m m m m m m m m Q N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 0) m F m 0 O N M 0 m m N m 0 O cN N M V m m O O O O O N N N N N N m 000000000000000000000 N A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Co 1y N 0 NI at CO CO b T V7 n q N h n tO n n b m E M m 0 m ll c C N o o b 0 b 0. 0 O o M 0 m M 0 0 a n 0 O M 0 M m 0 E 0 W b a ro d O To T m a c 0 b 0 m a W a W m C 2 m d c C O o -a m m �A¢ F LL O a m C 0 0 0 N N m S me O c O (i) W W LL m b W N C O O W U N y 0 0 0 V. 0 0 p. c M 0 0 n m m n n A O CO M m n O ti d on j M a a 0 E o H n (0 0 W c m E 0 N v m E a m m N b C c m d 0 O m N i m m m C E CC a m C 0) J e x 0) 0 3 c S m Co a C c b W C W m 3 m W r w Served Residential Population 11 V (O t ER A r M 2 CO O O OOOOO C M O N C 7 0 C 00 CO O 1 0 E OO CO T- C) u) CO CO tC) O N (O CD O r CO V co CO r- O r r r r 99EYL Total Res Acreage N N co O V CO C1 f� co op 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO N M C N r CD O T r co v D r m r ISI L9flL Medium Density Residenbal Population I CO co V N C co O (0 M O CO M O) CD O O O O O O CO M C) Pr C M M N N N O O co (O CD CO O r N M V CO co p._ O 909L I na N CO V C V r C7) r M CO CO O N 0 0 0 0 0 Co N r CD N CC M M ‘r N (O (S O D 1 z09 Acres 00000003 O'a N CD U1 0 V O 01 CO N rr CO r N CO Tr Tr V CO CO CO CD r O co 99 Urban Residential" poselndod O C N o co O 1 O O O O O O.O'O O O C (O I O N u) r O N (D 04 N M Y) CD r CO CD r r Z99ZL pna (O N CD Ch (N CO V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C CO 4D r 0 N V CID O O r r N 0 Ul CD el N N M f V 17914 saJov VD V0 CD O) O O 0- N- CO u) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M r (0 O) M f r 0 V (O0 O01 96EL iea� I� )O co r O CO O r N M d' (O CO r co CD O N M d' (O O 0 0 0 O N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N e ;ew II 0 a F- a) 0 a m J 0 .0 0 C 0 O C 1 •C d E CO O a` C CO CO C O CC O N N 3 O 0 O 0- O 7 U 0 N 0 9 00 w 0 a O m E 0) N N N (0 0 a et N c (0 a 1_ 4) 3 tL 0 O O N 0 CT 2n O a m 0) 6) 0 r c C d a) N Q V 0. m c m a c o. o O c 2 to U 0 CJ (0 0 as j a a O O r m N 0 Cl N E O E O) O N l0 N as (0 .15 0 Q E C O N C 0 O N 0 41 Et a` m c c 0 c n m c) 0 a 0 m 0 c 0 j E 0 N a a 0 N X p CO W 01 0 'Ultimate Residential population based on land use plan residential areas and pi 2 Existing Industnal Use is approximately 55 gpad due to Flint Hills Resources la: 3 Projected water usage includes construction of the Air Cargo Facility, if not con: r[iry .w.wriRteaavi -0MC7MINcorritmen rw.o-r Residential Commerical Ave Daily Y at Water U•e rberate Campus Projected Total Average Daily Use Projected Peak Day Demand 2 5xav Protected Peak Hour Demand (1 fixpeak day) Minimum Hour Demand (0 2xpeak day) Year Population Population n Av Avg. 9 Y Use at Land Area, yea Ave Daily Water Use at 9 ad s 800 gpad GPD GPD GPD MGD MGD MGD MGD 2005 2%296 18,038 1,713,648 172 ?37,600 0 209 523 837 105 2006 23,213 21,000 1,995,023 79 143200 0 258 645 1032 129 2007 26,198 24,030 2,282,350 186 148,800 0 3 07 7 68 12 29 1 54 2008 29,251 27,128 2,577,130 193 154400 0 357 893 1429 179 2909 32,337 30 259 2 574,635 200 160,000 D 4 08 10 19 16 30 2 04 2010 35458 33,425 3,175367 -207 165,600 0 4 58 11 46 18 33 2 29 2011 37,203 35,265 3,350,129 269 214,880 0 493 1233 1973 P 247 2012 38,948 37,104 3,524,891 330 264,160 0 528 1321 2114 264 2013 40,692 38,944 3699,553 392 313440 0 564 14 09 22 54 2 82 2014 42,437 40,783 3,874,415 453 62,720 0 5 99 14 97 23 94 2 99 2015 44,182 s 42623, `4,049,177. 515 412,000 0 6.34 15.84 .2535 4- .,3.17 1 ,•t 526 •,800 656 1640 2624 328 2017 46886 45,327 4,306,025 537 429,600 6 79 16 96 27 14 3 39 2018 48,237 46,678 4,434,449 548 438,400 7 01 17 52 28 04 3 50 2019 49589 48,030 4,562873 559 447,200 723 1809 2894 362 2020 50,941 49,382 4,691,29T 570 455000 7 46 18 65 29 83 3 73 2021 52,293 50734 4819,721 581 464,800 81, 20 7 73 19 32 30 90 3 86 2022 53,645 52,086 4,948,144 592 473,600 163,840 7 99 19 98 31 98 4 00 2023 54,997 53,438 5,076,568 603 482,400 245,760 826 20 65 33 05 413 2024 56,348 54,789 5,204,992 614 491 200 327,680 853 2132 3412 426 2025 57700 1 '456,141 5,333,416 625 500,000 T 11111 409,600 880 2199 3519 440 Uftimate') 85 84,080 7,987 674 539,200 409,600 V 12.52 I 31.29 p 5006 1 626 I 'Ultimate Residential population based on land use plan residential areas and pi 2 Existing Industnal Use is approximately 55 gpad due to Flint Hills Resources la: 3 Projected water usage includes construction of the Air Cargo Facility, if not con: r[iry .w.wriRteaavi -0MC7MINcorritmen rw.o-r 'Ultimate Residential population based lent 2 Existing Industrial Use is approximatel M IWarrWasrew ater1Rosemountl1582- 001CIWReporMepon TabIa10- W qy xnrer lected Projected Peak Hour Demand (1.6xpeak day) Minimum Hour Demand (0.2xpeak day) Year Population Served Avg. Daily i k Day Use at mand 95 gpccxavg GPD IGD MGD MGD 2005 18,038 1,713,648 97 7.96- 0 -9g 2006 21,000 1,995,023 81 9 29 1.16 2007 24,030 2,282,850 66 10.65 133 2008 27,128 2,577,130 53 12.04 1.51 2009 30,259 2,874,635 40 13.44 168 2010 33,425 3,175,367129 14.86 1.86 2011 35,097 3,334,169 77 15 63 1.95 2012 36,768 3,492,971 126 16 41 2.05 2013 38,440 3,651,773 174 1718 2.15 2014 40,111 3,810,575 122 17.96 2.24 2015 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 18 74.'- .2.34 2016 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 18 74 2.34 2017 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 1874 2.34 2018 41,783 3,969,377 1.71 18.74 2 34 2019 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 18 74 2 34 2020 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 1874 2.34 2021 41,783 3,969,377 1 71 18 74 2.34 2022 41,783 3,969,377 i 71 18 74 2.34 2023 41,783 3,969,377 i 71 18.74 2.34 2024 41,783 3,969,377 171 18.74 2.34 2025 41,783 3,969,377 1.71 18.74 "2341.''' 1 Ultimate' 69,722 6,623,582 1 03 Q 3046 D 3.81 'Ultimate Residential population based lent 2 Existing Industrial Use is approximatel M IWarrWasrew ater1Rosemountl1582- 001CIWReporMepon TabIa10- W qy xnrer 'Ultimate Residential population based on land use plan residential areas are 2 Existng Industrial Use is approximately 55 gpad due to Flint Hills Resources 'Projected water usage includes construction of the Air Cargo Facility, if not c MII W W»s ..Q5&- L91OOV.FenWO. T Mni". PO w,er Commerical p Campus Projected Total Average Projected Peak Day Demand I (2 5xav• 1 MGD Projected Peak Hour Demand (1 6xpeak day) MGD Minimum dour Demand (0 2xpeak day) Year Population Served Avg Daily Use at Land Area, Ave Water aily se at Land l a Ave Daily Water Use at 95 qpcd Acres 800 gpad Acn 800 gpad Daily Use G D G D G D MGD MGD 2005 3° 010 026 042 005 2006 r 0 26 0 64 1 03 0 13 2007 3' 0 41 1 02 1 64 0 20 2008 3' 0 56 1 41 2 25 0 28 2009 3' 0 71 1 79 l 2 86 0 36 2010 3° 0 0 87 2 17 3 47 43, 2011 1 8 15, 60 9 38, 80 3' 0 1 02 2 56 4 10 51 2012 3 6 31, 20 7 77, 60 3 0 1 18 2 95 4 73 59 2013 5 4 47, 80 1 6 116, 40 3f 0 1 34 3 35 5 36 67 2014 6 2 63, 40 1 4 155, 20 3f 0 1 50 3 74 5 98 75 2015 8 0 79. 00 2 3- 194, 00 3' 0 0 1 65 1 88 4-13" 4 69 5 25 6 61 7 51 8 41 83 94 05 2016 2192 206, 24 2 4 203, 00 3' 2017 3 544 336 48 2 5 212, 00 35 0 2 10 2018 4,895 465, 72 2 6 220, 00 3 0 0 2 33 5 81 I 9 30 16 2019 6,247 593, 95 2 7 229, 00 3 2 55 6 33 10 20 28 2020 7,599 -721, 19, 2 8 238, 00 3, 0 81,920 163,840 277 3 04 3 31 694 7 61 8 28 11.10 12 17 13 24 39 52 66 2021 8,951 850, 43 3 9 247, 00 3' 2022 10,303 978, 67 3 0 256, 00 3 2023 11,655 1107191 3 1 264, 00 3' 245,760 327,680 409,600 358 894 1431 79 2024 13,006 1,235,615 3 2 273, 00 3 3 85 411 9 61 1028 15 38 1645 -206 92 2025 14,358 1,364,039 3 3 282, 00 3' Ultimate' 14,358 1 3 3 282, 00 31 409,600 4.90 I 12.26 1961 245 'Ultimate Residential population based on land use plan residential areas are 2 Existng Industrial Use is approximately 55 gpad due to Flint Hills Resources 'Projected water usage includes construction of the Air Cargo Facility, if not c MII W W»s ..Q5&- L91OOV.FenWO. T Mni". PO w,er East Peak Day Demand (am) 08L 01717 Ott 049'4 OL8 OZ8117 0174'L 049'8 OL9'8 West Peak Day Demand (gpm) 1 0917'£ 1 1 0170'17 017o'17 0917'9 0£ 4'8 0£4'8 0£1'8 13,210 I 13,210 Total Peak Day Demand (gpm) 1 029 1 0817'17 0817'17 096'L 000'44 12,950 I 1 OLZ'9 I O 21,720 System Firm Capacity (gpm) 008'4 000'9 1 009'9 009'8 1 11,500 1 1 13,500 1 15,500 I 009'Z Well Design Capacity (gpm)' 009 00Z'4 000'1. 1 009'1. 1 00£' 4 0017 00V 003 1 000'£ 1 000'£ 1 000'Z 000' 1 000'E 000'17 Location or Pressure Zone )SeM ;seM ;seM ;seM Ise; 1 Ise; West (North) 12006 Out of service West (North) 1 West (North) Ise; ;Se; West (South) )se3 Year Completed 1 bugslx3 1 6ugslx3 1 6ui ;six 1 6ui ;slx 1 1 6ugsix3 1 1 6u 1 1 6ugsix3 I 9002 1 1 2007 -2010 1 2010 -2015 2015 -2020 2020 -2025 Ultimate Ultimate Well Designation 1Well No 3 1Well No. 7 8 ON IIWMI 6 oN IIeMI (Well No. 12 4 as nand I WeII RR 2 1 (Well No 14 1 ON IIeMI I (Well No 15,16,17 1Well No 18, 19, 20 ZZ4Z 10 N lleMl IVVcII No 23, 24 Well No. 25, 26, 27 Well No 28, 29, 30, 31 ea tj o o E 0 0 0 a) 1 8 a N a2 2 d Treatment Plant Capacity (mgd) i 1 09 4'04 I i 89 1 S 44 Z 9 Well Field Capacity (mgd) L 4 09 4'04 6Z 89 C4 944 09 Well Design Capacity (gpm) I 0 03' 4 000'£ 000'E 000' Z 000'3 OOE'4 000'4 000'£ Well Field Location West (North) I West (North) West (North) I 4983 1se3 East West (South) West (South) 1 pe ;aldwo3 JeaA 9002 1 2007 -2010 0402 1 9403 1 940Z 1 2015 -2020 L OZOZ 2020 -2025 1 Ultimate 2025- Ultimate 2005 Ultimate Ultimate Well Designation Well No. 14 !Well No 15,16,17 !Northwest WTP !Well No 18, 19, 20 !Northwest WTP Expansion !Well No. 21, 22 I !East WTP !Well No 23, 24 Well No 28, 29, 30, 31 East WTP Expansion Well No 12 !Well No. 25, 26, 27 !Southwest WTP co tts to ea cc Ct E C O M N E N C E o 07 O O U) 0 U 3 _0 o 3 3 '3 cu V- 3 0 m m U m N E E J J N N cN Ultimate 1 Z9ZI- 6Z LE 0£L'LZ 22.500 000'2 m 25,500 540,000 1 3,755,000 1 8,221, 000 P'!'- 3,500,000 9,016,000 9Z0Z 088 66LZ 15,272 15.500 000'2 m 18,500 540,000 2,639,000 1 5,617,000 3,500,000 5,296,000 0Z0Z 917 L 9991, 8V6'ZL 009' E L 000'2 009'91. 540,000 000'8EZ'Z 4,680,000 7;458,000_ 14 3,500,000 3,958,000 r S60Z PE 9 179'91. Z00'LL 009'1.1. 000'2 m 14,500 1 540,000 1,902,000 1 3,895,000 "6 .387)300 1 3,500,000 2,837,000 01 1 89 b _f 9 b'LL 1 996'L 009'9 J 000'2 m 009'11 540,000 1,375,000 2,667,000 ;t a,szoao 3,500,000 1,082,000 900Z 60 Z I erg 1 EE9'E 009'7 I 000'2 m 008'L 1 540,000 628,000 925,000 a3,; 2,000,000 93,000 1 Design Year 'Average Day Water Demand (mgd) 1 1 'Peak Day Water Demand (mgd) 1 Peak Day Water Demand (gpm) 1 1 Well Firm Capacity (gpm) E a m 1 'Required Fire Fighting Rate (qpm) 1 'Total Conincident Demand (gpm) 1 I 1 'Required Fire Fighting Storage (gal) 1 1 'Equalization Storage (gal) 1 1 Emergency /Reserve Storage ‘gal) Total. Sto'ra9€) tha AW„ Existing Storage' (gal) Additional Storage Needed (gal) 1 1 'Required Fire Fighting Durati ui f0 0 N d C o as 1 G w C 0 O E N tb O K 0 O a o U 0 C E C 0 0 to E 0 C p a O N 0 a 0 o W 0 0 V a 3 m to I m -O o at tL a c a) p U to Q o m co m m 0 E E c N O N to 41 X Q Q W AilWalerWasfrwaler L o U 0 Lo co 0 0 g O in U o C W o cW 0 I V m u O N M .O. O CO z a 3 0 Lit co 0 -J 0 0) A 0 0 0 co 0 0 U co W Q 0 W 0 0) O N 0 tO 0 g v 0 co (0 O N 0 0 04 N 0 N Q co m 0 U 0 h V 0 in N N 0 2 0 N_ 0 R 0 V) a 3 0 a 3 0 z N V 2 N U r 0 2 a a m 0 2 0 W O N 5 0)) (0 0 2 in in 0 0 0 to 0) a m m w 0 ea W O N 0 0 O O 0 2 h 2 O N_ 0 m 0 N a 0 a W W 0) 0 0 Q E E w O 0 z 0 04 04 0 W 0 E 0 5 0 a) v 0 0 m W 0 E 5 8 to to 0 CO CD 0 m W N E 5 b N 5 0) N 5 5 in N 0) 0 O N 0 0 a. 0 .c L9 Improvement Engineer's Opinion of Probable Project Cost 2005 dollars 0 -5 Years Well No 15, 16, 17 (Northwest) 3,660,000 12 -inch, 18 -inch, 24 -inch Raw Water Piping from Wells to WTP 1,900,000 8 -inch trunk main (27,695 ft total /East 0 ft West 27,695 ft) 1,523,000 12 -1nch trunk main (88,028 ft. total /East 35,220 ft West 52,808 ft) 6,602,000 16 -inch trunk main (52,245 ft. total /East 37,800 ft West 14,445 ft) 4,963,000 Northwest Water Treatment Plant 9,928,000 6 -10 Years Northwest Water Treatment Plant Ground Storage (2.0 MG) 2,100,000 Well No 18, 19, 20 (Northwest) 3,660,000 12 -inch 18 -inch Raw Water Piping from Wells to WTP 1,400,000 8 -inch trunk main (17,739 ft. total /East 4,459 ft West 13,280 ft) 976,000 12 -inch trunk main (48,044 ft. total /East 23,227 ft West 24,817 ft) 3,603,000 16 -inch trunk main (13,667 ft. total /East 0 ft West 13,667 ft) 1,298,000 Pressure Reducing Valve Station 150,000 East Side Elevated Storage 1 0 MG) 2,520,000 11 -20 Years East Water Treatment Plant Ground Storage (2.0 MG) 2,100,000 Well No. 21, 22, 23, 24 (East) 4,880,000 12 -inch, 18 -inch, 24 -inch Raw Water Piping from Wells to WTP 1,100,000 8 -1nch trunk main (14,057 ft. total /East 14,057 ft West 0 ft) 773,000 12 -inch trunk main (92,552ft. total /East 92,552 ft West Oft) 6,941,000 16 -1nch trunk main (10,580 ft total /East 10,580 ft West 0 ft) 1,005,000 Eastside Water Treatment Plant 10,538,000 Ultimate Well No 25, 26, 27 (Southwest) 3,660,000 12 -inch 18 -inch Raw Water Piping from Wells to WTP 1,400,000 Well No. 28, 29, 30, 31 (East) 4,880,000 12 -inch, 18 -inch, 24 -inch Raw Water Piping from Wells to WTP 1,100,000 Southwest Water Treatment Plant 7,110,000 East Side Elevated Storage 1 0 MG) 2,520,000 West Side Elevated Storage 1.5 MG) 3,150,000 Southwest Water Treatment Plant Ground Storage (1 5 MG) 1,790,000 8 -inch trunk main (38,201 ft. total /East 24,789 ft West 13,412 ft) 2,101,000 12 -inch trunk main (92,327 ft. total /East 9,350 ft West 82,977 ft) 6,925,000 16 -inch trunk main (29,922 ft total /East 0 ft West 29,922 ft) 2,843,000 TABLE 16 Capital Improvement Plan Notes: 1 Costs are for budgeting purposes only, and are subject to change as projects are studied, designed and constructed. 2. Trunk main costs shown are for the total cost In many cases oversizing cost will apply instead of the entire construction cost. In most cases oversizing cost is that above 8 -inch However, in some commercial /industrial areas, the oversizing cost may be that above 12 -inch. 3 Project Costs include 20% for contingency and 20% for engineering, legal and administrative costs. 10 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Pressure Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost Otitariti ","�L1nt�PfiCe'�f` 1 Sitework/Mobilization 2 Building 3 Backwash Reclaim Tanks Pressure Filters, Associated Piping 4 Equipment 5 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 6 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 7 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 8 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 9 Process Piping and Equipment 10 Electrical 11 HVAC Plumbing 12 Instrumentation and Controls 13 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 14 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Administration, and Legal Fees (20 Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $500,000.00 $1,600,000.00 $386,000 00 $2,200,000.00 $25,000.00 $40,000 00 530,000 00 $60,000 00 $600,000.00 $150,000 00 $200,000 00 $300,000.00 $100,000 00 $25,000 00 $500,000 00 $1,600,000 00 $386,000.00 52,200,000 00 $25,000 00 $40,000 00 $30,000.00 $60,000.00 $600,000.00 $150,000 00 $200,000 00 $300,000 00 $100,000.00 $25,000.00 $6,216,000.00 $932,400.00 $7,148,400.00 $1,429,680 00 $8,578,080.00 6 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Pressure Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost 1 Sitework/Mobilization 2 Building 3 Backwash Reclaim Tanks Pressure Filters, Associated Piping 4 Equipment 5 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 6 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 7 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 8 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 9 Process Piping and Equipment 10 Electrical 11 HVAC Plumbing 12 Instrumentation and Controls 13 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 14 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Administration, and Legal Fees (20 Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $400,000 00 $1,056,000 00 $330,000 00 $1,500,000 00 $20,000 00 $30,000.00 $25,000 00 $45,000 00 $460,000 00 $135,000.00 $170,000 00 $250,000 00 $75,000.00 $15,000 00 $400,000.00 $1,056,000 00 $330,000 00 $1,500,000 00 $20,000 00 $30,000 00 $25,000.00 $45,000 00 $460,000.00 5135,000 00 $170,000.00 $250,000.00 $75,000 00 $15,000.00 $4,511,000 00 $676,650.00 $5,187,650.00 $1,037,530 00 $6,225,180.00 11.5 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Pressure Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost 1 Sitework/Mobilization 2 Building 3 Backwash Reclaim Tanks Pressure Filters, Associated Piping 4 Equipment 5 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 6 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 7 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 8 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 9 Process Piping and Equipment 10 Electncal 11 HVAC Plumbing 12 Instrumentation and Controls 13 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 14 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineenng, Administration, and Legal Fees (20%) Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 $550,000 00 1 $1,700,000 CO 1 $400,000 00 1 $2,510,000.00 1 $25,000 00 1 $40,000.00 1 $30,000 00 1 560,000.00 1 $650,000 00 1 $150,000.00 1 5200,000.00 1 $350,000.00 1 5125,000.00 1 $25,000.00 5550,000 00 51,700,000 00 5400,000.00 52,510,000 00 525,000.00 $40,000.00 $30,000 00 560,000 00 $650,000 00 5150,000.00 $200,000 00 5350,000 00 5125,000.00 $25,000 00 $6,815,000 00 $1,022,250.00 $7,837,250.00 51,567,450 00 59,404,700.00 10 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Gravity Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost em`- Description €nit,': "''`'Quantity' Unit `Frirdi''''. 1 Sitework/Mobihzation 2 Building Head Tank Aerators Concrete Gravity Filter Tanks and Splitter 3 Box Filter Media, Troughs, Underdrain Block, 4 Associated Piping Equipment 5 Concrete Clearwell 6 Concrete Backwash Reclaim Tanks 7 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 8 Vertical Turbine Backwash Pumps 9 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 10 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 11 Clearwell Discharge Pumps 12 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 13 Process Piping and Equipment 14 Electncal 15 HVAC Plumbing 16 Instrumentation and Controls 17 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 18 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Administration, and Legal Fees (20 Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS EA EA LS LS LS LS EA EA EA EA LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 $500,000 00 1 $1,700,000 00 2 $135,000 00 6 $60,500.00 1 $1,700,000 00 1 $400,000 00 1 $386,000 00 1 $25,000 00 2 $35,000 00 2 $20,000 00 2 $15,000 00 3 $50,000.00 1 $60,000.00 1 $700,000 00 1 $150,000 00 1 $200,000.00 1 $300,000 00 1 $125,000 00 1 $25,000 00 $500,000.00 $1,700,000 00 $270,000 00 $363,000.00 $1,700,000.00 $400,000.00 $386,000 00 $25,000 00 $70,000 00 $40,000 00 $30,000.00 $150,000.00 $60,000.00 $700,000 00 $150,000.00 $200,000.00 $300,000.00 $125,000 00 $25,000.00 $7,194,000 00 $1,079,100 00 $8,273,100.00 $1,654,620 00 $9,927,720.00 6 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Gravity Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost 1 Sitework/Mobilization 2 Building Head Tank Aerators Concrete Gravity Filter Tanks and Splitter 3 Box Filter Media, Troughs, Underdrain Block, 4 Associated Piping Equipment 5 Concrete Clearwell 6 Concrete Backwash Reclaim Tanks 7 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 8 Vertical Turbine Backwash Pumps 9 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 10 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 11 Clearwell Discharge Pumps 12 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 13 Process Piping and Equipment 14 Electrical 15 HVAC Plumbing 16 Instrumentation and Controls 17 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 18 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Administration, and Legal Fees (20 Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS EA EA LS LS LS LS EA EA EA EA LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 $400,000.00 1 $1,100,000 00 1 $135,000 00 4 $60,500 00 1 $1,091,000.00 1 $350,000 00 1 $330,000 00 1 $20,000.00 2 $25,000.00 2 $15,000 00 2 $12,000 00 3 $35,000 00 1 $45,000 00 1 $550,000 00 1 $135,000 00 1 $170,000 00 1 $275,000 00 1 $85,000.00 1 $15,000.00 $400,000 00 $1,100,000 00 $135,000.00 $242,000 00 $1,091,000 00 $350,000 00 $330,000 00 $20,000.00 $50,000 00 $30,000 00 $24,000 00 $105,000.00 $45,000 00 $550,000.00 $135,000.00 $170,000.00 $275,000 00 $85,000 00 $15,000.00 $5,152,000.00 $772,800 00 $5,924,800.00 $1,184,960.00 $7,109,760.00 11.5 MGD Iron and Manganese Removal Gravity Filter Plant Enginneers Opinion of Total Probable Project Cost r`tterlitO I.. entity �tfnft t i 1 Sitework/Mobilization 2 Building Head Tank Aerators Concrete Gravity Filter Tanks and Splitter 3 Box Filter Media, Troughs, Underdrain Block, 4 Associated Piping Equipment 5 Concrete Clearwell 6 Concrete Backwash Reclaim Tanks 7 Laboratory Furniture and Equipment 8 Vertical Turbine Backwash Pumps 9 Backwash Reclaim Pumps 10 Backwash Reclaim Sludge Pumps 11 Clearwell Discharge Pumps 12 Chemical Storage and Feed Equipment 13 Process Piping and Equipment 14 Electrical 15 HVAC Plumbing 16 Instrumentation and Controls 17 Standby Generator and Transfer Switch 18 Landscaping Subtotal Contingencies (15 Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Administration, and Legal Fees (20 Total Estimated Project Cost LS LS EA LS LS LS LS EA EA EA EA LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 $550,000.00 1 $1,800,000 00 2 $145,000 00 EA 8 $60,500 00 1 $1,802,000 00 1 $425.000 00 1 $400,000 00 1 $25,000.00 2 $40,000 00 2 $20,000 00 2 $15,000 00 3 $50,000.00 1 $60,000.00 1 $700,000.00 1 $150,000.00 1 $200,000 00 1 $300,000.00 1 $125,000 00 1 $25,000.00 $550,000.00 $1,800,000 00 $290,000 00 $484,000.00 $1,802,000 00 $425,000.00 $400,000 00 $25,000 00 $80,000.00 $40,000 00 $30,000 00 $150,000.00 $60,000 00 $700,000 00 $150,000 00 $200,000 00 $300,000 00 $125,000.00 $25,000.00 $7,636,000.00 $1,145,400 00 $8,781,400.00 $1,756,280 00 $10,537,680.00 Rosemount Well Field Study Prepared for City of Rosemount October 2005 BARR 4700 West 7r street Minneapolis, MN 55435 -4803 Phone: (952) 832 -2600 Fax: (952) 832 -2601 Rosemount Well Field Study Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Background 2 3.0 Groundwater Modeling 3 4.0 Baseline Condition 5 5.0 Evaluation of Well Fields 6 5.1 Evaluation of Long Tenn Pumping 6 5.2 Impact on Aquifer Source 6 5.3 Potential for Well Interference 7 5.4 Known Contaminant Release Sites 8 5.5 Evaluation of Short Term Peak Pumping 9 6.0 Conclusions 10 7.0 References 11 List of Tables Table 1 Projected Water Usage for the City Service Area List of Figures Figure 1 Approximate Groundwater Contaminant Plume Area Figure 2 Base Pumping Head in PDC Aquifer Figure 3 Base Pumping Head in Jordan Aquifer Figure 4 Proposed Well Locations Figure 5 Ultimate Scenario Drawdown PDC Aquifer Figure 6 Ultimate Scenario Drawdown Jordan Aquifer Figure 7 Peak Scenario Drawdown PDC Aquifer, Stress Period 1 of 3 Figure 8 Peak Scenano Drawdown PDC Aquifer, Stress Period 2 of 3 Figure 9 Peak Scenario Drawdown PDC Aquifer, Stress Period 3 of 3 Figure 10 Peak Scenano Drawdown Jordan Aquifer, Stress Period 1 of 3 Figure 11 Peak Scenario Drawdown Jordan Aquifer, Stress Period 2 of 3 Figure 12 Peak Scenano Drawdown Jordan Aquifer, Stress Period 3 of 3 Figure 13 Ultimate Pumping Scenario 10 -Yr Capture Zones List of Appendices Appendix 1 Approach to Future Well Siting, File Memorandum P:\23 \19 \927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005 doe 1 1.0 Introduction The City of Rosemount, Minnesota is in the midst of a comprehensive water system planning effort. As part of the process, the City is planning the ultimate build out of its water system. Barr Engineering is assisting in this effort by conducting a groundwater flow modeling study to identify and evaluate future well fields. This technical memorandum surnmanzes the results of the well field study conducted for the City under subcontract to WSB Associates. The objectives of the well field study include: (1) Evaluate where to locate new municipal water supply wells, (2) Estimate how many wells are required to meet projected water demand, (3) Estimate required well spacing needed to limit interference to acceptable levels (4) Evaluate the technical feasibility of installing additional wells into the Jordan Sandstone aquifer, (5) Evaluate the regulatory feasibility of installing additional wells into the Jordan Sandstone aquifer by estimating the impact of the new wells on surrounding wells and natural resources, (6) Review known contaminant releases in the area and provide general input regarding how the proposed wells may be impacted by those releases. The report will provide a brief discussion of the Background of the project followed by a section describing the Groundwater Modeling effort which will include discussion of the Baseline Condition used for comparison purposes. This will be followed by the actual Well Field Evaluation, which will be broken down into Evaluation of Long Term Pumping and Impact on the Aquifer Source which discusses allowable aquifer draw down as compared to what is predicted. Next the report will cover Potential for Well Interference with nearby existing wells which will be of particular interest to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and may have significant implications on certain wells field Locations, Known Contaminant Release, a section on Evaluating Short Term Peak Pumping, and a Conclusion. P:\23 \19\927 Rosemount Wellfield Study \Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005.doc 1 2.0 Background The City of Rosemount has seen a significant increase in development recently as have many metro area communities. The City is primarily residential and commercial along its western edge where all of it water system infrastructure, is currently concentrated. The Flint Hills Resources refinery (formerly Koch) is located along the City's north eastern edge and is a significant presence that affects water system planning. An additional feature affecting potential well locations in the City is the large tract of University of Minnesota property located in the southem part of the City. All of these were taken into account while preparing this study. Until recently, the City operated six (6) municipal water supply wells including Well 3 (unique number 211999), Well 7 (unique number 112212), Well 8 (unique number 509060), Well 9 (unique number 554248), Rural Well 1 (unique number 457167, referred to as RW1), and Rural Well 2 (unique number 474335, referred to as RW2). In response to the growth noted above the City recently put Well 12 into service and will be putting Well 14 into service in the near future. All existing and proposed wells pump from the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. Well locations are shown on Figure 1. It is also our understanding that the City plans to remove Well 3 from service in the near future. Therefore, Well 3 was not including in the groundwater modeling done for this study. The City's current permit with the Department of Natural Resources allows for an annual groundwater appropnation of 788 million gallons per year (MGY). Projections provided by WSB Associates on behalf of the City (Table 1) indicate that at ultimate build -out the Rosemount municipal water system will provide an average off 12 78 million gallons per day (MGD) which translates to approximately 4.7 billion gallons per year (BOY). The projections also indicate that the ultimate peak day requirement will be 31.95 MGD. To meet these increased demands the City will need to appropnate additional water either from new wells or other sources. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) is responsible for managing the State's groundwater resources. John Greer of Barr Engineenng spoke with Pat Lynch, MDNR Area Hydrologist for Dakota County, on July 14 regarding the City's planning efforts, Mr. Lynch was not aware of any water quantity issues or concerns at this time that could negatively impact the City's plans to expand the municipal water supply. Mr. Lynch did say that the MDNR prefers to increase groundwater appropriations incrementally and that they will look at a water supplier's conservation efforts when reviewing an application for an increased appropriation. P:123 191927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfleld Study Oct 2005 doe 2 3.0 Groundwater Modeling Barr Engineering evaluated three (3) proposed well field locations identified by WSB: two in the western portion of Rosemount and one in the eastern portion of Rosemount Locations of these proposed well fields are shown on Figure 2. They are called Well Field One which is the southwest most field located near Well #12, Well Field Two which is located near Well #14 m the north central part of the City and Well Field Three which is the east most well field. A MODFLOW finite difference model based on the Scott and Dakota Counties groundwater model prepared for the Minnesota Department of Health by Barr Engmeering (Barr, 1999; 2001) was used to evaluate pumping from the Rosemount municipal wells in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. This MODFLOW model does not include any aquifers below the Jordan Sandstone. Barr Engineering made modifications to the Scott and Dakota Counties groundwater model for this study in order to more accurately simulate the variation of bedrock surface topography and variations in aquifer hydraulic properties in the vicinity of Rosemount. The modeling pre- and post processing package Ground Water Vistas (Rumbaugh and Rumbaugh, 2003) was used to facilitate preparation of the changes to the MODFLOW model and to process the modeling results. In some areas of the Minneapolis -St. Paul metropolitan area, the Jordan Sandstone aquifer and the overlying Prairie du Chien Group aquifer are well connected hydraulically. Where these aquifers are hydraulically well connected pumping from a municipal water supply well in the Jordan Sandstone will have a measurable, and potentially significant, affect on the piezometric surface in the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer in the vicinity of the municipal well. Results of a pumping test conducted as part of the Rosemount wellhead protection area delineation work suggest that there is some leakage from the Prairie du Chien (Barr, 2002) into the Jordan Sandstone. There are pnvate water supply wells in the vicinity of Rosemount that are completed in the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer. Since there is some leakage between the Prairie du Chien Group and Jordan Sandstone aquifers, the possibility that pumping in the Rosemount municipal wells could affect water levels in the private wells in the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer must be evaluated. There are uncertainties associated with using the MODFLOW model to predict future drawdown. These uncertainties include regional hydraulic head fluctuations, unlmown pumping in nearby Jordan Sandstone aquifer wells, and well inefficiency In order to account for these uncertainties, a safety factor was used in the evaluation of modeling results. The safety factor is an attempt to minimize the chances of the piezometric head in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer being drawn below the top of the P:V3 \191927 Rosemount Wellfield Study \Rsmt Weilfieid Study Oct 2005.doc 3 aquifer if one of the modeled scenarios were to be implemented. A safety factor of 30 to 50 feet has been used m light of the transmissivity of the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. This safety factor also allows for variations in weather conditions such as a prolonged drought or additional drawdown from new pumping sources not included in this model. P \927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005 doe 4 4.0 Baseline Condition In order to discuss drawdown created by the pumping of a proposed well a baseline condition must be determined. In this case baseline means the assumed static water level in each of the aquifers evaluated This is significant because groundwater levels at a given location vary throughout any given year and from year to year because of a number of items including precipitation, and when it occurs, pumping from the aquifer and when it occurs, hot spells and when they occur. For the purposed of predicting drawdown in this project the baseline is assumed to be 2003 conditions, which is the last complete year for which data is available for surrounding pumping conditions. A related assumption is that the baseline condition did not cause problematic interference with nearby wells. It follows then that the drawdown predicted by groundwater modeling in this report will be noted from the baseline piezometric conditions. For the Rosemount well field study, the baseline piezometric condition for the Jordan Sandstone aquifer is based on historically measured groundwater levels in nearby wells and the City's current permitted annual appropriation of 788 MGY. The baseline piezometric condition for the Jordan Sandstone was generated by first assigning a pumping rate of 50 -gpm (approximately 26 3 MGY) each to Wells RW1 and RW2 and subtracting the total volume pumped by Wells RW 1 and RW2 from the annual appropriation and then evenly distributing the remaining volume (approximately 762 MGY) among Wells 7, 8, 9, 12, and 14. For the baseline case, therefore, an average annual pumping rate of 280 gallons per minute (gpm) was applied to Wells 7, 8, 9, 12, and 14. Pumping rates for high capacity pumping wells in the area around Rosemount are assumed to be the 2003 water usage listed in the DNR's State Water Use Database (SWUDs) converted to a pumping rate. The hydraulic head distribution in the Prairie du Chien Group and Jordan Sandstone aquifers produced by the MODFLOW model under the baseline pumping conditions is shown on Figures 2 and 3 respectively. These head distributions were used as the initial or base line conditions to which all future pumping conditions will be compared. PA23 \19 \927 Rosemount Wellfteld Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005_doc 5 5.0 Evaluation of Well Fields As noted above three well fields were evaluated in this report. Well Field 1 is in the vicinity of Well 12 and the while Well Field 2 is in the vicinity of Weil 14 (Figure 4). Well Field 3 is m the southeastern comer of Rosemount (Figures 4). For this evaluation, four wells (including Well 12) were placed in the Well Fieldl, seven wells (including Well 14) were placed in the Well Field 2, and eight wells were placed in Well Field 3 (Figure 4). Wells were sited no closer than 1,700 feet apart in Well Field 3 and no closer than 2,600 feet m Well Fields 1 and 2. A preliminary evaluation of the western and eastern well fields was done by distributing projected 2020 pumping evenly among the existing and proposed wells and running the groundwater model in steady state mode. This represents the annual average impact the proposed wells will have on groundwater levels as compared to baseline conditions. Pumping from the municipal wells m the western and eastern portions of Rosemount were modeled separately. This was done to quickly identify any major problems (e.g., significant localized aquifer deficiencies or well interference) that would indicate that changes to either well or well field locations would be necessary. No problems were identified in the preliminary evaluation. Since this preliminary work did not include interaction of all the proposed wells it is not presented here. Results of the preliminary evaluation are available upon request. 5.1 Evaluation of Long Term Pumping In order to evaluate the affect of long term pumping from existing and proposed Rosemount municipal wells the projected ultimate water demand (Table I) was used. Since plans call for wells RW1 and RW2 to be used sparingly, if at all, in the future the pumping rates for these two wells was fixed at 50 -gpm each. Based on the projected ultimate water demand provided by WSB, and accounting for the assumed pumping from wells RW1 and RW2, a pumping rate of 392 -gpm was assigned to each of the 14 existing and proposed wells in the western part of Rosemount and a pumping rate of 411 -gpm was assigned to each of the proposed wells in the eastern part of Rosemount. The model was then run in steady state mode. 5.2 Impact on Aquifer Source As indicated on Figures 5 and 6, the model predicts a maximum drawdown of approximately 27 feet in the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer and approximately 40 feet in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer under the ultimate water demand pumping scenano. Note that these are modeled water levels in the P:\23 \19\927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005doc 6 aquifers not the level in the pumped wells which would be lower yet depending on well efficiencies. There is 50 feet of available drawdown in the Prairie du Chien Group and 186 feet in the Jordan Sandstone aquifers. This includes a safety factor as discussed above meaning that even if you were to draw down the entire 50 feet of available drawdown in the Prairie du Chien the water level is still 30 to 50 feet above the top of the aquifer. Note that available drawdown is defined as the amount of drawn down available in the aquifer before the water level would drop below the top of the water bearing unit in which the measurement is made When the predicted drawdown modeled is Less than the available drawdown the modeled condition is acceptable. If the predicted drawdown exceeded what was available there is a possibility that the DNR would intervene to protect the affected resource aquifer. The predicted drawdowns in the two aquifers are less than the available drawdowns. Thus, from the standpoint of stress on the aquifers, the model indicates that pumping to meet Rosemount's projected ultimate water demand likely would not have any long term adverse impact on either the Prairie du Chien Group or Jordan Sandstone aquifers. This means that the DNR would allow the aquifers to be pumped as modeled here without limitations placed on the pumping rates to protect the aquifer itself. 5.3 Potential for Well Interference The Iocations of private wells in the vicinity of Rosemount taken from the Minnesota Geological Survey's County Well Index (CWI) are shown on Figures 5 and 6. The symbols are color -coded to indicate the aquifer in which each of the private wells is completed. Based on model results there are pnvate wells completed in the Prairie du Chien Group and Jordan Sandstone aquifers in areas where the model predicts drawdown of more than 10 feet (Figures 5 and 6). This suggests that, depending on pump setting depths, the possibility exists for pumping to meet the City's ultimate water demand may adversely interfere with some private water supply wells in the vicinity of Rosemount. (It should be noted that the possibility of adverse interference with private wells in the vicinity of Rosemount exists under pumping to meet the projected 2020 water demand as well.) Should the MDNR agree with an interference complaint that pumping from the Rosemount municipal wells in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer results in degradation of performance of another owner's well then the City would be required to rectify the situation. The required response could range from lowering of a pump in the pnvate well to drilling a new well for the owner with the work paid for by the City. Thus, potential well interference is something that should be considered as plans for municipal wells are developed. P:123 \191927 Rosemount Wetlfield Study \Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005 doe 7 The model predicts that drawdown from pumping in the existing and proposed Rosemount wells to meet the City's ultimate water demand will extend beyond the city limits into neighboring municipalities including Apple Valley, Coates, Eagan, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, and Lakeville. These cities operate municipal water supply wells that pump from the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. Thus, it is possible that pumping in the Rosemount wells may adversely affect wells in one or more of these communities (and vice versa). Therefore, it is recommended that the City of Rosemount maintain communication channels with the neighboring communities regarding water use and plans for expansion of the municipal water systems with the goal of ensuring that all the municipalities can meet their water demands in the future. 5.4 Known Contaminant Release Sites The locations of known contaminant release sites including leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) and non storage tank release sites in the vicinity of Rosemount available from MPCA files are shown on Figure 13. No further remedial action is planned at some of these sites. Groundwater contamination (not necessarily in the Prairie du Chien Group or Jordan Sandstone aquifers) may have been or may still be associated with some of these release sites (this could include residual contaminant levels associated with sites where no further remedial action is planned). Historical boundaries of groundwater contaminant plumes (generally in or above the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer) from industrial properties in the northeastern portion of Rosemount as well as from a source on property owned by the University of Minnesota in the southern portion of Rosemount are also shown on Figure 13. Under the ultimate water demand pumping scenario, the groundwater model was used to identify the areas from which groundwater is predicted to flow to existing or proposed Rosemount municipal wells in 10 years or less. These predicted 10 -year groundwater time of travel zones, or 10 -year capture zones, are shown on Figure 13. While the predicted 10 -year capture zones do not intersect the historical groundwater contaminant plume boundanes they do encompass some of the known contaminant release site locations. In addition to this a meenng was held with the MPCA to discuss Rosemount's planned well field expansions and the potential they may have to impact or be Impacted by contaminant releases and groundwater contaminant plumes. Additional information related to that meeting and the resulting proposed course of action that the City should take when siting wells in the future is included as Appendix 1 at the end of this report. PA23 \19 \927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005 doc 8 5.5 Evaluation of Short Term Peak Pumping The effect of short term peak pumping from the existing and proposed Rosemount municipal wells was also evaluated. This evaluation was done by rummng the model in transient mode with three pumping periods to simulate one full year of pumping at ultimate build out pumping rates. The first pumping period represents pumping from January, Day zero, to mid summer, Day 180, at average annual pumping rates. The second pumping period, the peak demand period, represents an 18 day stretch from day 181 to day 199 where all wells are running continuously to meet demand. The third pumping period represents the return to normal pumping for the remainder of the year, Day 200 to day 365. In the second pumping period (i.e., the peak pumping penod) wells in the western well fields were assigned a pumping rate of 953 -gpm and wells in the eastern well field were assigned a pumping rate of 1027 -gpm These rates are based on the projected ultimate peak day demands provided to Barr Engineering by WSB (Table 1). The length of the peak pumping period was set at 18 days based on information provided by WSB. Wells RW1 and RW2 were assigned a pumping rate of 50 -gpm in all three pumping periods. The results of this modeling exercise are depicted on Figures 7 through 12. Figures 7 9 represent the drawdowns predicted in the Prairie du Chien aquifer while Figures 10 12 represent drawdowns in the Jordan aquifer. Figures 8 and 1I show the impacts of the peak pumping period. Predicted drawdowns in the Prairie du Chien Group and Jordan Sandstone aquifers at the end of each of the pumping periods are within the predicted available drawdowns in the aquifer. However, the predicted drawdowns do indicate that there would be the possibility of adverse well interference under this ultimate peak pumping scenario. P:\23\I9 \927 Rosemount Wellfield Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005 doc 9 Based on the water use projections and other information provided by WSB, the modeling done for this study suggests that it is technically feasible for the City to obtain sufficient water from the Jordan Sandstone aquifer using existing and proposed wells to meet both the projected ultimate average day and peak day water demand. Wells can be sited in proposed Well Fields 1, 2, and 3 as planned by the City. Siting them in these locations does not draw down water levels below the top of the aquifer. Modeling suggested that the ultimate average and peak day demands could be met by siting three additional wells in Well Field 1 near Well 12, six additional wells in Well Field 2 near Well 14 and eight new wells in Well Field 3. Wells should never be sited closer than 1,700 to 1,900 feet apart in Well held 3 and no closer than 2,600 to 2,800 feet apart in the Well Fields 1 and 2 in order to limit potential localized interference Wells spaced closer than this may result in unacceptable interference between each other and have negative impacts on well capacity. From a regulatory stand point no conditions were encountered that would make using the Jordan aquifer as a source a significant problem, however, the modeling results did indicate that there is a potential for adverse well interference with pnvate and possibly other municipal wells in the vicinity of Rosemount. The DNR will get involved in well inference complaints and work with you to make sure that corrections are made to the wells that are negatively impacted by those you install. If planned for, the potential interference can be dealt with in the normal course of planning out your water system by adding the impacted properties to your system or modifying their wells as needed Finally, some of the ten year capture zones for the proposed wells do encompass known release sites. None encompassed the large known contaminant plumes originating in south central or northeast Rosemount. The City should follow the procedures recommended in Appendix 1 each time they site a new well to make sure that potential contamination sources are identified and planned for in the well design and construction process. P ;\23\19 \927 Rosemount Wellfield Study \Rsmt Wetlfield Study Oct 2005.doc 6.0 Conclusions 10 7.0 References Barr Engineering Company (Barr), 1999. Scott- Dakota Counties Groundwater Flow Model. Prepared for the Minnesota Depai intent of Health. October, 1999. Barr Engmeenng Company (Barr), 2001. Scott- Dakota Counties Groundwater flow Model Update, prepared for Minnesota Department of Health, March 2001. Barr Engineering Co. (Barr), 2002. "Wellhead Protection Area Delineations for the City of Rosemount, Minnesota prepared for the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, April 2002. Rumbaugh, J.O. and D.B Rumbaugh, 2003. Guide to Using Groundwater Vistas Version 4, Environmental Simulations Inc. P:123 \19 \927 Rosemount Wellfietd Study\Rsmt Wellfield Study Oct 2005.doc 11 Tables Projected Peak Day Demand (2.5xavg.) GOP D £Z'9 1 11 69'9 1 66 L p 14.6 1 11 LEO H 4421 ZO'£l 11 06'91 H 92'44 In9'94 179'94 11 Zl'L 0L'L l 0 LZ'81 11 98'84 U £4'61 11 01'0Z H 9EOZ £4'17 11 04ZZ 0 LL ZZ p 96'61 Projected Total Average Daily Use DON 60 49'7 64'9 LL l£'b 1 98'4 6Z5 999 469 9Z 9 Z9'9 u, :d 90'L 1E'L 49'2 LEL 170'9 LE9 29'9 1788 446 1 8276 JeaA 900 900Z 11 LOOZ 11 800Z 11 600111 040? 11 Ll10Z 11 not 11 910? 11 4107 11 9 107 11 940Z 11 L1OZ 11 9107 J1 6 11 03OZ 11 IZOZ ]1 ZZOZ 11 £ZOZ 11 1 4Z0Z 11 9Z0Z 11 a7ew!76l1 P:1231191927 Aoseanotau Well field Stuelythlo from WSIODemancir to Barr 064745 xlsTatal Total of All Well Fields Western Well Fields Eastern Well Field Appendix 1 Approach to Future Well Siting, File Memorandum BARR To: File From: Eric Dott, P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist Subject: Approach to Future Well Siting Date: October 26, 2005 Project: 23/19- 927 -JCG c: John Greer Internal Memorandum The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize our recommended approach for evaluating and managing future well sites for potential groundwater contamination concerns, with the objective of managing the City's environmental liability nsks and managing health nsks. Our recommended approach is based in part on the discussions we had with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff from the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) program and the Attorney's General staff. The pnmary groundwater contamination concern in the area of focus is the presence of at least one known chlorinated solvent plume emanating from the former University of Minnesota Rosemount Agricultural Research Center, located in south central Rosemount. The identified plume has been reported by Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (2002) to migrate with the regional water table aquifer flow toward the northeast, where it presumably discharges to the Mississippi River. Throughout the eastern portion of the area of focus, the water table is approximately 35 to 75 feet below ground surface within sand and gravel glacial outwash deposits. Other release sites have been identified in the areas where wells are planned so sources of potential shallow groundwater contamination may be present m the area of focus, however, the information available at this time suggests that the other known sites are likely to be current or former petroleum storage tank sites such as gas stations or individual tank installations (farm stead storage tanks). By the nature of petroleum contamination, such impacts to groundwater tend to be focused at the water table interface and/or are limited to a shallow dissolved -phase plume. Furthermore, petroleum impacts tend to experience significant natural attenuation when conditions are sufficient for microbial and other physical degradation or attenuation processes to occur. Consequently, the type of contamination of significance to locating and designing new water supply wells in this area, is contaminant releases that have the potential to result in a plume migrating significant distances (farther than 0 25 miles) and/or contaminants that might have a tendency to sink through aquifer material (i.e. more dense than water). With these considerations in mind we have developed the following recommended approach for evaluating the potential for significant groundwater contamination to be present or to be within the proposed area of influence. P:\23 \191927 Rosemount Welifield Study\Rsmt Weinfeld Study Oct 2005 doe 1 -1 To: File From: Enc Dott Subject Approach tc Future Well Siting Date: Octcoer 26, 2005 Project: 23/19 -927 -JCG Copies. John Greer Page 2 Based on our discussions with VIC staff, we recommend the following approach to evaluating future water supply well Locations: 1. Identify a potential water supply well location with in the area of focus. 2. Perform a Phase I Environmental Assessment of the area of encompassed by a modeled ten year capture zone of the proposed well. 3. If potential sources of contaminated groundwater are present within the ten year capture zone- either relocate the proposed well or evaluate the treatability of the contaminants present- if not treatable then relocate the proposed well; 4. If the suspected contaminant(s) are believed to be treatable and the City is willing to construct and operate such a treatment system- gather groundwater data by installing a small diameter sampling well at the proposed well site. 5. If no detectable contamination is found; proceed with well design. 6. If contamination is detected (i.e. an "identified release and the City still wants to install a well at this location seek VIC program assistance. 7. Perform a pumping test and include groundwater quality testing at key observation wells and from the pumped well. 8. Using a groundwater flow model of the area, evaluate whether a significant plume is influenced or captured by the proposed pumping. 9. If a groundwater contaminant plume will be intercepted or otherwise affected by the planned well installation- obtain assurances and/or technical review assistance from the VIC program. Note that this assistance is not free and the City will be billed at the hourly VIC rate for MPCA involvement (current rate as of the date of this report is 8150/hour). 10. Evaluate the need to mitigate risks or impacts that may be caused by planned water supply extraction- this may include development of an operational contingency plan and possibly a groundwater quality monitonng program for implementation during initial operation of the supply well. 11. If appropnate, obtain a letter of no association from the MPCA. Ultimately, the City will only be able to get a no association letter if contamination is found on the actual site they intend to purchase. If the issue is potential impact to a plume, you should attempt to obtain a letter from them documenting the plan for mitigating the impacts and noting that you are not the party responsible for generating the plume in the first place. Reference Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2002. 2001 -2002 Groundwater Monitoring Results: University of Minnesota Rosemount Research Center, Rosemount, Minnesota Prepared for Mr. David Douglas, MPCA, February 28, 2002. P:\23\19 \927 Rosemount Wciifield Study \Rsmt Welllield Study Oct 2005.doc 1 -2 w� 5 F 3 c 0 W m cc a 3 7 F o L F Q N Q Z NO O Z O re O a U U Q U 0 Rosemount Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Head (approx 5' contours) Potential Well Areas n Feet 0 5,00010,000 20,000 30,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 Figure 2 Base Pumping Head in PDC Aquifer (based on SWUDS Appropriation) Wells at 280 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) City of Rosemount MN Rosemount Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Head (approx 5' contours) Potential Well Areas 0 E Feet 0 5,00010,000 20,000 30,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 Figure 3 Base Pumping Head inJordan Aquifer (based on SWUDS Appropriation) Wells at 280 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) City of Rosemount MN r r ED Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Potential Well Areas Feet 0 5,00010,000 20,000 30,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 Figure 4 Proposed Well Locations City of Rosemount MN r P.4 o Existing Rosemount Welis Proposed Western Welis Proposed Eastern Welis CVV| Wells byAquifer Jordan Jordan-St Lawrence Multiple PDC-Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff. VtPet*r- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown From Baseline Conditions (approx 1' contours) Potential Well Areas Feet 0 10,000 20,000 Meters o 2,000 4,000 8.000 Figure 5 Ultimate Scenario- Drawdown PDC Aquifer Western Welis at 392 gpm Eastern Welis at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDCdravvdow/n=27ft(50ftavailable) Max Jordan drawdown 40 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western WeHs Proposed Eastern Welis Quaternary Drawdown From Baseline Conditions (appmx1'contours) Feet 0 10,000 20,000 MlOic Meters 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 Figure 6 Ultirnate Scenario- Drawdown Jordan Aquifer Western Welis at 392 gpm Eastern Welis at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2at50gpmn} Max PDCdnawduwn=27ft(5Ohavailable) Max Jordan drawdown 40 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN tr t e Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan 1 Jordan-St Lawrence Multiple PDC-Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1 contours) Potential Well Areas 0 0 Feet 10,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 Esc■=:=1 •r a As_ te lb J le :1: v4et--- -0 irs 1 _L r e a Figure 7 Peak Scenario- Drawdown PDC Aquifer Stress Period 1 of 3, From Day 0 to Day 180 Western Wells at 392 gpm Eastern Wells at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 17 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 30 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1' contours) Potential Well Areas t 1 •,a! 1 wt. Feet 0 10,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 ino _a -__ark.• I 7 Figure 8 Peak Scenario- Drawdown PDC Aquifer Stress Period 2 of 3, 18 Days Long From Day 181 to Day 199 Western Wells at 953 gpm Eastern Wells at 1027 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 26 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 58 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN 0 1 J E U O n 0 F ED Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1' contours) Potential Well Areas S 0 go- Feet 10,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 00 6f R T -4- •t— r A* —L, a Figure 9 Peak Scenario- Drawdown PDC Aquifer Stress Period 3 of 3 From Day 200 to Day 365 Western Wells at 392 gpm Eastern Wells at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 20 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 33 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN Well Field One Well Field Three e Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff. St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1' contours) Potential Well Areas f Feet 0 10,000 •s Meters 0 2,000 4,000 A •t— 1 Figure 10 Peak Scenario- Drawdown Jordan Aquifer Stress Period 1 of 3 From Day 0 to Day 180 Western Wells at 392 gpm Eastern Wells at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 17 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 30 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN 3 3 6 4 LI= 2 a 8 ED Existing Rosemount Wells Proposed Westem Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan-St Lawrence Multiple PDC-Jordan PDC Ordovician Undiff St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1 contours) Potential Well Areas WW J\ 0 8 A T I s e 1 f III so 0 It! it at illfr- -4 J 1 i ty 1 t itt, 0 1 0 i A t I _L Feet 10,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 /1 -tr 1, '1 Figure 11 Peak Scenario- Drawdown Jordan Aquifer Stress Period 2 of 3, 18 Days Long From Day 181 to Day 199 Western Wells at 953 gpm Eastern Wells at 1027 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 26 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 58 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN o` co 8 2 m 0 I e Exist ng Rosemount Wells Proposed Western Wells Proposed Eastern Wells CWI Wells by Aquifer Jordan Jordan -St Lawrence Multiple PDC- Jordan PDC Ordovician Unddf. St Peter- PDC St Peter Quaternary Drawdown (1' contours) ED Potential Well Areas 1 I b a d, I• Feet 0 10,000 Meters 0 2,000 4,000 00 a •t 1, it •i• 4 T f— L }_1 Figure 12 Peak Scenario- Drawdown Jordan Aquifer Stress Period 3 of 3 From Day 200 to Day 365 Western Wells at 392 gpm Eastern Wells at 411 gpm (RR1 and RR2 at 50 gpm) Max PDC drawdown 20 ft (50 ft available) Max Jordan drawdown 33 ft (186 ft available) City of Rosemount MN e,0 111