HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. 2006 BudgetAGENDA ITEM: 2006 Budget AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGENT 0 2 ATTACHMENTS: Updated Tax Rate Worksheet Preliminary Levy (Att. #1); Updated Tax Rate Worksheet Adjusted Budgets #2); Budget Spreadsheets #3); Revisions Spreadsheet for Gas, Electric, Motor Fuels #4); Star Tribune South Article Regarding Utility Cost Increases #5); County -wide Residential Homestead Values #6); County -wide 2005 Tax Rates #7); County -wide 2005 TIF Comparison #8), Police Memo #9); Finance Memo #10); Community Development Memo #11) APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: October 26, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND This meeting is part of the scheduled process for continumg discussions on the 2006 Budget. The worksheet that is Attachment #1 is based on the preliminary levy set by Council on September 6 and updated with the most recent information from Dakota County related to tax capacity and fiscal disparities Attachment #2 shows revisions to the worksheet that incorporate direction received from Council at previous budget work sessions. A recap of those adjustments follows. At the September 28, 2005 City Council work session to discuss budgets, direction was given to reduce the Pavement Management Program in the CIP budget by $300,000 based on the policy decision related to the Pavement Condition Index rating. 'I his represents the largest change to the proposed budget. Other Council dnected changes that have been made to the budgets include the elimination of the feasibility study for an aquatic facility (less $20,000) and reduction of the amount budgeted for community survey (less $9,000). Staff has also made several changes since that meeting including removal of the floor reconditioning for the community center m the CIP (less $10,000); removal of some position advertisements from departmental Ime items (less $2,000 that had been included as part of the 9dmi castration /HR budget); reallocation of 50% of salary /benefit costs for the requested GIS Technician to the utihty funds (less $30,000), and increases in the costs for natural gas, electric and motor fuels (plus $88,700). A spreadsheet summarizing those increases and an article from the Star Tribune South regarding these types of increases have been included as attachments #4 and #5) to this packet. Additionally, a spreadsheet calculation correction in the mcreased amount of $15,000 was made (line items that hadn't been totaled). The result of these adjustments is that the preliminary levy has been reduced by $268,200. The adjusted tax rate is 0.441261, or a 4.15% decrease from the 2005 rate. As a note, a question was raised in the previous work session regarding the true reflection of the calculated percentage reduction; the concern being that it was a percentage on a percentage (the tax rate). Actually, the tax rate is not a percentage calculation but a calculation of levy over tax capacity. Included in the packet is the County -wide information on tax rates m 2005 (att. #7) m which Dakota County also shows the 2005 to 2004 comparisons as a percentage reduction. Staff has also provided other County -wide information for Council review, simply as additional background for discussion. Attachment #6 shows the average increase of residential market values as determined by the County Assessor. In Rosemount, that average is just under 9 The other County -wide informational attachment #8) shows the captured tax capacity within Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts Rosemount is second only to Eagan m tenns of the lowest percentage of valuation that is off the tax rolls at 1.64 A frequent criticism of TIF is that residents pay an increased cost in property taxes as a result of having too much property tied up in TIF. This figure demonstrates that the City's approach to redevelopment and revitalization is not having a significant impact to the taxpayer in the form of a taxpayer subsidy to those respective distracts. ISSUE Departments that are scheduled for discussion at the October 26 meeting are: Pohce Fire Finance Community Development Parks Recreation These are additional background memoranda provided by Police, Finance and Community Development for Council review. These memoranda have been prepared in advance of the meeting to provide more information in response to questions from Council specific to these departments at the previous budget discussions. SUMMARY If there are issues or questions beyond those discussed in the additional materials provided, please contact the City Administrator prior to the meeting so that appropriate information can be prepared. 2 "°'D 0 00 0 SEE r; s« 0 /rme¥Z» r Estimate Residential Property Taxes From I.S.D. 196 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 2 ,&ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 8 0g0 880 5Sx 88 0 0 88x Ewan m "mm Ne VIER E E F N u 8 6 E 666 00 0000 o o 00. EE 58 m8 8`82 2 Egr 8„ Q di O g 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 3 2006 Proposed Budget !CROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA October 26, 2005 Departments FUNDING REQUIREMENTS USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2005 2006 Adopted Proposed +1- Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $148,400 $157,900 $9,500 6.40% Administration Budget 485,500 549,800 64,300 13 24% Elections Budget 54,000 38,900 (15,100) -27 96% Finance Budget 285,700 317,900 32,200 11 27% General Government Budget 331,800 361,700 29,900 9 01% Community Development Budget 856,300 904,800 48,500 5 66% Police Budget 2,155,900 2,334,500 178,600 8 28% Fire Budget 274,600 283,400 8,800 3.20% Public Works Operating Budgets Govemment Buildings Budget 358,500 390,900 32,400 9 04% Fleet Maintenance Budget 410000 479,500 69,500 16 95% Street Maintenance Budget 1,108,200 1,157,900 49,700 448% Parks Maintenance Budget 512,500 536,100 23,600 4 60% Park Rec Budget General Operating 922,800 977,000 54,200 5 87% Park Rec Budget Special Programs 91,900 91,500 (400) -0 44% Total Operating Budgets General Fund $7,996,100 $8,581,800 $585,700 7.32% Building CIP Requirements 48,000 24,000 (24,000) -50 00% Street CIP Requirements 1,250,000 1,100,000 (150,000) 12.00% Equipment CIP Requirements 433,600 266,900 (166,700) -38 45% Insurance Budget Requirements 255,000 260,000 5000 1 96% Port Authority Operating Levy 60,000 60,000 0 0 00% Bonded Indebtedness 1,044,435 1,599,360 554,925 53.13% Bonded Indebtedness Fire Station Levy 153,426 154,308 882 0 57% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 2/24!05) 223,253 248,422 25,169 11.27% "$95,000 (51,922.586,300 x 00798 Water Enterprise Fund 1,019,000 1,238,000 219,000 21 49% Sewer Enterpnse Fund 1,257,600 1,411,600 154,000 12 25% Storm Water Enterpnse Fund 675,200 737,600 62,400 9 24% Arena Enterprise Fund 394,200 422,800 28,600 7 26% Total Funding Requirements $14,809,814 $16,104,790 51,294,976 8 74% NOTE. Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies elbY 1t3 October 26, 2005 Types FUNDING REQUIREMENTS SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) MVHC Cuts Made Later To Include in Levy 0 350,330 2005 2006 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Difference Percentage Internal Revenue Generated Licenses and Permits 750,200 659,700 109,500 14.60% Irtergovernmental 484,000 525,000 41,000 847% Charges for Services 1,229,900 1,160,700 (69,200) -5 63% Fires Forfeits 90,000 90,000 0 0 00% Recreational Fees 233,700 236,200 2,500 1.07% Mscellaneous Revenues 121,500 152,000 30,500 25 10% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0 00% Enterprise Revenues 3,346,000 3,810,000 464,000 13 87% Tdal Internal Revenues 6,258,800 6,837,100 578,300 9.24% Levy Sources Special Levies 1,421,114 2,002,090 580,976 4088% General Levy 7,129,900 7,615,930 486,030 6 82% Total Levy $8,551,014 $9,618,020$1,067,006 12.48% Loss of MVHC from State Funding $0 $350,330 $350,330 nla Total Revenue Sources $14,809,814 $16,104,790 $1,294,976 8.74% NOTE Special Levies include (!)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2005 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2006 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $5,905,030 BUILDING CIP FUND $24,000 STREET CIP FUND $1,100,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $266,900 INSURANCE FUND $260,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY $60,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $7,615,930 Last Updated 10/19/05 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G.O MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS 1998A (ICE ARENA) (Authorized $255,384) $255,384 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized $14,887) $14,887 G 0 BONDS 2000B (Port Authority) (Authorized $239,274) $150,000 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized $116,962) $0 G.O PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001C (Port Authority) (Authorized $171,864) $171,864 G.0 COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS 2001E (Authorized $91,945) $91,945 G O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2002A (Authorized $6,913) $6,913 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY BONDS 2002C (Authorized $265,816) $265,816 G.O IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2003A (Authorized $86,354) (City Assumed Special Assessments) $86,354 G 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS 2005A (Authorized $208,978) $208,978 G 0 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 2005B (Authorized $347,219) $347,219 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM 1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G 0 FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized $154,308) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $1,599,360 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 ($1,922,586,300 x 00798 (As of 2/24/05) $248,422 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $248,422 GRAND TOTAL 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $9,618,020 $154,308 $154,308 City Adjustments (All Subtractions): Local Government Aid (LGA) Homestead Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distributuion Levy (Metro Area) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) Total Funding Requirements Less Internal Revenues Less. Market Value Based Levy Fire Station (See Below) 10,021,884 1,930,789 156,130 Equals. Revenues Needed 7,934,965 Add Back In State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy n/a 402,142 0 Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 7,532,823 Market Value Based Referendum Levy Fire Station 156,130 Last Updated 10/19/05 2003 2004 14,088,246 6,165,131 152,193 350,330 8,121,252 2005 14,809,814 6,258,800 153,426 7,770,922 8,397,588 9,113,382 n/a 350,330 0 0 0 (2) 0 0 0 (2) 8,397,588 9,463,712 771,998 844,509 804,414 770,288 (3) 6,760,825 (1) 7,276,743 (1) 7,593,174 (1) 8,693,424 7.63% 4 35% 14.49% 152,193 153,426 154,308 (4) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2006 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (Year 2002 HACA is removed as the HACA was repealed by the legislature Year 2004 City loses all of its LGA) (3) 2006 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8/10/05 (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station Based on 5154,308 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/05 Last Update from Dakota County 2/24/05 Shows the Levy of $154,308 $1,922,586,300 $.0803 per $1,000 as our Estimate (5) In 2004 Started Including the Water, Sewer, Storm Water Arena Enterprise Funds in These Figures (Proposed) 2006 16,104,790 (5) 6,837,100 154,308 (4) Page One October 26, 2005 Account 101 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 101 31040 00 Fiscal Disparities 101 33401 00 Local Government Aid (LGA) 101 32110 00 101 32160 00 101 32161 00 101 32210 00 101 32212 00 101 32220 00 101 32221 00 101 32230 00 101 32240 00 101 32250 00 101 32255 00 101 32260 00 101 32290 00 101 3101000 101 3101001 101 3102000 101 3103000 101 3171000 101 3181000 101 31811 00 101 31920 00 101 3310000 101 3340300 101 3341600 101 3341601 101 33416 02 101 33418 00 101 3342300 101 33425 00 101 33620 00 101 3363000 101 3363000 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Description Total Taxes (Tax) Total LGA (Lga) Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (1) Licenses to do Business (L) Licenses to do Bus Kennels (L) Building Permit Revenue (L) Mineral Extraction Permit (L) Electrical Permit Revenue (L) Admen Fee Electrical Permits (L) Plumbing Permit Revenue (L) Animal Licenses (L) Sewer Permit Revenue (L) County Recording Fee-City's (L) HVAC Permit Revenue (L) Other Non -Bus Lic Permits (L) Total Licenses Permits (L) Current Ad Valorem Taxes (I) MSABC Armory Payments Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (I) Mobile Home Taxes (I) Gravel Taxes (I) Franchise Taxes Regular Fees (1) Franchise Taxes PEG Fees (I) Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment (1) Federal Grants Aids (I) Mobile Horne HACA (I) Police Training Reimbursement (1) Post Board Training Reimb State Aid (Tied to PERA) MSA for Streets Maintenance (I) Ag Preserves Credit (1) Other State Grants Aids Other County Grants Aids 0) Police Services Levy -ISD #196 (I) D A R E /Liaison Funding Total Intergovernmental (I) PAGE TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $3,541,864 $3,989,670 $3,949,105 $4278,886 708,036 771,998 844,509 804,414 4,249,900 4,761,668 4,793,614 5,083,300 394,723 0 0 394,723 0 0 0 5,083,30 20,090 19,160 27,637 22,00 1,050 1,400 11,130 1,50 125 0 0 622,022 752,405 1,022,025 600,00 2,625 3 445 9,155 3,00 16,585 17 004 24,149 15,00 0 3,369 13,316 10,00 54,023 50,252 82,981 40,00 3,110 2,450 1,690 2,50 17,786 18,847 25,553 15,00 170 250 120 20 59,899 46,661 76,608 40,00 205 345 770 1,00 797,68 915,589 1,295,16 750,20 90,30 91,000 91,00 91,00 77,29 64,117 99,71 50,00 10,96 10,768 10,79 10,00 11,08 14,055 9,59 10,00 106,77 107,540 121,47 110,00 9,97 9,747 10,57 10,00 2,163 0 0 95,88 102,805 112,83 8,00 92,00 29,026 29,445 28,300 29,00 879 2,538 0 88,355 16,353 16,952 13,00 12,587 17,326 13,810 13,00 44,605 45,767 46,936 48,00 577,726 513,646 561,978 484,000 7,000 110,000 $5,134,742 From County 770,288 From County 5,905,030 Total Property Tax Levy for Fund 101 (350,330) State Cuts m MVHC Permanent'm 5,554,700 Actual Property Taxes to Receive 25,000 5,000 Garbage Haulers, Ped Licenses, etc 0 675,000 5,000 17,000 12,000 50,000 2,500 17,000 200 50,000 1,000 Alarm Permits Fireworks Permits 859,70 91,00 91,000 60,00 10,00 10,00 120,00 10,00 117,00 0 525,000 6,020 037 6,190,903 6,650,756 6,317,500 6,939,400 AT 3 0 From State Our Share Eliminated Included in Debt Levy Figure From County From County From County From Cable Company From Cable Company From County From State Program Eliminated From State 29,000 From State 0 From State 13,000 From State PERA Aid 15,000 Dakota County Recycling Funds 50,000 50,000 From I50 #196 Page Two October 26, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 101 34103 00 Zoning Subdivision Fees (C) 14,960 33,560 70,824 40,000 50,000 101 34104 00 Plan Checking Fees (C) 353,886 413,876 444,950 320,000 368,700 65% of Building Permit Fees 101 34105 00 Sales of Maps Publications (C) 3 909 2,818 2,311 3,000 3,000 Maps Spec Books 101 34106 00 Deputy Registrar °ees (C) 47,480 48,438 49,392 50,000 50,000 101 3410700 Assessment Searches (C) 8 20 0 100 100 101 34108 00 Admin Fees Other Funds (C) 108,876 199,254 337,753 250 000 101 34108 01 Applicable Funds Except Const 25,000 25,000 101 34108 02 Construction Funds 300,000 225,000 101 34109 00 Other Charges for Service (C) 2,913 8,127 9,653 3,000 5,000 101 34110 00 Service Chg on Returned Chks (C) 260 345 240 100 200 101 34112 00 Utility Permit Application Fee (C) 1,050 450 1,5 500 1 000 101 34150 00 User Fees SKB 0 0 98 092 350,000 300,000 SKB Fees from New Cells C 0 101 34151 00 User Fees/Host Agreements SKB 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 Landscaping Agreement (Yr 2 of 10) 101 34160 00 National Guard Maint Fees (C) 43,964 45,808 46,362 46,000 46,000 101 34160 00 Shared Space Rental Agreement 16000 101 34160 00 Building Maintenance Contract 30,000 101 34201 00 Special Police Services (C) 20,730 23,171 22,962 26,00 24,000 Contractual O/T for Officers 101 34202 00 Fire Services Burning Permits (C) 4,137 5,500 1,168 3,50 0 No Longer Charge for Permits 101 34203 00 Accident Reports( C) 536 1,019 778 50 500 101 34204 00 Day Care Inspection Fees (C) 588 490 250 20 200 101 34206 00 Other Police Services (C) 366 121 30 0 101 34207 00 Other Fire Protecton Services (C) 15,286 10,528 13,58 12 000 101 34207 01 U of M Fire Contract 5,50 5,500 101 34207 02 Coates Fire Contract 3,50 3,500 101 34207 03 Other Billed Fire Calls 3,00 3,000 101 34301 00 Street, Sidewalk Curb Repairs (C) 1,234 0 10,973 0 101 34303 00 Mow Weeds (C) 60 191 3,844 0 101 34306 00 Other Highway Street Rev (C) 78,236 37,882 74,361 20,00 20,000 Street Light Bills Developers 101 34407 00 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 4,296 5,303 7,962 5,00 5 000 Total Charges for Services (C) 702,775 836,900 1222,213 1,229,90 1,160,700 101 35101 00 Court Fines (F) 85,835 89,752 96,902 90,00 Total Fines Forfeits (F) 85,835 89,752 96,902 90,00 101 34720 00 Park Reservations (R) 1240 3,390 4,170 4,00 101 34721 00 Softball Revenues (R) 46,918 55,296 59,246 57.00 101 34722 00 Volleyball Revenues (R) 1,672 1,480 1 445 1,50 101 34724 00 Tennis Revenues (R) 1,203 1,211 1,283 1,30 101 34725 00 Tiny Tot Revenues (R) 18,099 21,551 20,029 21,00 101 34726 00 Pom Pom Revenues (R) 3,089 1,44 1,463 101 34727 00 Field Trip Revenues (R) 3,035 2,69 8,725 2,80 101 34728 00 Broomball Revenues (R) 0 0 101 34729 00 Skating Lesson Revenues (R) 120 21 244 30 101 3473000 Fun Runs Walks Bike Rides (R) 3,089 2,96 3,250 3,00 101 3473200 Adult Basketball (R) 1,750 1,93 1,700 1,90 101 34733 00 Other Programs Revenues (R) 6,120 8,7 10,831 6,00 101 34735 00 Summer Camps (R) 4,236 3,88 9,442 3,40 101 34736 00 T -Ball (R) 3,847 3,65 4,266 3,50 101 34737 00 Leprechaun Days Parade Rev (R) 0 1,160 101 34738 00 Leprechaun Days General Acct (R) 0 0 101 34739 00 Leprechaun Days -Mid Sum Faire (R) 0 3,810 101 34790 00 Other Recreation Revenues (R) 7,536 6,35 0 101 38080 00 Banquet Room Fees (R) 58,311 58,64 56,244 58,00 101 38081 00 Auditorium Fees (R) 12,490 11,56 9,085 12,00 101 38082 00 Gymnasium Fees (R) 20,166 20,321 20,890 21,00 101 38084 00 Pistol Range Fees (R) 2,500 0 0 101 38086 00 Classroom Fees (R) 26,415 30,037 21,691 28,00 101 38096 00 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 1,410 1,050 1,170 1,50 101 38097 00 AN Rental Fees (R) 1,669 1,706 1,342 1,50 101 38154 00 Teen Night Revenues (R) 6,373 5,670 6 222 6,00 Totat Recreation Fees (R) 231,287 243,777 247,706 233,70 PAGE TOTALS 1,019,898 1.170,430 1,566,821 1,553,60 90,000 From County 90,00 3,20 57,00 1,50 1,30 21 00 1,00 3,00 30 3,00 1,90 6,00 4,00 5,00 58,00 12,00 21,00 28 00 1,50 1,50 6,00 236,200 1,486,900 Comments Promise Fellow Grant Program Pistol Range Closed Page Three October 26, 2005 Account Descnption 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments (M) 82,103 23,655 41,114 10,000 20,000 From County 101 Funded Projects 101 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A (M) 0 82 69 0 0 From County 101 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments (M) 109,057 100,891 147,009 100,000 120 000 101 36214 00 Net Change in FV- Investments (M) 18,548 6,432 (6226) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 101 36215 00 Interest Earnings (M) 1 425 1,434 1,226 1500 1500 From Checking Account 101 36220 00 Rents Royalties (M) 4294 4,394 5 383 5,000 5,000 US West Antenna Rent 101 36230 00 Contribution/Donations (M) 31249 77,884 44,633 0 0 101 36260 00 Other Revenue( M) 18 956 1,570 18,734 2,000 2000 101 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds (M) 0 0 0 0 0 101 38090 00 City Concessions (M) 0 3,506 3 662 3,000 3 500 Total Misc Revenues (M) 265,833 219,848 255,502 121,500 152,000 101 39202 00 Contribution from Enterprises (r) 3,500 3,500 0 3500 3,500 Arena Building Grounds Maint 101 39203 00 Transfer From (T) 111200 0 0 0 0 Funds Retumed from Project Total Transfers In (T) 114 800 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 PAGE TOTALS $330,633 $223,348 $255,502 $125 000 $155,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $7,420,568 $7,584,681 $8,473,079 $7,996,100 $6,581,800 INTERNAL REVENUES $2,775,946 $2,823,013 $3,679,465 $2,912,800 $3,027,100 Grand Total Less Ad Valorem, LGA Fiscal Disparities Page Four October 28, 2005 2008 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 General Fund Admin Fees 525,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 101 34108 01 Fund 201 8,000 101 34108 02 Fund 202 2,500 101 34108 03 Fund 203 2,500 101 34108 04 Fund206 2,500 101 34108 05 Fund 207 2,500 101 34108 08 Fund 605 1,000 101 34108 07 Fund 606 1,000 101 34108 08 Fund 607 1,000 101 34108 09 Fund 650 6,000 y Admin Fees Breakdown Totals $25 000 $25 000 $25,000 $25,000 525 000 $25,000 Page One October 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 101 41520 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41520 102 00 Full -Time Overtime Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $172,214 $193,071 $191,982 $219,400 $223.900 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 3,631 2,211 2,260 3,000 3 000 101 41520 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 10,000 10,000 0 D 0 RA W ill be Done Internally 101 41520 01 331 00 Travel Expense 468 135 1 500 101 41520 01 331 01 Finance Director 905 1,000 1,000 National Convention M sc 101 41520 01 331 02 Staff 5 500 500 101 41520 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 586 0 988 0 0 101 41520 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 39,025 46,795 50,000 101 41520 01 391 01 Civic Systems Applications Support 4,376 4,000 5,000 101 41520 01 391 02 CIVIC Systems System Support 0 2,000 0 101 41520 01 391 03 Incode Software Maintenance 5,643 6,000 6,000 101 41520 01 391 04 General Network Support 28,800 30,000 30,000 300 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 01 391 05 Motor Vehicle SPW Maint 306 1,000 500 101 41520 01 391 06 Fixed Asset Maint Contract 805 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 391 07 Miscellaneous P C Repairs 575 2,000 3,500 101 41520 01 391 06 Anti-Virus Software Renewal 426 4,000 4,000 101 41520 01 392 00 P C Accessones Supplies 925 1,817 1,042 3,000 3,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 2,011 138 497 2,000 2 000 101 41520 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 406 0 793 1,000 12 200 101 41520 01 394 01 Annual Mtcrosoft Office Payment 11,200 Annual Payment Thru 2011 101 41520 01 394 02 Miscellaneous SIW Purchases 1,000 101 41520 01 409 00 Other Contracted R M 175 50 50 300 300 Cash Register Repairs 101 41520 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 205 285 600 101 41520 01 433 01 MD RA Annual Fees 0 200 100 101 41520 01 433 02 MnGFOA Finance Director 40 50 50 101 41520 01 433 03 MnGFOA Staff 160 100 200 101 41520 01 433 04 GFOA Finance Director Asst 160 350 350 101 41520 01 433 05 Magazine Subscriptions 0 100 100 101 41520 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 37 0 200 101 41520 01 435 01 Accounting Related Books 0 100 100 101 41520 01 435 02 Finance Related Books 19 100 100 101 41520 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 3,075 1,159 4 500 101 41520 01 437 01 MDRA Conference (For 2) 0 300 300 101 41520 01 437 02 MnGFOA Annual Conf (F /D Asst) 550 500 1,000 101 41520 01 437 03 GFOA National Conf (F /D) 1,058 1500 1,500 101 41520 01 437 04 Management Classes 0 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 437 05 Miscellaneous Seminars 567 700 700 101 41520 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 435 273 344 500 500 Contigencies 101 41520 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 101 41520 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 11,000 P? U /B -Dep Registrar Clerk PAGE TOTALS $233,192 $255,914 $242,352 $285,700 $317,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $233,192 $255,914 $242,352 $265,700 $317,900 Page One October 26, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2002 Descnpbon Actual 101 41910 101 00 Salaries Benefits $522,045 101 41910 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 3 090 101 41910 99 103 00 Pad -Time Salaries Benefits 46 019 101 41910 99 103 01 Planning Commission Members 101 41910 99 103 02 GIS Intern 101 41910 01 201 00 Office Accessories 101 41910 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 41910 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 41910 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 101 41910 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 41910 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 41910 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 41910 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 41910 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 41910 01 312 00 Contract Inspection Fees 101 41910 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41910 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 101 41910 01 331 00 Tra /el Expense 101 41910 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 41910 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 101 41910 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 101 41910 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 101 41910 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 101 41910 01 433 01 APAIAICP 101 41910 01 433 02 ICC 101 41910 01 433 03 AMBO 101 41910 01 433 04 10,000 Lakes 101 41910 01 433 05 "Future Use" 101 41910 01 433 06 Trade Magazines 101 41910 01 433 07 Planner's Journal 101 41910 01 433 08 Sensible Land Use Coalition 101 41910 01 433 09 AACEO /MAHCO 101 41910 01 433 10 Other Dues Subscnptions 101 41910 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 101 41910 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 41910 01 437 01 State Bldg Official School 101 41910 01 437 02 Sprang Fall Code Updates 101 41910 01 437 03 ICBO Seminars (2 TimesNear) 101 41910 01 437 04 Computer Training 101 41910 01 437 05 Clerical Seminars 101 41910 01 437 06 Planning Seminars 101 41910 01 437 07 ISTS Training 101 41910 01 437 08 State Planning Conference (2) 101 41910 01 437 09 Planning Commissioner Training 101 41910 01 437 10 Gen'I Seminars 101 41910 01 437 11 Other Training 101 41910 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41910 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 101 41910 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS All Salary Costs Inclusive of $610,751 $706,897 $800200 $824,500 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 75 1,473 3,000 3,000 43,757 12,585 20,000 5,000 5,000 15 000 15,000 463 0 1,213 69 1,727 1,308 0 0 45 0 304 244 405 0 46 0 83 0 4,463 358 45 98 1,454 1,000 431 463 3,551 3,085 309 2,016 208 389 0 0 1,045 2,063 0 2005 2006 Object 2006 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 0 36 400 472 8,000 1,897 2,000 0 100 195 200 666 600 773 1,500 30 400 0 0 439 0 1,015 2,000 1,487 2,000 720 500 802 1 000 5,811 4 000 9 500 2,081 0 1,341 900 100 500 480 200 175 200 0 0 115 150 0 100 200 150 0 300 30 0 431 947 328 700 4,574 3,339 15 380 600 179 300 0 1,400 0 400 40 500 1,138 500 892 500 629 1,000 358 300 84 400 130 400 16 10 145 400 0 0 5591,968 $669,971 $743,936 $856,300 $591,968 $669,971 5743,936 $856,300 1,500 200 500 200 0 150 100 200 300 50 500 300 1,000 400 500 1,200 500 1,200 300 400 400 400 Calendars, Planners, etc 3,000 Codification of Zoning Ordinance 2,000 Forms, Stickers, Tags, etc 100 Zipatone, Spray Mount 200 Calculators 600 Dictation Devices Tapes 1,500 Building Inspection Supplies 400 Inspectors' Tools 0 0 Fees for Contracted/Temp Sery 2,000 Planning Consultant 2,000 Cellular Phone Pagers 600 0 3,000 Permitworks Support 500 0 3,200 700 Manuals, References, IBC Books 6,700 Code Enforcement Seminars 400 Contingencies 0 30,000 F/T GIS Technician (50% 101) $904,800 8904,800 Page One October 26, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE 101 42110 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 42110 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 42110 102 01 Regular Overtime Hours 101 42110 102 02 Contracted OTT 101 42110 103 00 Part-Time Salanes Benefits 101 42110 103 01 Part-Time Secretary 101 42110 103 02 Part -Time CSO's 101 42110 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 42110 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 42110 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterheads 101 42110 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 42110 01 207 01 Practice Ammunition 101 42110 01 207 02 Service Ammunition 101 42110 01 207 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 42110 01 208 01 DARE Donations 101 42110 01 208 02 Equipment Donations /Forfeitures 101 42110 01 209 OC Other Office Supplies 101 42110 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 42110 01 211 01 Blanket Cleaning 101 42110 01 211 02 Squad Interior Cleaning 101 42110 01 217 00 Clothing Allowance 101 42110 01 217 01 CSO's 101 42110 01 217 02 Reserves 101 42110 01 217 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 42110 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 42110 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 42110 01 241 01 Evidence Processing Equipment 101 42110 01 241 02 Camera and Video Supplies 101 42110 01 241 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 42110 01 242 01 Less Lethal Tactical Equipment 101 42110 01 242 02 MAAG Equipment 101 42110 01 304 00 Legal Fees 101 42110 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 42110 01 305 01 Employee Drug Testing (Amended) 101 42110 01 305 02 Seized Narcotic Testing 101 42110 01 306 00 Personnel Testing Recruitment 101 42110 01 316 00 Animal Care Sewices 101 42110 01 316 01 Impound Care Fees 101 42110 01 316 02 Deer Inventory 101 42110 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 42110 01 319 01 Dispatch Services 101 42110 01 319 02 Radio Repeater Phone Lines 101 42110 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 101 42110 01 321 01 Cell Phones 101 42110 01 321 02 Pagers 101 42110 01 321 03 LOGIS Communications Line 101 42110 01 323 00 Radio Units 101 42110 01 323 01 Radios 101 42110 01 323 02 Radars 101 4211.0 01 331 00 Travel Expense 101 42110 0 331 01 MN Chief's Spring Conference 101 42110 01 331 02 IACP Conference 101 42110 01 331 03 Outstate Investigations Conferences 101 42110 01 33 04 MAAG Conference 101 42110 01 331 05 CAN -AM Narcotic Conference 101 42110 01 331 06 Juvenile Officers Conference 101 42110 01 331 07 Meeting Reimbursements 101 42110 01 333 00 Freight Express Expenses 34 101 42110 01 341 CO Employment Advertising 1,799 PAGE TOTALS 1,558,045 1,745,591 1,896,55 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $1,835,800 52,631 60,931 55,102 65,000 65,000 40,000 25,000 28,338 25,505 46,000 53,400 1,318,314 1,489,144 1,635,501 $1,750,700 7,03 17,900 30,00 35,500 482 706 15 800 200 716 225 37 1 000 800 172 227 200 200 2,021 1,928 2.500 1,88 1,800 2,000 28 500 400 200 100 5,436 6,055 6,05 0 0 0 0 1,155 941 87 1,000 0 481 400 100 100 18 300 300 2,948 2,160 3,26 3 000 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 500 500 1,182 1,062 95 2,000 2,144 3,055 1,17 2,500 1,513 1,227 1,43 750 750 500 500 750 750 230 1,249 701 2000 0 1,500 1,500 0 500 500 58,177 54,996 54,996 56,000 56,000 494 1,058 2,000 441 1,500 1,500 204 500 500 0 730 2,608 1,500 1,500 13,815 13,727 14,500 11,314 14,000 14,000 0 500 500 57,297 69,588 77,000 65,802 70,000 73,000 5,551 5,500 4,000 6,200 6,483 5,900 4,885 4,500 5,000 749 800 400 444 500 500 1,671 2,881 1,942 0 2,000 2,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,295 1,184 71 3,700 401 500 500 1,15 1,500 1,400 44 500 500 45 200 400 400 400 400 300 200 200 88 12 200 0 500 2,041,800 All Salary Costs Inclusive of Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits PTT Secretary -16 hoursNVk CSO's Total 50 Hours/Wk Film and Developing Evidence Logs, Animal Lic, etc 0 Donated Forfeited Funds 1,000 Video CD's Miscellaneous 2,000 Evidence Bags, Drug Kits 2,500 Squad Emergency Equip Repairs 2,000 Crime Scene Kit Supplies Digital Recorders Training Supplies Prosecution Medical Psychological 3,000 Radio Radar Repairs 200 Repairs 500 Officer CSO Hiring 2,135,100 Page Two October 26, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42110 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 660 613 1,278 13,000 101 42110 01 394 01 Automated Pawn System 0 500 500 101 42110 01 394 02 Pictometry 0 2,100 2,000 101 42110 01 394 03 CJIIN System 0 8,300 10,500 101 42110 01 396 00 Computer Maintenance 47,477 51,794 77,000 101 42110 01 396 01 Records Management CAD 39,774 40,000 41,000 101 42110 01 396 02 CJDN Connection Charges 2,520 3 000 3,000 101 42110 01 396 03 MCD Connection Charges 3,038 4 000 4,000 101 42110 01 396 04 MCD Maintenance Cellular 16,376 20,900 21,000 101 42110 01 396 05 LOGIS Annual Fees 0 9,000 8,000 101 42110 01 396 06 LOGIS Security and Back Up Site 0 9,000 0 101 42110 01 433 00 Dues Subscnptwns 2,108 2,613 3,400 101 42110 01 433 01 Mutual Aid Assistance Group -MAAG 1,650 2,000 2,100 101 42110 01 433 02 IACP Chiefs 100 100 100 101 42110 01 433 03 MN Chefs of Police 0 150 150 101 42110 01 433 04 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 50 50 50 101 42110 01 433 05 Wakcta CAER 0 20 20 101 42110 01 433 06 Metro Emergency Managers 0 25 25 101 42110 01 433 07 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 18 25 25 101 42110 01 433 08 Tri- County Investigators 60 60 60 101 42110 01 433 09 MN Crime Prevention Association 365 25 25 101 42110 01 433 10 P 0 S T Licenses 540 630 750 101 42110 01 433 11 FBI Nat'l Academy Assocation 0 60 60 101 42110 01 433 12 Miscellaneous 0 55 35 101 42110 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 297 68 96 300 300 Statutes, Crime Prevention 101 42110 01 436 00 Towing Charges 64 69 147 200 200 101 42110 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 10,346 10,208 13,000 101 42110 01 437 01 Firearms -Range Rental 406 1,500 2,000 101 42110 01 437 02 Chiefs Spring Conference 455 500 500 101 42110 01 437 03 Investigations 0 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 437 04 IACP Conference 225 250 250 101 42110 01 437 05 Supervision 15 1,000 1,000 101 42110 01 437 06 Use of Force 6,36 600 600 101 42110 01 437 07 Emergency Driving 1,400 1,400 101 42110 01 437 08 First Aid 2,000 2,000 101 42110 01 437 09 Narcotic Enforcement 1,000 750 101 42110 01 437 10 Tactical 1,000 1,000 101 42110 01 437 11 Support Services 750 500 101 42110 01 437 12 Patrol 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 313 264 44 500 500 Snacks Beverages for Mtgs 101 42110 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 1,178 5,590 1,72 2,000 2,000 Tasers Accesones 101 42110 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 90,000 2 New Officers (Staggered) PAGE TOTALS $62,443 $71,219 $77,790 $114,100 $199,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,620,488 $1,816,810 $1,974,347 $2,155,900 $2,334,500 7 Page One October 26, 2005 Account 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE Descnption 103 00 Salaries Benefits 103 01 Salaries 103 02 Training Pay /Stipends 103 03 Call Pav/Shpends 103 04 Class Pay /Stipends 103 05 PIT Fire Marshal 101 42210 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 42210 01 202 01 Copy Toner 101 422 01 202 02 Computer Printers 101 42210 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterhead 101 42210 01 204 01 Envelopes 101 42210 01 204 02 Letterhead 101 42210 01 204 03 Forms 101 42210 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 42210 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 42210 01 208 01 Supplies, Computer Support 101 42210 01 208 02 Film Developing 101 42210 01 208 03 Memberships 101 42210 01 208 04 Code Books 101 42210 01 208 05 Training 101 42210 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 42210 01 211 01 Soaps 101 42210 01 211 02 Chamois, Towels, etc 101 42210 01 211 03 Sponges, etc 101 42210 01 211 04 SCBA Cleaner 101 42210 01 218 00 Fire Department Clothing 101 42210 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 42210 01 219 01 Gloves 101 42210 01 219 02 Bandages 101 42210 01 219 03 Equipment 101 42210 01 219 04 Tyvek Suits 101 42210 01 219 05 Consummable Medical 101 42210 01 219 06 Oxygen 101 42210 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 101 42210 01 229 01 Aerial- Pumpers- Tanker 101 42210 01 229 02 Pickup Trucks 101 42210 01 229 03 Rescue Other 101 42210 01 229 04 Vehicle Modifications 101 42210 01 230 00 Equipment Repair Materials 101 42210 01 230 01 Light Bars 101 42210 01 230 02 Smoke Machines 101 42210 01 230 03 Lanterns Miscellaneous 101 42210 01 230 04 Small Tool Repairs 101 42210 01 230 05 Optic0m 101 42210 01 230 06 Station 101 42210 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 42210 01 241 01 Axes, Bars Other 101 42210 01 241 02 Grass Fire 101 42210 01 241 03 Hand Tools 101 42210 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 42210 01 306 00 Personnel Testing 8 Recruitment 101 42210 01 306 01 New Physicals (4) 101 42210 01 306 02 Hepatitis Shots (4) 101 42210 01 306 03 Background Checks (4) 101 42210 01 306 04 Drag Testing (4) 101 42210 01 308 00 Instructors' Fees 101 42210 01 308 01 Are Fighter 1 (4) 101 42210 01 308 02 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates (4) 101 42210 01 308 03 Fire Fighter Re- Certificates (13) 101 42210 01 308 04 First Responder (4) 101 42210 01 308 05 First Responder Refresher (112) 101 42210 01 308 06 Outside Schools ($2) 101 42210 01 308 07 Haz -Mal Training (4) 101 42210 01 308 08 Apparatus Re- Certificates (0) PAGE TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Incfuswe of $68,877 $73,285 $74,520 $74,000 $81,700 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 284 69 0 0 0 25 25 O 25 25 258 50 50 0 929 0 0 4,334 1,203 3,400 Supplies for Fire Marshal 126 251 210 1,535 922 1,695 5,834 262 1,984 2,030 410 683 2,828 2,829 2,470 3 500 5,044 1,031 6,125 8,965 24,700 3,300 20,000 100 33,600 O 50 50 O 50 50 917 1,500 1,500 O 100 100 45 300 300 152 500 500 O 1,000 1,000 468 100 100 O 100 100 0 25 25 0 75 75 83 300 1,336 600 800 O 100 100 1,219 500 500 0 100 100 354 1,500 1,800 53 200 200 3,197 1,200 800 O 200 100 O 200 100 O 200 100 0 100 100 0 250 250 0 250 250 1,087 600 600 0 300 300 3,912 300 300 140 150 150 O 250 250 189 300 300 O 1,000 1,000 341 500 500 0 100 100 0 500 500 0 1,200 1,200 0 150 150 90 250 200 0 1,000 1,000 1,656 1,400 1,500 7,007 4,900 3,850 1,730 1,000 1,000 O 100 0 100 100 0 300 96,848 92,696 101,204 101,100 107,500 Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance to Pension 300 5 Uniforms t $60 Each 3,500 Medical Supplies 1,100 1,800 700 3,500 Annual Medical Tests 2,100 8 900 Page Two October 26, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Descripbcn Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 01 310 00 Testing Services 90 1,53 900 101 42210 01 310 01 Aerial (Next 2007) 0 1,200 0 101 42210 01 310 02 Ladders (Next 2007) 0 500 0 101 42210 01 310 03 Pumpers (3) (Next 2008) 870 0 900 101 42210 01 310 04 SCBA Hydro Testing (Next 2007) 0 0 0 101 42210 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 1,095 259 3,500 101 42210 01 313 01 SCBA Contract 540 400 400 101 42210 01 313 02 SCBA Maintenance 0 200 200 101 42210 01 313 03 Copier Fax Contract 1,011 400 400 101 422 01 313 04 Secuniv Ccntract 278 500 500 101 42210 01 313 05 SOT Joint Powers 0 1,400 2,000 101 42210 01 314 00 Annual Fire Rebel Contribution 135,000 135,000 135000 139,100 143,300 Moved From Saianes Above 101 42210 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 2,214 2,713 2,500 Fire Prevention Education 101 42210 01 319 01 School Literature 0 350 350 101 42210 01 319 02 Door Prizes 200 250 250 101 42210 01 319 03 Fire Prevention Week Promos 2,001 1,300 1,300 101 42210 01 319 04 Food at Open House 188 150 150 101 42210 01 319 05 Adult Extension Classes 0 250 250 101 42210 01 319 06 National Night Out 0 200 200 101 42210 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 888 700 600 101 42210 01 321 01 Chief 557 250 300 101 42210 01 321 02 Assistant Chief 15 150 100 101 42210 01 321 03 Rescue 7 150 100 101 42210 01 321 04 Numeric Pagers 70 150 100 101 42210 01 322 00 Postage Costs 5 0 0 100 100 UPS Costs 101 42210 01 329 00 Other Communtcation Costs 510 521 1 000 101 42210 01 329 01 Base Repairs 0 200 200 101 42210 01 329 02 Pager Repairs 474 200 200 101 42210 01 329 03 Hand Held Repairs 344 300 300 101 42210 01 329 04 Mobile Repairs 120 300 300 101 42210 01 331 00 Travel Expense 1,609 3,677 5 900 101 42210 01 331 01 Minnesota Chief's Conference 1,309 1,50 1,500 101 42210 01 331 02 Fire Department Association 289 900 900 101 42210 01 331 03 Outside Schools 0 5,000 3,500 101 42210 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 475 1214 1 200 101 42210 01 433 01 Capital City 5 35 35 101 42210 01 433 02 VFBA Insurance 25 260 260 101 42210 01 433 03 State Fire 30 200 200 101 42210 01 433 04 State Chiefs 16 250 250 101 42210 01 433 05 DCFC 40 40 101 42210 01 433 06 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 2 30 30 101 42210 01 433 07 Purchasing Consortium 50 50 101 42210 01 433 08 NFPA 185 185 101 42210 01 433 09 MN Ass'n Fire Marshals 150 150 Fire Marshal Dues 101 42210 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 405 519 700 101 42210 01 437 01 State Fire Conference 40 400 400 101 42210 01 437 02 State Chief's Conference 300 300 101 42210 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 860 1,293 6 1,200 101 42210 01 439 01 Food Coffee 19 190 190 101 42210 01 439 02 Extinguisher 400 400 101 42210 01 439 03 Plaques 4 20 20 101 42210 01 439 04 Pamt 50 50 101 42210 01 439 05 Station Needs 80 540 540 101 42210 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 22.721 15,708 15,000 101 42210 01 580 01 Bunker Gear (9) 1.285 9,000 9,000 101 42210 01 580 02 Pagers (6) 7,472 3,000 3,000 101 42210 01 580 03 Hose Replacement 1,036 2,000 2,000 101 42210 01 580 04 Replace Damaged Items 2,291 1 000 1,000 101 42210 01 581 00 Other Equipment Purchases 1,767 0 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $167,640 $163,138 $157,681 $173,500 $175,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $264,488 $255,835 $258,885 $274,600 $283,400 Page One October 26, 2005 Account 2008 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS RECREATION Descnption 101 45100 101 00 Salaries Benefrts 101 45100 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 45100 10300 Part-Time Salaries Benefts 101 45100 08 103 00 P/T Secretary 101 45100 10 103 00 P/T Receptionist 101 45100 12 103 00 Building Attendants 101 45100 83 103 00 Playground Recreation Leaders 101 45100 94 103 00 Warming House Attendants 101 45100 99 103 00 Park Rec Commitee 101 45100 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 45100 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 101 45100 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 45100 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 45100 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 45100 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 45100 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 101 45100 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 45100 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 45100 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 101 45100 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 101 45100 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 101 45100 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 45100 01 312 00 Contract Inspection Fees 101 45100 01 315 00 Special Programs 101 45100 01 315 01 Sunday Night Specials 101 45100 01 315 02 Leprechaun Days 101 45100 01 315 03 Halloween 101 45100 01 315 04 Ground Pounders(Running) 101 45100 01 315 05 Nature Programs(Arbor Day, etc 101 45100 01 315 06 Puppet Programs 101 45100 01 315 07 Special Events 101 45100 01 315 08 Adapt -A -Park Program 101 45100 01 315 09 Miscellaneous Programs 101 45100 01 315 10 ADA Programs 101 45100 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 45100 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 101 45100 01 331 00 Travel Expense 101 45100 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 45100 01 349 00 Other Advertising 101 45100 01 349 01 Brochures 101 45100 01 349 02 Yellow Pages 101 45100 01 349 03 Special Marketing 101 45100 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 101 45100 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 101 45100 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 101 45100 01 401 00 Contracted Budding Repairs 101 45100 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 101 45100 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 101 45100 01 412 00 Building Rental 101 45100 01 415 00 Other Equ pment Rental 101 45100 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 101 45100 01 433 01 MRPA Dues 101 45100 01 433 02 Miscellaneous 101 45100 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 101 4510C 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 45100 01 437 01 MRPA State Conference 101 45100 01 437 32 MAMA State Conference 101 45100 01 437 03 Workshops, Schools, Tuition 101 45100 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 45100 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives PAGE TOTALS General Operating DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $366,523 $392,557 $475,475 $604,400 $639,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 19,920 11,770 11,216 4,700 4,700 130,749 97,700 31,908 35,634 0 0 Moved Above to Full -Time 22,625 26,707 29,200 29,200 81,185 71,617 33000 33,000 19,070 20,923 16,500 20,000 8,272 9,852 13,000 13,000 1,912 1,912 2,500 2500 0 268 1,196 215 65 0 479 576 1,050 1,622 4,350 5,846 586 924 3,348 5,208 4,823 5,560 7,422 4,624 0 53 0 153 0 0 0 405 374 481 800 800 Employment Physicals 7,913 5,969 5,983 6,500 6,500 Custodial Services- Banquet Rm 8,316 6,935 12,200 2,500 2,500 3,000 Pertormances 84 600 600 Trophies Awards 459 500 500 Supplies 0 400 400 Ribbons Mailings 1555 2,000 2,000 Trees 60 500 500 Tapes, Fuses, Puppets, etc 339 1,000 1500 Publicity Supplies 374 1,400 1,400 Flyers, Trees, Signs 848 1500 2,000 Start Up Costs 0 800 800 ADA Program Supplies 474 347 478 2,500 2,500 ADA Services /Eng LA Sery Test 1,950 1,736 2,751 3,100 3,100 Pagers Cellular Phones 61 16 46 500 500 2,165 2,092 2,310 2,800 2,800 General Employment Ads 19,249 20,473 27,300 17,734 18,000 21,500 City Newsletter 3,408 3,400 3,400 Rec Ads 473 2,400 2,400 New Program Flyers 17,145 19,948 18,726 26,000 26,000 20,379 23,465 26,823 28,600 33,600 3,494 3,783 3,180 4,000 4,000 7,194 13,655 5,908 10,000 10,000 7,585 8,702 5,816 8,000 8,000 18,424 18,948 19,908 20,000 20,000 Air Handler Maintenance Contract 16,800 16,800 17,071 16,800 16,800 Monthly Rent Payments to Guard 12,567 14,135 12,984 18,000 18,000 Portable Toilets Other Rentals 1,134 2,684 1,500 1,321 1.100 1,100 Minn Recreation Parks Assn 978 400 400 Paper, Magazines, JC Dues etc 0 50 19 100 100 2.536 497 4,500 1230 2,000 2,000 0 300 300 805 2,200 2,200 5,798 59,667 35,281 0 0 Donation Account $685,102 $814,625 $872,360 $922,800 $685,102 $814,625 $872,360 $922,800 0 0 983 1,000 0 200 438 500 1,161 1,600 4,845 5,500 941 1,500 5,224 6,000 10,115 9,500 5,284 5,500 0 0 0 1,000 Film, Developing Laminating 200 Books, Tapes, etc 500 Meeting Supplies 1,600 Envelopes, Forms, Rulers, etc 5,500 1,500 7,000 Rec Programs, 1st Aid Sup, etc 9,500 5,500 0 5,000 P/7 Homcuttunst $977,000 5977.000 Page Two October 26, 2005 Account Description 2008 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS 8 RECREATION 101 45100 71 Promise Program $11,680 $2,584 $0 $0 $0 101 45100 81 Softball 38,728 44,322 46,211 40,000 40,000 101 45100 82 Volleyball 841 575 335 900 900 101 45100 84 Tennis 552 956 803 800 800 101 45100 85 Tiny Tots 20,432 16,419 16,406 19 000 19,000 101 45100 86 Porn Poms 2,653 988 1,230 3 000 2,000 101 45100 87 Field Trips 2,692 2,878 9,055 2,800 3,000 101 45100 88 Eroomball 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 89 Skating Lessons 0 0 73 400 400 101 45100 90 Fun Runs 2,967 2,902 3203 2 800 3,000 101 45100 91 Summer Camps 1,124 3,884 8292 4,000 4,000 101 45100 92 Adult Basketball 159 74 0 1,900 1,900 101 45100 93 Other Programs 6,247 6,487 8,553 6 500 6,500 101 45100 95 T -Ball 3,866 5,546 4,171 5 000 5,000 101 45100 96 Teen Night 5,746 4,861 5,540 4,800 5,000 101 45100 98 Leprechaun Days 0 0 4,608 0 0 101 45100 71 103 00 Part-Time Salanes 11,680 2,584 0 0 0 101 45100 81 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 23,956 24,270 22,634 24,300 24 300 101 45100 81 219 00 Operating Supplies 6,914 8,098 11,912 11,000 11 000 101 45100 81 311 00 Officiating Fees 5,038 8,579 6,273 0 0 101 45100 81 319 00 Other Professional Services 2,820 3,374 5,393 4,700 4 700 101 45100 82 103 00 Part -Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 82 219 00 Operating Supplies 841 575 335 900 900 101 45100 82 311 00 Officiating Fees 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 82 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 84 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 507 904 803 650 650 101 45100 84 219 00 Operating Supplies 45 51 0 150 150 101 45100 85 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 19,516 15,131 14,170 18,000 18,000 101 45100 85 219 00 Operating Supplies 916 128 2,236 1,000 1,000 101 45100 86 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 1 265 62 566 2200 1,200 101 45100 86 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,388 36 684 800 800 101 45100 87 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 0 1,151 0 0 101 45100 87 219 00 Operating Supplies 2,692 2,87 7,905 2,800 3,000 101 45100 88 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 101 46100 88 311 00 Officiating Fees 0 0 0 0 101 45100 89 103 00 Part-Time Salanes 0 73 400 400 101 45100 89 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 101 45100 90 219 00 Operating Supplies 2,967 2,90 3203 2,800 3,000 101 45100 91 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 0 1,96 5,877 2,000 2,000 101 45100 91 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,124 1,91 2,415 2,000 2,000 101 45100 92 219 00 Operating Supplies 159 7 0 1,900 1,900 101 45100 93 103 00 Part-Time Salanes 0 2,10 3,019 2,000 2,000 101 45100 93 219 00 Operating Supplies 6,247 4,37 5,534 4,500 4,500 101 45100 95 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 2,778 4,34 3,106 4,000 4,000 101 45100 95 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,088 120 1,065 1000 1,000 101 45100 96 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 0 453 0 0 101 45100 96 219 00 Operating Supplies 5,746 4,86 5,087 4,800 5,000 101 45100 98 103 00 Part -Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 101 45100 98 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 4,608 0 0 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 97 687 92,47 108,481 91,900 91,500 GRAND TOTAL PARK 8 REC 5782 789 $907,10 2005 2006 Oblect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 97,687 92,475 108,461 91,900 91,500 $91,500 $980,841 $1 014,700 $1,068,500 Page One October 26, 2005 Account# Descnption 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA REVENUES 650 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 650 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 458 365 103 200 200 650 36215 00 Interest Earnings 270 120 109 200 200 650 36260 00 Other Revenue Learn to Skate 14,007 21,410 26,448 20,000 27,000 Learn to Skate Program (LTS) 650 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 91,700 103,300 650 38060 00 Prime Time Ice Fees 249,150 250,143 268,383 240,000 250 000 650 38061 00 Non -Prime Time Ice Fees 0 0 0 0 0 650 38063 00 Open Skating Ice Fees 7,629 7,998 8,244 7,000 7,000 650 38065 00 Other Events Arena 0 0 0 500 500 Dry Floor Events 650 38066 00 Advertising Revenue Arena 13 000 6,970 16,200 14,000 14,000 650 38067 00 Skate Sharpening Revenue Arena 4 617 4,362 5,244 4,000 4,000 650 38090 00 Concessions 3 590 3,300 3, 3,500 3 500 650 38091 00 Vending Machine Revenues 9,908 12,839 10,761 12,000 12000 650 38095 00 Pro Shop Revenues 1,237 1,440 1,409 1,100 1,100 Tape Laces, Mouthguards, etc 650 39103 00 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 Sale of Old Ice Resurfacer 650 39201 00 Transfer From General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 2005 2008 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 303,866 308,947 338,124 394 200 422 800 Comments Page One October 26, 2005 Account Descnption 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA EXPENDITURES 650 45130 101 00 Salaries Benefits 650 45130 77 101 00 Administrative 650 45130 78 101 00 Technical /Clerical 650 45130 79 101 00 Maintenance 650 45130 79 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 650 45130 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 650 45130 89 103 00 Learn -To -Skate Program 650 45130 99 103 00 Building Skate Guard Attendants 650 45130 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 650 45130 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 650 45130 01 205 01 Skate Magnets 650 45133 01 208 32 Other Supplies 650 45130 01 209 00 Cther Office Supplies 650 45130 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 650 45130 01 212 00 Motor Fuels 650 45130 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 650 45130 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 650 45130 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 650 45130 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 650 45130 01 241 00 Small Tools 650 45130 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 650 45130 01 265 00 Other Items for Resale 650 45130 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 650 45130 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 650 45130 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 650 45130 01 331 00 Travel Expense 650 45130 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 650 45130 01 349 00 Other Advertising 650 45130 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 650 45130 01 369 00 Other Insurance 650 45130 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 650 45130 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 650 45130 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 650 45130 01 401 00 Contracted Budding Repairs 650 45130 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 650 45130 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 650 45130 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 650 45130 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 650 45130 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 650 45130 01 521 00 Building Structure Purchases 650 45130 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 650 45130 01 710 00 Transfers 650 45130 01 710 01 Yearly Maintenance 650 45130 01 710 02 650 45130 01 710 03 FUND TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget All Salary Costs Inclusive of $93,268 $106,672 $155,200 Salary, Taxes PERA Benefits 10,665 31,000 33,000 42,316 25,300 26,600 69,357 88,800 95,600 4,352 3,865 4,482 4,000 4,000 36,917 36,120 39,000 24,488 12,500 24,000 7,791 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 151 1,000 0 200 200 0 800 800 350 25 310 500 3,356 3,83 3,053 3,500 O 1,033 2,400 2,530 3,58 2,392 3,200 116 30 189 1,000 1,833 2,08 1,556 4,000 4,934 1,77 1,47 4,000 0 0 0 0 569 81 78 800 0 500 500 6,000 6,00 6,00 6,000 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Admin Fee Policy 1,000 1,00 1,00 1,000 1 000 0 100 100 O 500 500 O 800 800 2,249 2,30 2,55 2,000 2,000 6,084 8,32 6,43 13,000 13,000 81,845 84,16 87,05 85,000 85,000 20,379 23,46 26,82 33,000 33,000 3,162 2,94 2,94 3,500 3,500 4,838 5,70 397 5,000 5,000 7,703 6,951 4,18 10,000 10,000 0 0 300 300 453 453 50 900 900 0 0 24 400 400 O 0 500 500 O 7,208 25,491 15,000 32,000 Paint Ceiling and Duct Work 0 0 0 5,000 6,000 New Batteries far Zamboni 14,458 14,458 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 7.400 7,800 0 3,600 3,200 0 296,396 320,292 351,735 394,200 422,800 Z. Comments 500 Learn to Skate Program Supplies 3,500 2,400 Batteries for Resurfacer 3,200 Assorted Floor Products 1,000 Events Supplies 4,000 4,000 0 0 800 Pro Shop Supplies MIAMA Dues MIAMA Seminars Contingencies Page One October 26, 2005 Account 206 31010 00 206 33100 00 206 36210 00 206 36214 00 206 36215 00 206 36260 00 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE REVENUES Descnpttcn Current Ad Valorem Taxes Federal Grants Aids Interest Earnings- Investments Net Change in FV- Investments Interest Earnings Other Revenue FUND TOTALS INSURANCE EXPENDITURES Description 206 49006 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 206 49006 01 304 00 Legal Fees 206 49006 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 206 49006 01 317 00 General Fund Administrative Fees 206 49006 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 206 49006 01 365 00 Worker's Compensation Insurance 206 49006 01 369 00 Other Insurance 206 49006 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 206 49006 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges FUND TOTALS 2005 2006 Oblect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $200,000 $210,000 $225,000 $255,000 0 0 0 0 16,599 8,735 4,044 10,000 1,134 0 0 0 233 240 397 200 24,451 30,749 34,443 20,800 242 417 249,724 263,884 286,000 2002 2003 2004 Actual Actual Actual $901 $1,096 $77 $2,000 0 0 3,981 2,500 1,803 3,489 3,916 15,000 2,500 2500 2,500 2,500 24,100 23,010 16,560 25,000 60,199 77,887 76,884 80,000 126,137 141,688 131,841 150,000 1,529 11,445 6,431 9,000 30,663 0 0 0 247,831 261,114 242,189 286,000 NOTE Levy of $260,000 covers costs for consultant fees and all insurance premiums At other expenditures covered through interest earnings and insurance refunds /dividends $260,000 0 5,000 0 500 26,000 291,500 2005 2006 Object 2006 Adapted Detail Proposed Budget Amount Budget Comments Annual Market Value Changes Insurance Refunds /Dividends Comments $2,000 Liability Auto Deductible Pymts 3,000 15,000 2,500 25,000 80,000 155,000 Unreimbursable Legal Fees Work Comp Deductible Pymts Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 Risk Management Consultant Annual Premium Annual Premium General Liability 9,000 Liability Auto Deductible Pymts 0 291,500 These items will be funded with I 2006 2006 2000 2006 2006 00002 000 ml0I 2006 2006 1 L 2006 2006 2006 2006 00 m m m m 1 m m I 2006 2008 Year N N N NIN 1 N N,N NIN N N++ N+ N N N N N+ 1 7'r booty 4 3�31o` aw Wi 33 G-1 d n wt z w, o -0 AA F m n o w wi n oomn? Inc 3= n n 9 oi; mo _v h c r a b u V o D (n nd• i C< -,3m A m 53°)°'r-CD u,' r 5_--' n j tzi o3� 0IT Aoinolp,p, mn� 6= n m Z r- m w�w 3 U aw c( 5 m w f Nmrz 41 3 m m r3 w m D m m �°:m f oI m L 3 r- v n 4 m m 1 3 O r m sN 7 II x o Kw -V;54,31 o w b IfaNO n�mp n o w wi l 1 A 3 f, n m _m n _m KI�'�� H l v k im TA I 1 g l V 1 0Z n m i o t I m 3 5. c 6 1 Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works `Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Police Pub Works Park Rec Police Police 'Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Genl Govt Park Rec Council Finance Arena Arena f Councll I Oepartment 24,00) 24,000 CIP Ley Budding 1,100,0001 L 1 700,000 CIP Levy 266,9001 F 60,000 4,000 16,000 10,000 12,000 L 50,000 50,000 64,900 Eempmnl CIP Levy 1,300,000 1 I Assess I_ 710,000) 400,000 50,000 250 000 I 10,000 Fund Park Imp State I Funds From Core Water C Sewer Core 1 o 0 G g Core 1 Storm 22,500 0 O 10 ,000 Water Ut11Ity 22,500 8- 0. bb Sewer Utlkty 0 0 101 1 x2,7 57,000 73,000 1 43,0001 30,000 33,000 C 25,000 20,000 k 200.000 9.000 r 32,000 I Other 6.000 7,072,900 1 73,000 43,0001 1 80 non 43,000 45.000 25,000 25.000 I 44,000 1 000 +m>oco 0 0 :000.700 O 0) N 0 12,000 In ono 350,000 Fn nnn I I 32 000 64.900 Cost 6.000 I Tnlal These items will be funded with I Page One November 18, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adapted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41110 103 00 Salanes Benefits $25533 $28 820 $25,895 $26,100 $26,400 Salary Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 41110 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 0 0 24,370 25,000 25,000 SKB Landscaping Agreement 101 41110 01 307 00 Management Fees 7,465 21,013 18,000 101 41110 01 307 01 Newsletter 7,071 8,000 8,000 101 41110 01 307 02 Chamber of Commerce Directory 1,000 1,000 1,000 101 41110 01 307 03 Community Survey 18,000 18,000 9,000 101 41110 01 310 00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 0 20,000 0 101 41110 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 10,873 6,402 1,925 7,000 42,000 101 41110 01 319 01 Education Reimbursement 7,000 101 41110 C1 319 02 HIPP r Police Dispatching 25,000 101 41110 01 319 03 Community Forums 10,000 101 41110 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 66 180 128 1,000 1 ,000 Newspaper Ads Open Houses 101 41110 01 331 00 Travel Expense 300 846 1,025 2,200 101 41110 01 331 01 NLC Conference 1,500 1,500 101 41110 01 331 02 Miscellaneous Travel 700 700 101 41110 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 14,098 14,445 19,700 101 41110 01 433 01 LMC Dues 10,334 12,500 12,500 101 41110 01 433 02 AMM Dues 4,407 5,000 5,000 101 41110 01 433 03 NDCC Dues 519 500 600 101 41110 01 433 04 NLC Dues 918 1,250 1,300 101 41110 01 433 05 Miscellaneous Dues 0 250 300 101 41110 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 119 40 100 100 101 41110 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 2,366 2,602 8,000 101 41110 01 437 01 Registration Hotel -LMC Conf 557 2,000 2,000 101 41110 01 437 02 Registration Hotel -NLC Conf 1.835 4,000 4,000 101 41110 01 437 03 Miscellaneous Conferences 582 1500 2,000 101 41110 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 15,900 15,005 38 0 0 101 41110 01 598 00 Council Designated 2,945 5,695 263,898 10,000 10,000 Yearly Contingencies 101 41110 01 599 00 Employee Recognition Costs 2,463 3,292 101 41110 01 599 01 Employee Recogmbon Casts 3,000 2,500 101 41110 01 599 02 Vending Machine Costs 0 3,000 Offset by Revenue from Machines PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS $79,537 $95,590 $365,634 $148,400 $157,900 $79,537 $95,590 $365,634 $148,400 $157,900 NOTE For 101 -41110 -01598 00 the year 2004 were for costs related to the purchase of St Joseph's and the house at 3205 143rd St W Page One November 16, 2005 Account Descnpton 2005 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION 101 41320 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41320 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 2005 2006 Oblect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $304 069 $265,539 $322,450 $354,600 2,050 12 2,738 2,000 101 41320 01 207 00 Training 8 Instructional Supplies 229 0 101 41320 01 207 01 Safety Committee 0 101 41320 01 207 02 Right to Know 0 101 41320 01 207 03 Employee Training 3,500 101 41320 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 302 550 998 30 101 41320 01 306 00 Personnel Testing Recruitment 6,000 12,795 650 101 41320 01 307 00 Management Fees 6,333 3,624 16,279 101 41320 01 319 00 Othe• Professional Services 0 0 0 101 41320 01321 00 Telepnone Costs 0 193 1,194 80 101 41320 01 331 00 Travel Expense 291 407 101 41320 01331 01 NLC Conference 298 80 101 41320 01331 02 ICMA Conference 429 4 101 41320 01 331 03 Miscellaneous Travel 292 101 41320 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 1,398 653 101 41320 01 353 00 Ordinance Publication 0 0 2,815 101 41320 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 275 1,600 0 101 41320 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 1,458 1,490 101 41320 01433 01 MCMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 02 MAMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 03 MCFOA Dues 101 41320 01433 04 IIMC Dues 101 41320 01433 05 IPMA Dues 101 41320 01433 06 ICMA Dues 101 41320 01433 07 APMP Dues 101 41320 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 101 41320 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 41320 01 437 01 Registration Hotel LMC 101 41320 01 437 02 Registration hotel MCMA 101 41320 01437 03 Personnel Conferences 101 41320 01 437 04 Staff (1) Each 101 41320 01437 05 Miscellaneous Seminars 101 41320 01437 06 Registration hotel ICMA 101 41320 01437 07 Advanced Clerks School 101 41320 01437 08 Registration hotel NLC 101 41320 01439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41320 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 101 41320 31433 00 Dues Subscriptons 0 0 101 41320 31433 01 PRIMA Dues 101 41320 31433 02 IPMA Dues 101 41320 31433 03 MPELRA Dues 101 41320 31435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 101 41320 31 437 00 Conferences Seminars 0 0 101 41320 31 437 01 MPELRA State Conference 101 41320 31437 02 Personnel Seminars 101 41320 31437 03 Safety, Supervisor, Policy 101 41320 41 315 00 Special Programs 101 41320 41 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41320 41 328 00 Cable Supply Costs 101 41320 41 329 00 Other Communication Costs 101 41320 41 331 00 Travel Expenses 101 41320 41 433 00 Dues 8 Subscriptions 101 41320 41 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 41320 41 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS $324,36 $324,38 128 386 1,285 1,000 1 000 2,514 2,555 8,500 120 0 0 Moved Below to H/R 0 200 200 1,183 1,000 2,300 1,022 1,200 2,500 195 200 200 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 53 0 0 737 0 0 900 900 New Chairs 101 41320 31 315 00 Special Programs 0 0 0 6,000 25,000 101 41320 31 315 01 Employee Training 15,000 Additional Training for 2006 101 41320 31 315 02 HIPP Initiatives 10,000 Health Ins Study Wellness 101 41320 31 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 15,300 101 41320 31 319 01 Labor Consultant 4,000 4,500 101 41320 31 319 02 Labor Legal Issues 600 900 101 41320 31 319 03 CHESS Consultant 5,400 5,400 101 41320 31 319 04 COBRA Consultant 1,000 1,000 101 41320 31 319 05 FIexA/EBA Administrative Fees 2,800 3,000 101 41320 31 319 06 SW WC Co- Operative Dues 500 500 101 41320 31 331 00 Travel Expense 0 0 400 400 101 41320 31 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 0 1,400 8,000 Unanticipated Vacancies 5290,5 $290 55 5358,61 5358,61 93 200 200 50 100 100 35 150 150 100 150 150 395 0 0 742 1,400 1,500 160 0 100 471 500 500 440 400 800 $485,500 $485,500 101 41320 41 315 00 General Marketing, Collateral Material, 2 Special Mailings, Changeover of VIS (Vehicles) 450 450 Risk Management 200 250 150 200 500 500 Books Training Materials 1,400 400 500 400 400 500 500 900 All Salary Costs Inclusive of $369,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA 8 Benefits 2,000 0 0 Moved Below to H/R 0 Moveo Below to H/R 0 Moved Below to HiR 300 Miscellaneous Purchases 0 O Moved Below to H/R 30,000 Space Needs Study 800 Administration Cell Phones 1,600 800 800 0 O Moved Below to H/R O Moved to General Govemment 0 2,200 900 40,000 40,000 See Below for Descnption 15,000 5,000 Consultants Cable TV 900 900 Cable Supplies Software 35,000 34,000 Cable JPA Payment General City 200 200 100 200 MAGC 400 400 Editing Graphics Courses 900 5549,800 5549,800 Comments Moved Below to H/R Page One November 16. 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 101 41410 01 103 00 Part-Time Salaries $25,169 $0 $27,500 $0 $29,000 Election Judges PAGE TOTALS $31,640 $0 $36,430 $54,000 $38,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $31,640 $0 $36,430 $54,000 $38,900 Comments 101 41410 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 346 0 445 0 500 Ballots Prograrnn 1g 101 41410 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 434 0 371 0 400 101 41410 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 217 0 809 0 900 Food for Election Judges 101 41410 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 904 0 2,839 0 2,900 Booths Signs 101 41410 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 96 0 300 0 400 101 41410 01 351 00 Legal Notices Publishing 278 0 18 0 300 Election Publications 101 41410 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 0 0 1,349 0 1,500 Maintenance for Accu Vote 101 41410 01 412 00 Building Rental 551 0 2,800 0 3,000 Possible Rent for Locations 101 41410 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 3,644 0 0 54,000 0 Page One November 16, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101 41810 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 41810 01 202 01 Records Retention 101 41810 01 202 02 Copying Costs 101 41810 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 41810 01 203 01 Copy Paper 101 41810 01 203 02 General Receipt Books 101 41810 01 203 03 Purchase Orders 101 41810 01 203 04 Payroll Checks 101 41810 01 203 05 A/P Checks 101 41810 01 203 06 Misc Forms (Bus Cards. etc 101 41810 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterheads 101 41810 01 204 01 Letterhead 101 41810 01 204 02 Plain Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 03 WP Payroll Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 04 10 x 13 Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 05 10 x 15 Envelopes 101 41810 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 41810 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 41810 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 41810 01 242 01 State Purchasing Program 101 41810 01 242 02 Fax Machine Maint Agreement Auditing Accounting Services 2004 Audit General Consulting Dakota County Assessment Fees Dak Cty Truth In Taxation Costs Printing of Budget Books 101 41810 01 301 00 101 41810 01 301 01 101 41810 01 301 02 101 41810 01 301 03 101 41810 01 301 04 101 41810 01 301 05 101 41810 01 303 00 101 41810 01 304 00 101 41810 01 319 00 101 41810 01 319 01 101 41810 01 319 02 101 41810 01 319 03 101 41810 01 319 04 101 41810 01 319 05 101 41810 01 319 06 101 41810 01 320 00 101 41810 01 321 00 101 41810 01 321 01 101 41810 01 321 02 101 41810 01 321 03 101 41810 01 322 00 101 41810 01 328 00 101 41810 01 329 00 101 41810 01 329 01 101 41810 01 329 02 101 41810 01 329 03 101 41810 01 339 00 Other Transportation Expenses 101 41810 01 351 00 Legal Notices Publishing 101 41810 01 351 01 Costs for Public Notices 101 41810 01 351 02 Truth in Taxation Notices 101 41810 01 351 03 Budget Audit Publications 101 41810 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 101 41810 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases Engineering Fees Legal Fees Other Professional Services City Code Update City Code Web Fees State Building Report (Spnngsteds) Continuing Disclosure Fees Annual User Fee Study Update Arbitrage /Rebate Calculations Credit Card Activity Fees Telephone Costs General Phone Costs E -Mail Server Costs Web Server Casts Postage Costs Cable Supply Casts Other Communication Costs Cable JPA Payment General City 101 41810 01 433 00 Dues Subscnphons 101 41810 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41810 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 101 41810 01 598 00 Emergency Operations Cost PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $11,924 $10,126 7,766 10,000 7,000 9,419 15600 15,000 8,123 7,480 56 4,692 2,500 2,700 690 1 200 1,200 1,461 1,200 1,500 1,356 1,100 3,000 0 2,200 0 0 1,800 0 2.607 2,255 $22 000 8 400 4 200 963 1,100 1,500 796 600 900 649 800 800 0 600 600 0 406 400 16,448 15,525 17,057 16,000 17,000 General Office Supplies 73 3 403 500 800 City Hall Equipment Repairs 106 78 600 O 350 350 Yearly Fees for Program 0 250 250 42,979 48,510 41,864 60,000 1,653 5,000 1,590 3,000 529 2,000 5,500 0 O 0 3,828 0 44,541 42,552 53,749 75,000 8,358 9,105 505 2,300 1,647 1,500 O 5,000 29,750 5,000 6,223 6,000 10,350 0 791 862 1,711 1,000 62,145 59,672 979 59.547 60,000 65,000 0 4,000 0 1,000 13,895 18,678 15,837 16,000 2,318 0 153 0 30,538 30,538 30,538 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 743 113 744 800 2,095 3,739 3,478 3,400 O 1,000 507 1,200 0 5,250 1,500 6,000 0 0 22,000 0 105 90 220 0 O 0 40 0 16,392 18,549 14,259 17,000 0 0 1,862 0 $264,183 $273,123 $355,871 $331.800 $264,183 $273,123 $355,871 $331,800 $361,700 Comments 70 000 60,000 Increased GASB Requirements 5,000 3,000 2000 0 Moved to Administration 0 75,000 General City Legal Fees 43,800 2,300 Moved from Ad ministration 1,500 Moved from Administration 5,000 Fees Paid to Spnngsted 5,000 Fees Paid to Spnngsted (Bonds) 6,000 Fees Paid to Spnngsted 24,000 Fees Paid to Spnngsted 3,000 Add'I Services at City Hall 65,000 Monthly Billings 0 Merged with 01 in 2006 0 Merged with 01 in 2006 16,000 O Moved to Administration O Moved to Administration 800 General Casts 5,600 3,400 All Departments 1,000 Billing from Dakota County 1200 State Mandated Publications 6,000 Docuware Service Hours 0 Docuware Scanners 0 500 Direct Deposit Filing Fees 23,000 Copy Machine Leases All Bldgs O Mercury Spill (Fax Machine Postage Meter) $361,700 Page One November 16, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Description 101 41940 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41940 79 101 01 Maintenance -P W Sup #2 101 41940 79 101 02 Maintenance Staff 101 41940 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 41940 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 41940 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 101 41940 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 101 41940 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 41940 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 41940 01 302 00 Architects' Fees 101 41940 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 101 41940 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41940 01 319 01 Elevator Maintenance 101 41940 01 319 02 Heating :Cooling Maint Contract 101 41940 01 319 03 Annual Boiler Inspections 101 41940 01 319 04 Pest Control 101 41940 01 319 05 Fire Extinguishers 101 41940 01 319 06 Fire Suppression System Check 101 41940 01 319 07 Janitorial Service -Fire Stations 101 41940 01 319 08 Janitorial Service -P W Budding 101 41940 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 41940 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 101 41940 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 101 41940 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 101 41940 01 384 01 General Buildings Parks 101 41940 01 384 02 Recycling /Cleanup 101 41940 01 389 00 Other Utility Services 101 41940 01 401 00 Contracted Building Repairs 101 41940 01 401 01 Electrical Repairs 101 41940 01 401 02 Siren Replacement Program 101 41940 01 401 03 Miscellaneous Repairs 101 41940 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 101 41940 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41940 01 601 00 Bond Principal 101 41940 01 611 00 Bond Interest 101 41940 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Actual Actual Actual Budget $44,990 $46,600 0 7,900 8,600 49,257 50,900 47,800 3,592 2.214 4,180 4,000 4,000 10,551 9,604 13,317 17,000 17,000 Cleaning Supplies, Towels etc 4,139 4,899 5,186 4,500 5,000 257 652 469 500 500 Trees Shrubs 0 366 46 200 200 Hand Tools Bits, Blades, etc 332 1,060 1,025 2,000 2,000 Carpet Cleane• Replacement 0 0 0 1000 1,000 Estimates 2,438 1,500 750 2,000 3,000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 23,769 31,467 26,800 1,153 1,000 1,000 2,116 5,000 5,000 110 1,500 1,500 1,502 1,500 1,500 706 1,000 1,000 844 1,000 1,000 3,515 3,500 5,300 Fire Station #2 Online Mid -2006 10,288 10 500 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 48,680 44,107 45,362 45,000 50,000 Price Increases 35,900 44,612 45,617 45,000 67,500 Fire Station #2 Online Mid -2006 25,618 24,025 944 35,000 10,430 20,000 20,000 Added Perks 13,725 15,000 15,000 2 Cleanup Days per Year 3,689 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Floor Mats Monthly Charges 15,951 11,685 25,000 1,665 1,500 2,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,855 9,500 13,000 105 1,234 142 1,000 1,000 Scaffolding, Cleaners 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Contingencies 31,474 33,895 36,316 38,800 41,200 MSABC Payment (2/1) 58,744 53,142 43,190 52,300 49,900 MSABC Payments (2/1 8/1) 0 585 1,063 600 600 $390,900 $390,900 5310,229 5315,449 $322,574 5358,500 5310,229 $315,449 $322 574 $358,500 2006 Object 2006 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 556,400 Salary, Taxes PERA Benefits Page One November 16, 2005 Account Descnption 2006 BUDGET W ORKSHEETS FLEET MAINTENANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43100 101 00 Salanes Benefits $128,776 $132,369 $147,800 Salary, Taxes PERA Benefits 101 43100 77 101 00 Administrative 9,396 9,900 10,300 101 43100 79 101 00 Maintenance 122,763 131,400 137,500 101 43100 10200 Full -Time Overtime 2,159 5,799 1,226 7500 7,500 101 43100 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 912 548 709 1,000 1,000 Shop Vehicles 101 43100 01 212 00 Motor Fuels 58,541 65,730 75,983 77,000 137,500 Price Increases 101 43100 01 213 DO Lubricants Additives 5,062 2,566 5,093 5 500 5 500 101 43100 01 215 DO Shop Materials 16,649 15,714 12,106 20,500 20,500 101 43100 C1 221 00 Equipment Parts 81,783 86,235 87,101 88 000 89,000 101 43100 01 222 00 Tires 12,279 12,474 10,213 16,000 16,000 101 43100 01 241 00 Small Tools 3,784 4,262 2,662 4OCO 4,000 101 43100 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 1,460 6,163 6,935 6,000 6,000 101 43100 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 4,913 3,000 1500 3,000 4,500 Contracted Engineer for City(10 101 43100 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 323 00 Radio Units 0 1,999 1,058 2,000 2,000 Repair /Replace Units 101 43100 01 331 00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 341 00 Employment Adverhsrng 0 0 38 0 0 101 43100 01 384 D0 Refuse Disposal 323 190 557 500 500 Shop Hazarcous Waste 101 43100 01 394 00 P S Software Purchases 1,063 0 354 500 500 General Software Support 101 43100 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 27,396 32,136 31,179 35,000 35,000 101 43100 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 539 252 0 1,000 1,000 101 43100 01 417 00 Uniforms Rental 118 118 59 0 0 101 43100 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 100 0 95 0 0 101 43100 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 0 200 200 101 43100 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 0 75 220 1,000 1,000 PAGE TOTALS $345,857 $369,629 $369,245 $410,000 $479,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $345,857 $369,629 $369,245 $410,000 5479.500 Page One November 16, 2005 Account Descnption 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE 101 43121 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 43121 77 101 00 Administrative 101 43121 78 101 00 Technical /Clerical 101 43121 79 101 00 Maintenance 101 43121 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 43121 99 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 101 43121 01 201 00 Office Accessones 101 43121 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 43121 01 203 01 R/W Permit Inspection Forms 101 43121 01 203 02 Work Orders 101 43121 01 203 03 City Specification Books 101 43121 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 101 43121 01 205 01 Paper for Plan Reproductwns 101 43121 01 205 02 Off -Site Reproductions 101 43121 01 205 03 Film Developing 101 43121 01 205 04 Miscellaneous Tools 101 43121 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 43121 01 216 00 Chemical Chemical Products 101 43121 01 224 00 Street Maintenance Matenals 101 43121 01 224 01 Paint 101 43121 01 224 02 Mail Boxes 101 43121 01 224 03 Light Bulbs /Lenses 101 43121 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 101 43121 01 225 01 Sod 101 43121 01 225 02 Seed 101 43121 01 225 03 Black Dirt 101 43121 01 225 04 Trees 101 43121 01 226 00 Sign Repair Matenals 101 43121 01 231 00 Bituminous Patching Materials 101 43121 01 232 00 Crusned Rock 101 43121 01 233 00 Dust Control Materials 101 43121 01 234 00 De -Icing Sand 101 43121 01 235 00 Shouldenng Gravel 101 43121 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 43121 01 242 00 Minor Equipment PAGE TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $343,584 $392,557 $461,900 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 9,337 12,298 11,971 12,469 192 19 1,313 18 12,914 1,078 0 1,658 962 1,147 2,701 8,350 30,273 25,684 23,397 24,761 24,141 24,686 10,266 10 136 1,461 2 488 738 1,342 2,149 2823 101 43121 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 7,312 20,537 101 43121 01 304 00 Legal Fees 3,742 2,528 101 43121 01 305 00 Medical &Dental Fees 415 207 101 43121 01 310 00 Testing Services 0 0 101 43121 01 313 01 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 101 43121 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 9,750 6,000 101 43121 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 806 568 101 43121 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 2,865 2,266 101 43121 01 324 00 Messenger Seances 5 0 101 43121 01 331 00 Travel Expense 20 5 101 43121 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 1578 501 101 43121 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 93,510 105,575 101 43121 01 381 01 Street Lights 101 43121 01 381 02 Signal Lights Sirens 101 43121 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 301 201 101 43121 01 384 01 Hazardous Waste Disposal 101 43121 01 384 02 Roadside Garbage 101 43121 01 384 03 Tree Disposal 101 43121 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 1,169 2,500 101 43121 01 391 01 Gopher State One -Call 101 43121 01 391 02 State Aid 101 43121 01 391 03 Pavement Management Syst Supp 101 43121 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 0 0 101 43121 01 394 00 P 5 Software Purchases 0 0 26,188 29,600 52517 615900 296,489 342 900 8,392 16,000 12,078 15,000 72 700 28 500 145 200 378 3,500 1,014 80 1,412 900 0 450 O 200 13 550 82 0 500 32,183 27,017 35,000 674 473 500 93 500 163 500 94 3,000 474 300 243 2,000 498 1,000 5846 7,500 23,845 27,000 25,950 25,000 22,660 25,000 5,801 12,000 3,534 3500 2,023 1,000 9,860 3,000 O 1,000 252 1,000 91 600 0 2,200 O 1,000 4,053 7,500 O 0 0 5,000 598,288 695,241 705,361 779,400 30,900 72,100 358,900 500 200 3,500 38,399 8,500 6,729 2,000 O 600 954 1,200 535 0 3,000 6,000 1,469 1,500 2,171 3,000 0 100 5 1,000 0 1,000 22 113,185 100,000 135,000 3,630 10,000 10500 900 450 200 550 Inspection Equipment 500 37,000 De -Icing Chemicals (Added Miles) 1,500 500 500 500 3,000 300 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 600 0 1,000 7,500 16,000 Maintenance 15,000 700 4,200 2,100 6,300 10,000 27,000 30,000 Add County Road 38 30,000 Add County Road 38 12,000 3,000 1,500 Shovels, Brooms, etc 3,000 Safety Equipment 8,500 General Non Project Related 2,000 Appeals of Closed Projects 600 Employment Physicals 1,200 0 9,000 Contracted Engineer for Cily(20 1,500 Random Drug Testing 3,000 Cellular Phones Pagers 100 1,000 APWA 8 Miscellaneous 0 145,000 Added Lights Price Increases 2,600 8,500 0 5,000 General Software Support 849,700 Page Two Novemberl6 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43121 01 402 00 Street Seal Coating 61,153 136,226 137,841 0 0 Moved to Street CIP Part of 101 43121 01 402 00 General Seal Coating 0 Pavement Management Program 101 43121 01 403 00 Contracted Repair Maintenance 1,983 5,472 29 500 101 43121 01 403 01 Street Lights 10,439 28,500 28,500 Repair 9 Street Lights (Annually) 101 43121 01 403 02 Signal Lights 494 500 500 101 43121 01 403 03 Light Replacements 1,675 500 500 101 43121 01 405 00 Street Striping 22,229 14,084 14,324 30,00 30 000 101 43121 01 406 00 Street Sweeping 6,102 5,491 6,468 10,00 5 000 101 43121 01 407 00 Bituminous Overlays 26,204 0 0 0 101 43121 01 408 00 Street Crack Sealing 16,606 33,332 30,165 35,00 35 000 101 43121 01 409 00 Tree Trimming 8,476 4,703 3,179 10,00 5 000 101 43121 01 410 00 Concrete Sidewalk /Curb Repairs 6,006 133,374 14,202 133 000 101 43121 01 410 01 General Repairs 0 8,00 8,000 101 43121 01 410 02 Pedestrian Improvements 118,327 12500 125,000 101 43121 01 411 00 Contracted Snow Removal 5,496 7,215 4,192 12,00 18 000 101 43121 01 411 01 Community Center 12,000 101 43121 01 411 02 51 Joseph's 6,000 101 43121 01 415 00 Equipment Rental 4,100 0 16,383 45,00 45,000 Paver Rental 101 43121 01 416 00 Snow Plow Loader Rental 8,890 9,260 0 0 101 43121 01 418 00 Snow Plow Rental 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 420 00 Truck Rentals /Sidewalk Blower 6,922 1,820 2,130 0 101 43 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 796 981 900 101 43121 01 433 01 American Public Works Ass'n 340 22 225 (APWA) 101 43121 01 433 02 Request for Mutual Aid Ass'n 500 1 10 (RMAA) 101 43121 01 433 03 Ctty Engineers' Association 0 150 150 101 43121 01 433 04 Professional Secretaries 80 90 90 (MSPE) 101 43121 01 433 05 MN Society for Professional Engineers 375 300 300 101 43121 01 433 06 American Society of Civil Engineers 0 125 125 (ASCE) 101 43121 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 221 131 800 101 43121 01 435 01 MUTCD 39 200 200 101 43121 01 435 02 MN Dot Updates 15 600 600 101 43121 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 3,071 071 1,303 4,000 101 43121 01 437 01 APWA 225 1,050 1,060 101 43121 01 437 02 Computer Training 0 500 500 101 43121 01 437 03 Clerical 90 150 150 101 43121 01 437 04 Gravel Road Maintenance 112 150 150 101 43121 01 437 05 City Management Training 0 500 500 101 43121 01 437 06 CEAfd 0 500 500 101 43121 01 437 07 MN Pavement Management 12 400 400 101 43121 01 437 08 MN Dot 0 300 300 101 43121 01 437 09 Miscellaneous Training 360 450 450 Safety Training 101 43121 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 25 5 469 2,000 2,000 7 /00 Rain Storm -FEMA Reimb 101 43121 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 601 00 Principal on Lease Payments 0 0 0 13,500 0 2003 L/P Paid off 12/04 101 43121 01 611 00 Interest on Lease Payments 0 0 0 3,100 0 2003 L/P Paid off 12/04 PAGE TOTALS 5178,482 $353,377 5362,457 $328,800 5308,200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $776?69 51,048,618 $1,067,816 51,108,200 $1,157,900 Page One November 16, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Descnpbon DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 45202 101 00 Salaries &Benefits $273 232 $259,401 $368,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 45202 77 101 00 Administrative 9,396 9,900 10,300 101 45202 79 101 00 Maintenance 291,950 342,900 357,800 101 45202 10200 Full -Time Overtime 1,820 2,655 5,174 14,000 14,000 101 45202 99 103 00 Pail -Time Salaries Benefits 14,901 12,434 19,574 15,000 15000 101 45202 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 216 00 Chemical Chemical Products 13,734 13,141 29,000 101 45202 C1 216 01 Herbicides(General Park Use) 4,727 12,000 12.000 101 45202 01 216 02 Fertilizer 10,833 17,000 17,000 101 45202 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 5,556 9,105 12 000 101 45202 01 219 01 Seed, Sod etc 878 3.000 3,000 101 45202 0' 219 02 Red Rock, Sand Gravel, etc 1,227 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 219 03 Repav Supp(tes 2,129 3,000 3,000 Bloomfield Birch Parks Online 101 45202 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 11,074 10,528 13 500 101 45202 01 221 01 Playground Equipment Repair 3,151 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 221 02 Irrigation Repair(Non- Contract) 3,184 1,500 3,000 101 45202 01 221 03 Miscellaneous(Player Benches) 4,843 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 221 04 Park Sign Replacements 0 5,500 5,500 New Park Signs 101 45202 01 223 00 Budding Repair Supplies 3,240 5,245 10 000 101 45202 01 223 01 Paint, Stain, etc 1,548 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 223 02 Shingles, Boards, etc 599 2,000 2,000 101 45202 01 223 03 Miscellaneous 1,639 1,500 1,500 Caulk, Hardware, etc 101 45202 01 223 04 Shelter /Shed Repairs 0 5,000 5,000 101 45202 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 3,020 1,370 7,000 101 45202 01 225 01 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc 3,181 2,500 3,500 Landscaping Around Park Signs 101 45202 01 225 02 Timbers, Fence, etc 307 2,500 3,500 101 45202 01 226 00 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 14 500 500 101 45202 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 3,545 1540 1007 4,000 4,000 Paint, Chalk, Bases, Field Dry, etc 101 45202 01 241 00 Small Tools 1,347 2,786 2,430 2,500 2,500 Hand Tools, Blades, Bits, etc 101 45202 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 1,217 2,585 450 2,500 2,500 Safety Equipment 101 45202 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 19 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 305 00 Medical and Dental Fees 0 207 0 0 0 10 45202 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 2,438 1,375 750 2,000 3,000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 101 45202 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 1,075 1,532 2,017 500 500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 01 323 00 Radio Units 0 0 0 500 500 Walkie Talkies 101 45202 01 331 00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 100 100 Seminars Workshops 101 45202 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 10,975 12,811 15,500 101 45202 01 381 01 Skating Rinks 4,088 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 381 02 Softball Fields 6,163 6,000 6,500 101 45202 01 381 03 Irrigation 1,965 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 1,550 2,200 2,210 3,000 3,300 101 45202 01 403 00 Contracted Repair Maintenance 7,036 2,570 8,000 101 45202 01 403 01 Irrigation Repairs 364 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403 02 Electrical Repairs 801 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403 03 Miscellaneous Repairs 2,601 5,000 5,000 Bloomfield Birch Parks Online 101 45202 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 2.950 0 2,335 8,000 8,000 Chemical Lawn Services 101 45202 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 11,890 11,878 18,000 101 45202 01 416 01 Mower Leases 12,235 14,000 17,000 Price Increases 101 45202 01 416 02 Miscellaneous Rentals 4,663 1,000 1,000 101 45202 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 10 45 200 101 45202 01 433 01 Membersnips MRPA 0 100 100 101 45202 01 433 02 Miscellaneous Dues 0 100 100 101 45202 0 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 417 662 500 101 45202 01 437 01 Seminars Workshops 363 300 300 101 45202 01 437 02 School Tuition 270 200 200 101 45202 01 439 00 Other Misceltaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Conbngencles PAGE TOTALS $371,043 $354,072 $409,966 $512,500 $536,100 $371,043 $354,072 $409,966 $512,500 $536,100 Gas Electric Expenditures 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 4 4 ROSEMOUNT MIX X E5DTA Account Description Original Budgeted Amount Revised Amount Difference Change Buildings Electric $47,000 $50.000 $3,000 6% Gas $47,000 $67,500 $20,500 44% Parks Electric $15,000 $15,500 $500 3% Gas $3.000 $3,300 $300 10% East Side Electric $500 $1,000 $500 100% Well 7 Electric S14,000 $18,000 $4.000 29% Gas $1,000 $1,500 $500 50% Gas $1,000 $1,500 $500 50% Tower2 (Conn) Electric $1,000 $1,400 $400 40% Motor Fuels $79,000 $137,500 $58,500 74% Totals $208,500 $297,200 $88,700 43% This identifies only those accounts for which we've increased the budgeted amounts. Those accounts that remain unchanged are not listed in the table Attachment 5 News Article: "Rising fuel costs could hit taxpayer" 2006 BUDGET REPORT 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOtA Printer version: Rising fuel costs could hit taxpayers next year Page 1 of 2 startribune.com Close window Last update October 12, 2005 at 3 21 AM Rising fuel costs could hit taxpayers next year Shira Kantor Published October 12, 2005 Prior Lake city leaders are planning for a 71 percent increase in the cost of gasoline and natural gas next year, up $80,000 from this year. That increase is a factor in the city's proposed property tax increase. Escalating gasoline and heating fuel prices have cities across the south metro considering how to respond: Some could cut back on services to residents and some could raise taxes. "Certainly in past years we weren't dealing with increases of a dollar or more per gallon," said Mark McNeill, the Shakopee city administrator. Cities were required to set their maximum proposed property tax increases by mid September. But most budget preparation was done before Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast and put increased pressure on energy supplies, officials said. In Prior Lake, projected spending increases for gasoline and natural gas are not the biggest factor in the 4.77 percent tax increase proposal. The city is making a $3 million payment on its soon -to -be -built City Hall and police station complex. The hiring of a new maintenance worker and the loss of roughly $300,000 in state aid contribute to the increase. Burnsville takes "wait- and -see approach" Eagan hopes estimates are close Arr #S Burnsville expects gasoline costs to increase about $100,000 over the $260,000 being spent this year, said Tammy Omdal, the finance director. Heating fuel costs are expected to increase about $50,000, to roughly $245,000. Those estimates could rise further, Omdal said, "but were going to take a wait and -see approach." Burnsville's proposed property tax levy of $23.4 million, up 4.7 percent from last year, is not impacted by increased energy prices. The city plans to balance energy costs against other spending, Omdal said. It is not known yet what will be cut as a result of higher energy costs, but "it will affect decisions we make in city services," said Kelly Strey, Burnsville's financial accounting director. Eagan is waiting to see what the true impact of natural gas prices are before acting, though it did plan for greater gasoline costs. The impact to the budget is not significant, though, said Tom Garrison, the city's spokesman. Gasoline spending estimates were arrived at before the hurricanes, he said. "The hope is that when refinery capacity does return to 100 percent, prices will be lower and our budget estimates will be pretty close," Garrison said. Lakeville expects historic high prices "We did anticipate increases on these gas and natural gas based on market conditions this summer," said Dennis Feller, Lakeville's finance director Gasoline suppliers have advised the city to hold off on deliveries as long as possible, as they expect modest price decreases as supplies are restored in the Gulf, he said. Nevertheless, the city A:5 http: /www.startribune.cor ldynainic /story.php ?template= print_a &story 5659687 10/19/2005 Printer version: Rising fuel costs could hit taxpayers next year expects historic high prices this winter, he said. Lakeville expects to spend $264,911 on gasoline in 2006, up from $243,651 in 2005. Lakeville has budgeted $323,342 for natural gas in 2006, up from $201,132. The city's proposal to collect $17.7 million in property taxes, up 16.5 percent from 2005, is not affected by the energy costs. Lakeville will rely on budget reserves if adjustments are necessary, he said. Shakopee sees 30 percent increase Page 2 cif 2 Shakopee city administrator Mark McNeill said the proposed 2006 budget allows for 30 percent higher costs for both gasoline and natural gas. If costs to higher, the City Council might have to amend the budget during the year, he said. Counties to shift money to meet needs Scott County proposes to collect a maximum of 9.8 percent more than it did last year; the figure in Dakota County is 4.3 percent more than in 2005. The counties are largely turning to moving money from other needs to cover increased energy costs. Decisions are to be determined as budgets are set. Dakota County expects heating bills to increase more than 40 percent, said spokeswoman Jane Vanderpoel. Gasoline costs are expected to rise by one third, from $487,443 to $649,278. The county is budgeting 23 percent more to reimburse county employees for miles driven on the job. Two days before Katrina hit, Dakota County employees topped off their fuel storage tanks to try to save as much money as possible in 2005, Vanderpoel said. Shira Kantor 612 673 -7275 http: /www.startribune.com/ dynamic /story.php ?template =print a &story 5659687 10/19/2005 Attachment 6 Dakota County Residential Homestead Market Value Statistics 2006 BUDGET REPORT 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Assessing Services 651438 -4200 or 1 -800- 247 -1056 (non -metro) Definitions IResidential Homesteads Dakota County, Minnesota Residential homestead Market Value Statistics As of February 25, 2005 (For taxes Payable in 2006) in this report include homestead residences and townhouses and condominiums It excludes properties that have new construction value added for assessment year 2005, payable 2006. Mean is the sum of all the values dntded by the number of values. Median is the value of the middle Item when all items are arranged (sorted) by size. Percent Change is the increase in value over the preceding year's value. Market Value represents the assessor's estimate of you property's actual market value and is defined as the most probable price that a well Informed buyer would pay a well informed seller or a property, without either party being unduly forced to buy or sell. Limited (or Taxable) Market is not shown on the web page Limited market value is that on w inch next year's taxes will be based. By statute certain classes of property, Including residential property, can Increase a maximum of 15% or 33% of the difference between last years market value and this year's market value, w hiehever is greater. New Improvements are not eligible for the limitation. 2004 2005 2004 2005 Tax #Residentlal Payable Payable Payable Payable Area homesteads 2005 2006 Percentage 2005 2006 Percentage MEAN MEAN CHANGE MEDIAN MEDIAN CHANGE APPLE VALLEY 14,572 231,099 248,164 7.38 208,000 224,900 8.12 BURNSVILLE 15,228 219,409 237,807 8.38 211,000 229,400 8.72 CASTLE ROCK 332 244,063 283,743 16.25 242,200 282,000 16 43 COATES 36 179,325 194,775 8.61 168,700 183,200 8.59 DOUGLAS 142 253,870 294,687 16.07 239,700 277,700 15.85 EAGAN 18,065 242,605 263,458 8.59 222,800 243,000 9 06 EMPIRE 511 236,854 255,489 7.86 226,800 243,900 753 EUREKA 345 301,436 323,010 7.15 281,300 301,200 707 FARMINGTON 5,081 206,618 223,530 8.18 196,700 211,500 752 GREENVALE 149 284,648 303,724 6.7 268,100 284,000 5.93 HAMPTON TOWNSHIP 173 263,753 283,778 7.59 243,900 265,000 8 65 HAMPTON CITY 172 180,554 199,718 10.61 180,400 200,800 11 3 HASTINGS 5,342 195,494 212,531 8.71 180,100 195,900 8.77 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 8,388 233,850 260,391 11.34 205,200 226,500 10.38 LAKEVILLE 12,906 261,791 285,162 8.92 240,800 261,500 8 59 LILYDALE 292 317,086 339,915 7.19 242,000 264,200 917 MARSHAN 285 277,218 294,309 6.16 267,900 285,500 6.56 MENDOTA CITY 55 156,880 181,496 15.69 139,900 164,900 17.86 MENDOTA HEIGHTS 3,707 325,287 351,900 8.18 304,200 329,900 844 MIESVILLE 39 186,653 204,853 9.75 176,500 193,500 9 63 NEW TRIER 29 142,234 156,182 9.8 143,500 160,100 11 56 NININGER 234 286,108 313,797 9.67 262,300 290,100 10.59 RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP 183 287,191 302,600 5.36 270,700 287,700 6.28 RANDOLPH CITY 99 163,110 171,629 5.22 164,800 170,300 3.33 RAVENNA 684 266,675 299,400 12.27 256,100 287,300 12.18 ROSEMOUNT 4,897 239,685 261,191 8.97 214,100 232,000 8 36 SCIOTA 73 208,308 234,882 1275 199,900 224,700 12.4 SOUTH ST PAUL 5,574 175,178 189,599 8.23 169,400 183,300 8.2 SUNFISH LAKE 154 706,637 784,599 11.03 651,900 721,100 10.61 VERMILLION TOWNSHIP 255 243,268 275,801 1337 231,800 263,400 13.63 VERMILLION CITY 141 189,502 209,477 10 54 182,100 199,600 9.61 WATERFORD 121 206484 218,033 5 59 193,100 204,500 5.9 WEST ST PAUL 4,955 191,871 209,531 92 177,600 193,800 9.12 NORTHFIELD 274 231,593 252,375 8.97 230,100 249,200 8.3 DISCLAIMER This Prisacv Policy applies only to Dakota County website This webstte provides finks to other websites These may include links to websites operated by other government agencies nonprofit organizations andkr private businesses When you link to any other website, you are subject to the privacy policy of that particular websrte Visitors linking to another webste are encouraged to examine the privacy policy of that website Neither Dakota County, Minnesota, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the County warrants the accuracy, relldbrhty or timeliness of anti information published on the website nor endorses any content viewpoints products, or services from this website and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy_ or entity that relies on any information obtained from this website does so at his or her own risk 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 7 Dakota County Comparison of Final 2005 Tax Rate 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Note Used Watershed -M in City of Mendota (UTA 2602) only Used watershed -V in all areas APPLE VALLEY CASTLE ROCK 192 2004 2005 0 4axanonvax calo-fnai\2005 find me cmnPassessing xis *7 DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES 1 S/D YEAR COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL' 191 2004 0 30300 0 39610 0 18955 0 05128 0 93993 2005 0 28267 0 36753 0 17729 0 05216 0 87965 -0 02033 -0 02857 -0 01226 0 00088 -0 06028 PERCENT CHANGE 67096% 72128% 64680% 1 7161% 6.4132% 196 2004 0 30300 0 39610 0 26074 0 05128 1 01112 2005 0 28267 0 36753 0 26251 0 05216 0 96487 -0 02033 -0 02857 0 00177 0 00088 -0 04625 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -7 2128% 0 6788% 1.7161% -4 5741% BURNSVILLE 191 2004 030300 0.38928 018955 0.06075 094258 2005 0 28267 038004 0 17729 0 05371 0 89371 0 02033 -0 00924 -0 01226 0.00704 -0 04887 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 3736% -6 4680% -11 5885% 5.1847% 194 2004 0 30300 0 38928 0 26901 0 06075 1.02204 2005 0 28267 0 38004 0 25411 0 05062 0.96744 -0 02033 0.00924 -0 01490 -0 01013 -0 05460 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 3736% -5 5388% -16 6749% 5.3423% 196 2004 0 30300 0 38928 0 26074 0 06278 1 01580 2005 0 28267 0 38004 0 26251 0 05371 0 97893 0 02033 -0 00924 0 00177 -0 00907 -0 03687 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 3736% 0 6788% -14 4473% -3 6297% 0 30300 0 17038 0 35599 0 03518 0 86455 0 28267 0 15468 0 36540 0 03752 0 84027 -0 02033 -0 01570 0 00941 0 00234 -0 02428 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -9 2147% 2 6433% 6 6515% -2 8084% 195 2004 0 30300 0 17038 0 29347 0 03518 0.80203 2005 0 28267 0 15468 0 22065 0 03752 0 69552 0 02033 -0 01570 -0 07282 0.00234 -0 10651 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -9 2147% -24 8134% 6 6515% -13.2801% 659 2004 0 30300 0 17038 0 33521 0 03315 0 84174 2005 0 28267 0 15468 0 32590 0 03443 0 79768 -0 02033 -0 01570 -0 00931 0.00128 -0 04406 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -9 2147% -2 7774% 3 8612% -5 2344% DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES COATES DOUGLAS EAGAN EMPIRE S/D YEAR 0 \taxation \tax calc-fnal'.005 final rate romp assessing xls COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL 196 2004 0 30300 0 23476 0 26074 0 03518 0 83368 2005 0 28267 0 19117 0 26251 0 03752 0 77387 -0 02033 -0 04359 0 00177 0 00234 0.05981 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -18 5679% 0.6788% 6 6515% -7 1742% 195 2004 0.30300 0 23536 0 29347 0 03315 0 86498 2005 0 28267 0 22325 0 22065 0 03443 0 76100 -0 02033 -0 01211 0.07282 0 00128 -0 10398 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -5 1453% 24.8134% 3 8612% -12 0211% 200 2004 0 30300 0.23536 0 22050 0 03518 0 79404 2005 0 28267 0 22325 0 22126 0 03752 0 76470 -0 02033 -0 01211 0 00076 0 00234 -0 02934 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -5 1453% 0 3447% 6.6515% -3 6950% 252 2004 0 30300 0 23536 0 23727 0 03315 0.80878 2005 0 28267 0 22325 0 16143 0 03443 0 70178 -0 02033 4101211 -0 07584 0 00128 -0 10700 PERCENT CHANGE 6.7096% -5 1453% -31 9636% 3 8612% -13 2298% 191 2004 0 30300 0 28702 0.18955 0 04925 0 82882 2005 0.28267 0 28186 0 17729 0 04907 0 79089 0.02033 -0 00516 -0 01226 -0 00018 -0 03793 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -1 7978% -6 4680% -0 3655% -4 5764% 196 2004 030300 0 28702 0 26074 0 04925 0 90001 2005 0.28267 0 28186 0 26251 0 04907 0 87611 -0 02033 -0 00516 0 00177 -0 00018 -0 02390 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -1 7978% 0 6788% -0 3655% -2 6555% 197 2004 0 30300 0 28702 0 12917 0 04925 0 76844 2005 0 28267 0 28186 0 21878 0 04907 0 83238 0.02033 -0 00516 0 08961 -0 00018 0 06394 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -1 7978% 69 3737% 0.3655% 8 3208% 192 2004 0 30300 0 30439 0 35599 0 03518 0 99856 2005 0.28267 0 29553 0 36540 0 03752 0 98112 -0 02033 -0 00886 0 00941 0.00234 -0 01744 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 9107% 2 6433% 6 6515% 1.7465% DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES EMPIRE EUREKA FARMINGTON GREENVALE HAMPTON TWP. S/D YEAR 0 \taxation \tax calc-final aces final ratecomp- assessingnle COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTALI 196 2004 0 30300 0 30439 0 26074 0.03518 0 90331 2005 0 28267 0 29553 0 26251 0 03752 0 87823 -0 02033 0.00886 0.00177 0.00234 -0 02508 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 9107% 0 6788% 6 6515% -2 7765% 192 2004 0 30300 0 18350 0 35599 0 03518 0 87767 2005 0 28267 0 18655 0 36540 0 03752 0.87214 -0 02033 0 00305 0 00941 0 00234 -0 00553 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 1 6621% 2.6433% 6 6515% -0 6301% 194 2004 0.30300 0 18350 0.26901 0 03518 0 79069 2005 028267 0 18655 0.25411 0 03752 0 76085 -0 02033 0 00305 -0 01490 0 00234 -0 02984 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 1 6621% 5.5388% 6 6515% -3 7739% 659 2004 0 30300 0 18350 0 33521 0 03518 0 85689 2005 0 28267 0 18655 0 32590 0 03752 0 83264 -0 02033 0 00305 -0 00931 0 00234 -0 02425 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 1.6621% 2.7774% 6 6515% -2 8300% 192 2004 0 30286 0.41174 0 35576 0 03518 1 10554 2005 0 28256 0 43767 0 36521 0 03752 1 12296 -0 02030 0.02593 0.00945 0 00234 0 01742 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7028% 6.2977% 2 6563% 6 6515% 1 5757% 659 2004 0 30300 0.13396 0 33521 0 03315 0 80532 2005 0 28267 0.13007 0 32590 0.03443 0 77307 -0 02033 -0 00389 -0 00931 0 00128 -0 03225 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -2 9039% 2.7774% 3 8612% -4 0046% 192 2004 0 30300 0.10701 0 35599 0 03518 0 80118 2005 0 28267 0 09895 0 36540 0 03752 0 78454 -0 02033 -0 00806 0 00941 0 00234 -0 01664 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -7 5320% 2.6433% 6 6515% -2 0769% 195 2004 0 30300 0 10701 0.29347 0 03518 0 73866 2005 0 28267 0 09895 0 22065 0 03752 0 63979 -0 02033 -0 00806 -0 07282 0 00234 -0 09887 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -7 5320% -24 8134% 6 6515% -13 3850% DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES HAMPTON TWP. HAMPTON CITY HASTINGS LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE S/D YEAR 0 VB UltlWU% calc-fieal12005 final rare comp assessing xls COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL 200 2004 0 30300 0 10701 0 22050 0 03518 0 66569 2005 0 28267 0 09895 0 22126 0 03752 0 64040 0 02033 -0 00806 0.00076 0 00234 -0 02529 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -7 5320% 0.3447% 6.6515% 3.7991% 195 2004 0 30300 0 24248 0 29347 0 03518 0 87413 2005 0 28267 0 22029 0 22065 0 03752 0 76113 0 02033 -0 02219 -0 07282 0 00234 -0 11300 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -9 1513% -24 8134% 6 6515% -12 9271% 200 2004 0 30300 0 24248 0.22050 0 03518 0 80116 2005 0 28267 0 22029 0 22126 0 03752 0 76174 -0 02033 -0 02219 0 00076 0 00234 -0 03942 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -9 1513% 0 3447% 6 6515% -4 9204% 200 2004 0 30300 0 50110 0 22050 0 04692 1.07152 2005 0 28267 0 50515 0 22126 0 04959 1 05867 -0 02033 0 00405 0 00076 0 00267 -0 01285 PERCENT CHANGE 6.7096% 0 8082% 0 3447% 5 6905% -1 1992% INVER GROVE HTS 196 2004 0 30300 0 39904 0 26074 0 04925 1 01203 2005 0 28267 0 37347 026251 0 04907 0 96772 0 02033 -0 02557 0 00177 -0 00018 -0 04431 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -6 4079% 0.6788% 0.3655% -4 3783% 197 2004 0 30300 0 39904 0.12917 0 04925 0 88046 2005 0 28267 0 37347 0 21878 0 04907 0 92399 -0 02033 -0 02557 0 08961 -0 00018 0 04353 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -6 4079% 69 3737% 0.3655% 4 9440% 199 2004 0 30300 0 39904 0 10032 0 04925 0 85161 2005 0 28267 0 37347 0 07793 0 04907 0 78314 0 02033 -0 02557 -0 02239 0.00018 -0 06847 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -6 4079% -22 3186% -0 3655% -8 0401% 192 2004 0 30300 0 30050 0.35599 0.03518 0 99467 2005 0 28267 0 31326 0 36540 0 03752 0 99885 -0 02033 0 01276 0 00941 0 00234 0 00418 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 4 2463% 2 6433% 6.6515% 0 4202% 194 2004 0 30300 0 30050 0 26901 0 03518 0 90769 A7 -L DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES MENDOTA CITY 197 2004 2005 MENDOTA HTS 197 2004 2005 NININGER 0 Maxanontrax cdofinal @005 final rate camp- assessing xls LS/D YEAR COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL II 2005 0 28267 0 31326 0.25411 0 03752 0 88756 0.02033 0 01276 -0 01490 0 00234 -0 02013 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 4 2463% -5 5388% 6.6515% -2 2177% 196 2004 0 30300 0 30050 0 26074 0.03518 0 89942 2005 028267 0 31326 0 26251 0 03752 0 89596 -0 02033 0 01276 0.00177 0 00234 -0 00346 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 4 2463% 0.6788% 6 6515% -0 3847% LILYDALE 197 2004 0 30300 0 28927 0 12917 0 04925 0 77069 2005 0 28267 0 29238 0 21878 0 04907 0 84290 0 02033 0 00311 0.08961 0.00018 0 07221 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 1.0751% 69 3737% -0 3655% 9 3695% MARSHAN 200 2004 0 30300 0.19263 0 22050 0 03518 0 75131 2005 0 28267 0 18137 0 22126 0 03752 0 72282 -0 02033 -0 01126 0 00076 0 00234 -0 02849 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -5 8454% 0 3447% 6 6515% -3 7920% 0 30168 0 52357 0.12736 0 05315 1 00576 0 28148 0 49717 0 21715 0 05265 1 04845 0 02020 -0 02640 0 08979 -0 00050 0 04269 PERCENT CHANGE -6 6958% -5 0423% 70 5009% 0.9407% 4 2446% 0 30300 0.27030 0 12917 0 04925 0 75172 0 28267 0.26898 0 21878 0 04907 0 81950 -0 02033 -0 00132 0 08961 -0 00018 0 06778 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -0 4883% 69 3737% -0 3655% 9 0167% MIESVILLE 200 2004 0 30300 0.26124 0 22050 0 03315 0 81789 2005 0 28267 0 26831 0 22126 0 03443 0 80667 -0 02033 0 00707 0.00076 0 00128 -0 01122 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 2 7063% 0 3447% 3 8612% -1 3718% NEW TRIER 200 2004 0 30300 0 22851 0 22050 0 03315 0 78516 2005 0 28267 0 26535 022126 0 03443 0 80371 0 02033 0 03684 0 00076 0 00128 0 01855 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 16 1218% 0 3447% 3.8612% 2 3626% 200 2004 0 30300 0 13109 0 22050 0 03518 0 68977 2005 0 28267 0 11492 0 22126 0 03752 0 65637 A7 -5 DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES NORTHFIELD RANDOLPH TWP. ROSEMOUNT 0 \taxao onitax caIc- final0005 final rate coop assessing xls S/D YEAR COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL) 0 02033 -0 01617 0 00076 0 00234 -0 03340 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 3350% 0 3447% 6.6515% -4 8422% 659 2004 0 27625 0.38841 0 33414 0 03061 1 02941 2005 0 25776 0 37004 0 32494 0 03183 0 98457 -0 01849 -0 01837 0.00920 0 00122 -0 04484 PERCENT CHANGE -6 6932% -4 7295% 2.7533% 3 9856% -4 3559% 195 2004 0.30300 0 08128 0 29347 0 03315 0 71090 2005 0 28267 0 07425 0 22065 0 03443 0 61200 -0 02033 -0 00703 -0 07282 0 00128 0.09890 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -8 6491% -24 8134% 3.8612% 13.9119% 252 2004 0 30300 0 08128 0 23727 0 03315 0 65470 2005 0 28267 0 07425 0 16143 0 03443 0 55278 -0 02033 -0 00703 -0 07584 0 00128 -0 10192 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 8.6491% -31 9636% 3 8612% -15 5674% RANDOLPH CITY 195 2004 0.30300 0 16142 0 29347 0 03315 0 79104 2005 0 28267 0 09358 0 22065 0 03443 0 63133 0 02033 -0 06784 0.07282 0 00128 -0 15971 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -42 0270% -24 8134% 3 8612% -20 1899% RAVENNA 200 2004 0 30300 0 16694 0 22050 0 03518 0 72562 2005 0 28267 0 16812 0 22126 0 03752 0 70957 0.02033 0 00118 0 00076 0 00234 -0 01605 PERCENT CHANGE 6.7096% 0 7068% 0.3447% 6.6515% -2 2119% ROSEMOUNT 196 2004 0 3030D 0 52368 0.26074 0 05128 1 13870 2005 0 28267 0 46041 0 26251 0 05216 1 05775 -0 02033 -0 06327 0 00177 0 00088 -0 08095 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 0818% 0 6788% 1 7161% 7.1090% 199 2004 0.30300 0 52368 0A0032 0-05128 0.97828 2005 0 28267 0 46041 0 07793 0 05216 0 87317 -0 02033 -0 06327 -0 02239 0 00088 -0 10511 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 0818% -22 3186% 1 7161% -10 7444% 200 2004 0.30300 0 52368 0 22050 0 05128 1 09846 2005 0 28267 0 46041 0 22126 0 05216 1 01650 -0 02033 -0 06327 0 00076 0 00088 -0 08196 A7 DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES SCIOTA SID YEAR COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAI PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 0818% 0 3447% 1 7161% -7 4614% 195 2004 0 30300 0 12145 0 29347 0.03315 0 75107 2005 0 28267 0 10836 0 22065 0 03443 0 64611 -0 02033 -0 01309 -0 07282 0 00128 -0 10496 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -10 7781% -24 8134% 3 8612% 13.9747% 659 2004 0 30300 012145 0 33521 0.03315 0 79281 2005 0 28267 0 10836 0 32590 0 03443 0.75136 -0 02033 -0 01309 -0 00931 0.00128 -0 04145 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -10 7781% -2 7774% 3 8612% -5 2282% SOUTH ST. PAUL 006 2004 0 27673 0 39452 0 29199 0 05991 1 02315 2005 0 25819 0 36913 0 26194 0 05922 0 94848 -0 01854 -0 02539 -0 03005 0.00069 -0 07467 SUNFISH LAKE PERCENT CHANGE -6 6997% -6 4357% 10.2914% 1.1517% -7 2981% 199 2004 0 27673 0.39452 0.10032 0 05991 0 83148 2005 0 25819 0 36913 0 07793 0 05922 0 76447 -0 01854 -0 02539 -0 02239 0.00069 -0 06701 PERCENT CHANGE -6 6997% -6 4357% 22.3186% 1.1517% -8 0591% 197 2004 0 30300 0.20377 0.12917 0 04925 0 68519 2005 0 28267 0.18259 0 21878 0 04907 0 73311 -0 02033 -0 02118 0 08961 -0 00018 0 04792 PERCENT CHANGE 6.7096% 10.3941% 69.3737% 0.3655% 6 9937% VERMILLION TWP. 192 2004 0 30300 0.16449 0.35599 0 03518 0 85866 2005 0 28267 0 14339 0.36540 0 03752 0 82898 -0 02033 -0 02110 0 00941 0.00234 -0 02968 VERMILLION TWP. 200 2004 0 30300 0 16449 0 22050 0 03518 0.72317 2005 0 28267 0 14339 0 22126 0 03752 0 68484 -0 02033 -0 02110 0.00076 0 00234 -0 03833 0 \mxaaicn \tax calc.final\2005 final ram camp- assessrn xls PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 8275% 2 6433% 6 6515% -3 4565% 196 2004 0 30300 0 16449 0 26074 D 03518 0 76341 2005 0 28267 0 14339 0 26251 0.03752 0 72609 -0 02033 -0 02110 0 00177 0 00234 -0 03732 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 8275% 0 6788% 6 6515% -4 8886% A7 -7 DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES WATERFORD WEST ST. PAUL 197 2004 2005 S/D YEAR COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -12 8275% 0 3447% 6 6515% 53003% VERMILLION CITY 200 2004 0 30300 0 51224 0 22050 0 03518 1 07092 2005 0.28267 0 44767 0 22126 0 03752 0 98912 -0 02033 -0 06457 0 00076 0 00234 -0 08180 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 12.6054% 0 3447% 6 6515% 7.6383% 195 2004 0 30300 010587 0.29347 0 03315 0 73549 2005 0 28267 0 09692 0 22065 0 03443 0 63467 -0 02033 -0 00895 -0 07282 0 00128 -0 10082 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% -8 4538% 24.8134% 3 8612% -13 7079% 659 2004 0 30300 0 10587 0 33521 0.03315 0.77723 2005 0 28267 0 09692 0 32590 0 03443 0 73992 -0 02033 -0 00895 -0 00931 0 00128 -0 03731 PERCENT CHANGE 6.7096% -8 4538% -2 7774% 3 8612% -4 8004% 0.30300 0.28267 -0 02033 0 41679 0 42289 0 00610 0.12917 0 21878 0 08961 0 04925 0 04907 0.00018 0.89821 0 97341 0 07520 PERCENT CHANGE -6 7096% 1 4636% 69.3737% 0.3655% 8.3722% DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES MARKET VALUE SCHOOL REFERENDUM RATES 1 S/D YEAR RATE 1 6 2004 0 0024142 2005 0 0014575 191 2004 0 0017130 2005 0 0016763 192 2004 0 0004003 2005 0 0004078 194 2004 0 0020593 2005 0 0017349 195 2004 0 0012887 0 aaxanonvax talc- finaP2005 final me comp- assessang xis S/D YEAR RATE 197 2004 0 0011688 2005 0 0009817 199 2004 0 0017096 2005 0.0015316 200 2004 0 0019486 2005 0 0009646 252 2004 0 0001672 2005 0 0010180 659 2004 0 0017035 2005 0.0011683 2005 0 0015000 11\ 8 DAKOTA COUNTY COMPARISON OF FINAL 2005 TAX RATES S/D YEAR 196 2004 0 0013978 2005 0 0010862 1 CITY YEAR RATE APPLEVAL 2004 0.0001422 2005 0 0001927 LAKEVILLE 2000 EAGAN 2004 0 0001874 2005 0 0001894 LAKEVILLE 2004 0 0000729 2005 0.0000616 FD AREA -WIDE RA1 1.29863 STATE GENL. TAX F 0.51121 0 nanahon1tax calo-fina1120U5 final late Comp- assessmgxls COUNTY CITY SCHOOL OTHER TOTAL MARKET VALUE CITY REFERENDUM RATES CITY YEAR RATE NORTHFIELD 2004 0.0002803 2005 0.0002444 NORTHFIELD 2000 ROSEMOUNT 2004 0 0001138 2005 0 0000972 MARKET VALUE COUNTY REFERENDUM RATE 1 COUNTY YEAR RATE DAKOTA 2004 0 0 Of 54 2005 0 0000666 Attachment 8 Taxable Values in Dakota County 2004 values paid in 2005 2006 BUDGET REPORT 4ROSEMOLINT MINNESOTA Taxable Values within Dakota County 2004 Values For Taxes Payable In 2005 TABLES 9A AND 9B State Code MUNICIPALITIES Government Unit Contribution Original Tax Increment to Area -wide Local Tax Capacity Retained TCAP Tax Base Tax Capacity 0002 Castle Rock Twp 1,699,125 68,942 1,630,183 0003 Douglas Township 911,155 13,920 897,235 0005 Empire Township 2,086,474 84,496 2,001,978 0006 Eureka Township 1,995,303 20,738 1,974,565 0007 Greenvale Township 1,003,495 16,368 987,127 0008 Hampton Township 1,130,679 15,590 1,115,089 0012 Marshan Township 1,544,609 99,333 1,445,276 0014 Winger Township 1,065,089 37,108 1,027,981 0015 Randolph Township 797,947 26,584 771,363 0016 Ravenna Township 2,147,156 15,718 2,131,438 0018 Sciota Township 405,545 4,240 401,305 0019 Vermillion Township 1,321,017 27,810 1,293,207 0020 Waterford Township 626,058 35,698 590,360 0100 Coates 192,878 25,610 167,268 0200 Farmington 13,658,692 1,394,850 /0 A 442,437 11,821,405 0300 Hampton 427,191 12,250 414,941 ‘1. 0500 Inver Grove Heights 30,571,098 1,367,636 72 2,350,013 26,853,449 0600 Lakeville 48,211,759 1,821,312 3,782 2,846,021 43,542,426 0700 Mendota 162,764 15,642 147,122 0800 New Trier 56,898 2,106 54,792 0900 Randolph 240,687 8,221 232,466 1000 Rosemount 18,281,576 299,465 /•1794' 1,489,653 16,492,458 1100 South St Paul 14,047,842 1,383,370 y'$52 483,743 12,180,729 1200 Vermillion 319,765 8,613 311,152 1300 West St Paul 16,115,164 641,023 3 98 21,222,578 14,251,563 1400 Lilydale 1,536,511 497,101 3.01'1 2 82,372 957,038 1500 Miesville 133,780 9,584 124,196 1600 Mendota Heights 18,079,654 1,274,147 7.912 1,849,202 14,956,305 1700 Sunfish Lake 1,498,231 1,498,231 1800 Burnsville 64,296,819 4,276,801 (9 7,863,153 52,156,865 1900 Apple Valley 47,084,826 2,319,087 y.93Z 3,047,169 41,718,570 2000 Eagan 77,434,037 322,030 ya Z 9,812,605 67,299,402 7500 Hastings 15,940,987 294,043 J, 2 925,125 14,721,819 9700 Northfield 789,341 789,341 19 Dakota County 385,814,152 15,890,865 32,964,642 336,958,645 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 0060 School District 6 1910 School District 191 1920 School District 192 13,962,369 52,858,665 21,070,640 1,383,370 4,284,220 1,394,850 482,329 6,185,310 613,055 12,096,670 42, 389,135 19,062,735 Arr. Attachment 9 Police Department Memorandum 2006 BUDGET REPORT 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 9 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Mayor Droste Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, hoe Corrigan and Stemer City Administrator Verbrugge From: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Poli;e Date: October 19, 2005 Subject: 2006 Police Budget Personnel and Vehicle Data The purpose of this memorandum is to provide additional information on two items contained within the pohce budget request for 2006. Addional Staffing Council m prior years has unofficially endorsed the concept of staffing police officers at a ratio of 1 1000 residents. This standard is based upon data that is readily available on a local, state and national level and has also been used as a standard by at least some of our neighboring communities as they determined staffing levels durmg growth years. Current data for cores with population ranges of 10,000 25,000 shows the average staffing per 1000 residents to be: National 1.9 Source. FBI's Crime m the United States 2004 report Midwest 1.8 Source: FBI's Crime m the Umted States 2004 report State 1.3 Source: Minnesota Crime Information 2004 Report Local 1.11 Includes data gathered directly from comparable metro cominumties and Dakota County cities. Rosemount 0.94 The local data includes the cities' staff estimates and actual pohce officer staffing in the 2005 budget. Within Dakota County, Rosemount is staffed at the same rano as Lakeville and Inver Grove Heights which is the lowest rano within the county. In comparable metro area growth communities, only the City of Ramsey is lower at .89. Although discussion has frequently utilized a staffing level based upon a 1:1000 ratio, this was generally only part of the discussion. Service expectations and programming needs were also considered along with calls for service and crime data In 2004, Rosemount's overall crime rate dropped to a level roughly equal to the year 2000. Through September of '05, reported crime has increased twelve (12) percent and seven (7) percent in total reports written. A majority of this increase is a result of officer- inmated activity. Arrests for DWI and drug related offenses account for more than half of the increase. This increase should be viewed as a positive because officers are finding criminal activity during their "discretionary tune" that time when they are not responding to citizen calls for service. Meanwhile most other crimes are at lower or similar levels to the number t 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M of reported crimes in 2004. This includes thefts (down 10 vandalism (down 2 incidents or 1%) and burglaries (up 4 incidents or S° o). The most notable increases have occurred in misdemeanor assaults (up 16 incidents or 27 and sex offenses (up 9 Incidents or 127 The goal is to work with the community through education and enforcement efforts to keep the cnme rate low. Although the number of pohce officers working within Rosemount will not be the only factor effecting the came rate, there is a "tipping point" at which not having enough officers will result in increased criminal activity because of a lack of a visible presence in the community. The growth in the number of homes will result in more residents (potential customers /clients) and miles of streets to patrol Although an increase in homes does not guarantee an increase in calls for service or reported crimes, it is pretintable that additional calls for service will occur. These calls will range from family disputes and mechcals to driving complaints. Other demographic information also predicts an increase m activity within the community. The student population at Rosemount High School is expected to increase for the next several years based upon ISD #196 data; which corresponds with the increase in homes within Rosemount The teen and young adult population m the commumt is increasing and this is the age of persons that are typically more prone to have pohce contacts and be involved in cnrninal activity (although I do not have a specific study to cite for this statistic, several studies have shown this to be true). Staffing requests are based upon a review of an increase m population, crime and calls for service data and the demographic data of our community. It is presented as a rano as a means of comparison to other communities and as a means to anticipate future requests for personnel. Vehicle Rotation and Purchase Three marked squads are included m the CIP budget for replacement in 2006. Vehicles used as marked patrol squads are on a replacement schedule of three years but replacement is also based upon mileage, maintenance records and input from the City's mechanics. Each patrol squad is used by two (2) officers and is used for a 10.5 hour shift each day. Annually each squad is driven approximately 35,000 miles. Some pohce departments do choose to run squads more hours each day, however, this also results m a shortei hfe cycle of the vehicles because of the increased use. In addition to the cntena already described, vehicles are scheduled for replacement at intervals to allow for a balanced replacement schedule. In other words, replacements are scheduled so that a similar number of vehicles are replaced annually to keep the budget impact stable By replacing vehicles on a balanced scheduled, there are not a large number of purchases made one year and few replaced in a subsequent year. Some shifting is done with vehicles that are not used for patrol purposes those used by investigators, administration and community senate officers to keep the replacement schedule balanced. r 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M Approximately six years ago, the rotation was increased from a two -year replacement cycle at approxnnately 75,000 miles to the present 3 year, 100,000+ schedule. In addition, some squads are taken out of service as marked vehicles and used by other departments. Park and Rec and Community Development each have former squads in their car pools. Vehicles are put into other departments based upon their needs and the maintenance records of the vehicles. The purchase of replacement vehicles, even when authorized within the CIP budget, is not automatically completed at a set time of year. Vehicles are evaluated throughout the year and purchases are made based upon the vehicles performance. In some cases, purchases are made early in the year while at other times purchases are delayed until later m the year. In 2005, one marked squad is scheduled for replacement However, this vehicle has only about 86,000 miles on it and is still performing well mechanically One reason this vehicle has been used less and accumulated lesser mileage is because it was involved m an accident three years ago and was out of service for 2+ months. Council direction is sought on the replacement of this vehicle and the three vehicles scheduled for replacement m 2006. It appears the squad scheduled for replacement this year can be used into 2006. Based upon present mileage and maintenance records, it also appears one of the vehicles scheduled for replacement m 2007 should be able to be used into 2008. This does allow an opportunity to reduce the CIP budget by the cost of one squad and the associated emergency equipment of $25,000. This assumes the 2005 funds would be encumbered to cover the costs of replacing the vehicle scheduled for replacement in 2005. However, this shifting of vehicle purchases may create a situation m 2008 or subsequent years when a greater number of vehicles will need to be replaced causing a "bhp" in the vehicle replacement costs of the CIP budget. In addition, if the police officers requested m the 2006 budget are approved and an officer is hired around March 1, 2006, beginning in June of 2006 that officer will be patrolhng on then own and will share a vehicle with two other officers increasing the mileage and wear on the vehicle at a greater rate. By rotating the officer through several squads and monitoring mileage, the impact on any one squad should be minimized but usage on all vehicles will increase. Alternatively, the three vehicles could be left m the 2006 CIP for purchase. The new officer could be assigned to one of the vehicles scheduled for replacement to increase its mileage and this would keep the balanced purchase rotation m place and avoid potential spikes in the budget. Council direction is sought on these issues. Hopefully, this additional background information provides useful information as the police budget is discussed. Material referenced in this memo and an updated overview of the police budget proposal are attached to this memorandum. 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Polic Date: June 15, 2005 Subject: 2006 Budget Proposal Overview The Police Department provides general, full- service law enforcement for the community. Specific functions may be broken down into Admunstration /Support Services, Patrol, Investigations and Emergency Management. Administration/ Support Services Staff assigned to this area provides for the overall planning, coordination and management of the department. In addition, this includes the records management duties of the department. Secretarial staff is responsible for transcnbing and filing the crime and administrative reports required of criminal justice agencies. Routing of criminal cases to the County Attorney's office or City Prosecutor must be completed in a timely manner. Reports must also be referred to social service and other related agencies. Crime data is reported to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Animal control is also a function of Support Services. Community service officers have the primary responsibility for this duty but pohce officers handle this task when a CSO is not on duty. The CSOs also assist with the enforcement of property maintenance code violations Patrol This is the most visible function completed by the department. Officers provide response to emergency and non emergency calls regarding criminal activity and to other calls for service. Traffic enforcement and directed patrols also require a significant amount time of the officers. Many of the officers assigned to patrol complete other speciahzed duties, for example, tactical team member, use of force and firearms training instructor, child passenger restraint inspection. Investigations— Officers assigned to investigations conduct follow -up on criminal cases, which require travel outside Rosemount, are complex in nature or will require a significant amount of time to complete. Other cases are frequently investigated by the patrol officer originally assigned to the incident. Included in the function are the special assignments of officers to DARE and school liaison duties. These services are provided as a joint effort with the schools located within the community with some funding received from the school district to offset the costs of these programs. The DARE officer is also responsible for the depaitment's crime prevention, 0 `i 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M public education and outreach activities. This includes the programs of Neighborhood Watch, National Night Out, Crone Free Multi housing and presentations to community groups. Emergeney Management The preparedness of the City's Emergency Operations Plan and management of the city's response to natural, technological, man -made or any other emergency situation is a function of the police department. This effort is coordinated with all other city departments to ensure that the staff is prepared when a disaster does occur. Budget and Service Volatility The Court Administrator of District Court has sent all cities a notice advising that the court staff will no longer process city parking citations beginning January 1, 2006. This change is being done because the Courts are now a state entity instead of county and the Courts do not receive any revenue from parking citations written under city ordinances. If this change goes through, revenue from the citations will still be received by the City; however, city staff will now need to process and track the receipt of the fine payments. Approximately 500 parking citations are wntten annually, with most being written during the winter months when the winter parking restrictions are in place. Because a process for handling the citation payments has not been devised yet, it is unclear what the impact will be on the City. Efficiencies and Operational Change There have been a few changes made in the last twelve months to improve the efficiency of the department. Investigative Case Management Workflow— A component of the pohce records management system assists in tracking the assignment of criminal investigations to officers. This software has improved the officers' thoroughness m completing investigations and m documenting their work because there is an electronic file of the case assignment. The supervisor of investigations is able to check caseloads, progress on assigned cases and actual quality of the work completed more easily than the prior method of relying on personal contact and knowledge. Communication between the supervisor and officers is done electronically and is managed regardless of conflicting work schedules of officers and the supervisor. Both effectiveness and efficiency have improved. Police Report Processing— The process of reviewing and approving the officers' wntten reports was changed to eliminate steps in the review process By eliminating the initial review by the officer, it has reduced the turn around time on reports to within 24 hours of transcription. Previously reports could be in limbo for days while awaiting the reporting officer's approval if the report was completed on the officer's last workday and the officer did not return to 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M duty unttl 4 or 5 days later. The process has also provided a greater involvement of the sergeants in reviewing the officers' work product. Patrol Scheduling— Adjustments were made to the patrol officers' schedule by modifying the manner in which the officers work fifteen days that are not part of their regularly scheduled work shift rotation during the year. These days are used to fill vacation, training and other leave requests to continue to provide sufficient staffing. The changes should result in less overtime and more consistent staffing levels throughout the calendar year. New Initiatives In 2006 the department anticipates making service enhancements in the area of school liaison services, drug enforcement and community outreach. School liairon Discussion has been held with Rosemount High School staff about assigning an officer as a full -time haison at RHS. Both the staff at RHS and the department's liaison officer have seen an increase in the amount of need for the haison's services at the high school in the last couple of years. The student population will also increase for the next few years. Rosemount Middle School staff have also requested that a liaison be assigned more regularly to R1'vlS than the current situation of having one liaison for the two schools allows. Drug Enforcement The department has had a desire to increase the amount of hours devoted to drug enforcement through the Dakota County Drug Task Force. As staffing levels have increased, an effort has been made to allow officers to work more hours on drug mvesngations without officially committing to the greater commitment of hours in the Joint Powers Agreement. Sufficient complaints from citizens are received to justify more time devoted to following up on the information provided by the concerned citizens. Community Outreach The department wants to continue working with the community on various efforts. Continuing to work with rental property managers, expanding participation m Neighborhood Watch and National Night Out are all efforts we hope to enhance. In the business community one effort being considered to address bad checks is to participate in a check diversion program that is coordinated by the Retail Protection Association. This effort more quickly identifies checks that are actually fraud instead of insufficient funds. It may also be a means to get more businesses to pursue the criminal check cases that are happening in the community. As more retail development occurs it will be important to have resources available to assist the business community. Future Forecast The continued growth of Rosemount will result m greater police challenges to meet the service demands of the residents and businesses. More development will bring additional persons, miles of street and area to patrol. More specific issues are discussed below. 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M In the next five (5) years, the Department will likely see a changeover in leadership positions. Lieutenant Kuhns is expected to retire in 2006 or 2007. Sergeant O'Leary will be eligible for retirement in 2008. This will create advancement opportunities for other officers, but will also require replacing two members that have served as part of the supervisory /management staff for over fifteen years and who possess a great deal of knowledge about the department and the community. The Department, along with all other public safety agencies in Dakota County, will be transitiomng to the 800 MHz radio system and the consolidated dispatch center in 2007. This will require the purchase of new handheld and mobile radios, training on the new equipment and adapting to the procedures established for the new dispatch center. Because we have contracted for dispatch services for several years and because the new center's procedures will focus on delivering high quality services to both internal and external users, this transition should occur relatively effortlessly. Growth in the community will not only bring new residents to the city, but will undoubtedly bang a change in the types of crimes experienced. As Rosemount becomes more connected to the urban core cites and the metropolitan area, it is expected that cnrrunals encountered by police officers will be more transient. We have already experienced this change in recent years and more frequently have had investigations that have lead to suspects m Minneapolis, Saint Paul and numerous suburbs. This is a contrast to less than a decade ago when most crimes in Rosemount were committed by either residents of Rosemount or our neighboring commumtres. It is important that the Depaitment leverages technology advancements to build on existing connections with other law enforcement agencies, while also participating in investigator organizations, comprised of investigators from throughout the metropolitan area, to share case investigation information in person. Rosemount is a relatively young community, but recent development has also expanded housing options for empty nesters and seniors. As this group of aging adults increases in number and age, we can anticipate that we will see an increase in the number of vulnerable adult cases reported. This will likely include physical abuse cases and financial crimes committed by caregivers including family members. Development of the community's retail and business areas will lead to increased traffic and the resulting motor vehicle crashes, congestion and complaints regarding violations of traffic laws. Business related crime may include credit card fraud and forgery, shoplifting, thefts from vehicles in parking lots and possibly robberies of businesses and persons. A19-7 TABLE 27 POLICE EMPLOYEES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2004 URBAN (Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants) e *Police services under contract with another agency No data reported -Not included u, totals, population not calculated 99 GRAND Sworn Sworn TOTAL Civil Civil TOTAL 'Agency Population TOTAL Male Female SWORN Male Female CIVIL Winona 26,747 45 35 4 39 6 6 Woodbury 49.551 59 44 7 51 8 8 GROUP V (10.000- 25,000) Rate per 1,000 1.5 1.1 0.1 1.3 0.04 0.2 0.3 TOTAL 893,699 1,375 1,026 117 1,143 35 197 232 Albert Lea 18,155 39 28 1 29 10 10 Anoka 18.081 34 24 3 27 1 6 7 Austin 23,687 33 29 1 30 2 1 3 Bemidji 12,472 33 27 3 30 3 3 Brainerd 13,417 32 21 4 25 7 7 Buffalo 11,747 19 12 4 16 3 3 Centennial Lakes 10,408 18 15 15 1 2 3 Champlin 21106 32 23 1 24 1 7 8 Chaska 19,569 26 18 4 22 4 4 Cloquet 11,411 19 18 18 1 1 Columbia Heights 18,719 29 22 22 1 6 7 Crystal 22,702 31 20 4 24 3 4 7 East Bethel* 11.579 Elk River 18 198 37 27 2 29 1 7 8 Fairmont 10 763 20 17 17 1 2 3 Fanbault 21.509 36 26 2 28 8 8 Farmington 14,837 19 17 17 2 2 Fergus Falls 13,929 26 19 1 20 6 6 Forest Lake 15,217 23 18 2 20 3 3 Golden Valley 20,885 37 24 5 29 4 4 8 Ham Lake* 13,859 Hastmgs 19.244 28 22 3 25 3 3 Hibbing 17,109 31 24 4 28 3 3 Hopkins 17,241 38 21 5 26 3 9 12 Hutclunson 13,348 33 20 2 22 3 8 11 Lino Lakes 18.414 28 22 3 25 3 3 Marshall 12,786 21 15 4 19 2 2 Mendota Heights 11.565 18 14 2 16 2 2 Mounds View 12 823 20 18 18 2 2 Ncw Brighton 22231 30 23 4 27 1 2 3 New Hope 20,762 33 25 3 28 5 5 New Ulm 13,571 24 18 2 20 4 4 North Mankato 11148 13 10 2 12 1 1 North St Paul 11,932 18 15 1 16 2 2 Northfield 17,961 27 20 1 21 1 5 6 Orono 11.897 20 16 2 18 2 2 Owatonna 23 186 29 25 2 27 2 2 Pnor Lake 18 266 23 18 2 20 3 3 Ramsey 19 229 23 17 2 19 1 3 4 Red Wmg 16.162 30 23 1 24 2 4 6 Robbinsdale 13389 26 17 3 20 6 6 TABLE 27 POLICE EMPLOYEES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2004 URBAN (Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants) e *Police services under contract with another agency No data reported -Not included u, totals, population not calculated 99 TABLE 27 POLICE E MPLOYEES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2004 URBAN (Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants) *Police services under contract with another agency *No data reported +Not included ni totals, population not calculated 100 GRAND Sworn Sworn TOTAL Civil Civil TOTAL Agency Population TOTAL Male Female SWORN Male Female CIVIL Rosemount 16390 22 16 3 19 3 3 Sartell 11,123 13 9 2 11 2 2 Sauk Rapids 11,485 13 12 12 1 1_ Savage 25,007 30 23 3 26 4 4 Shakopee 25516 41 31 5 36 5 5 South Lake Minnetonka 12,397 15 13 13 1 I 2 South St Paul 20,063 27 22 3 25 2 2 Stillwater 16.320 24 18 3 21 1 2 3 Vadnms Heights* 13327 West St Paul 19,896 33 23 2 25 2 6 8 Wlute Bear Lake 24,658 33 18 8 26 3 4 7_ Willmar 18124 36 30 2 32 4 4 Worthington 11,179 32 23 1 24 2 6 8_ GROLT VI (2,500 10,000) Rate per 1,000 1.8 1.5 0.1 1.6 0.02 0.2 0.2 TOTAL 457,387 815 673 45 718 10 87 97 Alexandna 9,531 21 16 1 17 1 3 4 Annandale 2,818 5 4 1 5 Appleton 2,803 4 3 1 4 Arden Hills* 9,988 Baxter 6.276 13 9 3 12 1 1 Bayport 3,200 5 5 5 Becker 3,120 6 5 5 1 1 Belle Plame 4,029 7 6 6 1 1 Benson 3,323 7 5 I 6 1 1 Big Lake 7,443 14 10 2 12 2 2 Blue Earth 3,594 6 6 6 Breckenndge 3.495 9 5 1 6 3 3 Caledonia 2,988 4 3 3 1 1 Cambndge 5,925 13 10 I 11 2 2 Cannon Falls 3,782 9 6 1 7 2 2 Chisholm 4.920 12 11 11 1 1 Cold Spnng 3,167 5 5 5 Corcoran 5,792 4 4 4 Crookston 8.114 16 14 14 2 2 Dayton 4,737 5 5 5 Deephaven/Woodland 4,337 9 6 1 7 1 1 2 Detroit Lakes 7,617 16 12 2 14 2 2 Dilworth 3.122 7 6 6 1 1 East Grand Forks 7,598 24 21 1 22 2 2 Ely 3 386 8 7 7 1 1 Eveleth 3 814 11 10 10 1 1 Falcon Heights* 5,567 Glencoe 5,505 13 11 I 12 I 1 Goodview 3,399 4 3 1 4 Grand Rapids 7,839 18 15 15 3 3 TABLE 27 POLICE E MPLOYEES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2004 URBAN (Rate per 1,000 Inhabitants) *Police services under contract with another agency *No data reported +Not included ni totals, population not calculated 100 Table 71 Full-time Law Enforcement Officers as of October 31, 2004 number and Rate per 1,000 Intrabirants by Geographic Region and Division by Population Group 12004 estimated populalonl Geographic regum/dtmston Group 1 Group II Group III Group IV Group V (69 cities, (174 cores, (409 cities (785 apes, (1,783 canes, Total 250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 (10,822 ales, and over; to 249999, to 99,999; to 49,999, to 24,999, population population population population population populanan 185,926,671) 52,558631) 26,030,515) 28,064,440) 27,052,123) 28,246,5681 Group vi (2602 eihe; under i0,000, population 23 974,394) TOTAL CITIES 10,822 cities; population 185,926,671: Number of officers 429,630 149,267 48,435 49335 48959 Average number of officers per 1.000 whabstants 23 2.8 19 1.8 1.8 New England 767 cities, population 12575,681 Number of officers 26,811 2,036 3,974 4,936 5,686 Average number of officers per 1,000 mbaoitoots 2 1 3.5 2 8 2 0 19 Middle Atlantic 1,530 cities; population 30.228,151: Number of officers 88,738 45,260 4,289 7,724 9,852 10333 Average number of offices per 1,000 inhabitants 2.9 4 3 2 7 2 1 2 0 19 NORTHEAST 2,297 cities- population 42,803,832: Number of officers 115,549 47,2% 8,263 12,660 15,537 16,233 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.7 43 2.7 21 2.0 1.8 East North Central. 2,021 cities: population 30,785,159. Numoer of officers Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants West North Central 1,222 cities: population 12,827,343: Number of officers Average number of officers per 1,000 mnabitants MIDWEST: 3,243 cities population 43,612,502: Number of officers 95,446 28,359 8,277 11,522 12,706 19,234 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2.2 35 19 1.6 1.6 26 South Atlantic 1,740 cities; population 22,271,779 Number of officers 67,218 15,942 10,053 8,324 6,674 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 3 0 3.3 23 2 3 2.3 East South Central: 941 cities, population 9,130,741: Number of officers 25,159 5,406 3,216 1,529 3,106 3,939 7,963 Average number of officers per 1,000 mnabitants 2 8 23 2 6 2 4 2.3 29 41 West South Central: 1,267 cities, population 22,437,128: Number of officers 48,873 18,141 5,994 5,510 3,784 5,346 10,098 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2 2 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 3 6 SOUTH 3,948 cities; population 53,839,648. Number of officers 141,250 39,489 19,263 15,363 13,564 18,086 35,485 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 24 2.5 2.1 21 21 2.4 45 Mountain 578 cities, population 13.946,410' Number of officers Average number of officers per 1 000 Inhabitants Paafir 756 cities. population 31,724,277 Number of officers Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants WEST- 1,334 cities; population 45,670,689: Number of officers Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 372 CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES A9- I© 5,900 18 70,557 22,943 5,641 8,429 9,766 11,332 23 38 20 17 17 18 24,889 5,416 2,636 3,093 2,940 1.9 2.5 1 8 1.4 1.5 4,016 17 25,785 10,243 4,328 2,823 2,277 2975 1.8 19 15 1.5 16 1.9 51,600 23,880 8.304 6,967 4,775 3,072 1.6 1.9 12 1.2 1.3 1.5 77,385 34,123 12,632 9,790 7,052 5,147 1.7 19 13 13 1.4 L6 78929 3.3 4,279 2.3 11,281 2.7 15,560 2.6 12,446 16 6,788 25 8,801 17,424 26 5.5 4,039 3.1 4,602 35 8,641 33 Suburban Area' 7,337 agencies; population 119,955,077 Count 3 it 3,432 agencies. population 92 ,506,392: Number of officers 294,112 Number of officers Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants 2 5 Average number of officers per 1,000 inhabitants Saourban area includes law enforcement agencies in cities with less 0,000 mhabttants and county law enforcement agencies that are within a Metropolitan Statistical Area ($e0s Appenaix 10) Suburban area excludes all metropolitan agencies associated with a pnnopal city The agencies associated with suburban areas also appear in other POLPs widan table t The designation county 8 a combination of both metropolitan and nonmetropohtan counties 244,1 27 r m CT cll a m 0 7 U O 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Cr 0 0 0 0 O 0 LO 00 r NN ^o m CO O hu, N 7 N CO O) CO 0 0 CO 0)) Off) CO N M I O r r r r 0 0 r r r r °o 0000000000 m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO r) 000 )000 O cO to a o N coo. co -Nooi O N N CD cp N N CO N N ICn U O) OOOr LO r CO CO LC) tO N N N Cl V r N N 0 m s O) N 0 L m 3 c S a a W 0 E m m c E a s C o c m E m n m `m m m m o >>0 o C C Qm Wa C J 2(n 00 00 N r r O r r CO N i ry 0 O ff 0 0 CO M r 0 r N r U O r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O i() O O N i0 N N N N r N N N N NN N O N N N N [V O 0 m p a) L 4) E OI J J N o m Q y E- E 3 W O r m` m e c n o OU 0— a'C/)u)¢ as 0 O C 0 N E X E N E O N U U) N m L r 2 O 0) U U O O p i- to' E L 0 m E C 0 0 U 0) N J -0 O N c E c 4) L L L U U L to 3 D E N m N 0 E O U c O O N N O E E N O) U u N N L 0 T L F J O N N U as 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 10 Finance Department Memorandum 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 4 ROSE M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Jeff May, Finance Director Date: October 17, 2005 Subject: Finance Department Budget MOUNT MINNESOTA There are three main areas that may need discussing at the October 26 Council Work Session They are as follows (1) Part-Tune Utility Billing /Deputy Registrar Clerk; (2) Computer Support Services, and (3) Computer Purchasing Practices. Part -Time Utility Billing /Deputy Registrar Clerk Based on the growth of volume of work and additional reporting responsibilities, our department is requesting the addition of a part -tune person for 2006. In the past we have had the luxury of having a backup person (our Accounts Payable Clerk) to help out with Deputy Registrar responsibilities when someone is gone or if the counter is extremely busy In the last few months we have had to pull the Accounts Payable Clerk from assisting with the Deputy Registrar responsibilities because the volume of work she is doing does not allow her the tune to spend up front at the counter assisting with the motor vehicle customers. The volume for Deputy Registrar continues to grow slowly but the growth m the Utility Billing area is much greater and this has continued to put a burden on the two clerks to get everything done m a timely manner and respond to the counter and phone as quickly as they would like and we would expect We have also been exploring the possibility of changing our Utility Billing process to cycle bilking This would spread the work out as we would only be billing 1/3 of our customers each month. This would eliirunate some of the peaks and valleys of their work schedule, but at the same tithe, would not allow them some of the available time that other Finance Department staff utilwes when they need assistance in other areas We know it is likely that the Deputy Registrar operations will be moved to the County once the new library is opened That is not scheduled to happen untd late in 2008, at the earhest, and if growth continues at the current pace our staffing level should be appropnate when those responsibilities are taken over by the County Computer Support Services It has been suggested that we look at how we provide our computer support (IT) services and whether we could provide these services m -house Currently, we have a consulting company provide these services to us by having someone at our offices on Monday and Thursday mornings to address all outstanding issues. This company also responds at other /4i3 AArr /0 ROSEMOLIN 1 MINNESOTA M E M O R A N D U M times if issues arise that cannot wait until their scheduled visits We pay the company an hourly rate and are billed for the time we use. The last 3 or 4 years we have spent from $20,000 to $30,000 annually for these services Cines that have in-house staff spend anywhere from 2 to 7 or 8 tunes that amount for their hired staff and still spend money on outside consultants who have to assist with issues that are outside of the scope of the staff's trauung and ability to deal with I beheve that the process we use for IT services is the most cost effective method that we can utilize and have been led to believe (especially for communities our size) that others feel likewise. I do not believe that this is necessarily the most efficient method because there are times where issues arise that cannot be dealt with immediately, but based on the money that we are able to save I would not recommend doing things differently at this time Computer Purchasing Practices It has also been suggested that we review our practices for purchasing computers. We are scheduled to purchase 2 file servers in 2006 but not any computer work stations but we still wanted to address the purchasing pracuces now Some preliminary research has suggested that the industry standard for replacing computer work stations is 2 to 5 years. Most of the information that I have gathered at din time is from colleges I have not had any responses from cries yet. The longest that I have seen in written policies is 4 years for computers with many more aggressive places using 2 or 3 years Currently, we replace half of our computers every 2 years meaning that all of our computers are replaced after they are 4 years old Also, when we replace computers every 2 years all of the work stations and their needs are evaluated and the new computers are assigned to the most appropriate people and their old computers are shifted to the people whose computing needs are not as great We try to replace our 2 main file servers every 3 years and reuse the old ones m other areas mosdy for file storage or other location servers. I beheve that our purchases are effectively managed and maxtnuze employee productivity. By replacing the hardware m a timely manner we are always able to stay on top of our software demands and minimize lost productivity. 1 10-02, 2006 BUDGET REPORT Attachment 11 Community Development Memorandum 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 4 ROSE_ MOUNT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Date: October 21, 2005 Subject: Community Development Budget The purpose of this memo is to address several items relating to the Community Development Department and proposed budget for 2006. Department Staffing Department staffing currently stands at 12 people; 6 in building division, 4 in planning /economic development, 1 code enforcement and 1 GIS technician. The secretary who assists in planning also provides support to the Human Resources function located in Administration (30 hours planning /10 hours HR per week) and the GIS technician is an hourly position averaging approximately 29 hours per pay penod. The 2006 budget request includes increasing the GIS technician position to a regular full-time position, with 50% of the salary coming from the utility operating funds and 50% from the general fund. Primarily the position will provide technical support to the non engineering functions of the City such as planning, economic development, parks and recreation, and to a lesser extent pohce. It has become clear that through the course of these department activities additional mapping and data retrieval is needed to clearly articulate information to developers, residents, and the public. The position would also provide technical assistance to the GIS coordinator posrnon. As the city continues to make the commitment to GIS technology a significant amount of work is necessary to input data into the system to allow for future manipulation and sortmg The better the information installed the more accurate and effective the presentation materials and data will be. This process will take more staff time and expertise than is currently available in the City. Because a significant pornon of the technician's time will be interpreting and imputing data relating to utility easements, utility alignments, and utility facilities one -half of the position salary is Justified from the utility operating funds. Although considered an "engineering" type activity this data is integral to the planning, parks, and economic development functions of the city. It is envisioned that the position will also be able to assist employees in their software questions. While not functioning as an IT personper se, the person filling the position will be versed m the Windows Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. This function is not redundant to the work conducted by CIT, the computer support consultant, who deals primarily with the hardware portion of the City's computer system. Rather they would troubleshoot dunng regular office hours, assisting employees with various software questions and problems. Revenue Forecasting The Council over the last several months, as part of budget discussions, has discussed what the appropriate level of building permit revenues should be anticipated for 2006. As I have previously mentioned, permits are down in 2005 from a high of 551 in 2004. As of October 20, 386 new dwelling units have received permits. Fifty -five of those units are for the second phase of Bards Crossing Approximately 40 °/o of the permits are for single family detached homes, which have a higher value and therefore permit revenue, than attached housing. This housing split represents a return to what was previously experienced in the 2001, 2002, and 2003 where 34%, 45%, and 40° %o of new construction was detached. In 2004, 54% of the permits were for detached single family homes. Staff is expecting permits m 2006 to again be lower than the lugh of 2004 and slightly under what was experienced in 2003 (441 permits). There continues to be an approved inventory of lots that assures steady growth however, the lots are consolidated m a few projects where individual builders control the flow of work. The reduction m units and the return to lower valued attached housing construction versus detached, leads staff to be cautious about projecting revenues. A further reduction in building permits may be experienced in 2007 if developers in the 42/52 area do not begin to plat properties. The lag between city approval and house construction may lead to a decrease m permit revenues unless approvals can be obtained in early 2006 with utilities installed by the fall 2006 allowing unit construction in 2007. Revenues in 2005 have generally kept pace with projections even though permits are down. This is in part due to building projects m other land use categories Permit valuation for September 2005 versus September 2004 indicates that commercial valuation is 2 3 times greatet, industrial 6.5 times greater, and institutional valuations are 4 times greater. Often these are "one -time" projects that cannot be forecast at the time of budget compilation. While staff would expect that commercial and industrial growth will continue as compared to previous years, there is no way, with a high level of certainty, to accurately project future developments and associated revenues. Department Goals There are departmental goals that are reflected in the department budget. Since this is an opportunity to discuss the department, I have included the goals, or work plan, we anticipate undertaking in 2006. Planning Continue ordinance revisions including the industrial zoning districts and modifying residential distracts. Make Comprehensive Plan adjustments and start documenting changes to be reflected in the update scheduled for 2008. Codify ordinance and make it more accessible. Organize files and scan planning files. Building Continue current level of service for permit turn- around and scheduling of inspections. Close out old open building permit files. Serve as general contractor for City Hall remodeling project and assist where needed with fire station construction. Economic Development Continue work on Downtown Redevelopment including shepherding the core block east project through planning review and ensure appropriate communication to residents and businesses Marketing of entire community; 3 -4 major marketing pieces in 2006 with 3-4 postcards and finish and distribute marketing video Meet with businesses in community; targeting Business Park. Code Enforcement Sign ordinance update. Continue sequential enforcement program and evaluate for improvements or modifications. OCTOBER SPECIAL REPORT BUILDING ACTIVITY (10/20/05) 2005 CURRENT MONTH 2005 YEAR TO DATE YTD REVENUE YTD PLAN REVIEW FEES VALUATION 1 Commercial $1,161,000 00 $4,194,501.00 $38,700 75 $18,493 04 2 Industrial $92,242,440 00 $50,683 00 $31,609 25 3 Public /Inst $80,000 00 $13,335,645 00 $63,843 25 $23,634 33 4 Housing $3,868,038 00 $78,379,050 00 $610,985 38 $266,422 02 5 Total $5,109,038 00 $188,151,636 00 $764,212.38 $340,158 64 NEW /SUBSTANTIAL PROJECTS 1. Commercial $1,155,000 00 $3,836,724 00 2 Industrial $8,769,000.00 3 Public /Inst $13,199,145 00 4 Total $1,155,000 00 $25,804,869 00 NEW /SUBSTANTIAL PROJECTS 1 Commerical 2 7 2. Industrial 6 3 Public /Inst 8 4. Total 2 21 HOUSING UNITS 1 Detached 8 153 2. Attached /detached Townhomes 5 37 3 Multi family (in units) 6 196 4 Total 19 386 PERMITS 1 Building 71 1118 2 Heating 36 391 3 Plumbing 28 699 4 Sewer /water 12 245 5 Electrical 54 1148 6 Total 201 3601 INSPECTIONS 1 Numberoflnsp 597 9312 PROJECTS ISSUED 15047 Crestone Path Dunn Bros Coffee $115,000 14845 South Robert Tr Rudy's Red Eye Grill $1,040,000