HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Minutes of September 14, 2005 Council Work SessionMayor Droste invited audience input ITEM #6 0 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 6:31 p m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Baxter, Shoe Corngan, and Sterner present. Also m attendance were Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, City Clerk Jentmk, City Engineer Brotzler, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Assistant City Planner Lindahl, City Planner Pearson, Communication Coordinator Cox, and Community Development Director Lindquist. DISCUSSION a. 132 Court Sewer Water Service City Engineer Brotzler presented a petition dated August 24, 2005, from seven property owners on 132 Court, requesting improvements for street, sanitary sewer, and water. The City had also received a petition dated August 17, 2005, from five property owners on 132 Court, against improvements presented at an informational meeting held on August 17 for City Project 394, Phase II of CR 38 Improvements. Mr. Brotzler showed Council a map designating property owners, residents with non comphant sewer systems, and holding tanks or alternate sewer systems. Staff requested Council direction on how to proceed with the project plans and specifications for County Road 38 Phase II Improvements scheduled for the summer of 2006. Mr Brotzler stated that it would be unusual to have 100% of the property owners in agreement on any city project. Mr. Brotzler clanfied that for petition voting requirements; if less than 35% of the property owners request improvements, a 4 of 5 votes by Council is necessary. If more than 35% of the property owners have requested improvements than a 3 to 2 vote by Council could approve the project. Council requested clarification on cost, when residents are required to hook up, what happens if a resident's sewer system fails, and the risk of Keegan Lake contamination. Laxman Sundae, 2635 and 2637 132 Court, was against the improvements. Mr. Sundae asked for clarification on which properties would be included with the CR 38 Improvements. Mr. Brotzler explained that the Assessment Pohcy states that properties having driveway access on the street being improved would be assessed Mr. Brotzler noted that properties at 2693 and 2694 face CR 38 but have driveways on 132 Court. Mary Ahrens, 2665 132i Court, explained they had installed a new well for $5000 and they were not interested in paying again for a utihty they already have. Ms. Ahrens indicated they would like to have their home hook -up come from a different direction than proposed. Ms. Ahrens also stated that the assessment is a hardship for seniors Forrest Krogh, 2685 132 Court, was for the project Mr. Krogh reported that 2675 132 Court has a failed septic system that has to be pumped every three months at an expense of $142. Fein Krogh, 2685 132n Court, noted she would agree to the project if she can keep her well water for drinking water Ms. Krogh believes that city water is not healthy. Mayor Droste noted the City draws its water from the Jordan aquifer. Council Member Shoe Corrigan pointed out how much more expensive it would be for residents to add utility improvements when it is not related to a larger city project. Ms. Shoe Corrigan ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 acknowledged the assessment may be a hardship for some residents. She reported that Dakota County does have a program to help semors with this type of expense. Council Member Baxter stated that it is logical to make these improvements in conjunction with the improvements to the CR 38 project. Mr. Baxter stated that five or ten years in the future each property owner and Rosemount taxpayers would have to pay substantially more for this utility work. Mayor Droste directed staff to move forward with the feasibility report and to look at modifying the code to allow a ten -year deferment for hooking up to the utility stubbed to the property line. Council Member Sterner requested staff to find out about the county program for semors and provide telephone numbers to residents. Mr. Brotzler stated the formal feasibility report should be prepared for Council review at the October 4, 2005 regular City Council meeting. Mr. Krogh suggested contacting residents on 132" Court to confirm if 35% of the residents are in favor of the improvements. Mr Brotzler stated he would have the City Attorney review the information to determine the voting requirements. b. Pedestrian Facility Improvement Plan City Engineer Brotzler summarized Council direction, from a July 28 Special Work Session, regarding pnontizing the maintenance and addition of pedestrian trails Three additional shorter trails were proposed: Dearborn Path to 141' Court $16,000 Dander Court to Connemara Trail $12,000 Daffodil Path to 133r Court $18,000 Mt Brotzler noted that park improvements funds could possibly be used for these segments or the priority hst for the Pedestrian Facility Improvement Plan could be modified Council discussed the dual trail systems on collector streets having concrete side walks on one side and bituminous trails on the other side. Mayor Droste reported that pedestrians prefer bituminous because it is kinder to their body joints. Council Member Baxter questioned the need for this pedestrian program when budgets are so litmted. Mr. Baxter believes that safety issues need to be addressed first and to the extent we can, improve those trails. Mayor Droste stated that between the years 1980 and 1990 trails were not required when development occurred. Mr. Droste would like to see those neighborhoods connected to local parks and other trails throughout the City. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz confirmed that developers contribute to Park Dedication which is designed to improve or add to the park system. Mr. Schultz was comfortable using the funds for trail additions Mr Schultz described Connectivity Grants which the City could make application. Mr. Brotzler summarized that Council consensus was to add the three segments to the 2006 trail improvement. The trail priority hst will be modified. C. Mayor Droste delayed the presentation of Item 2.c. Commercial Zoning Text Amendments C3 and C4 until City staff was present 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 d. Proposed Gas and Electric Franchise Ordinance for Xcel Energy City Engineer Brotzler explained concerns in the City's franchise ordinance for franchise service areas that are not defined and providing for implementing franchise fees in the future. Council Member Baxter believed the City should be producing the franchise agreement, not the utility company, in order to include the mentioned regulations. Mayor Droste pointed out that in years past there was only one gas company and one cable company so there was no competition for the same service ateas Council advised staff that Xcel Energy should be notified their proposed franchise agreement would not be accepted Council had approved a regulauon on May 17, 2005 that requires utility companies to have in effect a current franchise agreement with the City. This stipulation requires Xcel Energy to negotiate franchise language with the City at the time of renewal. e. Pine Bend Cemetery Parks and Recreauon Director Schultz reported that Bernice Wenzel of the Pine Bend Cemetery Association recently inquired if the City would be interested in taking over the maintenance, operations and ownership of the Pine Bend Cemetery. Mr. Schultz explained that the Association has funds available to be used in the maintenance and up keep of the property. The cemetery does not have an affiliation with a church nor has Ms. Wenzel communicated with area churches. Council Member Sterner was m favor of preserving this history and noted that the City of Apple Valley acquired Lebanon Cemetery m a similar manner Mr. Schultz reported that Apple Valley held a referendum and spent $700,000 on improvements to Lebanon Cemetery. Mayor Droste stated Pine Bend Cemetery is isolated; no land could be acquired around it Mr. Droste advised that this may be the site where the first settlers to Rosemount are buried since some headstones are dated 1870. Ms. Droste suggested that perhaps the Friends of the Mississippi River or a local church that currently does not have a cemetery may be interested in obtauung it bit. Schultz was directed to pursue other organizations before the City considers management of the cemetery. Mayor Droste called for a short break at 8.05 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:13 p.m. c. Commercial Zoning Text Amendments, C -3 Highway Commercial, C -4 General Commercial Case 05 -25 -TA Assistant City Planner Lindahl recapped the modifications to the commercial district uses and development performance standards This issue had been discussed at the August 9 work session. Mr. Lindahl presented seven proposed changes which Council examined and gave direction to staff. 1. Restore `Education Services" as a perrrutted use m the C -4 District but limit this use to professional /for -profit entities. 2. Amend references to the definitions of contiguous and adjacent as it relates to neighboring properties by using "abuts or a common lot Ime 3. Screening hierarchy. 1) building, 2) landscaping and bermmg, 3) option of wall, or 4) fencing 4. Define decorative fence. Council discussed adding vinyl to the undesirable material list. A fence made of high quality, long lasting and ornamental materials including finished aluminum, wrought iron, brick and the like but not including wood, vinyl, unfinished metal, chain link, wire or barbed wire. 5. Proportional setbacks or buffer yards for commercial properties adjacent to residential uses especially adjacent to big box development Community Development Director Lindquist said a formula will be deternuned for Council's review. 3 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 6. Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS). Mr. Lindahl spoke with the City Building Official who reported that the material is acceptable and that in years past there was a problem with the installation of the material. Staff is comfortable with using EIFS for ornamental and signage /or sign band and accenting of building. 7. Form standards for pedestrian walkways. Clear and well lighted walkways shall extend throughout the site and parking area connecting building entrances to adjacent public sidewalks and any parking facilities located on the site. Said walkway(s) shall be made of high quality, long lasting, and decorative materials and incorporate architectural themes present m the surrounding building. Bituminous or asphalt material are prohibited. Mr. Lindahl pointed out the Planning Commission's goal to establish consistent and high quality development standards. He reviewed changes to the 360 degree architecture, 50% block face, and EIFS or masonry stucco for sign band areas and accents of more than 10% of the non -back or stone portion of a building. Council consensus approved of the changes. UPDATES a. Renaming of County Road 38 Assistant City Administrator Weitzel reviewed the request by the McMenomy family to rename County Road 38 (CR 38) to McMenomy Road. Dakota County recently turned CR 38 back to the City of Rosemount for maintenance, so it seems to be an appropriate time to consider renaming the road. Ms Weitzel reported that local historian Maureen Geraghty Bouchard indicated that a large area of land was owned by Edward McMenomy on CR 38, as shown on a map dated 1916. Ms. Weitzel stated the road was referenced as McMenomy Road in a 1922 census The home on the McMenomy land is m the process of being relocated to Heritage Village at the Dakota County Fair grounds Ms. Lindquist noted a road name change would be inconvenient and an additional expense for residents to update financial and personal information. Mayor Droste encouraged residents input on the name change and suggested that additional names be added for feedback. Dakota County street naming policy indicated it would prefer east -west roads remain as numbers Ms Weitzel confirmed that we currently have streets that do not match Dakota County's current practices. The section of CR 38 east of Highway 3 currently has three names; 132n Street, Bonaire Avenue, and CR 38. Mr. Baxter noted it would be best to have this street have one name rather than three. Council consensus was to hold a public meeting and take street name suggestions from the public. Fire Station No. 2/City Hall Remodel Update Assistant Administrator Weitzel gave an update from a meeting with AMCON to prepare for a pre bid meeting on Thursday, September 15 for Fire Station No.2. The bids will be accepted on September 29, ground breaking should be m November. A meeting for the city hall remodeling was held for a conference room reconfiguration, bathrooms and police locker room upgrades. The remodeling project should begin m November. Downtown Redevelopment/Park Dedication Fee Council Member Sterner requested that staff keep flexibility in trend with the downtown redevelopment project and to maintain fluid communications with the business owners and residents affected Mr. Sterner was concerned that the developer CPDC has not paid their Park Dedication fees according to the minutes of the August 22, 2005 Parks and Recreation Commission. Staff will research the park dedication fees. Hurricane Relief Collection Box Mayor Droste reminded all those attending a collection box for Hurricane Katrina relief is in the City Hall lobby. He thanked staff for encouragmg the commumty to participate in this charity. Motion by Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -36. 5 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentmk, City Clerk Recording Secretary