HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Annual Review of CUP for Irish Sports DomeAGENDA ITEM: Annual Review of CUP for Irish Sport Dome AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AG ATTACHMENTS: Approved Resolution, Letter from Lindquist dated 1/27/05, Letter from Otto dated 2/24/05, email from Otto received April 13, 2005 APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION: City Council Meeting Date. April 19, 2005 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION ISSUE The Conditional Use Permit for the Irish Sports Dome requires an annual review of the permit The permit was issued in March 2004 and therefore review of the permit is required at this time. However, while the permit was approved by the Council in March, the Dome has been in operation only since fall. Due to some of the operational concerns occurring at the site, generally relating to parking, staff believes a review and discussion by the Council now, with another review in six months would be prudent. BACKGROUND In 2003 the city started discussions with Irish Sports Dome, LLC regarding construction of a facility that would be located on school district property. The Dome obtained conditional use permit approval in March 2004 with the following 15 conditions: 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission which include no overflow parking at Schwartz Pond Park for the Dome use, allowing ponding on the Park site consistent with the November 18, 2003 plans and execution of a cross access and maintenance agreement for the dnveway connection into the park and community center. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer comments identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb gutter 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sports Dome, L.L.G. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees to include the following: a. Water Trunk Area Charge in the amount of $9,664.10 b. Water Access Charge for 6 -inch meter in the amount of $24,315.00 c. Storm Sewer Access Charge in the amount of $14,701.00 d. Ponding fee for off-site ponding to be determined upon final drainage plan. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter, unless modified by the Council, with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section12.7.E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The conditional use permit is conditioned upon approval of the lease agreement between Irish Dome LLC and the School District 196 and the City of Rosemount. 14. No signage is permitted on the Dome facility itself. 15. The Dome facility must be opaque and one solid, neutral color. DISCUSSION In the limited amount of time the Dome has been in operation, there have been several documented incidents when the operation has been out of compliance with the approved Conditional Use Permit The primary issue revolves around parking for the business. A secondary issue is the traffic generation and the parking study conducted as part of the initial city review. The study had estimated, based upon information from the applicant, that most traffic would enter and exit the site from Highway 3, with some exiting also occurring to the north Staff met with Jody Otto and Eric Heflin two weeks ago to discuss operations at the Dome There were several suggestions as to how the parking issue could be addressed. From staffs perspective the number one goal is to provide more on -site parking so that customers do not spill over into Schwarz Pond Park or the Community Center The operational plan approved 2 by the City, and submitted by the applicant, had indicated that when parking became a problem, additional parking would occur on school district property with a shuttle service to the Dome. To our knowledge this has not occurred Rather parking on immediately adjacent properties, the two city properties, has occurred. The operational plan, and the CUP, requires staggered start times for games so that parking is not an issue. This would also assist in traffic concerns While the owners have indicated that they require staggered times when renting the space, they have indicated that users do not necessarily abide by the staggered times Additionally, there have been events that do not lend themselves to staggering, such as the soccerfest, which prompted an extreme overflow parking problem. Staff indicated that we would be willing to recommend modifying the CUP to delete the staggered start time requirement if additional parking could be obtained. The owners have proposed a six solution concept for addressing parking. The information is attached and briefly described below: 1. Parking lot striping 2. Better enforcement with rental customers 3. Installation of signage 4. Use of a parking lot attendant 5 Expansion of the parking lot on -site 6. Off -site parking expansion Staff supports the first three ideas and would look forward to their swift implementation. All parking lots in the city should be striped and it was only due to the time of year for installation that did not allow that to occur last fall. However, we are disappointed that the operational plan requirement for shuttle service and the expansion of parking, something we discussed at the recent meeting are low on the priorities or not mentioned at all. It would be our expectation that until the approval is amended; parking at the district lot with a shuttle service will be used as needed for particular events. The commitments for staggered start times, and the use of the northern access as an "exit only" also impacts traffic from the site. The Council may remember staff has expressed concerns about the ability of Dodd and Connemara to handle the amount of traffic that could be generated from the site. Due to these concerns, the council approved a one -way access from the north. The owner should recognize that increased traffic demand will prompt road improvements and they will be assessed based upon the demand they put on the infrastructure system. All previous representations stated that Highway 3 would be the primary access to the site and that the north access would be for emergency vehicles and exiting to disburse traffic. There are numerous instances of people entering the "out" drive and this needs to be addressed. Part of the problem with the northern access is its width. Engineering had required a 16' drive 3 aisle so it was clear that the drive was one -way only. The Fire Marshall indicated that the drive needed to be 20' in width for emergency vehicles. Unfortunately, when it was constructed it was built to 24' in width. Last winter, staff informed the operator that the drive aisle needs to be reduced to 20' this spring when construction is possible. The owners are asking not to make that change, and instead are proposing use of a swinging gate. Depending upon the exact design this solution may be acceptable The owners should submit the gate information and provide locational detail prior to a final decision being made. CONCLUSION When the Dome review initially occurred it was difficult to estimate the impact of the project as there are few comparables in the area. We have experienced several instances where operation of the Dome has resulted in non compliance with the approved conditional use permit. Options available to the Council when non compliance occurs are ignoring the situation, amending the permit, and revocation of the permit. At this time, staff is recommending that the Council continue the review so that the owner can implement the first four parking strategies outlined in their memo. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and make note of non compliant situations as they arise. Staff intends to bring this item before the Council in the fall when a full operational year -has occurred. Perhaps with the modifications proposed an amendment to the permit will be unnecessary. However, the owner should be put on notice that if additional parking problems are experienced, staff would expect that additional parking spaces will be installed or there will be limits imposed on the operation of the Dome to ensure negative impacts do not occur on adjoining properties. 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 -30 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR IRISH SPORTS DOME, L.L.C. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount has received an application for a conditional use permit from Irish Sports Dome, L L C onginally on August 20, 2003 for the property legally described as follows. That part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter Commencing at the Southwest comer North on a Westerly lute 24 75 feet East on a parallel Southerly line 1,027.13 feet to the Beginning, Thence, North 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds West 775.50 feet 50 feet East to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet South 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds East 775.50 feet West to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet to the Beginning, Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City required additional information in order to process the request, Additional information was received on September 23, 2003 in order for a public hearing that was conducted on October 14, 2003 by the Flaming Commission to provide information regarding the proposed conditional use; and, WHEREAS, the public hearing identified concerns regarding site access, vehicle trip generation, lighting, hours of operation, parking, storm water management, and, WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted a traffic impact study and a grading plan with storm water management strategy as requested by the City; and. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion after closing the public heanng on February 10, 2004 to recommend approval of the conditional use subject to conditions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use pemut for Irish Dome, L.L.C. subject to: 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission which include no overflow parking at Schwartz Pond Park for the Dome use, allowing ponding on the Park site consistent with the November 18, 2003 plans and execution of a cross access and mamtenance agreement for the driveway connection into the park and community center. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer cominents identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004. 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb gutter. 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with conunercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome based on staggered start tunes of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration No fields will start or end at the same time. Insh Sports Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees to include the following: a. Water Trunk Area Charge in the amount of $9,664.10 b. Water Access Charge for 6 -inch meter in the amount of $24,315.00 c. Stoma Sewer Access Charge in the amount of $14,701.00 d. Ponding fee for off -site ponding to be determined upon final drainage plan. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter, unless modified by the Council, with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section12.7.E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The conditional use permit is conditioned upon approval of the lease agreement between Irish Dome LLC and the School District 196 and the City of Rosemount. 14. No signage is permitted on the Dome facility itself. 15. The Dome facility must be opaque and one solid, neutral color. RESOLUTION 2004 -30 ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk RESOLUTION 2004 -30 Motion by: DeBettignies Second by: Riley Voted in favor: Droste, Riley, Strayton, DeBettignies Voted against: None Member absent: Shoe Corrigan January 27, 2005 Mr. Eric Heflin Irish Sports Dome 12506 Danbury Way Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Heflin: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 657- 423 -6219 Fax* 651 -423 -5203 I am wnting regarding issues that arose during the use of the Irish Sports Dome on January 22, 2005. It is my understanding that the Dome was host to a soccer festival which included tables set up by vendors and soccer clubs as well as stations where children could participate in different soccer skills. City staff witnessed parking by Dome patrons in the Schwarz Pond Park parking lot as well as parking at the City Community Center. Several estimates of total attendees put the amount above the 299 cap set by the Fire Marshall. I have reviewed the conditional use permit conditions and the operational plan presented by you and the owners during the application and review process Based upon the above information, the operation of the Dome on January 22, 2005 did not comply with the conditions of your permit. The City Zoning Ordinance states that (12.7E) "Failure to comply with any condition set forth in a CUP, or any other violation of City Code provisions, shall also constitute sufficient cause for the termination of the CUP by the Council following a public hearing." The following lists specific conditions of approval that are applicable: Condition 1 Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. Comment: Additional enforcement is needed at the Dodd exit to the site. Patrons are using the driveway for access both into and out of the site. This is inconsistent with the approval for the Dome and is considered a violation of the conditional use permit. Please also be aware that non compliance with the condition and operational plan of "no more than 30 vehicles entering and exiting the site at any one time" may trigger traffic and circulation improvements to adjoining local streets which will be assessed back to the Dome property on a pro -rata basis. Condition 2 implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission which include no overflow parking at Schwarz Pond Park for the Dome use, allowing ponding on the Park site consistent with the November 18, 2003 plans and execution of a cross access and maintenance agreement for the driveway connection into the park and community center. Comment: Dome patrons parked in the Schwarz Pond Park parking lot. Overflow parking was a problem on January 22, 2005 with Dome patrons using the Park parking lot and the community center parking lot The parking lot in the park was not "plowed out" and public works staff was called to clear snow so that more Park parking would be available for the Dome use. Use of the Park for overflow parking is a violation of the conditional use permit. Further, City staff noted that portions of the parking lot associated with the Dome were not cleared of snow for patron use. This means that parking stalls intended for users on -site were not available forcing more patrons to use off-site facilities. All use of the Dome should be accommodated by the parking provided on -site Every effort needs to be taken by the Dome operators to make all on -site parking available for patron use, prior to directing them to any off -site parking. The operational plans submitted and approved specifically states, "Overflow parking for larger events will be directed to the high school parking areas with shuttle service to the dome." The primary overflow parking area was the city park and community center not the school lots. No shuttle service was provided which is inconsistent with the operational plan and is a violation of the conditional use permit. Condition 5 The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb and gutter. Comment: It is recognized that parking stalls were constructed with the installation of the Dome. These stalls must be accessible to Dome patrons at all times which means that adequate maintenance and snow removal is necessary. Should the Dome exceed on -site parking available the City will require installation of additional parking spaces on- site. Condition 6 The Dome operations must be consistent with the operations plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sport Dome based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sport Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. Comment: It is clear that the conditions of the operational plan listed above were not met on January 22, 2005 There were no staggered times and more than 30 vehicles entered and exited the site. Supplemental information provided by you indicated that for larger events alternative parking, such as use of the high school parking areas will be used. Planning for large events that do not comply with the typical operations of the Dome must be made in advance and implemented during the event Failure to do so is inconsistent with representations made during the City review process and is a violation of the approved conditional use permit. Condition 12 The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter, unless modified by the Council, with the .standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section 12.7E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. Comment: Staff will be monitoring the operations of the Dome and documenting any additional violations. These will be used as the basis for renewal, amendment, or revocation of the Conditional Use Permit during the annual review. A significant departure from the approved conditions will prompt Council review of the Permit prior to the annual review date. The Fire Marshall has determined that the Dome has a capacity of 299 people. Occupancy above that number will require installation of a sprinkler system to the structure. It is up to the owners and operators of the Dome to ensure safety requirements are being met. Failure to ensure occupancy limits are being met will cause the City to take legal action, along with the sprinkler installation. In conclusion, the City has consistently been supportive of the Dome project and wants it to be economically and operationally successful in the community However, there is the expectation that it will function consistent with the approved conditional use permit and you will comply with the representations you made during the review process. Failure to do so will prompt amendments to the conditional use permit or could ultimately lead to revocation of the permit. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 651 322 -2020. Sincerely, Kim Lindquist, AICP Community Development Director cc: Mayor and City Council Members Mike Manning, Athletic Director Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Rick Pearson, City Planner George Lundy, Fire Marshall February 24, 2005 Kim Lindquist, AICP Community Development Director 2875 14 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Kim: In response to you letter regarding "Soccerfest:" The event in question, "Soccerfest," was a fundraiser organized and promoted by Rosemount High School and their soccer coach Mike Floersch. The proceeds from the event went to his high school soccer program We arranged to cover the cost of his time in the facility with a donation. Mike wanted to use this event to promote the relationship he is trying to create between his high school soccer program and youth soccer in Rosemount. Since it was a high school related event we were not involved in the planning•.. s l, ,r•1_4 i,,1 .1 This event also happened to coincide with not: Only, firstsnowfall that wethad to clear; it ibas'also a'signifroant snowfall (still the largest snowfall,of the.seasoa). This was the first "event" that deviated from our regular daily operations. We learned a great deal from this experience and have taken multiple steps to prevent the problems that occurred from reoccurring again in the future. Addressing your comments: We have closed the gate exiting into Schwarz Pond Park for this season. We noticed that even when we plowed the snow to single lane no more than 10' wide, clearly one lane, and people continued to drive in via that entrance We installed twice the number of signs that were required, clearly marking it as a one -way, and people still ignore the signs We are open to suggestions, but our thought was that if people continually found that "entrance" closed they would stop trying to come in that way and potentially in the future it can be reopened. We removed all of the snow from the parking lot Friday night (finishing at 2 00 a.m. Saturday) only to fincq out upon return' at 5:Q inthe,n'rorrling that the high�winds night had blown even more snow into the lot. We attempted to remove this snow, but as customer cars started to enter the lot this became more and more difficult We never adequately removed the snow to open up all of our parking spots Additionally, we have noticed that without striping on the asphalt yet (or if it is snow covered) people tend to not park as close and orderly so we lost more spots because of this. Lastly, we have asked our larger groups (where there tend to be more parents, for example at a tryout, to car pool or else use the overflow parking in the high school parking lot To address this we now remove snow starting at 5:00 am rather than the night before. Additionally, we spent several thousand dollars and had our tractor fitted with a Large plow instead of a bucket on the front (it still has a large snow blower on the back) and this has significantly increased the speed with which we can plow Lastly, we have also contracted with a local snow removal company to be called in if necessary for larger snowfalls, which we have since done We feel this will resolve our snow removal issues Regarding overflow parking supposed to be utilizing the high school lots, we had expected_the high school and their soccer coach to communicate this to the participants. We have communicated this better to our customers to utilize this, and informed them that if they feel a shuttle of some sort is necessary we will arrange it. The biggest error of the event revolved around the marketing Mike advertised a free T- Shirt for the first 150 participants. This created a "rush" to be there early to get a T -Shirt. Plus, in addition to participants (since the dome had only been open for a week) there was a great deal of curiosity among parents to see the facility. The mayor was there shaking hands and many of the participants had both parents coming into the facility with them. This is not our typical customer who clearly tends to drop their child off. When it was apparent there was going to be a capacity issue, we had two individuals count the occupants to make sure we did not exceed 300. Hence a line formed where customers had to wait to enter until someone had left. Capacity was never exceeded. To prevent this from ever occurring again, we have added language to our rental contract that requires pre approval of all advertising for any event (high school included). We were not aware of the T -Shirt give away until after the flyers and emails had been distributed. We had been expecting 150 participants staggered over a 3 -hour period. Furthermore, since we typically may have two organizations using the facility at the same time (i.e RAAA Baseball and Dakota Rev Soccer) we have added language to our rental agreement that requires each organization to identify how many participants they are going to have, and if they exceed this figure without prior approval from us they are subject cancellation without refund. This way we can effectively monitor the number of participants across multiple customers We have also notified our customers that if they expect a large number of parent spectators (i e at a tryout) they must understand we have the right to linut the spectators to maintain our capacity limit. We have reviewed our entire rental schedule for February, March and April to ensure staggering of events, and continue to do so. We have addressed these issues with Mike Floersch and he is extremely apologetic and concerned with how the event transpired If this event is held next year he has already agreed that participants will pre- register for specific time slots, he will allow for a half hour of transition time between groups, and a shuttle will be available from the high school. The failures of this event quickly highlighted several problems for our facility and we feel we have addressed them. To review 1 We have communicated more effectively with the high school and their individual coaches that the same rules that apply to our rental activities apply to all high school functions 2. We have upgraded our on site snow removal equipment and comracted for back up. if necessary 3. We have shut the access to Schwarz Park until either customer are better "trained" to not expect that to be open as an entrance or some other solution is worked out. This not only stops the wrong -way traffic it eliminates any overflow parking in Schwarz Park. 4. We have altered our contract to more closely monitor the number of participants at an event and across multiple events. 5. We have reviewed our schedule and stressed to our customers the need to maintain the staggering in the schedule and to not arrive too early or stay after their time slot We have altered our contract to require pre approval of any advertisement pertaining to a customer's usage of the facility. This allows us to ensure that the event meets the criteria we all expect. Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, ody Otto Irish Sports Dome, LLC Received via email 4 /13/05 We are looking to improve our parking and customer flow for next winter based upon what we have learned over the past 90 days since opened. The two primary issues that have arose are the use of the one -way exit drive way and occasional over flow parking from events. These are some of the solutions we have at this point and we are open to further discussions. Regarding the exit only issue: We have routinely locked the gates on the one way out driveway to discourage people from using this roadway an entrance to the dome from the park and Conemera. We propose placing a swing type gate at the top of the roadway nearest the park that would reduce the road to 16' but have the capability to open to the full 24' for emergency vehicles, since the local emergency providers would prefer a 24' access. The gate will have the Do Not enter sign placed prominently on it. We can continue to lock the gate for most events. Over time customers will learn that they cannot rely on the gate being open and planning on using this as an entrance. Regarding the parking: The first solution for parking is to paint the actual stalls on the lot. We have room for 146 stalls but without the lines being painted due to the weather Last winter the lot has never been able to adequately hold the expected number of cars. We physically counted the cars in the lot when it was full two weekends ago and there were only 106 cars. The spacing between the cars was tremendous. These forty spaces we feel goes a long -way towards solving our parking overflow problem and is clearly the first step to be taken. The lot will be stripped before next season. The second solution is contractual changes with our customers so that they understand the importance of scheduling and parking properly. This includes the right for us to halt their event if there is a parking problem until such problem is solved. We implemented this two weekends ago when some parents parked in the lot at the park even though we had space in our lot. We stopped their soccer games until the cars were moved into our lot. These problems have only occurred during "events" that are organized by customers who typically rent a block of time and create their own schedule within this time. We are going to require these customers as part of their contract to supply us with their scheduling and expected capacity usage. If shuttling from the school lot is necessary we will provide this for the customer. Regardless, the customers now know that their event will be interrupted if there is a parking problem and they will lose that time that it takes to fix the problem. Fortunately, as we are already scheduling next year, we expect to have fewer of these events next year. The third solution is placing signs (we will provide the signs) in the Schwarz Pond parking lot and the Community Center lot that parking for the dome is not allowed and violators will be towed. When it came to light two weekends ago that people park in these lots even when our lot is not full it clearly is an education/communication issue with our customers. The fourth solution that we are implementing for next season is a paid parking lot attendant for any time the lot is approaching full. We have hired multiple local high school (or recently post high school) children to work in the dome arid we will have one of these employees stationed in the lot when necessary. This attendant will ensure overflow parking goes to the high school lot and not Schwarz Park or the Community Center. The fifth solution is expanding our parking lot within the boundaries of our leased space. We can add a limited number of spaces (20 -30 estimate) in the southeast comer of our leased space. We are not opposed to doing this if our first three solutions do not rectify the problem next season. Solution #1 in particular provides substantial parking relief creating 25% more parking. The sixth solution, expanding parking south of the dome into school and is out of our control and the high school has indicated they are not interested in creating a parking lot on the space at this point in time since they are still using is as a practice infield. Given that this is a new venture with only a little over 90 days of experience we have learned a great deal about how to manage the problem, as evidenced by how we forced the cars to move out of the Schwarz Park lot two weekends ago. The area has parking issues as evidenced by the overflow parking from the community center that has routinely used our lot on varsity hockey game nights and more recently by the national guard. The school has had parking issues with the community center lot as well. We want to work towards solutions but clearly we are not the sole creator of overflow parking in the area.