HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Highlands of Hawkins Pond, Kathy Trimble Final Plat 05-18-FPAGENDA ITEM: 05 -18 -FP Highlands of Hawkins Pond (Kathy Trimble) Final Plat AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Planner ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Final Plat, Planned Unit Development Agreement, Draft 04/26/05 PC Minutes, 03/15/05 CC Minutes, 02/22/05 PC Minutes, Location Map, Lot Illustrations APPROVED B' �y RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution granting Final Plat for the property located at 4101 143 Street West to allow subdivision of the existing 1.84 acre property into three single family lots, subject to conditions. ACTION: City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION SUMMARY The applicant, Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, requests Final Plat approval for Highlands of Hawkins Pond. This development subdivides the existing 1.84 acre Hawkins property located at 4101 143 Street West into three single family lots. Currently, this site contains a single family home on 1.84 acres. Lot 1 will retain the existing home while Lots 2 and 3 will each contain a new residence. Applicant Property Owner(s): Location: Area in Acres: Number of Lots Density: Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: Kathy Tnmble Custom Homes, Inc. 4101 143 Street West (Lot 11, Block 2 Hawkins Pond) 1.84 Acres (80,205 square feet) 3 Lots 1.63 Units /Acres Urban Residential PUD R -1, Single Family Residential BACKGROUND This project received Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan (with rezoning) and Final Site and Building Plan approvals from the City Council on March 15, 2005 Prior to these approvals, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the items during their February 22, 2005 regular meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW The Planning Commission reviewed the Final Plat during their April 26, 2005 meeting and found it consistent with the Preliminary Plat and Final Site and Building Plan. As a result, this item received unanimous consent approval. DISCUSSION The following is a brief summary of the changes made to the plat during the review process. These changes were incorporated into the plans reviewed and approved by the City Council on March 15, 2005. The rear lot line between lots 2 3 has been modified as approved by the Commission. The applicant has adjusted the shared driveway so it can meet the Fire Marshall's standards for appropriate grade. The applicant has submitted a tree preservation plan which conforms to the ordinance requirements. The City Council approval included a condition requiring a conservation easement along the south and west to preserve existing mature trees. There were no additional conditions in the PUD approval that regulated building setbacks, additional site landscaping, or house design. The standards that will be applied are those consistent with the existing ordinance criteria. PUD AMDENDMENT The applicant is also requesting a minor PUD amendment as a separate application. The request is to modify the conservation easement previously approved during the PUD and preliminary plat approval process. Although the applicant did not raise the issue at that time, she is now interested in reducing the amount of area covered by the conservation easement. Staff is agreeable to the change although is requiring a modification to the proposed easement to incorporate preservation of trees along the front property line, exclusion of the accessory structure and allow installation of the shared driveway. This item is a separate action item on the agenda. CONCLUSION Staff finds the Highlands of Hawkins Pond Final Plat consistent with the Preliminary Plat and Final Site and Budding Plan and therefore recommends Final Plat approval for this 3 lot subdivision, subject to conditions. This recommendation is based on the plans submitted by the applicant and the findings made in this report. RECOMMENDATION Approve the draft resolution. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR HIGHLANDS OF HAWKINS POND WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Kathy Trimble Custom Homes on March 22, 2005 requesting a Final Plat for the Highlands of Hawkins Pond, legally described as: Lots 1, 2 and Lot 3, Highlands of Hawkins Pond WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat Master Development Plan, rezoning from R1 to PUD R -1, and Final Site and Building Plan were rev sewed by the Planning Commission on February 22, 2005 and approved by the City Council on March 15, 2005; and WHEREAS, on April 26, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Final Plat for Highlands of Hawkins Pond located at 4101 143 Street West and found it consistent with the above mentioned approvals; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat for Highlands of Hawkins Pond. subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Final Plat; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Final Plat for Highlands of Hawkins Pond, subject to: 1. Execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement. 2. Dedication of cross access easements and recording of a maintenance agreement for shared access to Lots 1 and 2. 3. The shared driveway for Lots 1 and 2 shall conform to the Fire Marshall's 9 percent slope standard and the applicant shall record an agreement against Lots 1 and 2 relieving any emergency service provider from liability should their vehicles damage the private driveway. 4. Payment of all applicable development fees including 2 units of park dedication calculated using the current fee schedule at the time of Final Plat. Trunk Sewer Area Charges 1.84 AC x $1,045/AC $1,922.80 Trunk Water Area Charge =1.84 AC x $4,210 /AC $7,746.40 Trunk Storm Area Charge 1.84 AC x $6,015/AC $11,067.60 Sewer Connection Fees SAC units are calculated by MCES MCES Fee $1,450 /SAC City Fee= $1,160 /SAC Water Connection (WAC), Single Family Residential $1,410 Storm Connection (STAC) $670 per lot RESOLUTION 2005 5. Recording of a conservation easement over the southern 10 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3 and the western portions of Lot 1 to maintain the significant trees massing as illustrated on the approved conservation easement consistent with the approval and condition found in the PUD Minor Amendment 05- 24 -AMD. ADOPTED this seventeenth day of May, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk William H Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this 17th day of May, 2005, by Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, Inc. a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount, Minnesota "City in connection with the approval of an application for a planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property, and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the planned unit development would not have been approved; and 1 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the "Declaration and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2005 27, Attachment Two b. Final Plat, Attachment Three c. Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, Utility Plan, Grading Erosion Control Plan, Attachment Four d. Existing Conditions Plan Tree Preservation Plan, Attachment Five all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Existing landscaping shall be preserved and maintained in conformance with the attached Tree Preservation Plan (Attachment Nine). 2 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2, and 3 of these Declarations unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of developers of the Subject Property, the following variances from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 6.5.f.2.a. Minimum Lot Requirements Minimum Lot Width. Interior lots 80 feet wide at the 30 foot front yard setback line. Lot 2 may be 50 feet wide at the 30 foot front yard setback line from 143 Street. b. 503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. The Declarant has recorded a liability waiver against Lots 1, 2 and 3 relieving any emergency service provider from liability should their vehicles damage a private driveway. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. 3 (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN and on behalf of said DECLARANT By Its By The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by the and the for and on behalf of a by 4 Its Notary Public Exhibit A Legal Description Existing Legal Description: Lot 11, Block 2, Hawkins Pond, Dakota County. Proposed Legal Description: Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Highlands of Hawkins Pond, Dakota County. Attachment 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 0 PA 44,08 Z n 1 rt r p Qm S L ,,mantt nua, 24,ZZ5Cr'n 1px; 1 11,AS7CT L q y h, 8 1 2 1 L L r N. lu2 .t8 J`• ML,flt 2. SHANNON MEADOW'S to 0 0 1 r, 5 z 0 0 cP 0 O -4 i Co CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 27 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELI_MINARY PLAT, MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR HIGHLANDS OF HAWKINS PONDS WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, Inc. requesting Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan, and Final Site and Building Plan concerning property located at 4101 143` Street West to allow subdivision of the existing 1.84 acre property into three single family lots, legally described as: Lot 11, Block 2, Hawkins Pond, Dakota County WHEREAS, on February 22, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan, and Final Site and Building Plan for Highlands of Hawkins Pond; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing for review of the Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan, and Final Site and Building Plan application as required by Ordinance B, the Zoning Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan, and Final Site and Building Plan subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on March 15, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan, and Final Site and Building Plan applications for Highlands of Hawkins Pond and adopted a motion for approval by this resolution subject to conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat to the Highlands of Hawkins Pond, subdividing Lot 11, Block 2, Hawkins Pond, Dakota County into Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 1, Highlands of Hawkins Pond, Dakota County, subject to 1. Design the shared driveway for Lots 1 and 2 to conform to the Fire Marshall's 9 percent slope standard and record an agreement against Lots 1 and 2 relieving any emergency service provider from liability should their vehicles damage a private dnveway or spnnkle the homes on Lots 1 and 2 while building the shared driveway to meet the typical Engineering Department standards including a 10 percent maximum slope. 2. Payment of all applicable development fees including 2 units of park dedication calculated using the current fee schedule at the time of Final Plat. Attachment 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Master Development Plan and Final Site Plan and Building Plan of Highlands of Hawkins Pond, subject to: 1. Submission of a detailed landscape and tree preservation plan illustrating all new and preserved plants and retaining walls prior to City Council action. 2. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement between the applicant and the City. 3. Dedication of cross access easements and recording of a maintenance agreement for shared access to Lots 1 and 2. 4. Issuance of a building permit. 5. Recording of a conservation easement over the southern 10 feet of all three lots and the western 80 feet of Lot 1 to maintain the significant trees missing as illustrated on the tree preservation plan. ADOPTED this 15 day of March, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, Cit erk William H. Droste, Mayor 2 RESOLUTION 2005 -2 7 Motion by: DeBettignies Second by: Shoe Corrigan Voted in favor Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner Voted against: None Member absent: None E LL tMANNGN fr ADO#S Attachment 3 81L211G'tS Of •S PO +D CONS n'.7•0% ➢:.es GTBY TR/✓8LI CL)r0✓ BO✓£S HEDL UND Attachment 4 4.,..:,.., r --61 fit .7-,-9 1/ /7-rn----1--- —74.7j,r, 1 fr F-1 I; i, i ,I El' 1 if 1 I ..q..... Y i li'... -7,:-.. c, H 7 y,, p. /4 1 57 .11 le i i.„- i rt •i .7 NI .11 14 1 11_t:4711t b ttr-1 ;;-,z 72,--e, _L. i L J .2 ii •I .t- .-z7.,,. J1 1 C, FtE irl, I 1-1-Li 1 'I %Ike] „:19,..„•dp-tri,:',---,,aii 11 Th ii'l I: I 11 a k. i '1 1 i pi ri t ri. -Y, fr.17))9II I iri: ]r] 3 1;1 4 Z 4. 11/42.7\ i .i.:i 1 1 I A '.I I' ',-.1 1 4 I 6D j Fri 1 3.1 i; 1,1 4 4 1: I -,A, M-I..1 ..i.. I P -r1 9,:^2 ;51, ii III 9 N iir' 1 2 ,I I \1, 9\ r 1.1 99 s 65 II L tfri t,i- Ft f Ht- ?I' 1J-t ---J4 6:: H :Th. itrf J j r 1 7, i li 11,. 1"11:C.iff•••••••••'-‘”et r Lj ii. 1,..9, I I i j 1 j: 41 0. 1 i 7 H, 1 H 1 7. ir; 1-4Jelak :J..? Pj ii l 'P j r i 4, i iiL J. ,,,"k. 1 I! rralc-- i .1/4 li t-1 i l Li f I t.r rHJCYLLVZS n al; thy e P 3 0 E N fi KATIfY TNICLE CUSTOM BOWES las€ Cow MIZZ :T annfinnon J _HEDLUND Attachment 5 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 26, 2005 Consent Agenda: 4A. Approval of the February 8, 2005 Work Session Minutes. 4B. Approval of the February 22, 2005 Minutes. 4C. Approval of the March 8, 2005 Work Session Minutes. 4D. Approval of the March 29, 2005 Work Session Minutes. 4E. Approval of the April 12, 2005 Work Session Minutes. 4F. Continuation of Case 05 -15 -ZA GlenRose of Rosemount (Dean Johnson) Rezoning and Case 05 -16 -PP GlenRose of Rosemount (Dean Johnson) Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan. 4G. 05 -17 -FP Harmony 2 Addition (CPDC) Final Plat. 4H. 05 -18 -FP Highlands of Hawkins (Kathy Trimble) Final Plat. MOTION by Humphrey to approve the Consent Agenda Items. Second by Zum. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey and Powell. Nayes: None Motion carried. Excerpt from the Regular City Council Meeting of March 15, 2005 Consent Agenda Council Member Sterner requested Consent items 6.m, and 6.n. be pulled for discussion. Mayor Droste requested that item 6 r. be pulled for discussion. MOTION by DeBettignies to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of item r., s. and t. and the removal of m., n and r. for discussion. Second by Shoe Corrigan Ayes: Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner. Nays None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of March 1, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting b. Minutes of March 3, 2005 Special Meeting, Commissioner Interviews c. Bills Listing d. Receive Donation for Parks Recreation Department e. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account for Parks Recreation Department f. Encumbrance of 2004 Budget Items Forward to 2005 g. Fund Balance Transfer/Encumbrance h. Medical Leave for a Firefighter i. Dakota County Drug Task Force Joint Powers Agreement j. Payment #6 Final for Keegan Lake Outlet, City Project 343A k. Payment #8 Final for Evermoor Clare Downs and Crosscroft Street Utility Improvements, City Projects 358 and 359 Receive Bids /Award Contract for Well No. 14, City Project 382 1. o. Set Special Meetings for Fire Station #2 P. Set Public Hearing Date for the Issuance of Bonds for Fire Station #2 q. Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, Inc. PUD Master Development Plan and Final Site and Building Plan and Preliminary Plat r. Add On Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater s. Add -On Driveway Easement for Wiklund Property t. Add -On Community of Hope Lutheran Church Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of February 22, 2005 Public Hearing: 5B. Case 05 -12 -PUD and 05 -08 -PP Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, Inc. PUD Master Development Plan (with Rezoning) and Final Site and Building Plan and Preliminary Plat. City Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Kathy Trimble Custom Homes, Inc. requests Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan and Final Site and Building Plan and Preliminary Plat approvals for the Hawkins property located at 4101 143` Street West. Chairperson Messner asked the Commission if they had any questions for Mr. Lindahl. Commissioner Powell questioned whether it is known which of the four utility services is connected to the existing house and whether a utility easement is required. He wanted to make sure there wasn't service connection crossing over on to another lot. Mr. Lindahl stated he would confirm that with the engineering department. Mr Powell also asked staff to follow through if the approval confines runoff from Lot 2 be to Lot 2 and doesn't cross over to Lot 3 or a drainage easement may be needed if it can't be confined to that single lot. Chairperson Messner asked if the applicant would like to come forward. Kathy Trimble, 1566 Wexford Court, Eagan, stated the brief history of her company and her interest in the Hawkins' site. Ms Trimble said she intended to work with the City on the driveway issues. Ms. Trimble also stated she plans to save as many trees as possible and the current driveway plan would only cause the loss of two trees. Her intentions are to create something the neighbors and the Hawkins can be proud of. Chairperson Messner asked the applicant if she knew with the existing home which of any existing services is tied into the home. Ms. Trimble stated that Ed McMenomy believes the utilities on the west side of the property were the ones that were brought into the house. The four utilities were requested by the Hawkins thinking that some day this property may be developed. Commissioner Humphrey asked which of the houses shown in the materials will be built on Lot 2. Ms. Trimble stated she was hoping to move the lot lines as shown in the artist's rendering so the rear lot would be 148 feet wide which would give a nice yard once built on. Chairperson Messner wanted clarification if she has switched the lot lines between Lots 1 and 2. Ms. Trimble stated that line pretty much has to stay there in order to meet the side yard setbacks. Ms. Trimble also stated she was not opposed to the staff proposed 80 foot lot setback but that she wanted to save as many evergreens as possible. Chairperson Messner asked City Planner Pearson if the preliminary plat portion would be approving the lot lines as drawn. Mr. Pearson talked about shifting the lot line across the lot and stated this would come back as a final plat and would solidify the final location of the property lines. Chairperson Messner had a question about the specific location of the house on Lot 2 Mr. Pearson stated if it is a PUD they have the ability to influence the location of the house. With the PUD process, the City can require conservation easements and deed restrictions. Chairperson Messner opened the Public Hearing. Ed McMenomy, 1422 143` Street West, Rosemount, stated that Kathy has done a wonderful job to meet the land topography. Mr. McMenomy questioned if there would be a retaining wall by the driveway based upon the slope. Mr. McMenomy suggested there be a condition that would include landscaping to make the driveway work. Mr. McMenomy would like the plan to stay the same and didn't approve of the 80 foot frontage. Mr. McMenomy would like to see all the evergreens in a conversation agreement Vicki Goplin, 14106 Dearborn Path, Rosemount, stated she has been in the area for 15 years and is pleased to see the intent of Kathy to keep the trees as is and encouraged the Commission to pass the item. Dan Huberty, 4212 143` St., Rosemount, was concerned about the house and existing property being tied in with the continuity of the neighborhood. Mr. Huberty was glad to see the trees would be preserved Mr. Huberty questioned the dritieways not being far apart and suggested all three homes share one driveway. Michelle Huberty, 4212 143` St., Rosemount, was concerned about the setbacks of the current homes and the setback of proposed Lot 3. Ms. Huberty also questioned how close the house would be to the evergreens on Lot 3. Mr. Pearson stated that setbacks are 30 feet from the property line which makes them about 45 feet back from the curb. Mr, Pearson stated that on Lot 3 the minimum front yard setback is 30 feet and the evergreens appear to either straddle or are just inside the property line. Dan Huberty, 4212 143` St., Rosemount, expressed concern about the setbacks in Hawkins Pond and if Lot 3 is going to be too close to the street. Chairperson Messner stated that using a rough scale it suggests that there are other lots which are not setback much more than 30 feet. Mr. Pearson stated a fairly consistent setback is shown at about 35 feet. Dan Huberty, 4212 143` St., Rosemount, again expressed concern about the setback with the lone house not architecturally tied into the development. Kathy Trimble addressed the concerns about the driveway. She explained as far as setbacks. she prefers to show more home than garage. Chairperson Messner asked Ms. Trimble to answer the question about the architecture of the current home. Ms. Trimble stated it was not her plan to change anything with the existing home. The existing home is white with maintenance free siding and black shutters with the large pillars in front with a colonial feel. Ms. Trimble feels the home is relatively attractive. MOTION by Humphrey to close the Public Hearing. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey and Powell. Nayes: None. Motion carried. Chairperson Messner asked for any follow -up questions or discussion. Chairperson Messner asked if a tree preservation plan will address the tree conservation easement. Mr. Pearson stated that the grading plan shows a lot about the impact of the property and that grading follows the driveway to get it to a manageable grade. Mr. Pearson suggested that everything downhill of this line can be preserved and that restrictive covenants or conversation easements could be recorded against the property to require preservation of the trees. Community Development Director Lindquist stated three conditions of approval the Commission could add if they so desired. One would be to shift the northern lot line on Lot 3 to provide more backyard space which would address Ms. Trimble's proposal A Condition 8 could be that the applicant would dedicate a tree preservation easement over the coniferous trees over the front property line. Ms. Lindquist stated the condition could then address the concerns brought forward tonight. Ms. Lindquist also suggested that Mr. McMenomy's concern be addressed stating the applicant install additional vegetation south of the retaining wall or within the graded area necessary for the construction of the driveway on Lot 1 regardless of the tree preservation requirements. Commissioner Powell questioned the shifting of the north line of Lot 3 and if there was a specific dimension or amount. Ms. Trimble stated she did it based it on the trees in the rear corner and she wanted to retain a significant amount of the backyard. Commissioner Powell suggested a Condition 7 to shift the northern lot line on Lot 3 consistent with the altemate lot line identified on the Trimble drawing. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve the Master Development Plan (with rezoning) and Final Site and Building Plan and preliminary plat approval for the property located at 4101 143` Street West to allow subdivision of the existing 1.84 acre property into three single family lots, subject to the following: 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement between the applicant and the City. 3. Submission of a detailed landscape and tree preservation plan illustrating all new and preserved plants and retaining walls prior to City Council action 4. Redesign of all access driveways to meet the performance standards outlined by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. 5. Dedication of cross access easements and recording of a maintenance agreement for shared access to Lots 1 and 2. 6. Payment of all applicable development fees including 2 units of park dedication calculated using the current fee schedule at the time of Final Plat. 7. Shift the northern lot line on Lot 3 consistent with the alternate lot line shown on the Trimble drawing. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Humphrey and Powell. Nayes: Messner. Motion approved 4 -1. Mr. McMenomy questioned if there was anything in the motion about the conservation easement. Chairperson Messner stated there was not. 0 0 C C.. i ,mss "9c:4: SP *OH rtoLSP] 7 d8 ✓,2 t 5 OA077U3H nc'a %etsNC: j OA Sn Sr Ib de 5ans'IFJ.'£ m.... �1 4 um wuji 1W1 unumI muun jiiiuiIM1111! MINA M,ul Nw mi M R li/�N�G� �y 0 ao- N C d Lk k O u ca in a rOCT ��.i I ..ti r ..a -o w Qx SZNOA Molrna »eniat sn_vr ON� 70�7H ZAY2SZWd ZYl't r CNOa LSfl7 an an S. Q HO• SNLTY YR JO SC lR3!K r.