HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Change Order #1, SCADA System, City Project 377AGENDA ITEM: Change Order #1, SCADA System, City Project #377 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P E., City Enginee. AGE lb. 5 6 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order #1 APPROVED BY: la RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Change Order #1 on the SCADA System, City Project #377 ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2005 BACKGROUND: Attached for Council consideration is Change Order #1 for the SCADA System project along with supporting documentation and a recommendation from Paul Kaeding, the project engineer. As noted in the letter from Paul Kaeding, several of the additional items are at the request of City staff. The original contract amount is $371,427. With the addition of Change Order #1 in the amount of $18,596, the revised contract amount will be $390,023. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that Council approve Change Order #1 on the SCADA System, City Project #377. Date of Issuance May 6, 2005 owner City of Rosemount, MN Project ROSEMOUNT SCADA SYSTEM contact Rosemount MN SCADA System Contractor US Filter Control Systems, Inc. The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order: Description Changes and modifications to original Contract (see attached) Extension of contract time to allow for changes modifications. Understood material cannot be ordered until City of Rosemount has Informed US Filter of the approval of this Change Order. Attachments. (List documents supporting change). Letter of 05/04/05 to City of Rosemount from Kaeding Associates E -Mail of 05/04/05 to Kaeding Associates from US Filter US Filter Quotations dated May 3 4, 2005 (14 Pages) Original Contract Pnce (Increase] (Decrease) from previously approved Change (Increase) [Decrease] from previously approved Change Orders Orders No n/a to No No n/a to No. Substantial completion (days). 0.00 Ready for final payment (days): Contract Price pnor to this Mange Order 5 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: of this Change Order Date Original Contract Working days Calendar days Substantial completion (days or date) May 27, 2005 371,427.00 Ready for final payment (days or date): June 17. 2005 Contract Times prior to this Change Order Substantial completion (days or date) May27, 2005 371,427.00 Ready for final payment (days or date) June 17, 2005 18496.00 Contract Pnce incorporating this Change Order: 390.023.00 Effective Date: Date Date Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable) Date EJCDC No. C-941 (2002 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers' Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. Change Order No. 1 Owners Contract No May 6, 2005 Date of Contract 12/10/2004 Engineers Project No 02403 18,596.00 To July 31, 2005 Increase of this Change Order. Substantial completion (days or date) Ready tor final payment (days or date). July 31, 2005 Contract Times with all approved Change Orders Substantial completion (days or date): Ready for final payment (days or date): July 31, 2005 RE DED: ACCEPTED: ACCEPTED: ,,yg�gq By 4 By. BY E/ I�il p S 1/R �C(1 NZcf n/ i g and Associates, Inc. City of Rosemount US Filter ntr I Systems, Inc. 5 eft Page 1 of 2 Kaeding and Associates, Inc. 7300 France Avenue South Suite 330 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 -4545 Phone (952) 831 0317 May 4, 2005 Revised City of Rosemount Attn: Mr. Andy Brotzler 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: City of Rosemount SCADA System Dear Mr. Brotzler: E Mail info @kaechng.com Fax (952) 831 2179 Construction of the SCADA system for the City is proceeding. Several changes to the Contract appear warranted, and we are requesting that you consider these changes and recommend approval by the City The changes are explained in the next paragraphs. The specifications require that the computer workstations include a maintenance program that is linked to the SCADA system. This package is not very sophisticated, but does provide some maintenance functions. Between the time the project was bid and US Filter was prepanng to order the package, the manufacturer announced that they were discontinuing the program and were replacing it with a more expensive program that has additional features. The maintenance package originally specified cost $500, while the replacement program costs about $1,300. hi discussions with the City staff, we concluded that the maintenance information could be obtained using other means and that the maintenance program would be deleted from the project. A deduct of $500 is recommended. The specifications require telephone dialers to notify the staff at night and when the office is not staffed. The dialers specified did not have the capability to allow for different "lists" of callout names. The City staff requested dialers with the capability of multiple "lists A dialer was identified with this feature, but the cost is an additional $530. A change order amount of $530 is recommended. The path study completed on behalf of the City recommended the use of /s" coaxial antenna cable. As US Filter was confirming the results of the path study, they concluded that the reduced losses provided by r /e" coaxial cable would result in improved communication between the various sites We agree with their conclusion The added cost of the Heliax coaxial antenna cable is $1,040, and a change order for that amount is recommended When the project was designed and bid, the Glendalough lift station had not been designed and there was no requirement to include it in the SCADA system. US Filter has proposed a cost of $3,400 to configure the Glendalough lift station into the SCADA system, including screen development and local configuration of the remote. This change order item is recommended. City of Rosemount Attn: Mr. Andy Brotzler May 4, 2005 Revised Page 2 The SCADA system is configured to "connect" existing wells, towers and lift stations into the system without rehabilitating or reconditioning the equipment in the stations The reason was to construct a supervisory control and data acquisition system without also including rehabilitation of wellhouses, elevated storage tanks, etc However, dunng the project meetings, it has become evident that operation of the water system would benefit if several improvements were incorporated into the system that were not onginally included. Those features include the furnishing and installation of flow meters for wells RR1 and RR2 on the east side of town. The work would also include a new transmitter so the flow meter at well #8 could be included in the SCADA system to provide flow rates, total flow, and related information not available with the existmg equipment. US Filter has provided a quotation of $13,601 for this work, including the cable and conduit, configuration of the displays and reports, and the new meter heads and transmitters. Since this benefits system operation, we recommend that the City approve this change order request. At Wensmann Pond, a radio antenna is required near the control panel at the south side of the pond. The poles that are preferred and were specified for the system are dark bronze metal poles. This requires the use of a truck to auger in the pole bases, and damage to the lawns (particularly dunng wet weather) is a concern at this station due to limited access. The homeowners would be inconvenienced, and significant restoration might be required. An option is to install a fiberglass pole that can be installed using handheld equipment. The fiberglass pole can be procured and installed for an additional $525 This change order item is recommended. In summary, the following items are recommended: Dialers capable of multiple "lists" 530 Wensmann Pond pole 525 RR1 /RR2/ Well 8 flow meter 13,601 Coaxial cable 1,040 Glendalough Lift Station incorporation 3,400 Maintenance Program 500 TOTAL 18,596 The changes and modifications are recommended. Please note that US Filter has requested a six week extension of the contract for these changes and modifications. The extension is also recommended. In a related matter, the specification for the project requires a $20,000 allowance for computers and associated hardware The allowance is to be adjusted based on actual project needs. At this time, the allowance shows a balance of $14,989.70. As the project gets close to completion, a change order will be initiated to deduct the outstanding balance from the Contract. City of Rosemount Attn. Mr. Andy Brotzler May 4, 2005 Revised Page 3 We trust this information and the enclosures from US Filter will allow a decision regarding these change order items. If the change order is approved, we'll commence with the formal change order, including an extension for completion of the project based on City approval since the material cannot be ordered until the change order is approved, if that is the decision reached by the City. For your information, the following project status is provided. Original Contract Amount 371,427 Amount proposed in this request 18,596 New Contract Amount 390,023 If you require additional information, please contact me. Thank you. S'ncer ly, Pa aeding Kaeding and Associates, Inc. PFK:mj Enclosures cc: Mr. Dick Howe City of Rosemount (w enclosures) Ms. Nancy Zeigler WSB Associates, Inc. (w enclosures) L, INN■II IMOW Ci IIINNIIIIIII IOW II AS TMS A Siemens Business Phone: 952- 831 -0317 Fax: 952 831 -2179 E -Mail: paulk @kaeding.com C.ltemp \WPM$23CD doc 5/4/2005 11 56 AM Quotation To: Kaeding and Associates, Inc. Quotation Date: 05 -04 -05 REV B 7300 France Avenue South, Suite 300 Bid Date 1 Time: n/a Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Estimated by: Richard J Lehto Attn: Paul Kaeding Phone Number: 651 766 -2700 x3034 CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 1 of 4 Salesperson: Bill Toennes Jr Customer Reference: Glendalough SCADA Integration Project: Rosemount, MN, 503812 CHANGE ORDER Quotation Number: 050407RJL1 REV B U r a Ills011e ..s. an Total sell price for Item A is $3,400.00 net; References A Siemens Business Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 2 of 4 USFilter Control Systems is pleased to provide a Change Order to integrate the Glendalough Lift Station parameters into the existing SCADA Telemetry System, USFCS shop order 503812 Our itemized scope of supply is listed below. USFilter Control Systems will not provide any items that are not specifically listed. A 1 Modifications to USFCS shop order 503812. Modifications designed to integrate the Glendalough Lift Station functions into the existing USFCS SCADA Telemetry System, shop order 503812. To Include: Qat Item 1 PLC code at Well 7 Chippendale site MTU (PLC at this site is an AB 5/05) requires the following revisions. a) Add Glendalough to polling scheme b) Revise data tables to add Glendalough parameters c) Add totalizing function d) Add runtime logs e) Add output to alarm dialers (programming for LS common alarm only) f) Update documentation 1 HMI screens at the Water Plant (HMI is direct connection to Enet radio, no CTU: a) Build Lift Station screen based on copy of similar existing b) Edit overview screens, main and Lift Station c) Edit existing reports to add specific Glendalough parameters: Pump runtimes Temperature Alarm Intrusion /Security Pump Overtemp /Seal Fail Hi and Lo level alarms Lo Enclosure Temperature 1 Project Management Services project management as required to coordinate and schedule the required site visit with the Owner, Engineer and Contractors, and to facilitate the implementation of all required modifications 1 Service Startup services including implementation of all programming revisions and a complete functional test to insure that the new Lift Station becomes a fully operational node on the existing SCADA network 1 References from the Glendalough specification, Section 16900 -2 01.R, SCADA per Addendum 2, item 4• "The modifications to the system master to incorporate the Glendalough 5th addition lift station into the overall SCADA system will be implemented by USFilter Control Systems, who is the integrator for the SCADA system "The Contractor shall provide all software services necessary to confirm that the components provided at the Glendalough 5th addition lift station will integrate into the SCADA system, and shall coordinate the lift station system with USFilter Control Systems s= T sew se a -s w∎ s CC A Siemens Business Proposed Delivery Schedule: Quotation 2.) Specified I/O for Glendalough per WSB Plan Sheet 24 of 25: DI Pump 1 overtemp /seal fail DI Pump 2 overtemp /seal fail DI Security bypass DI Lo level alarm DI High level alarm DI Security DI Pump 1 run DI Pump 2 run DI Low enclosure temp Summary: Nine (9) local digital inputs CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 851 766 2701 Page 3 of 4 3 There are three (3) alarm dialers at the MTU Chippendale site two 8 channel are dedicated to Security alarms and one 16 channel handles all other SCADA alarms. Clarifications: It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility at the time start-up service is requested that iobsite conditions be ready for start-up service All necessary utilities, such as air, water, electrical, and low voltage terminations shall be connected and functional. In addition, all process items directly related to the instrumentation system, such as pumps, motors, feeders, process equipment, etc shall be installed and ready for startup Any additional trips required to complete startup, resulting from non -US Filter Control Systems equipment being non functional or any additional time spent as a result of the Purchaser's failure to comply with the above, shall be charged to the Purchaser at the current demand service rate We require notification at least ten (10) working days prior to the date start-up service is required. Exclusions: Unless specifically referenced above USFilter Control Systems: Onsite installation supervision Receipt, storage, setting in place, installing or terminating any equipment or instrument. The supply of any mechanical appurtenances for panels or instruments. This includes, but is not limited to power company transformers /metering, pumps, motors, pull boxes, junction boxes, piping, tubing, valves, lighting panels, transformers, anchors, support stands, ground cables or rods, stilling wells, etc The supply of interconnecting materials external to enclosures, i.e wiring, cable, conduit, pressure taps, tubing, telemetry or phone lines, or special cables The supply of or installation of separate mounting brackets, bases, stands, pushbutton stations, power fuses, pilot control switches, disconnects, manual starters or disconnect panels unless specifically listed in our scope of supply Any demolition, removal, transfer or disposal Concrete work of any type. Installation and final termination of all wires or cables Communication cable telephone line coordination or connection Jobsite progress or preconstruction meeting attendance Any specialty electrical testing, including but not limited to insulation, resistance, grounding. Any specialty tools used for construction, testing or startup of equipment Poles or masts for radio antennas. Installation of antennas, poles or antenna cable. Radios requiring FCC licensing and /or "line of site" are provided in this proposal Should the specified frequency band not be available or other modifications be required, the price may change to reflect additional costs incurred by the use of different radios or other components. Sincerely, OF ase■ as MIN MS A Siemens Business Rick Lehto Applications Engineer Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD vxowmo HEIGHTS, wwms110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651/on2m1 Page 4 of 4 USFilter Control Systems' commitment to deliver in accordance within the contract schedules is contingent upon a prompt receipt of order and prompt submittal review/approval process. Terms: Quotation is valid for 30 days. Paynient of work shall be in accordance with the established Schedule of Values for the project. Terms of USFilter contract with City of Rosemount apply. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. MINNINNIIN1111, I=W IOW ...at T s Mar _IN mo A Siemens Business To: Kaeding and Associates, Inc. 7300 France Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Attn: Paul Kaeding Phone: 952 831 -0317 Fax: 952 831 -2179 E -Mail: paulk @kaeding.com Quotation Date: 05 -04 -05 Rev B Bid Date I Time: n/a Estimated by: Richard J. Lehto Phone Number: 651 766 -2700 x3034 Salesperson: Bill Toennes Jr. Customer Reference: RR1, RR2 Well 8 Project: Rosemount, MN, 503812 CHANGE ORDER 3 Quotation Number: 050421 RJL1KAE REV B C \temp \WPM$0690 doc 5/4/2005 11 56 AM Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 1 of 4 _-c ...maw A Siemens Business Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 2 of 4 USFilter Control Systems is pleased to provide a quotation in accordance with action items identified during the Construction Progress Meeting on April 14, 2005 These items are proposed herein as a change order to the existing SCADA Telemetry System, USFCS shop order 503812. Our itemized scope of supply is listed below USFilter Control Systems will not provide any items that are not specifically listed. A 1 RR1 and RR2 Flowmeter Modifications The existing Flowmeters at Rural Route 1 and 2 locations require modification to add analog outputs to the SCADA system To Include. Qty Item 1 USFCS Factory work to be performed: a) Reconfigure HMI to monitor, display and totalize station flow parameters b) Reconfigure PLC registers at RTU and MTU c) Update documentation d) Bench test new configurations prior to field upload On -site work to be performed. a) Add analog inputs and signal conditioners to RTU b) Replace existing flowmeter heads c) Verify Flowmeter Calibration d) Add conduit and wire for head connection e) Upload new HMI programs f) Upload new PLC programs g) Power up and establish radio communications with MTU h) Verify proper SCADA HMI operation B 1 Well #8 Flowmeter Modifications The existing Flowmeter at the Well 8 location requires modification to add an analog output to the SCADA system. To Include: Qty Item 1 USFCS Factory work to be performed a) Reconfigure HMI to monitor, display and totalize station flow parameter b) Reconfigure PLC registers at RTU and MTU c) Update documentation d) Bench test new configurations prior to field upload On -site work to be performed: a) Add analog inputs and signal conditioner to RTU b) Verify Flowmeter Calibration c) Add conduit and wire for head connection d) Upload new HMI program e) Upload new PLC programs f) Power up and establish radio communications with MTU g) Verify proper SCADA HMI operation C 1 Project Management Services project management as required to coordinate and schedule required site visits with the Owner, Engineer and Contractors, and to facilitate the implementation of all required modifications Total sell price for Items A, B and C is $13,601.00 net, including all applicable taxes and bonds References Or A Siemens Business NOTE: This quotation assumes the panels required for modification will already have been shipped to the job site so that any rework or modifications as outlined above will be done on site rather than at the factory. This quotation assumes the existing flowmeter head at Well #8 has analog output capability already per the records of the Water Specialties Representative based on the applicable serial number of the unit. Any hardware changes to the meter are not included in this proposal. 1.) References from the Construction Progress Meeting Minutes by Kaeding Associates. Action Items 1. n/a to this proposal 2 USFCS is requested to submit a price to replace the meter heads on the 0 -1000 gpm meters at RR1 and RR2 and connect these into the SCADA system so the flows are monitored, displayed and totalized. 3 n/a to this proposal 4. USFCS is requested to submit a price to furnish and install a signal converter at Well #8 and integrate flow indication and totalization into the SCADA system as required by the specifications. 2.) Meter Serial Numbers: RR1 Sensus #1371531 RR2 Sensus #1371433 Well 8 Water Specialties #902627 Clarifications: It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility at the time start-up service is requested that jobsite conditions be ready for start-up service. All necessary utilities, such as air, water, electrical, and low voltage terminations shall be connected and functional. In addition, all process items directly related to the instrumentation system, such as pumps, motors, feeders, process equipment, etc shall be installed and ready for startup. Any additional trips required to complete startup, resulting from non -US Filter Control Systems equipment being non functional or any additional time spent as a result of the Purchaser's failure to comply with the above, shall be charged to the Purchaser at the current demand service rate. We require notification at least ten (10) working days prior to the date start-up service is required Proposed Delivery Schedule: USFilter will require a minimum of 6 -weeks after approval to implement the change order A contract extension for the project will be required with the approval of the change order Delivery and Storage: Freight allowed to job site, net f.o b. Shipping Point. t' c Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 3 of 4 Terms: Quotation is valid for 30 days An invoice for the total purchase price will be issued upon shipment Invoice payment terms net 30 days Terms of USFilter contract with City of Rosemount apply. Sincerely, Rick Lehto Applications Engineer CONTROL SYSTEMS a 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD C� C Quotation VADNAI HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 7662701 A Siemens Business Page4 of4 Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. �l Slower la �a "Ilar MIS A Siemens Business Quotation CONTROL SYSTEMS 1239 WILLOW LAKE BLVD VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MN 55110 Phone 651 766 2700 Fax 651 766 2701 Page 1 of 1 To: Kaeding and Associates, Inc. 7300 France Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Attn: Paul Kaeding Phone: 952 831 -0317 Fax: 952- 831 -2179 E -Mail: paulk ©kaeding corn Quotation Date: Bid Date Time: Estimated by: Phone Number: Salesperson: Customer Reference: 05 -03 -05 n/a Debbie Huddleston 651- 766 -2700 x3053 Bill Toennes Jr Antenna Pole- Wensmann Pond Project: Rosemount, MN, 503812 CHANGE ORDER Change Order Number: 04 USFilter Control Systems is pleased to provide a Change Order to supply and install a fiberglass antenna pole for the Wensmann Pond SCADA panel site Per discussions during the on -site meeting on April l4`" and confirmed by a site visit to the Wensmann Pond location, a direct burial antenna pole is necessary USFilter to supply the following Shakespeare Model B024- x- s5BE13 24 -foot fiberglass antenna pole. Product data sheet to be submitted for approval. The fiberglass pole will replace the Lithonia antenna pole as submitted Total sell price $525.00 Terms of USFilter contract with City of Rosemount apply. C.\temp\wPM$702E doc 5/3/2005 3.54 PM Paul Kaeding To: paulk @kaeding.com Subject (Fwd) RE. Rosemount Date Wed, 04 May 2005 12 23.09 Forwarded message follows From: "Huddleston, Debra" <HuddlestonD @USFtlter.com> To: paulk @kaeding.com Subject: RE: Rosemount Date sent: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11'40'00 -0400 Paul Below are the amounts that you requested... Dialers are $530 more 7/8" Cable Connectors are approx $2080 for both cable runs I realize that we can only ask for half of the cable costs, as the second cable run was due to the change to Ethernet radios, Debbie Huddleston Project Manager USFilter Control Systems 1239 Willow Lake Boulevard Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 Office: 651 766 -2700 x 3053 Fax 651 766 -2701 Cell 651 270 -6590 E-Mail huddlestond @usfilter.com Original Message From: Paul Kaeding [mailto:paulk @kaeding com] Sent Thursday, April 21, 2005 8 47 AM To Huddleston, Debra Subject Rosemount Send me a quick message (email is fine) on the differential cost of the dialers and the antenna cable. Paul Kaeding Kaeding Assoc Inc paulk @kaeding com 952- 831 -0317 End of forwarded message c 1 4/19/2005 1 4/11/2005 1 4/11 /2005 1 4/6/2005! 1 4/5/2005 1 4/5/2005 1 4/5/2005 r 1 4/1/2005 r 1 4/1/2005 r 1 4/1/2005 1 Trans Dat -1. N N N N N N) N N) N Ni N N) N N Quantity 1 449.50 1 194.50 1 1,792.60 49 54 1 103.40 1 1,380.70 1 14.42 1 877.32 1 23.32 1 E xt. Cost ADAM -6520 SWITCH, ETHERNET,(5)RJ45,10 /100,10 -30VDC 105146635 -5501 105146639 -5501 ICOMPUTER- 503812 93804 475952 ITS -1200 1Q1319A #ABA 1 1203657 1C110559001 1368760 1 Part Number Powerware UPS Model PW5125 2200, 1 UPS 1500 PW5125 48V. EBM 1500/2200VA, 1 1Optiplex GX280 Mini Tower w/19" Monitor, QUOTE 212646931 1 DRAWER, UNDER DESK KEYBOARD MGR W/ MOUSE TRAY 1 !SURGE SUPRESSOR,120V,15A TVSS, PLUGS INTO RECEPTACLE 1 'PRINTER, LASERJET, COLOR, 3500, CDW #573803 1 1CABLE,PARALLEL PRINTER,DM25M- C36M,15',APC 37004 -15 1 'PRINTER, LQ -2090, 24 -PIN WIDE IMPACT, CDW #646676 1 'CABLE, USB CAB A TO B, 15' BLACK BOX #USB01 -0015 1 1Part Description 1