HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. City Council Goal Setting (continued)AGENDA ITEM: City Council Goal Setting (continued) AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Craig Rapp, Springsted; Summary of April 23 Goal Setting APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue discussion of 2005 -2006 Strategic Planning and Goal Setting for Rosemount City Council and staff ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION Special City Council Work Session Date: May 23, 2005 BACKGROUND The Rosemount City Council and senior staff met on Apnl 23 to discuss goals and strategic planning to guide the Council m 2005 -2006. This meeting is a continuation of that process to further develop the strategic issues and develop a more specific work plan consistent with the strategic focus areas ISSUE Facilitator Craig Rapp of Springsted has provided a summary of the April 23 strategic planning session and a memorandum recommending an outline for continuing the process of developing strategic focus areas and work plan. Staff and facilitator are aware of some desire by Council Members to also discuss philosophy of Council Members and specific goals /objectives of interest to Members. Mr. Rapp will incorporate these discussions into the format contained in the attached memorandum. SUMMARY Council is requested to continue discussion of strategic planning, goals and work plan for 2005 -2006. TO: James Verbrugge, City Administrator FROM: Craig R. Rapp DATE: May 20, 2005 SUBJECT: Council Worksession 1. Defining mix and quality of amenities appropriate to Rosemount sprirtgsted The following is the list of your strategic issues and goals developed on April 23rd: Spnngsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55101.2887 Tel 651 223 -3000 Fax 651- 223 -3002 www spnngsted.com In preparation for the Council worksession on Monday, May 23rd, I think it is beneficial to review what the Council and staff have developed to date, and how that information should be used at the meeting. in addition, it is Important to discuss and review how to tie -in previously adopted goals. As the summary report from the Apnl 23rd meeting described, the Council and staff identified five "strategic issues" confronting the City of Rosemount, These strategic issues were developed for one reason: to guide future decision making. Clearly, there is a desire to set short term goals, and to generate consensus regarding the development of those goals, however, the overarching objective was to create a context for those decisions that is strategic in nature. Establish implementation plan based on Facilites Task Force report (12/31/05) Relate Decision Resources survey results to all facilities planning and Implementation (12/31105) Conduct more detailed survey of issues quality of amenities (12/31106) Prioritize efforts based upon survey results (3/07) 2. Achieving balanced growth Define small -town feel (12/31/05) Analyze need for lifestyle housing options (12/31/06) Determine desired mix of residential /commercial /industrial land use (12/31/05) Review cutting -edge development ideas for appropriate application (12/31/06) Create a preservation plan for older housing stock (12/31/06) Public Sector Advisors Page 2 3. Maintaining service levels and quality while expanding Establish benchmarks for current services (1 /06) Create tie -in between benchmark reporting system and budget process (2006 budget) Establish a system for evaluating the relevance of services being delivered (4/06) 4. Achieving a competitive tax rate with other cities in market area Adopt 42/52 study and implement it (12131/05) Define competitive tax rate level (target) (7/05) Assess options and analyze altemative revenue sources (2/06) 5. Accomplishing downtown redevelopment Define operative terminology to guide future actions and communications (12/31/05) Create an investment policy to guide subsidy decisions (12/31/05) Create an educational process to explain what small town (downtown) development is (12/31/05) Establish a City marketing campaign to keep property owners (new and existing),residents, and other affected groups informed (establish within 1 year; then ongoing) Create benchmarks and reporting systems to assess progress and success (12/31/05) The strategic issues are clear, concise, and seem to reflect the major issues facing the community They also seem to be long -term issues that will require attention over many years to adequately address In order to make your process meaningful, however, the goals and action plans you adopt will have to be equally clear, concise, and most importantly, achievable Many of the goals you established have aggressive timelines, given their complexity This should be discussed and verified at the meeting In order to establish achievable goals and generate appropnate action steps, I suggest the following process for the meeting: I. Validate strategic issue approach- venfy that future decision- making will be focused around major strategic issues, that these are the correct issues modify approach as appropriate based upon group consensus II. Review goals established 4/23 for clarity and agreement determine group understanding, delivery dates modify as appropriate III. Determine action steps necessary to achieve goals Generate ideas, review current/previous goals for inclusion and /or relevance Establish timelines and ownership IV. Prioritize effort this will include determining Council role and time commitments to policymaking, staff resource allocation, deadlines, etc V. Discuss the long -term nature of the strategic issues identified, and create a follow -up process for adjusting them based upon changing circumstances, and how these will be used to guide yearly goals and performance. Page 3 Attached for your reference is the April 23ro report, along with 2005 and 2006 goals identified in the Key Financial Strategies work previously done by the City. The goals from that effort are grouped by strategic issue so that you can determine how or if to include these in the action planning you will do Monday night pringsted City of Rosemount Council- Staff Goal Setting Meeting April 23, 2005 Springsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Sude 300 Sarni Paul, MN 55101 -2887 Tel 651- 223 -3000 Fax. 651 223 -3002 www spnngsted com Public Sector Advisors Page 2 introduction On April 23rd, 2005, the Rosemount City Council and executive team met to discuss goals. The following is a summary of the proceedings and the decisions that were made It was determined that these decisions would form the basis for action plans to be prepared in a follow -up session. The group agreed in advance to participate in a brief survey. The survey asked participants to identify qualities that make Rosemount a great place to live. It further asked members to list the most important strategic issues facing the community The answers to these questions formed the basis of the facilitated discussion on April 23rd. The Council and executive team debated and prioritized each issue. These prioritizations became the basis for goals established at the meeting. These goals are the framework for action plans to be developed by staff. Community Qualities The following are the highest priority qualities identified by the group based upon survey responses: QUALITIES THAT MAKE ROSEMOUNT GREAT 1. Access to Metro urban and rural 2. Open space 3. Good schools 4 Community identity /character 5. Friendly involved neighbors 6. Real Downtown The group then discussed and these and the other qualities submitted. This resulted in the following modified list. Each quality was also described more fully by adding descriptive statements: Page 3 QUALITIES Access to Metro Rural Good metro transportation connections Close to commercial centers Close to city and country Open Space Have a rural character Good natural amenities Greenways and connectivity present Good Schools Diversity of opportunities o DCTC o UofMAg Strong partnerships with school district ISD 196 is a high quality district Community Identity /character Refinery Diverse neighborhoods Availability of variety of lifestyles City /School character connection Insh heritage Rail and river connections /proximity Real Downtown Unique, quaint feel Traditional small -town look Not "Big Box" development; specialty Quality City Services and Amenities Responsive, accessible, participatory Courteous and professional Progressive Well- maintained Good value for investment These qualities created a basic vision for the type of community the group wished to preserve and create Based upon this common understanding, the group then focused on identifying strategic issues facing the community. Page 4 Strategic Issues Strategic issues are those issues confronting the community that are significant, long -term, and must be addressed if the city is to achieve its vision of success. Based upon survey results, the group identified and priontized the following strategic issues as most important: 1. Downtown redevelopment 2. Commercial development redevelopment 3. Improving the tax base reducing taxes for residents 4. Maintaining community identity 5. Keeping up with community needs 6. Maintaining improving government facilities infrastructure 7. Increasing and diversifying the tax base Once again, the group debated and refined the strategic issues from the priorities above, as well as other ideas submitted. The group determined that the following were the most important strategic issues facing the community: 1. Defining mix and quality of amenities appropriate to Rosemount 2. Achieving balanced growth 3. Maintaining service levels and quality while expanding 4. Achieving a competitive tax rate with other cities in market area 5. Accomplishing downtown redevelopment The group then established goals for the community, in line with the vision and the strategic issues identified: 1. Defining mix and quality of amenities appropriate to Rosemount Establish implementation plan based on Facilities Task Force report (12/31/05) Relate Decision Resources survey results to all facilities planning and implementation (12/31/05) Conduct more detailed survey of issues quality of amenities (12/31/06) Prioritize efforts based upon survey results (3/07) Page 5 2. Achieving balanced growth Define small -town feel (12/31/05) Analyze need for lifestyle housing options (12/31/06) Determine desired mix of residential /commercial /industrial land use (12/31/05) Review cutting -edge development ideas for appropriate application (12/31/06) Create a preservation plan for older housing stock (12/31/06) 3. Maintaining service levels and quality while expanding Establish benchmarks for current services (1/06) Create tie -in between benchmark reporting system and budget process (2006 budget) Establish a system for evaluating the relevance of services being delivered (4/06) 4. Achieving a competitive tax rate with other cities in market area Adopt 42/52 study and implement it (12/31/05) Define competitive tax rate level (target) (7/05) Assess options and analyze alternative revenue sources (2/06) 5. Accomplishing downtown redevelopment Define operative terminology to guide future actions and communications (12/31/05) Create an investment policy to guide subsidy decisions (12/31/05) Create an educational process to explain what small town (downtown) development is (12/31/05) Establish a City marketing campaign to keep property owners (new and existing),residents, and other affected groups informed (establish within 1 year; then ongoing) Create benchmarks and reporting systems to assess progress and success (12/31/05) The group also identified external partners beyond the city and internal coordinators for each strategic issue /goal area: 1. Defining and implementing mix and quality of amenities appropriate to Rosemount Primary: City Council Secondary: Staff Facilities task force Parks Rec Commission Citizens /taxpayers Property owners Jamie Lead Page 6 2. Achieving balanced growth Primary: City Council Secondary: Port Authority All Commissions Larger landowners Kim L Lead 3. Maintaining level and quality of services Primary: City Council Secondary: Staff All Commissions Consumers /citizens /users Jamie Lead 4. Achieving a competitive tax rate Primary: City Council Secondary: Port Authority Planning Commission Jamie Lead 5. Downtown Redevelopment Submitted by Craig R. Rapp Vice President Primary: City /Port Authority Secondary: Chamber Master Developer /CPDC Existing owners /businesses Kim L Lead These efforts are intended to frame the follow -up work of the City. Those follow -up activities include the preparation of action plans and future City Council worksession discussions.