HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of August 10, 2005 Work SessionITEM #6 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 6:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, DeBettignies, and Baxter present Council Member Shoe Corrigan entered at 6:40 p.m. at the close of the joint powers agreement discussion. Also m attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, Fire Chief Aker, City Clerk Jentmk, City Planner Pearson, Assistant City Planner Lmdahl and Commumcanons Coordinator Cox Finance Director May and Police Chief Kalstabakken entered at 7:45 p.m for the budget discussion. City Administrator requested that the Dakota Communications Center Joint Powers Agreement be addressed first. Mayor Droste agreed. UPDATE a. Dakota Communications Center Joint Powers Agreement City Administrator Verbrugge gave an update to the joint powers agreement that is being established for the purpose of constructing and operating a joint public safety dispatch center The cities included in the joint powers agreement are Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Mendota Heights, Rosemount, South St. Paul, West St. Paul, and Dakota County. Discussion was held regarding the authority for all these agencies to form a joint powers agreement. The Assistant County Attorney is drafting the document and is satisfied with the State Auditor's Office approval of the agreement. There will be further review of the document and language changes. Police Chief Kalstabakken and Mr. Verbrugge have attended meetings totaling about twelve hours to this point. Council Member Sterner commented that it is a well written document. Council will address this at the regular Council meeting on August 16. DISCUSSION a. Commercial Zoning Text Amendment for C -3 HWY Commercial and C -4 General Commercial Assistant City Planner Lmdahl reviewed the land use changes allowed in C -3 Highway Commercial and C-4 General Commercial zoning. Staff has been working with the Planning Commission to revise and update the C -3 and C -4 zoning districts uses and development performance standards in coordination with the 42/52 Land Use Study. The changes incorporate 1) modernizing the permitted, accessory and conditional use sections; 2) creanng specific performance standards for conditional uses; and 3) adding an interim use category. The Planning Commission recommended approval after a public hearing held on July 26, 2005. Mr. Lindahl stated the standards are to hnut the impact of conditional uses on adjacent property. The uses listed would be a permitted use, accessory use, conditional use, or interim use. If a use is not fisted, it is not allowed. Automobile related uses were discussed. Council Member Baxter asked why a 30 -foot setback or buffer area is standard in the commercial distract. Mr. Lindahl explained that it is to limit effects on adjacent properties and public right -of- way. Mr. Lindahl noted that formulas can be established for a ratio of building size to setbacks or height of wall for fencing also Often in the process of negotiating conditions this may be implemented Mr Lmdahl offered to prepare sample of formulas for this purpose. City Planner Pearson stated that often a separation is needed between residential and commercial areas. 1 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested staff research options for a ratio formula including changes in elevation. City Planner Pearson agreed that elevation can make a difference Ms. Shoe Corngan asked to make a provision for educational service, such as night classes or adult training. Mr. Pearson noted the category Professional Service includes educational uses. Council Member Baxter requested staff to create four levels of consideration for screening buildings: 1) the building, 2) the landscaping and bermmg, 3) a wall, and /or 4) decorative fencing. Mr Lindahl gave examples of screening of drive- through services that are allowed. Mr Pearson noted that McDonald's was built in the '80's before any standards were set Mayor Droste said the new Starbuck's is a good design for a drive through. Mr Lindahl explained that the space can be limited yet screening, security and sightlines should be considered Council Member Shoe Corrigan and DeBettignies were in agreement that pedestrian walkways should be made of a different material than asphalt Mr. DeBettgmes requested that a clear separation is delineated for a walkway for safety of the pedestrians He stated that crosswalks and traffic areas are fine as asphalt. City Planner Pearson said it has only been recently staff has considered inventory for C -3 district zoning along Highway 3 near 160` Street. This would allow car dealerships. Council Member Baxter requested this item be reviewed again at a future work session. Council Member Sterner agreed that the degree of detail needs further review. Mr. Sterner asked about a building material, EFUS that has been the cause of insurance claims due to mold in homes. Mr. Pearson reported that the material is useful for sign band areas, but would not be allowed on the majority of the exterior of a building. Mr. Verbrugge asked Mr. Pearson and Mr Lindahl to summarize the requests of City Council in writing and have Council review it for clear direction to staff. b. Renaming of County Road 38 City Administrator Verbrugge presented a request by the McMenomy family to rename County Road (CR) 38 to McMenomy Road This conies at a good time since CR 38 is being turned back to the City. The road currently goes by three different names; 132n Street, Bonaire Path, and CR 38. Mr. E B. McMenomy gave staff a map showing that m1922 CR38 had been called McMenomy Road. Council Member Sterner commented that although the McMenomys are well known, there will be residents in favor of the change and some that will not. He stated these issues tend to become political. The Keegan family was the ongmal land owner and Keegan Lake is well known. Mr. Sterner suggested using the name of Keegan Road or Bonaire Road. Council Member Baxter disagreed. He stated that McMenomys have been a part of this community continuously since 1922 and it would be a fine gesture to use their name. Mr. Baxter was not opposed to Keegan Lake Road as an option He also pointed out that Brockway had been a landmark for years and that Brockway Road may be another option. Council Member Shoe Corrigan said she could not see the history connected to the McMenomy name and agreed it may be pohtical. Ms. Shoe Corrigan requested more history about CR 38 such as ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 when it was renamed and why. Discussion ensued regarding accepted uses in the commercial districts. Mayor Droste stated that pubhc relations may have to sell any name change to the street. In order to do this, the council should be united in its decision. Mayor Droste said it may be better to have the decision come from staff recommendation. Mr. Verbrugge stated he will continue to work on the street renaming with staff. c. Bond Issue Finance Director May gave an update on the status of the next bond issues. The City plans to have a General Obhgation (G.O.) Water Revenue issue for the water tower and a G.O Fire Station Refunding issue for Fire Station No. 1. Based on the preliminary projections the refunding has a net present value benefit to the City of approximately $77,000. The bonding schedule will set the sale at the September 6, 2005, City Council meeting and awards the bids on October 4, 2005. Mayor Droste called for a recess at 8:00 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 8:05 p.m. Add On: Choose Fire Station No. 2 Color Scheme City Administrator Verbrugge presented samples of bnck for color comparison. There was no cost difference between the two suggested combinations. After some discussion, consensus was to select the clear cream colored accent bnck and the shaded red brick. Assistant City Administrator Weitzel displayed the selected mterior colors for tiles and carpet. Fire Chief Aker thanked City Council for their input. d. 2006 Budget Discussion City Adnumstrator Verbrugge initiated discussion regarding the need to take action to certify its prehminaiy tax levy for 2006 to Dakota County by September 7. Mr. Verbrugge presented three options. 1) Base the levy on the total budget requests by staff allowing the maximum flexibility in terms of total funding sources. This amount could then be lowered when Council refines the budget needs; 2) Set the levy at the same amount as last year; or 3) Set the levy below the amount contained in the recommendations. The proposed budget reflects a 1.7% reductions in the City's tax rate. Discussion ensued. Mayor Droste explained that all communities have lost their homestead tax credit and are struggling. He commented that citizens may not support a bond issue in the future if taxes are high. He stated that the school distnct may conduct a referendum this fall. Rosemount's tax base is growing and he beheves the City needs to hold the taxes to a reasonable level City operations are up 10% and population is only going up about 5% per year. If Council decides to lower the levy amount m December residents wiill likely recall the higher estunated tax amount received on their tax notices from Dakota County in November. He requested staff incorporate creative methods to reduce operating costs so that the City may reduce the tax levy. Assistant Admnustrator Weitzel reported that the experience rating for health insurance has improved. In 2003 our expenence rating was 110% which means our insurance company paid 10% more than the premiums collected. In 2004 it was reduced to 83.5% and so far this year the City employees are at 43.5 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 Council Member Sterner reasoned that some increase in taxes may be needed to move forward. Mr. Sterner indicated he would prefer a small surplus built into the budget. Council Member Shoe Corrigan inquired about amenities that Rosemount now has and if the City wishes to improve them. Mr. Verbrugge said the capital improvement plan indicates where funds will be spent and he noted that alternatives for use of funds may be considered. Finance Director May stated that if Council accepts the recommended budget taxes would likely remain the same. Council Member Baxter commented that the City's long -term goal is to reduce the tax rate He indicated that he would not be comfortable with an increase to the current 46.01% tax rate. If the goal is to lower it, then he does not believe Council should increase it now for wiggle room. Mr. Baxter stated he would be more comfortable with a flat rate at this point. Mr May said the average increase in home values would be 10% to 12% Mayor Droste noted this alone will cause home owners to see an increase in their taxes. Housing stock m the future will not add as much value to the City because of residential development in the tax increment financing district. Mayor Droste noted that the streets are private there and will not require additional maintenance. Mayor Droste reported that Rosemount has the highest average home sale price and this is mostly due to the homes in Evermoor. Since that development is near completion the average home sale price may begin to decline. Council Member Sterner stated he wished to have a Senior Coordinator position added to Parks and Recreation Department staff. Council Member DeBettigrues commented that at the corporate level he is doing more with less and he believes this could also be accomphshed at the City level. Mayor Droste asked for staff to research efficiencies m computer maintenance and also equipment longevity and maintenance. Mayor Droste recommended a .93% tax rate reduction which would set the tax rate at 45.6013 Last year's tax rate was 46.041 Council Members Shoe Corrigan, Baxter and DeBettigines agreed. Mr. Sterner preferred to see a small Increase Mr. Verbrugge confirmed he will prepare the budget figures that accomplish the .93% tax rate reducnon. UPDATES Signage Request for CR38 Mr. Verbrugge reported that the signs now present on CR38 do comply with State Statutes Police Chief Kalstabakken noted that a speed study may be required to support a change. Mayor Droste reported that cones and a barricade were placed on the curve temporarily. Mayor Droste noted that when improvements are made the surface will likely be bituminous and may be safer than the current gravel surface. Mr. Verbrugge asked if staff is to following the City sign policy. Council confirmed that the current sign policy should be followed. Mr. Verbrugge stated he will report back to Council at the August 16 meeting. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 Table Public Hearing for GlenRose Mr. Verbrugge noted that due the absences of two council members on August 16, staff recommends that the scheduled pubhc hearing be tabled to September 6. Mr. Verbrugge commented that the agenda is hght on August 16. National League of Cities in December Mr. Verbrugge invited Council to attend the conference in Washington D.C. early in December. Mayor Droste and Mr. Verbrugge have registered for the conference. Airport Noise Meeting Mr. Verbrugge brought an article to Council's attention in the Apple Valley Sun Current regarding an airport noise meeting in Apple Valley due to new runways at the Minneapohs -St. Paul International Airport. A meeting with residents will be held on August 23 and August 30 at 6:30 p.m. to receive input. Action Alert Mr. Verbrugge reported that Congress is considering a bill to revise the franchise fee authority that cities have. This would eliminate $120,000 from the City budget. $35,000 of this amount is used for the joint cable commission. He urged Council to contact their government representatives regarding the bill. Metropolitan Council Conference Mr. Verbrugge announced a Regional Policy Initiative Conference #2, The Developing Edge: Managing the Transitions will be held at the University of Minnesota's St. Paul Campus at 7:30 a.m. to noon on September 7, 2005. The New York Times columnist David Brooks will be the keynote speaker. Council is invited to attend. Library Dakota County contacted Mr Verbrugge about details of the operation of the new library. Staff and Council expressed dehght that planning for the new hbrary has begun. National Night Out Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested feedback from staff on the National Night Out program held August 2, 2005 at the next regular City Council meeting. Flint Hills 50 Anniversary Mayor Droste noted the celebration by Flint Hills for 50 years at the Pine Bend Refinery will be held at their North Fire Station on Saturday, August 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. City Brochure Mayor Droste noted that the quality of the new resident brochure is wonderful and he commended staff for a great lob. I.S.D. 196 Focus Group Council Member Baxter reported he and Council Member Sterner attended a Independent School District 196 focus group. The presentation was interesting. The levy was discussed 5 Motion by Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -32. 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 10, 2005 which provides $106 per pupil. A referendum is being discussed for the November school board election. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary