HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of July 28, 1005 Special Work SessionITEM 6 C ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION JULY 28, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a City Council Special Work Session was held on Tuesday, July 28, 2005 at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, DeBettignies and Baxter present. Also m attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Operations Superintendent Cook, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz. Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, Finance Director May, Fire Chief Aker, Community Development Director Lindquist, and Police Chief Kalstabakken entered at 7:30 p.m. for the budget discussion. DISCUSSION a. Pedestrian Facility Improvement Plan City Engineer Brotzler reported that Staff has been working on a maintenance and improvement plan for two years for the City's trail and sidewalk system A map was presented displaying existing trails and sidewalks along with proposed trail and sidewalk replacements and additions. The proposed plan was developed in recognition of the need to maintain and replace existing trails and sidewalks and to make trail connections for continuity in the trail system. The plan also reflects a desire to have dual systems, a trail on one side and a sidewalk on the other side, of collector streets. Project segments were pnontized by Staff to first replace and maintain existing trails and sidewalks that are deficient; second to make trail and sidewalk connections for continuity, and, third to expand the trail and sidewalk system along collector streets. Cost estimates were determined for each segment of trail or sidewalk. Since 2003, the annual operating budget has included $125,000 for trail and sidewalk improvements A portion of the annual budget amount has been used to replace, repair and install new trails and sidewalks with projects that have occurred Mr. Brotzler reported that $270,000 has been encumbered for the Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan. Based on estimated project costs, staff is recommending that funds continue to be encumbered until there is a sufficient balance to do a large -scale project. The Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council had reviewed the draft plan in 2003. In January 2004, a public mformational meeting was held for property owners adjacent to the proposed improvements. Comments received from this meeting and by mail were provided to City Council. Staff is now working on pnontizmg segments for completion and requests City Council's direction. Mayor Drosfe invited Ms. Kearney to speak. Lon Kearney, 13990 Dander Court, spoke on behalf of her neighborhood of 16 homes with about 20 children who access Shannon Parkway. Ms. Kearney reported there are no sidewalks on the west side of Shannon Parkway. This makes it difficult to move smaller children and strollers to destinations like Connemara Park. Ms Kearney and her neighbors would like to see a crosswalk near their location. Ms. Kearney stated that the cluldren do not use the crosswalk at the intersection at Connemara Trail and Shannon Parkway which puts them in harms way frequently. Mayor Droste stated that by providing sidewalks to three cul -de -sacs on Shannon Parkway the City could provide safe access to 30 to 50 homes. Mayor Droste was concerned about safety He stated he would give pnonty to the construction of these trail segments before replacing existing trails and sidewalks. The three trail sections along the west side of Shannon Parkway to be further reviewed by Staff and considered by Council are 1)133" Court West to Daffodil Path; 2) Connemara Trail to Dander Court; and, 3) 141` Court West to Dearborn Path. 1 City Administrator Verbrugge stated there are no legal liabilities for the City to add additional crosswalks since all state guidelines have been met. Mr. Brotzler stated his recommendation for trail /sidewalk projects would be to consider construction of entire segments with a beginning/ ending point at existing trail /sidewalk systems to avoid creating more disconnected trail and sidewalk systems. Discussion was held to consider having the Public Works department perform the paving for shorter jobs. Staff noted that the construction of new trails and sidewalks with City crews is difficult due to limited equipment and resources. Mr. Brotzler noted there would be cost savings provided by larger construction projects. Cost estimates will be determined for consideration of the cul -de -sacs on Shannon Parkway. This will be considered again at a work session in the fall ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION JULY 28, 2005 b. Final Grade Policy City Engineer Brotzler presented a final grade policy that will require that an as -built lot survey be completed and certified by a licensed surveyor and then be submitted to the City by the builders prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) Currently City staff conducts final grade inspections for lots prior to the issuance of a CO. City staff has been making 30 to 40 inspections per week. This involves checking lot comers and property lines; however, the interior elevations are not checked. Staff often has to respond to homeowners about spring drainage issues due to poor grading or modifications that have been made since the final grading was completed Similar requirements are used in the cities of Cottage Grove, Farmington, and Inver Grove Heights. Staff is recommending an escrow fee of $3,000 to ensure compliance. The City Attorney is preparing this policy as an ordinance. The development of this ordinance would place the burden of this work on the builder along with the liability for incorrect grading. Council discussed the escrow amount of $3,000 for the final grade policy. A normal lot survey cost is between $500 and $800. The additional amount was determined so that builders would comply with the requirement rather than walk away from the escrow amount. Council Member Sterner said this may be a hardship for smaller builders Mayor Droste asked Staff to survey surrounding communities' final grade escrow amounts. Consensus of Council was that the final grade inspection ordinance would be a good idea and help alleviate the City's liability on drainage issues. A public hearing will be necessary for passage of the policy ordinance. c. 2006 Budget Discussion City Administrator Verbrugge presented the first draft of the 2006 City budget. The budget detail has been revised to provide services at existing levels while attempting to make progress on the Council's desire to maintain a competitive tax rate. Much of the increase is driven by employee salary and benefit increases. Mr. Verbrugge explained that the State Legislature did not restore Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) for the next two fiscal years. The City has a deficit of approximately $350,000 as a result The Council authonzed a budget adjustment by increasing the Building Permit revenue to cover this lost MVHC credit. Mr. Verbrugge requested consideration of setting the preliminary levy tonight He reminded Council that the preliminary levy cannot be mcreased, but, can be reduced if deemed necessary. The final levy is not set until December The total levy requirement shown is $9,886,220 and a preliminary spread levy (actual impact to property owners after adjustment for captured tax increment and fiscal disparities) of $8,927,498. The estimated spread levy is an increase of 17.57% over 2005. The estimated tax base growth in 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION JULY 28, 2005 Rosemount is 18.68 °I° over Final Pay 2005. This results in a 1.7% decrease in the City Tax Rate at 45.251%. Council Member Baxter strongly stated that one of Council's pnorittes should be to maintain the fund balance at 55 This protects our bond rating and ability to recover from any unexpected expenses Staff and Council agreed Mr. Baxter said he was comfortable with the 1.7% decrease. He also stated that he understood it was a blow to the City when the State Legislature did not restore the MVHC amounting to $350,000. Council Member Sterner stated he understood the benefit of lower taxes, but would expect some increases. Mr Sterner asked if the fund balance at 55% is an absolute minimum Finance Director May said it would be considered healthy to keep the fund balance between 50 and 60 Mr. Verbrugge noted that fluctuation is not advisable. Community Development Director Lindquist noted that building unit numbers will not be as high as in the past three years The Harmony development will have a build -out of about six years or 100 housing units each year. There will be an estimated one -third less housing units than last year's total units. Also, there is a larger percentage that will be attached housing which will produce a lower market value. Mr. Verbrugge explained the operating budget, capital improvement plans, tax base growth, and prehminary tax rate. Finance Director May reported that the formula to determine property taxes is complex. The index numbers are not available from Dakota County until the end of September to accurately determine individual property owner's tax amounts. Property taxes are divided between the city, the county and the school distract. Since market values of homes are up 10% to 14 homeowners will likely see a rise in overall taxes. Mayor Droste noted that Rosemount ranks second highest for taxes in Dakota County. Rosemount supported a school referendum last year. Rosemount is growing and additional amenities are being considered. He stated that the image of high taxes needs to change. Mr. Verbrugge stated the budget will be addressed again at the August 10 City Council Work Session. He invited Council to meet with him individually if they want more detail. Mr. Verbrugge said he would work on some risk assessments for different levels of the budget. UPDATES Budget Meeting Schedule Mr. Verbrugge discussed further budget meetings following setting the prehmmary levy and budget to Dakota County on September 6. He asked City Council to consider the fourth Wednesday or Thursday of the months of October, November, and December as budget discussion meetings. The consensus was the fourth Wednesday of each month would be best. Handicap Accessibility Council Member Sterner had a meeting with a resident who has a disabled daughter who was not able to enter Applebee's unaided. Ms. Lindquist responded that all state codes for handicap 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION JULY 28, 2005 accessibility were followed. Some cities have stronger handicap accessibility rules. She was asked to check the regulations regarding handicap accessibility with surrounding cities. Industrial Zoning Council Member Sterner had concerns with housing m close proximity to the Flint Hills refinery. Mr. Sterner asked if there were complaints about water, air, odor, or exposure to any gases released. He stated that oil production by the barrel has increased from 265 barrels per day to 30,000 barrels per day at Flint Hills refinery. Mayor Droste cautioned that citizens need to be educated and then make their own decision about where to live. Mr. Sterner was concerned that low- income families may have fewer options. He stated he is looking more at the long -term exposure than a one-time accidental spill. Mr Sterner sited the example of commercial jobs in the area which allow 8 to 10 hours of exposure a day compared to a young family who is home 24 hours a day. Council Member DeBettignies suggested contacting the Flint Hills Citizen Group to find data that may give City Council a better understanding of any risk outcomes. Mr DeBettigmes had legal concerns that land values might change with the creation of a safety zone. He would not mind lookmg further into this issue in the future. Community Development Director Lindquist noted that cities control zoning and rely on state and federal agencies for air and water quality issues. The land use application for the eastern side of Rosemount will be to Metropolitan Council for approval. Staff will not pursue the amendment if the Council directs staff to review. Mayor Droste supported the recommended amendment. Council Member Sterner investigated additional information regarding his concerns. Mr. Sterner noted there is ample information available for research. The majority of Council Members agreed that the Council as a whole did not need to research this further Flint Hills Facility Tour City Administrator Verbrugge announced that Diane Koll from Flint Hills Resources has invited City Council on a facility tour. Council indicated they would like to be contacted individually for appointments. Rename CR38 to McMenomy Road Mr. Verbrugge indicated he received a petition to rename County Road 38 to McMenomy Road. Mr. McMenomy presented historic information to Mr. Verbrugge showing that the street was named McMenomy Road in the early 1900's. Staff said the timing of a name change in conjunction with the street being turned over to the City from Dakota County is good. Off -Sale Liquor Ordinance Amendment Mayor Droste reported that he received a letter from Chris Holste about adding another off sale liquor store m Rosemount. He is requesting that the ordinance be amended to allow the population to be estimated by staff rather than Metropolitan Council to allow his off -sale 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION JULY 28, 2005 liquor store. Mr. Verbrugge asked City Council how interested they would be to review the liquor ordinance again. City Clerk Jentink noted there have been about five inquiries regarding off -sale liquor licenses. Staff was unsure if a 60 -day rule applied to a liquor license amendment. The City Attorney will be consulted. Consensus was to discuss this in October at a work session. Leprechaun Days Parade Council Member DeBettignies reminded Council about participation in the Leprechaun Days parade on July 30 at 10:30 a.m. National Night Out August 2 Ponce Chief Kalstabakken announced that Council is invited to participate in visits to block parties held for the National Night Out program on August 2. Motion by Mayor Droste to adjourn the meeting at 9:24 p.m. Second by Sterner. Ayes: Five. Motion carried. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -30. 5 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentmk, City Clerk Recording Secretary