HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. Minnesota Army National Facilities 05-34-SPCase 05 -SP MN Army National AGENDA SECTION: Consent AGENDA ITEM: -34 Guard Facilities Site Plan Review PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I C.P Assistant City Planner AGENDA Nr s 4 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Draft 08/23/05 PC Minutes, Draft Zoning Text Amendment Relating to Fences in the PI Public /Institutional District, Location Map, Site Plan, Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control Utility Plan, Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan, Building Addition Floor Plan, Building Addition Elevations /Building Section/Wall Section, Cold Storage Building Plan, Cold Storage Building Elevations /Sections, Photometric Plan. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the site plan for the Minnesota Army National Guard allowing construction of a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing building and a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building with a six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire extending one foot, subject to conditions. 1. Approval of a zoning text amendment allowing fences granter than six feet with barbed wire in the PI Public /Institutional District. 2. Submission of a revised landscape plan illustrating eight (8) boulevard trees and 13 evergreen screen trees as replacements for the required foundation plantings. Five of these trees should be planted in a double row 15 feet on center east of the accessory building drive /maneuvering area to provide screening from Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent residential uses The remaining eight screening trees should be planted in gaps in the existing landscaping in front of the principal building to increase screening of the training bay and vehicles. 3. All lighting must be directed down toward the ground and shall not exceed 0.5 lumens adjacent to any residential use or 1.0 lumen adjacent to any non residential use 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting' September 6, 2005 Engineering Conditions: 1. The storm water rate control requirements for the site do not meet the discharge rate limit based on the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan (CSMP) requirements. The storm water modeling results should include the existing pond located to the south to determine if the rate control requirements for the site are being provided. 2. Proposed ponds 1 and 2 are not providing the water quality treatment for the site. The existing pond located downstream to the south appears to contain water quality treatment volume. The water quality treatment volume of the downstream pond should be provided if this basin is being used to treat the storm water from the site. 3. The storm water modeling of the 10 -Day runoff event is not accurately simulated in the calculations The SCS curve number should be set to 100 to simulate frozen ground conditions. The results should be updated in the summary table on Sheet C3. 4. The 15 -inch outlet pipe located in Pond 1 does not correspond to the construction plan pipe sizes from CB 3 to CB 2 The storm water model input should correspond to the construction plan storm sewer system. 5. The storm water model should include the existing pond located south of the site The existing pond appears to be used for rate control and water quality. The off-site drainage area to the existing pond should also be included in the analysis The storm water routing of the entire site should be simulated to the existing pond for the proposed conditions. Also, the pond outlet should be simulated to determine if the proposed conditions model is meeting the discharge rate requirements for the system. 6. The drainage area map on sheet C3 for the existing conditions includes a drainage area #4 which is not in the analysis. The drainage areas on the map should correspond to the storm water model drainage areas. 7. The storm sewer system capacity should be designed for the proposed conditions of a 10 -year event discharge rate. The proposed pipe may not have adequate capacity for fully developed conditions of the site for the area to the north. The full flow capacity calculations for the developed conditions should be forwarded for review. It is recommended that pipe alignment be considered for extension to the north for future development on the site that will not interfere with future buildings. 8. An agreement shall be executed with the City prior to release of a grading permit and /or building permit that when a future expansion occurs on the National Guard Site the proposed access is eliminated and a new access is constructed that aligns with Birch Street. 2 SUMMARY Applicant Property Owner(s): Location: Area in Acres: Comp Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: Blumentals Architecture Inc. representing the Minnesota Army National Guard West Side of Biscayne Avenue North of the Railroad Tracks 49 38 Acres PI Public /Institutional PI Pubhc /Institutional The applicant, Blumentals Architecture Inc representing the Minnesota Army National Guard, requests site plan approval to allow the construcuon of a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing principal building and a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building. The property is located on the west side of Biscayne Avenue and north of the railroad tracks. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The plannmg commission held a public hearing for this item on August 23, 2005. After hearing no public comment, the commission approved the site plan subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Submission of a revised site plan illustrating the three (3) off -street parking stalls required for the accessory building in proposed drive /maneuvering area prior to City Council acuon on this item. 2. Submission of a revised landscape plan illustrating eight (8) boulevard trees and 13 evergreen screen trees as replacements for the required foundation plantings. Five of these trees should be planted m a double row 15 feet on center east of the accessory building drive /maneuvering area to provide screening from Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent residential uses. The remaining eight screening trees should be planted in gaps in the existing landscaping m front of the principal building to increase screening of the training bay and vehicles. 3. All lighting must be directed down toward the ground and shall not exceed 0.5 lumens adjacent to any residential use or 1.0 lumen adjacent to any non residential use. 4. Should the City approve a zoning text amendment to allow barbed wire in the PI District, the applicant will be required to receive approval of the fence with barbed wire through a separate building permit. 5. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. A key piece to this plan is surrounding the accessory building with a six foot (6') high two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire extending one foot above the fence. This design is similar to the fence surrounding the existing principal building Currently, fences with barbed wire are not permitted within the PI Pubhc /Institutional District. The Planning Commission approved the site plan and recommended the applicant seek a zoning text amendment to allow fences with barbed wire as a conditional use within the PI Pubhc Insututional District. This text amendment is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on September 27t and the 3 Building Performance Standards for the PI Public /Institutional District Standard Required Proposed Status Existing Bldg. Accessory Bldg. Front Yard 30 ft. 218 ft. 123 ft. Conforming Side Yard 30 ft. 114/1,246 ft. 718/881 ft. Conforming Rear Yard 30 ft 725 ft. 889 ft. Conforming Building Height 40 ft 30 ft. 21 ft. Conforming City Council on October 18 In the interim, staff recommends the City Council grant approval of the site plan and the fence with barbed wire contingent on approval of the text amendment. While granting contingent approval is not a typical process, both the Community Development staff and the City Attorney feel it is warranted in this case based on the findings that the Planning Commission held a pubhc hearing on this item on August 23, 2005 and the proposed fence with barbed wire conforms with the standards for granting a conditional use permit outlined in Section 12.7 (see findings hsted in the Fence section below) as well as those in the proposed text amendment. Should the City Council approve this process, it would allow staff to issue a conditional use permit for the fence with barbed wire after Council approval of the text amendment but without sendmg the apphcant back through the review process. Site Plan Land Use Zoning. The subject property is both guided in on the 2020 Land Use Map and zoned PI Pubhc /Institutional As a result, the proposed maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing principal building as well as the accessory storage building are consistent with the current land use and zoning designations. The following table compares the required building performance standards with those proposed by this development. It shows that both the proposed addition and accessory building meet the minimum setback and height performance standards for properties in the PI Pubhc /Institutional District. Access and Parking. As designed, the subject property meets the access and off street parking requirements for the office and warehouse uses m the PI District Section 8.1.H outlines the off street parking standards and requires one stall for every two hundred (1/200) square feet of office area and one stall for every two thousand (1 /2,000) square feet of warehouse area. Given these standards, the principal building with the addition requires 46 stalls and the accessory building requires 3 stalls The site plan show 33 total stalls with enough surfaced area to accommodate the additional 16 stalls. The Commission conditioned their approval on the applicant providing 3 stalls adjacent to the proposed accessory building. The applicant has revised their plans to meet this condition. Loading. The site plan illustrates sufficient loading and maneuvering area for both the principal and accessory buildings. Exterior Building Materials Both the proposed addition and accessory building meet the exterior building matenals standards for properties m the PI District Both buildings will have a five 4 foot wainscot base made of integrated color decorative block and walls made of another color of integrated color decorauve block The colors will match the earth tones of the existing principal building. Trash Enclosure. The site plan fails to show a trash enclosure for the accessory building. The applicant has provided a letter indicating that all trash from the accessory building will be removed or bought to the trash enclosure for the principal. Landscaping and Berming. The revised landscape plan dated August 31, 2005 meets the minimum landscape and plantings requirements for the PI Public /Institutional District Section 8.3 requires a minimum eight (8) trees and one foundation planting for each ten linear feet (1/10) of accessory or principal buildmg. Give these standards, the expansion and new accessory building must provide eight trees and 52 foundation plantings (expansion 185 linear feet /10 =19 and accessory buildmg 332 linear feet /10 33 19 +33 =52). Given the use of the site, staff suggests converting foundation plantings to evergreen screening trees at a rate of four shrubs equals one evergreen screening tree, or 13 trees Five of these trees should be planted in a double row fifteen feet on center east of the accessory building drive /maneuvering area to provide screening from Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent residential uses. The remammg eight screening trees should be planted in gaps m the existing landscaping m front of the principal buildmg to increase screening of the training bay and vehicles. Signage. The proposed expansion and accessory buildmg include no signage plans Exterior Lighting. The exterior fighting plan appears to meet the lighting performance standards for the PI District. Both the addition and accessory building will have wall lighting (see attached photometric plan and light cut sheets). All lighting must be directed down toward the ground and shall not exceed 0.5 lumens adjacent to any residential use or 1.0 lumen adjacent to any non- residential use. Fencing. The applicant proposes to surround the accessory building with a six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire extending one additional foot. Currently, barbed wire is only permitted in the AG Agriculture, AGP Agnculture Preserve, RR Rural Residential, IG General Industrial, and WM Waste Management Distncts The Planning Commission recommended the applicant seek a text amendment to allow fences with barbed wire as a conditional use. Staff is m the process of drafting such language which is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on September 27t and the City Council on October 18, 2005. In the interim, staff recommends granting approval of the fence contingent on the City approving the zoning text amendment. While granting contingent approval is not a typical process, staff feels it is warranted m this case based on the findings listed below which match the existing conditional use permit standards outlined in Section 12.7 as well as those m the proposed zoning text amendment. 1. The Planning Commission held a pubhc hearing on this site plan which mcluded discussion of the proposed six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with tree strands of barbed wire. 5 2. The proposed fence with barbed wire is necessary for the amplified secunty needs unique to this military use. 3. The proposed fence with barbed wire will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. 4. The proposed fence with barbed wire will be consistent with objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and city code provisions with approval of the text amendment. 5. The proposed fence with barbed wire will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible and similar m appearance with the existing fence and shall not substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 6. The proposed fence with barbed wire will have no detrimental effect on essential public facilities and services including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. 7. The proposed fence with barbed wire will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detnmental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Park Dedication. Park dedication fees are typically paid as part of the final plat approvals. Therefore, no park dedication is due as part of this application. Engineering. The Engineering Department offers the following comments: Storm Water Rate Control 1. The storm water rate control requirements for the site do not meet the discharge rate limit based on the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan (CSMP) requirements The storm water modeling results should include the existing pond located to the south to determine if the rate control requirements for the site are being provided. Storm Water Quality 1. Proposed ponds 1 and 2 are not providing the water quality treatment for the site. The existing pond located downstream to the south appears to contain water quality treatment volume The water quality treatment volume of the downstream pond should be provided if this basin is being used to treat the storm water from the site Storm Water Modeling 1. The storm water modeling of the 10 -Day runoff event is not accurately simulated in the calculations. The SCS curve number should be set to 100 to simulate frozen ground conditions. The results should be updated m the summary table on Sheet C3. 2. The 15 -inch outlet pipe located in Pond 1 does not correspond to the construction plan pipe sizes from CB 3 to CB 2. The storm water model input should correspond to the construction plan storm sewer system. 3. The storm water model should include the existing pond located south of the site. The existing pond appears to be used for rate control and water quahty The off -site drainage area to the existing pond should also be included in the analysis The storm water routing of the entire site should be simulated to the existing pond for the proposed conditions. Also, the pond outlet should be simulated to determine if the proposed conditions model is meeting the discharge rate requirements for the system. 4. The drainage area map on sheet C3 for the existing conditions includes a drainage area #4 which is not in the analysis. The drainage areas on the map should correspond to the storm water model drainage areas. Storm Sewer System 1. The storm sewer system capacity should be designed for the proposed conditions of a 10- year event discharge rate. The proposed pipe may not have adequate capacity for fully developed conditions of the site for the area to the north. The full flow capacity calculations for the developed conditions should be forwarded for review. It is recommended that pipe alignment be considered for extension to the north for future development on the site that will not interfere with future buildings. General Comments 1. An agreement shall be executed with the City prior to release of a grading permit and /or building permit that when a future expansion occurs on the National Guard Site the proposed access is eliminated and a new access is constructed that aligns with Birch Street. CONCLUSION Staff recommends site plan approval for the Minnesota Army National Guard to allow construction of a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing principal budding as well as a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building with a six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire extending one foot. While granting contingent approval is not a typical process, both the Community Development staff and the City Attorney feel it is warranted m this case based on the findings that the Planning Commission held a pubhc hearing on this item on August 23, 2005 and the proposed fence with barbed wire conforms with the standards for granting a conditional use permit outlined in Section 12.7 as well as those in the proposed text amendment. Should the City Council approve this process, it would allow staff to issue a conditional use permit for the fence with barbed wire after Counral approval of the text amendment but without sending the apphcant back through the review process. This recommendation is based on the plans submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions outlined m the recommended actions section above. RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached resolution. 7 Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. One. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MN ARMY NATIONAL GUARD FACITILITES SITE PLAN REVIEW WHEREAS, on July 26, 2005, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Blumentals /Architecture, Inc. representing the MN Army National Guard requesting Site Plan Review for a 4,233 square feet addition to the existing maintenance facility and a new 6,789 square feet accessory storage building located at 14221 Biscayne Avenue, legally described as: WHEREAS, on August 23, 2005, the Planning Commission of the Rosemount reviewed the Site Plan for the MN Army National Guard Facilities and held a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Site Plan Review, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 6, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Site Plan Review requested by the MN Army National Guard Facilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Site Plan Review for the MN Army National Guard Facilities, subject to conditions, and based upon the following findings of fact: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this site plan which included discussion of the proposed six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire. 2. The proposed fence with barbed wire is necessary for the amplified security needs unique to this military use. 3. The proposed fence with barbed wire will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. 4. The proposed fence with barbed wire will be consistent with objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and city code provisions with approval of the text amendment. 5. The proposed fence with barbed wire will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible and similar in appearance with the existing fence and shall not substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 6. The proposed fence with barbed wire will have no detrimental effect on essential public facilities and services including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. RESOLUTION 2005- 7. The proposed fence with barbed wire will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council hereby approves the Site Plan for the Minnesota Army National Guard allowing construction of a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing building and a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building with a six foot (6') two inch (2 galvanized steel mesh fence with three strands of barbed wire extending one foot, subject to: 1. Approval of a zoning text amendment allowing fences granter than six feet with barbed wire in the PI Pubhc /Institutional District. 2. Submission of a revised landscape plan illustrating eight (8) boulevard trees and 13 evergreen screen trees as replacements for the required foundation plantings. Five of these trees should be planted in a double row 15 feet on center east of the accessory building drive /maneuvering area to provide screening from Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent residential uses. The remaining eight screening trees should be planted in gaps in the existing landscaping in front of the principal building to increase screening of the training bay and vehicles. 3. All lighting must be directed down toward the ground and shall not exceed 0.5 lumens adjacent to any residential use or 1.0 lumen adjacent to any non residential use. Engineering Conditions: 1. The storm water rate control requirements for the site do not meet the discharge rate limit based on the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan (CSMP) requirements. The storm water modeling results should include the existing pond located to the south to determine if the rate control requirements for the site are being provided. 2. Proposed ponds 1 and 2 are not providing the water quality treatment for the site. The existing pond located downstream to the south appears to contain water quality treatment volume. The water quality treatment volume of the downstream pond should be provided if this basin is being used to treat the storm water from the site. 3. The storm water modeling of the 10 Day runoff event is not accurately simulated in the calculations. The SCS curve number should be set to 100 to simulate frozen ground conditions. The results should be updated in the summary table on Sheet C3. 4. The 15 -inch outlet pipe located in Pond 1 does not correspond to the construction plan pipe sizes from CB 3 to CB 2. The storm water model input should correspond to the construction plan storm sewer system. 5. The storm water model should include the existing pond located south of the site. The existing pond appears to be used for rate control and water quality The off -site drainage area to the existing pond should also be included in the analysis. The storm water routing of the entire site should be simulated to the existing pond for the proposed conditions. 2 Also, the pond outlet should be simulated to determine if the proposed conditions model is meeting the discharge rate requirements for the system. 6. The drainage area map on sheet C3 for the existing conditions includes a drainage area #4 which is not in the analysis. The drainage areas on the map should correspond to the storm water model drainage areas. 7. The storm sewer system capacity should be designed for the proposed conditions of a 10- year event discharge rate. The proposed pipe may not have adequate capacity for fully developed conditions of the site for the area to the north. The full flow capacity calculations for the developed conditions should be forwarded for review. It is recommended that pipe alignment be considered for extension to the north for future development on the site that will not interfere with future buildings. 8. An agreement shall be executed with the City prior to release of a grading permit and/or building permit that when a future expansion occurs on the National Guard Site the proposed access is eliminated and a new access is constructed that aligns with Birch Street. ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk William H Droste, Mayor RESOLUTION 2005- Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent. 1 Excerpt of Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of August 23, 2005. Public Hearing: 5B. Case 05 -34 -SP MN Army National Guard Facilities Site Plan Review. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Blumentals Architecture Inc. representing the Minnesota Army National Guard requested site plan approval to allow the construction of a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing principal buildmg and a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building. The property is located on the west side of Biscayne Avenue and north of the railroad tracks. Chairperson Messner asked the Commission if they had any questions for Mr. Lmdahl. Comnssioner Powell asked where the proposed ponds one and two would be located. Mr. Lmdahl indicated where the ponds would be located. Mr. Powell had no further questions regarding the ponds. Commissioner Schultz asked staff if there is an alternative to using barbed wire and if other apphcants have been interested m using barbed wire fencing and if that is the reason for the text amendment. Mr. Lmdahl stated that the Army National Guard is the primary applicant related to adding barbed wire uses and staff felt the text amendment limits and focuses on the amount of barbed wire related to military uses Comtissioner Messner asked if the apphcant would like to come forward. Janis Blumental, Blumentals Architecture Inc., stated the fencing proposed is an Army standard fence. He further indicated hardly anyone is on site during the off season storage. Master Sergeant Tim McDonald, Facility Supervisor, representing the owner, explained it is standard policy for the military to have a double barrier and that tents and annual training items will be kept m the storage building. The fence is a deterrent to keep people out of the building. Chairperson Messner asked the applicants to explain the alternative to the hammerhead. Mr. Blumental stated the paved area is large enough to provide for parking for up to six cars. Commissioner Messner opened the Public Hearing There was no public comment. MOTION by Zum to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion approved. Commissioner Zurn questioned if the landscaping proposed will block the fencing from the neighbors across the street. Mr Lmdahl stated the boulevard trees will be deciduous and will screen the fence as they grow. In addition, the double rows of evergreens will also provide a substantial screen. Chairperson Messner wanted Staff to provide clarification on where the fence would be located. Mr Pearson stated it will be located immediately surrounding the building. Commissioner Powell suggested that Condition 1 be modified to strike out the hammerhead portion of the condition MOTION by Powell to recommend approval of the site plan for the Minnesota Army National Guard to construct a 4,233 square foot maintenance training bay and storage addition to the existing building and a 6,789 square foot accessory storage building, subject to conditions. 1. Submission of a revised site plan illustrating the three (3) off -street parking stalls required for the accessory building pnor to City Council action on this item. 2. Submission of a revised landscape plan illustrating eight (8) boulevard trees and 13 evergreen screen trees as replacements for the required foundation plantings. Five of these trees should be planted in a double row 15 feet on center east of the accessory building dive /maneuvering area to provide screening from Biscayne Avenue and the adjacent residential uses. The remaining eight screening trees should be planted in gaps in the existing landscaping in front of the principal building to increase screening of the training bay and vehicles. 3. All hghtmg must be directed down toward the ground and shall not exceed 0.5 lumens adjacent to any residential use or 1.0 lumen adjacent to any non- residential use. 4. Should the City approve a zoning text amendment to allow barbed wire m the PI District, the apphcant will be required to receive approval of the fence with barbed wire through a separate building permit. 5. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. Second by Schutlz. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion carried. Mr. Lindahl stated this item will go before the City Council for approval on September 20, 2005. h. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 7.2.C.1.h of the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended as follows: Districts. Barbed wirc, not exceeding three (3) strap. fcncc, pr viding thc arms d not project over the public right of way or any adjacent fcncc is requested, an application shall be made to thc Building Official. A Certificate of approval of the City Attorney as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 566.04. (Ord. B 21, 6- 16-92) Security fences not exceeding eight feet (8') in height are permitted in the IG General Industrial and WM Waste Management Districts and are a conditional use subject to the standards in Section 12.7 (Conditional Uses) in the PI Public /Institutional. Barbed wire may be permitted on top of a security fence where the applicant demonstrates the barbed wire is necessary for greater security and will not be harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of the community. The barbed wire portion of the fence may not have more than three strands, the lowest of which shall be at least six feet (6') from finished grade No portion of the barbed wire shall project over the public right -of -way or any adjacent public or private property. No security fence (with or without barbed wire) shall be constructed without issuance of the applicable City permit. Section 2: Ordinance shall be effective the day following its publication Adopted this day of 2005. Linda Jentink, City Clerk William Droste, Mayor Published this day of 2005 in the Rosemount Town Pages. City Hall __1452x eT W 1 1 1 Army .4ational Guard Site Loca....m Map 1 I 1 Copynght 2005, Dakota County Map Date August 11, 2005 t °t9 4 4.0.411 MOM 9 a y a y 94� i CV r ON FLOOR PLANS rt HOC J m� CD 7 v 0 G 0 C