HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Renaming of County Road 38AGENDA ITEM: Renaming of County Road 38 AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGE 3 A ATTACHMENTS: 1879 and 1916 maps APPROVED BY: i RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: September 14, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND Staff provided a verbal report at the July 28 special work session that members of the McMenomy family have requested Council consideration to rename County Road 38 as McMenomy Road when the City takes turnback of the road from Dakota County. Council continued discussion at the August 10 work session. ISSUE County Road 38 is being turned back to local authority. Staff will be looking at renaming the stretch of road that currently goes by three different names 132n Street, Bonaire Path, and County Road 38. E B McMenomy has approached the City, on behalf of the McMenomy family, to request that this road be renamed McMenomy Road. Included in the August 10 packet was a census document from 1920 that shows the address of property owners along this stretch being that of McMenomy Road. The former home of Edward McMenomy at this location is in the process of being relocated to Heritage Village on the Dakota County Fair grounds. Staff spoke with Maureen Geraghty Bouchard, one of Rosemount's historical experts, to determine if there might be any competing claim to this stretch of road. Ms. Geraghty Bouchard indicated that a large area of land was owned by Edward McMenomy on both sides of what is now County Road 38. Andrew Keegan, for whom Keegan Lake is named, was the other large property owner in this area back in the day. However, to the best of Ms. Bouchard's knowledge, no Keegans remain in Rosemount. Council asked for more documentation supporting the historical basis of the request, specifically an indication of how long the McMenomy family presence in Rosemount Attached are maps from 1879 and 1916 provided by Mrs. Bouchard that shows land holdings by the McMenomy family We are sell researching to determine how far back the road name was in place, however older census data did not include road names. Any additional information regarding the road name will be provided verbally at the meeting. Staff also contacted Dakota County and the U.S. Post Office regarding name changes of roads. Cities have the authonty to name city- controlled streets as they wish. The Post Office indicated that they can make whatever changes the City deem necessary. Dakota County has indicated that McMenomy Road does not conform to the County's street naming system and, although they have no authority in the matter, do not recommend the change. Other examples of streets that similarly break from the County's naming system include McAndrews Road and Connemara Trail. There are ten (10) properties that have a 135 Street address, both east and west of Akron Avenue. All ten of these are actual residential properties that would require postal address changes. There are three (3) properties that have a Bonaire Path address and three (3) that have a 132 Street address. Five of these are residentially occupied properties. The Post Office has indicated that the process for an address change would allow for dual processing of the old address and the new address for a period of one year, which should substantially reduce inconvenience to affected addressees. One of the questions for Council is whether the name change, whatever it is determined to be, should apply to the entire stretch of road that was previously referred to as County Road 38 or to lust one or two of the segments. Staff suggests that if a name change is applied, that it be applied to the entire stretch to rrnnimize confusion. SUMMARY Staff requests direction on how to proceed with the request to rename County Road 38. 2 is ioik ll'affr --:.a. til: Iftrit-ItiOtAIT- 1' ihli int' 11: 111 1 :i.3 1,1`111: 1 Ii4itic':* 64 [111 L4 76014 7; zirtc 7 vrj at AT: ;74 1 1.r;“ laybr, a? ....s......".... is 7fri rush') pro7 6 rs a) 1010/ 4 0.t e a. gig* 4 v •09, !Si T I finalen3 '7•8 0 e VI g a -4 In H' erVia 1 ni It iek Z e' tO d A p ,4 a t 4 bl II til tit ,•117961 4.11.0 zt. 1 0- 1 ,8 h.tr atc cke1 Ro e 256.58. .44 a SS SONS 'el 0 1 ‘s 1 '00/ .4a, tauitur.44 z 091 1- .1010,9f91 a I •09 Imo :Line 19;a •09 paJp13Fr 1-- •08 t 3; nu* Tot '06 Ha LI 01 •10v D a tw. a 4 %roc -0) O. 7.cltur_ .vunir 0 3f 111722(7).4 9 V 2101Dy d Fa? 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Conveys: A strip, belt or piece of land 100 feet wide extending across from the North Side to the West side of the following described tract of land towit: The SW* of the NW* being Lot 2 in the Government survey thereof and the W+ of the SW4 of section 21 Township 115,Range 19 through the center of which said strip, belt or pieee of land, the center line of the Railroad as now located and to be constructed runs so as to leave i being fifty feet in width of said strip, belt or piece of land on each side of said center line. Anne McMenomy signed: Anne McMenomy. (PLACED HERE FOR REFERENCEONLY) Edward McMenomy &wf.Ann, 5 to The Minnesota Central Railway a Minnesota corporation. Located May 2,1857. Receipt No.2212. Warrant.Located upon Government Lot 2 and W2 of SW* of section 21 Township 115,Range' 19. Contents 116.83 acres. Book of Land Office Entries on page 126, Patent, dated Feb.3,1860. Recorded Dec.5, 1918 in Book "Q -2 "of Deeds,page 386. Grants, the Wj of SW* and Lot Two of section 21 Township 115,Range 19. W.Deed,dated May 25,1857.Recorded June 17,1857 in Book "F "of Deeds,page 247. Conveys,the lands described atNo.3. Rbstr et of Title Tne'" allowing described tracts, pieces or ;parcels of land situate, lying and being in the County of D lso and- State of Minnes b„,.46 ‘2;111/2.4 1 That part of Government Lot Two (2) and the West half (W 1 /2) of t e Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Twenty -one (21), Township One hundred fifteen (115), ERaQ e 4 ineteen (19), lying southerly of the cebterline of County Road No. S'a i8 northerly and westerly of the right of way line 'of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, accor ingIto the Government Survey there lbstroct Title