HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Assessment Hearing - 2005 Paving Management Project City Project #3929ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Linda Jentink, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE FOR 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT #392 I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 23, 2005, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and on September 22, 2005 deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public heanng regarding the proposed Improvements to the 2005 Pavement Management Project, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 3 rd' day of September, 2005. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Ci Lynda Jentink, Ci'!Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651- 423 -4111 TDD /TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.ctrosemount.mn.us ROSEMOUNT TO: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 392 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TIME AND PLACE GENERAL NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet w the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 18th day of October, 2005 at 7 30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assessments for sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drama facIltues, streets, sidewalks, bike path, sewer and water services and appurtenant work for the 2005 Pavement Management Protect, City Protect #392, heretofore ordered by the City Council. The Council may adopt the proposed assessment at the hearing ASSESSMENT ROLL OPEN TO INSPECTION: The proposed assessment roll as on file with the City Clerk and open to public inspection. AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED: The area proposed to be assessed consists of every lot, piece or parcel of land benefited by said improvements, which has been ordered made and is as follows all that area generally described as Parcel Idenuficauon Numbers 34-01610-010-64; 010 -70; 019-55; 34-01710-010-80; 030-80; 190-80, 34-02010-010-10, 010-18, 013-01, 014-01; 34-02110-010-25; 34-32950-010-01; 020-01, 34-64700-260-01, 030-01, 090-01, 110-01; 140-01, 160-01; 291-01, 340-02; 370-01; 370-02, 400-02, 430-02, 450-02; 490-02, 540-02; 280-02- ;290 -01;320- 01;34 03800- 010 08,010 10,030- 13,040 -12; 040 -13; 050 12,060- 12,070 12;080- 12;081- 13, 082 -13, 090 -12; 140 -12, 150 -12, 160 -12; 180 -12, 210 -12, 34- 62856- 001 -07, 001 -08; 001 -09, 002 -07; 002 -08, 002 -09; 003 -07; 003 -08; 003-09; 004 -07, 004 -08; 004 -09, Lots 12 -15, Block 2 Rosemount Hills 2 ^d Addition, Lots 2 -5, Block 1, Lots 1 -5, Block 2, Lots 1 -4, Block 3 Rahn's Addition, Lots 1 -7, Block 1, Lots 1 -8, Block 2, Lots 1 -3, Block 3 Rahn's 2 ^d Addition; Locs 4 -8, Block 1, Lots 1 -5, Block 2 Rahn's 4th Addition, Lots 1 -7, Block 1; Lots 1- 16, Block 2; Lots 1 -12, Block 3 Rahn's 5t^ Addition, Lots 1 -12, Block 1; Lots 1 -12, Block 2; Lots 1-3, Block 3 Rahn's 6th Addition, Lots 1 -12, Block 1, Lots 1 -13, Block 2; Lots 1 -10, Block 3, Lots 1 -10, Block 4, Lots 1 -12, Block 5, Lots 1 -18, Block 6 Rahn's 7th Addition; Lots 1 -13, Block 1 Rahn's Sth Addition, Lots 1 -2, Block 1 Rahn's 9th Addition in Rosemount, Minnesota, as on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPOSED: The total amount proposed to be assessed is $393,370.00. WRITTEN OR ORAL. OBJECTIONS: Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing. RIGHT OF APPEAL: An owner of property to be assessed may appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429 081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such nonce with the district court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk 1 SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423.4417 TDD /TTY 657- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www,ci.rosemount mn.us LIMITATION ON APPEAL: No appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment adopted by the Ctty Council unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk poor to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the heanng All objections to the assessments not received at the assessment hearing in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429 061 are waived, unless the failure to object at the assessment hearing is due to a reasonable cause DEFERMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secuons 435.193 to 435 195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardslup to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Secuons SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED: The amount to bespeafically assessed agatrist your parncularlot, piece of parcel of land is shown on Exhibit A PREPAYMENT: You may prepay the enure assessment to the Treasurer of the Ctty until the assessment roll is certified to the County Auditor, after cernficauon to the County Auditor, prepayments of the ensue amount remaining due may be made to the County Auditor at any ume. NO PARTIAL: The Ctty Council has not authorized the partial prepayment of assessments prior to certtficanon of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT INTEREST, OR WITH INTEREST TO END OF YEAR: No interest shall be charged ti the enure assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll. If the property owner pays the entire amount at any ume after 30 days, but before any certification to the County Auditor, he or she needs to pay only the amount of interest accrued as of the date of payment At any time after the ceruficauon, the property, owner may still pay the enure amount remaining unpaid co the County Treasurer. In this case, however, prior to November 15 of any year the property owner must pay all interest, which would have accrued to December 31 of the year in which the person makes the payment. INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll, interest wtll accrue on the assessment at the rate of 5 5 Interest accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual m tallments extending over a period of up to 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2005, collectible with such taxes during the year 2006. Dated t 2l day of September, 2005 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Linda Jentink City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN Aa:crleay atdr and services an available -Please zontact City Clerk at (612)322 -2003, or TDD No, (612)423 -6219, no later than October 72, 2005 to make a request, Examples af'auxta i aids or service' may include: an language znterreter, airutzve &tening kit, acoe,,zble meeting location, etc. 2 TOTAL ASSESSMENT. I— 0 TI% 1 1 05t 1 O5z`1$ O S Z` I I Oti_`t 00S'Z$ L 005i$ OSZ`1 oZ`1$ I osz'i$ I 05Z`I% OSZ`t5 I OSZ 1$ OSZ OSc is OCZ osCU CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount MN 55068 I 1 8905% f D'V nmotna`ou Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 NSV 1 89055 tNW 7tmoutaao' Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount NB'. 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 550681 Rosemount MN 550681 1 R9oss PII'V 7tnutua5.og 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 890SS NT \I Inn91ra•%91 N9055 i rtmomasug Rosemount MN 55061 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 1 8995% NN tunoutacoj 1 Rosemount 1111• 53068 11 Rosemount MN 550081 MAILING ADDRESS: 3190 145th Street West j asap pan vT Srl OtZ£ 3210 Lower 147th Street West 4320 146°' Street West 14770 Canada Avenue 3330 146th Street West 3260146th Street West 3280 146th Street West 3340 146tt' Street West 1 14770 Canada Avenue 14770 Canada Avenue 3300 146th Street West 14595 Canada Avenue 14555 Canada Avenue 3305 146th Street \X'est 3275 146ce Street West 3315 146th Street West 14550 Chianti Avenue -PO Box158 14615 Canada Avenue 3260 146 °t Street West 1 3370 145 °t Street West 14570 Canada Avenue 14625 Canada Avenue il :DWVN Brad M Wilson Lawrence A Susan 8 Jacobson Kndtavong Sdamnrnne I'hrachansay Kevin N Kanberhj Jahnz Rosemount Methodist Church Carne L Stravredes Robert Pamela Gerotume WtWam Gayle Cogger }3nan D Larson Lonna- Rachel B Larson 1 Rosemount Methodist Church Rosemount Methodist Church Patricia Ann Tste Bohnert Alma J Lmdgmst Mary Jean Kelly Dense D Muir, Jerry L Mary E Wilde Vernon \X' Enckson Thomas J Tondson 1i Dorothy I McClatd i Andrew J Lindsay A KtoWaug Robert Patncta Gerontme Joluz P Judith Wtederhold 'Ceylon \X' Young Brian A Anent Michelle 1. Randall :Old 80 jj 1 otot0008£or£ P 3 4038000 3013 1 340380004012 1 H 340380004013 1 1 1 1 340380006012 1 1 Z10L0008£Ot£ 1 1 340380008012 1 340380008113 1 1 340380008213 1 1 Z106 L 1 340380014012 340380015012 1 340380016012 1 N N O O 00 O C W 0 7J rn er 0 0 M ri N 0 0 u, 00 N '0 en KI O 0 rod] OO N SO r1 en 0 vt N U M O N O_ it :A N 0 r'1 N O N O 0 c4 N 'C r! O t'J G ay ap N 'C M re ce co co C4 cc; 11.1 C co 0 CD R Ca 2 ciOzzZ LL1 (fl a aQQQ EXHIBIT "A". TOTAL ASSESSMENT: OSC 1 Ot6't5 057 It 11 OSZ`It OS OSZ`It 1 (lCZ'IU I r 057:`tt I I o5z 1$ 0S(7,` It L OSZ`lS 1 05Z`It 1� L nst U oSZ 1 osz`is 1( OS Id) 1 1 os z'Ir I[ l OSZ'I$ CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 8905S NN tanomasog Rosemount MN 550681 11 8905S N1V lt 11 89055 Nl'4 lrmomasmd Rosemount bIN 550681 Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount MN 55(168 l il 89055 [VTV luttowasoll l 89 0 SS MAI l Lakeville MN 55068 F390SS NIV lunomasoll Rosemount MN 55068 R9055 NLV ltntowasoll 1 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount 1\[N 55068 89055 NEV tunowasog —ter Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 JI Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 14555 Chtann Avenue 14590 Chianti Avenue 14635 Canada Avenue J` 14575 Chian _Avenue 3335 146 Street West 14645 Canada Avenue I! 14595 Cluann Avenue 3325 146 Street West 1! 1s2AV laanS PLn lam 0 '4 Sb££ 10341 204th Street j 14605 Chianti Avenue 3335 Lower 147'^ Street West 3330 Lower 147'" Street West I 14625 Cluanu Avenue 3325 Lower 147th Street West 3320 Lower 147th Street West 14645 Cluann Avenue, PO Box 416 l sa t A taa adb raA SUE 3310 Lowe/ 147th Street West if 1 3305 Lower 147th Street West .F 1 3300 Lower 147th Street West 11 3285 Lower 147th Street West :BINVN lohn W Beverly Warweg Stacey L Atneosen Paul) Louise C Hom Patrick Mary Tste Finnegan II 1 ra3raplaptm[oS PUNT ininN Robert A Cope Kathleen A Cope Eugene Eva A frst Charboneau Thomas Sylvia Sommers raamy lore 'g L ,iunpuy 1 dystnd Q. L'I'1 Je go l u `1 V Beth l effrey Pavhcek la9v tlre1V 1 arr ['V rP 8 Ilamo-1 J coo.-- uasuaf autumnal] tg Pl°"1V 11 I Jeanne 143 Lade I u Elizabeth A Zantntller -rr—,, 1� Michael Strasser 1 1 11 Edward Mary Lee Ponvoll I -‘rr.ii t n Inez J fsre Meyer t 11 lances A Susan J Kettmger Cletus N Marlys Pistulka n Matthew W Debra P Huerta J rr Brandon C Matthees tt LL I 1462R1 I3 346285003002 f I 346285003003 I00I'0oS8Z96£ I 346285004002 11 I 46285004003 I� G 346285005001 11 t ,h 326285005002 11 L 1001015 11 1 346285101002 N £0010158Z9b£ r 1 1 1 346285102001 1 I 14A,R51n9nr» I 1 346285102003 1 t 346285103001 346285103002 346285103003 34 26 8 15 04002 346285105001 346285105002 r CC re E as a V ce w o EXHIBIT "A" CITY, STATE TOTAL ZIP CODE: ASSESSMENT• r II KC: IS O5 •6`1 5 I o5Z`tS NI r I 1 oCZ`IS 05C IS 05� IS I OSZ•CS OS4 t� 05Z`tS osz`1it r 1 OSZ`tte osns 05'6'3 OSZ`1S 1 Oct' ISc. OSr L S r 1 OSo 1S 056` r 1 O57` OSZ lS 1 OSL`f 5 r-- 05e`15 89055 CsnV tunuutaso-j II Rosemount l\LN 55068 Apple Valley MN 55124 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 NIV lutiowaso) II Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 890SS N1V iunoulaaog Rosemount 1\1N 55068 Rosemount AEI 55068 Rosemount MN 550681 890SS N1V Irntow 1 Rosemount MN 55068 V I Rosemount MN 55068 1 1 Rosemount TIN 550681 Rosemount MN 55068 II 1 Rosemount MN 55068 II Rosemount lvIN 55068 II I 89055 MV runow hog I Rosemount MN 55068 II I 11 89955 (`t1V runounso21 MAILING ADDRESS: 3265 Lower 147th Street West 3260 Lower 147th Street West 14378 Embrey Court I 3460 146th Street West 3450 116th Street West 3420 146th West 3385 146th Street West I 3400 146th Street West 3395 146th Street West 1 3380 146th Street West 3425 146th Street West 3455 146th Street West 3465146th Street West 1 3395 Lower 147th Street West 3350 Lower 147th Street \X'est 3240 147th Street West 3415 Lower 147h Sheet West �I isa laanS TLh l x 04£€ it 3262 147Th Street 'West 3435 Lower 147th Street West 3390 Lower 147h Street West 1 tsar raauS w Lt1 0865 14655 Chili Avenue I :3WVN Jacquelyn Unger tapnu (drraad 1 John P 7'ste Brobeck Kenneth E Schug Shen L Sling uosutlo( IV euuoj l? Q new p Gayle A Katen Ann 'Liege l Michael P Wilfahrt grzf7 aa-I lareBae,IV asang Vr UCSnS 1 PaNOY'11a9 Gary G Beverly Honnam Francis T Mary M Curley Kathleen M Elizabeth john J Winters 1 Apiag jV ward Amy Scholl raWPJ g OE IV'8 v Sa r 33 a[ 1 Scott A Tara Al V'anhemert Daniel J Leighton Elizabeth Al 1\lillard F i E g a l r ,AA 2I toed Steven Ramona Murphy 346285403002 Mark I Jana P Demeranville 346285403003 Steven 0 Margaret Boehlke 346285404001 Ronald] Sally Revolmsba :Qld I00L0ISS?9t£ 1 I 1 346285107002 N 346285108002 346285301002 1 11 346285302002 N 346285303002 1 1 346285304001 346285304002 I G 346285305001 1 Z00S0£S8Z9b£ 1 t. 346285306001 1 1 1 346285307001 I I 346285308001 I IOO1O1'S8Z91 346285401002 I 1 346285401003 N 346285402001 346285402002 346285402003 346285403001 La Li ca E2 03 2 t en en EXHIBIT "A" cn CG cc ca ca to to ca (NI co 0 C4 co 2 tu ct OzZz zzwww EXHIBIT "A" H OS`LS OSZ`IS OSZ I"5 it welt I I OSZ`IS 11 OSZ`I$ 1 I I O S Z' IS I I 05: IS OSZ'1S i I OSZ' I e sa` tS 1 I I O S Z tS 11 OSZ`tt i osz u OSZ'1S II s7,` Hf I osz'ts 1I 1 t If 1 osz`IS II 1 3285 147th Street West 11 Rosemount MN 55068 IL $1,250 I TOTAL ASSESSMENT i $1.350 OSCIS OSZ'IS CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 89055 NI^1 lunonasog Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount LAN 5506F4I Rosemount MN 55068 II 1l 890 5 5 NT'1 runomasoR II 89OSS wry runouaso-a 1 990SS N tuuoutasog Rosemount MN 55068 II Rosemount MN 550681 Rosemount MN 550684 Rosemount MN 550684 Rosemount MN 550681 1 Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount \1N 55068 98 OSS N1AT imtouiasog Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 M Rosemount 1\IN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount DIN 55068 11 Rosemount AfN 55068 II kosemou AIN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 3410 Lower 147'" Street West I� �I isac$V laart5 v'Lbl 06Z£ 14665 Chih Avenue II 3415 147th Street West, Box 17 3300 147th Street West II 14675 Chih Avenue 3395 147h Street West 3310 147th Sneer West I I auu4,4c 7 S89bt 3375 147th Street West 3320 147th Street West J 3355 147th Street West 3330 147h Street West I I 3335 147th Street West isaA \1aa345 'PLtt OS6£ 15 A11°araS wLbt SZL£ i 3370 147th Street West 1 1 1 3315 147th Street West 3390 147th Street West i 3305 147th Street West 3410 147th Street West I 3295 147th Street West 1 :3141VN Qld Enc S Cook Robert C Madonna R Polta Charles J Kathleen Milord Rudolph 1 'Ideas M Olson waugap PI UO35 Scan M Nelson Mark Beth Hanley Kenneth R Lorrayne Ingram 1 Kevin D Mary Anne Giles Michael Wendy L Mandigo 1 I arty] Rochelle Pdcher David M Tammi L Ford James A Christie \'itek N Jeffrey Todd AUiderson Michelle Bergstrom-Anderson Ryan Mtchacl Post Crystal Lynn kXrtter j Kevin P Carroll Maureen C Kelly Carroll asoo13 g rnrz•1 V uanaiS I David H Barbara A Toombs Jason L Stacy A Anderson sgmOOi F attrt(V d saunv( r Bran E Boudreau ratsaid y errgrcll sc g lied Matthew J Groff 346285404002 II 346285404003 1 11 346285405001 II 346285405002 II 11____346285405003 11 I 346285406001 1 I I 346285406002 H I I 346285406003 U I I 346285407001 I� I I 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Canada Avenue 14705 Chill Avenue 1 3265 Upper 147th Street West 3260 Upper 147H Street VVest 14715 Chill Avenue 3285 Upper 147th Street West 1 3280 Upper 147th Street West 14725 Chill Avenue 1 )3A1 hang vtLb L iaddC1 S6Z£ 3290 Upper 147h Street West rsaiv, i l sadd0 50£ I I 3300 Upper 147th Street West 3315 Upper 147th Street West J' 3310 Upper 147th Street West 3325 Upper 117t Street West I 3320 Upper 147th Street West 3335 Upper 147th Street West 3330 Upper 147th Street West 3355 Upper 147th Street West 3350 Upper 147th Street West :3lNV N Rcky E Linda NE Dtentlaw ne &trmJ IuI ring w plrnoC1 Ira J Kathleen Nears Owen P Ann M Hat L Danny D Chusune Dayton Doran Phyllis Waltzer GeraldA Dutnda M Mayer Paul Linda Fmkenhoefer Roy 1) Chathyann Roserrlund Stephen Chnstme Schrmdt 346285503003 Carl G Cherylyn Dahlberg 346285504001 N Keith W Angeline Edick 346285504002 Dana] Ancluson 346285505001 II Ronald AJr Afoe 346285507002 IraJ Kathleen] Neary -01d 346285415002 y 346285416002 1 346285501001 I I I 346285501002 11 346285501003 1 II 346285502001 V 346285502002 [i 346285502003 II 1 346285503001 s Z00£OSS8Z9tr£ II ca o am am pm ma CC cc cc co cn EXHIBIT "A". TOTAL II ASSESSMENT: H OSZ`l4 �I 0SZ`I$ I OSZ` h OSZ`I$ I I O SZ`t$ i n St IS r OSZ I$ $1,250 J l if OST I$ 1 OSZ'1$ In Oct` ti II 05t IS h O SZ`I$ It OSZ II It I OSZ p I OSC I$ 11 Jr OSZ`IS 11 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 890SS NJ Itmowasoll Rosemount MN 55068 11 JP 1 890SS NIN tunortmsog Rosemount 1\ IN 550681 Rosemount 1\11N 55068 1 1 89055 DLI4 m iimuaso g Fzts5 NT- V'dailEA aldd\. Rosemount I\ LN 55068i X187045 N_4V lrmnmasolf Rosemount MN 55(168 1 890 Nin I tZISS NW`'(alleiA alddv L Rosemount MEN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 550681 890SS DON 1 89()5S NUNI NUN Itmotuasox 1L Apple Valley, kIN 55124 1t Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemou MN 55068 89055 PIIV itmowasog II Rosemount MN 57068 Rosemount MN 55068 890SS N:N lunotuasoy 11 MAILING ADDRESS: 3375 Upper 147'^ Street West 3370 Upper 147th Street \Vest 1� 3395 Upper 147th Street West 3390 Upper 147"' Street West Il 3415 Upper 147th Street West i1 anuaAV gulf) OSLbt 14378 Embry Court 3378 Upper 149th Street West 3480 Upper 149th Street West IsaAl laanS m6b1 aaddEl 08b£ J 3480 Upper 149"' Street West 14378 Embry Court l 4105 137t Street \Vest 3480 Upper 149th Street West I 3480 Upper 149th Street West 3376 Upper 149th Street West 14378 Embry Court 1 3392 Upper 149th Street West 1 14775 Canada Avenue 1 14745 Chill Avenue I 1 14825 Canada Avenue 3260 149th Street West :3WtlN Lows E Hofstad Neil F Jacobson Rislu Paul Muhabu Dorene M Perkins �l James R Jr Andrews Scout Peterson Lorna Meidhnger I( henry W Broback 1 Thomas M Hahn �1 Fairfax Construction Co Fairfax Constnicuon Co Fairfax Construction Co J Henry W Broback i Robert Kathleen Cason Fairfax Consuncnon Co Fairfax Construction Co 2iagwle1N'1 SJo9ai7 II Henry \X' Broback raltmf-1 t1 eme1 1 Jerome Colcen 1 ldhckson Steven H Olson Susan K Lambertz 1 Daniel] Corngan I I _L Paulette L Quenzer Barbara A McDonald r 346285510001 11 I 346285510002 11 346285511001 K IL 1 1 346285511002 11 l I 346285512001 11 3462R5512002 11 I 346285600107 II 1 I I 346285600108 11 1 601009S8Z96£ 1 346285600207 P i 1 1 1 346285600208 1 1 60Z00958Z9t£ I 346285600307 1 N I 346285600308 1 1 1 11 346285600309 t 1 346285600407 0 0 V in C en 0 0 0 in N C rn 0 0 0. n m V M 0 i n c r 0 0 0 0 V' v 0n in N 4 R Q in N1 0 0 V' in cC M cn CD ca as C3 CV ce C3 ct u. E2 cc 2 uj to cn cn CA CA tll 1.1.1 LEI 0 CA CO CA re TOTAL ASSESSMENT: °L� 1» it I� O5� tt 05C1S I 05L`LS OS r OSC`I it o56`t?t ocett O5f t r� 0 52; 1 1.S It— 056`t8 0 c`t us %j5 05;`15 r- 06C`L5 I I OS `1'3 r CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: _Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount l\thJ 550741 X11 Rosemount N -!N 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I 89055 NJV 4unoutaso I\Jmneapolts !vIN 55410 I Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 89OSS DIIV tunomasog Rosemount lvCN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount 1`4N 550681 1 0')0SS NN tmn)unsog 1 1 t 5L1 MTV 'M P 1 Rosemount NfN 55068 I Rosemount MN 5506811 i I Jto,emount ➢fN 55068 1 I I I Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 II Rosemount MN 53068 11 Rosemount NLN 55068 390CS NJAI aunoruasog MAILING ADDRESS: I 74876 Camfield Circle 3275 148th Street West 14765 Club Avenue 3270 148th Street West 3270 149° Street WesT 5132 Abbott Ave S 14900 Coalfield Cn 3285 148th Street West I 14785 Cluh Avenue 3280 148th Street West I 3280149th Street Vest 14901 Caulfield Circle J 14926 Cornfield Curie 3295 148' Street West I 4101 Parklawn Ave Unit 314 3290 148th Street West 3290 149th Street West 14925 Camfield Circle I 14950 Caulfield Cade 3305 148th Street West 4281 143rd Street West 1 3300 148th Street West 3300 149th Street West I �3WVN David E Kromschroeder IiI James D Susan C Pickens Kevin Jenufer Pauly I Jon 11 Sherrill A Carlson Gerald Barbara Jassahn poelnoH Zt 1JJEWJEltj 1 ayle•oN i X uanats I David R Susan Pescluutta V Donald C Knsune Gonstor I Lloyd Judy Harlow paads [smog Jerome D Rene t1' Puciaty Susan Kealy Roger I lolrnes Donald D Tsle Nelson Marcia J Tste Nelson Dorothy Peterson Hotly Dl Devogt II 1 :Old IL 346285601006 11 346285602001 346285602002 60UZ0958Z94£ 11 346285602004 tL 346285602005 346285602006 1 1 346285603001 II 346285603002 (00£0958 346285603004 S00£0958Z9t£ 346285603006 I 346285604001 346285604002 CD aS In o Ex zzunuw nUJUALU aaQ< TOTAL ASSESSMENT: J I I 05[`15 OSC $1,2 I I OSZ' OSZ't$ OSZ`t& I[ Oct' IIt OSc t$ OSZ`1 057: f r? J IC_ OSZ' 1 OS:` O h N -'A 0 u N O PI R 0 vt CI 5'4 0" v` O yt O v N 1 -J O u'l r L tH O un N CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount MN 550681 Rosemount I11N 55068 Rosemount MTN 55068 Apple Valley, MN 55124)1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount DLN 55068jj Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I F 8 9055 tNfl ltmowasog Apple Valley NfN 55124 L 90S5 Nl\ amotnasog 1 Rosemount MN 550681 I Rosemount MN 55068 1 89 iNT tono I r 890SS N1A1 lumomasog I Lakeville 1\1N 55044 1 Rosemount RLN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 89085 NAY rniomasog £ZLSS N<1T ur:3e r 890•S -NLl tmtonsascid _1 r 89055 tNIIN junoutssoll 1 890SS Nll atmotuasoll MAILING ADDRESS: J 14951 Canfield Circle 14976 Caulfield Circle asap taanS 4,861 S 1££ 14378 Embry Court 1 3305 149th Sheet West 3305 Lower 150th Street West JI 14975 Caulfield Circle II 15000 Canfield Circle 1 3325 148th Street West 173 C11 42 3295 149th Street West 3295 Lower 150th Street West 1 L 14976 Canada Avenue 3210 Lower 150th Sheet West tsatkl i aaatS 9 S£G I I 10341 204th Street 3285 149th Street West 3285 Lower 150th Street West 14950 Canada Avenue antrQ anuaJ ono" 8ZZ1 1 3355 148th Street West J 3356 -58 148('' Street West j 3275 149th Street West :3WVN uaug,O N arruea[rg E smuoc Richard K Dons Knights David 5 Otterness Henry \C' Brobark Brenda A Scorch Bnan K Jodell 1 Shelly M Schultz j Jeanne Scott Lee Ronald Dotothy Doyle i Noukune Bouthavong Phouthone Xayachack jI trero0 Q pied Michael B Ford John E Rana L Krussow Alfred) Diana C Korpela J Richard D Barbara Martin Joyce LaFavre 1 A C Brobark LTD Ptnshp Manly n F Melt luor Steven R Theresa Millen Harold L Cynrlua Swart Dakota County CDA 1 1 Nancy 1. Carlson Kevu, Carlson _1 1 Thomas E Diane A Steele Robert C Anderson Carol A Anderson :C/Id I I 346285605005 900S09SSZ96£ 346285606001 I I 3462856(16002 346285606003 346285606004 r 346285606005 II 346285606006 1 346285607001 1 346285607002 346285607003 ry 346285607004 II 346285607005 J 1 346285607006 1r 346285608001 346285608002 346285608003 11 346285608004 1 1 346285608005 N 346285608006 1 1 346285609001 J 346285609002 1 1 346285609003 CC 1Z LU cn cn ci o o al CM CID In LU CI I— ZZLUUILU EXHIBIT "A" CITY, STATE TOTAL ZIP CODE: ASSESSMENT Rosemount MN 55068 it $1,250 1 ot r O56 ll P o5tIs r 1 OSZ`T$ r OSZ`T II 05?`1$ C OSZ`t$ we 1 1 IISZ`lA 05i `TS r� 05 TS OSi 1$ OSZ`I,s 1 o 95(.`I; I ,25U $1,25(1 1 $1250 OS6 IS OSZ`ti OSZ`1S ry Rosemount MN 55068 89055 N lunowaso a Rosenwunt MN 55068 I G H tv1N 55077 Rosemount MN 55068 Roaenn 1 \ITI 55068 Rosernorni i \IN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Moss tNIly a0ina1n 1 Rosen-mural MN 550681 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 1 89055 i`Tf\ innvtuasor Rosemount SIN 55068 1 Rosemount n04 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 tt055 NI\Z all[e04e7 Rosemount MN 55068 11 80055 NT'I mnomaso I 1 Rosemount MN 55068 11 IL 89055 NT 1,1 lunomasog 1[89055 NN uwortiasoa MAILING ADDRESS: 3275 Lower 150"' Street West 1 14926 Canada 9venue lsa� 3aanS m051 ramo7 0 3375 148th Street West 9860 Arkansas Path 14875 Canada Avenue 1 14975 Canada Avenue J 14900 Canada Avenue J 3240 Lower 150'x' Street West 3395 148 Street West 1 10341 204 Street 14876 Canada Avenue 3260 Lower 150 °i Sueet West 3415 148th Street West 14901 Charleston Avenue J 14850 Canada Avenue �l 3270 Lowet 150" h Street West i I I le retOZ 119£01 3280 Lower 150 Street West 3290 Lower 150 Street West J 33001.ower 150th Street West 331(1 Lower 150 Street West 15001 Charleston Avenue :3WVN Il Mitchell A Cindy K Becker Zlyyas Jane( /s) (snooty —I Russell] Linda Stadler 1 William G Lonnie Schedn 1 Steven Broback N Jeffrey A Darsow Richard L Susan Garnson Forrest 11 Stapel zado'I 6' Carpal. '8 "I years 1 Bruce R Feld Knsten M Levorson A C Broback LID Pmshp wereH N 4rt?[ 1 Cory Danyell T Deckard Marvin Ruano Valdez Isabel Ruano Rog v Thomas J R Soosai Richard J Roxanne F diardt A C Broback LID 1 Elaine A Carrier James M Vicki L Sewich )anaes Tutewohl James J Sandra I Serrano L 346285617006 U David Joyce Sandstrom 11 :ald I I 346285609004 11 346285609005 r �1 346285609006 i IW01958Z9b£ 1 I I 346285610002 P 346285610(103 I 1 346285610004 i 11 346285610005 90001959-69t£ 11 !1 346285611001 1 1 1 346285611002 1 SOOI[958Z9t£ 1 1 346285611006 1 I I 346285612001 1 346285612002 1 P 346285612005 11 346285612006 It 346285613002 11 346285613006 346285614006 1r 900S1958Z9b£ 1 346285616006 II fC UJ en CD Z ti IX re E en 0 N CS an o Lei o LU 00 0 U0 ce en en en a_ LL cn zi co co E CC cn TOTAL ASSESSMENT: 00uIS uno`1 0n'11 own 000' bt 000 bk" OO 'I S 000t �e I_ on0`t-5 OtL`aS 01L`t4 0tL 05S L 60£`[5 9E Tt 930`74" J 3166 L[8I 1 1 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount DIN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount !W 5506B Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount dIN 55068 Rosemount 'lN 55068 1789U45 KIN l miomasoa Rosemount MTN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount &IN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 890'S N tunoutasoM Rosemount 1\EN 55068) 1 39055 NIN [tmotuasog 890$5 PIIN aunomasmt Rosemount MN 550681 i Rusemotmt MN 55068 P 1 _CCOIR9 3N1`1'111'10 MAILING ADDRESS: 3155 146th Street West 3165 146th Street West 3185 146th Street West J 3100 146th Street West 14595 Camera Lane 311014th Street West 3130 146th Street West 3150 146th Street West 3160 146th Street West 3180 146th Street West 3200 146 Street West 1 12645 Dodd Court j 12665 Dodd Court 12675 Dodd Boulevard 12685 Dodd Court 3657 155th Street West IsaAV 4aau5 w0£t 1-9ZZ 2345 130th Street West 2625 130'h Street West 3657 155 Street West 2575 130` Street West 2500 130°1 Street West PO Box 3330 :3WyN Jason P Joanna M Gilmout Christopher J Jacobs Linda] Mullin la1101SNPlt;aaD Shane R Peden Mary Kay consiglant j Patncta L McQmston David Mendoza Castillo Armando Padilla Ryan P Lund Joani ah Q Lund aalaag tuzrgtm anmlR Keith G Rogers Charlie H Kimesh Kelly Axm Beckwith Patnck J Martha M Kmg Dean L Sharon Smith Richard G Cynthia Egan I 'Tm-i j'1 ite N 2 8 7 alutirrtj Janette James Diller William C Jr Mary Lindell David J Dawn D Boll Billmeyer Family Trust Janette James Diller J Ddv%d Joiiuie Wemuer Lima J Christopher Latham f Northern Natural Gas, Property Tax Dept �l :Old 346470014001 1 346470016001 11 3464 760 2401 1 1 346470034002 346470037001 1 346470037002 j 34647004000Th 316170043002 1 346470045002 Z006t00 1 1 11 346470054002 346460112002 j 346460113002 349460114002 346460115002 340161001064 5S6t00t9I0tE 340171019080 LU to tal c) Iii 15 0 rq cn TOTAL I ASSESSMENT' £OS`£ 1£8`15 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 89055 N131 8190 ntaso11 890SS NIN nmomasng Mnaetnuka, MN 55305 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 2650 130 Street West 2800 130 Street West I 11201 Fairfield Road, Apt 126 2305 130 Street West I :3WVN John A Lon A Anderson i pleao(PgIV SFTIH'91 al1a4 I purpIN aue[duag Michael I. Iitnzman Heidemane ILnzman Ald 340201001301 I III 10410010 017£ 1 1 340211001025 343295001001 cn ix E l0 in O N ca w E r cis' s„ r C/ 0 e O y r 0 ea rn U O N nOZF- W W 0 Q 0 u. Z w V awce wo w xor-- Z w w w U N cA V) W cn cn v) W W W O cn cn cn a. a a¢Q EXHIBIT "A" STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA Chad Richardson, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 311A 02, 331A 07 d other applte b1- w amended (B) The pnnted a i Zest sit i1f a era which is attached, was cut from the columns of said ewspaper, and was printed and published once each week for successive eks it was first published on Thursday, the day of ,2005 and was thereafter prf d n unshed on every urNay, to and including Thursday, the day of Fr r 2005; and printed below is a copy of the owes case alphabet from A to 4 both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: Sur Mee and sworn to before me on this 1 as V• 2005 Notary Public AFFIDAVIT The Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION abcdefgWlklmnopgrstuvwxyz 740~ e DAWN M. SMITH IIICTARY Rl1a.iC-MINNESOTA y Comandmm Eralree hn 31 2011 NIA a aka :tom By FEES ..,,rte First Insertion: C l/c9 File FD 13& inches, @$7,7c; Jin= 3:80 Additional Insertions: z {�j� 15 J inches, @$11,C119/in= 3 i 0 Affidavit fee --'77 Total l day CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF GEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR CITYPROJECT NO 392 TO WROMIT MAY CONCERN: TIME AND PLACE GENERAL NAI'L'RE OF IMPROVEMENTS Nonce IS hereby given that the City Connell of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet m the City Gill in the City of Rosemount, 2575 145th Street W st, Rosemount, Mauasota, on the INN day of October, 20(15 at 7 30 p m ,or, as soon thereafter as possible, to consider objections to the proposed assesstdents for sanitary sewer, wntermam, storm drain faNiDes, street/ sidewalks, hire path. sewer and water.erviem and appurtenant work for the 2005 Pavement Management Project, City _Project #392, heretofore /ordered by the City Council The Council may adopt the proposed assessment at the heanng x my Y, >,l ASSESSMENT ROLL dog td' INSPECTION. The proposed assessmSrlt roll ts_on file with the City DEFERMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Under the pro, visions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435 193 to 1 435 195, the City may at us discretion, deter the pay meat of assessments for any homestead property owned by person 65 years of age or older for whom It would be a hardship to make the payments However, the City has elected not to estahlteh any derenneot procedure pursuant to those Sections SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO HE ASSESSED The ammt to be specifically assessed against your puttee alar lot, piece of parcel of land is shown ore Exhibit A. PREPAYMENT You may prepay the enure assess- ment to the Treasurer of the City until the assessment' roll u caddied to the County Auditor, after cerofka- t "Dort to the County Auditor, prepayments of the enure amount remainme due may be made to the County Auditor at any time NO PARTIAL The City Counsel has not authonzed the partial prepayment of assessments poor to cereiff- t canon of the assessment or the first installment them- 1 of w the County Auditor I PREPAYMENT WITHOUT INTEREST, OR WLTH INTEREST TO END OF YEAR: No Interest shall he charged if the entire assessment is paid within 311 days 1 from the adoption of the assessment roil If the prop -1 arty owner pays iheentire amount at any ante atfter 10, days, but before any cemfisanon to the County Auditor, he or she needs to pay omy the amount of interest wined as of die daze of payment Many time after the certifieaton,the propene owner may still pay the entire amount remammg unpa d to the County Treasurer In this saw, howeua, poor to November 15 of any year the property owner must pay all mier- est which would Navt accrued to December 31 of the year m which ire person makes the payment INTEREST RATE If the assessment u not prepaid within 30 days from the adoptmn of the asaesameut' roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 5590 Interest accrues from the data to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not teth- er than the date of such resolution Assessments stun be payable m equal annual mstabments extending over a penod of up to 10 yeas. the firs tof thesnsrall- ments to be payable with general Taxes for the year 1 2005, collectible with such rues dung the year 2006 1 Dated this 2lst day of September, 2005 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Linda fenimk City Clerk of Rosemount Dakota County.MN 'Watery ads and services ore available Please con- tact Cray Clerk at (6I2y322.2003, or TOD No (6,12)423 -6219, no later than October 12, 2005 ep makc a request Examples of auxiliary aids or ser- a may nary de sign language interpreter, asastor hseenmg kd, accessibie meeang location, sac 9123 9130 Please PRINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 c1 NAME SIGN IN SHEET 6L /�L,,., `7/55 ?c .i (41 (o 't Please PRINT ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL MEETING MEETING DATE: (_)'C V(1,S Pa vermeil* `Mymt 2605 ADDRESS AGENDA ITEM J 10/13/05 Dear City of Rosemount, We have lived here in Rosemount at 3155 146 st W. for just over 2 years now and we have been happy to be here and would even like to stay here for quite some time if possible. This spring we were notified of the plans to demolish and reconstruct our block and were also notified of at least 1 meeting prior to the construction beginning but unfortunately we were unable to attend We were slightly worned at the time about the possibility of having accessability issues to our house but were at the same time excited to know that the finished product would be well worth the temporary inconvenience Through the following months we patiently weathered all the discomforts of the construction including the breaking of a gas main 2 houses down and also the breaking of water pipes in our yard on two separate occasions which resulted in further destruction of our yard not to mention water seeping into our finished basement and mold starting to form All in all we understood the risks associated with the construction and were willing to deal with them as they arose and did so accordingly. We were also satisfied with the necessary repairs that were performed due to the fault of the construction crew What we were unprepared for and completely taken back by, however, was the notification of the $4,000.00 proposed assessment being charged to us by the City of Rosemount for the repair of our street that we had no choice in to begin with This charge is severely untimely for us, a young couple with a new baby and mounting bills, since we are already having difficulties meeting our monthly financial requirements Without exaggerating our current situation finds us at times with more expenses than income and not for any unwise or frivolous spending. Needless to say we are taking measures to limit and decrease our expenses wherever possible and at the same time find ways to increase our income. One recent opportunity to consolidate our debt incurred from years of increasing dependence on credit was the refinancing of our home We feel this was the best decision we could make at this time to decrease our current debt and restructure our mortgage payments to make the most of our money. Our monthly payments, however, have not been decreased at all but our surmounting credit debt has been virtually eliminated and we will now also be able to pay our house off 7 years sooner, Unfortunately we were in the final stages of this refinance process when we learned of this impending assessment fee of $4,000.00. Our attempts at making strides, which we were, to limit our spending and keep us from further credit debt all suddenly seem in vain now. Just when we were at the point of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the proverbial door was slammed in our face! And for what A new street that we did not ask for in any way shape or form Even if we would have known about the assessment fee prior to the construction we would have fought against it tooth and nail, not because we feel we didn't need a new street but more importantly because we can in no way afford it. Nonetheless, we were not allowed such an opportunity to protest. We cannot afford $4,000.00 nor do we feel it should be our responsibility and we definitely can't afford another 5.5% interest on top of that. At this point we are questioning what our property taxes have been used for if not for road improvement! Assessing us $4,000.00 no less than a month following completion of the project with no prior notification has left us in quite a financial dilemma. It is quite an injustice to require this amount in full within 1 month following the hearing and then to hit us again with 5 5% interest for failing to meet the prepayment deadline Not only have we been allowed tittle to no time to prepare for such a large burden but we have also been left with no realistically plausible options. We understand that this assessment is still under review and yet to be adopted and we are hereby pleading with the City of Rosemount to repeal the proposed assessment. We currently have no financial means with which we can pay for such an absurd amount and are very displeased with the process by which this assessment has been imposed. We enjoy our community and our neighbors and would enjoy raising our children here as well. We are perfectly situated here and have no immediate desire to leave our current residence and the city of Rosemount, however, with the now impending proposed assessment we have begun to entertain doubt that we will be able to afford to stay here for much longer With the positive step of implementing a recent debt consolidation we intend to stay out of credit debt. This assessment, however, would be a huge step in the wrong direction leading us right back into debt or even possibly relocation. This is rather unfortunate for everyone as we feel we are a valuable, contributing piece of our community's puzzle, as are many others in this community who have been thrust into the very same situation with little or no options. We ask that the City of Rosemount bestow compassion on its citizens and reconsider this proposed assessment. Please consider this as an official appeal to the proposed assessment Sincerely, cer ski ?e1 37 S x.r c 2 y, _9 AM/`s Jason Joanna Gilmour 3155 146 St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone: 651 423 -5893 RECD OCT 13 2005 `tti5p,.n n/� ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,639,111 PROJECT FUNDING STREET C.I.P. 938,822 SIDEWALK FUND 27,840 STORM UTILITY 73,132 SANITARY SEWER UTILITY 119,907 WATER UTILITY 87,290 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 392,120 24% PROJECT COST ASSESSED G \ENGPROJ \392 \AssessmentOve:beads.doc ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT ASSESSMENT RATES URBAN STREET RECONSTRUCTION $4,000 /unit RURAL STREET RECONSTRUCTION $4,710 /unit BITUMINOUS OVERLAY $4.54 /front foot STREET REHABILITATION $1,250 /unit G. \ENGPROJ \392 \Assessmentthecheadsdec AGENDA ITEM: Assessment Hearing 2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project #392�� AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer p% AGEN4 a ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Assessment Roll; Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Adopting the Asse sment Roll for the 2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project #392 4ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: September 20, 2005 BACKGROUND: SUMMARY: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the September 20, 2005 meeting the City Council declared costs and called for the Public Hearing to consider the assessments for the 2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project #392. The total project cost is $1,639,111. Of this amount, $392,120,000 is proposed to be assessed to adjacent properties as shown on the attached assessment roll The project will be assessed over a 10 -year penod at an interest rate of 5 51/4. If required, Staff will provide a brief overview of the project and answer any questions that you or the public may have regarding this item. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution adopting the assessment roll as presented. G \ENGPROJ \392 \Assessment Hearing CC10.1 8-05 doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT #392 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for 2005 Pavement Management Project, City Project #392, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $392,120, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 2005 -43 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: (3) a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2005, collectible with such taxes during the year 2006. b. To the first instal shall be added interest at the rate of 5.5 °l0 per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resoluuon until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time pnor to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such property owner may at any tune prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remanung due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax hst of the County. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 2005. ATTEST: Linda Jentmk, City Clerk (SEAL) William H. Droste, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk 2 Resolution 2005 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 18 day of October, 2005, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: TOTAL ASSESSMENT: OSZ`I OSZ` l OS OSZ`I$ OSZ`7 oSZ`1$ 11- &XIS OSZ' I ostI$ O05`Z$ I 005`3 Oc 1 o sz` t s OSZ`l$ II OSZ`I$ 0$ 1$ I oSZ`1 O c I$ II os l O 1$ (15Z`1$ (I CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount AN 55068 it 89055 tCPZ J unoivasog Rosemount IeLN 55068 1 89055 1\IIQ aunouuasog I II 890SS KIN lunnurosog Rosemount AIN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount IN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount ii\IN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 II 89055 NIQ iunoulasou 89045 Nip \i muomasog Rosemount MN 55068 890s NS61 lmvou:asog Rosemount I'4N 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 3190 145th Street West 3210 145th Street West 3210 Lower 14 Street West 1 asam loans a'9t1 OZ5£ 14770 Canada Avenue 3330 146th Street West 3260 146th Street West 1saAts hang c9171 08Z£ 3340 146th Street West 14770 Canada Avenue 1 14770 Canada Avenue tram 1aaa1S 'n9tl 14595 Canada Avenue 14555 Canada Avenue lsa� 4aar4S w9t1 SO£5 3275 146th Street West 3315146a' Street West 1 14550 Chianti Avenue -PO Box158 14615 Canada Avenue 3370 145th Street West 14570 Canada Avenue 14625 Canada Avenue :3WVN uospA y\J peatI Lawrence A Susan B Jacobson Kinthavong Stlarnmone Phtachansay Kevin N Knn bed,' Jahnz Rosemount Methodist Church sapa.tnexJS'1 auaeD Robert Pamela Geronune YI a a88' J c o a3 metlltm 1 Bnan D Larson Lontta- Rachel B Larson Rosemount Methodist Church Rosemount Methodist Church Patncia Ann iste Bohnert ismbpurj feisty Mary Jean Kelly Denise D Muir, Jerry L Mary E Wilde Vernon W Erickson J uospuol seuuona Dorothy I McClard Andrew J Lindsay A Kjolliaug John P Judith Wicderhold Teyton W Young Bum A Anent Machelle L Randall Old 80010008£0P 01010002ti0t$ 340380003013 340380004012 340380004013 340380005012 I 340380006012 310380007012 340380008012 340380008[13 340380008213 I 340380009012 I Z [0t[008£0ti i ZI0S1008$0t£ fI 340380016012 340380018012 I ZIOIZ008£0t4, j I 346285001002 346285001003 i III 346285002001 346285002002 i., I 346285002003 1 ft re cn co a. ul CD N cu o LLI u. a3 2 CU LU LLI 0, CO CO cL co co TOTAL ASSESSMENT: 1 osz`I$ II OSZI$ 11 OSZ`1$ II og I I OSZ`1$ oSZ`I$ I I OSZ't$ OSZ`I$ 1 11 ostIS II Oct l$ 1 11 053`1 1 OSZ`L$ 11 OSZ`1$ 1 11 OSZ`I$ 1 G osz`IS 11 Oc I 11 osz`L$ 11 It osz'IS Ii li oset$ it N osz`I$ osz`L$ 11 11 act' it 11 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount DIN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount DIN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 N Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Lakeville MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 89055 ?Ills iunourasog 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 NJA ninou3avog L Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 S905S N11/ tunomasog 1 Rosemount DEN 55068 Rosemount DIN 55068 1 Rosemount DIN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 14555 Chianti Avenue 14590 Chianti Avenue 14635 Canada Avenue 14575 Chianti Avenue 3335 146th Street West 14645 Canada Avenue 1 14595 Chianti Avenue 3325 146th Street West 3345 Lower 147th Street West 10341 204 Street 14605 Chianti Avenue 3335 Lower 147th Street West 1 3330 Lower 147th Street West I 14625 Chianti Avenue 1 3325 Lower 147th Street West y 4saAD1aax1S vittI 1011101 0Z££ 1 14645 Chianti Avenue, PO Box 416 I IS AV4aaz4sa,Ltlramp'fSI££ 1 it 3310 Lower 147th Street West I 3305 Lower 147th Street West Iso Ia mitt ram 00££ 3285 Lo« 147th Street West 3280 Lower 147th Street West 'ANN John W Beverly Warweg Stacey L Atneosen Jl I I moH asm°1'22 [Intid Patrick Mary Tste Finnegan 1 Merlin Avid Sclundeldecker j ado v tra peN'3 adOp v 4T ageg Eugene Eva A Trst Charboneau Thomas Sylvia Sommers Anthony J Carol Berger 1 A C Broback LTD Ptnshp JII 1 Beth Jeffrey Pavhcek j la9F NtC N aueg ID EPiu"I z2 IIamorl Arnold Clementine Jensen J I awl fDl annual 11 Elizabeth A Zannullet I I i Michael Strasser Edward Mary Lee Porwoll aabalq alsl zauE I James A Susan J Kctmrger I e s f 29 N sulaID 1 I JJ Matthew W Debra P I luerta I 1 saaquel nopuexg u 346285003001 11 11 Z00£oosRZ9t£ q 1 1 346285003003 11 1 1 346285004001 11 1 1 346285004002 11 1 1 346285004003 11 10050058Z917£ 11 1 1 326285005002 4 11 100L01S€Z9t£ 11 1 1 346285101002 1 1 1 346285101003 1 1 1 346285102001 1 1 1 346285102002 1 1 1 346285102003 1 I I 346285103001 1 1 Z00£0158Z917£ £0050158Z 1 100401.58Z9t£ 11 346285104002 1 1 346285105001 i 1 1 346285105002 1 I 10090ISKZ9t£ II 346285106002 cc cc E RI to o 0 CD N CD ZZLULULU a.___ EXHIBIT "A" i TOTAL ASSESSMENT: o II II L15Z` II p (ISZ 'I$ it r— ii osz`L$ II OSZ`I$ N OSZ'!$ II OSZ'IS 1 OSZ' 1 S I i os P O S t i ll osz' O I I OSt r-- OSZ`[$ I I OSZ`l$ OSZ l 31,250 u CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount MN 55068 89055 MW lunomasog it bZ[SS NV Sajjvd a[dd\- Rosemount MN 55068 890ss NN nmouasog 1 Rosemount AN 55068 Rosemoum MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 89055 NW ]mlonwsog Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I 89055 N411 lunomasog Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount MN 5506811 II 59055 NJV ]tmowasog Rosemount MIN 55068 11 j 3280 147th Street West 11 Rosemount MN 55068 11 S 89088 NIQ ]muomasog anuaey SS9171. i MAILING ADDRESS: 3265 Lower 147th Street West lsaA\ la311S mL41 10 2 1107 109Z£ 1xno7134gmH SL5171 3460 146t Street West 3450 146th Street West 1 3420 146th Street West 1 3385 146th Street West 1 3400 146t Street West 1 3395 146th Street West 1 3380 146th Street West 3425 146th Street West Tsai laarts th9V1 SSVE 3465 140 Street West P1 3395 Lower 147th Street West 3350 Lower 147th Street West 1 .-....---1J---.. 3240 147th Street West 3415 Lower 147th Street West 3370 Lover 147t Street West 3262 147th Street West 3435 Lower 147th Street West 11 3390 Lower 147th Street West N 3WVN Jacquelyn Unger Penny J Butler 11 John P Tsle Broback &n qS `I iaa gS 211 nauuaN uosutjol IV runoff 22 Q [JERI II Gayle A Karen Ann Rtege 41M34 d PegorB? �I aire17 as I laae.YaeyV 1' Susan A Sirese 1 Michelle A O'Neil Gary G Beverly 17armann SaPUD 7V LIEN:a S. snueag Kathleen M Elizabeth John J Winters N LpraN 1Q uaalr3 I 'togas Stuy Jeffrey A Mary B Miler lrauraqueA 811 ewi'3 F' lloa5 I P-ruftin 1Q gtagez nou0la7 f IanreQ Paul R Wakhak 11 Steven Ramona Murphy 1 Mark I Jana P Demeranvillc Steven 0 Margaret Boehlkc Ronald J Sally Revohnskr :Old 100 II I V 34628510002 3462851.08002 P 346285301002 1 1 346285303002 I01170£58Z9bt —11 V 346285304002 346285305001 r— V 346285305002 P 346285306001 I V 346285307001 P 346285308001 V I I_ 346285401001 It 346285401002 to o [of S 1I I I 346285402001 it P 346285402002 P 346285402003 I i 3- 16285403001 11 I I 346285403002 II V 346285403003 j cL cc o IJJ cr X i IX UJ Ca E LIJ LU f— CU 11J V) U0 CO f t to oseit L OSZ'l$ I 1 uSZ'1$ 1 I OSZ`l$ 1 k OSZ'l$ N oSZ`I$ OSZ`I$ OSZ`l4 II u 1 OStIS If �r $1,250 JI I I osz`I$ f 1 Oct IS ZIP CODE: t Rosemount MN 55068 r Rosemount MN 55068 It If Rosemount MN 55068 t hr Rosemount MN 55068 e Rosemount MN 550684 ,r Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 1 Rosemount MN 55068 II n Rosemount MN 55068 JI tl Rosemount MN 55068 890Sy NtQ 7anomasog Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 IL Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 890g5 NI!' lunowosog 1L Rosemount MN 55068 11[ S90SS [silo lunowaso}l lI Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 3410 Lower 147th Street West 3290 147'h Street West 14665 Cult Avenue 3415 147th Street West, Box 17 3300 147th Street West 14675 Chili Avenue JI 3395147// Street West II 3310 147th Street AY'est L 14685 Chili tkvenue 3375 147th Street West 1 3320 147 Street West 3355147th Street West I 3330 147th Street West I 3335 147i Street West I 3350 147th Street West I 1s4, 11a11S tit Lt l SZ££ I 3370 147th Street West I 1 toLtl S t££ 3390 147th Street West 3305 147th Street West 3410 147th Street Wrest I 1 3295 147th Street West NAME: lint 5 Cook 1� Robert C Madonna R Polta 1 pzojnV uaa1111EN'8 f salreyD 1 11 °90 lQ uapI 9dtoprra 1 uueur(apv lloag Scott M Nelson Saptel l Tog 2 8 v rlrelQ utevRul aril Err >g a tpamta-11 Krum D Mary Atme Giles II o2tpur14.1 Spua f Iae4aryo' Larry] Rochelle filcher David n -t Tamnu L Ford James A Christie vrtek Jeffrey Todd Anderson Michelle Bergstrom- Anderson 1 xatmb uukt lelsdx11 .2 7so 1aegpgv Kevin P Carroll Maureen C Kelly Carroll i Steven L Laura R Cloose 1 David H Barbara A Toombs I Jason L Stacy A Anderson squtor %v atlrn saute( nempnog .I uer%g r l zalsaff N earcptg 2' q Intl �l If Matthew J Groff 11 R 346285404002 £0otOtSSZ9t£ v 1 luOSOtSSZ9t£ I I 1r 1 346285405002 II I l t 346285405003 11 I 1 J 346285406001 II I L— N 11 346285406002 II I t 1 346285406003 1 II 3462854(17001 1 i II 34628540700 11 I 346285407003 1LI p }6285407003 i I N 346285408002 i I 346285408003 I Z0060 5:SZ9t£ c) 0 0 O 'n VJ N -J N 0 O U.. N V' N) O 0 v Y., N V N O 0 m N K) 0 0 n N N v N 0 0 K Ln N N v M 0 N N N 0 d.. N N 0 v N N iV re IX LL Cn co co ea to CO lb L. LO 04 el 0 Z ctOZZZ r4 ce co cn TOTAL ASSESSMENT: o sz` I Oct I$ osz`l$ OSVI$ OSZ`I$ 0S Z`I S II (Et I OSZ`I$ os z IS I I OSZ` oSZ`I$ OSZ`I$ $1,250 oSZ` l 0bZ I I OSZ`t fist I$ oSZ`IS 1 i OSZ' i 0SZ` OSZ` II OSZ`I$ OS Z` I CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 89055 NIN luuo0-las0)1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 NTTNI 4unoutasng Rosemount MN 55068 r 90SS NN. lunowasog Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 S9OSS NI4 aunoutasog Rosemount \LN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 8905S NIN mnomasog I Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount \IN 55068 Rosemount AIN 55068 l Rosemount DIlv 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 550681 MAILING ADDRESS: 3265147t Street West 3245 147th Street West 14725 Canada Avenue 14755 Canada Avenue 14705 Chill Avenue 3265 Upper 147th Street West 3260 Upper 147` Street West 14715 Chi Avenue 3285 Uppex 147th Street West 1 3280 Upper 147 Street West 1 14725 Club Avenue 1 3295 Upper 147th Street West 1 3290 Upper 147th Street West 1 1saA\ aaauS tttLbl xaddn sou 3300 Upper 147th Street West r 1315 Upper 147th Street West 1 3310 Upper 147th Street West 3325 Upper 147 Street West 3320 Upper 147' Street West 3335 Upper 147th Street West J I 3330 Upper 147i Street West r lsa.‘,W taal4S siL4i xaddn SS££ I 3350 Upper 147th Street West 1 :3WVN Rtcky E (S- Linda M Drentlaw ueturo Yd etas '3 f Pleuo j .Uea traaltlls}I (sir Owen P Atm M Harvilla -_-1 Danny D Chtstmc Dayton Doran Phyllis Waltzer sa,felti y� uptruoQ'' Y P1sxaD Paul Linda Finkenhoefer Roy D Chathyann Rosenlund apnugDS atrq,uyJ xg uagdatS Carl G Cherylyn Dahlberg 1 Keith W Angeline Fdiek 1 Dana J Aitchison Ronald A Jr Moe I yle J Penny M Wurzer j Allan M Gayle A Wutschke Harold Rosemary Brandel Timothy P Raquel Neary Ira J Kathleen] Neary witiased Z eputrf t d no( Andrew S Susan B Heffron Roger C Cynthia E Mills Gregory Lots Kemmet :Old 346285415002 1 L Z009117S8Z94£ 1 1 3462855010111 Z00I0SS8Z9G£ II� 346285501003 L I00ZOSSSZ917£ 346285502002 I 346285502003 346285503001 Z00£OSS8Z96£ 1 £00£0SS8Z94b I00170S ZO0tOSS8Z97£ �1 346285505001 346285505002 346285506001 1 �1 Z0096SS t00L0SS8Z9b£ 346285507002 346285508001 346285508002 l 346285509001 it Z006 co co E in 0 LU UJ 07 07 07 Ca I I OSZ'l% II Oct IS N OSZ'IS P' (I Oc IS I I ry OSZ`IS I I osz'IS II OSZ'IS II Oct IS fl Ii OSZ'IS II 11 $1,230 II II Osz'It If OSZ'l% p II OSZ 1f II O9Z' 1f li OSZ'Is CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: tr Rosemount IAN 55068 r Rosemount MN 55068 II 890SS Nl'i runowasoll II 89055 NN trmowasog Rosemount MN 55068 II Rosernount MN 55068 Apple Valley, MN 55124 I Rosernount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 551)68 890SS Nl'i ]nnowas021 89088 NI6I umocuasog 1 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 tZ155 NTNI'SapeAardd I II Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount NLN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: II 1 A.\ taaAS IPLtl raddil SL££ 3370 Upper 147i Street West 3395 Upper 147'h Street West 1 3390 Upper 147th Street West 3415 Upper 147th Street West u arena ^V win O6L46 14378 Embry Court JI L 3378 Upper 149th Street West 3480 Upper 149th Street West 1 3480 Upper 149th Street West 3480 Upper 149th Street West 14378 Embry Court I 14163 Aununnwond Way 3480 Upper 149th Street West 3480 Upper 149 Street West 3376 Upper 149i Street West I 14378 Embry Court 3392 Upper 149th Street West IL 14775 Canada Avenue II 14745 Chth Avenue II 14825 Canada Avenue 3 260 149 Street West :3WVN Louts li Hofstad Ned F. Jacobson Rtslu Paul Mohabtr f Dorene M Perkins James R Jr Andrews ll Scott Peterson Lorna Meidltnger Henry W Broback Thomas M Hahn Fairfax Construction Co II Fairfax Construction Co Fairfax Construction Co xaegoxg SruaH 1 Robert) Kathleen Cason 1 I Fairfax Construction Co Fairfax Constriction Co 8ragmlel'q 7 ,iro8as J I llenry W Embark J II Laura 13 Hunter 0 Jerome Coleen Hel)tckson uos1O 1-1 uanar5 II zpagmeq N uesng I II Daniel) Corrigan Paulette L Quen7er Barbara A McDonald I0001SSHZ9t£ I 346285510002 II II 346285511001 lI I� Z0OIISS8Z9t£ II 11 100Z ISS8Z91'4 1 11 ZOOZISSSZ9b5 I I 346285600107 11 6 346285600108 11 I I 346285600109 11 I I 346285600207 1 1 I 346285600208 1 I I 346285600209 I 1 L0b009S8Z97£ II A 346285600308 I I 346285600309 1 I I 346285600407 80t009SSZ917£ II 34628 CA al co UJ 111 lu EXHIBIT "A" ILL cG tu o ill 4E' o esi co fp CV co LIJ Z cm co 2 Lu In X CZ I— OSZ'I$ I n Oct IS it I' OSZ'I$ II OSZ'l$ 11 OSZ'IS II 11 OSZ'I I OSZ'I$ r' 1 °sr i 1 Y OSZ'I$ I 1 Y II OSZ'LS I 1 Y O 1 k OSZ'I$ I i I l OSZ'1$ I 1 1 k k OSZ'I$ OSZ`IS N G¢ N ry$ r W N '-i gg N, o to N .r CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 11 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemotml MN 55068 890SS NI\T iunotuasoy 1 1 89059 MW lunoarasow 1 11 Rosemount MN 55068 OIbSS trn sgode II 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 I Rosemount MN 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 I, 1 r Rosemount MN 55068 1 1 Rosemount AN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 II Fdina, MN 55435 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount Mai 1 55068 1[ Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 II Rosemount MN 55068 1 14876 Caulfield Circle 3275 148th Sticet West 14765 Chth Avenue 3270 148th Street West 3270 149°' Street West S aAV Z£ l5 14900 Caulfield Circle 3285 148th Street West 1 14785 Chih Avenue 3280 148th Street West 3280 149th Street West 14901 Caulfield Circle 1 14926 Cornfield Circle 1 .—�.J 3295 148a' Street West 4101 Parklawn Ave Unit 314 �JU�i--JLJLJI I 3290 148 Street West 3290 149th Street West II 14925 Canfield Circle 14950 Caulfield Circle 3305 148th Street West 4281 143rd Street West 3300 148th Street West JI II or :3WVN L David E Kroinschroeder it James D Susan C Pickens Kevin Jennifer Pauly Jon H Sherrill A Carlson L Gerald Barbara Lassahn r L. putp5oH g laxebteN Steven W Kowalke David R Susan Peschiutta Donald G Kristine Gonsior Lloyd Judy Harlow paad5 f elruop Jerome D Irene F Puctaty Susan Kcal) Roger Holmes Donald D Tste Nelson Marcia J Tste Nelson Dorothy Peterson Eldon L Karen L Hinz Gary P Mary Kollman Bonita Hankes Harvey L Matson Stephanie A Matson J1 ISonJQ p I`lloH Henry G Broback Richard P Kimberly Schiller Mark D Patricia L Ellman 1 346285602001 I 346285602004 If �I S00Z095RZ9t£ p 346285602006 I I 346285603001 I I 346283603002 II 346285603003 n 11 b00£095RZ9t£ 1 II 346285603005 �j rr 346285603006 I 11 T001 1 C n �I Z001/09SR791 H 6 L 1 346285604003 I[ 346285604004 i c I I 346285604005 1L I 11 900t09S8Z917£ 11 I00S09SRZ9t£ r C I 346285605002 L i tr 11 £00509S8Z9t£ 1 C C ILL cG tu o ill 4E' o esi co fp CV co LIJ Z cm co 2 Lu In X CZ I— CO in 0 co Cs csi Imo go EA ow us ct 0 I— cs us us EXHIBIT "A" $t,250 II $1,250 li li OSZ`IS usz`IS I I osz`ts ry osz'IS li oSZ`iS 1 tosz`is 1 ii OSZ`IS 1 li 05Z`tt II Osz`IS 1 II osz`rs li osz`IS 1' OSZ`14 I I OSZ`lt 1� II 0 11 $1,250 II ry� o5z` N I I os 1 1 it osz`ts 11 11 osz`ts 11 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: Rosemount ?TN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 11 11 N 89056 NN runourasoyl Apple Valley, MN 55124 11 1 1 89059 NI1J lunocuasou Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount AIN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 890SS NYS ltmomaso) Apple Valle) MN 55124 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount 1,7N 55068 I Rosemount MN 55068 89055 ND' lunoivasoy Lakeville MN 55044 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 890SS N71I tunomasox 11 £ZISS NI31 UCbe;d 1! I1 Rosemotuit MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: I 14951 Camfield Circle J( 14976 Canfield Circle 1 3315 148th Street West 14378 Embry Court 3305 149th Street West 3305 Lower 150th Street \X'est 14975 Camfield Circle 15000 Camfield Circle 3325 148th Street West 1 173 CR 42 3295 149th Street West 3295 Lower 150th Street West 14976 Canada Avenue 3210 Lower 150th Street West as°A\ 133118'pSbl S£££ 10341 204" Street lsa, hails w641 58Z£ aotyolow d uSpzel\ 1 r Steven R Theresa Millen 3285 Lower 150th Street West I_ 14950 Canada Avenue 1228 Town Cenne Drive r 3355 148th Street West 3 356 -58 148th Street West II :3INV N Dennis E Jeanne M O'Bncn I Richard K Dons Knights ll J� s 5 pi eeU Henn W Broback Brenda A Storch Bnan K Jodell Shelly M Schultz Jeanne Scott Lee I[ i[ *cc, 6 78 Pleuog Noukune Bouthavong Phouthone Xayachack Paul D Doran I� Piod £T laeIlDI John E Rana L Krussow eladloN Mama V f polity Richard D Barbara Martin Joyce LaFavre 1 A C Broback LTD Ptnshp 1f Harold L Cynthia Swart 1 1 Dakota County CDA I 1 1 Nancy L Carlson Kevin Carlson 1 1 Thomas L Diane A Steele i 1 Robert C Anderson Carol A Anderson I i t 346285605005 11 1/ 346285605006 11 346285606001 IF I I 346285606002 11 1 1 346285606003 11 I I 346285606004 11 1 1 346285606005 11 I 346285606006 11 i t 346285607001 1I h 346285607002 11 1 1 346285607003 i 346285607004 1 i t 346285607005 1 i 346285607006 1 0 o n a N M N 0 m n co N h M cc% c n co N K M cl o in m N 3 M o o n x N M 0 c n m N V M 0 in w N ct M N c o tn w N h K: m m N M CO in 0 co Cs csi Imo go EA ow us ct 0 I— cs us us EXHIBIT "A" TOTAL ASSESSMENT: Oct IS OSZ`IS OSZ` Osz`1 OSZIS OSZ`IS -1 OSZ'L act t$ OSZ`IS I I OSZ` I S OSZ`IS OSZIS OSZ'IS OS OSZ`I$ OS Z` I S OSZ`IS OSZ`l$ l OSZ` 1$ O OS Z` I S O I S O CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 89055 N14 lunowasog Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount AN 5506 Rosemount MN 55068 1 G H MN 55077 [rocs NN. t unounscr a Rosemount DIN 55068 Rosemount DIN 5506 r Roseinotuit MN 55068 L. Rosemount MN 55068 Lakeville MN 550441, 890SS t'Il�t lunowaso Rosemount MN 550681 Rosemount DELI 55068 1 J Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 N1N lunowasog 89059 NN lunowasog 44055 N:N a fma1t] I L Rosemount DIN 5506811 1 l 89055 N]Q lunowaso 89055 NN lunowasog Rosemount MN 55068 89055 NlnI lunowasog MAILING ADDRESS: i 3275 Lower 150 Street West 14926 Canada Avenue 3230 Lower 150 Street West �I 3375 148 Street West 9860 Arkansas Path 14875 Canada Avenue 14975 Canada Avenue 14900 Canada Avenue �I 3240 Lower 150t Street West 3395 148'x' Street West 1 10341 204't' Street 14876 Canada Avenue lsa,kl laanS 4i0S L aam07 09Z£ rsa (1Y1 laanS LP841 S L t£ 14901 Charleston Avenue 14850 Canada Avenue 1 3270 Lower 150°' Street West 4aan5 y,40Z l6£OI 3280 Lower 150th Street West 1 3290 Lower 150 Street West 3300 Lower 150°' Street West 3310 Lower 150th Street West 15001 Charleston Avenue :MANN sai .a APu° 'S' 6' Ilatt i Thomas J Janet Schhtz Russell J Linda Stadler William G Lonere Schedun pegoig uad365 Jeffrey A Darsow Richard L Susan Garnson Forrest I I Stapel Sarah L Jeffrey A Lopez Bruce R Feld Kristen M Levorson i A C Broback LTD Ptnshp Kiuk M Haram Cory Danyell T Deckard 1 1 I Marvin Ruano Valdez Isabel Ruano Jeffrey A Bell Thomas J R Soosai 1111 Richard J Roxanne Erhardt _J I11 1 au' 'I_tegosfi J V Frame A Carney I James NI Vicki I. Sewich James Tutewohl James J Sandra I Serrano j.I David Joyce Sandstrom i :Did 3462856(19004 5 34 10001958Z94£ A 346285610002 l £0001 346285610004 346285610005 90001988Z94£ j r 346285611001 L ZOOIl958Z94£ 346285611005 900 II9S8Z917£_ l 100Z1958Z91£ Z00Z1998Z94£ 346285612005 346285612006 1 Z00 £I958Z94£ 900C19S8Z9b£ 900S19S8Z96£ 90017199:K94£ l 346285616006 I 346285617006 cn to u. 5 to cn ca 07 a 04 N L0 CO 0 r v w 0 ti CO CD 0 1 11 oSZ`18 OSZ`tt 1 II 0SZ`i8 It 05z`t 8 11 osz`IS 1 1 osz`tg 11 osz`1`ti li I1 OStIS N Oo 5`zt 1i oos`z 1 li Ogni Oct 18 II II O 11 Ii 000`48 11 000 II I 1 000`48 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE: 11 44055 N14 aptaaxarj Rosemount MN 55068 11 II 890S9 N1V lunourasoy Rosemount vIN 55068 11 Ilorsham PA 19044 Rosemount nN 55068 11 Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount il1N 55068 1890SS N1Q tunourasog 1 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 1 89055 MAI lunotuas °g 1 Apple Valley MN 55124 89055 KIN lunowas°g I Rosemount MN 55068 1 11 Rosemount MN 55068 Rosemount MN 55068 11 Rosemount MN 55068 1 Rosemount MN 55068 St Paul DN 551)6 Rosemount MN 55068 MAILING ADDRESS: 9037 161" Street West 1 3465 Tippet 149"' Court 3447 Upper 149th Court 3441 149'h Street West 132 Welsh Road, Suite 100 3427 Upper 149d' Court 3421 Upper 149th Court 3393 Chevelle Court 3385 Chevelle Court I C 3377 Chevelle Court uno:) anan 69££ 3361 Chevelle Court Pno:) altoeag7 £S££ I 3345 Chevelle Court 14378 Embry- Court_ I r 1sa 1aa11' lada !x1 S v�Gbl fl O84£ 14630 Canada Avenue 14560 Canada Avenue I L 14540 Canada Avenue 1sa 1aa11s ip9t I S IZ£ 11 1 3105 1.46t Street West P O Box 16596 1 1 :3INVN 11 )argoig 3 Ltpouny Dale Glen Haefs 1 Johnny L Feldman 1 Walter P Deborah White Mortgage Electronic Reg System osp i_ X Epw"I tpmIS N srlln°Q Cornell M Eull 1 James 0 Michelle M Ivey suaAals tpagezt -Q 1ptmgoS tu11; schipga A aattsaQ ay? 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