HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Old County Road 38 Phase II Project, City Project #387 (2)4 ROSE .MOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE FOR OLD COUNTY ROAD 38 PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #387 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Linda Jentink, being first duly sworn, deposes and says. 1 am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On October 5, 2005, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and on October 5, 2005 deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached nonce of pubhc hearing regarding the proposed Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements and appurtenant work for City Project #387, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached hstings at the addresses hsted with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October, 2005. Linda Jentmk City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651- 423 -4411 TDD /TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651 322 -2694 www.u.rosemount mn.us 4ROSFMOUNT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS OLD COUNTY ROAD 38 PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #387 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet at 7:30 o'clock p.m or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, October 18, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements: City Project #387 Old County Road 38 Phase II Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the reconstruction of streets, curb and gutter, railroad crossing, bituminous trail, trunk sanitary sewer and watermam, raw watermain, storm sewer, stormwater treatment pond and appurtenant work The total estimated cost of said improvements is $6,193,500. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would be all that area legally described as the following Parcel Identification Numbers: 34- 02110 010 -37; 010 -09; 010 -33; 010- 35; 010 -51, 011 34;012 -01, 013 31,014 -31; 015- 31;016 31,018 31;020- 37;020 50;021- 31;34- 02200- 010 -25, 013 -50; 013 -60; 34- 45601- 010 -00 as recorded in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Wntten or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 5 day of October, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Linda Jentink, Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Auxiliary aids and services are available Please contact Linda Jentink at (651)322- 2003, or TDD No. (651)423 -6219, no later than October 12, 2005, to make a request. Examples of auxiliary aids or services may include. sign language interpreter, asststive listening kit, accessible meeting location, etc. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651- 423 -4411 TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www a.rosemount.mn.us CITY, STATE ZIPCODE 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 1 Minncapohs, MN 553401 -1993 Minnetonka, MN 55305 Omaha, NE 68103 -0333 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 f 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 [Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 1 rRoseniount, MN 55068 1 j, Rosemount, MN 55068 I Rosemount, MN 55068 890SS NP `iunowasog Roseville, MN 55113 Rosemount, MN 55068 West St Paul, MN 55118 1 Wcst St Paul, MN 55118 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 SSmat NT 1741 135th Street West ialloacN tit 9ZI adV `P)I sPlat9xred IOZI I 1 1 [i 333O 1 1 2058 135th Street West isaM iaaaiS 4 S£ L90Z 1 1665 135th Street West 2318 Bonaire Path 2320 Bonaire Path 2322 Bonaire Path I} 2316 Bonaire Path �11 I I 2 295 Bonaire Path 2025 135th Street West 2100 135 Street West 3030 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 800 4saA aaasiS 41S£I £8ZI 1903 Winslow Court II 1903 Winslow Court 1290 Bacardi Avenue West �LQF'i�I 1 1 j ouglas J Young Notthern State Power Co Kegan Lake Sub Station %Property Tax Dept 1 puBlarN auE (,Si4ag II 1 Northern Natural Gas Co Property Tax Department George A Judy L Novacek 1 Henry E Sue P. Nieland f aaxanaliuoflgS uLUUOi,n Richard J 1.amotte Kevin Lois Muellner John H Karen 5 Gillespie Marvin G Verene J Fntr 1 L joan Anderson 1 I Robert I, Kaufman Phils Auto Body Donald J Flach Contractor Property Developer Company xfiuoualvDN H into( 1I DTI sivautisanui aieisg ream HoINl JMOR heal Estate Investments LLC 1 344560101000 11 Adam LaFavre 1 QId 6001001IZ0b£ 340211001033 340211001035 340211001037 340211001051 340211001134 340211001201 I££IOOrIZOt£ 1£17100IkZ017£� 340211001531 340211001631 340211001831 I 340211002037 340211002050 U 340211002131 1 I 340220001025 fl 340220001350 340220001360 The Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA Chad Richardson, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 311A 02, 33IA 07 d other app 'able laws, as amended. (B The printed which is attached, was cut from the columns sal wwspaper, and was CJ successive ee] s, it was first published on Thursday, the day of ,2005 and was thereafter printed and published on every day of 2005, and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 6, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice printed and published once each week for ILLHA rs ay, to and including Thursday the q Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 2005. Notary Publ AFFIDAVIT DAWN M SMiIH NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNE:OTA S M' ro,nuirmsiw, boles Jail FEES: First Insertion: 100/ File a")nt inches, @$-,R/in= "F .4 Additional Insertions: r 1 p� inches, @$99, (in= ��j4 W4 Affidavit fee Total $irqS, day TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the ❑ty of Rosemount, Mmnesou will meet at 7 30 o'clock p in or as soon thereafter as pos- sible, Tuesday, October ix, 2005 in the Council Chamhers of the City Hall 2w15 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements s City Project 1387 Old County Road 38 Phase Improvements 3 :t The nature of unpmvemeets shall mckude the noon. 'Ruction of streets, curb and gutter, Mimed crossing, bituminous trail, trunk sammry sewer and watermmn, raw Waterinain, storm sewer, stormwater treatment pond and appnncnam work 51 The total estimated cost of said d improveetus u i $6,193 ,500 The area proposed to be assessed far the foregoing improvements would be all that area legally descnbed a the following Parcel Identification Numbers 30. 02110-010-37, 01409, 010 -33, 010-35, 010 -5F 01/- 34,012- N, W3-31 0 14-31,015- 31,016 -31, 018 -31, e20-37, 020 -50 021 -31, 34- 02200-010 -25, 013 -50, 013 -60, 344560t- 0L0-00 as recorded in the City rt4 Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota Such person(s) as desirss to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meet. mg Written or oral (mutton w,a be considered Dated this 5th day of October, 2005 aY ORDER OFTHE CITY COUNCIL Linda /entmk, City Clerk c ty of Rosemount, y Dakota Canary, Minnesota Auxiunyards and sec ces are avarbble Pleasecon- met Lurie Jennek at (651)322 -20e3, or TDD No (651)423 -6279, nu later than October 12, 2005, to make a request Example: of auxiliary aidr or ser- vices may ma ude sign tannage interpreter, assertive listening Lit, aacesst le meenng locution, etc o 10/7- 16'14 ear PUBLIC NOTICE ;CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUDI IC UEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS OLD COUNTY ROAD 38 PHASE n IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #387 REC'D OCT 17 2005 OLD COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC HEARING ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS $3,560,000 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER 339,300 LATERAL SANITARY SEWER 50,600 TRUNK WATERMAIN 764,800 RAW WATERMAIN 862,000 TRUNK STORM SEWER 90,400 LATERAL STORM SEWER 526,400 6,193,500 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS DO NOT INCLUDE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RIGHT OF -WAY ACQUISITIONS G \ENGPROJ \387 \PubbcHeanngOverheads doc OLD COUNTY ROAD NO. 38 IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING DAKOTA COUNTY FUNDS $2,240,000 STREET C.12. 225,300 SANITARY SEWER CORE FUND 339,300 WATER CORE FUND $1,626 STORM CORE FUND 90,400 CASH PAYMENTS WITH DEVELOPMENT 330,900 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $1,340,800 $6,1 93,500 STREET ASSESSMENT RATE IS $110 /FRONT FOOT AND INCLUDES STREET AND LATERAL STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. LATERAL SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENT RATE IS $1 /ACRE. G ENGPROJ 387 PubhcHeanngOverheads doc .a) m 0 n N C O Zs CI of F C CD 1: O. m N L 'a O C {0 is N C d R E E m N cn :171 d d a ir N N C O 3 Z a 3 .6 a N m 0. 0 Bruce V. Minea Jill O'Rourke BVM Real Estate Investments LLC JMOR Real Estate Investments LLC 1903 Winslow Court West St. Paul, MN 55118 October 18, 2005 Bill Droste, Mayor Members of the City Council City Of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -4997 RE: City project 387 (widening of old County Road #38). PIN# "s: 34- 02200 013 -60 34- 02200 013 -50 (86.58 Total Acres) These parcels are located between Centex's Meadows of Bloomfield on the west, Akron Avenue on the east, County Road 38 on our north, and the railroad tracks on the south. Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: We would like to commend all those who have contributed considerable time and effort in working on this plan. The upgrading of 135` Street is an important component in the infrastructure upgrades needed to support future development in the area. At the last informational meeting held on Thursday, September 22 2005 we were given our first chance to review the revised drawings for this project. Also, for the first time, we saw the proposed storm water retention ponds envisioned as part of this roadway. When Jill O'Rourke expressed concerns about the location of the proposed pond on our property, she was told that these locations were only "temporary" and that these ponds could be moved later if they interfered with the development of our property. Last week, we received copies of the plan per her request at the meeting. As you know, extra copies of the drawings were not available at that time. During our review we noticed several items. First, while we were not provided with the full drawings for the project we assume that we will be granted an access point to the new road somewhere along our northern property line. It would make sense to coordinate that access point with the final location of the retention pond. Secondly, it is my understanding that a bituminous trail is also part of this project. We feel that since all property owners are being accessed a pro-rata share in the cost of this project that this important amenity should be extended all the way to Akron Avenue. Finally, we noticed that the retention ponds are all shown as permanent easements. In light of this change, it would seem prudent to locate this "permanent" pond in a location that would minimize the disruption and devaluation of the balance of our property. Ultimately, whether or not the roadway pond is permanent or temporary, and whether it is acquired as a direct property purchase or easement, we will still lose the use of that area of land. This pond is needed due to the new road construction. Even if this storage basin is ultimately relocated, a similar land area will likely be needed somewhere else on our property. With this fact in mind, we assume that similar compensation will be made, and calculated as if it were a permanent storm water retention area. As you know our property has a number of factors which make careful planning on our site imperative. We have the railroad tracks on the south, and significant roadways on the east and north. This coupled with the sites overall dimensions make it very important to avoid adding any new bathers to effective utilization of the property. We feel the area affected by this proposed project is some of the most valuable land that we have. Placement of this pond along our northern boundary must be carefully considered. Otherwise, it will have a significant negative impact on our property. Because of this issue, it is our hope that a solution to these issues can be worked out. We sincerely hope that all of those involved in the planning of this project will consider these important concerns as we move forward. Our belief is that equitable solutions can be found. As longtime Landowners and former residents of Rosemount, we would like to thank you for your consideration on this important issue. Sincerel Bruce V. Minea Landowner O'Rourke Landowner Bruce V. Minea Jill O'Rourke BVM Real Estate Investments LLC JMOR Real Estate Investments LLC 1903 Winslow Court West St. Paul, MN 55118 October 17, 2005 Andy Brotzler City Engineer City Of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -4997 RE: City project 387 (widening of old County Road #38). PIN# "s: 34- 02200 013 -60 34- 02200 013 -50 (86.58 Total Acres) These parcels are located between Centex's Meadows of Bloomfield on the west, Akron Avenue on the east, County Road 38 on our north, and the railroad tracks on the south. Dear Mr. Brotzler: We would like to commend all those who have contributed considerable time and effort in working on this plan. The upgrading of 135 Street is an important component in the infrastructure upgrades needed to support future development in the area. At the last informational meeting held on Thursday, September 22 2005 we were given our first chance to review the revised drawings for this project. Also, for the first time, we saw the proposed storm water retention ponds envisioned as part of this roadway. When Jill O'Rourke expressed concerns about the location of the proposed pond on our property, she was told that these locations were only "temporary" and that these ponds could be moved later if they interfered with the development of our property. Last week, we received copies of the plan per her request at the meeting. As you know, extra copies of the drawings were not available at that time. During our review we noticed several items. First, while we were not provided with the full drawings for the project we assume that we will be granted an access point to the new road somewhere along our northern property line. It would make sense to coordinate that access point with the final location of the retention pond. Secondly, it is my understanding that a bituminous trail is also part of this project. We feel that since all property owners are being accessed a pro -rata share in the cost of this project that this important amenity should be extended all the way to Akron Avenue Finally, we noticed that the retention ponds are all shown as permanent easements. In light of this change, it would seem prudent to locate this "permanent" pond in a location that would minimize the disruption and devaluation of the balance of our property. REC'D OCT 18 2005 As you know our property has a number of factors which make careful planning on our site imperative. We have the railroad tracks on the south, and significant roadways on the east and north. This coupled with the sites overall dimensions make it very important to avoid adding any new barriers to effective utilization of the property. We feel the area affected by this proposed project is some of the most valuable land that we have. Placement of this pond along our northern boundary, must be carefully considered. Otherwise, it will have a significant negative impact on our property. Because of this issue, it is our hope that a solution to these issues can be worked out. We sincerely hope that all of those involved in the planning of this project will consider these important concerns as we move forward. Our belief is that equitable solutions can be found. As longtime landowners and former residents of Rosemount, we would like to thank you for your consideration on this important issue. Sincerely, Bruce V. Minea Landowner *b 0 gcae-L t 1 O'Rourke Landowner