HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. 20161122 PCM RMPLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 1 I. Regular Meeting Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, November 22, 2016. Chair Kenninger called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners VanderWiel, Freeman, Clements, and Forster. Commissioners Henrie and Mele were absent. Also in attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Klatt, Planner Nemcek, Project Engineer Hatcher, and Recording Secretary Bodsberg. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Additions to Agenda: None Audience Input: None Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the October 25, 2016 Meeting Minutes. MOTION by Clements. Second by Forster. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Commissioner Freeman abstains, she was absent from the October 25, 2016 meeting. Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by Copperhead Development Inc. and Warren Iraelson for a preliminary plat, site plan review with rezoning and reguiding and final plat to construct a 225 multi-family development project. (16-35-SP). Senior Planner Klatt gave a brief summary of the staff report and reviewed the changes that have been made to the project since the last meeting. He noted that the item was continued from the October meeting and pointed out that answers to the questions from last meeting were in the staff report and available for the public. Engineer Hatcher gave a brief summary on the traffic review memo prepared with WSB Engineering. Hatcher stated that staff does not anticipate a traffic capacity issue on 145th Street. He also noted that the sight distances exiting the from the site are also not at issue. Chair Kenninger confirmed that the property would be rezoned to R4: High Resolution-Planned Unit Development. Klatt confirmed that was correct. Chair Kenninger inquired about the specific landscape phasing process and the specifics of the loop and emergency road installation as part of the phasing plan. There was discussion about how much of the road needs to be installed and at what time. Klatt clarified the recommendation and noted that a more clear phasing plan is requested. Commissioner Forster inquired if the setbacks on the plans are for the sidewalks to the private roadways or are they to the building face or the soffit overhangs on the building. Klatt clarified that it would be to the building face. Commissioner Clements inquired if the applicant has thought of shifting the building in phase 7 to allow more parking and to open up the entire development. Klatt said that had been discussed but the conclusion was made that setbacks may be an issue with shifting the building. Commissioner Clements would like clarification on motion 3, item G. Klatt clarified that would be the temporary loop. The Commission discussed the different building phases and when the loop road would be installed, and where would be the appropriate location. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 2 Commissioner Clements would like to know how many parking spaces would be available for the club house. Klatt said that under the ordinance criteria there should be about 10 stalls for that building. Chair Kenninger confirmed that there would be a total of 11 stalls including the care takers stall at the club house. Klatt confirmed that is correct. Commissioner Forster inquired if there would be any safety measures put into place on the private roads that run through the proposed development. Klatt stated that because of the design of the development there are no recommendations for slowing down traffic because the road will be so compressed with the buildings and parking spots immediately adjacent to the driving lane. Klatt mentioned that this is not a public road and that the owner could make adjustments in the future, although nothing is proposed at this time. Chair Kenninger inquired as to why the park is getting developed near the end of the phasing. Klatt indicated that the park area is located closer to the later phases. Klatt stated that because the more northern buildings have easy access to Central Park they can utilize that park until the development park is complete. Commissioners discussed their concerns over the possibility of the development not getting completed and the temporary loop not getting completed and how that would affect the development. Klatt stated that the phasing is laid out with options so that if the first few building are installed and they don’t get developed, the developer then has options for the future. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that with approving the PUD if the current developer walks away from the project the next developer would have to continue with what we are approving today. The public hearing opened at 7:50 pm. Public comments: Nathan Marks, 14676 Blanca Ave, inquired if the public could get a copy of the previous questions. He also inquired if the seven year build out is something that is necessary as it would impact the neighborhood for many years. Luke Israelson, 14738 Landau Lane, Prior Lake, stated that he is a representative of the developer KJ Walk and is available for any questions. Zach Barker, 14705 Boysenberry Ct, asked the Commission to not approve the rezoning of the property from business park to multi-family. He stated that the seven year construction concerns him as well as not knowing what the schools capacities are. He also stated his concern with how the exit of the development is laid out. With the exit onto 145th Street and the close proximity to the train tracks he is concerned that the traffic will get really backed up. The traffic would get unbearable for the future residents. James Linnan, 14710 Boysenberry Ct, stated his concern that this property is getting redeveloped as high density housing vs. a light industrial property. Mr. Linnan suggested that if this development does get approved that the emergency access be locked. Mr. Linnan questioned if the railroad has been contacted about their thoughts on the development and about it being so close to the railroad tracks. He stated that with no fencing between the development and the tracks he is concerned that the space is going to be used as a recreational area for kids or adults. Greg Roob, 14838 Boise Circle, stated that his biggest concern is the seven year time frame. He is worried that with the constant construction during the summer months that it will be disruptive to current residents as well as the residents that reside in Building 1. Commissioner Clements questioned what the intent was for the phasingand whether the applicant would constructing one building, then renting it out and then starting on the next building the following year. Mr. Israelson confirmed that is correct. This project is being built with all private funding. That is why the phasing is spread out over the next seven years. Commissioner Clements questioned as to why Building 7 could not be turned the way he suggested earlier. Mr. Israelson stated that they were trying to keep the space around the park as open as possible. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 3 Commissioner Freeman was curious as to why only 8 out of the 32 units in each building have a patio or deck. She stated that it would be more appealing to renters as well as look better on the exterior if all the units had some outdoor space. Mr. Israelson stated that the buildings are designed with one and two bedroom units and it is not possible to have a patio or deck on a two bedroom unit. With a one bedroom unit the exterior wall can have the sliding door to the patio or deck but with a two bedroom that exterior wall is taken up by the extra bedroom. Zachary Barker, stated that with the private funding being used to build the development; he hopes that they would make sure to have Building 1 fully occupied before they move forward with phase two. MOTION by VanderWiel to close the public hearing. Second by Forster. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 8:04 pm. Additional Comments: Chair Kenninger stated that the Commission’s packet is available on the city website. The video from the last meeting as well as tonight’s meeting is also available. Chair Kenninger questioned if it is common to have a seven year build out. Klatt stated that it is common to have developers phase a project over time but they don’t usually commit to a specific time frame. If phase one and phase two get completed and the developer walks away, then the site would be like that until another developer comes along to either finish with the current PUD or start over and suggest a change to the plan. Chair Kenninger asked for confirmation that the emergency access would be locked. Klatt confirmed that is correct. Chair Kenninger questioned if the railroad has been contacted. Klatt stated that the railroad has been contacted just like all of the other property owners within 500’ of the property. Commissioner Freeman questioned if there is a railroad speed limit through the City of Rosemount. Klatt replied that he is uncertain that there is a speed regulation or what the speed limit would be. The railroad does a lot of staging in Rosemount, so train speeds are generally much lower than in other communities. Chair Kenninger is concerned that there is no fencing planned between the development and the railroad tracks in the southeast portion of the site. Community Development Director Lindquist confirmed that the City would need access to that area because the City needs access to the ponding. It was noted that there are other areas of the City where residential is next to railroad tracks and the City does not require fencing. Chair Kenninger confirmed that it is the school district that would monitor the number of kids in the neighborhood and how that could impact school enrollment. Lindquist confirmed that is correct. Commissioner Forster stated that at the last meeting it was talked about that the property is not all the same zoning. He indicated that he thinks this proposal would be solving some of the properties’ current issues. Chair Kenninger agreed that the property is unique and that the eastern access is deemed an emergency access. Klatt confirmed what was previously approved relating to access for the southern section of the property. An easement was put into place to provide access to the current southern site from the Rosewood Village plat. Commissioner Clements clarified that with this current proposal there will be no traffic through the emergency access. Klatt confirmed that was correct. Commissioner Clements feels like this would be a very positive development for the city and he is in full support of the proposal. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 4 Chair Kenninger stated that she struggles with the fact that there are not enough trees proposed for the site. She is hopeful that some can get added back into the plan. She agrees that there is a huge need for apartments in Rosemount and the Dakota County area and this proposal is only a third of what is in demand for our city. She is also glad that the Commission will see this proposal again and that they will have the opportunity to see the exterior designs of the buildings and have an opportunity to address the other requirements such as landscaping and the phasing plan. 1) Motion by Clements to recommend the City Council approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the land use designation of Lot 1 Block 1 Greif Addition from BP-Business Park to HDR-High Density Residential, and Lot 1 Block 2 Rosewood Village 3rd Addition from MDR-Medium Density Residential to HDR-High Density Residential. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. 2) Motion by Clements to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Crossing, subject to the following conditions: a. Approval of a Planned Unit Development Master Plan with rezoning. b. Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment reguiding the property to HDR. c. Submittal of a written agreement for a shared access with El Dorado Packaging. d. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated November 22, 2016 e. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. f. Dedication of new drainage and utility easement over all ponding areas, drainage areas and utilities as required by the City. g. Conformance with all requirements of the Park and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 12, 2016. Second by Forster. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. 3) Motion by Clements to recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development Master Plan with the rezoning of the property from BP-Business Park and R1-Low Density Residential, subject to the following conditions: a. Execution of a PUD Agreement. b. Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment reguiding the property to HDR c. A deviation from City Code Section 11-6-1H to allow the office and public gathering space to shared parking otherwise required for the apartment use. d. Payment in lieu of replacement trees up to $11,700 should there be no additional reasonable locations for tree plantings. e. The preliminary development plans are approved for no more than six apartment buildings or 193 dwelling units. Final approval for a seventh apartment building (32 additional units) is subject to the completion of a parking study after construction of the third apartment building in development phase three. If the City finds that adequate parking has been provided for the all existing structures, the seventh unit may be incorporated as shown in the preliminary development plans. If the City determines that there is a parking shortage, the preliminary plans will be amended to eliminate building number three (Phase 5) from the plans. f. No more than three of the apartment buildings may be constructed before the emergency vehicle access, with curbing on both sides through the adjacent parking lot, providing a connection to Lower 147th Court West is installed and connected to the built portions of the site. g. A temporary turn-around shall be provided on the site prior to the construction of the second or any subsequent apartment buildings. h. The developer shall consider the use of sound insulating materials for portions of any buildings that will be facing the railroad right-of-way. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 5 i. The applicant to obtain final site and building plan approval from the City. The Plans should address the following items: The construction and installation of the decorative fence shall coincide with the timing of construction of apartment buildings within each phase. Submission of details for the decorative fence prior to the approval of a final plan for the first phase. Submission of final landscape plan that meets ordinance criteria for site and foundation plantings, landscape screening and buffering. includes: Realignment of the sidewalk at least four feet from parking and driving areas when said sidewalk is not located in front of a building. Sidewalks adjacent to parking areas shall be increased to 7 feet. Revision of the main entrance road to include sufficient vehicle stacking areas as required by the City Engineer. All garbage storage areas and dumpsters must meet City ordinance standards for construction and screening, including fire code separation requirements. Submission of detailed plans for the playground area. Exterior building materials are limited to no more than 60% lap siding not including doors and windows. All other primary materials will be limited to brick or natural stone. Final architectural plans and exterior materials samples and colors should be submitted as part of the final site and building plan approval. j. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated November 22, 2016 relative to drainage, grading, street design, easements, utilities and the adjacent sidewalks. k. Pay a fee in lieu of park land dedication for 225 units consistent with the most recent fee schedule as adopted by the City Council. The payment of these fees shall be collected at the time a building permit is issued for each building. l. Construction of the emergency vehicle access connecting to Lower 147th Court West must be completed as part of the fourth phase. Maintenance of the emergency vehicle access through the railroad spur and up to the Lower 147th Court West cul-de-sac shall be the responsibility of the developer and/or the Rosewood Crossing HOA. These maintenance responsibilities will include snow removal, signage, pavement markings, and other requirements specified in Resolution No. 2010- 44 approving the Rosewood Village Third Addition. m. Provision of contact information for the caretaker or other responsible party in the absence of a caretaker to city. n. The applicant is responsible for reconstruction of shared access drive with El Dorado Packaging and all costs associated with this construction. o. Exterior building materials are limited to no more than 60% lap siding not including doors and windows. All other primary materials will be limited to brick or natural stone. Final architectural plans shall be submitted with any final PUD development plans. The final development plans shall include exterior materials samples and colors. p. Repair and maintenance of all private trails and sidewalks are the responsibility of the developer and/or homeowners association(s). Snow removal from all public and private trails and sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the developer and/or homeowners association(s). q. Entry monuments shall be subject to sign permits and normal zoning standards. Appropriate sight distances must be maintained. r. The final PUD development shall include details concerning parking lot lighting standards and a photometric plan which conforms to the City’s lighting ordinance. Second by VanderWiel. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 6 Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. Break at 8:33 pm Continued at 8:39 pm 5.b. Request by Danner Inc. for a small scale mineral extraction permit renewal 2017. (16-56-ME) Community Development Director Lindquist gave a brief summary of the staff report. Chair Kenninger questioned if the Commission needs to put any restrictions on the trailer storage. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that staff will be clearer in the recommendation when they present it to the Council. Staff will work with the applicant prior to the Council meeting. Public Comment opened at 8:43 pm. Public comments: None MOTION by Freeman to close the public hearing. Second by Clements. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 8:44 pm. Additional Comments: None Motion by VanderWiel to recommend the City Council renew the Danner, Inc. Small Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2017, subject to the terms and conditions in the attached Draft 2017 Conditions for Mineral Extraction. Second by Clements. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. 5.c. Request by City of Rosemount for a zoning ordinance text amendment to allow dynamic signs within the DT-Downtown Zoning District and to change the size of the dynamic portion allowed on a sign. (16-52-TA) Planner Nemcek gave a brief summary of the staff report. Chair Kenninger requested clarification on where a dynamic sign can go within different zoned properties. Nemcek gave a brief explanation on what the current ordinance is and how it would change within the zoning of Downtown. Commissioner VanderWiel confirmed if the Steeple Center sign is in compliance with our current brightness ordinance. Lindquist stated that she would check with the Parks Director who purchased it. Commissioner VanderWiel feels like the Steeple Center sign is not appropriate for the Downtown area. She doesn’t favor the brightness of the sign. She doesn’t feel like the Culvers sign is that bad for the location and that it is more consistent with what she would like for Downtown. She requests that they try to keep the signage in Downtown as muted as possible. Nemcek stated that Culvers is an LED sign but monochromatic. Chair Kenninger stated that she agrees that the Steeple Center sign does not fit with the location or purpose of the building (a historic church). She is concerned that once they start allowing the dynamic signs they can’t go back and the entire Downtown would be lit up. Commissioner Freeman stated that she would be supportive of a monochromatic sign. Lindquist stated that she is concerned about regulating color because there will be the expectation that the City will enforce the regulation. Commissioner VanderWiel questioned if there was a regulation on sign brightness couldn’t the City enforce it. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 7 Nemcek stated that the Culvers sign cannot change colors but the Steeple Center is a dynamic sign that is more intense and the color can be changed. Commissioner Clements stated that the street lighting has a lot to do with the look of Steeple Center sign. It’s a darker area vs. the Downtown area that has more street lights and parking lot lights. The public hearing opened at 9:04 pm. Public comments: None Staff recommended continuing the item so that additional information can be obtained to answer some of the questions. Motion by Clements to continue the public hearing at the next Planning Commission Meeting on December 19th, 2016. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. Old Business: None. New Business: 7.a. Request by Lennar for Bella Vista 5th addition final plat. (16-53-FP) Planner Nemcek gave a brief summary of the staff report. Chair Kenninger stated that with the delay in developing Autumn Path, is that a delay that will be addressed in the future. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that Lennar is having difficulty getting the adjoining property owner to develop the road at this time. Chair Kenninger questioned when the cul-de-sac is removed who is responsible to fix lots 14 and 15. Nemcek confirmed that it would be the responsibility of the developer which would occur when the later lots developed. Commission discussed why the access point and cul-de-sac are both necessary during this stage in the development. Motion by VanderWiel to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat for Bella Vista 5th Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. 2. Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. 3. Provision of $39,270 for landscaping surety. 4. Payment of $16,600 for landscaping to be installed following construction of Autumn Path. 5. Payment of $139,400 for Fee-In-Lieu of Park Dedication. 6. A grading and landscaping easement shall be dedicated on the eastern 30 feet of lots adjacent to the future Autumn Path. 7. The applicant install a turnaround at the eastern terminus of Aulden Avenue acceptable to the Fire Marshal. 8. The final plat shall be revised to dedicate Outlot B as right of way. 9. The building permit for Lot 14, Block 3, shall include the cul-de-sac and meet all setback requirements from the cul-de-sac. The developer will place a covenant on the property that indicates the cul-de-sac will be removed and Street B extended in the future. The pavement removal and site grading will be at the cost of the future developer of the exception property to the west of the current final plat. 10. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated November 15, 2016. 11. Lot 15, Block 3 is not buildable until removal of the temporary access. 12. The developer install a sign at the end of the cul-de-sac indicating that the road will be extended in the future. Second by Forster. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2016 PAGE 8 7.b. City of Rosemount Capital Improvement Plan. (CIP) Community Development Director Lindquist gave a brief summary of the staff report. Commissioner Forster questioned if the city owned vacant land or would the city go through a purchasing process for the some of the public projects. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that the city does have some vacant land but not a lot. Commissioner Clements stated that he would like to see the trail underpass for the Wilde development happen. Engineer Hatcher stated that the County is currently evaluating whether to install with a project on McAndrews. Motion by Forster to find the 2017-2026 Capital Improvement Plan in Compliance with the Rosemount Comprehensive Plan. Second by Clements. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. Reports: None. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chair Kenninger adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Bodsberg, Recording Secretary