HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.h. PCExSumm_PI_Sign_Area12192016EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting: December 19, 2016 Tentative City Council Meeting: January 17, 2016 AGENDAITEM:AmendmenttoChangethe AGENDA SECTION: Maximum Sign Area in PI Public Public Hearing Institutional zoning districts PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, PlannerAGENDA NO. 5.h. ATTACHMENTS: Draft OrdinanceAPPROVED BY: K.L. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend Approval of the Text Amendment to the City Council. SUMMARY The current Sign Ordinance limits freestanding signs in the Public Institutional zoning district to a maximum of 32 square feet. We have heard from institutions within the City that they are having difficulty larger text size when located on roadways with higher speed limits. Staff has developed a draft ordinance changing the maximum size of the signs within the PI district from 32 square feet to 50 square feet. The change will allow institutional uses, particularly along County Road 42 to have legible lettering and stay within ordinance sign size standards. DISCUSSION Public and Institutional uses have a need to convey information about events and share public messaging. This recommendation was prompted by a church use along County Road 42. The church wanted a sign that was readable for travelers on the road. Due to the road speeds, existing structure setbacks, and width of right of way, larger lettering for legibility is needed. This need prompts the need for a slightly larger sign than the current ordinance standard of 32 square feet. Churches are conditional uses in Residential Zoning Districts but the intention was that church sign standards are the same as Public/Institutional uses. Staff is taking this opportunity, when increasing the public institutional sign size, to also clarify in the ordinance that signs at public and institutional uses in residential districts are also governed by the public and institutional sign ordinance standards. llowing a 50 square foot sign will not adversely affect properties surrounding public institutional uses in residential districts. Public institutional uses in residential districts really refers to churches which were shifted to conditional uses in residential districts several years ago. First, churches have to be located on a designated collector or arterial, which usually have higher speeds and larger right of way. Allowing a larger sign area should not have a negative effect on neighborhood due to the fact that there are still many code requirements for signs in the PI district, such as the need for compatible decorative materials for the base as well as setback requirements. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends a motion to recommend approval of the text amendment to change the maximum sign area in the PI Public Institutional zoning district from 32 square feet to 50 square feet and clarify that public institutional used in residential districts are regulated by the public institutional sign ordinance standards. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE BRELATING TO DYNAMIC SIGNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11-8-6.F Signs Allowed By Permit In The Public And Institutional Districtand for Public and Institutional Uses in Residential Districts: 1. WallSigns: a. Permanent wall signs shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. Wall signage may be affixed to windows but shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the window on which it is placed and iscounted toward the overall fifteen percent (15%) maximum wall signage. b. All permanent wall signs shall be individual channel letters mounted flush with the building or on a raceway. Channel letters shall have a minimum depth of at least three inches (3"). Box or panel signs are prohibited. c. Wall signs may be located on any side of a commercial building that faces another commercial or industrial use, a collector, minor arterial or principal arterial road as identified in the comprehensive plan or a parking area. d. Wall signs constructed on structures with more than one sign shall be designed according to an approved sign concept plan in which all signs have complementary designs, similar shapes and sign areas. Consideration may be made by PUD to permitvariation in size and design of signs for major tenants or anchor businesses in larger complexes. 2. Freestanding Signs: a. One freestanding monument sign per site. Sites with multiple frontages along a public right of way will be allowed one additional sign per right of way frontage provided that the frontage faces another commercial or industrial use or collector or arterial road as identified in the comprehensive plan. Each sign is limited to fifty (50)square feet and six feet (6') in height. These signs shall be located on private property and shall not be located within any sight triangle. b. All permanent freestanding signs shall have a base made of decorative materials compatible with the exterior materials of the principal structure on site. At a minimum, the base width dimension shall be larger than fifty percent (50%) of the greatest width of the sign. 3. Changeable Copy Signs: Changeable copy signs subject to the standards in subsection 11-8- 4A of this chapter. 4. On Premises Temporary Signs: On premises temporary signs subject to the standards in subsection 11-8-4H of this chapter. 5. For Sale Or Lease Signs: For sale or lease signs subject to the standards in subsection 11-8- 3B7 of this chapter. (Ord. B-212, 2-15-2011) Section 2.EFFECTIVE DATE.This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. th ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this20day ofDecember,2016. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ______________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Handler, City Clerk