HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes from January 11, 2006 City Council Work Session1 ITELI B 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 11, 2006 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a City Council Special Work Session was held on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 6.33 p m m the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettigmes, Baxter, Shoe Corrigan, and Sterner present. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, City Clerk Jenttnk, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist, City Planner Pearson and Communications Coordinator Cox. City Administrator requested a change of order to the agenda to accommodate the audience here to speak to the Pine Bend Cemetery issue. Mayor Droste agreed to the change of agenda. DISCUSSION Pine Bend Cemetery Parks and Recreation Director Schultz presented an update on the request for the City to consider ownership and management of the Pine Bend Cemetery. Russ Johnson was present on behalf of his sister, Bernice Wenzel, and himself, as members of the Pine Bend Cemetery Association. Mr. Schultz reported that he has contacted many organizations and found no one interested in managing the Pine Bend Cemetery. The groups contacted were. Minnesota Cemetery Association Fhnt Hills Resources Friends of the Mississippi River Dakota County Historical Society Area churches Mr. Johnson noted that the cemetery has a trust fund to perpetuate its maintenance. It is located on the east side of Highway 52 across from the Fhnt Hills Refinery. He noted there are approximately a third of the sites sell available for burials. Council Member DeBettigrues inquired if there are major repairs needed in the cemetery. Mr. Johnson stated that there has been some vandahsm and some headstones need replacement Mr Johnson said relatives are normally responsible for this type of maintenance but many of the gravesites no longer have responsible owners. Mr Schultz reported that Debbie Bon from Chaska completed an inventory of sites m 1996. She recorded 170 gravesites and Mr. Johnson said there are possibly graves that have not been marked. It was determined that many of the graves are dated back to the Civil War, in the 1860's. Mayor Droste requested that staff check the history of the cemetery to see if it was ever owned by the City. Mr. DeBettigmes recalled from speaking with relatives that it was owned by a church in the past. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated she would agree to the City handling the cemetery on a short-term basis until it can be turned over to another organization. Mr. Johnson passed out a news article relating the history of Koch Refusing and the Pine Bend Cemetery. Council indicated they were not willing to own the cemetery unless there is a strong historical bond. Staff will search further for more history on the cemetery and contact the VFW to see if it is interested m the Civil War veteran's aspect Mayor Droste indicated he had a contact with the State Histoncal Society that may be helpful. Manufactured Housing Park Closure Ordinance Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the petition presented to Council from the Rosemount Woods Manufactured Housing Park requesting an ordinance protecting their interests m the event of redevelopment and closure of the park. City Planner Pearson evaluated examples of manufactured home closure ordinances from Apple Valley, Bloomington, Lake Elmo, Oakdale, Shakopee and the state statutes. He than combined this information to further clanfy the state protections and incorporated it in a draft form for the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Council Member Baxter stated he favors protection of affordable housing for manufactured housing m Rosemount which he said may not be popular, but necessary. He stated he preferred the Apple Valley ordnance. Mr. Baxter encouraged the park management to continue to keep the park in comphance with property codes and well maintained. Mayor Droste questioned if this is good for the City from a public policy standpoint. He noted that there are two new manufactured home parks in Rochester, Minnesota. He stated the open market should decide if this style of affordable housing is needed. Ms. Shoe Corrigan stated she would favor estabhshing a zoning district to allow space for relocation of the manufactured home park. She pointed out the state regulations require a relocation site within 25 miles of the park and she did not want to make it more restnctive. Ms. Lindquist stated that only if it were the City initiating redevelopment of the park would relocation costs be incurred. She inquired if Council desired a higher threshold for a developer than state regulation Council indicated it did not care to increase the valuation percentage. Council Member Sterner questioned if it would be appropriate to add a provision to have a park location remain within School District 196. Council majority thought this would be too restrictive. Mayor Droste directed staff to draft the manufactured home park closing language for Rosemount to clarify the closure process. City Planner Pearson noted there would be additions to the zoning ordinance and the city code. Legislative Preview City Administrator Verbrugge gave a thorough review of key legislative issues. He noted the legislative session begins on March 1, 2006, and the City wishes to communicate to our legislative delegation what is most significant to Rosemount. The hot topic for tines is the use of eminent domain for development. Council indicated it favors retaining the possible use of eminent domain only after all avenues have been exhausted on acquiring a site for the benefit of the City. Mr Verbrugge suggested the legislature be encouraged to extend the timelines for the air cargo regional distribution center to incorporate references of the JOBZ language and alter the incentives. Mr. Verbrugge indicated that the Dakota County legislators are backing the Joint Dispatch system and bonding bills. Mr. Verbrugge presented a transportation resolution supporting the referendum in November 2006 to set aside revenue from the motor vehicle sales tax for improving the highway and transit systems. Mr. Baxter did not agree that the Constitution should be amended to provide certain percentages of tax revenue as law. Additional legislative discussion topics included: Robert Street Corndor Transit Group 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 11, 2006 Funding Regional Parks Open Space Eminent Domain No smoking issues Liquor m grocery stores ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 11, 2006 City Administrator Verbrugge suggested the legislative representatives be invited to a City Council meeting Mayor Droste agreed and noted it would be wise to structure the discussion schedule. Other Items Mr. Verbrugge suggested City Council set a meeting to consider City goals and priorities. Council directed staff to arrange a Friday evening meeting for Council followed by a Saturday morning meeting including City staff. Staff will prepare possible dates for the goal setting work session. Compensation for City Council can be discussed at that meeting. Staff will collect data for review and any salary increases would not be effective until following the next city election. Mr. Baxter pointed out that most residents don't take on a council position for the pay compensation. Mayor Droste reviewed attendance of Council Members at upcoming community meetings. January 21 Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce, RCC January 23 Humcane Katrina Aid Appreciation, Blackhawk Middle School February 17 LMC Leadership Training, Bloomington March 8 Partners m Progress, Eagan Mar 12 -15 National League of Cities, Washington D.C. March 21 Rosemount State of the City Address, RCC, 7:45 a.m. March 23 Dakota Futures Apnl 28 Minn. Mayors Annual Conference, Austin June 28 -30 Minn. League of Cities Annual Conference, St. Cloud July 22 29 Leprechaun Days Celebration UPDATES National Preservation Area Parks and Recreation Director Schultz noted that mapping for the future planning of a National Preservation Area has begun. The City requests to hire a consultant to index all the landowners to help with this process Mr. Schultz noted Community Development Director Lindquist had stated that this landowner indexing would benefit that department as well. The estimated cost is $5,200. Council agreed to the use of funds from the Council Designated account. Mr. Schultz suggested the firm of Hoisington- Kogler Associates for the protect. CDA Project Mr. Verbrugge reported that the Pubhc Heating at the Planning Commission was continued to January 24. Many of the neighbors in the Evermoor area were opposed to affordable housing on thew border. Staff saw this as an educational opportunity noting that the housing is not for low income residents but work force housing. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 11, 2006 Police Labor Negotiations Mr. Verbrugge stated that negotiations have gone well with the LELS Labor Agreements for the Pohce Unit and Police Supervisory Clint The contracts for these collective bargaining units will be on the Council Agenda January 17, 2006. The Teamsters and AFSME union negotiations are underway. Purchase of Genz Ryan Property Mr. Verbrugge reported that the Port Authority had approved a purchase price of $1 9 million for the Genz -Ryan property with the condinon that a current appraisal would prove that value. An appraisal was determined at $1.78 mullion and a counter offer will be made to split the difference. Mr. Verbrugge stated the sale has not been finalized at this time City Administrator Review Mr. Verbrugge noted his employment anniversary is March 15 and he asked direction on the process City Council would prefer for his annual review. RAAA Community Meeting Mayor Droste reported he had attended a Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) meeting which explained the lack of adequate fields for their sports program. Council clearly agreed that athletic programs benefit the community by offering children positive ways to interact. Council Member Sterner also attended the meeting and noted that RAAA acknowledged the benefit of their attendance Mr. Schultz pointed out RAAA serves 3,500 children, up to age 16. Mayor Droste directed that RAAA be invited to a future Parks Recreation Commission meeting. Hurricane Appreciation Event Congressman John Kline will host a gathering to thank all those who participated in aiding the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It will be held Monday, January 23, at 7.00 p.m at the Blackhawk Middle School Mayor Droste or Council Member DeBettigmes will attend to represent the City. Mayor Droste motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2006 -02. 4 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary