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Reallocation of Encumbered FundsAGENDA ITEM: Reallocation of Encumbered Funds AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Police AGE 2 ATTACHMENTS: Article APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: June 15, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Council is asked to consider authorizing the use of $5000 in encumbered funds currently designated for Field Based Reporting software to instead be used to purchase Tasers and Taser supphes SUMMARY In the 2004 budget, $5000 was mcluded for Field Based Reporting (FBR) software, which would allow pohce officers to enter data directly into the records management system from the laptops m the squad cars This product had been scheduled for dehvery through LOGIS in June 2004; however, it is now scheduled for delivery and implementation at two cities this summer Since this purchase was planned, Dakota County's Cnnunal Justice Information Integration Network (CJIIN) has begun developing electronic forms One form being developed is an electronic initial incident report This form will allow officers to do some initial entry from the squad. FBR would have resulted m police officers doing more typing, data entry and coding of data into the records system There are quality control concerns with havmg multiple officers doing the entry versus two clencal staff, as well as concerns of having officers typing when their skills are better utilized doing other police officer tasks The availability of the CJIIN e- form and the quality control issues of FBR reduce the need and desire to purchase FBR software. The depaitnient had also been attemptmg to purchase Tasers over the last year through a grant program., The grant has now been denied for Taser purchases. In order to move forward in purchasing Tasers, Council is asked to authonze the use of the encumbered $5000 for FBR software to be reallocated for the purchase of Tasers and training supplies for implementing Tasers. Each Taser costs $799 The mtennon is to purchase four or five Tasers, naming cartridges and extra cartridges as necessary One Taser was purchased in 2004 out of the Operating Budget. This would allow each officer on -duty to have the option of carrymg a Taser. Three officers are scheduled to attend a Taser instructor course in July. Taser use has generated a fair amount of media coverage in the last six months. Because of the media coverage, Sergeant John Sommers and Officer John Winters will be present at the meeting to provide an overview of the department's use of force training curriculum and philosophy. They will also discuss the use of force continuum and how Taser use fits into the continuum. Additional information on Tasers can be found on their web site, http. /www.taser.com. JANUARY 2005 VOLUME 28 ACING ND MrO O LINICAL OLECTROPHYSIOLOGY Editorial by Kim, etal. 3 High Energy Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation by Alaeddini, et al. 8 Magnetocardiography in Coronary Artery Diseaseb}i Hailer, etal. 17 Effects of Sensor Optimization by Erol- Yilmaz, et aL '`25_ ECG of Fasciculoventricular Pathway by Choi, et al._, 29 Diagnostic Value of Nitrate Stimulated Tilt Testing ,by Aerts, et al. 34 Transcnstal Conduction in Patients with AFL byYang, et al. 44 Prevalence and Management of Inappropriate Detection by 51 Coronary Sinus Lead_ Extraction by Kasravi, et aL 54 Changes in QT in Patients with Edematous States by Madias` 62 Intrinsic RV byOlshansky, et al. 67 Elderly Woman with AV Block by lndik, et 71 Musings by Grubb 72 Accessory Pathway In Right Atrial Diverticulum 75 Letters to the Editor Blackwell Futura a x fi� D t SOURNAL illEI1d3ERNA1ibi11A Ri7ll# P a1til(s 13171 0P- AND THE`ASIAN- PACIFIC WORKING GROUP ON CARDIAC PACING.ANDEfi P Y IOCO This study did not address the safety index as it relates to individuals with anhythmtas, pacemakers, or implantable cardiac defibrillators Cardiac Safety of Neuromuscular Incapacitating Defensive Devices WAYNE C McDANIEL ROBERT A STRATBUCKER,t MAX NERHEIM,t and JAMES E BREWER* Flom the 'University of Missouri- Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, tTASER® International, Scottsdale, Arizona, and :Brewer Consulting, Minneapolis, Minnesota McDANIEL, W C ET AL.: Cardiac Safety of Neuromuscular Incapacitating Defensive Devices. Neuromus- cularincapacitation (NMI) deuces discharge a pulsed dose of electrical energy to cause muscle contraction and pain. Field data suggest electrcal NMI devices present an extremely low risk of injury One nsk of delivering electricity to a human is the induction of ventncular fibrillation (VF)- We hypothesized that inducing VF would require a significantly greater NMI discharge than a discharge output by fielded de- vices The cardiac safety of NMI discharges was studied in nine pigs weighing 60 28 kg The minimum fibrillating level was defined as the lowest discharge that induced VF at least once, the maximum safe level was defined as the highest discharge which could be applied five times without VF induction, and the VF threshold was defined as their average A safety index was defined as the ratio of the VF threshold to the standard discharge Ievel output by fielded NMI devices A VF induction protocol was applied to each pig to estimate the VF threshold and safety index The safety index for stored charge ranged from 15X to 42X as weight increased from 30 to 117 kg (P 0.001). Discharge levels above standard discharge and weight were independently significant for predicting IT inducibility The safety index for on NMI discharge was significantly and positively associated with weight Discharge levels for standard electrical NMI devices have an extremely low probability of inducing VF (PACE 2005; 28 S284 neuromuscular incapacitation, ventricular fibrillation, electrical safety Introduction Neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) devices discharge electrical energy at high peak voltage, low average current, in 10 -100 µs pulses deliv- ered in 10 -19 per- second trains Parameters for the electrical discharge of NMI devices have been empirically determined to maximize neuromus- cular stimulation. cause pain and muscle con- tractions, and temporarily incapacitate a human subject 2 TASER® (Taser International, Scottsdale, AZ) is an electrical NMI defensive device which has been widely tested.'' There has been no report directly related to its risk of inducing ventricu- lar fibrillation (VF), although preliminary findings suggest that the likelihood of inducing VF by an NMI discharge is extremely low 2,5 9 We hypothe- sized that the induction of VF would require sig- nificantly greater discharge levels than delivered by electrical NMI devices fielded by law enforce- ment agencies. Partial funding received from the Office of Naval Research, con- tract N00014 -02 -C -0059 Address for repr_nts Wayne C McDamel Ph D Technology and Special Protects University of Missouri Columbia, 475 McReynolds Hall Columbia, MO 65211 e -mail mcdanielwc@imicsourr edu Methods Study Design The cardiac safety of the electrical discharge by NMI devices was studied in a prospective con- trolled trial design with the standard NMI dis- charge as control, compared with discharges that induced VF in a large pig The animals were anes- thetized with isoflurane, their arterial blood pres- sure, oxygen saturation, respiration, and heart rate were continuously monitored until sacrifice. Experimental Device and Electrodes A custom device was built to deliver an NMI electrical discharge that matched the wave- form characteristics of the commercially available TASER model X2a device. The experimental de- vice allows the output capacitance to vary as a mul- tiple of the nominal capacitance (and charge) for a standard NMI device (0 008 AF, Fig. 1). All ex- perimental NMI discharges were delivered with a fixed voltage of 6000 V The waveform, as a short electrical pulse, was delivered at a repetition rate of 19 pulses per second for 5 seconds The standard NMI stored charge for the experiment control was (0.008 µF x 6,000 V) 48 µC The standard NMI discharge represented the same amount of charge (coulombs) delivered by fielded NMI devices. The pulses were discharged across the thorax of the an- imal. using metallic barbs that matched darts de- ployed in fielded NMI devices One pulse delivery 5284 January 2005, Supplement 1 PACE, Vol 28 PACE, Vol 28 10 c U 10 0 SAFETY OF NEUROMUSCULAR LNCAPACITATING DEVICE 100 200 300 Time [us] 400 50D Standard Waveform —16x Waveform —48x Waveform m uscular activity (pedestal portion of waveform). probe was placed at the sternal notch and another on the anterolateral thorax at the point of maxi- mum impulse Threshold Procedure NMI discharges were applied in an up -down method to determine a threshold for VF induc- tion. beginning with a standard NMI discharge. In- creasing stored charges were applied to the animal until VF was induced The stored charge was in- creased in steps by increasing the size of the exper- imental NMI device capacitor Each stepped stored charge had a capacitor value equal to a multiple of the standard capacitance unit (0 008 µF), using an increasing number of charge multiples (2 and multiples of 4 from 4 to 48) Following the first VF induction, a decreasing series of capacitance stepped discharges were then applied until VF was no longer induced by five discharges of equal stored charge The animal were defibrillated with an automatic external defibrillator. A recovery pe- nod of at least 90 seconds was allowed after dis- charges that did not induce VF. If a discharge did induce VF a recovery period of at least 5 min was allowed following defibrillation Study Endpoints and Safety Index The primary study endpoint was the determi- nation of a safety index for each animal based on its 600 Figure 1. Experimental NMI waveforms compared to waveforms discharged by standard NMI devices (standard waveform, black) Experimental waveforms are shown for 16 times standard discharge ()LA, green) and for 48 times standard discharge (AA, red) The waveforms represented a single pulse of a two -stage capacitor discharge standard NMI devices apply 19 pulses per second for 5 seconds. The two -stage incapacitation discharge was designed to first penetrate high impedance barriers (AC -like portion of waveform) and then to incapacitate neurological and weight. Discharge data were collected during the experiment for each NMI discharge applied dur- ing the VF threshold procedure. Minimum fibril latmg discharge level determined by the VF thresh- old procedure was defined as the lowest discharge that induced VF at least once, maximum safe level was defined as the highest discharge which could be applied five times without induction of VF. VF threshold was defined as their average. The safety index was defined as the ratio of the VF threshold to the standard NMI discharge (48 AC). Statistical Analysis All continuous variables are expressed as mean f standard deviation. Two sample t -tests for samples with equal variance were used to compare mean values For all comparisons, a P 0 05 was considered statistically significant. Institutional Review The study protocol received approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Sinclair Research Farms. All animals received hu- mane care Results Nine experiments were completed. The aver- age weight of the swine was 60 28 kg, rang- ing from 30 to 117 kg All animals remained January 2005, Supplement 1 S285 Blood Pressure Chart 1 rp I •—NMI Stimulation --►I Figure 2. Example of blood pressure before and dunng an NMI discharge hemodynamically stable throughout the experi- mental procedures, despite an average of 26 12 NMI discharges per animal (Fig 2) The safety index for stored charge ranged from 15X to 42X as weight increased from 30 to 117 kg (P 0 001 Table I, Fig. 3). The VF induc- tion threshold level (1339 463 pC stored charge) was significantly higher than the standard level for applied charge (48 µC stored charge, P 0.0001). The charge multiple at the VF induction thresh- old was 28 10 compared to the standard charge multiple of 1 (P 0 0001, Table I) The maximum safe charge multiple was 26 9 with an average stored charge of 1,227 423 AC, and the minimum VF inducing charge multiple was 30 11 with an average stored charge of 1,451 509 ;1.xC The maximum safe levels and minimum VFI levels of stored charge for experimental data were regressed linearly for significant trends The re- lationship between stored charge as a function of weight (kg) was compared to experimental stored charge for minimum VF induction dis- charge The maximum safe discharge was mod- eled by 12.5 *[weight (kg)] 473 (n 9, r Weight Pig (kg) 1 83 2 54 4 48 5 81 6 49 7 42 8 37 9 117 10 30 60 28 AC microcoulombs, VFI ventricular fibrillation induction McDANIEL, ET AL. Table I. Experimental Outcomes for 19 Pulse per Second Discharges Max Safe Safe Stored Multiple Charge (pC) 0.69) and the minimum VF induction discharge was modeled by 16.5 *[weight (kg)] 460 (n 9, r 0 82) The analysis revealed a linear, in- creasing relationship of maximum safe and mini- mum VFI discharge multiples (and therefore safety index) as a function of weight (kg). The rela- tionship further confirmed a significantly greater discharge required to induce VF compared to standard discharge levels for a fielded NMI device Logistic regression showed that the mean charge multiple for a 50% likelihood of VF induc- tion was 24 f 13, with an odds ratio of 0 85 after adjustment for weight (95% Wald confidence lim- its. 0.83, 0.88, P 0 0001). Therefore, an increasing charge multiple was shown to be independently related to an increase in VF induction Discussion This study confirmed the cardiac safety of an experimental NMI device emulating the perfor- mance of commercially used devices. An NMI dis- charge that could induce VF required 15 times the charge of the standard NMI discharge. Fur- thermore, this study demonstrated a safety index strongly correlated with increasing weight In ad- dition, the observation of the hemodynamic sta- bility of the animals suggests that these devices may be safely applied multiple times if needed. Discharge levels output by fielded NMI devices have an extremely low probability of inducing VF This study used adult domestic pigs chosen to simulate a range of adult human body weights between 30 and 120 kg, likely to be encountered in police work Our results suggest a safety index Min VFI Multiple VFI Stored Threshold Safety Charge (pC) Charge (pC) Index 28 1344 32 1536 1440 30 28 1344 32 1536 1440 30 28 1344 32 1536 1440 30 40 1920 44 2112 2016 42 20 960 24 1152 1056 22 20 960 24 1152 1056 22 16 768 20 960 864 18 36 1728 48 2304 2016 42 14 672 16 768 720 15 26 9 1227 423 30 11 1451 f 509 1339 463 28 d 10 S286 January 2005, Supplement 1 PACE, Vol 28 45 4 30 y 25 M h 20 15 10 SAFETY OF NEUROMUSCULAR INCAPACITATING DEVICE 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 Weight (Kg) >20 for human adults >45 kg. The standard NMI devices may therefore have a safety Index signifi- cantly >20 for field applications to adult humans. References 1 Murray J, Resnick B A Guide to Taser Technology Whitewater, CO Whitewater Press, 1997 2 Stratbucker R, Roeder R, Nerheim M Cardiac serety of high voltage TASER X26 waveform Proc Annu Int ConfIEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2003,3261 -3262 Cancun, Mexico 3 Koscove EM, The TASER weapon A new emergency medicine problem Ann Emerg Med 1985 14 1205 -1208 4 Ordog GI, Wasseroerger 1 Schlater T, et a1 Electric gun (TASER injuries Ann Emerg Med 1987, 16 73-78 5 Fish R, Electric shock, Pan III Deliberately applied electric shocks and the treatment of electric injuries Emerg Med 1993, 11 599- 603 110 120 130 Figure 3. IVMI safety index (A, triangle) in relationship to weight (kg) The safety index is the ratio of VP induction thresh- old discharge to fielded NMI discharge The minimum discharge that would cause fibrilla- tion was approximately 15 times the charge of the standard pulse when used on the smallest pig. 6 Robinson MN, Brooks CG, Renshaw GD Electric shock devices and their effects an the human body Med Sc i Law 1990, 30 285- 300 7 Kornhlum RN, Reddy SK Effects of the TASER m fatalities involving police confrontation J Forensic Sci 1991, 36434- 448 8 Fisn RM, Geddes LA Effects of stun guns and tasers Lancet 2001, 358 687 -688 9 McDaniel WC, Stratbucker RA, Smith RW Surface application of Taser stun guns does not cause ventricular fibrillation m ca- nines Proc Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2000, Chicago, IL PACE, Vol, 28 January 2005, Supplement 1 S287 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT MANUAL HI. DEFINITIONS 210, USE OF FORCE Effective Date: June 1, 1998 References: MSS 626.8452 Amended Date: N/A No. of Pages: 8 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide police officers with guidelines on the use of deadly and non deadly force as it applies to all sworn members of the Rosemount Police Department. II. POLICY This Department recognizes and respects the value and integrity of each human life. Giving police officers the lawful authority to use force to protect themselves and the public welfare requires a careful balance of all human interests Therefore, it is the policy of this Department that police officers shall use only that force which is necessary to effectively bring an incident under control, while protecting the lives and safety of the officer or another. Deadly Force: Force which the officer uses with the purpose of causing, or which the officer should reasonably know creates a substantial risk of causing death or great bodily harm. The intentional discharge of a firearm in the direction of another person, or at a vehicle in which another person is believed to be, constitutes deadly force. Non Deadly Force: Any use of force other than that which is considered deadly force. Reasonable Grounds or Reasonably Knows or Reasonable Belief: When facts or circumstances the officer believes, knows, or should know, are such as to cause an ordinary and prudent person to act or think in a similar manner under similar circumstances. Great Bodily Harm: Injury which creates a high probability of death, or which causes a permanent disfigurement or which causes a permanent or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ or other serious bodily harm. Impact Weapons: Impact weapons means all objects and instruments which are used, or designed to be used, to apply force to another by coming into physical contact with that person. Impact weapons include but are not limited to police batons and flashlights. L-1 E Z O O j O c J r J 20 y O 0 0 II a o C C o co 0 7 G7 O o o m0; 1 o co 0 a O rn 0 cn il o C) C. J O 0 O i 0 10 Iii C-3 t ri CD z 1 1 0o0 o G r oo y G7 C Vl C C 0 C -o 9 c m o n 0 U J 23 C Q0 O`< To c 0 o N C C Verbal t 0 C J 7 2 o 0 cn 0 E 0 Girt L7 G7 c' 0 il O c= 7 C7 0 DJ C t 4 1 fr a cas 4Q)i 0 fob 4.7 0 0 i o Q CD r? t C O 1 I I CD i Q o 0 �Y Z 0 si Z L J X C 7 c Cif a 0 �..�._..v .r v.r.a...r.a i..vv Olt Minnesota Statutes 2004 Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 609 609.06 Authorized use of force. Subdivision 1. When authorized. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision 2, reasonable force may be used upon or toward the person of another without the other's consent when the following circumstances exist or the actor reasonably believes them to exist: (1) when used by a public officer or one assisting a public officer under the public officer's direction: (a) in effecting a lawful arrest; or (b) in the execution of legal process; or (c) in enforcing an order of the court; or (d) in executing any other duty imposed upon the public officer by law; or (2) when used by a person not a public officer in arresting another in the cases and in the manner provided by law and delivering the other to an officer competent to receive the other into custody; or (3) when used by any person in resisting or aiding another to resist an offense against the person; or (4) when used by any person in lawful possession of real or personal property, or by another assisting the person in lawful possession, in resisting a trespass upon or other unlawful interference with such property, or (5) when used by any person to prevent the escape, or to retake following the escape, of a person lawfully held on a charge or conviction of a crime; or (6) when used by a parent, guardian, teacher, or other lawful custodian of a child or pupil, in the exercise of lawful authority, to restrain or correct such child or pupil; or (7) when used by a school employee or school bus driver, in the exercise of lawful authority, to restrain a child or pupil, or to prevent bodily harm or death to another; or (8) when used by a common carrier in expelling a passenger who refuses to obey a lawful requirement for the conduct of passengers and reasonable care is exercised with regard to the passenger's personal safety; or (9) when used to restrain a person who is mentally i11 or mentally defective from self- injury or injury to another or when used by one with authority to do so to compel compliance with reasonable requirements for the person's control, conduct, or treatment; or ittp://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/609/06.html Page 1 of 2 Fn cnnnc (10) when used by a public or private institution providing custody or treatment against one lawfully committed to it to compel compliance with reasonable requirements for the control, conduct, or treatment of the committed person. Subd. 2. Deadly force used against peace officers. Deadly force may not be used against peace officers who have announced their presence and are performing official duties at a location where a person is committing a crime or an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult. HIST: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.06; 1986 c 444; 1993 c 326 art 1 s 4; 1996 c 408 art 3 s 12; 2002 c 221 s 46 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. ittp://www.revisonleg.state.mn.usistats/609/06.html rage 2 of 1 4/1 S /1/MS Minnesota Statutes 2004,_Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 609 609.066 Authorized use of deadly force by peace officers. Subdivision 1. Deadly force defined. For the purposes of this section, "deadly force" means force which the actor uses with the purpose of causing, or which the actor should reasonably know creates a substantial risk of causing, death or great bodily harm. The intentional discharge of a firearm, other than a firearm loaded with less lethal munitions and used by a peace officer within the scope of official duties, in the direction of another person, or at a vehicle in which another person is believed to be, constitutes deadly force. "Less lethal munitions" means projectiles which are designed to stun, temporarily incapacitate, or cause temporary discomfort to a person. "Peace officer" has the meaning given in section 626.84, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. Use of deadly force. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 609.06 or 609.065, the use of deadly force by a peace officer in the line of duty is justified only when necessary: (1) To protect the peace officer or another from apparent death or great bodily harm; (2) To effect the arrest or capture, or prevent the escape, of a person whom the peace officer knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed or attempted to commit a felony involving the use or threatened use of deadly force; or (3) To effect the arrest or capture, or prevent the escape, of a person whom the officer knows or has reasonable grounds to believe has committed or attempted to commit a felony if the officer reasonably believes that the person will cause death or great bodily harm if the person's apprehension is delayed. Subd. 3. No defense. This section and sections 609.06, 609.065 and 629_33 may not be used as a defense in a civil action brought by an innocent third party. HIST: 1978 c 736 s 2; 1986 c 444; 2001 c 127 s 1 Copyright 2004 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. rttp: /www. revisor. leg .state.mn.us /stats /609 /066.html 6/15/2005 rage 1 or 1