HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150527 YCM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS May 27, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was th held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 3:48 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Dennis called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Corrigan, Munson, Radosevich, Revanur, Saal, Schalliol, Wuellner and Yambing present. Staff Liaison Foster, former Council member Shoe-Corrigan and Recording Secretary Kladar were present. Incoming Youth Commissioners Alex, Andrews, M. Demuth, M. Hinderaker, Westman and Jaren Yambing were also present. Youth Commissioners A. Hinderaker and Wick and incoming Commissioner Busho were absent. Commissioner S. DeMuth arrived at 3:50 p.m. Council Member Weisensel arrived at 3:57 p.m. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Dennnis. Second by Corrigan. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 9 Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried. AUDIENCE INPUT City of Rosemount Human Resources intern (Ashley) introduced herself to the Youth Commission. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Dennis. Second by Schalliol. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the correction to the Audience Input section of the April 22, 2015 minutes. a. Minutes of April 22, 2015 Youth Commission Meeting Ayes: 9 Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried. OATH OF OFFICE New Youth Commissioners were administered the Oath of Office by Assistant City Administrator Emmy Foster. OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Approval of 2014-2015 Youth Commissioner Goals Chairman Dennis requested the new Youth Commissioners review the group’s 2014-2015 goals. Foster suggested that the new Commissioners take the goals with them to review and provide input at the June meeting. At Shoe-Corrigan’s request, Chairman Dennis walked the new commissioners through the goal setting process including the brainstorming session in January and forming small groups to focus on short and long term goals. The Youth Commission’s goals are provided to City Council. 6.b. Introduction of 2015-2016 Youth Commissioners and Review of By-Laws Dennis asked new commissioners to introduce themselves and tell why they joined the Youth thth Commission. Westman (9 grade) wanted to join for future job purposes. Alex (8 grade) joined as th his brother was a previous Commissioner. Andrews (11 grade) thought it would be interesting. M. thth Hinderaker (8 grade) believed it would be a good experience. M. DeMuth (9 grade) wanted to do th some good for the community. Jaren Yambing (9 grade) joined to have a good time. Shoe-Corrigan asked the current commissioners to introduce themselves and advise what they learned or enjoyed while being on the Youth Commission. Wuellner liked the tree lighting. Revanur enjoyed working together to reach goals and help the community. Yambing enjoyed giving input to city council on various projects. Munson enjoyed meeting new people. S. DeMuth liked supporting events in Rosemount. Schalliol, Dennis, Radosevich and Corrigan enjoyed the Night to Unite and swing dance event. Saal enjoyed meeting every month and having an impact on community. The Youth Commission’s accomplishments for this year include: met with community via Night to Unite; helped coordinate the post-game bonfire; gave input on park designs; participated in the RAAC tile painting; and promoted the tree lighting event. Foster advised that the new Youth Commissioners will elect officers at the June meeting. The current Chairman and Co-Chairs gave a brief description of duties of their positions and advised how the voting process would work. Foster briefly outlined the bylaws regarding meetings, attendance, and the role of City Council with regard to the Youth Commission. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Photo Release Foster distributed the photo release forms to the new Youth Commissioners for them bring home for a parent or guardian’s signature. Foster advised the new members that t-shirts will be ordered for them. 7.b. Roundtable Discussion Dennis discussed the Rosemount lacrosse team and advised that he will be attending University of Minnesota Rochester this fall. Schalliol said she and Alana both attended the RAAC swing dance and recommended it to the new commissioners. S. Demuth is ready for summer. Munson said she is helping at a children’s soccer camp this week. Joan Yambing advised that On-Stage recently finished up and the last choir concert is next week. Revanur is going to UCLA this fall. Wuellner was chosen to be Rosemount’s football manager again. Westman is on the Rosemount junior varsity lacrosse team. Alex, Andrews and Radosevich are looking forward to school ending. M. Hinderaker and Jaren Yambing are excited for marching band this summer. Saal will be in skateboard competitions this summer. Weisensel introduced himself to the new youth commissioners. He advised them that at the last meeting votes were taken regarding recent City expense requests and the results were: 1) Leprechaun Days fireworks; 2) Turf Athletic Field; 3) Steeple Center lighting project; and 4) Community Band. Weisensel also advised that the new commissioners are expected to participate in at least one event per term. Those events include Arbor Day which Saal and Busho recently attended. Other events are Night to Unite, Leprechaun Days Parade and RAAC sponsored events. REPORTS 8.a. Commission Member Reports Dennis advised that committee members need to return with their committee report before next meeting. New commissioners can join a group at their next meeting. 8.b. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Youth Commission is scheduled for June 24, 2015 at 3:45 p.m. at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Dennis and seconded by Schalliol that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 4:26 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Karin Kladar Recording Secretary