HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of June 15,2005 City Council Work Session RevisedRevised 6.c. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 15, 2005 contacted by Attorney Vose following the Commissions recommendation. Additional years could be audit as well if warranted. Reallocation of Encumbered Funds Police Chief Kalstabakken requested that funds be moved to purchase Tasers and Taser supphes. The Police Department intended to use grant funds to purchase the Tasers but the grant was not approved. Tasers offer another force option to av id vi lent f rcc use in J apprehension and control. One benefit is that it only affects the person in question. Mace aerosol affects whoever is nearby including the officer at times. Police Sergeant John Sommers was present to explain how a Taser operates. Three police officers would be sent for instructor class and the rest of the officers would be trained on Taser use. Staff recommends purchasing five Tasers, one for each squad car The cost is $800 per Taser plus necessary supplies. The funds to be transferred were to be used to purchase software that would enable patrol officers to type reports while in the field. Dakota County's CJIIN Project is developing has since pr vidcd electronic forms which allow the same time saving result. Therefore, staff does not recommend purchasing the Field Based Reporting software which was budgeted at $5,000 in 2004 Mayor Droste advised Police Chief Kalstabakken to place this issue on the Consent Agenda for consideration at the next regular City Council meeting. Sanitary Sewer Service Request City Engineer Brotzler presented to the City Council on the proposed extension of sanitary sewer service to 13930 South Robert Trail. This property has been determined to have a non- comphant individual sewer treatment system. As part of the proposed improvements for the GlenRose development, the City has the opportunity to extend sanitary sewer service to this property and the property to the south owned by Todd Franz. Property owner Todd Franz was present to comment. The GlenRose development will require the construction of a lift station There are two opnons to provide sanitary sewer service to the GlenRose development. 1) Install a force main along Trunk Highway 3 right -of -way without impact to the adjacent properties. 2) Extend gravity sewer south from the existing line across from the Rosemount Community Center which will provide service to the property at 13930 South Robert Trail and to Todd Franz's property. City Engineer Brotzler noted that the past practices for new development would not impact surrounding property Mr. Franz felt the addition of sewer service would increase the value of his property as long as it was cost effective Staff noted that the extension of a gravity sanitary sewer line and water would necessitate the acquisition of easements. Staff would work to negotiate the acquisition of these easements but if unsuccessful, eminent domain may be necessary to secure the easements Option 2 would require the project to be a 429 project that will extend the project timeline to accommodate the necessary hearings. The 2 RO SEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 1 1 #6 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION RQ>I1 de JUNE 15, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 6.30 p.m. in the Council Chambn at City Hall. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Counc embers Shoe Corrigan, Sterner, and DeBettigmes present. Also in attendance were A istant City Administrator Weitzel, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Developme f Director Lindquist, Communications Coordinator Cox, Cable Coordinator Mark oore and Attorney Bob Vose, Police Chief Kalstabakken, and Police Sergeant Sommer: Mayor Droste requested an add -on to e agenda to discussion restricted parking signs near the high school by resident Ron Jacob son. Mayor Droste recommended this be placed first on the agenda. 1 Parking Signs Ron Jacobson requested consideration by Council to remove all but three of the parking signs in the Carrollton Addition. This area has a street pattern in the form of an "E" which enters onto Chili Avenue. There are only three streets that access into the neighborhood. Mr. Jacobson proposed adding another sign, "Beyond this Sign Both Sides of Street" to the currant sign, "No Parking School Days 7:00 AM 3:30 PM Permit Parking Only." This combined sign would only be necessary at the three entrances off Chili Avenue All other signs could then be removed. Mr. Jacobson said the parking issue is the worst in spring. Mayor Droste noted that staff in Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Police departments would be consulted. Mayor Droste agreed this area is unique because of the limited access. This will be addressed at the July City Council work session. Charter Communications Franchise Fee Review Assistant Administrator Weitzel reported that the Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount Cable and Telecommunications Commission authorized an audit of franchise fees paid by Charter Commumcanons This audit is recommended every five years and this is the first audit covering the period January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003 by HLB Tautges Redpath, Ltd Rosemount receives franchise fees of 5% of gross revenues with Charter Communications and Fiber to the Home (FTTH). Attorney Bob Vose explained some details of the audit. The audit uncovered thirteen areas to follow up on which may result in additional payments to the City. The next step is to present the findings to Charter for discussions. Charter had not included launch fees (introduction of new channels) and adding programming as gross revenue Cable Communicator Mark Moore reported that the Cable Commission members include: Tom Lawell from Apple Valley, Lisa Shadick from Farmington, and Jamie Verbrugge and Dawn Weitzel from Rosemount. The next Cable Commission meeting is June 23, 2005 and a representative from Charter Cable will attend. Attorney Vose said that if the company process displays systematic error, it should be corrected. The cable companies will be ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 15, 2005 contacted by Attorney Vose following the Commissions recommendation. Additional years could be audit as well if warranted. Reallocation of Encumbered Funds Pohce Chief Kalstabakken requested that funds be moved to purchase Tasers and Taser supplies The Police Department intended to use grant funds to purchase the Tasers but the grant was not approved Tasers offer another option to avoid violent force in apprehension and control. One benefit is that it only affects the person in question. Mace aerosol affects whoever is nearby including the officer at times. Police Sergeant John Sommers was present to explain how a Taser operates. Three police officers would be sent for instructor class and the rest of the officers would be trained on Taser use. Staff recommends purchasing five Tasers, one for each squad car The cost is $800 per Taser plus necessary supplies. The funds to be transferred were to be used to purchase software that would enable patrol officers to type reports while in the field. Dakota County has since provided electronic forms which allow the same time saving result. Therefore, staff does not recommend purchasing the Field Based Reporting software which was budgeted at $5,000 in 2004. Mayor Droste advised Police Chief Kalstabakken to place this issue on the Consent Agenda for consideration at the next regular City Council meeting. Sanitary Sewer Service Request City Engineer Brotzler presented to the City Council on the proposed extension of sanitary sewer service to 13930 South Robert Trail. This property has been determined to have a non- compliant individual sewer treatment system As part of the proposed improvements for the GlenRose development, the City has the opportunity to extend sanitary sewer service to this property and the property to the south owned by Todd Franz. Property owner Todd Franz was present to comment. The GlenRose development will require the construction of a lift station There are two options to provide sanitary sewer service to the GlenRose development. 1) Install a force main along Trunk Highway 3 right -of -way without impact to the adjacent properties. 2) Extend gravity sewer south from the existing line across from the Rosemount Community Center which will provide service to the property at 13930 South Robert Trail and to Todd Franz's property. City Engineer Brotzler noted that the past practices for new development would not impact surrounding property. Mr Franz felt the addition of sewer service would increase the value of his property as long as it was cost effective. Staff noted that the extension of a gravity sanitary sewer line and water would necessitate the acquisition of easements. Staff would work to negotiate the acquisition of these easements but if unsuccessful, eminent domain may be necessary to secure the easements. Option 2 would require the project to be a 429 project that will extend the project timeline to accommodate the necessary hearings. The uming of the project is critical to the developer because of the shorter time to construct the housing project before winter. 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 15, 2005 Todd Franz, 13930 South Robert Trail, stated that he was not noticed for the meetings for the development. Staff reported that due process was followed. Mr. Franz spoke in favor of the sewer improvement and felt that all properties near his property should have water and sewer as well. City Engineer Brotzler stated that the current practice is not to impact adjacent property when new development is proposed. Mayor Droste noted that on 132nd Court residents were invited to an open informational meeting to address if they would like to add sewer under similar circumstances. Mayor Droste noted that the reaction from some neighbors on 132 Court were strong resistance due to the expense. Mayor Droste suggested that if five or less lots are included, staff should proceed to offer the utilities connection. But, if more than five lots, City Council should be asked to consider the project before adjoining property owners are notified. City Engineer Brotzler stated that projects always proceed smoother if the neighbors agree with them. Costs were considered for adding utilities north of the GlenRose development. City Engineer Brotzler estimated that water assessments would be $4,000 to $7,000 per lot. The cost of easement rights will affect the assessment amount. Assistant City Administrator Weitzel requested clarification for staff on future development process, would Council like to see staff talk to properties owners when development is near if there are five or less lots? Mayor Droste and Council Member Shoe- Corrigan said they trusted staff's judgment and directed staff not to use five as a definitive number but to determine on a case by case basis. Mt Fraser said for the benefit of resale of his property he would not like to be boxed in without utilities. He also asked if he could sell his property due to the zoning noncomphance. Council Member Shoe Corrigan directed that he could sell it as is, it could not be expanded, but remain one house, one car lot. Dakota County 2005- 2010 Draft Capital Improvement Program City Engineer Brotzler presented a letter to Dakota County pointing out four improvement issues to include in the budget 1. Right turn lane on eastbound County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 38 and by -pass lane on westbound CSAH 38 at the intersection with Shannon Parkway. Shannon Parkway as a Municipal State Aid route is a collector street within the City's street system The 2003 ADT on Shannon Parkway at the intersection with CSAH 38 is 2,800. Based on this volume of traffic and the 55 MPH speed limit on CSAH 38, the City respectfully requests Dakota County's consideration of this item. 2. The City of Rosemount continues to support the reconstruction of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) from CSAH 42 to the north corporate liitiits, proposed to be designed in 2006 and constructed in 2007. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 15, 2005 As previously noted, the City of Rosemount anticipates that the section of County Road 73 from CSAH 42 to 2 miles north of County Road 42 will be improved as an urban section with pedestrian facilities. Also, it is anticipated that as part of this project, the existing railroad crossing will be upgraded with a new crossing arm gate system. This system should be designed to meet Federal Rail authority requirements for future establishment of a "Quiet Zone." 3. The City of Rosemount continues to support the CSAH 42 /TH 52 Interchange project and Dakota County's efforts to secure additional project funding. This is a high priority project for the City and as such, the City will continue to work with Dakota County towards the advancement of this project. 4. The City of Rosemount would request that funding be identified for the construction of a bituminous pathway on the east side of CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) from CSAH 42 to Evermoor Parkway. City Council agreed with the statements made in the letter and directed staff to proceed. UPDATES Community Development Director Lindquist presented the opportunity to have a short movie made to market Rosemount. The City of Prior Lake had an example that was put on cable television and down loaded to compact disks to mail to developers. The movie, or video, would include shots of Leprechaun Days and a tour of much of the recent development The cost is estimated to be $20,000 which is provided for in the Port Authority budget. It will be presented to the Port Authority on July 19, 2005. Council consensus was to proceed to the Port Authority for consideration. Community Development Director Lindquist reported that CPDC has four preliminary designs for the downtown development Block E. Two concept are acceptable to staff, Concepts A and B. Lindquist noted the labehng on the concepts was not correct and because the Minneapolis Star and Tribune is anxious to post an article with photos of the concepts, she is suggesting cropping the maps just to Block E and have the maps refined later. There will be an open meeting on July 27, 2005 for business owners and interested people. Relocation information will be presented and the City Attorney will discuss eminent domain. Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the concept plans. Council discussed the concept plans and its merits. Mayor Droste noted that the business owners need a consistent message from City staff and Council. Mayor Droste reported that the March for Mentorship was held in Central Park today. About 50 people attended including the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Awareness was raised to participate with our youth by spending time with them. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 15, 2005 Community Development Director Lindquist asked if staff can be directed now to enforce outside trash enclosures. This was set aside due to the downtown plans. Council did not present a strong consensus to move forward. Community Development Director Lindquist noted that Ania Wicklund was having a reception to thank those officials involved with the dedication of her property as a park preserve. Only two council members will attend to provide for the open meeting law Motion by Mayor Droste to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Second by Sterner. Ayes: Five. Motion carried. The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -25. 5 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary