HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Change Order #1 for Well #14 City Project #382AGENDA ITEM: Change Order #1 Well #14, City Project #382 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Enginee IA i AGENp 6 K ATTACHMENTS: Letter; Change Order #1 APPROVED BY: ,J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Change Order #1 to Well #14, City Project #382 and authorize the necessary signatures. 'C ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: July 19, 2005 ISSUE Consider approval of Change Order #1 for Well #14, City Project #382. BACKGROUND Attached for City Council consideration is Change Order #1 for Well #14, City Project #382. As outlined in the attached letter from Nancy Zeigler with WSB and Change Order #1, the Change Order consists of a change in design from a 30- mch /24 -inch double cased well to a 30-inch/24-inch/18-inch triple cased well design. This change is design is necessary because the 30 -mch casing has come to refusal at 138 feet. The 30 -inch casing was originally designed to go to 188 feet. The result of the change m design that is included in Change Order #1 is a decrease m contract puce of $45.00 and an increase in the contract time of 46 days SUMMARY Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order #1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY G \ENGPROJ \382 \ChangeOrderlCC7 -19 -05 doc WSB ana Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Assoccates, Inc Suite 300 July 11, 2005 Mmneapohs, MN 55416 Tel 763- 541 -4800 Fax 763 541 -1700 Mr. Andrew Brotzler City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Change Order No. 1 Municipal Production Well No. 14 City of Rosemount Project No. 382 WSB Project Nos. 1391 -02 Dear Mr. Brotzler: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 1 for the above referenced project The original design was for a 30- inch/24 -inch double cased well. Since the 30 -mch casing has come to refusal at 138 feet, the design is being changed to a 30- inch/24- inch/18 -inch triple cased well design. The change order reflects a decrease in contract price of $45.00 and an increase in contract time of 46 days. Two weeks of the extension is due to delays resulting from the design change, such as ordering additional pipe and four weeks is due to the bid opening being delayed one month (the four weeks was discussed and agreed to at the pre- construction conference). The change order has been reviewed and agreed upon by the contractor and we hereby recommend that the City of Rosemount approve Change Order No. 1 for E. H. Renner and Sons, Inc If you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed, please contact me at (763) 287- 8216 Thank you Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. WAtedzi it,05 Enclosures Nancy Zeigler, P.E. Project Manager cc: Roger Renner, E. H. Renner and Sons, Inc. Cindy Dorniden, City of Rosemount Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F IWPWIM /391 0211391.020 VOUCHERS113 91 -02 0 co 1 in cry doc MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -02 OWNER CONTRACTOR' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 550684941 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS' 1 Construct 30124118" triple cased well as descnbed in attachments instead of 3024' double cased well due to 30" casing coming to refusal at 138ft. 2 Increase contract time by 46 days to account for bid opening being delayed one month and design change delays of 2 weeks IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE. PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS' N/A CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: NET INCREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS RECOMMENDED BY NANCY ZE6LER, P,E,�'RC�,1�CT MANAGER APPROVED BY WSB ASSOCIATES, INC CITY ADMINISTRATOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $298,863 00 $0 00 $298,863 00 ($4500) $298,818 00 E. H RENNER AND SONS, INC. 15688 NW JARVIS STREET ELK RIVER, MN 55330 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER NET INCREASE OF CHANGE ORDER CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: APPROVED BY CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE E H RENNER AND SONS CONTRACTOR MAYOR DATE F:IWPWIN11231.161EXCEL11391 -020 CO- 11C0.1 July 5, 2005 9/15/2005 NONE 9/15/2005 46 days 11/1/2005 The original design was for a 30- inch/24 -inch double cased well. Since the 30 -inch casing has come to refusal at 138 feet, the design shall be changed to a 30724'118" triple cased well. The following sections of the specifications needed to be modified or added to accommodate the triple cased well design. Section 02670 3.01 CONSTRUCTION OF THE WELL F Alternate Triple Cased Well Design 1. Drill and drive 30 -inch casing until refusal 2. Install 24 -inch casing inside the 30 -inch casing to point of refusal 3. Drill and drive 24 -inch casing through the drift into the Prairie du Chien. 4. Drill 24 -inch nominal open hole through the Prairie du Chien and 10 feet into the Jordan formation. 5. Install 18 -inch casing 10 feet into the Jordan formation and grout in place after plumbness and alignment test. The bottom of the pipe shall be sealed prior to grouting 6. Drill 18 -inch nominal open hole through the Jordan formation and not more than 10 feet into the St Lawrence formation CONTRACTOR shall seal any of the borehole drilled more than 10 feet into the St Lawrence formation with neat cement grout in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health Well Code, at CONTRACTOR'S expense 3.14 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 8 Description of Bid Items 2. Item No 2 Drill /Dnve 30" Casing Change Order No. 1 City of Rosemount Municipal Well No. 14 WSB Project 1391 -02 a Includes furnishing, drilling and driving, approximately 488- 138 feet of 30- inch casing through the drift until refusal into the Prairie du Chien. All other materials needed to perform the work, such as bentonite grout, are included in the unit pnce bid b. Payment will be made on linear feet provided. c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form 3 Item No. 3 Drill 30" Nominal Open Hole (Delete) approximately 230 fcct of 30 inch nominal diameter opcn halo b. aymont will be on linear fcct provided. lid -feu 4 Item No 4 Install 24" Casing a. Includes furnishing and installing complete, a 24 -inch casing, inside the 30- inch casing to 138 feet ect above grade to a point b. Payment will be based on linear feet provided c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form 7. Item No 7 Drill 24" Nominal Open Hole (Delete) bid form A -1 Item No. A -1 Drill /Drive 24" Casing a. Includes furnishing, drilling and driving, approximately 50 feet of 24 -inch casing through the drift into the Prairie du Chien All other materials needed to perform the work, such as bentonite grout, are included in the unit price bid b. Payment will be made on linear feet provided. c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form. A -2 Item No. A -2 Drill 24" Nominal Open Hole a Includes furnishing all equipment, materials and labor, and dnlling approximately 239 feet of 24 -inch nominal diameter open hole approximately 229 feet through the Prairie Du Chien formation and 10 feet into the Jordan formation, as specified. b. Payment will be on linear feet provided. c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form. A -3 Item No A -3 Install 18" Casing a. Includes furnishing and installing complete, a 18 inch casing, inside the 24- inch casing and open hole, from 4 feet above grade to a point into the Jordan formation, as directed by ENGINEER b. Payment will be based on linear feet provided c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form A-4. Item No. A-4 Drill 18" Nominal Open Hole a. Includes furnishing all equipment, materials and labor, and drilling approximately 79 feet of 18 -inch nominal diameter open hole through the remaining Jordan formation and to the top of the St Lawrence formation, as specified b Payment will be on linear feet provided. c. Payment will be made in accordance with the unit price established in the bid form. City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Council Members. We, the undersigned, doing business as and hereinafter known as the Bidder, have examined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents with related documents, visited the site of the proposed work, and are familiar with all of the conditions, laws and regulations, surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of materials and labor. We hereby propose to enter into an agreement with the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to furnish all labor, matenals, equipment, skills and facilities for the complete construction of the municipal production well, all in accordance with the Bidding Documents and Addenda thereto, as prepared by WSB Associates, Inc., Golden Valley, Minnesota, including sales tax and all other applicable taxes and fees, according to the following bid schedule: BID SCHEDULE Bid Form For Construction of Municipal Production Well No. 14 For the City of Rosemount, Minnesota Bidder will complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following Base Bid prices: SCHEDULE A WELL CONSTRUCTION BY CABLE TOOL DRILLING 1. Mobilization /Demobilization The clearing, access and site preparation and moving of all drilling equipment and materials onto the site, setting up the equipment, removal of equipment, and cleanup of the site upon completion of the work together with all items of construction, traffic control, security, disposal of debris, adding fill for positive drainage; cleaning, disinfecting and testing except for those itemized separately below, all for the lump sum price of: MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO 1391-020 Change Order No. 1 Attachment Revised 07/07/05 Dollars 2005 CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07-07-05) SECTION 00300 2. Drill /Drive 30" Casing For the drilling by cable tool methods of approximately one hundred thirty -eight (138) linear feet of 30 -inch diameter cased hole until refusal, including materials, for the unit price of, and the total amount of Unit price per linear foot: Dollars Total amount for 138 linear feet: Dollars Drill 30" Nominal Open Hole (DELETE "-the Jordan formation), as specified; for the unit price, and." total amount of.--- "Ainit price per lin ar foot Dollars Dollars 4. Install 24" Casing For the furnishing and installing complete approximately one hundred thirty -eight (138) linear feet of 24 -inch diameter inner casing, as specified, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Unit price per linear foot: Total amount for 138 linear feet: 5. Plumbness Alignment Test For conducting one (1) plumbness and alignment test, including equipment and labor, as specified, for the unit price of, and the total amount of Unit price per plumbness alignment test: Total amount for one plumbness alignment test: Dollars MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 wCR ppn iprr un 1 /01 Dollars /ft. Dollars Dollars /test Ic.y. /ft. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07-07-05) SECTION 00300 6. Grout Annular Space For furnishing and placing forty (40) cubic yards of neat cement for grouting the annular space between the casings and the rock hole and the casing Unit price per cubic yard: Total amount for 40 cubic yards removed. Total amount for 70 lin or feet 8. F I.R Development Equipment 9 Blasting with Explosives Unit price per pound: Total amount for 400 pounds. 10 Sandstone Removal MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 Dollars Dollars .7." Drill 21" Open Hole. (DELETE) :For tfic drilling by cable tool methods of oppreximatcly hole through the remaining Jordan formation and to the flop of thc St Lawrence formation, as cpccified, for thc unit price, and total amount of Unit price per lin ar foot: Dollar° Dollaro For furnishing, installing and removing development equipment, including moving air compressor onto site, setting up piping and other equipment for air surging, and removal of air compressor, piping and other equipment from site upon completion of work, at the lump sum pnce of: Furnish, place, and shoot the rock formation with approximately four hundred (400) pounds of explosives, for the unit price, and total amount of /ft Dollars Dollars /lb. Dollars Remove from the well approximately four hundred (400) cubic yards of sandstone loosened by explosives or air surging, and measuring this sandstone for the unit price /c.y. CHANGE ORDER NO 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07 -07 -05) SECTION 00300 on ce nnenn 1 of, and the total amount of: Unit price per cubic yard of rock removed: Total amount for 400 cubic yards removed: 11. Air Surqinq For approximately one hundred fifty (150) hours of air surging to develop the formation, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Unit price per hour: Total amount for 150 hours: 12. Disposal of Sandstone Dispose of approximately four hundred (400) cubic yards of sandstone off -site, for the unit price of, and the total amount of Unit price per cubic yard of sandstone disposed: Dollars Total amount for 400 cubic yards disposed' 13. Re- install Development Equipment 14. F I.R Test Pumping Equipment MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO 382 MSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 Dollars Dollars Re- install and remove development equipment, at the lump sum price of: Furnish to the site and install in the well and remove from the well, a test pump capable of delivering 2200 gpm of water from the well at the head encountered, including furnishing the discharge piping and power for operating the test pump, at the lump sum price of: Dollars /hr. Dollars Dollars Ic.y. Dollars Dollars CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07 -07 -05) SECTION 00300 15. Test Pumpino For eighty (80) hours of well testing for yield, drawdown, and recovery, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Unit price per hour of test: Total amount for 80 hours of tests: 16. Re- install Test Pumping Equipment Re- install in the well and remove from the well, a test pump capable of delivering 2200 gpm of water from the well at the head encountered, including furnishing the discharge piping and power for operating the test pump, at the lump sum price of: 17. Water Analysis 18. Sand Tests Unit price per test: Total amount for 5 tests: MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 Dollars Dollars Dollars One chemical analysis and one bacteriological analysis of the well water, taking of the sample, and delivery of the sample to the approved laboratory, testing as specified, and preparation of report, for the lump sum price of. Dollars For five (5) sand content tests, as required, including the taking of sample, delivery and testing of sample and reporting of the results within a 24 hour period, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Dollars Dollars /hr. /test CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07 -07 -05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300 -5 19. Well Video Survev Complete one (1) television survey of the entire well, including moving equipment, materials and personnel onto the site, completing the television survey and providing ENGINEER with completed and clear recordings, at the unit price of, and total amount of Unit price per survey' Total amount for one television survey: 20. Silt Fence For furnishing and installing approximately two hundred fifty (250) linear feet of silt fencing, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Total amount for 250 linear feet of silt fence: 21. Sound Barrier For furnishing and installing approximately four hundred eighty (480) square feet of sound barrier, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Unit price per square foot of sound barrier: Total amount for 480 square feet of sound barrier Dollars MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391-020 Dollars Isrvy Dollars Dollars /ft. Dollars Dollars /s.f. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07.07 -05) SECTICN 00300 o nr_c noon c 22. Gamma Loq For providing one (1) Gamma Log of the entire cased and open rock hole, at the unit price of, and total amount of: Unit price per Gamma Log: Total amount for one Gamma Log: Dollars A -1 Drill /Drive 24" Casing For the drilling by cable tool methods of approximately fifty (50) linear feet of 24 -inch diameter cased hole through the glacial drift into the Prairie due Chien, including materials, for the unit price of, and the total amount of Unit price per linear foot: Total amount for 50 linear feet: A -2. Drill 24" Nominal Open Hole Unit price per linear foot: Total amount for 239 linear feet: MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO 1391 -020 Dollars Dollars Dollars For the drilling by cable tool methods of approximately two hundred thirty nine (239) linear feet of 24 -inch nominal diameter open hole (approximately 229 feet through the Prairie Du Chien formation and 10 feet Into the Jordan formation), as specified, for the unit price, and total amount of: Dollars Dollars flog /ft. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07 -07 -05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300 -7 A -3. Install 18" Casing For the furnishing and Installing complete approximately four hundred thirty -one (431) linear feet of 18 -inch diameter inner casing 4 feet above grade and 10 feet into the Jordan formation, as specified, at the unit price of, and total amount of Unit price per linear foot Total amount for 431 linear feet: A-4. Drill 18" Open Hole Unit price per linear foot: Total amount for 79 linear feet: MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 Dollars Dollars For the drilling by cable tool methods of approximately seventy (79) linear feet of 18 -inch nominal diameter rock hole through the remaining Jordan formation and to the top of the St Lawrence formation, as specified, for the unit price, and total amount of: Dollars Dollars /ft. /ft. Total of Part A Well Construction by Cable Tool Drilling, sum of Items 1 through 22, and A -1 through A -4, inclusive (use words) Dollars (use figures) CHANGE ORDER NO. t BID FORM (REVISED 07 -07 -05) SECTION 00300 PAGE nn30n -8 SCHEDULE B VERTICAL TURBINE LINE SHAFT PUMP 23 A lump sum Bid Price for furnishing and Installing vertical turbine line shaft pump, motor and appurtenances as specified, except for that included in Item 24 (use words) Dollars 24. For providing and installing 200 feet of column, shafting and retainers with couplings in 10 -foot sections. City of Rosemount Municipal Production Well No 14 and well pump, the sum of items 1 -24, inclusive MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391-020 (use figures) Dollars per 10 -foot section X 20 sections (use figures) (use figures) Total of Part B Vertical Turbine Line Shaft Pump, sum of Items 23 and 24: Dollars (use words) Dollars (use figures) TOTAL OF BASE BID (SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B) FOR COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION (use words) Dollars (use figures) Note: Bidder must enter prices for all items indicated above. Partial bids will not be considered. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07-07-05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300 -9 QUALIFICATIONS We shall use the following drilling equipment if the contract is awarded to us: Name of Manufacturer Model No. Height of Mast feet Engine H.P. Age, in years, of drilling equipment Minnesota Water Well Drilling License No. National Water Well Association Certification No. We are listing in the spaces below the locations of our most recent 24 -inch or Larger Jordan Sandstone wells of 470 feet depth or more which our company has drilled by Cable Tool Methods in Minnesota. 1. 2. 3. Date Well Location Owner's Name Was Drilled COMPLETION TIME If this Bid is accepted and Contract awarded, the Bidder agrees to the following completion times, all subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents. 1. Final Completion by September 15, 2005. LIOUIDATED DAMAGES Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in a written Notice to Proceed of the OWNER and to fully complete the project within the time penods stipulated. Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, sums specified in the Agreement, $500 /day, if Bidder fails to complete work by the Final Completion date. MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 Size and Depth CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07-07-05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300-10 AWARD OF CONTRACTS This Bid is submitted after careful study of the Contract Documents and from personal knowledge of the conditions to be encountered at the site, which knowledge was obtained from the undersigned's own sources of information and not from any official or employee of the City of Rosemount. By submission of this Bid, each Bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint Bid each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Bid has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to this Bid with any other Bidder or with any competitor. If a discrepancy appears between the written and the numerical, the written words will be used as the quoted price. If an error appears in an extension or the addition of terms, the corrected extension or total of the parts shall govern. The undersigned understands that the unit price quantities mentioned herein are approximate only, and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased, in accordance with the provisions of the specification, at the unit prices bid in this bid form. It is understood that if this bid is awarded, CONTRACTOR shall execute a contract in the form attached to the specifications and will furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in the amount of 100 percent of the TOTAL OF BASE BID ITEMS AND ALTERNATE BID ITEMS FOR COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION, as indicated on the BID FORM, and in the form attached to the specifications. It is understood that if this bid is awarded, CONTRACTOR shall complete the work as specified. It is understood and agreed that a Bid cannot be withdrawn within fort-five (45) days and that the City of Rosemount has the right to accept or reject any or all Bids, and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contact to the best interests of OWNER. BID SECURITY Accompanying this bid is a cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond in the amount of: Dollars which is five percent (5 of the bid amount, and is drawn to the order of the City of Rosemount with the understanding that if this Bid is accepted and the undersigned refuses, fails or neglects to execute a contract and furnish said bonds within ten (10) days of the date when Notice of Award is delivered to Bidder, the bid security shall be liquidated damages occasioned by such failure and thereupon the City of Rosemount shall realize the bid security and use the proceeds in payment of incurred damages MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO 382 W5B PROJECT NO. 1391-020 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07-07-05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300 -11 and upon further understanding that bid secunty will be promptly returned upon the rejection of' this Bid. For bid security purposes, the bid shall be the TOTAL OF BASE BID ITEMS AND ALTERNATE BID ITEMS FOR COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION, as indicated m this BID FORM. ADDENDUM RECEIPTS Receipt of the following addenda to the Bidding Documents is acknowledged: Addendum No. dated Addendum No. dated Addendum No. dated By: MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL NO. 14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 382 WSB PROJECT NO. 1391 -020 (Signature) Typed or Printed Name: Title: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email Address State whether the Bidder is sole proprietor, a partnership or a corporation, and if a corporation, the state in which it is incorporated. Note: Bidder must fill in all applicable spaces above to be considered. END OF SECTION 00300 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 BID FORM (REVISED 07.0' -05) SECTION 00300 PAGE 00300 -12 MUNICIPAL PRODUCTION WELL 11014 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN