HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Pedestrian Facility Improvemen PlanAGENDA ITEM: Pedestnan Facility Improvement Plan AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Eng 4 AGE e 2 ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit, Proposed Cost and Funding Worksheet, Resident Letter, Public Comments Summary APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: July 28, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past two years, Staff has been working on a plan to maintain and enhance the City's trail and sidewalk system As part of this work, existing trails and sidewalks were mapped along with proposed trail and sidewalk additions. The attached exhibit shows the City's existing trails and sidewalks and proposed additions to the trail and sidewalk system. When considering the addition of trails and sidewalks to the City's system, consideration was given to connecting existing facilities and planning for the construction of dual systems along the City's collector streets. The scope of Staffs efforts was to review the existing developed area of the City only as trails and sidewalks will be planned m newly developing areas as development occurs As part of the work, cost estimates were developed for each segment as identified on the exhibit and are summarized on the attached cost and funding worksheet Since 2003, the annual operating budget has included $125,000 for trail and sidewalk improvements A portion of the annual budget amount has been used to replace, repair and install new trails and sidewalks with projects that have occurred. Examples of these activities are 1.) the overlay of the existing trails along Shannon Parkway completed by Public Works In 2003 and 2004; 2) the extension of trails and sidewalk along Chippendale as part of the Chippendale /42 project completed m 2003; 3) the extension of a trail along 145 Street with the Rosewood development in 2005, and 4) the extension of sidewalk along Canada Avenue and overlay of trail along Connemara Trail with the 2005 Pavement Management Project. As shown on the attached worksheet, there is $200,000 that has been encumbered from 2003 and 2004 and $70,000 estimated to be available for encumbrance to 2005. Based on the estimated project costs, Staff is recommending that funds continued to be encumbered until there is a sufficient balance to do a project of a larger scale. The worksheet shows the proposed years for projects to be completed and the pnotity ranking of the projects recommended by Staff. Several of the projects that have been given a high priority axe the replacement of existing trails and sidewalks that are m disrepair. Staff is requesting Council review and comments on the proposed trail and sidewalk improvements and direction on the proposed project prioritization. G \ENGPROJ \Pedestrian Facility Plan \councilwocksessron 072805 doc Mr. Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Rosemount City Hall 2875 -145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 My husband and I have together, contacted your office, Mayor Droste, and Councilman Phil Sterner on City Council concerning a dangerous crossing at Dander Court and Shannon Parkway, in order to secure safe daily passage to Connemara Park. The fact the City intends to install a sidewalk in 15 years, allows us to interpolate that the City of Rosemount has the right -of -way and the intention. This should therefore be a simple consent item on a 2005 Council agenda We have the support of nearly the entire neighborhood of Dander Court and will demonstrate that support when appropriate. The future park- access sidewalk in question is described below: June 27, 2005 West side of Shannon Parkway, between Connemara and Dander Court (50+ feet) Park access should be guaranteed for every neighborhood and it would be inappropriate for us (or other families) to walk strollers over the comer Lawn. Crossing back legally to Dander Court requires families to cross Shannon Parkway, walk 50 feet and then jaywalk west into Dander Court. This is the most dangerous part since it is a blind curve and requires guessing and often running with strollers and other toddlers beside parents. I encourage you to cross this road with your children, so you can understand first hand why we feel so passionate about having a side -walk available to go to the park. We request that Council be made aware of our situation, and that your office respond in a timely manner. We can be reached at 651- 423 -5305 or lorikearneViiyahoo.com. It is our goal to have this sidewalk completed before winter. The neighborhood looks forward to your reply and empathy to our situation. Thank you in advance for your time, it is greatly appreciated. Sine rely, Lori Edward Kearney Cc: Mayor; City Council "Delays have dangerous ends!" Wrlmm Shakespeare S s e e E N R 2tv- a gog a �'�gei UPI `w m t o pp $3 m moon m flEct S m N N N R N N 0.000 N N N N N 9r E§ _a 8rqg» .A;9 aX g§ ma doc ww w 0 v V m w ww w w tG SEE§ §§§5E! Y§§0 g88g 8g°cs gassy ww wwww wwwwy g oo wwwk §m°m�s §em°e NggE "R" go g w ai tR S2 wwwww 00000 g p p g rvm'2^ b m m m� ate” ;w £"cs 5555 EVE EEE2E Epu g> E E E E E r mga mm mum= mm mmm It 1 9 U s m� c 3 3 E 333aw 3354 3�€ f z 2mEi H@ac1 C� an aaa`" 8 gm >a> =st2 in v55 €§SEE o a o c c c N m S ca.--00 0000 4.22 UN0 Mom IE g_rmam am n C D 0 ms m a -navmm rmm°; ��°m m�mmN N c. gm on r g .W Wa2$ �qn�5mm L mf s w s asV w K w M N w n t w w nzsssccccc w£ €w3aaaauana n2,2-2ann€ an an in on an OW m m m m 0 8 2'i O E E g E E a a E E E E E€ E E E O �mmmmmm m UUUUUU" m m N fJ N N m N N m r! M n e) m N Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Comments from Comment Cards I am against the proposed walkway to be added to the west side of Shannon Pky. This would run along the longest portion of my property. I do not want this because 1) the added foot and bike traffic, and animal feces next to my house, and 2) one of the reasons I bought this house was because of the nice long line of green grass on the area in question. It would be in close proximity to my living room and kitchen windows as well. Please don't do it. I am opposed to the pedestrian facilities improvement plan for the following reasons: Please delete plans for Section #9. (Shannon Parkway) 1) Not enough room for any type of sidewalk in Section #9. 2) Destruction of trees, existing landscape bushes, etc. Many birds nest there. 3) Too many utility wires are buried there. 4) Telephone poles lines should be buried before anything like this is done. 5) Loss of privacy (more urban sprawl). 6) Snow removal/storage loss for snow. 7) Increased noise and litter. 8) With economy so bad and unemployment high, why are you spending money on something we do not need? There is another sidewalk on the other side of the road. First, I need to know who is responsible for snow removal on the proposed new paths. I do not wish to deal with that. Second, I would like some sort of landscape addition next to the proposed path to help preserve some of the privacy I enjoy now which is being slowly taken away by increasing traffic on Shannon Parkway. Third, who is responsible for grass maintenance along the proposed path? Fourth, location of the path in relation to distance from Shannon Parkway i.e. how far off the curb will path be? Fifth, consideration for utility lines underground? C \Documents and Settings \alb \Local Servings \Tempoary Internet Files \OLK20\Pedestnan Facilities Comments 02-04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 1 Sidewalk Trail /Improvement Plan Comments from Comment Cards My concem is on Shannon Parkway from Dander Ct and south. Several years ago I invested in eight flowering cherry trees to enhance Shannon Parkway. At that time I had a Rosemount City employee come over to measure so that they would be planted in the correct place. You didn't mention the width of the sidewalk so I am concerned about space. Now it is a full time job cleaning up the street from trash, bottles, and cans thrown from passing cars. Who will be cleaning up from the users of the sidewalk? My sprinklers were installed by the fence to reach the street. When will I be able to water with a sidewalk there or will the City take care of the watering? Now there is snowmobile traffic in the winter so if the snowmobilers ride on private property can I expect the City to stop them? Your comments on these issues would be appreciated. *Fence a possibility? Where would the fence be put up? We are on Diamond Path (Cty Rd) can they assess us for taxes? (Dakota Cty) Will this affect our property value? (Our backyard is already very small (and our drainage easement) What is the minimal set back from our home? Part of our land was already taken in 1992? How much property (frontage) will the path take to complete? Have you considered a crosswalk on Diamond Path? There's a nice sidewalk on the Apple Valley side? A pathway on the west side of Shannon Pkwy would benefit all those trying to cross Shannon now to get to the existing path. Traffic on Shannon passes our cul de sac easily at 45 50 mph. If a car crests the hill at Dearborn and Shannon you have to run out of the way. I know many on our cul de sac (141 Ct W) would support the pathway. Plus less for me to mow and maintain!! O! Thanks for informing residents on this. C \Documcnts and Settings\albthocal Settings \Temporary Internet Flles10LK20\P destnan Facftnea Comments 02-04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 2 Sidewalk Trail /Improvement Plan Comments from Comment Cards My concern is the path not crossing the RR tracks on 145 St. No good way to get from the east end of town to the west end. I am for sidewalks being installed. My concern, living on the comer of 145` and Shannon Parkway, I am concerned about the build up of dirt that is needed for the walkway. Also, how much of the yard would be taken away. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses. Bike path would be in our front lawn, which would make the bike path very close to our house. All the neighbors including us have lawn sprinkler systems in this area. There is a bike path on the other side of the street already, this doesn't not affect those people at all since it's outside of their backyard. We are frightened that we will have people destroying our yard plus the possibility of having our property stolen or the house broken into. A proposed bituminous path on McAndrews seems imprudent and not cost effective. Lower the speed limit! "Proposed Bituminous Path" To Whom It May Concern. We oppose having a pathway put in place behind our house on Diamond Path, between upper 148 and 145 Streets Residents living on Diamond Path are already exposed to heavy noisy traffic w /no pnvacy in our backyards Why should money be wasted on a project like this when Rosemount residents can simply walk across the street to the Apple Valley side, and use their path. The money could be used for something else. I have noticed as other neighbors I know, in the summertime when windows are open late at night loud teenagers across the street on the Apple Valley side are yelling and throwing beer cans about the area and onto my property. Putting a path nght behind our homes will only enhance that problem. Not everyone can afford a 6 -foot privacy fence. C \Documents and Setnngssajb \Inml Settmgstremporery Internet Fdes\OLK20,Pedesvun Facilities Comments 02-04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 3 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Comments from Comment Cards Please reconsider the possible proposal, residents on Diamond Path do have an expectation of privacy! C \Documents and Settmgs1sib \Local Scnmgs\Tcmpormy Internet FIIesDLK201Pedemlan Facilities Continents 02.04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 4 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Telephone /Meeting Log Calls taken by Dan Schultz, Director of Parks Rec 01 -15 -04 Resident Telephone Call Asked about possible trail and sidewalk improvements to his prop. I told him it was at the planning stages and no decisions have been made yet. He has side yard issues and front yard. 01 -20 -04 Town Pages Telephone Call Jeff called to get more info. I told him we had faxed a press release to him last week. He said he was out all week. I gave him an update on the plan. We faxed another press release to him. 01 -14 -04 Resident Telephone Call 01 -20 -04 Asked if he put a fence in would the City require him to move it for the trail. I told Tim this is in the planning phase and that we are looking at all possibilities As per Rick Pearson, he can place the fence to the property line. I told him to follow the City's reg. and to get a permit and he would be o.k. If we needed space for a trail, then we would negotiate with him. C \Documents and Settmgs\alb \Local Settings\ Temporary Internet Ftles \OLK20\Pedeslnan Fachlws Comments 02 -04 dncsh 7/19/2005 Page 1 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Telecon Record Calls taken by Andy Brotzler, 01 -13 -04 Danbury McAndrews Property Received notice for trail. 01 -14 -04 Corner of Shannon 42 Questions about proposed trail project. Work will be w r/w as for easements. 01 -15 -04 Will s/w along Connemara Trail be w r /w. Concerned about s/w who maintains s /w. Will there be assessments. She cannot attend the meeting. Gave her my e-mail address to e -mail comments. C \Documents and Settingsulb \Local Settmgsltemporary Internet Fdes \OLK2OlPedmtnan Facilities Comments 02 -04 docSD 7/19/2005 Page 1 Sidewalk Trail Improvement Plan Correspondence Received Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 3:29 PM To: Brotzler,Andy Subject: Proposed Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan Mr. Brotzler: I want to thank you for taking the time this afternoon in returning my telephone call and giving me additional information about the proposed pedestrian improvements. As I stated in our telephone call, I am concerned about several points and since I am unable to attend the meeting on January 29, I have elected to e -mail your my concerns. 1) It is my understanding that the City is proposing to install a concrete sidewalk along the north side of Connemara Trail between Diamond Path on the west and Shannon Parkway on the east. I presently live at 13959 Davy Court and am a homeowner along the proposed improvement. My concerns are regarding the placement of the proposed cement sidewalk in relation to the property line and the existing white fence that runs along Connemara Trail. How close to the existing curb and/or property line is this proposed sidewalk going to be? If it is going to be installed closer to my property line what will happen to the existing fence? I am concerned about the fence as it currently serves several purposes for our property. It serves as a barrier, if you will, to foot traffic along the boulevard as well as a barrier to keep individuals from trepassing onto our property. It also serves as a buffer for the snowmobilers that use the boulevard as a snowmobile trail. It further serves as a buffer against the snowplowing in that it keeps the plowed snow from our immediate property. I do not want to see the City step in and remove this fence at any costs. It has an estetic value as well as it forms a continuous well managed border along Connemara Trail. 2) If I am correct in my assumption, there are currently 15 homeowner property that would be directly affected by this sidewalk. If funding were to become an issue, would the City level an assessment against these properties? In that scenario, the cost could be quite high for the individual homeowners. Although the City has indicated that the funding will be accomplished through City funds, how can we be assured that we will not be levied for this sidewalk? 3) The maintenance of the sidewalk is of particular concern to me in that the City currently proposes to handle the maintenance, i e. snowplowing, of this sidewalk. At some point in time in the future, will the City mandate that the individual adjacent property owners be responsible for maintenance of this sidewalk? If that is the case, I alone will be responsible for snow removal of over 150 feet. At my age, I feel this is truly an imposition on the City's part. It is my understand that the majority of the "collector streets" are the responsibility of the City and handled through taxes. I request that these additional sidewalks /paths also be the City's responsibility, continued on next page C \Documents and Settmgs\a *bliocal Senmgs\Temporay Internet Files \OLK201Pedemnan radicles Comments 02-04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 1 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Correspondence Received 4) I have also expressed a concern regarding the use of snowmobiles on these proposed sidewalks /paths. I believe that the City has an ordinance in place that prohibits snowmobilers from using City streets for snowmobiling; however, it's a known fact that these individuals do not adhere to the rules and regulations. Will these improvements have an enforcement for snowmobiling? 5) With the installation of these sidewalks /paths, will the City install signage relevant to people walking their pets and cleaning up after them? I am aware that there is the potential of increasing my property value with the installation of this sidewalk but I am also aware of the potential problems it could also bring. I would like to be able to attend the meeting on January 29; however, I have a class that night and will be unable to attend. I would request that you keep the public informed on this issue and any changes /additions that are proposed through the City or City Council. Thank you. C 1Dacumenb and Seeings1ajb1Local Satmgs\Tcmporary Internet Files1OL1(2O Pedestrian Facilities Comments 02-04 docSh 7/19/2005 Page 2 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Correspondence Received 1 -16 -04 Before you go through with the "Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan," please consider these five short points. Thank you. With all the budget shortfalls we keep hearing about, we think the monies that would be spent on sidewalks, could be used much more prudently. On Diamond Path, between Connemara and 145 there is an existing sidewalk on the west side. Spending more money to add a walk on the east side is another waste of funds. In the winter months, we would like to know who will be responsible for the cost of snow and ice removal. With Diamond Path being a county road, Rosemount will need more revenue to take care of cleanng the snow. In the summer, no one takes care of the grass or the maintenance of the shoulder along Diamond Path between Connemara and 145 We are worried a sidewalk will increase the trash and dog droppings, with no one taking responsibility for the care. In conclusion, we believe the money to be spent on some of the new pathways, can and should be spent more wisely. A new sheet of ice, more gym space, and more ball fields that can be utilized to bring in more tournaments and increase the availability to everyone would benefit Rosemount. Thank you for your time. C \Documents and SemngAajb \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK20\Pedestrian Facdines Comments 02-04 docsh 7/19/2005 Page 3 Sidewalk Trail/Improvement Plan Correspondence Received January 28, 2004 Andy Brotzler City of Rosemount Rosemount, MN Dear Mr. Brotzler: According to the Rosemount Town Pages, there will be a public meeting on Thursday, January 29 regarding the planning of walkways and trails for the City of Rosemount. Due to other commitments, I am unable to attend the meeting. However, I would like to repeat a suggestion to build a walkway along 156 Street, a suggestion which I forwarded several months ago. Due to safety issues concerning moderate vehicle traffic, combined with moderate pedestrian and bicycle traffic, I propose that a sidewalk be constructed along 156 Street, east of Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue. This strip of roadway serves as a main artery for 15 single family homes on Columbia Ct., Columbary Ct. and Crestone Path, plus 11 more four -unit town homes on a loop of Cornell Trail. 156 Street is the main route to Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Ave. for all drivers that live in these homes. A total of 152 households exist on a half -mile strip of road. The amount and speed of the traffic on 156 Street can make walking. intimidating and unsafe, especially with young children. For all of the aforementioned households, 15e Street is the most likely walking or biking route for Jaycee and Winds Crossing parks. Since there are no stop signs between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale, there is a tendency for drivers to drive at speeds over the posted limits. Cars are often parked on 156 Street which exacerbates the hazardous walking and biking conditions. Several bus stops are situated along 156 Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale. Cars often careen off of Shannon Parkway and race down 156 Street while children stand in yards or driveways waiting for the school bus. The heaviest traffic on 156 Street occurs during the morning and evening rush hours, which coincides with the bus schedule. School children and pedestrians in our neighborhood would be safer with the addition of a sidewalk. Many newer neighborhoods in Rosemount with less traffic than 156 Street have sidewalks. Please help us with this issue by seriously considering this proposal. Everyone in our city deserves to live on a safe and desirable street. Thank you for your consideration. C \Documents end Setttngsta /b'Local Smtngs \Temporary Interact FJa1OLK20■Pedestrmn Facilities Comments 0244 doeSh 7/19/2005 Page 4 1 ffA1O1-1d 651- 423 -9741 I 651- 423 -3994 I 651- 322 -1933 I 651- 322 -5622 I 651- 423 -3024 I 651- 423 -1986 I 651- 423 -0387 651- 322 -7262 1 P£bL-£Zb-159 1 1 651- 423 -4755 I Rep. From Trustees of United Methodist Church 1 651- 423 -7041 SS821aav 14099 Delta Ct. 1 y Lbi Inn 1 SZO£ 13938 Dander Ct. 1 4014 141 Ct. W. •anv Aomori Z69171 glad uzo 54Zbi 4055 145 St. W. I AtM awtnosi8 551 uouungs 066Z 1 3472 131 St. W. I 3YNVN f Lathe Pike I Bob Thompson 1 uosi.rn3 nab aropa!N °Timmy uosna !NTT 1 saJnu}1pap uos1 001118 UOSAG suga Kim Shoe Corngan uosnu2npy UNIT A Carol Schwieters ca o 0 0 rn 1 c c 0 G 1 u