HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. 2006 Budget DiscussionAGENDA ITEM: 2006 Budget Discussion AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGE` ?E 2 ATTACHMENTS: 2006 Preliminary Budget; Departmental Budget Request Details APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION Special City Council Work Session Date. July 28, 2005 BACKGROUND City staff has begun the process of preparing the 2006 City budget The purpose of this meeting is to present the first draft of the preliminary budget and to get Council direction on how to proceed. It is important to note that the detailed description in this narrative represents all requests that have been made for 2006. The 2006 preliminary budget detail that is attached has been revised to reflect recommendations by the City Adniimstsator. In other words, the narrative detail will discuss all requests but the summary will highlight the recommendations by the City Administrator. ISSUE As discussed at the special City Council work session of May 31, the preparation of the 2006 budget has been done with an eye on continuing to provide services at existing levels while attempting to make progress on the Council's desire to maintain a competitive tax rate BONDED INDEBTEDNESS The first part of the budget to understand is those obligations that are not "discretionary" for purposes of decision making. The primary item m the non discretionary spending is Bonded Indebtedness. Debt obligations are increasing $554,925 m 2006 The primary drivers in the increase are the debt sold for Fire Station #2 ($208,978), equipment certificates sold in May 2005 ($347,219), and the assumed special assessments of the Connemara Trail Phase II project as part of the St. Joseph Church acquisition ($86,354). There is a reduction m debt service for the General Obligation Bonds 2000B related to the Business Park m the amount of approximately $89,000. This represents the final payment on that debt issue and the obligation will be wiped from the books m 2006, clearing $150,000 from the 2007 budget MARKET VALUE HOMESTEAD CREDIT (MVHC) The State Legislature, in the final tax bill, did not restore MVHC for the next two fiscal years. That means that for 2005 and 2006, the City has a deficit of approximately $350,000 to recover. Although this issue was identified during last year's budget session as a likely outcome of the legislative session, the City Council chose at that time to await the Legislature's decision on restoration and to not levy for the lost funds. This past month, the City Council authorized a budget adjustment of approximately $350,000 (increasing the Building Permit revenue) to cover the lost credit. MVHC functions such that the City submits its budget needs and certifies the property tax levy based on those needs The State then adjusts the tax levy to the homeowner to provide a property tax reduction. MVHC is then supposed to come back to the City to cover the reduced tax revenues. By not granting the MVHC, the State is still providing reduced property taxes to the homeowner but not making the City whole on its budget needs; thus the $350,000 shortfall in our budget. Based on the fact that MVHC is defuutely not going to be provided in 2005 and 2006, the lost credit amount has been built into the general levy for 2006. This also means that the taxpayer is not receiving the supposed property tax relief as the State advertises. Most of the other communities in Dakota County made this adjustment m 2005, not anticipating MVHC would be restored. OPERATING The second part of the budget to understand is the operating budget. The operating budget (or departmental budgets) is the funding related to the cost of providing services on a daily basis as well as standard overhead to support those services personnel, supplies, and other expenses. The direction given to department heads related to the operating budget was split into two processes. Departments were asked to prepare a baseline budget that focused exclusively on maintaining our current services The second part of the process was then to have departments identify new spending related to requests for new personnel, new initiatives, and new equipment. The operating side of the general fund budget, maintaining services as currently provided and making any adjustments necessitated by changes m service area or program delivery, resulted in a 3.79% increase or $302,900. The increase is primarily related to annual salary adjustments required in collective barganung agreements, projected health insurance premium increases (estimated at 15 and changes m the City's contribution to the PERA Coordinated and PERA Police Fire Fund (the public employees' retirement programs) mandated by the State Legislature m this recently concluded session. The other aspect of the operating budget was the new request items. The total general fund cost of the new mitmtives is $385,000 These requests, if fully funded and added to the baseline increase, would result in an 8.6% increase in the operating portion of the budget. The new uunatives are detailed below by department: Administration Communications /Marketing $14,000 (for video camera and other equipment) Space Needs Study $30,000 Staff Training $10,000 City Council HiPP /Dispatch $25,000 (cost sharing of HiPP commitments) Conunumcauons $18,000 (bi- monthly newsletter) Communications $10,000 (community forums) Community Development 1 New Personnel $60,000 (full-time GIS Technician) Electrons New Polling Location $19,000 (second location withm Precinct Two) 2 Finance New Personnel $11,000 (part -time Utility Bilking /Deputy Registrar Clerk) Government Buildings Repair and Replacement $65,000 (for St. Joseph Church property) Parks Recreation New Petsonnel $5,000 (seasonal part -time Horticulturahst) Police New Personnel $118,000 (2 police officers /1.33 full-time equivalent (f LE) based on staggered luring) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS (CIP) The third important element of the budgeting process related to the general fund and general levy is the GIP budgets. The CIP spreadsheet details those items that are proposed to be funded with the general levy, as well as listing items that will be funded from other sources such as assessments, utilities and core funds. The capital requests in 2006 that should be focused on for the purposes of this discussion are those that are proposed to be funded through the Building, Street, and Equipment CIP levies. Two items in the CIP are non discretionary. The first is a lease purchase of $24,000 in the Building CIP that represents the eighth of twenty payments on previous addition to the Pubhc Works Facility. The other is the final annual installment of $64,900 for 1996 leased purchases m the Equipment CIP. The remaining items in the CIP are discretionary to some extent. The Equipment CIP requests, minus the lease purchase installment, total $244,000. This includes the replacement of three pohce squads ($60,000), technology ($100,000), and various other smaller items ($84,000). The Street CIP requests totaled $1,810,000. The Pavement Management Program request was $1.3 nnihon $300,000 increase above 2005 funding That was based on the discussion m 2004, when the PMP was n itiated, that projected an escalated commitment in 2006 to fund the PMP for long -term street infrastructure management. Two street projects are also included in the CIP request $280,000 for the County Road 38 improvement between the railroad tracks and Akron Avenue; and $230,000 for preluninary design work for reconstruction of Akron Avenue in 2007 (based on Dakota County's scheduled funding). REVENUES There are three primary- sources of revenues for the City other than the tax levy Licenses Permits, Intergovernmental, and Charges for Services. Department expectations for these sources are fairly static based on trending and projections. There are two downward adjustments in the submitted revenues User Fees SKB revenues from the C &D Cells, opened in 2004, have not generated anticipated revenues. As a result, the line item is reduced $50,000 to $300,000 Admire Fees Construction Funds related to development have also been proposed to be reduced by $75,000 based on engmeermg estimates of 2006 projects. When all submitted revenue estimates are totaled, the internal revenues m the 2006 budget are down about $9,000 3 TAX BASE GROWTH The most recent market valuation for property and the resulting net tax capacity from the Dakota County Assessor was released in February 2005 The net tax capacity in Rosemount has increased 18.68% to $21,596,869. Before calculating the working tax capacity, adjustments must be made for captured tax increment (properties that are within an rdenufied tax increment district) and for fiscal disparities (the metro -area commercial tax redistribution program) Figures for 2005 captured tax increment and fiscal disparities are not available at this tune, so the staff calculation is based on 2004 data. The prehnunary net tax capacity for calculating the City's 2006 tax rate is $19,729,014. This number will change before our final considerations on the budget in December due to updated tax increment data from Dakota County, changes m the fiscal disparities distribution, and any property valuation adjustments as a result of market value appeals or other Assessor considered revisions. PRELIMINARY TAX RATE BASED ON ALL REQUESTS Factoring all debt service obhgations, revenue estimations, baseline growth in operating budgets, requests for new spending, CIP needs, and compensation for lost MVHC, the total requested budgetary needs are $10,440,412 After adjustments are made by the County Auditor for tax increment and fiscal dispannes, the spread levy (the actual dollar figure to be attained through property tax receipts) would total $9,635,998. That results m a tax rate of 48.842% a 6.08% increase over 2005. The City Council has committed to establishing a competitive tax rate Currently, the City of Rosemount has the second highest tax rate in Dakota County at 46.041 Hastings is the highest at 50.515 while Farmington is third at 43 767 Although there has not been a defined consensus on what "competitive" means (either m terms of a specific target or placement among other Dakota County communities), staff has interpreted that to mean that a tax rate increase is not a workable solution. In order to maintain the tax rate at its current level, necessary reductions in budgeted needs totals $563,700. SUMMARY The preliminary budget is being presented in a manner that attempts to represent a reasonable starting point for end -of -year considerations. As Council is aware, the budgeting process m the State of Minnesota is a two -step dance The first requirement is that ciues authorize a prehmnary tax levy in early September. This sets the cap on what a city may levy for the future year cities may adjust downward but cannot increase the preliminary levy. The final levy is not certified until December. This budget is being presented under the presumption that any consideration of a tax rate increase is not acceptable to City Council based on the goals adopted by the Council. Therefore, at the most, the City Administrator is recommending a prelurunary levy based on our current tax rate. The recommendations for reaching that level are below. CITY ADMINISTRATOR RECOMMENDATIONS The following are recommendations of the City Administrator for achieving a workable starting pomt for Council discussion: Operations Basehne At Bus time, the City Administrator is not proposing reductions to the baseline requests from departments. Continued review of the baseline services and adiruiustrative overhead will occur as the budget process unfolds. 4 Operations New Requests The following reductions, by department are proposed: Administration Communications /Marketing $14,000 (for video camera and other equipment) Staff had proposed acquiring equipment for video use. Currently, the City has very limited access to one camera that is owned by the City of Apple Valley There is no editing equipment available through the Cable Commission. The proposal would give the Communications staff additional capacity to perform independent City video production. The Cable Commission is looking at acquiring some equipment enhancements that may offer opportunities for staff however our ability to perform some of this work will continue to be limited Cqy Council Commumcauons $18,000 (bi- monthly newsletter) Staff had proposed an increase m funding to go from a quarterly resident newsletter to a hi- monthly newsletter in an attempt to increase our level of communications and to offer more timely and relevant information to the community. By ehmtnattng the requested funding, the City Admuustrator does not propose a reduction in our communications efforts but only a maintenance of the status quo. Elections New Polling Location $19,000 (second location within Precinct Two) Precinct Two has expenenced significant growth and some logistical difficulty with the current polling location at Dakota County Technical College. The request would have allowed for the equipping and staffing of a new polling location within Precinct Two to reduce congestion and ease the voting process. Elimination of this request for 2006 will mean a. continuation of some of these difficulties although it should not be as severe m an off presidential election. Staff is more concerned about 2008 when the presidential election cycle generates greater turnout. This Item will need to be funded before 2008. Government Buildings Repair and Replacement $65,000 (for St. Joseph Church property) The lease agreement with St. Joseph Church requires the tenant to pay for the cost of smaller repair and replacement issues Larger expenses are the responsibility of the City. Similar to the reserve fund for Ice Arena maintenance, staff has proposed that this R &R fund be established for St. Joseph Church to mitigate any potential big ticket repair. Rather than fund it through the general levy, the City Admuustrator is recommending that $40,000 be transferred from the encumbrance account 202 -24434 F/B Reserved for Building Improvements (current balance of $590,000) This fund was established m early 2004 when the City Council reallocated reserves to achieve a Fund Balance of 55% based on the adopted Fund Balance Pohcy The mtent of this fund was to reserve capital for future building projects such as renovations to St. Joseph, City Hall, Public Works or other large projects. Police New Personnel $28,000 (2 police officers /1.0 FTE based on staggered luring) 5 The initial request for two pohce officers in 2006 was based on a staggered hiring of one officer m early 2006 and one later m the year (1.33 FTE) The City Admuustrator supports the request for two officers but recommends that the hiring be further staggered so that the budgetary effect is that of 1.0 FTE in 2006. The total cost for personnel and equipment m 2006 would be $90,000. This would have the automatic effect of increasing funding by 1.0 FTE in 2007. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Pavement Management $300,000 reduction Staff remains supportive of funding for the Pavement Management Program as a worthy investment in our streets infrastructure to proactively reduce long -term maintenance needs. The City Council discussed a "jump -up" in funding for 2006 and beyond to hold steady at $1.3 million based on the long -term cost trend analysis prepared by the Engineering Division, with another jump -up occurring m 10 -15 years Elimination of the jump -up in 2006 does not have an immediate service impact to the streets infrastructure but further exasperates the long -term management needs Based on the level of reductions necessary to achieve at least a flat tax rate, the jump -up represents one of the most significant potential reductions. Recommendation to continue funding this program at $1 million in 2006. Street Reran CR 73 (CR 42 to North Czty Limts) $110,000 reduction Dakota County has reconstruction of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) between 120 Street and County Road 42 m its CIP for 2007. The City has a cost sharing responsibility in that project. The 2006 expenditure would be for prehmmary design work and fight -of -way (ROW) acquisition related to the project. Engineering Division believes that the reduction can be obtained through attempts to seek ROW dedication rather than acgwsition and by deferring some costs to 2007 based on discussions with County staff about the possibihty of phasing the project to complete the northern section in a later year. Should costs exceed those budgeted in the CIP, the Street CIP Reserve would need to be tapped to cover those costs in 2006 Pokce Equipment $42,000 reduction The Equipment CIP for the Police Department includes two items that can be deferred for future consideration until 2007 Live Scan Fingerprinting Software ($20,000) and Image Software for Mug Shots ($22,000). Both of these items have interoperability issues with County law enforcement technology and operations. It is unclear at this point if these items will be required operating equipment for local municipalities. Revenue Enhancements Building Permit Revenue $75,000 increase Past practice has been to conservatively estimate building permit revenue. As a result, the past several years have seen large excess revenues in this hne item due to accelerated growth of 440 and 551 new housing starts in 2003 and 2004. The excess revenue has helped the City maintain its operating reserves. New residenual permits m 2005 are trailing the pace of 2004 by about 25 If that trend continues, 2005 will end with new residential units somewhere m the low 400s. Community Development analysis of current development and remaining residential land in the MUSA suggests that 2006 and 2007 are likely to see new residenual permits in the mid- to high -300s. Also, the expectation is that new start valuations (which is a contributing factor in the building pernut fee) will decrease as higher- valued building m Evermoor decreases and more modest single -family and townhome projects m Harmony and Meadows, for example, represent a larger share of development activity. 6 As a result, the City Admirustrator has recommends increasing Building Permit Revenue by $75,000 to a total of $675,000. This places the project revenue toughly in the Huddle of actual revenues m 2002 and 2003 when new residential permits were 330 and 400, respectively. Plan Checking Fees $48,700 increase Plan Checking Fees are based on 65% of Building Permit Fees. Consequently, the Plan Checking Fees have been adjusted upward consistent with the recommended increase in Building Permit Revenues. Adjustment Summary Recommended reductions in Operating $144,000 Recommended reductions m CIP $452,000 Recommended increase in Revenues $123 700 Total Recommended Adjustments $719 70Q The recommended adjustments to present a preliminary budget result in a 6.8% increase in the Operating Budget and a 10.02% increase for all funding requirements including CIP, Debt Service, and Utilities. The Utilities budgets do not affect the general levy and the proposed 2006 Utilities budgets have not yet been discussed by the Utilities Commission. However, Council direction in 2005 was to include the Utilities funds in the final total of all funding requirements to show the total cost of government spending. The adjustments result in total levy requirements of $9,886,220 and a preliminary spread levy (actual impact to property owners after adjustment for captured tax increment and fiscal disparities) of $8,927,498. The estimated spread levy is an increase of 17.57% over 2005. As mentioned previously, the total estimated tax base growth m Rosemount is 18.68 °J° over Final Pay 2005. As a result, the preliminary budget results in a 1.7% decrease in the City Tax Rate to 45.251 Other Issues As mentioned previously, the City's adopted Fund Balance Policy is to maintain reserves of 55% of the annual budget. End of year budget adjustments have typically provided that reserve. In order to maintain 55 the Fund Balance would need to increase by about $300,000. Because we have adjusted our 2005 budget to account for the lost 1'1VHC by increasing our building permit revenues, it is possible we may not see an end of year balance exceedmg that amount Council and staff should discuss how to approach this issue. Budget Discussion Schedule The prunary goal for the July 28 and August 10 Council work sessions is to get consensus on an acceptable number to certify for preliminary levy in early September. If agreement is forthcoming in those first two meetings, there is little need for a special Council work session at the end of August The goal for continued Council discussion of the 2006 budget in September, October and November is to further discuss departmental activities and more importantly to evaluate the affect that this budget has on future years as the Council looks at long -term community needs. The recommendation is that Council considers setting a special work session in each of the three months leading up to December's final adoption of the budget. This will allow us to process other items as necessary at the regularly scheduled work sessions If regular work session schedules appear to be light, we can add budget discussion at that time. 7 Council is requested to give staff direction as to whether this budget approach is in keeping with the expectations to produce a budget that maintains service levels, focuses on strategic issues, and continues our efforts to provide a competitive tax rate. Council is also encouraged to request information that will help in deliberations at the August 10 work session as we move toward certifying a preliminary levy at the September 6 City Council meeting. 8 July 2B, 2005 Departments FUNDING REQUIREMENTS USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2005 2006 Adopted Proposed +1- Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $148,400 $186,900 $38,500 25 94% Administration Budget 485,500 534,800 49,300 10 15% Elections Budget 54,000 38,900 (15,100) -27 96% Finance Budget 285,700 317,900 32,200 11 27% General Government Budget 331,800 361,700 29,900 9 01% Community Development Budget 856,300 935,800 79,500 9 28% Police Budget 2,156900 2,334,500 176600 8 28% Fire Budget 274,600 283,400 8,800 3 20% Public Works Operating Budgets Government Buildings Budget 358,500 367,400 8,900 2 48% Fleet Maintenance Budget 410,000 421,000 11,000 2.68% Street Maintenance Budget 1,108,200 1,158,900 50,700 4 57% Parks Maintenance Budget 512500 535,300 22,800 4 45% Park Rec Budget General Operating 922800 972,000 49,200 5 33% Park Rec Budget Special Programs 91,900 91,500 (400) -0 44% Total Operating Budgets General Fund $7,996,100 $8,540,000 $543,900 6 80% Building CIP Requirements 48,000 34,000 (14,000) -29 17 Street CIP Requirements 1250,000 1,400,000 150000 12 00% Equipment CIP Requirements 433,600 266,900 (166,700) -38 45% Insurance Budget Requirements 256000 260000 5,000 1 96% Port Authority Operating Levy 60000 60,000 0 100 00% Bonded Indebtedness 1,044,435 1,599,360 554,925 53 13% Bonded Indebtedness Fire Station Levy 153,426 154,308 882 0 57% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 2/24/05) 222253 246422 25,169 11 27% "$96000 ($1,922,586,300 x 00798 Water Enterprise Fund 1,019,000 1,231,900 212,900 2089% Sewer Enterprise Fund 1,257,600 1,338,400 80600 6 42% Storm Water Enterpnse Fund 675,200 737,500 62300 9 23% Arena Enterprise Fund 394,200 422,800 28,600 7 26% Total Funding Requirements $14,809,814 $16,293,590 $1,483,776 ix-.. NOTE Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies July 28, 2005 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2005 2006 Adopted Proposed Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage Internal Revenue Generated Licenses and Permits 750,200 859,700 109,500 14 60% Irtergovernmental 484,000 525,000 41,000 847% Charges for Services 1,229,900 1,160.700 (69,200) 563% Fines Forfeits 90,000 90,000 0 0 00% Recrea0onal Fees 233,700 236,200 2,500 1 07% Mscellaneous Revenues 121,500 152,000 30,500 25 10% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0 00% Enterprise Revenues 3,346,000 3,730600 384,600 11 49% Tdal Internal Revenues 6,256,800 6,757,700 498,900 7.97% MJHC Cuts Made Later To Include in Levy 0 350,330 Levy Sources. Special Levies 1,421,114 2,002,090 580,976 4088% General Levy 7,129,900 7,884,130 754,230 10 58% Total Levy 58,551,014 59,886,220 $1,335,206 15.61% Loss of MVHC from State Funding $0 $350,330 $350,330 n/a Total Revenue Sources $14,809,814 $16,293,590 $1,483,776 10 02% NOTE Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies 2005 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2006 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $5,863,230 BUILDING CIP FUND $34,000 STREET CIP FUND $1,400,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $266,900 INSURANCE FUND $260,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY $60,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $7,884,130 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS 1998A (ICE ARENA) (Authorized $255,384) $255,384 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 19998 (Authorized $14,887) $14,887 G O. BONDS 2000B (Port Authority) (Authorized $239,274) $150,000 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized $116,962) G 0 PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001C (Port Authority) (Authorized $171,864) $171,864 G 0 COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS 2001E (Authorized $91,945) $91,945 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2002A (Authorized $6,913) $6,913 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY BONDS 2002C (Authorized $265,816) $265,816 G O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2003A (Authorized $86,354) (City Assumed Special Assessments) $86,354 G 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS 2005A (Authorized $208,978) $208,978 G.O EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 2005B (Authorized $347,219) $347,219 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $1,599,360 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authonzed $154,308) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 ($1,922,586,300 x 00798 (As of 2/24/05) TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS GRAND TOTAL 2005 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Last Updated 7/20/05 3 $154,308 $154,308 $248,422 $248,422 $9,886,220 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) Total Funding Requirements Less Internal Revenues Less Market Value Based Levy Fire Station (See Below) County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions); Fiscal Disparities Distributuron Levy (Metro Area) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy Last Updated 7/20/05 1' 2003 10,021,884 1,930,789 156,130 Equals Revenues Needed 7,934,965 Add Back in State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy nla City Adjustments (All Subtractions) Local Government Aid (LGA) Homestead Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) 402,142 0 Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 7,532,823 Market Value Based Referendum Levy Fire Station 156,130 2004 2005 14,088,246 6,165,131 152,193 7,770,922 8,397,588 9,381,582 350,330 8,121,252 8,397,588 9,731,912 771,998 844,509 804,414 804,414 (3) 6,760,825 (1) 7,276,743 (1) 7,593,174 (1) 8,927,498 7.63% 435% 17.57% 152,193 14,809,814 6,258,800 153,426 0 0 0 0 (Proposed) 2005 16,293,590 6,757,700 154,308 nia 350,330 153,426 154,308 (4) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2006 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue (Year 2002 HACA is removed as the HACA was repealed by the legislature Year 2004 City loses all of its LGA) (3) 2006 Number Provided by Dakota County as of xlxx/05 (Not available at this time) (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station -Based on $154,308 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31105 Last Update from Dakota County 2/24/05 Shows the Levy of $154,308 1 $1,922,586,300 0803 per $1,000 as our Estimate (5) In 2004 Started Including the Water, Sewer, Storm Water Arena Enterprise Funds in These Figures (5) 0 (2) 0 (2) rip :§7; «r I/4 J !H i z. ZZT 11 5- ma acT a, Pi .lit FAH >z= 15 Page One July 28, 2005 Account Description 101 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 101 31040 00 Fiscal Disparities 101 33401 00 Local Government Aid (LGA) 101 32110 00 101 32160 00 101 32161 00 101 32210 00 101 32212 00 101 32220 00 101 32221 00 101 32230 00 101 32240 00 101 32250 00 101 32255 00 101 32260 00 101 32290 00 101 3101000 101 31010 01 101 3102000 101 3103000 101 31710 00 101 31810 00 101 31811 00 101 31920 00 101 33100 00 101 3340300 101 3341600 101 3341601 101 3341602 101 3341800 101 3342300 101 3342500 101 3362000 101 3363000 101 33630 00 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Total Taxes (Tax) Total LGA (Lga) Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (L) Licenses to do Business (L) Licenses to do Bus Kennels (L) Budding Permit Revenue (L) Mineral Extraction Permit (L) Electrical Permit Revenue (L) Admen Fee Electrical Permits (L) Plumbing Permit Revenue (L) Animal Licenses (L) Sewer Permit Revenue (L) County Recording Fee-City's (L) HVAC Permit Revenue (L) Other Non -Bus Lic Permits (L) Total Licenses Permits (L) Current Ad Valorem Taxes (I) MSABC Armory Payrnents Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (I) Mobile Home Taxes (I) Gravel Taxes (I) Franchise Taxes Regular Fees (I) Franchise Taxes PEG Fees (I) Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment (I) Federal Grants Aids (I) Mobile Home HACA (I) Police Training Reimbursement (I) Post Board Training Reimb State Aid (Tied to PERA) MSA for Streets Maintenance (I) A9 Preserves Credit (I) Other State Grants Aids Other County Grants Aids (1) Police Services Levy -ISD #196 (I) DARE /Liaison Funding Total Intergovernmental (I) PAGE TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $3,541564 $3,989,670 $3,949,105 $4,278,886 708,036 771,998 844,509 804,414 4,249,900 4,761,668 4,793,614 5,083,300 394,723 0 394,723 0 20.090 1,050 125 622,022 2,625 16,585 0 54,023 3,110 17,786 170 59,899 205 797,68 90,30 77,29 10,96 11,08 106,77 9,97 95,88 29,026 879 88,355 12,587 44,605 19,160 27,637 22,00 1,400 11,130 1,50 0 0 752.405 1522,025 600 00 3,445 9,155 3,00 17.004 24,149 15,00 3,369 13,316 10,00 50,252 82,981 40,00 2.450 1590 250 18,847 25,583 15,00 250 120 20 46,661 76,608 40,00 345 770 1,00 915589 1,295,16 750,20 91,000 64,117 99,71 10,768 10,79 14,055 9,59 107,540 121,47 9,747 10,57 2,183 0 0 102,805 112,83 29,445 2,538 16,353 17,328 45,767 91,00 0 0 28,300 0 16,952 13,810 46,936 0 5,083,30 91,00 50,00 10,00 10,00 110,00 10,00 8,00 92,00 29,00 13,0 13,0 48,0 91,000 7,000 110,000 $5,058,816 From County 804 414 From County 5,863,230 Total Property Tax Levy for Fund 101 (350,330) State Cuts in MVHC Permanent' fl 5,512,900 Actual Property Taxes to Receive 0 From State Our Share Eliminated 25,000 5,000 Garbage Haulers, Ped Licenses, etc 0 675,000 5,000 17,000 12,000 50,000 2,500 17,000 200 50,000 1,000 Alarm Permits Fireworks Permits 859,70 91,00 60,00 10,00 10,00 120,00 10,00 117,00 0 50,000 577,726 513,646 561,978 484 000 525,000 6,020,037 6,190,903 6,650,756 6,317,500 6,897,600 Included in Debt Levy Figure From County From County From County From Cable Company From Cable Company From County From State Program Eliminated From State 29,000 From State 0 From State 13,000 From State PERA Aid 15,000 Dakota County Recycling Funds 50,000 From ISD #196 Page Two July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34103 00 Zoning Subdivision Fees (C) 14,960 33,560 70,824 40,000 50,000 101 34104 00 Plan Checking Fees (C) 353,886 413,876 444, 950 320,000 368,700 65% of Building Permit Fees 101 34105 00 Sales of Maps Publications (C) 3,909 2,816 2,311 3,000 3,000 Maps Spec Books 101 34106 00 Deputy Recistrar Fees (C) 47,480 48,438 49,392 50,000 50,000 101 34107 00 Assessment Searches (C) 8 20 0 100 100 101 34 00 Admin Fees -Other Funds (C) 108,878 199,254 337,753 250,000 101 34108 01 Applicable Funds Except Const 25,000 25,000 101 34108 02 Construction Funds 300,000 225,000 101 34109 00 Other Charges for Service (C) 2,913 8,127 9,853 3,000 5,000 101 34110 00 Service Clip on Returned Chks (C) 260 345 240 100 200 101 34112 00 Utility Permit Application Fee (C) 1,050 450 1 ,525 500 1,000 101 34150 00 User Fees SKB 0 0 98,092 350,000 300,000 SKB Fees from New Cells C D 101 34151 00 User Fees/Host Agreements SKB 0 0 25500 25 000 25,000 Landscaping Agreement (Yr 2 of 10) 101 34160 00 National Guard Maint Fees (C) 43,964 45,808 46.362 46,000 46,000 101 34160 00 Shared Space Rental Agreement 16,000 101 34160 00 Building Maintenance Contract 30,000 101 34201 00 Special Police Services (C) 20,730 23,171 22,962 26,000 24,000 Contractual on for Officers 101 34202 00 Fre Services Burning Permits {C) 4,137 5,500 1,168 3,500 0 No Longer Charge for Permits 101 34203 00 Accident Reports (C) 536 1,019 778 500 500 101 34204 00 Day Care Inspection Fees (C) 588 490 250 200 200 101 34206 00 Other Police Services (C) 366 121 30 0 0 101 34207 00 Other Fire Protection Services (C) 15,286 10,528 13,583 12,000 101 34207 01 U of M Fire Contract 5,500 5,500 101 34207 02 Coates Fire Contract 3,500 3,500 101 34207 03 Other Billed Fre Calls 3,000 3,000 101 34301 00 Street, Sidewalk Curb Repairs (C) 1,234 0 10,973 0 0 101 34303 00 Mow Weeds (C) 60 191 3,844 0 0 101 34306 00 Other Highway Street Rev (C) 78,236 37,882 74,361 20,000 20,000 Street Light Bills Developers 101 34407 00 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 4,296 5,303 7,962 5,000 5,000 Total Charges for Services (C) 702,775 836,900 1 222 213 1,229,900 1,160,700 101 35101 00 Court Fines (F) 85,835 89,752 96,902 90,000 90,000 From County Total Fines Forfeits (F) 85,835 89,752 96,902 90,00 90,00 101 34720 00 Park Reservations (R) 1.240 3,390 4,170 4,00 3,20 101 34721 00 Softball Revenues (R) 46,915 55,296 59,246 57,00 1,445 57,00 101 3472200 Volleyball Revenues (R) 1,672 1,480 1,50 1,50 101 3472400 Tennis Revenues (R) 1,203 1211 1,263 1,30 1,30 101 34725 00 Tiny Tot Revenues (R) 18,099 21, 20,029 21,00 21,00 101 34726 00 Pom Pom Revenues (R) 3,089 1,44 1,463 1,00 101 34727 00 Field Trip Revenues (R) 3,035 2,69 8,725 2,80 3,00 101 34728 00 Broomball Revenues (R) 0 0 101 34729 00 Skating Lesson Revenues (R) 120 21 244 30 30 101 34730 00 Fun Runs Walks Bike Rides (R) 3,089 2,96 3,250 3,00 3,00 101 34732 00 Adult Basketball (R) 1,750 1,93 1 1,90 1,90 10,631 101 34733 00 Other Programs Revenues (R) 6,120 8,71 6,00 6,00 101 34735 00 Summer Camps (R) 4,236 3,88 9,442 3,40 4,00 101 34736 00 T -Ball (R) 3,847 3,65 4,266 3,50 5,00 101 34737 00 Leprechaun Oays- Parade Rev (R) 0 1,160 101 34738 00 Leprechaun Days- General Acct (R) 0 0 101 34739 00 Leprechaun Days -Mid Sum Faire (R) 0 3,810 101 34790 00 Other Recreation Revenues (R) 7,536 6,35 0 101 38080 00 Banquet Room Fees (R) 58,311 58,64 56,244 58,00 58,00 101 38081 00 Auditorium Fees (R) 12,490 11,56 9,085 12,00 12.00 101 38082 00 Gymnasium Fees (R) 20,166 20,32 20,890 21,00 21,00 101 38084 00 Pistol Range Fees (R) 2,500 0 107 38086,00 Classroom Fees (R) 26,415 30,03 21,691 28,00 28,00 101 38096 00 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 1,410 1,0 1,170 1,50 1,50 101 38097 00 AN Rental Fees (R) 1 669 1,7 1,342 1,50 1,50 101 38154 00 Teen Night Revenues (R) 6,373 5,67 6,222 6,00 6,00 Total Recreation Fees (R) 231,287 243,777 247,706 233,700 236,200 PAGE TOTALS 1,019 898 1,170,430 1566,821 1553,600 1,486,900 7 Promise Fellow Grant Program Pistol Range Closed Page Three July 28, 2005 Account Description 101 36101 00 101 36102 00 101 36210 00 101 36214 00 101 36215 00 101 36220 00 101 36230 00 101 36260 00 101 36265 00 101 38090 00 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Principal Special Assessments (M) Penalties Interest S/A (M) Interest Earnings Investments (M) Net Change in FV- Investments (M) Interest Earnings (M) Rents 8 Royalties (M) Contribution /Donations (M) Other Revenue (M) Use of Reserve Funds (M) City Concessions (M) Total Misc Revenues (M) 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 82,103 23555 41,114 10,000 20,000 From County- 101 Funded Projects 0 82 69 0 0 From County 109,057 100,891 147,009 100,000 120,000 18,548 6 432 (6,326) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 1,425 1434 1,226 1,500 1,500 From Checking Account 4,394 4,394 5,383 5,000 5,000 US West Antenna Rent 31,349 77584 44,633 0 0 18,958 1,570 18,734 2,000 2 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,506 3,562 3,000 3,500 265,833 219,848 255502 121,500 152,000 3,500 Arena Building Grounds Maint 0 Funds Returned from Project 101 39202 00 Contribution from Enterprises (T) 3500 3,500 0 3,500 101 39203 00 Transfer From (T) 111,300 0 0 0 Total Transfers In (T) 114,800 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 PAGE TOTALS $380633 $223,348 $255,502 $125,000 $155,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $7,420,568 $7,584,681 $8,473,079 $7,996,100 $8,540,000 INTERNAL REVENUES $2 775,946 $2,823,013 $3,679,465 $2,912,800 $3027,100 Grand Total Less Ad Valorem, LGA Fiscal Disparities 8 Page Four 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 101 34108 01 101 34108 02 101 34108 03 101 34108 04 101 34108 05 101 34108 06 101 34108 07 101 34108 08 101 34108 09 General Fund Admin Fees Fund 201 Fund 202 Fund 203 Fund 206 Fund 207 Fund 605 Fund 606 Fund 607 Fund 650 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25.000 6,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 9 Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41110 103 00 Salaries Benefits $25 533 $26,820 $25,695 $26,100 $26,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 41110 01 225 00 Landscaping Matenals 0 0 24,370 25,000 25,000 SKB Landscaping Agreement 101 41110 01 307 00 Management Fees 7,465 21,013 27,000 101 41110 01 307 01 Newsletter 7,071 8,000 6,000 101 41110 01 307 02 Chamber of Commerce Directory 1,000 1,000 1 000 101 41110 01 307 03 Community Survey 18,000 16,000 16,000 101 411 r0 01 310 00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 Feasibility Study on Pools 101 41110 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 10,873 6,402 1,925 7,000 7,000 Education Reimbursement 101 41110 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 56 180 126 1,000 1,000 Newspaper Ads l Open Houses 101 41110 01 331 00 Travel Expense 300 848 1,025 2,200 101 41110 01 331 01 NLC Conference 1,500 1,500 101 41110 01 331 02 Miscellaneous Travel 700 700 101 41110 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 14,098 14,445 19,700 101 41110 01 433 01 LMC Dues 10,334 12,500 12,500 101 41110 01 433 02 AMM Dues 4,407 5,000 5,000 101 41110 01 433 03 NDCC Dues 519 500 600 101 41110 01 433 04 NLC Dues 918 1,250 1,300 101 41110 01 433 05 Miscellaneous Dues 0 250 300 101 41110 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 119 40 100 100 101 41110 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 2,366 2,602 8,000 101 41110 01 437 01 Registration Hotel -LMC Conf 557 2,000 2,000 101 41110 01 437 02 Registration Hotel -NLC Conf 1,835 4,000 4,000 101 41110 01 437 03 Miscellaneous Conferences 582 1,500 2,000 101 41110 01 439 DO Other Miscellaneous Charges 15,900 15,005 38 0 0 101 41110 01 598 00 Council Designated 2 945 5,695 263,598 10,000 10,000 Yearly Contingencies 101 41110 01 599 00 Employee Recognition Costs 2,463 3,292 101 41110 01 599 01 Employee Recognition Costs 3,000 2,500 101 41110 01 599 02 Vending Machine Costs 0 3,000 Offset by Revenue from Machines 101 41110 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 25,000 HIPP 1 Police Dispatching 101 41110 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 10,000 Program Spending PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed $79,537 $95,590 $365,634 $148,400 $186,900 $79 537 $95,590 $365,634 $148,400 $186,900 NOTE For 101- 41110 -01 -598 00 the year 2004 were for costs related to the purchase of St Joseph's and the house at 3205 143rd St W 1 a Page One July 28, 2005 Account N Description 2008 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION 101 41320 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41320 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 41320 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 41320 01 207 0 Safety Committee 101 41320 01 207 02 Right to Know 101 4132D 01 207 03 Employee Training 101 41320 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 41320 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 101 41320 31 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 0 0 101 41320 31 433 01 PRIMA Dues 101 41320 31 433 02 IPMA Dues 101 41320 31 433 03 MPELRA Dues 101 41320 31 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 101 41320 31 437 00 Conferences Seminars 0 0 101 41320 31 437 01 MPELRA State Conference 101 41320 31 437 02 Personnel Seminars 101 41320 31 437 03 Safety, Supervisor, Policy 101 41320 41 315 00 Special Programs 101 41320 41 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41320 4' 328 00 Cable Supply Costs 101 41320 41 329 00 Other Communication Costs 101 41320 41 331 00 Travel Expenses 101 41320 41 433 0D Dues Subscnptions 101 41320 41 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 41320 41 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 101 41320 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 101 41320 01 306 D0 Personnel Testing 8 Recruitment 6,000 12,795 650 101 41320 01 307 DD Management Fees 6,333 3,624 16,279 101 41320 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 0 193 1,194 80 101 41320 01 331 00 Travel Expense 291 407 101 41320 01 331 01 NLC Conference 298 8 101 4 01 331 02 ICMA Conference 429 4 101 41320 01 331 03 Miscellaneous Travel 292 101 41320 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 1,388 653 101 41320 01 353 00 Ordinance Publication 0 0 2,815 101 41320 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 275 1,600 0 101 41320 01 433 00 Dues Subscnptions 1,458 1,490 101 41320 01 433 01 MCMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 02 MAMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 03 MCFOA Dues 101 41320 01 433 04 IIMC Dues 101 41320 01 433 05 IPMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 06 ICMA Dues 101 41320 01 433 07 APMP Dues 101 41320 01 435 DD Books 8. Pamphlets 101 41320 01 437 DD Conferences Seminars 101 41320 01 437 01 Registration Hotel LMC 101 41320 01 437 02 Registration Hotel MCMA 101 41320 01 437 03 Personnel Conferences 101 41320 01 437 04 Staff(1) Each 101 41320 01 437 05 Miscellaneous Seminars 101 41320 01 437 06 Registration Hotel ICMA 101 41320 01 437 07 Advanced Clerks School 101 41320 01 437 08 Registration Hotel NLC 101 41320 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges All Salary Costs Inclusive of $304,069 $265,539 $322,450 $354 600 $369,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 2,050 12 2,738 2,000 2,000 229 0 0 0 0 3,500 302 550 998 30 93 200 200 50 100 100 35 150 150 100 150 150 395 0 0 Moved Below to H/R 742 1,400 1,500 160 0 100 128 386 1,285 1,000 1,000 2,514 2,555 8,500 471 500 500 440 400 800 120 0 0 Moved Below to H/R O 200 200 1,163 1,000 2,300 1,022 1,200 2,500 195 200 200 O 2,000 2,000 0 0 53 0 0 737 0 0 900 900 New Chair 101 41320 31 315 00 Special Programs 0 0 0 6,000 101 41320 31 315 01 Employee Training 5,000 101 41320 31 315 02 HIPP initiatives 10,000 Health Ins Study Wellness 101 41320 31 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 15,300 101 41320 31 319 01 Labor Consultant 4,000 4,500 101 41320 31 319 02 Labor Legal Issues 600 900 101 41320 31 319 03 CHESS Consultant 5,400 5,400 101 41320 31 319 04 COBRA Consultant 1 000 1,000 101 41320 31 319 05 FIexNEBA Administrative Fees 2,500 3,000 101 41320 31 319 06 SW WC Co- Operative Dues 500 500 101 41320 31 331 00 Travel Expense 0 0 400 400 101 41320 31 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 0 1,400 8,000 B Unanticipated Vacancies $324,386 $290,550 $358,618 $485,500 $324,356 $290,550 $358,618 $485,500 101 41320 41 315 00 General Marketing, Collateral Material, 2 Specal Mailings, Changeover of VIS (Vehicles) If Comments O Moved Below to H/R O Moved Below to H/R O Moved Below to H/R 300 Miscellaneous Purchases 0 0 Moved Below to H/R 800 Administration Cell Phones 1,600 800 800 0 0 0 Moved to General Government 0 2,200 900 450 450 Risk Management 200 250 150 200 500 500 Books Training Materials 1,400 400 500 400 400 500 500 40,000 40,000 See Below for Descnption 15,000 5,000 Branding Consultant Gable TV 900 900 Cable Supplies Software 35,000 34,000 Cable JPA Payment-General City 200 200 100 200 MAGC 400 400 Editing Graphics Courses 900 900 40,000 Program Spending $534,800 $534,800 Page One July 28, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Descnpeon Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41410 01 103 00 Part-Time Salaries $25,169 $0 $27,500 $0 $29,000 Election Judges 101 41410 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 346 0 445 0 500 Ballots Programming 101 41410 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 434 0 371 0 400 101 41410 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 217 0 809 0 900 Food for Election Judges 101 41410 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 904 0 2,839 0 2,900 Booths Signs 101 41410 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 96 0 300 0 400 101 41410 01 351 00 Legal Notices Publishing 278 0 18 0 300 Election Publications 101 41410 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 0 0 1,349 0 1,500 Maintenance for Accu Vote 101 41410 01 412 00 Building Rental 551 0 2,800 0 3,000 Possible Rent for Locations 101 41410 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 101 41410 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 3,644 0 0 54,000 0 PAGE TOTALS $31,640 50 $36,430 $54,000 $38,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $31,640 $0 $36,430 $54 000 $38,900 Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adapted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Casts Inclusive of 101 41520 10100 Salaries Benefits $172,214 $193,071 $191,982 $219,400 $228,900 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 41520 10200 Full -Time Overtime 3,631 2,211 2,260 3,000 3,000 101 41520 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 F/A Will be Done Internally 101 41520 01 331 00 Travel Expense 468 135 1,500 101 41520 01 331 01 Finance Director 905 1,000 1,000 National Convention Misc 101 41520 01 331 02 Staff 5 500 500 101 41520 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 586 0 988 0 0 101 41520 01 391 00 PC Maintenance 39,025 46,795 50,000 101 41520 01 391 01 Civic Systems Applications Support 4,376 4,000 5,000 101 41520 01 391 02 Civic Systems System Support 0 2,000 0 101 41520 01 391 03 Incode Software Maintenance 5,643 6,000 6,000 101 41520 01 391 04 General Network Support 28,800 30,000 30,000 300 Hours of Support Time 101 41520 01 391 05 Motor Vehicle SAN Maint 306 1,000 500 101 41520 01 391 06 Fixed Asset Ma int Contract 805 1,000 1,000 101 41520 01 391 07 Miscellaneous P C Repairs 575 2,000 3,000 500 101 41520 01 391 08 Anti -Virus Software Renewal 426 4,000 4, 101 41520 01 392 CO P C Accessories Supplies 925 1,817 1,042 3,000 3,000 City System Supplies 101 41520 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 2,011 138 497 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 406 0 793 1,000 12200 101 41520 01 394 01 Annual Microsoft Office Payment 11200 101 41520 01 394 02 Miscellaneous S/W Purchases 1,000 101 41520 01 409 00 Other Contracted R M 175 50 50 300 300 Cash Register Repairs 101 41520 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 205 265 800 101 41520 01 433 01 MDRA Annual Fees 0 200 100 101 41520 01 433 02 MnGFOA- Finance Director 40 50 50 101 41520 01 433 03 MnGFOA Staff 160 100 200 101 41520 01 433 04 GFOA Finance Director Asst 160 350 350 101 41520 01 433 05 Magazine Subscnptions 0 100 100 101 41520 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 37 0 200 101 41520 01 435 01 Accounting Related Books 0 100 100 101 41520 01 435 02 Finance Related Books 19 100 100 101 41520 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 3,075 1,159 4,500 101 41520 01 437 01 MDRA Conference (For 2) 0 300 300 101 41520 01 437 02 MnGFOA Annual Conf (F /D Ass't) 550 500 1,000 101 41520 01 437 03 GFOA National Conf (FM) 1,058 1,500 1 500 101 41520 01 437 04 Management Classes 0 1,000 1 000 101 41520 01 437 05 Miscellaneous Seminars 567 700 700 101 41520 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 435 273 344 500 500 Contigenctes 101 41520 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 101 41520 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 11,000 P/T U/B -Dep Registrar Clerk PAGE TOTALS $233,192 $255,914 $242,352 $285,700 $317,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $233,192 $255,914 $242,352 $285,700 $317,900 aa=aaar..==a 13 Page One July 28, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Description 101 41810 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 41810 01 202 01 Records Retention 101 41810 01 202 02 Copying Costs 101 41810 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 41810 01 203 01 Copy Paper 101 41810 01 203 02 General Receipt Books 101 41810 01 203 03 Purchase Orders 101 41810 01 203 04 Payroll Checks 101 41810 01 203 05 AIP Checks 101 41810 01 203 06 Misc Forms (Bus Cards, etc 101 41810 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterheads 101 41810 01 204 01 Letterhead 101 41810 01 204 02 Plain Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 03 A'P Payroll Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 04 10 x 13 Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 05 10 x 15 Envelopes 101 41810 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 41810 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 41810 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 41810 01 242 01 State Purchasing Program 101 41810 01 242 02 Fax Machine Mamt Agreement 101 4181001 301 00 101 4181001 301 01 101 41810 01 301 02 101 4181001 301 03 101 4181001 301 04 Auditing Accounting Services 2004 Audit General Consulting Dakota County Assessment Fees Dak Cty Truth In Taxation Costs Printing of Budget Books 101 41810 01 301 OS 101 41810 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 101 41810 01 304 00 Legal Fees 101 41810 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41810 01 319 01 City Code Update 101 41810 01 319 02 City Code Web Fees 101 41810 01 319 03 State Building Report (Spnngsteds) 101 41810 01 319 04 Continuing Disclosure Fees 101 41810 01 319 05 Annual User Fee Study Update 101 41810 01 319 06 ArbitrageiRebate Calculations 101 418 01 320 00 Credit Card Activity Fees 101 41810 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 101 41810 01 321 01 General Phone Costs 101 41810 01 321 02 E -Mail Server Costs 101 41810 01 321 03 Web Server Costs 101 41810 01 322 00 Postage Costs 101 41810 01 328 00 Cable Supply Costs 101 41810 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 101 4181 01 329 01 Cable JPA Payment General City 101 41810 01 329 02 101 41810 01 329 03 101 41810 01 339 00 Other Transportation Expenses 101 41810 01 351 00 Legal Notices Publishing 101 41810 01 351 01 Costs for Public Notices 101 41610 01 351 02 Truth in Taxation Notices 101 41810 01 351 03 Budget Audit Publications 101 41810 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 101 41810 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 101 41810 01 433 00 Dues Subscnptlon5 101 41810 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41810 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 101 41810 01 598 00 Emergency Operations Cast PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Actual Actual Actual Budget $11,924 $10,126 7,766 10,000 7,000 9,419 15000 15,000 8,123 7,480 56 4,692 2,500 2,700 690 1,200 1,200 1,461 1,200 1,500 1,356 1 100 3,000 O 2,200 0 O 1,800 0 2,607 2,255 0 350 350 O 250 250 2006 Object 2006 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments $22,000 8,400 4,200 963 1,100 1,500 796 600 900 649 800 800 O 600 600 O 400 400 16,448 15,525 17,057 16,000 17,000 General Office Supplies 73 3 403 500 800 City Hall Equipment Repairs 106 78 600 Yearly Fees for Program 42,979 48,510 70,000 Increased GASB Requirements 41,864 60,000 60,000 1,653 5,000 5,000 1,590 3,000 3,000 529 2,000 2,000 5,500 0 0 0 0 3,828 0 0 44,541 42,552 53,749 75,000 75,000 8,358 9,105 43,800 505 2,300 2,300 1,647 1,500 1,500 O 5,000 5,000 29,750 5,000 5,000 6,223 6,000 6,000 10,350 0 24,000 791 862 1,711 1,000 3,000 62,145 59,672 979 65,000 59,547 60,000 65,000 O 4,000 0 0 1 000 0 13,895 18,678 15,837 16,000 16,000 2,318 0 153 0 0 30,538 30,538 0 30,538 0 0 O 0 0 9 a 9 743 113 744 800 2,095 3,739 3,478 3,400 3,400 O 1,000 1,000 507 1,200 1,200 0 5,250 1,500 6,000 6,000 O 0 22,000 0 0 $264,183 $273,123 $355,871 $331,800 $361,700 J'I Moved to Administration General City Legal Fees Moved from Administration Moved from Administration Fees Paio to Spnngsted Fees Paid to Sprmgsted (Bonds) Fees Paid to Sprmgsted Fees Paid to Spnngsted Add Services at City Hall Monthly Billings Merged with 01 in 2006 Merged with 01 in 2006 Moved to Administration Moved to Administration 800 General Costs 5,600 Ali Departments Billing from Dakota County State Mandated Publications Docuware Service Hours Docuware Scanners 105 90 220 0 0 O 0 40 0 500 Direct Deposit Fil ng Fees 16,392 18,549 14,259 17,000 23,000 Copy Machine Leases All Bldgs O 0 1 862 0 0 Mercury Spill (Fax Machine Postage Meter) $264,183 $273,123 $355,571 $331,800 $361,700 Page One July 28, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 101 41910 01 201 00 Office Accessories 101 41910 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 41910 01 203 00 Printec Forms Paper 101 41910 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 101 41910 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 41910 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 41910 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 41910 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 41910 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 41910 01 312 00 Contract Inspection Fees 101 41910 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 41910 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 101 41910 01 331 00 Travel Expense 101 41910 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 41910 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 101 41910 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 101 41910 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 2005 2008 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 41910 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41910 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 41910 99 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 101 41910 99 103 01 Planning Commission Members 101 41910 99 103 02 GIS Intern 101 41910 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 101 41910 01 433 01 APANAICP 101 41910 01 433 02 ICC 101 41910 01 433 03 AMBO 101 41910 01 433 04 10,000 Lakes 101 41910 01 433 05 'Future Use' 101 41910 01 433 06 Trade Magazines 101 41910 01 433 07 Planner's Journal 101 41910 01 433 08 Sensible Land Use Coalition 101 41910 01 433 09 AACEO/MAHCO 101 41910 01 433 10 Other Dues Subscriptions 101 41910 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 101 41910 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 41910 01 437 01 State Bldg Official School 101 41910 01 437 02 Spnng =all Code Updates 101 41910 01 437 03 ICBO Seminars (2 TimesNear) 101 41910 01 437 04 Computer Training 101 41910 01 437 05 Clerical Seminars 101 41910 01 437 06 Planning Seminars 101 41910 01 437 07 ISTS Training 101 41910 01 437 08 State Planning Conference (2) 101 41910 01 437 09 Planning Commissioner Training 101 41910 01 437 10 Geri Seminars 101 41910 01 437 11 Other Training 101 41910 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41910 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 101 41910 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS All Salary Costs Inclusive of $522,045 $610,751 $706,897 $800,200 $824,500 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 3,090 75 1,473 3,000 3,000 46,019 43,757 12,585 20,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 463 0 1,213 69 1,727 1,308 0 0 45 0 304 244 405 0 46 0 83 0 4,463 358 45 98 1,454 1,000 431 463 3,551 3,085 309 2,016 208 389 0 0 1,045 2,063 1,341 900 100 500 480 200 175 200 O 0 115 150 0 100 200 150 0 300 30 0 431 947 328 700 4,574 3,339 15 380 600 179 300 O 1,400 O 400 40 500 1,138 500 892 500 629 1,000 358 300 84 400 130 400 18 10 145 400 0 0 36 400 472 8,000 1,697 2,000 0 100 195 200 666 600 773 1,500 30 400 0 0 439 0 1,015 2,000 1487 2,000 720 500 802 1,000 5,811 4,000 0 500 2,081 0 0 0 $591,968 $669,971 $743,936 $856,300 1,500 200 500 200 0 150 100 200 300 50 500 300 1,000 400 500 1200 500 1 200 300 400 400 $591,968 $669,971 $743,936 $856,300 $935,800 400 Calendars, Planners etc 3,000 Codification of Zoning Ordinance 2,000 Forms, Stickers Tags, etc 100 Zipatone, Spray Mount 200 Calculators 600 Dictation Devices Tapes 1,500 Building inspection Supplies 400 Inspectors' Tools 0 0 Fees for Contracted/Temp Sery 2,000 Planning Consultant 2,000 Cellular Phone Pagers 600 1,000 3,000 Permitworks Support 500 0 3,200 700 Manuals, References, IBC Books 6,700 Code Enforcement Seminars 400 Contingencies 0 60,000 FfT GIS Technician $935,800 Page One July 28, 2005 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $1,835,800 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 42110 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 42110 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 42110 102 01 Regular Overtime Hours 101 42110 102 02 Contracted O/T 101 42110 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 101 42110 103 01 Part -Time Secretary 101 42110 103 02 Part-Time CSO's 101 42110 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 42110 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 42110 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterheads 101 42110 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 42110 01 207 01 Practice Ammunition 101 42110 01 207 02 Service Ammunition 101 42110 01 207 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 42110 01 208 01 DARE Donations 101 42110 01 208 02 Equipment Donations /Forfeitures 101 42110 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 42110 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 42110 01 211 01 Blanket Cleaning 101 42110 01 211 02 Squad Interior Cleaning 101 42110 01 217 00 Clothing Allowance 101 42110 01 217 01 CSO's 101 42110 01 217 02 Reserves 101 42110 01 217 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 42110 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 42110 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 42110 01 241 01 Evidence Processing Equipment 101 42110 01 241 02 Camera and Video Supplies 101 42110 01 241 03 Other Supplies 101 42110 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 42110 01 242 01 Less Lethal Tactical Equipment 101 42110 01 242 02 MAAG Equipment 101 4211001 304 00 101 4211001 305 00 101 4211001 305 01 101 42110 01 305 02 101 42110 01 306 00 101 4211001 316 00 101 42110 01 316 01 101 42110 01 316 02 101 42110 01 319 00 101 42110 01 319 01 101 42110 01 319 02 101 42110 01 321 00 101 42110 01 321 01 101 42110 01 321 02 101 42110 01 321 03 101 42110 01 32300 101 42110 01 32301 101 42110 01 323 02 101 42110 01 331 00 101 42110 01 331 01 101 42110 01 331 02 101 42110 01 331 03 101 42110 01 331 04 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE Legal Fees Medical Dental Fees Employee Drug Testing (Amended) Seized Narcotic Testing Personnel Testing Recruitment Animal Care Services Impound Care Fees Deer Inventory Other Professional Services Dispatch Services Radio Repeater Phone Lines Telephone Costs Cell Phones Pagers LOGIS Communications Line Radio Units Radios Radars Travel Expense MN Chiefs Spring Conference IACP Conference Outstate Investigations Conferences MAAG Conference 101 42110 01 331 05 CAN -AM Narcotic Conference 101 42110 01 331 06 Juvenile Officers Conference 101 42110 01 331 07 Meeting Reimbursements 101 42110 01 333 00 Freight Express Expenses 101 42110 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed 1,318,314 1.489,144 1,635,501 $1350,700 52,631 60,931 55,102 65,000 65,000 40,000 25.000 28,338 25,505 46,000 53,400 7,031 17,900 P!T Secretary 16 Hours/Wk 30,009 35,500 CSO's Total 50 Hours/Wk 462 706 156 800 716 225 372 1,000 172 227 0 200 2,021 1,928 1,882 1,800 2,000 285 500 400 0 200 100 5,436 8,055 6,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,155 941 874 1,000 0 481 400 0 100 100 18 300 300 2,948 2,180 3,26 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 500 500 1,182 1,082 95 2,000 2,144 3,055 1,17 2,500 1,513 1,227 1,43 750 750 500 500 750 750 230 1,249 70 58,177 54,996 54,99 56,000 494 1,058 2,000 44 1,500 1,500 20 500 500 0 730 2,60 1,500 13,815 13,727 14,500 11,31 14,000 14,000 500 500 57,297 69,588 77,000 65,80 70,000 73,000 5,55 5,500 4,000 6,200 6,483 5,900 4,88 4,500 5,000 74 800 400 44 500 500 1,671 2,861 1,94 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,295 1,184 7 3,700 40 500 500 1,15 1,500 1,400 44 500 500 45 200 400 400 400 400 300 200 200 34 68 12 200 1,799 0 500 PAGE TOTALS 1,558,045 1,745,591 1,896,558 2,041,800 1,500 1,500 500 500 200 Film and Developing 800 Evidence Logs, Animal Lie, etc 200 2,500 0 Donated Forfeited Funds 1,000 Video, CD's Miscellaneous 2,000 Evidence Bags Drug Kits 2,500 Squad Emergency Equip Repairs 2,000 Crime Scene Kit Supplies Digital Recorders 2,000 Training Supplies 56,000 Prosecution 1,500 Medical Psychological 3,000 Radio Radar Repairs 200 Repairs 500 Officer 1 CSO Hiring 2,135,100 Page Two 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42110 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 680 613 1,278 13,000 101 42110 01 394 01 Automated Pawn System 0 500 500 101 42110 01 394 02 Pictometry 0 2.100 2,000 101 42110 01 39403 CJIIN System 0 8,300 10,500 101 42110 01 396 00 Computer Maintenance 47,477 51794 77,000 101 42110 01 396 01 Records Management CAD 39,774 40,000 41,000 101 42110 01 396 02 CJDN Connection Charges 2,520 3,000 3,000 101 42110 01 396 03 MCD Connection Charges 3,038 4000 4,000 101 42110 01 396 04 MCD Maintenance Cellular 16,376 20,000 21,000 101 42110 01 396 05 LOGIS Annual Fees 0 9,000 8,000 101 42110 01 396 06 LOGIS Security and Back Up Site 0 8,000 0 101 42110 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 2,108 2,613 3,400 101 42110 01 433 01 Mutual Aid Assistance Group•MAAG 1,65 2,000 2,100 101 42110 01 433 02 IACP Chiefs 10 100 100 101 42110 01 433 03 MN Chiefs of Police 150 150 101 42110 01 433 04 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 5 50 50 101 42110 01 433 05 Wakota CAER 20 20 101 42110 01 433 06 Metro Emergency Managers 25 25 101 42110 01 433 07 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 1 25 25 101 42110 01 433 08 Tri- County Investigators 6 60 60 101 42110 01 433 09 MN Crime Prevention Association 36 25 25 101 42110 01 433 10 POST Licenses 54 630 750 101 42110 01 433 11 FBI Nat'l Academy Association 60 60 101 42110 01 433 12 Miscellaneous 55 35 101 42110 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 297 68 9 300 300 Statutes, Crime Prevention 101 42110 01 436 00 Towing Charges 64 69 14 200 200 101 42110 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 10,346 10,208 13,000 101 42110 01 437 01 Firearms -Range Rental 40 1,500 2,000 101 42110 01 437 02 Chiefs Spring Conference 45 500 500 101 42110 01 437 03 Investigations 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 437 04 IACP Conference 22 250 250 101 42110 01 437 05 Supervision 15 1,000 1,000 101 42110 01 437 06 Use of Force 8,36 600 600 101 42110 01 437 07 Emergency Driving 1,40 1,400 101 42110 01 437 06 First Aid 2,000 2,000 101 42110 01 437 09 Narcotic Enforcement 1,000 750 101 42110 01 437 10 Tactical 1,000 1,000 101 42110 01 437 11 Support Services 750 500 101 42110 01 437 12 Patrol 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 313 284 44 500 500 Snacks 8 Beverages for Mtgs 101 42110 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 1,178 5,590 172 2,000 2,000 Tasers Accesones 101 42110 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives 90,000 2 New Officers (Staggered) PAGE TOTALS $62,443 $71,219 $77,790 $114,100 $199,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,620,488 $1,816,810 $1,974,347 $2,155,900 $2,334,500 11 Page One July 28, 2005 2002 2003 2004 Account Description Actual Actual Actual 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 103 01 103 02 103 03 103 04 103 05 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE 103 00 Salaries Benefits Salaries Training Pay /Stipends Call Pay /Stipends Class Pay/Stipends P(T Fire Marshal 101 42210 01 202 00 Duplicating Copying 101 42210 01 202 01 Copy Toner 101 42210 01 202 02 Computer Printers 101 42210 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterhead 101 42210 01 204 01 Envelopes 101 42210 01 204 02 Letterhead 101 42210 01 204 03 Forms 101 42210 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 42210 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 42210 01 208 01 Supplies, Computer Support 101 42210 01 208 02 Film Developing 101 42210 01 208 03 Memberships 101 42210 01 208 04 Code Books 101 42210 01 208 05 Training 101 42210 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 42210 01 211 01 Soaps 101 42210 01 211 02 Chamois, Towels, etc 101 42210 01 211 03 Sponges, etc 101 42210 01 211 04 SCBA Cleaner 101 42210 01 218 00 Fire Department Clothing 101 42210 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 42210 01 219 01 Gloves 101 42210 01 219 02 Bandages 101 42210 01 219 03 Equipment 101 42210 01 219 04 Tyvek Surts 101 42210 01 219 05 Consummable Medical 101 42210 01 219 06 Oxygen 101 42210 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 101 42210 01 229 01 Aerial- Pumpers- Tanker 101 42210 01 229 02 Pickup Trucks 101 42210 01 229 03 Rescue Other 101 42210 01 229 04 Vehicle Modifications 101 42210 01 230 00 Equipment Repair Materials 101 42210 01 230 01 Light Bars 101 42210 01 230 02 Smoke Machines 101 42210 01 230 03 Lanterns Miscellaneous 101 42210 01 230 04 Small Tool Repairs 101 42210 01 230 05 Opticom 101 42210 01 230 06 Station 101 42210 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 42210 01 241 01 Axes, Bars Other 101 42210 01 241 02 Grass Fire 101 42210 01 241 03 Hand Tools 101 42210 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 42210 01 306 00 Personnel Testing Recruitment 101 42210 01 306 01 New Physicals (4) 101 42210 01 306 02 Hepatitis Shots (4) 101 42210 01 306 03 Background Checks (4) 101 42210 01 306 04 Drug Testing (4) 101 42210 01 308 00 Instructors' Fees 101 42210 01 308 01 Fire Fighter 1 (4) 101 42210 01 308 02 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates (4) 101 42210 01 308 03 Fire Fighter Re- Certificates (13) 101 42210 01 308 04 First Responder (4) 101 42210 01 308 05 First Responder Refresher (1 /2) 101 42210 01 308 06 Outside Schools ($/2) 101 42210 01 308 07 Hai -Mat Training (4) 101 42210 01 308 08 Apparatus Re- Certificates (0) PAGE TOTALS $68,877 284 69 $73,285 $74,520 574,000 0 0 0 929 0 0 4,334 1,203 126 251 210 1,535 922 1,695 5,834 262 1,984 2.030 410 883 6,125 6,965 2005 2006 Object 2006 Adopted Detail Proposed Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 581,700 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance to Pension Reduced Balance 10 Pension 24,700 3,300 20,000 100 33,600 0 50 50 0 50 50 0 25 25 0 25 25 258 50 50 917 1,500 1,500 0 100 100 45 300 300 152 500 500 0 1,000 1,000 468 100 100 O 100 100 O 25 25 0 75 75 83 300 1,336 600 800 O 100 100 1,219 500 500 0 100 100 354 1,500 1,800 53 200 200 3,197 1,200 800 0 200 100 O 200 100 O 200 100 O 100 100 0 250 250 O 250 250 1,087 600 600 O 300 300 3,912 300 300 140 150 150 0 250 250 169 300 300 2,628 2,829 2,470 3,500 5,044 1,031 0 1,000 1,000 341 500 500 0 100 100 O 500 500 0 1,200 1,200 O 150 150 90 250 200 O 1,000 1,000 1,656 1,400 1,500 7,007 4,900 3,850 1,730 1,000 1,000 O 100 0 100 100 0 700 96,848 92,696 101,204 101,100 107,500 3,400 Supplies for Fire Marshal 300 300 5 Uniforms $60 Each 3,500 Medical Supplies 1,100 1 800 3,500 Annual Medical Tests 2,100 8,900 Page Two July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE 2005 2006 Obtect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 42210 01 310 00 Testing Services 90 1,534 900 101 42210 01 310 01 Aenal (Next 2007) 0 1,200 0 101 42210 01 310 02 Ladders (Next 2007) 0 500 0 101 42210 01 310 03 Pumpers (3) (Next 2008) 870 0 900 101 42210 01 310 04 SCBA Hydro Testing (Next 2007) 0 0 0 101 42210 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 1,095 259 3,500 101 42210 01 313 01 SCBA Contract 540 400 400 101 42210 01 313 02 SCBA Maintenance 0 200 200 101 42210 01 313 03 Copier Fax Contract 1,011 400 400 101 42210 01 313 04 Security Contract 278 500 500 101 42210 01 313 05 SOT Jamt Powers 0 1,400 2,000 101 42210 01 314 00 Annual Fire Relief Contribution 135,000 135,000 135,000 139,100 143,300 Moved From Salaries Above 101 42210 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 2,214 2,713 2,500 Fire Prevention Education 101 42210 01 319 01 School Literature 0 350 350 101 42210 01 319 02 Door Prizes 200 250 250 101 42210 01 319 03 F1re Prevention Week Promos 2,001 1,300 1,300 101 42210 01 319 04 Food at Open House 188 150 150 101 42210 01 319 05 Adult Extension Classes 0 250 250 101 42210 01 319 06 National Night Out 0 200 200 101 42210 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 888 700 600 101 42210 01 321 01 Chief 557 250 300 101 42210 01 321 02 Assistant Chief 15 150 100 101 422'0 01 321 03 Rescue 7 150 100 101 42210 01 321 04 Numenc Pagers 70 150 100 101 42210 01 322 00 Postage Costs 5 0 0 100 100 UPS Costs 101 42210 01 329 00 Other Communication Costs 510 521 1,000 101 42210 01 329 01 Base Repairs 0 200 200 101 42210 01 329 02 Pager Repairs 474 200 200 101 42210 01 329 03 Hand Held Repairs 344 300 300 101 42210 01 329 04 Mobile Repairs 120 300 300 101 42210 01 331 00 Travel Expense 1,609 3,677 5,900 101 42210 01 331 01 Minnesota Chiefs Conference 1,309 1,500 1,500 101 42210 01 331 02 Fire Department Association 289 900 900 101 42210 01 331 03 Outside Schools 0 5,000 3,500 101 42210 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 475 1,214 1,200 101 42210 01 433 01 Capital City 50 35 35 101 42210 01 433 02 VFBAlnsurance 259 260 260 101 42210 01 433 03 State Fire 300 200 200 101 42210 01 433 04 State Chiefs 165 250 250 101 42210 01 433 05 OCFC 0 40 40 101 42210 01 433 06 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 25 30 30 101 42210 01 433 07 Purchasing Consortium 0 50 50 101 42210 01 433 08 NFPA 0 185 185 101 42210 01 433 09 MN Ass'n Fire Marshals 0 150 150 Fire Marshal Dues 101 42210 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 405 519 700 101 42210 01 437 01 State Fire Conference 405 400 400 101 42210 01 437 02 State Chief's Conference 0 300 300 101 42210 01 439 00 Other Misceltaneous Charges 860 1,293 69 1,200 101 42210 01 439 01 Food Coffee 197 190 190 101 42210 01 439 02 Eximgwsher 0 400 400 101 42210 01 439 03 Plaques 48 20 20 101 42210 01 439 04 Paint 0 50 50 101 42210 01 439 05 Station Needs 807 540 540 101 42210 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 22,721 15,708 15,000 101 42210 01 580 01 Bunker Gear (9) 1,285 9,000 9,000 101 42210 01 580 02 Pagers (6) 7,472 3,000 3,000 101 42210 01 580 03 Hose Replacement 1,036 2,000 2,000 101 42210 01 580 04 Replace Damaged Items 2,291 1,000 1,000 101 42210 01 581 00 Other Equipment Purchases 1,767 0 0 0 0 PAGE TOTALS $167,640 $163,138 $157,681 $173,500 $175,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $264,458 $255,835 $258,885 $274,600 $283,400 Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Account Description 101 41940 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 41940 79 101 01 Maintenance -P W Sup #2 101 41940 79 101 02 Maintenance Staff 101 41940 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 101 41940 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 41940 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 101 41940 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 101 41940 01 241 00 Small Tools 101 41940 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 101 41940 01 302 00 Architects' Fees 101 41940 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 101 41940 01 319 00 Other Professional Seances 101 41940 01 319 01 Elevator Maintenance 101 41940 01 319 02 Heating /Cooling Maint Contract 101 41940 01 319 03 Annual Boiler Inspections 101 41940 01 319 04 Pest Control 101 41940 01 319 05 Fire Extinguishers 101 41940 01 319 06 Fire Suppression System Check 101 41940 01 319 07 Janitorial Service -Fre Stations 101 41940 01 319 08 Janitorial Service -P W Building 101 41940 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 41940 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 101 41940 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 101 41940 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 101 41940 01 384 01 General Buildings Parks 101 41940 01 384 02 Recycling /Cleanup 101 41940 01 389 00 Other Utility Services 101 41940 01 401 00 Contracted Budding Repairs 101 41940 01 401 01 Electrical Repairs 101 41940 01 401 02 Siren Replacement Program 101 41940 01 401 03 Miscellaneous Repairs 101 41940 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 101 41940 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41940 01 601 00 Bond Princ pal 101 41940 01 611 00 Bond Interest 101 41940 01 621 00 Bond Paving Agent Fees PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $44,990 $46,600 $56,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 0 7,900 8,600 49,257 50,900 47,800 3,592 2,214 4,180 4,000 4 000 10,551 9,604 13,317 17,000 17,000 Cleaning Supplies, Towels, etc 4,139 4,899 5,186 4,500 5 000 257 652 469 500 500 Trees Shrubs 0 366 46 200 200 Hand Tools, Bits, Blades, etc 332 1,060 1,025 2,000 2,000 Carpet Cleaner Replacement 0 0 0 1,000 1000 Estimates 2,438 1500 750 2,000 3,000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 23,769 31,467 26,800 1,153 1,000 1,000 2,116 5,000 5,000 110 1,500 1,500 1,502 1,500 1,500 706 1,000 1,000 844 1,000 1,000 3,515 3 500 5,300 Fire Station #2 Online Mid -2006 2002 2003 Actual Actual 10,288 10,500 10,500 0 0 0 0 48,680 44,107 45 362 45,000 35,900 44,612 45,617 45,000 25,618 24,025 944 10,430 13,725 3,689 3,800 3,800 15,951 11,685 105 0 1,234 0 1,665 10,000 15,855 142 0 1,500 10,000 9,500 1,000 1,000 31,474 33,895 36,316 38,800 58,744 53,142 43,190 52,300 0 585 1,063 600 $310,229 $315,449 $322,574 $358,500 2,000 10,000 13,000 $310,229 $315,449 $322.574 $358,500 $367,400 2 0 0 47,000 Price Increases 47,000 Fire Station #2 Online Mid -2006 35,000 20,000 20,000 Added Parks 15,000 15,000 2 Cleanup Days per Year 3,800 3,800 Floor Mats Monthly Charges 25 000 1,000 Scaffolding, Cleaners 1,000 Contingencies 41,200 MSABC Payment (2/1) 49,900 MSABC Payments (2/1 811) 600 5367,400 Page One July 28 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FLEET MAINTENANCE 101 43100 101 00 Salaries Benefits 101 43100 77 101 00 Administrative 101 4310D 79 101 00 Maintenance 101 43100 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 43100 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 91 101 43100 01 212 00 Motor Fuels 58,54 101 43100 01 213 00 Lubricants 8 Adddlves 5,08 101 43100 01 215 00 Shop Materials 16,64 101 43100 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 81,78 101 43100 01 222 00 Tires 12,27 101 43100 01 241 00 Small Tools 3,78 101 43100 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 1,46 101 43100 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 101 43100 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 101 43100 01 323 00 Radio Units 101 43100 01 331 00 Travel Expense 101 43100 01 341 00 Employment Adverbsing 101 43100 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 101 43100 01 394 00 P S Software Purchases 101 43100 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 27,396 32,136 31,179 35,000 35 000 101 43100 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 539 252 0 1,000 1 000 101 43100 01 417 00 Uniforms Rental 118 118 59 0 0 101 43100 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 100 0 95 0 0 101 43100 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 0 200 200 101 43100 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 0 75 220 1,000 1,000 PAGE TOTALS $345,857 $369,629 $369,245 $410,000 $421,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $128,776 2,15 4,91 32 1,06 All Salary Costs Inclusive of $132,369 $147,B00 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 9,396 9,900 10,300 122,763 131,400 137,500 5,799 1,226 7,500 7 500 548 709 1,000 1,000 Shop Vehicles 65,730 75,983 77,000 79,000 Price Increases 2,566 5,093 5,500 5,500 15,714 12,106 20,500 20,500 86,235 87,101 88,000 89 000 12,474 10,213 16,000 16 000 4,262 2 662 4,000 4,000 6,163 6,935 6,000 6,000 3,000 1,500 3,000 4,500 Contracted Engineer for City(10 0 0 0 0 1,999 1,058 2,000 2,000 Repar /Replace Units O 0 0 0 O 38 0 0 190 557 500 500 Shop Hazardous Waste O 354 500 500 General Software Support $345,857 $369 629 $369,245 $410,000 $421,000 2 I Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detad Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43121 101 00 Salaries Benefits $343,584 $392,557 $461,900 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 43121 77 101 00 Administrative 28,188 29,600 30,900 101 43121 78 101 00 Technical /Clerical 52,017 68 900 72,100 101 43121 79 101 00 Maintenance 296,489 342,900 358,900 101 43121 10200 Full -Time Overtime 9,337 12,298 8,392 16,000 16,000 Maintenance 101 43121 99 103 00 Part -Time Salaries Benefits 11,971 12,469 12,078 15,000 15,000 101 43121 01 201 00 Office Accessories 192 0 72 700 700 101 43121 01 203 00 Printed Forms &Paper 19 1,658 4,200 101 43121 01 203 01 RAN Permit 8 Inspection Forms 28 500 500 101 43121 01 203 02 Work Orders 145 200 200 101 43121 01 203 03 City Specification Books 378 3,500 3,500 101 43121 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 1,313 1,014 80 2,100 101 43121 01 205 01 Paper for Plan Reproductions 1,412 900 900 101 43121 01 205 02 Off -Site Reproductions 0 450 450 101 43121 01 205 03 Film Developing 0 200 200 101 43121 01 205 04 Miscellaneous Tools 13 550 550 Inspection Equipment 101 43121 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 18 82 0 500 500 101 43121 01 216 00 Chemical Chemical Products 12,914 32,183 27,017 35,000 37,000 De -long Chemicals (Added Miles) 101 43121 01 224 00 Street Maintenance Materials 1,078 674 1 500 101 43121 01 224 01 Paint 473 500 500 101 43121 01 224 02 Mail Boxes 93 500 500 101 43121 01 224 03 Light Bulbs /Lenses 163 500 500 101 43121 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 982 1,147 6 300 101 43121 01 225 01 Sod 94 3,000 3,000 101 43121 01 225 02 Seed 474 300 300 101 43121 01 225 03 Black Dirt 243 2,000 2,000 101 43121 01 225 04 Trees 498 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 226 00 Sign Repair Materials 2,701 8,350 8,646 7,500 10,000 101 43121 01 231 00 Bituminous Patching Matenals 30,273 25,684 23,545 27,000 27,000 101 43121 01 232 00 Crushed Rock 23,397 24,761 25,950 25 000 30,000 Add County Road 38 101 43121 01 233 00 Dust Control Materials 24,141 24,686 22,660 25,000 30,000 Add County Road 38 101 43121 01 234 00 De -Icing Sand 10,266 10 136 5,801 12,000 12,000 101 43121 01 235 00 Shouldering Gravel 1,461 2,488 3,534 3,000 3,000 101 43121 01 241 00 Small Tools 738 1,342 2,023 1,000 1,500 Shovels, Brooms, etc 101 43121 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 2,149 2,823 9,860 3,000 3,000 Safety Equipment 101 43121 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 7,312 20,537 38,399 8,500 8,500 General Non Project Related 101 43121 01 304 00 Legal Fees 3,742 2,528 6,729 2,000 2,000 Appeals of Closed Projects 101 43121 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 415 207 0 600 600 Employment Physicals 101 43121 01 310 00 Testing Services 0 0 954 1,200 1,200 101 43121 01 313 01 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 535 0 0 101 43121 01 313 00 Contract Engineer 9,750 6,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 101 43121 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 506 568 1,469 1,500 1,500 Random Drug Testing 101 43121 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 2,865 2,266 2,171 3,000 3,000 Cellular Phones Pagers 101 43121 01 324 00 Messenger Services 5 0 0 100 100 101 43121 01 331 00 Travel Expense 20 5 5 1,000 7,000 APWA 8, Miscellaneous 101 43121 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 1,878 501 0 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 93 105,57 22 145,000 101 43121 01 351 01 Street Lights 113,185 100,000 135,000 Added Lights &Price Increases 101 43121 01 381 02 Signal Lights Sirens 3,630 10,000 10,000 101 43121 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 301 201 2,600 101 43121 01 384 01 Hazardous Waste Disposal 0 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 384 02 Roadside Garbage 252 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 384 03 Tree Disposal 91 600 600 101 43121 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 1,169 2,500 8,500 101 43121 01 391 01 Gopher State One -Call 0 2,200 0 101 43121 01 391 02 State Aid 0 1,000 1,000 101 43121 01 391 03 Pavement Management Syst Supp 4,053 7,500 7,500 101 43121 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 394 00 P S Software Purchases 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 General Software Support PAGE TOTALS 598,288 595,241 705,361 779,400 850,700 Page Two July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE 101 43121 01 402 00 Street Seal Coating 61,153 136,226 137,541 0 0 Moved to Street CIP Part of 101 43121 01 402 00 General Seal Coating 0 Pavement Management Program 101 43121 01 403 00 Contracted Repair Maintenance 1,983 5,472 29,500 101 43121 01 403 01 Street Lights 10,439 28,50 28 500 Repair 9 Street Lights (Annually) 101 43121 01 403 02 Signal Lights 494 50 500 101 43121 01 403 03 Light Replacements 1,675 50 500 101 43121 01 405 00 Street Striping 22 229 14,084 14,324 30,00 30,000 101 43121 01 406 00 Street Sweeping 6,102 5,491 6,465 10,00 5,000 101 43121 01 407 00 Bituminous Overlays 26,204 0 0 0 101 43121 01 408 00 Street Crack Sealing 16,808 33,332 30,165 35,00 35,000 101 43121 01 409 00 Tree Trimming 8,476 4,703 3,179 10,00 5000 101 43121 01 410 00 Concrete Sidewalk /Curb Repairs 6,006 133,374 14,202 133,000 101 43121 01 410 01 General Repairs 0 8,00 8,000 101 43121 01 410 02 Pedestrian Improvements 118,327 125,00 125,000 101 43121 01 411 00 Contracted Snow Removal 5,496 7,215 4,192 12,00 18,000 101 43121 01 411 01 Community Center 12,000 101 43121 01 411 02 St Joseph's 6,000 101 43121 01 415 00 Equipment Rental 4,100 0 16,383 45,00 45,000 Paver Rental 101 43121 01 416 00 Snow Plow Loader Rental 8,890 9,260 0 0 101 43121 01 418 00 Snow Plow Rental 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 420 00 Truck Rentals /Sidewalk Blower 6,922 1,820 2.130 0 101 43121 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 796 961 900 101 43121 01 433 01 American Public Works Ass'n 340 22 225 (APWA) 101 43121 01 433 02 Request for Mutual Aid Ass'n 500 1 10 (RMAA) 101 43121 01 433 03 City Engineers' Association 0 15 150 101 43121 01 433 04 Professional Secretanes 80 9 90 101 43121 01 433 05 MN Society for Professional Engineers 375 30 300 (MSPE) 101 43121 01 433 06 American Society of Civil Engineers 0 12 125 (ASCE) 101 43121 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 221 131 800 101 43121 01 435 01 MUTCD 39 20 200 101 43121 01 435 02 MN Dot Updates 15 60 600 101 43121 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 3,071 1,303 4,000 101 43121 01 437 01 APWA 225 1,05 1,050 101 43121 01 437 02 Computer Training 0 50 500 101 43121 01 437 03 Clerical 90 15 150 101 43121 01 437 04 Gravel Road Maintenance 112 15 150 101 43121 01 437 05 City Management Training 0 50 500 101 43121 01 437 06 CEAM 0 50 500 101 43121 01 437 07 MN Pavement Management 12 40 400 101 43121 01 437 08 MN Dot 0 30 300 101 43121 01 437 09 Miscellaneous Training 380 45 450 Safety Training 101 43121 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 25 5 469 2,00 2,000 7/00 Rain Storm -FEMA Reimb 101 43121 01 570 00 Office Equipment Furnishings 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 601 00 Principal on Lease Payments 0 0 0 13,50 0 2003 L/P Paid off 12/04 101 43121 01 611 00 Interest on Lease Payments 0 0 0 3,10 0 2003 L/P Paid off 12/04 PAGE TOTALS $178,482 $353,377 $362,457 $328,800 $308.200 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $776769 $1,048,618 $1,067,818 $1,108,200 $1,158,900 2-3 Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 45202 101 00 Salaries Benefits $273,232 $259,401 5368,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 101 45202 77 101 00 Administrative 9,396 9,900 10,300 101 45202 79 101 00 Maintenance 291,950 342,900 357,800 101 45202 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 1,820 2,655 5,174 14,000 14000 101 45202 99 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 14,901 12,434 19,574 15,000 15,000 101 45202 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 216 00 Chemical Chemical Products 13,734 13,141 29,000 101 45202 01 216 01 Herbicides(General Park Use) 4,727 12,000 12,000 101 45202 01 216 02 Fertilizer 10,833 17,000 17,000 101 45202 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 5,556 9,105 12,000 101 45202 01 219 01 Seed, Sad, etc 878 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 219 02 Red Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc 1,227 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 219 03 Repair Supplies 2,129 3,000 3,000 Bloomfield Birch Parks Online 101 45202 01 221 00 Equipment Paris 11,074 10,528 13500 101 45202 01 221 01 Playground Equipment Repair 3,151 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 221 02 Irrigation Repair(Non- Contract) 3,184 1,500 3,000 101 45202 01 221 03 Miscellaneous(Player Benches) 4,843 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 221 04 Park Sign Replacements 0 5,500 5,500 New Park Signs 101 45202 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 3,240 5,245 10,000 101 45202 01 223 01 Paint Stain etc 1,548 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 223 02 Shingles, Boards, etc 599 2,000 2,000 101 45202 01 223 03 Miscellaneous 1,639 1,500 1,500 Caulk, Hardware, etc 101 45202 01 223 04 Shelter /Shed Repairs 0 5,000 5,000 101 45202 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 3,020 1,370 7000 101 45202 01 225 01 Trees, Shrubs, Sod, etc 3,181 2,500 3,500 Landscaping Around Park Signs 101 45202 01 225 02 Timbers, Fence etc 307 2,500 3,500 101 45202 01 226 00 Sign Repair Materials 0 0 14 500 500 101 45202 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 3,545 1,540 1,907 4 000 4,000 Paint, Chalk, Bases Field Dry, etc 101 45202 01 241 00 Small Tools 1,347 2,786 2,430 2,500 2,500 Hand Tools, Blades, Bits, etc 101 45202 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 1217 2,565 450 2,500 2,500 Safety Equipment 101 45202 01 303 00 Engineenng Fees 19 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 305 00 Medical and Dental Fees 0 207 0 0 0 101 45202 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 2,438 1,375 750 2,000 3,000 Contracted Engineer for City (5 101 45202 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 1,075 1,532 2,017 500 500 Cellular Phone Bills 101 45202 01 323 00 Radio Units 0 0 0 500 500 Walkie- Talkies 101 45202 01 331 00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 100 100 Seminars Workshops 101 45202 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 10,975 12,811 15,000 101 45202 01 381 01 Skating Rinks 4,068 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 381 02 Softball Fields 6,163 6,000 6,000 101 45202 01 381 03 Irrigation 1,965 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 1,550 2,200 2,210 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 403 00 Contracted Repair Maintenance 7,036 2,570 8,000 101 45202 01 403 01 Irrigation Repairs 364 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403 02 Electrical Repairs 801 1,500 1,500 101 45202 01 403 03 Miscellaneous Repairs 2,601 5,000 5,000 Bloomfield Birch Parks Online 101 45202 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 2,950 0 2,335 8,000 8,000 Chemical Lawn Services 101 45202 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 11,890 11,878 18,000 101 45202 01 416 01 Mower Leases 12,235 14,000 17,000 Price Increases 101 45202 01 416 02 Miscellaneous Rentals 4,663 1,000 1,000 101 45202 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 10 45 200 101 45202 01 433 01 Memberships MRPA 0 100 100 101 45202 01 433 02 Miscellaneous Dues 0 100 100 101 45202 01 435 00 Books 8, Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 101 45202 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 417 662 500 101 45202 01 437 01 Seminars Workshops 363 300 300 101 45202 C1 437 02 School Tuition 270 200 200 101 45202 0 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS $371,043 $354,072 $409,966 $512,500 $535,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $371,043 $354,072 $409,966 $512,500 $535,300 a Page One July 28, 2005 Account 101 45100 101 00 101 45100 102 00 101 45100 103 00 101 45100 08 103 00 101 45100 10 103 00 101 45100 12 103 00 101 4510083 10300 101 4510094 10300 101 4510099 10300 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS RECREATION Description Salaries Benefits Full -Time Overtime Part-Time Salaries Benefits PIT Secretary P/T Receptionist Building Attendants Playground Recreation Leaders Warming House Attendants Park Rec Committee 101 45100 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 101 45100 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 101 45100 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 101 45100 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 101 45100 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 101 45100 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 101 45100 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 101 45100 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 101 45100 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 101 45100 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 101 45100 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 101 45100 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 101 45100 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 101 45100 01 312 00 Contract Inspection Fees 101 45100 01 315 00 Special Programs 101 45100 01 315 01 Sunday Night Specials 101 45100 01 315 02 Leprechaun Days 101 45100 01 315 03 Halloween 101 45100 01 315 04 Ground Pounders(Running) 101 45100 01 315 05 Nature Programs(Arbor Day, etc 101 45100 01 315 06 Puppet Programs 101 45100 01 315 07 Special Events 101 45100 01 315 08 Adopt -A -Park Program 101 45100 01 315 09 Miscellaneous Programs 101 45100 01 315 10 ADA Programs 101 45100 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 101 45100 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 101 45100 01 331 00 Travel Expense 101 45100 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 101 45100 01 349 00 Other Advertising 101 45100 01 349 01 Brochures 101 45100 01 349 02 Yellow Pages 101 45100 01 349 03 Special Marketing 101 45100 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 101 45100 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 101 45100 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 101 45100 01 401 00 Contracted Building Repairs 101 45100 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 101 45100 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 101 45100 01 412 00 Budding Rental 101 45100 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 101 45100 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 101 45100 01 433 01 MRPA Dues 101 45100 01 433 02 Miscellaneous 101 45100 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 101 45100 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 101 45100 01 437 01 MRPA State Conference 101 45100 01 437 02 MIAMA State Conference 101 45100 01 437 03 Workshops, Schools. Tuition 101 45100 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 45100 01 xxx 00 New Initiatives PAGE TOTALS General Operating DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2002 Actual $366,523 10,920 130,749 2005 2006 Object 2006 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $392,557 $475,475 $804,400 $639,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 11,770 11,218 4,700 4,700 97 700 31 908 35,634 0 22,625 26,707 29,200 81,185 71,617 33,000 19,070 20,923 16,500 8,272 9,852 13,000 1,912 1,912 2,500 0 268 0 0 1,196 215 983 1,000 65 0 0 200 479 576 438 500 1,050 1,622 1,161 1,600 4,350 5,846 4,845 5,500 586 924 941 1,500 3,348 5,208 5,224 6,000 4,823 5,560 10,115 9,500 7,422 4,624 5,284 5,500 0 53 0 0 0 153 0 0 405 374 481 800 7,913 5,969 5,983 6,500 8,316 6,935 2,500 2,500 84 600 459 500 0 400 1,655 2,000 60 500 339 1,000 374 1,400 848 1,000 0 800 474 347 478 2,500 1,950 1,736 2,751 3,100 61 16 46 500 2,165 2,092 2,310 2,800 19,249 20,473 17,734 18,000 3,408 3,400 473 2,400 17.145 19,948 18,726 26,000 20,379 23,465 26,823 28 600 3,494 3,783 3,180 4 000 7,194 13,655 5,908 10,000 7,585 8,702 5,816 8,000 18,424 18.948 19,908 20,000 16,800 16 800 17,071 16,800 12,567 14,135 12,984 18,000 1,134 2,684 1,321 1.100 1,100 978 400 400 0 50 19 100 2,536 497 1,230 2,000 2,000 0 300 300 805 2,200 2,200 5,798 59,667 35,281 0 5,000 P/T Horticulturist $685,102 $814,625 $872,360 $922,800 $972,000 $685,102 $814,625 $872,360 5922,800 $972,000 SS 0 29,200 33,000 20.000 13.000 2.500 21,500 3,400 2,400 0 1,000 Film, Developing Laminating 200 Books, Tapes, etc 500 Meeting Supplies 1,600 Envelopes, Forms, Rulers, etc 5,500 1 500 7,000 Rec Programs, 1st Aid Sup. etc 9 500 5 500 0 0 800 Employment Physicals 6.500 Custodial Services- Banquet Rm 12 200 3,000 Performances 600 Trophies Awards 500 Supplies 400 Ribbons Mailings 2,000 Trees 500 Tapes, Fuses, Puppets. etc 1,000 Publicity Supplies 1,400 Flyers, Trees, Signs 2,000 Start Up Costs 800 ADA Program Supplies 2,500 ADA Services/Eng LA Sery Test 3,100 Pagers Cellular Phones 500 2,800 General Employment Ads 27,300 26 000 28,600 4,000 10,000 8,000 20.000 16,800 18.000 1,500 100 4,500 Moved Above to Full -Time City Newsletter Rec Ads New Program Flyers Air Handler Maintenance Contract Monthly Rent Payments to Guard Portable Toilets Other Rentals Minn Recreation Parks Ass'n Paper, Magazines, JC Dues, etc 0 Donation Account Page Two 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS RECREATION July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $91,500 101 45100 71 Promise Program $11,680 $258 $0 $0 $0 101 45100 81 Softball 38,728 44,32 46,211 40,000 40,000 101 45100 82 Volleyball 841 57 335 900 900 101 45100 84 Tennis 552 95 503 800 800 101 45100 85 Tiny Tots 20,432 16,41 16,406 19,000 19,000 101 4510D 86 Porn PDm$ 2,653 98 1,230 3 000 2,000 101 45100 87 Field Trips 2,692 2,87 9,055 2.800 8000 101 45100 88 Broornball 0 0 0 0 101 45100 89 Skating Lessons 0 73 400 400 101 45100 90 Fun Runs 2,967 2,90 3,203 2,800 3,000 101 45100 91 Summer Camps 1,124 388 8292 4,000 4,000 101 45100 92 Adult Basketball 159 7 0 1,900 1,900 101 45100 93 Other Programs 6,247 6,48 8553 8500 6,500 101 45100 95 T -Ball 3,866 5,54 4,171 5,000 5,000 101 45100 96 Teen Night 5,746 4,86 5.540 4,800 5,000 101 45100 98 Leprechaun Days 0 4,608 0 0 V` 97,687 92,47 108,481 91,900 91,500 101 45100 71 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 11880 2,58 101 45100 81 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 23,956 24,27 101 45100 61 219 00 Operating Supplies 6,914 8,09 101 45100 91 311 00 Officiating Fees 5 038 6,57 101 45100 81 319 00 Other Professional Services 2,820 3,37 101 45100 82 103 00 Par -Time Salaries 0 101 45100 82 219 00 Operating Supplies 841 57 101 45100 82 311 00 Officiating Fees 0 101 45100 82 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 101 45100 84 103 00 Parf -Time Salaries 507 90 101 45100 84 219 00 Operating Supplies 45 5 101 45100 85 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 19,516 15.13 101 45100 85 219 00 Operating Supplies 916 1,28 101 45100 86 103 00 Part -Time Salanes 1,265 62 101 45100 86 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,388 36 101 45100 87 103 00 Part -Time Salanes 0 101 45100 87 219 00 Operating Supplies 2,692 2,87 101 45100 88 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 101 45100 88 311 00 Officiating Fees 0 101 45100 89 103 00 Part -Time Salanes 0 101 45100 89 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 101 45100 90 219 00 Operating Supplies 2,967 2,90 101 45100 91 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 0 1,96 101 45100 91 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,124 1,91 101 45100 92 219 00 Operating Supplies 159 7 101 45100 93 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 0 2,10 101 45100 93 219 00 Operating Supplies 6,247 4,37 101 45100 95 103 00 Part-Time Salaries 2,778 4,34 101 45100 95 219 00 Operating Supplies 1,088 1,20 101 45100 96 103 00 Part -Time Salaries 0 101 45100 96 219 00 Operating Supplies 5,746 4,86 101 45100 98 103 00 Part -Time Salaries 0 101 45100 98 219 00 Operating Supplies 0 SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 97,687 92 475 108.481 GRAND TOTAL PARK REC $782,789 $907,100 $980841 $1,014 700 $1,063,500 eZ to 0 0 0 22,634 24,300 24,300 11,912 11,000 11,000 6,273 0 0 5,393 4,700 4,700 0 0 0 335 900 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 803 650 650 0 150 150 14,170 18 000 18,000 2,236 1000 1,000 566 2,200 1,200 664 800 800 1,151 0 0 7,905 2,800 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 400 400 0 0 0 3,203 2,800 3,000 5,877 2,000 2,000 2,415 2,000 2,000 0 1,900 1,900 3,019 2,000 2,000 5.534 4,500 4,500 3,108 4,000 4 000 1,065 1,000 1,000 453 0 0 5.087 4,800 5,000 0 0 0 4 608 0 0 91,900 -91500 N P (J N gl000v nogu of z0 a o 0 to 33 v c c Et" 0 0 a These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates 000Z 'BOA A4911E101 2UUb F 2006 2006 o ,110 o N 2006 2006 2006 900E 2006 2006 2006 2006 LVVb L 2006 <uvo Zoos L000 2006 Cl T Year fff 9nnrs +N N NNNNf.. ++++N +NNNN y 2 2 Level 1 outs r I� nuP Yams) ft-seance e an) Pirkup (Replace #307) warming Sheller at Bloomfield Park New Park Built Brockway Development Description Iruo works Pub Works I Lovvvv 0 0 0 »N a 0 0 0 0 o 0 may 0 I Pub Works Police Pub Works i Police Police Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Council Finance Gen'! Govt Arena Arena luawpederl 34,000 24 IHIn 1 Ia.. CIP Levy 1,400,0001 1000,000 CIP levy Street 266,9001 F L L_ r ,wo 16,000 I 12,000 10,000 oo 0oo Egwpmnt CIP Levy 1,300,0001 l_ L11.300.000 Assess 650,000 L 250,000 Fund Park Imp State Core r Core 1 20Q0001 1 1 I 000 1 1 Core 32,5001 22,500 10,0 1 Utility 32,50 N N C o I 10,000 utility Minty r 1 Donations 2,757,000 000'6L 000 '09 33,000 r lie nnn 30,000 r 2,175,000 200,000 9,000 Other 6,000 32,000 6,672 900 VOP 0 0 O o 0 0 O W 0 0 011 :0000000.0.0000C 0 0 t oo 6 000 69,000 I 400,000 4,000 12,000 250,000 000 0000000 a poo 1 Co j N P (J N gl000v nogu of z0 a o 0 to 33 v c c Et" 0 0 a These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates 000Z 'BOA A4911E101 Page One July 28, 2005 2002 2003 Account# Desenpbon Actual Actual 206 31010 00 206 33100 00 206 36210 00 206 36214 00 206 36215 00 206 36260 00 Account 206 49006 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE REVENUES Current Ad Valorem Taxes Federal Grants Aids Interest Earnings Investments Net Change in FV- Investments Interest Earnings Other Revenue FUND TOTALS INSURANCE EXPENDITURES Description 206 49006 01 304 00 Legal Fees 206 49006 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 206 49006 01 317 00 General Fund Administrative Fees 206 49006 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 206 49006 01 365 00 Worker's Compensation Insurance 206 49006 01 369 00 Other Insurance 206 49006 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repair Maint 206 49006 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges FUND TOTALS 2004 Actual 2005 2006 Object 2006 Adopted Detail Proposed Budget Amount Budget Comments $200,000 $210000 $225,000 $255000 $260 000 0 0 0 0 0 16,599 8,735 4,044 10,000 5,000 1,134 0 0 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 233 240 397 200 500 24,451 30,749 34,443 20,800 26,000 Insurance Refunds /Dividends 242,417 249,724 263,884 286,000 291,500 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $901 51,096 $77 $2,000 0 0 3,981 2,500 1,803 3,489 3,916 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 24,100 23,010 16,560 25,000 60 199 77,887 76,884 80,000 126,137 141,688 131,841 150,000 1,529 11,445 6,431 9,000 30,663 0 0 0 247,831 261,114 242,189 286,000 NOTE Levy of $260,000 covers costs for consultant fees and all insurance premiums All other expenditures covered through Interest earnings and insurance refunds /dividends Comments $2,000 Liability Auto Deductible Pymts 3,000 15,000 2,500 25,000 80,000 155,000 Unreimbursable Legal Fees Work Comp Deductible Pymts Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 Risk Management Consultant Annual Premium Annual Premium General Liability 9,000 Liability Auto Deductible Pymts 0 291,500 Page One July 28, 2005 Account Description 201 3101000 201 31050 00 201 3313000 201 33425 00 201 3410900 201 3010500 201 36210 00 201 36211 00 201 3621200 201 36215 00 201 36230 00 201 36260 00 201 36265 00 201 39101 00 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY REVENUES Current Ad Valorem Taxes Tax Increments Federal Grants -CDBG Other State Grants 8 Aids Other Charges for Services Principal an Notes Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Loch interest Earnings Blake Interest Earnings Contribution s /Donations Other Revenue Use of Reserve Funds Sales of General Fixed Assets FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES Account Description 201 46300 99 103 00 Part-Time Salanes Benefrts 201 46300 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 201 46300 01 304 00 Legal Fees 201 46300 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 201 46300 01 315 00 Special Programs Downtown 201 46300 01 315 01 Downtown Planning Consultant 201 46300 01 315 02 Downtown Communications Plan 201 46300 01 315 03 Downtown Ombudsman 201 46300 01 315 04 Downtown Design Standards 201 46300 01 315 05 Downtown Market Study Update 201 46300 01 317 00 General Fund Administrative Fees 201 46300 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 201 46300 01 319 01 Project Management Consultant 201 46300 01 319 02 Marketing 201 46300 01 319 03 County TIF Charges 201 46300 01 319 04 P/A Property Tax Payments 201 46300 01 322 00 Postage Costs 201 46300 01 349 00 Other Advertising 201 46300 01 351 00 Legal Notices Publishing 201 46300 01 359 00 Other Printing Binding Costs 201 46300 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 201 46300 01 369 00 Other Insurance 201 46300 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 201 46300 01 383 00 Gas' Utilities 201 46300 01 389 00 Other Utility Services 201 46300 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 201 46300 01 433 01 Professional Organizations/Journals 201 46300 01 433 02 Foreign Trade Zone Commission 201 46300 01 437 00 Conferences 8 Seminars 201 46300 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 201 46300 01 521 00 Building Structure Purchases 201 46300 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 201 46300 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $o 0 122000 22,800 4684 96,083 6248 5,312 16,873 305 0 607 0 0 $0 $60,00 0 13,403 0 50,00 0 433,041 39,83 41,00 5,002 4,26 4,80 1,966 8,066 7, 7,00 286 30 20 0 16,000 0 19,90 0 $274,913 $477,764 $101,91 $132,90 256 22,152 0 22,855 1,371 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments $5,037 $3,189 $3,713 $5,00 0 6,580 361 1,190 0 0 9,556 0 6,000 6,000 22,855 69,362 3,013 0 412 0 0 0 89 0 92 0 0 0 443 514 2,701 2,139 89 115 0 0 265 283 490 15,402 3,479 5,00 3,384 25,00 28,453 30,929 7,173 5,040 0 0 6,000 6,00 338 8,536 25,00 9,903 10,00 930 4,00 943 0 3,00 0 11,00 0 200 0 10,000 481 500 2,721 4,000 143 200 0 0 508 1,000 1,500 15,000 386 528 3,043 6,000 32 1,229 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 10,000 4,000 0 1,500 15,000 $60,000 Operating Levy 0 Admin Fees Portion Only 0 0 LCDA Downtown Grant 0 42,300 Blake L'T Lease 2,000 Interest Earned on CD's 0 Paid Off in 2003 6,300 Blake L/T Lease Interest 400 Checking Interest Mist 0 0 18 900 0 $129,900 All Salary Costs Inclusive of 55600 Salary, Taxes, PERA 8 Benefits Port Authority Members 5,000 25,000 0 0 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Policy F -3 39,000 3,000 11,000 Additional Marketing 200 10,000 500 Commissioners 4,000 Property Insurance 200 Business Park Sign 0 1,000 Storrnwater Fees 16,500 Prof Organizations /Journals 3,000 Development/TIE/Miscellaneous 500 Contingencies 140,674 0 425,532 0 0 0 9,950 4,398 0 0 Special Downtown Projects 0 0 0 0 0 5225,296 $114,911 5561,048 5132,900 5129,900 a9 Page One July 28 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ENDRES PROCESSING DISTRICT/0089) REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 244 31050 00 Tax Increments $31,385 $31,039 $27,193 $27,000 $27,000 Endres Processing District Only 244 36215 00 Interest Earnings 29 0 0 244 36260 00 Other Revenue 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES $31,414 $31,039 $27,193 $27,000 $27,000 244 49044 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $149,408 $31,039 244 49044 01 530 00 Endres Processing -Pay as You Go 30 $27,193 $27,000 FUND TOTALS $149406 $31,039 $27 193 $27,000 2005 2006 Obtect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $27 000 27,000 -Y $27,000 Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DO W NTO W NIBROC KW AY DISTRICT(0108) REVENUES July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Descnpuon Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 31050 00 Tax Increments $0 $0 $0 $0 242 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 0 0 152 0 0 242 36215 00 Interest Earnings 0 0 75 0 0 FUND TOTALS $0 $227 $0 EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account DescnptiOn Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 242 49042 01 319 00 Other Professional Services $0 $0 $15,659 $0 242 49042 01 522 00 Building Structure Purchases 0 0 181 491 0 0 FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $197.151 SO 3' Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 303 G 0 FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A REVENUES September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 303 3101000 303 36101 00 303 36102 00 303 3621000 303 3621500 303 36265 00 303 3714500 303 3716000 303 3920200 303 3920300 303 3920400 303 39205 00 303 39206 00 303 39207 00 303 3931000 303 47000 01 710 00 Transfers Current Ad Valorem Taxes $154,482 Principal Special Assessments 0 Penalties 8 Interest SiA 0 Interest Earnings Investments 2,196 Interest Earnings 5 Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contnbuhon From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS $156,73 EXPENDITURES 303 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 303 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 3a $156,130 73 5 $156,91 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Oescnphon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 303 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 65,000 70,000 75,000 75,000 80,000 303 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 76,685 75,410 71,820 68,100 64,100 303 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 193 193 193 200 200 0 0 $152,193 0 0 1,520 1 $153,733 $153,42 0 $153,42 $154,30 $154,308 FUND TOTALS $143,878 $145,603 $147,013 $143,300 $144,300 Comments 0 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 614- G 0 STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS, 19968 REVENUES- September 6, 2005 Account 614 31010 00 614 36101 00 614 36102 00 614 36210 00 614 36215 00 614 36265 00 614 37145 00 614 37160 00 614 39202 00 614 39203 00 614 39204 00 614 39205 00 614 39206 00 614 39207 00 614 39310 00 Account Descnption Current Ad Valorem Taxes Pnnapal Special Assessments Penalties Interest S!A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contnbuocn From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS Descnptlon 614 47000 01 317.00 General Fund Admin Fees 614 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 614 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 614 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 614 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 614 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 614 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES 2002 2003 2004 Actual Actual Actual 2,29 4 52,0 2,07 8 50,00 128,39 52,000 50,00 0 0 $106,336 $230,55 2,56 3 51,00 51,00 2005 2006 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget 50,00 50,50 50,00 50,50 $104,606 $100,000 $101,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 70 000 41,433 38,498 35,273 33,400 29,900 817 817 817 1,100 900 193 193 193 500 200 0 0 0 0 0 $102,443 $99,509 $101,284 $100,000 $101,000 33 Comments Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 384 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS, 1998A REVENUES September 6, 2005 Account 384 31010 00 384 36101 00 384 36102 00 384 36210 00 384 36215 00 384 36265 00 384 37145 00 384 39101 00 384 39202 00 384 39203 00 384 39204 00 384 39205 00 384 39206 00 384 39207 00 384 39310 00 Descnpbon Current Ad Valorem Taxes Pnncipal Special Assessments Penalties Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Sale of General Fixed Assets Contribution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authority Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS $115,141 $563,66 EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 384 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 384 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 2002 2003 Actual Actual $0 $348,50 0 0 115,141 58,47 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 384 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 0 1,620,000 125,000 135,000 135,000 Refunding for 1992E Paid 2/1/03 384 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 115,613 115,663 112,925 107,300 101 300 384 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 705 0 0 0 384 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $115,613 $1,736,368 $237,925 $242,300 $236,300 34 156,6 3 2005 2006 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget $368,186 0 0 4,348 30 $372,56 $251,26 $251,26 $255 38 $255,384 Comments Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 332 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1998A REVENUES- September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 332 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 332 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 67,93 103,343 116,06 332 36102 00 Penalties 8 Interest S/A 254 6,89 332 36210 00 Interest Eammgs Investments 19,71 12,05 17,09 332 36215 00 Interest Earnings 8 16 4 332 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 332 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 332 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 332 39202 00 Contribution From Enterprises 332 39203 00 Transfer From 94,10 332 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 332 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 332 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 332 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authonty 332 39310 00 Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS $87,72 $209,911 $140,10 EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 2002 2003 2003 Adopted Proposed Account Descnpuon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 332 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 332 47000 01 319 00 Other Professwnal Services $234.5 234,50 226,00 5226,000 Comments $0 50 50 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 332 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 205,000 205,000 200,000 195,000 195,000 332 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 64,328 55,820 47,215 38,700 30,100 332 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 150 771 1,046 800 900 332 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $269,478 5261591 $248,261 $234,500 $226,000 35 Page One September 6, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 335 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1$99A REVENUES- 335 31010 00 335 36101 00 335 36102 00 335 36210 00 335 36215 00 335 36260 00 335 36265 00 335 37145 00 335 37160 00 335 39202 00 335 39203 00 335 39204 00 335 39205 00 335 39206 00 335 39207 00 335 39310 00 Account FUND TOTALS Descnphon 335 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 335 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 335 47000 01 601 00 Band Principal 335 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 335 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 335 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 2002 Descnphon Actual Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties 8 Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Other Revenue Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contnbuhon From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authority Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES $0 s 160,30 696,96 33,91 36 40.44 30,95 24,56 7 57 4 38 $200,82 2002 Actual $0 $0 545,000 495,000 485,000 475,000 265,000 142,991 120,768 99.698 79,100 63 200 88 403 403 400 400 $688,079 $616,170 $585,100 $554,500 $328,600 2003 Actual $728,86 2003 2004 Actual Actual 0 0 0 0 2005 2004 Adopted Actual Budget $58,90 0 554,50 $554,50 2005 Adopted Budget 2006 Proposed Budget 328,60 $328,600 2006 Proposed Budget Comments Comments 50 50 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 336 G 0. IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1999B REVENUES- September 6, 2005 Account Descnption FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 336 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $17,27 $16,43 $19,05 336 36101 00 Principal Speaal Assessments 115,25 21,29 69,94 336 36102.00 Penalties 8 Interest S/A 89 17 1 336 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 125,41 72,48 67,89 336 36215 00 Interest Earnings 62 25 8 336 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 336 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 336 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 336 39202 00 Contnbuton From Enterprises 336 39203 00 Transfer From 166,64 192,63 336 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 336 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 336 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 336 39208 00 Transfer From Street CIP 336 39310 00 Bond Proceeds $426,11 $110,640 $349,631 $763,000 $762,600 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 336 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees so $0 $0 $0 $0 336 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 336 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 575,000 600,000 625,000 655,000 685,000 336 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 187,699 162,868 136,218 107,800 77,300 336 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 175 306 316 200 300 336 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 31 0 $19,611 $14,88 743,38 747,71 0 0 FUND TOTALS $762,874 $763,173 $761,534 $763,000 $762,600 Comments Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 616 G O. STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS, 1999C REVENUES September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account N Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 616 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 616 36101 00 Principal Specal Assessments 616 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 616 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 616 36215 00 Interest Earnings 616 36260 00 Other Revenue 616 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 616 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 616 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 616 39202 00 Contribution From Enterprises 616 39203 00 Transfer From 616 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 616 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 616 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 616 39207 00 Transfer From Pon Authonty 616 39310 00 Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS 616 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 616 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 616 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES $o $o 0 0 0 0 1,067 6,165 21 6 1 43,00 42,00 439,87 43,00 42,00 $526,961 31 $90,226 $87,062 4,94 3 7 41,00 42,50 41,50 41,000 42,500 41,50 $85,000 $83,00 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnptlon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments Comments $o s0 so $0 $o 0 0 0 0 0 616 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 45,000 45,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 616 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 39,059 36,944 34,829 33,500 31,200 616 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Band Discount 1,103 1,103 1,103 1,100 1,100 616 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 403 403 400 700 0 0 0 0 0 185,162 $83,450 $81,334 $85,000 $83,000 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 617 G 0 WATER REVENUE BONDS, 2000A REVENUES September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnpllon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 617 31010 00 617 36101 00 617 36102 00 617 36210 DO 617 36215 DO 617 36265 00 617 37145 00 617 37160 00 617 39202 00 617 39203 00 617 39204 00 617 39205 00 617 39206 00 617 39207 00 617 39310 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties 8 Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contribution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds EXPENDITURES 617 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admm Fees 617 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 17 3 FUND TOTALS $86,20 22 3 98,41 86,000 111,00 80 2 112,000 0 0 0 0 116,00 113 00 $209,671 $112,825 $116,000 $113,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnpllon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 50 $0 $0 $0 50 0 0 0 0 0 Comments Comments 617 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 30,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 65 000 617 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 55,818 53,465 50,785 49,100 46 100 617 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 1,351 1,351 1,351 1,400 1 400 617 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 175 316 316 500 500 617 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 $87,344 5110,132 $112,452 5116,000 5113,000 31 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 363 G O. PORT AUTHORITY BONDS, 2000B REVENUES September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 383 31010 00 383 36101 00 383 36102 00 383 36210,00 383 36215,00 383 36265,00 383 37145 00 383 39101 00 383 39202 00 383 39203 00 383 39204 00 383 39205 00 383 39206 00 383 39207 00 383 39310 383 47000 01 710 00 Transfers Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties Interest SIA Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge en' Water Revenues Sale of General Fixed Assets(Land) Contribution From Enterprtses Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS $767,15 EXPENDITURES 383 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 383 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services $473,880 $236,26 $239,44 $236,896 $150,00 0 0 42,331 10,36 8,70 259 4 8 g 72 00 0 0 0 250,686 218,68 179,360 200,00 1 40 $465,3 0 0 $427,59 0 $436,896 $222,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnpbon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget so $0 $0 $0 $0 0 1,000 0 0 0 383 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 245,000 1,620,000 155,000 165,000 170,000 1993E 1994A Called 2/1103 383 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 167,400 115,663 66,528 59,400 51,800 Bonds to Be Defeased in 2006 383 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 924 705 0 600 200 FUND TOTALS $413,324 $1,737,368 $221,528 5225,000 5222,000 TIF District Decertified in 2005 Comments 0 0 Page One September 6, 2005 Account 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 337 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 2001A REVENUES- 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 337 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 337 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 337 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 337 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 337 36215 00 Interest Earnings 337 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 337 37145 00 Surcharge an Water Revenues 337 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 337 39202 00 Contribution From Enterpnses 337 39203 00 Transfer From 337 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 337 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 337 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 337 39208 00 Transfer From Street CIP 337 39310 00 Bond Proceeds EXPENDITURES 240,74 10 141,68 50,000 154,00 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $290,849 $370,491 $304,854 $171,0 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments 337 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 337 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 337 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 0 105,000 125,000 125,000 130 000 337 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 48,493 48,880 45,274 45,300 36 700 337 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 374 374 403 700 1 300 337 47000 01 710.00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $48,867 $154,254 $170,676 $171,000 $168,000 $0 $116,06 72,248 14,16 141 1 2,361 4,58 5 2 170,000 0 0 0 0 171,00 168,00 $168,000 Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 612 G.O STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS, 20018 REVENUES September 6, 2005 Account Descnpnon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 612 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes SO $0 $0 612 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 0 0 612 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 0 0 612 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 29 122 112 612 36215 00 Interest Earnings 1 4 37 612 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 612 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 0 612 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 0 612 39202 00 Contribution From Enterpnses 24,00 45,00 54,000 58,00 55 00 612 39203 00 Transfer From 153,763 612 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 0 612 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 0 612 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 24,00 45,00 54,000 58,00 55,00 612 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authority 0 612 39310 00 Bond Proceeds 0 FUND TOTALS $48,30 EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnp0on Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 612 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 612 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 612 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed $9 $261,912 5116,000 $110,000 Comments Comments so $o $o $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 612 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 0 40,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 612 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 51,056 48,185 45,851 49,100 42,000 612 47000 01 614 00 Amortzation of Bond Discount 1,303 1,303 1,303 1,300 1,300 612 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 374 374 805 600 1,700 0 0 0 0 0 $52,733 589,862 $107,959 $116,000 $110,000 14 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 382 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS, 2001C REVENUES September 6, 2005 Account 382 3101000 382 36101 00 382 3610200 382 3621000 382 3621500 382 36265 00 382 37145 00 382 39101 00 382 3920200 382 39203 00 382 39204 00 382 39205 00 382 39206 00 382 39207 00 382 39310.00 Account Descnptlon 382 47000 01 710 00 Transfers Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Sale of General Fixed Assets Contnbution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Stomi Core Transfer From Port Authority Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES Descnption 382 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 382 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 382 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 382 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 382 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments $169,664 5170,60 0 0 61 1,84 16 2 112,17 $281,91 $172,4 2002 2003 Actual Actual o $o 0 0 0 0 $172,91 2,18 2 $175,11 0 5169,764 5171,864 $169,76 2005 2004 Adopted Actual Budget $0 50 0 0 0 25,000 70,000 75,000 75 000 89,845 92,980 91,080 88,200 85,200 374 374 403 400 400 0 590,218 $118,354 5161,483 5163,600 5160,600 $171.864 2006 Proposed Budget 50 0 Comments 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 61B G 0 STORM WATER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, 2001D REVENUES September 6. 2005 Account Description 616 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 618 36101 00 Pnnctpal Special Assessments 618 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 618 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 11 618 36215 00 Interest Earnings 1 618 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 618 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 618 39101 00 Sale of General Fixed Assets 618 39202 00 Contribution From Enterpnses 10,00 618 39203 00 Transfer From 1,77 618 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 618 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 618 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 10,00 618 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authority 618 39310 00 Bond Proceeds 616 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS $21,90 EXPENDITURES 618 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 618 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments $0 0 0 30 51 74,00 74,00 $148,08 0 0 5154,0 5 3 4 77,00 77,00 0 74,500 77 50 74,50 5149,00 5 $155,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 77 500 0 0 Comments 50 50 50 $0 50 0 0 0 0 0 618 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 0 120,000 130,000 130,000 140 000 618 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 9,206 24,870 21,045 18,600 13,800 618 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 374 374 400 1,200 FUND TOTALS 59,206 $145,244 $151,419 5149,000 $155,000 0 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 304 G.O COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS, 2001E REVENUES- September 6, 2005 Account 304 31010 00 304 36101 00 304 36102 00 304 3621000 304 3621500 304 36265 00 304 37145 00 304 39101 00 304 39202 00 304 39203 00 304 39204 00 304 39205 00 304 39206 00 304 39207,00 304 39310 00 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Desc iption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Sale of General Fixed Assets Contribution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds 304 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 304 47000 01 319 DO Other Professional Services FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES $0 $93,4 0 0 8,271 8,49 FUND TOTALS $8,271 $161,83 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 0 0 60,000 65,000 70 000 304 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 26,425 28,998 28,068 26,200 23 900 304 47000 01 621 OD Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 374 374 400 400 304 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 $26,425 $29,371 $88,441 591,600 594,300 59,87 596,744 $99,87 0 0 1,241 3 $98,02 $99,87 591,94 2 35 $94,300 Comments Page One Account 338 31010 00 338 36101 00 338 36102 00 338 36210 00 338 36215 00 338 36265 00 338 37145 00 338 37160 00 338 39202 00 338 39203 00 338 39204 00 338 39205 00 338 39206 00 338 39208 00 338 39310 00 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 338 6.0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 2002A REVENUES September 6, 2005 Account Descnption Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties 8 Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contribution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Stone Core Transfer From Street CIP Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES Descnptron 338 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 338 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 338 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 338 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 338 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 338 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2002 Actual $o $o 110,872 623,681 0 12 0 1,991 11 4 93,60 $204,48 2002 Actual 2003 Actual 154,28 $780,01 2003 Actual 2005 2004 Adopted Actual Budget 681,79 58 3,74 $686,157 $734,40 2005 2004 Adopted Actual Budget $o $o 0 0 0 0 734,400 688,98 $0 $111,023 $725,424 $734,400 $695,900 2006 Proposed Budget Comments $0 $6 91 $695,900 2006 Proposed Budget Comments $o 0 0 0 630,000 655,000 635,000 0 110,649 95,050 79,000 60,500 0 374 374 400 400 0 0 0 0 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 619 G 0 WATER 8 STORM WATER REVENUE BONDS, 2002B REVENUES- September 6, 2005 Account# 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 619 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 619 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 619 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 06 36210 DO Interest Earnings Investments 619 36215 00 Interest Earnings 619 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 619 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 619 37160 DO Penalties Surcharge Revenues 619 39202 00 Contrtbution From Enterprises 619 39203 00 Transfer From 619 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 619 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 619 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 619 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authonty 619 39310 00 Bond Proceeds 619 47000 01 710 00 Transfers FUND TOTALS $5,01 EXPENDITURES 619 47000 01 317.00 General Fund Admin Fees 619 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 5,00 $0 $0 28,261 (12,190) 0 42 183 223 47 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 17,000 0 0 26,000 64,000 0 0 15,000 17,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,500 29,000 0 48,000 57 00 0 24,500 29 00 0 0 584,490 $86,098 $97,000 $115,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnpeon Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 619 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 0 0 40,000 50,000 70 000 619 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 23,403 46,809 45,708 44,900 43 100 619 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 720 1,441 1,441 1,500 1 500 619 47000 01 621,00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 374 374 600 400 FUND TOTALS $24,123 $48,623 $87,522 $97,000 $115,000 Comments Comments 0 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 385 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY BONDS (HIGHWAY 3), 2002C REVENUES- September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 385 3101000 385 36101 00 385 3610200 385 36210 00 385 3621500 385 36265 00 385 37145.00 385 39101 00 385 39202 00 385 39203 00 385 39204 00 385 39205 00 385 39206 00 385 3920700 385 3931000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties Interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Sale of General Fixed Assets Contribution From Enterprises Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Port Authonty Bond Proceeds EXPENDITURES 385 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admm Fees 385 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services $283,154 134,58 31,97 10,09 FUND TOTALS $144.70 1,28 2 2 26,00 26,00 $272,9 30,1 1 2 4,15 4 26,00 252,20 26,00 $267,02 $265 81 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 $368,441 $611,65 $317,02 $315,816 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget $0 80 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 385 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 0 0 210,000 205,000 205,000 385 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 0 64,643 57,308 52,200 46,300 385 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 374 374 400 400 385 47000 01 710.00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $0 $65,016 $267,681 $257,600 $251,700 Comments Comments Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 339 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 2003A REVENUES- September 6 2005 Account 339 31010 00 339 36101 00 339 36102 00 339 36210 00 339 36215 00 339 36265 00 339 37145 00 339 37160 00 339 39202 00 339 39203 00 339 39204 00 339 39205 00 339 39206 00 339 39208 00 339 39310 00 Description FUND TOTALS Account Description Current Ad Valorem Taxes Principal Special Assessments Penalties 8 interest S/A Interest Earnings Investments Interest Earnings Use of Reserve Funds Surcharge on Water Revenues Penalties Surcharge Revenues Contnbuton From Enterpnses Transfer From Transfer From Water Core Transfer From Sewer Core Transfer From Storm Core Transfer From Street CIP Bond Proceeds EXPENDITURES 339 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 339 47000 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 339 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 339 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 339 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 339 47000 01 710.00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2005 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Actual Actual Actual Budget 2002 Actual $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 50 $58,066 $262,000 $243,000 Lf9 57,58 $57,611 $243,23 2005 2003 2004 Adopted Actual Actual Budget 0 154,94 1,45 82 1 49,00 43,00 176,000 155 00 43,00 44,00 43,00 44,00 $262,00 0 0 2006 Proposed Budget Comments $243,00 2006 Proposed Budget Comments 0 0 210,000 195,000 0 57,663 51,200 47,100 0 403 800 900 0 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 613 G 0 WATER REVENUE BONDS, 2003B REVENUES- September 6, 2005 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnphon Actual Actual Actual Budget _Budget Comments 613 31013 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 613 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 613 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 613 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 613 36215 00 Interest Earnings 613 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 613 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 613 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 613 39202 00 Contribution From Enterprises 613 39203 00 Transfer From 613 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 613 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 613 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 613 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authonty 613 3931D 00 Bond Proceeds EXPENDITURES 613 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admm Fees 613 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 2,97 $0 0 0 0 3 11 4 32,00 135,0 FUND TOTALS $0 $2,982 $32,078 $135,00 134 00 $134,000 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments $o $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 613 47000 01 601 00 Bond Principal 0 0 0 105,000 105,000 613 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 0 14,338 28,675 28,100 26,700 613 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 0 926 1,852 1,500 1,900 613 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 400 400 613 47000 01 710,00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $0 $15,263 530,527 $135,000 $134,000 56 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 301 G 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS, 2005A REVENUES September 6 2005 Account 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 301 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 301 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 301 36102 00 Penalties Interest S!A 301 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 301 36215 00 Interest Earnings 301 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 301 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 301 37160 00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 301 39202 00 Contribution From Enterprises 301 39203 00 Transfer From 301 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 301 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 301 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 301 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authonty 301 39310 00 Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES 5 $208,97 $208,97 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments Comments 301 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 301 47000 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 301 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnnopal 0 0 0 0 0 301 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 117,400 301 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 0 0 0 0 600 301 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 0 0 301 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,000 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DEBT SERV FUND 302 G 0 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES, 2005B REVENUES September 6, 2005 Account Descnption 302 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 302 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 302 36102 00 Penalties Interest SIA 302 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 302 36215 00 Interest Earnings 302 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 302 37145 00 Surcharge on Water Revenues 302 37160.00 Penalties Surcharge Revenues 302 39202 00 Contribution From Enterprises 302 39203 00 Transfer From 302 39204 00 Transfer From Water Core 302 39205 00 Transfer From Sewer Core 302 39206 00 Transfer From Storm Core 302 39207 00 Transfer From Port Authonty 302 39310 DD Bond Proceeds FUND TOTALS 302 47000 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 302 47000 01 319 00 Other Professional Services FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 5,- $347,21 $347,219 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Comments Comments $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 302 47000 01 601 00 Bond Pnncipal 0 0 0 0 290 000 302 47000 01 611 00 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 40 700 302 47000 01 614 00 Amortization of Bond Discount 0 0 0 0 300 302 47000 01 621 00 Bond Paying Agent Fees 0 0 0 0 0 302 47000 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $331,000 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY REVENUES July 11, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descnptlon Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 601 33425 00 Other State Grants 8 Aids $1,570 601 34108 00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds 41.93 87,127 18,10 17,00 601 34109 00 Other Gen'I Govt Chgs far Services 0 2,33 601 36101 00 Principal- Speoal Assessments 16,51 42,083 31,57 25,00 601 36102 00 Penalties B Interest S!A 38 4,780 (1,20 601 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 51,19 45,288 55,42 50,00 601 36214 00 Net Change in FV- Investments 20,14 (2,148) 1,12 601 36215 00 Interest Earnings 34 394 32 1,00 601 36220 00 Rents Royalties 83 45 58,266 59,98 60,00 60 36260 00 Other Revenues 67 0 601 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 601 37110 00 Residential Water Revenues 535,66 697,730 692,800 578,80 601 37120 00 Apartment Water Revenues 33,64 36,815 44,66 35,00 601 37125 00 Institutional Water Revenues 25 47 31,120 96,30 30,00 601 37130 00 Commercial Water Revenues 40,19 50,542 49,64 50,00 601 37140 00 Industrial Water Revenues 43,18 41 836 31,94 40,00 601 37160 00 Penalties Water Revenues 5,45 6,826 8,27 5,00 601 37165 00 Meter Maint Water Revenues 0 601 37170 00 Other Water Revenues 0 601 37180 00 Water Meter Sales Revenue 113.47 136,115 185,08 130,00 601 39103 00 Gain or Loss from RA Disposal 3,160 601 39203 00 Transfer From 0 FUND TOTALS 1,011,740 1,241,505 1,276,402 1,021,800 53 17,00 30 00 60,00 40 60,00 143,50 620,00 45 00 30,00 50 00 40,00 6,00 130 00 7,231,900 5% of 5% Fees -Const Projects Annual Market Value Changes Antenna Leases Comments Page One July 11, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 601 49400 101 00 Salaries 8 Benefits 601 49400 77 101 00 601 4940078 101 00 601 49400 79 101 00 601 49400 10200 601 49400 10300 601 4940099 10301 601 49400 99 103 02 Administrative Technical /Clerical Maintenance Full -Time Overtime Part-Time Salaries Benefits Utility Commission Wages (50 Maintenance Labor 601 49400 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 601 49400 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 601 49400 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 601 49400 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 601 49400 01 220 00 Water Meter Purchases 601 49400 01 220 01 For Replacements 601 49400 01 220 02 For New Homes 601 40400 01 224 00 Street Maintenance Materials 601 49400 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 601 49400 01 227 00 Utility System Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 01 228 00 Meter Repair Materials 601 49400 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 01 229 01 Supplies for Hydrants 601 49400 01 229 02 Valve Curb Boxes 601 49400 01 229 03 Valve Replacements (2) 601 49400 01 229 04 Miscellaneous Supplies 601 49400 01 241 00 Small Tools 601 49400 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 601 49400 01 242 01 Locator, GV Wrench 601 49400 01 242 02 GV Extension Wrench 601 49400 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 601 49400 01 303 01 Water Conserv'n Emergency Plan 601 49400 01 303 02 GIS Update of Asbuilts 601 49400 01 303 03 Rate Study 601 49400 01 303 04 Miscellaneous Fees 601 49400 01 304 00 Legal Fees 601 49400 01 310 00 Testing Services 601 49400 01 310 01 Bactena Water Quality 601 49400 01 310 02 V 0 C Pesticides, etc 601 49400 01 310 03 CU -PB Testing 601 49400 01 312 00 Gopher State One -Call 601 49400 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 601 49400 01 313 01 Temp Service Fees 601 49400 01 315 00 Special Programs 601 49400 01 315 01 Public Information 601 49400 01 315 02 Plan Amendments 601 49400 01 315 03 Seminars 601 49400 01 315 04 Vulnerability Assessment Imp 601 49400 01 316 00 Contract Engineer 601 49400 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49400 01 319 01 Thaw Pipes, Check Leaks, etc 601 49400 01 319 02 Supervisory Controls 601 49400 01 319 03 Hazardous Chemical Permits 601 49400 01 319 04 Meter Reading Charges 601 49400 01 319 05 Hazardous Chemical Inventory 601 49400 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49400 01 322 00 Postage Costs 601 49400 01 323 00 Radio Units 601 49400 01 331 00 Travel Expense 601 49400 01 333 00 Freight 8 Express Expenses 601 49400 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 601 49400 01 349 00 Other Advertising PAGE TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $175,921 $222,229 $393,800 Salary, Taxes, PERA 8 Benefits 81,216 94,700 98,700 113,592 136 100 142,100 118,556 145 400 153,C00 9,786 10,444 7,178 10,000 10,000 8,697 14,228 13,126 16,000 16,000 2,214 0 37,433 0 182,000 2,076 25 42,372 0 171,902 388 133 0 0 1,704 6,437 O 0 5,198 4,671 1,421 1,879 818 4,750 20,554 36,003 9,750 6,000 5,013 11,692 6,196 2,439 525 2.436 0 449 438 432 3,266 3,415 3,989 717 645 544 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 O 0 0 2,954 2.500 314 200 44,068 45,000 657 200 1,358 4,000 0 1,300 O 2,200 0 0 1,154 500 953 2,133 1,500 174 1,500 891 5,500 O 5,000 O 1,000 O 0 3,000 6,000 1,500 3,000 500 4,000 600 1,000 4,000 2,000 1,000 100 700 500 1,000 15,000 86,685 20,000 0 125,743 130,000 130,000 O 2,000 0 500 5,458 2,500 0 300 4,000 1,300 2,200 5,000 1,500 1,500 25,000 7,000 0 6,000 5,500 5,000 1,000 50,000 1,500 3,000 500 0 600 2,500 200 45,000 200 130,000 2,000 500 0 300 12,500 13,116 7,000 0 7,000 3,505 10,000 0 6,000 O 0 2,830 1,000 1,000 24,986 25,336 25,000 1,654 2,000 2,000 Radon, Tri -Chi 13,348 1,000 1,000 12,722 22,000 22,000 $5 21 /Connection per Qtr (M) 3,947 4,349 4,438 5,000 5,000 Gopher State One -Call (M) 0 0 15,500 0 803 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 2,000 1,000 100 700 500 494,262 569,022 693,703 713,800 770,400 50% 601 50 602 100% 601 Inserts Water Bill Statements Disks, Ribbons, etc Chlorine, Flounde, Palyphos Maintenance Supplies Meters, Mill's CU Horns Change -Outs for Radio Reads Patching for Breaks Topsod, Seed Sod Raise 6 Hydrants Per Year Miscellaneous Meter Parts GV Extensions Sufficient for 2 Replacements 1,000 Wrenches, Shovels, etc 3,000 38,000 61,500 Wellhead Protection Plan 9,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20%) 5,600 MN Department of Public Safety RMR Services Lines for Telemetry Billings with Inserts Replace /Repair Radios Phones AWWA National Seminar Mau -in Repairs PT'ers Personnel Changes Page Two July 11, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 601 49400 01 352 00 General Notices Public Info 0 410 601 49400 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 3,333 4,107 5,42 601 49400 01 369 00 Other insurance 12,499 13,306 15,75 601 49400 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 253 507 33 601 49400 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 0 0 601 49400 01 393 00 P C Hardware 'Purchases 0 0 601 49400 01 394 00 F C Software Purchases 0 2,130 601 49400 01 395 00 P C Repairs 0 0 601 49400 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other 'mar 2,86 0 3,00 3,000 601 49400 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 533 0 4 4,000 601 49400 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 847 686 39 800 800 AW WA for 2 Members 601 49400 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 0 0 300 300 Reference Matenals 601 49400 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 213 1,320 1,500 601 49400 01 437 01 MN Health Department School 63 1500 1,000 (M) 601 49400 01 437 02 AWWA Conference 2 500 500 601 49400 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 2,806 6,330 5,646 6,000 6,000 DNR Annual Water Use (M) 601 49400 01 521 00 Building Structure Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 Pymt on P W Building (6 of 20) 601 49400 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bidgs 0 16,806 207,500 601 49400 01 530 01 Annual Inspection of Wells 0 30,000 30,000 Each Well Done Every 7 Years 601 49400 01 530 02 Miscellaneous Improvements 1,949 30,000 30,000 601 49400 01 530 03 CRP of Watermain 19,024 30,000 100,000 Annual Pavement Management 601 49400 01 530 04 Replace Pickup #342 0 0 22,500 50% of Total Estimated Cost 601 49400 01 530 05 Survey Grade GPS 0 0 25,000 50% of Total Estimated Cost 601 49400 01 560 00 Furniture Fixture Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1 000 601 49400 01 570 00 Office Equipment Purchases 0 0 421 1,0 00 1500 Chair, Table 601 49400 01 586 00 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 611 00 Interest on Lease Payments 5,637 5,419 5,190 0 0 P W Budding Expansion(See 521) 601 49400 01 710 00 Transfers 0 0 110,528 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements 601 49400 -01 TOTALS 523,246 620,042 859,029 855,100 1,032,200 601 4940301 221 00 Equipment Parts 767 602 1,188 1,000 1,000 601 49403 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 1,666 1,724 0 500 500 601 49403 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 1,000 1000 Independent Inspections 601 49403 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49403 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 5,671 9,983 10,271 7,500 7,500 Pumping Lighting 601 49403 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 542 896 656 2,00 2,000 Heat Engine Backup 601 49403 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 0 0 0 25 000 25,000 Increase Pumping Capacity 601 49403 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 100 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL WELL #3 601 49406 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 601 49406 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 601 40406 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49406 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49406 0' 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49406 01 383 00 Gas Utilities TOTAL EAST SIDE W/M VAULT 601 49407 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 601 49407 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 601 49407 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49407 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49407 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49407 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 601 49407 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 601 49407 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 601 49407 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bidgs 8,95 13,21 21 10,28 1 0 TOTAL WELL #7 10,599 16,439 14,308 16,300 0 500 500 Newsletters 4,500 4,500 Water's Share of Premiums 14,000 14,000 Water's Share of Premiums 500 500 Auto Read Software Support 200 200 1 000 4,000 Laptops 2,500 2,500 500 500 12,326 37,400 37,400 O 1,000 1,000 O 0 0 O 1,000 1,000 O 300 300 1,867 500 500 Pumping Lighting 0 0 0 Heat Only 2,800 0 1,887 2,800 1,996 852 500 1 ,724 0 300 0 0 500 211 211 300 11,755 13,325 14,000 0 0 0 753 120 600 0 0 100 0 0 0 500 300 500 Independent Inspections 300 14,000 Pumping Lighting 0 800 RTU's, Pump Motor, etc 100 Contingencies 0 16,300 Page Three July 11, 2005 Account Description 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 601 49408 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 4,85 932 220 1,000 1,000 601 49408 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 100 100 601 49408 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 10 0 0 0 0 601 49408 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 21 211 211 300 300 601 49408 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 12,76 17,375 15,816 18,000 18,000 Pumping Lighting 60' 49408 0 383 00 Gas Utilities 40 447 496 600 600 Heat Only TOTAL WELL #8 18,33 18,964 16,743 20,000 20,000 601 49409 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 10 1,411 0 500 500 601 49409 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 100 100 601 49409 0' 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 601 49409 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 21 211 211 300 300 601 49409 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 22,94 24,048 24,041 30,000 30,000 Pumping Lighting 601 49409 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 62 849 840 1,000 1,000 Heat Only 601 49409 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 100 100 Contingencies TOTAL WELL #9 23,88 26,519 25,092 32,000 32,000 601 49410 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 1,000 1 000 601 49410 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 84 4,424 0 0 0 601 49410 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 164 0 100 100 601 49410 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 95 936 928 1,000 1,000 601 49410 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 8,31 8,716 8,492 9,000 9,000 Pumping Lighting 601 49410 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 10 0 1,800 2,900 2,900 TOTAL -WELL #10 10,21 14,240 11,220 14,000 14,000 601 49411 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 40 1,245 0 0 0 601 49411 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 0 Pumping Ughting TOTAL -WELL #11 40 1,24 0 0 601 49412 01 221 DO Equipment Parts 601 49412 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 60' 49412 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49412 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49412 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49412 07 383 00 Gas Utilities 601 49412 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL WELL #12 601 49414 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 601 49414 01 223 00 Building Repair Supplies 601 49414 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49414 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49414 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49414 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 601 49414 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL WELL #14 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget cG 500 500 100 100 1,000 1,000 300 300 30,000 30,000 Pumping Lighting 1,000 1,000 Heat Only 100 100 Contingencies 33,00 33,000 0 33,000 Comments 500 100 1,000 300 30,000 Pumping lighting 1,000 Heat Only 100 Contingencies Page Four July 11, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 601 49415 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 601 49415 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49415 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49415 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 601 49415 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL WATER TOWER #1 601 49416 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 601 49416 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 601 49416 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 601 49416 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 601 49416 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 601 49416 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 601 49416 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs TOTAL WATER TOWER #2 TOTAL WATER TOWER #3 (East Side Water Tower) GRAND TOTAL ALL DEPTS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed 211 21 761 61 0 0 0 1.790 21 76 972 823 2,76 0 500 500 Touch -up Paint 0 500 500 Tower Inspection 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 200 200 Contingencies 0 1,700 1,700 3,694 3,629 3,729 6,000 6,000 600,300 715 115 947,079 1,021,800 1,231,900 S'1 500 500 Touch -up Paint 500 500 Tower Inspection 300 300 1,000 1,000 500 500 200 200 Contingencies 500 500 3,500 3,500 601 49417 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 0 0 601 49417 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 0 601 49417 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 601 49417 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies TOTAL WATER TOWER #4 0 0 0 0 0 (Bacardi Water Tower) 601 49418 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 601 49416 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 Tower Inspection 601 49415 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 1,873 1,873 1,873 2,000 2,000 601 49418 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 1,821 1,757 1856 2,000 2,000 601 49418 01 409 00 Other Contracted Repairs Maint 0 0 0 500 500 601 49418 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies 601 49418 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 300 300 Page One July 11, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY REVENUES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 602 33425 00 Other State Grants Aids 0 930 0 0 0 602 34108 00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds 41,939 87,127 18,103 17,000 17,000 5% of 5 %Fees -COnst Projects 602 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 27,162 64,803 48,669 30,000 40,000 602 36102 00 Penalties Interest S?A 645 7,029 (1,496) 0 0 602 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 67,241 69,345 73,386 70,000 80,000 602 36214 00 Net Change in FV- Investments 14,427 (18,017) (1,438) 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 602 36215 00 Interest Earnings 443 490 476 600 600 602 36260 00 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 602 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 141,000 141,800 602 37210 00 Residential Sewer Revenues 811 027 972,190 970,582 850,000 900,000 602 37220 00 Apartment Sewer Revenues 46,182 45,720 49,364 50,000 55,000 602 37225 00 Institutional Sewer Revenues 30,780 31,058 30,548 35 000 35,000 602 37230 00 Commercial Sewer Revenues 45,342 48,689 50,547 50,000 55,000 602 37240 00 Industrial Sewer Revenues 6,566 4,980 5,274 6,000 6,000 602 37260 00 Penalties Sewer Revenues 7,883 0,345 11,786 8,000 8,000 602 39103 00 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal 0 352 0 0 0 602 39203 00 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 1,099,638 1324,041 1,255,782 1257,600 1,338,400 Page One July 11, 2005 Account It 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY EXPENDITURES D 602 49450 101 00 Salaries Benefits 602 49450 77 101 00 Administrative 602 49450 78 101 00 Technical /Clerical 602 49450 79 101 00 Maintenance 602 49450 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 602 49450 103 00 Part-Tme Salaries Benefits 602 49450 99 103 01 Uttldy Commission Wages (50%) 602 49450 99 103 02 Maintenance Labor 602 49450 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 602 49450 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 602 49450 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 602 49450 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49450 01 224 00 Street Maintenance Materials 602 49450 01 225 00 Landscaping Matenals 602 49450 01 227 00 Utility System Maintenance Supplies 602 49450 01 241 00 Small Tools 602 49450 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 602 49450 01 303 00 Engineenng Fees 602 49450 01 303 01 GIS Update of Asbullts 602 49450 01 303 02 42/52 Sewer Study 602 49450 01 304 00 Legal Fees 602 49450 01 312 00 Gopher State One Call 602 49450 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 602 49450 01 313 01 Temp Service Fees 602 49450 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 602 49450 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 602 49450 01 319 01 Televising 602 49450 01 319 02 Root Control 602 49450 01 319 03 Supervisory Controls(Mant Cont) 602 49450 01 319 04 Meter Reading Charges 602 49450 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49450 01 322 00 Postage Costs 602 49450 01 323 00 Radio Units 602 49450 01 331 00 Travel Expense 602 49450 01 333 00 Freight Express Expenses 602 49450 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 602 49450 01 349 00 Other Advertising 602 49450 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 602 49450 01 369 00 Other Insurance 602 49450 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 602 49450 01 392 00 P C Accessories Supplies 602 49450 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 602 49450 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 602 49450 01 395 00 P C Repairs 602 49450 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Impr 602 49450 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 602 49450 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 602 49450 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 602 49450 01 435 00 Books 8 Pamphlets 602 49450 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 602 49450 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 602 49450 01 521 00 Building Structure Purchases 602 49450 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bidgs 602 49450 01 530 01 Miscellaneous Improvements 602 49450 01 530 02 Misc Improvements /Repairs 602 49450 01 530 03 CRP of Sewerma 602 49450 01 530 04 Replace Pickup #342 602 49450 01 530 05 Survey Grade GPS 602 49450 01 530 06 Crash Attenuator 602 49450 01 540 00 Heavy Machinery Purchases 602 49450 01 560 00 Furniture Fixture Purchases 602 49450 01 570 00 Office Equipment Purchases 602 49450 01 602 00 Sewer Service Charges 602 49450 01 611 00 Interest on Lease Payments 602 49450 01 710 00 Transfers 602 49450 -01 TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $175555 5222.228 $393,800 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 9,786 10,444 19,476 14,496 13 1,31 131 0 15,667 O 0 O 0 0 0 51 81,215 113,591 118,556 7,178 19,545 1,284 1,385 1,50 0 0 0 0 53 0 24 331 87 1,356 11 650 1,828 2,66 127 547 33 841 4,187 1,51 3,217 8,907 25 O 0 O 0 O 167 2,24 3,947 4,349 4,4 15,50 0 0 80 9,750 6,000 3,00 4,179 10,775 3.000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 SCADA System 2,43 4,000 0 RMR Services 449 43 43 600 600 Lines for Telemetry 2,541 2,81 3,04 3,000 3,000 Billings with Inserts 71 64 544 1,000 1,000 Replace /Repair Radios 8 Phones 1,000 1,000 National Conference 1 100 100 Mail-in Repairs 300 300 P/T'ers Personnel Changes 500 500 3,31 4,08 5,40 4,500 4,500 Sewer's Share of Premiums 9,27 9,17 9,26 12,000 12,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 25 50 33 300 300 Auto Read Software Support 200 200 1,000 4,000 Laptops 2,13 2,500 2,500 500 500 6 1,08 12 1,94 14,26 460,466 510,640 546,45 5,637 5,419 5,19 O 0 18,35 94,700 136,100 145,400 10,000 15,000 1,500 1500 Inserts Water Bill Statements 200 200 Disks, Ribbons, etc 500 500 Root Killer, Degreaser 200 200 2,500 2,500 Patching 400 400 Topsoil, Seed Sod 1,500 1,500 Manhole Castings 500 500 Wrenches, Shovels, etc 3,000 3,000 7,000 7,000 10,000 15,000 500 5,000 0 6,000 2,00 20 2,00 50 30 2,00 10 10,00 20,00 20,00 30,00 7Q0 50 50 600,0 98,700 142,100 153,000 10,000 15,000 1,000 50 602, 50% 601 14,000 100% 602 0 20,000 20,000 100.000 22,500 25,000 6,500 712,080 839,964 981,437 1,237,600 22,000 500 5,000 Gopher State One -Call (M) 0 9,000 Contracted Engineer for Clty(20 8 000 2 000 200 2000 500 300 Reference Materials 2,000 MEGA School Miscellaneous 100 Contingencies 10,000 Pymt on P W Building (6 of 20) 194,000 0 500 500 1,316,200 Annual Pavement Management 50% of Total Estimated Cost 50% of Total Estimated Cost 50% of Total Estimated Cost 600,000 MWCC Charges 0 P W Building Expansion(See 521) 0 Transfers for Other Improvements Page Two July 11, 2005 Account Descnphon 602 49451 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49451 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 602 49451 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 602 49451 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49451 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 602 49451 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Impr 602 49451 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 602 49452 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49452 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 602 49452 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supphes 602 49452 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49452 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 602 49452 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Impr 602 49452 01 439 00 Other hliscellaneous Charges 602 49453 01 219 0 602 49453 01 221 0 602 49453 01 229 0 602 49453 01 321 0 602 49453 01 381 0 602 49453 01 403 0 602 49453 01 439 0 602 49454 01 219 0 602 49454 01 221 0 602 49454 01 229 0 602 49454 01 321 0 602 49454 01 381 0 602 49454 01 403 0 602 49454 01 439 0 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY EXPENDITURES• TOTAL LIFT STATION #1 TOTAL -1,1E7 STATION #7 0 Other Operating Supplies O Equipment Parts O Other Maintenance Supplies 0 Telephone Costs 0 Electric Utilities O Contracted R M- Other Impr O Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL LIFT STATION #3 O Other Operating Supplies O Equipment Parts O Other Maintenance Suppttes O Telephone Casts O Electric Utihbes O Contracted R 8 M Other Impr O Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL LIFT STATION #4 602 49455 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49455 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 602 49455 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 602 49455 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49455 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 602 49455 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Impr 602 49455 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL LIFT STATION #5 602 49456 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49456 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 602 49456 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 602 49456 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49456 01 381 00 Electric Util,ties 602 49456 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Impr 602 49456 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL LIFT STATION #6 602 49457 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 602 49457 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 602 49457 01 229 00 Other Maintenance Supplies 602 49457 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 602 49457 01 361 00 Electric Utilities 602 49457 01 403 00 Contracted R 8 M Other Impr 602 49457 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL LIFT STATION #7 (Glendalough Lift Station) GRAND TOTAL ALL DEPTS 2005 2008 Obiect 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 0 0 0 100 15 0 1,302 500 O 0 0 200 211 211 211 300 551 538 577 800 4,206 0 0 200 0 0 0 100 4,983 74 2,090 2,200 0 0 100 100 284 5,344 500 500 0 0 200 200 211 21 211 300 300 677 2 289 1,000 1,000 O 0 200 200 O 0 100 100 Contingencies 1,171 23 5,844 2,400 2,400 0 0 100 0 506 500 O 0 200 211 21 211 300 1,967 1,80 2,457 2,000 0 0 200 0 0 100 2,178 2,01 3,174 3,400 0 0 100 5,518 1,95 7,162 500 0 0 500 283 21 211 300 3,351 2,83 2,822 3,200 0 0 200 0 0 100 9,152 4,99 10,195 4,900 0 0 100 1,884 8,014 500 0 0 200 211 211 211 300 2,35 3,13 3,467 3,500 0 200 O 100 4,44 3,34 11,692 4,900 O 100 134 50 O 20 169 3 0 9 794 80 0 2 0 10 9 1,09 2,20 0 734,009 851,400 1,015,529 1257,600 1,338,400 Comments 100 500 200 300 800 200 100 Contingencies 2,200 100 500 200 300 2,000 200 100 Contingencies 3,400 100 500 500 300 3,200 Hawkins Pond 200 100 Contingencies 4,900 100 500 200 300 3,500 Country Hills 200 100 Contingencies 4,900 100 500 200 300 800 200 100 Contingencies 2,200 100 500 200 300 800 200 100 Contingencies 2,200 Page One July 11, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY REVENUES- 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detari Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 603 34108 00 Administrative Fees -Other Funds $41,939 $87,127 $18,103 $17,000 517,000 5% of 5% Fees-Const Protects 603 36101 00 Principal Special Assessments 39,257 48,032 22,844 30,000 30,000 603 36102 00 Penalties Interest S/A 562 1,997 1,933 0 0 603 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 56,273 47,475 47,560 50,000 60 000 603 36214 00 Net Change in FV- Investments 12,090 (8,187) 1 140 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 603 36215 00 Interest Earnings 257 514 382 200 500 603 36260 00 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 603 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 0 603 37300 00 Storm Water Utility Revenues 496,682 622,250 583,636 575,000 626,000 603 37360 00 Penalties Storm Water Utility 1,197 2,183 4,432 3,000 4,000 603 39203 00 Transfer From 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 648,257 701,391 680,031 675,200 737,500 (1 Page One July 11, 2005 Account 2008 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES Description 603 49500 101 00 Salaries Benefits 603 49500 77 101 00 Admimstratrve 603 49500 78 101 00 Technical /Clencal 603 49500 79 101 00 Maintenance 603 49500 102 00 Full -Time Overtime $142,684 $161,193 64,15 59,27 8,830 9,821 4,38 603 49500 01 203 00 Printed Forms Paper 801 1,38 603 49500 01 204 00 Envelopes Letterhead 0 603 49500 01 205 00 Drafting Supplies 0 603 49500 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 603 49500 01 215 00 Shop Materials 0 603 49500 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 460 18 603 49500 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 0 603 49500 01 224 00 Street Maintenance Materials 1,121 603 49500 01 225 00 Landscaping Materials 7,607 2,20 603 49500 01 225 01 Rip -Rap, Matting, Rock, etc 603 49500 01 225 02 Black Dirt, Seet Sod, etc 603 49500 01 225 03 603 49500 01 226 00 603 49500 01 23000 803 49500 01 24100 603 49500 01 24200 Sign Repair Materials Equipment Repair Material Small Tools Minor Equipment 803 49500 01 303 00 Engineering Fees 603 49500 01 303 01 Problem Area Investigations 603 49500 01 303 02 NPDES Phase II 603 49500 01 304 00 Legal Fees 603 49500 01 310 00 Testing Services 603 49500 01 312 00 Contract Inspection Fees 603 49500 01 313 00 Temporary Service Fees 603 49500 01 313 01 Temp Service Fees 603 49500 01 315 00 Special Programs (County Program) 603 49500 01 318 00 Contract Engineer 603 49500 01 319 00 Other Professional Services 603 49500 01 322 00 Postage Costs 603 49500 01 323 00 Radio Units 603 49500 01 331 00 Travel Expense 603 49500 01 352 00 General Notices Pabac Info 603 49500 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 603 49500 01 369 00 Other Insurance 603 49500 01 384 OD Refuse Disposal 603 49500 01 389 00 Other Utility Services 603 49500 01 391 00 P C Maintenance 603 49500 01 393 00 P C Hardware Purchases 603 49500 01 394 00 P C Software Purchases 803 49500 01 403 00 Contracted R M Other Imp( 603 49500 01 403 01 Ditching 603 4950D 01 403 02 Miscellaneous Repairs 603 49500 01 404 00 Contracted Mach Equip Repairs 603 49500 01 416 00 Machinery Rental 603 49500 01 433 00 Dues 8 Subscriptions 803 49500 01 435 00 Books Pamphlets 603 49500 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 603 49500 01 437 01 Storm Water Management 603 49500 01 437 02 Hydrocad Training 603 49500 01 437 03 Wetlands Training 603 49500 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 603 49500 01 530 00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 603 49500 01 530 01 CRP of Storm Sewer 603 49500 01 530 02 Crash AOenuator 603 49500 01 540 00 Heavy Machinery Purchases 603 49500 01 560 00 Furniture 8 Fixture Purchases 603 49500 D1 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 603 49500 01 586 00 Computer Equipment Purchases 603 49500 01 710 00 Transfers 603 49500 01 710 01 1/2 of 2006 P 8, I Payments(1996B) 603 49500 01 710 02 1/2 of 2006 P I Payments(1999C) 603 49500 01 710 03 1/2 of 2006 P 1 Payments(20015) 603 49500 01 710 04 1/2 of 2006 P I Payments(200151) 603 49500 01 710 05 1/2 of 2006 P I Payments(20026) 603 49500 01 710 06 1/2 of 2006 P I Payments(2002C) 603 49500 01 710 07 1/2 of 2006 P I Payments(2003A) 603 49500 01 710 10 Projects 603 -49500.01 TOTALS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 0 0 414 0 0 9,750 6,715 2,541 500 0 0 2,508 5,256 0 0 253 0 0 9,069 0 258 3,065 0 1,775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 541 0 6,000 0 2,813 231 0 291 2,888 5,436 0 0 0 0 2,130 0 0 0 101 0 6,160 D 0 0 0 1,50 22 8 31 42,018 60,944 3,26 25,98 45 1,316 546 17 0 0 O 0 O 0 53 3,85 3,00 5,63 3,04 61 14 2,08 6,03 33 0 149 0 0 101 179 181 131 135,675 72,807 1,39 3,000 1,000 0 500 1,000 1,000 0 5,00 10,00 1,00 5,00 20,00 1,00 335 1,00 O 50 O 50 126 70,00 50 2,00 50 3,000 1000 0 0 5,000 10,000 1,000 500 500 15 000 0 170,000 270,000 321,000 51,000 50,000 50,000 41,000 42,000 41,000 54,000 53,000 54 000 77,000 75,000 77,000 17,000 19,000 29,000 Storm Share of Water /Storm Issue 26,000 26,000 26,000 Storm Share of Hwy 3 Project 43,000 44,000 44,000 Storm Share of Connemara Proj 95,670 0 0 552,795 605,802 592,066 661,200 723,500 Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $167,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 0 0 82,600 86,300 76,700 80,800 10,000 10 000 1,500 1,500 0 0 200 200 Paper, Pens Reproduction 200 200 Stakes, Ribbons Level, etc 200 200 500 500 500 500 Filters, Hoses, Lights, etc 2,000 2,000 Blacktop Gravel Washouts 4 000 500 Advance Waning Sign Rental 1,000 Due to Breakdowns 1,000 Shovels, Rakes, Picks, etc 0 20 000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10 000 2,000 2,000 1 ,000 1,000 Water Quality Tests (M) 500 500 3rd Pad Inspection Program (M) 0 0 5,000 5,000 Wetland Health Evaluation Proj 6,000 9,000 Contracted Engineer for City(20 0 0 3,000 3,000 Billings 8. Into Mailings 1,200 1,200 Replacements Repairs 200 200 1,000 1,000 Public Info Brochure 3,500 3,500 Storm Water's Share of Premums 6,000 6,000 Storm Waters Share of Premiums 600 600 Roadside Debns 500 500 Hazardous Materials Disposal 300 300 Auto Read Software Support 1,000 4,000 Laptops 2,500 2,500 1,000 Repairs Sent Out 5,000 Backhoe, Lowboy, Pumps, etc 20,000 Watershed Organization 1 000 Utility Information 2,000 108,500 100,000 Annual Pavement Management 6,500 501 of Total Estimated Cost 0 500 2,000 500 Page Two July 11, 2005 Account 603 49511 01 221 603 49511 01 321 603 49511 01 381 (Shannon Hills 6th) 603 49512 01 221 603 49512 01 321 603 49512 01 381 (Schwarz Pond) 603 49513 01 221 603 49513 01 321 6C3 49513 01 381 (Berger Pond) 803 49514 01 221 803 49514 01 321 603 49514 01 381 (Marcotte Pond) 603 49515 01 221 00 603 49515 01 321 00 603 49515 01 381 00 (Hawkins Pond) 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES• Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 00 Equipment Parts 234 0 0 500 500 00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 00 Electric Utilities 174 183 167 500 500 TOTAL LIFT STATION #1 819 394 378 1,300 1,300 00 Equipment Parts 00 Telephone Costs 00 Electric Utilities TOTAL LIFT STATION #2 00 Equipment Parts 00 Telephone Costs 00 Electric Utilities TOTAL LIFT STATION #3 00 Equipment Parts 00 Telephone Costs 00 Electric Utilities TOTAL LIFT STATION #4 Equipment Parts Telephone Costs Electric Utilities TOTAL LIFT STATION #5 GRAND TOTAL ALL OEPTS 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments 932 0 0 500 211 211 211 300 0 0 0 500 1,142 211 211 1,300 0 581 216 500 500 422 422 422 300 300 5,310 2,834 3,374 5,000 5,000 5,731 3,836 4,011 5,800 5,800 0 202 3,131 3,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 211 42 300 3,096 198 3,500 3,309 241 4,300 0 0 0 0 500 300 3,500 4,300 0 500 500 0 300 300 0 500 500 0 1,300 1,300 563,620 613,552 596,908 675,200 737,500 500 300 500 1,300 Page One 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA REVENUES July 28, 2005 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 206- Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 31010 00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $0 50 SO $0 $0 650 36210 00 Interest Earnings Investments 458 365 103 200 200 650 36215 00 Interest Earnings 270 120 109 200 200 650 36260 00 Other Revenue Learn to Skate 14,007 21,410 26,448 20,000 27 000 Learn to Skate Program (LTS) 650 36265 00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 91,700 103,300 650 38060 00 Prime Time Ice Fees 249,150 250.143 266,383 240,000 250 000 650 38061 00 Non -Prime Time Ice Fees 0 0 0 0 0 650 39063 00 Open Skating Ice Fees 7 629 7,996 8,244 7,000 7,000 650 38065 00 Other Events Arena 0 0 0 500 500 Dry Floor Events 650 38066 00 Advertising Revenue Arena 13,000 6,970 16,200 14,000 14,000 650 38067 00 Skate Sharpening Revenue Arena 4,617 4,362 5,244 4,000 4,000 650 30090 00 Concessions 3,590 3,300 3,224 3,500 3 500 650 38091 00 Vending Machine Revenues 9,908 12,839 10,761 12,000 12 000 650 38095 00 Pro Shop Revenues 1,237 1,440 1,409 1,100 1,100 Tape, Laces, Mouthguards, etc 650 39103 00 Gain or Loss from FHA Disposal 0 0 0 0 0 Sale of Old Ice Resurfacer 650 39201 00 Transfer From General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTALS 303,866 308,947 338,124 394,200 422 800 (14 Page One July 28, 2005 2006 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA EXPENDITURES 2005 2006 Object 2006 2002 2003 2004 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Descnpbon Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 650 45130 101 00 Salaries Benefits 650 45130 77 101 00 Administrative 650 45130 78 101 00 Techrical /Clencal 650 45130 79 101 00 Maintenance 650 45130 79 102 00 Full -Time Overtime 650 45130 103 00 Part-Time Salaries Benefits 650 45130 89 103 00 Learn -TO -Skate Program 650 45130 99 103 00 Building Skate Guard Attendants 650 45130 01 207 00 Training Instructional Supplies 650 45130 01 208 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 650 45130 01 208 01 Skate Magnets 650 45130 01 208 02 Other Supplies 650 45130 01 209 00 Other Office Supplies 650 45130 01 211 00 Cleaning Supplies 650 45130 01 212 00 Motor Fuels 650 45130 01 216 00 Chemicals Chemical Products 650 45130 01 219 00 Other Operating Supplies 650 45130 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 650 45130 01 223 00 Budding Repair Supplies 650 45130 01 241 00 Small Tools 650 45130 01 242 00 Minor Equipment 650 45130 01 265 00 Cther Items for Resale 650 45130 01 305 00 Medical Dental Fees 650 45130 01 317 00 General Fund Admin Fees 650 45130 01 321 00 Telephone Costs 650 45130 01 331 00 Travel Expense 650 45130 01 341 00 Employment Advertising 650 45130 01 349 00 Other Advertising 650 45130 01 365 00 Workers Comp Insurance 650 45130 01 369 00 Other Insurance 650 45130 01 381 00 Electric Utilities 650 45130 01 383 00 Gas Utilities 650 45130 01 384 00 Refuse Disposal 650 45130 01 401 00 Contracted Building Repairs 650 45130 01 404 00 Contracted Mach 8 Equip Repairs 650 45130 01 415 00 Other Equipment Rental 650 45130 01 433 00 Dues Subscriptions 650 45130 01 437 00 Conferences Seminars 650 45130 01 439 00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 650 45130 01 521 00 Building Structure Purchases 650 45130 01 580 00 Other Equipment Purchases 650 45130 01 710 00 Transfers 650 45130 01 710 01 Yearly Maintenance 650 45130 01 710 02 650 45130 01 710 03 FUND TOTALS $93,268 $106,672 4,352 3,865 36,917 36,120 0 0 350 3,356 3,83 0 2,530 3,56 116 30 1,833 2,08 4,934 1,77 56 6,00 1,00 2,24 8,08 81,84 20,37 3,16 4,8 7,70 45 14,45 8 8,00 1,00 2,30 6,32 8416 23,46 2,94 0 0 254 0 14,458 10,66 42,31 69,35 4,48 24,48 7,79 15 31 3,05 1 03 2,39 18 1,55 1,47 78 6,00 1,00 2,55 6,43 87,05 26,82 2,94 5,70 3,97 6,951 4,18 0 453 50 0 24 0 7,208 25,49 31,000 25,300 88,800 4,000 33,000 26,600 95,600 12,500 24,000 15,000 15,000 200 200 1,000 200 800 500 3,500 2,400 3,200 1,000 4,000 4,000 0 0 800 200 800 500 500 6,000 6,000 Yearly Fee Per Admin Fee Policy 1,000 1,000 100 100 500 500 800 800 2,000 2 000 13,000 13,000 85,000 85,000 33,000 33,000 3,500 3,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 300 300 900 900 MIAMA Dues 400 400 MIAMA Seminars 500 500 Contingencies 15,000 32,000 Paint Ceding and Duct Work 5,000 6,000 New Batteries for Zambom 3,500 3,500 3,500 7,400 7,800 0 3,600 3,200 0 296,396 320,292 351,735 394,200 422,800 All Salary Costs Inclusive of $155,200 Salary, Taxes, PERA Benefits 4,000 39,000 500 Learn to Skate Program Supplies 3,500 2,400 Batteries for Resurfacer 3,200 Assorted Floor Products 1,000 Events Supplies 4,000 4,000 0 0 800 Pro Shop Supplies 3 500 4 ROSEMOUNT ADMINISTRATION To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator Date: June 27, 2005 Subject: Budget Narrative The Administration Department is responsible for the overall management of all departments within the City and for assunng that departmental activities are consistent with the goals estabhshed by the City Council. Specific functions may be broken down into General Administration, Records Management, Reception, Licensing, Elections, Human Resources Administration, and Pubhc Relations /Communications /Marketing. General Administration Staff assigned to this area provides for the management administration and coordination of activities m all City departments including. Community Development, Finance, Fire, Police, Public Works and Parks and Recreation Administration provides for the preparation and overall management of the City's budgets; offers management for projects that are unique and not assignable to other depaitments (i e. construction of Fire Station II); provides overall coordination of City consultants; oversees the execution of all pohcies as adopted by the City Council, through the Clerk's office provides admuustrative and clerical support to the City Administrator and City Council; and prepares, distributes and maintains City Council meeting documents. Records Management Records management is one of the most essential functions of this department. Administration provides for the preparation and maintenance of official records for the City including Council, Port Authority and Commission minutes. In addition, department staff prepares and assures publication and posting of official notices, supphes public information on ordinances, contracts and pohcies, and adnumsters the collection, storage and dissemination of data. Several staff members provide notary services and the Clerk oversees any DocuWare program changes and trauung. Reception Rosemount's Receptionist provides the initial contact that the pubhc expenences when coming mto City Hall or calling for information. This employee also offers ongoing administrative support to a majority of the departments (i e. prepares invoices, data input of utility payments, orders and maintains inventory of meters, transcribes letters /memos /reports for the fire department, assists with mailnags). Along with the City Clerk, the Receptionist prepares and executes all elections. Licensing The issuance and renewal of liquor and beer licenses; peddlers, sohcitors and transient merchants, gambling permits, and block party street closures are all functions of the Admimstranon Department. This effort is coordinated with other city departments to ensure that licenses are issued according to ordinance requirements. Elections Administration staff manages City elections. A few duties include: organizing voter registration, mamtaining election equipment, recruiting and training election judges, preparmg the polling locations and performing Election Day activities. Human Resources Administration The human resources division of the department provides services that will retain current employees and aid in the recruitment of new employees. Staff administers City personnel policies and procedures, assures compliance with uruon contract language, and meets the terms of state and federal labor regulations The human resources division is responsible for the planning, coordination and evaluation of City -wide training to support employment law compliance and achievement of goals and policies. Staff mamtams relationships with collective bargaining umts. Public Relations/Communications Marketing Staff within this division manages the internal and external communications (i.e. newsletters, informational mailings, press releases, Internet, and Intranet) regarding the City's achievements, challenges, and goals. As the "public relations hub" this area guides the media and public toward key messages and requested information Staff also aids in the preparation and execution of public information in times of emergency response In addition, the Communications Coordinator maintains and updates the City's photographic archive of events and supervises the implementation and utilization of our visual identity system to promote the City's development interests. Efficiencies and Operational Change The human resources staff of Dakota County and cities within Dakota County (HiPP) has been meeting regularly to discuss more efficient and effective ways of providing benefits and services to employees. The group has recently submitted a report to the board with recommendations regarding insurance purchasing and health management programs. At this tune, the admuustration is working with other municipalities and the county to jointly purchase long -term disability, life and dental msurance It is through this approach that we predict a reduction in administration costs and overall rates HiPP also made recommendations to further study the creation of a county -wide health insurance plan and to hire a joint Health Management Coordinator to work with the cities in reducing overall claims expenence ($10,000). New Initiatives (see following pages for details) Council Budget: Quarterly newsletter (additional $18,000) Community Forums ($10,000) Administration Budget: Addition of elections precinct ($19,000) Expansion of marketing ($14,000) Expansion of staff trauung ($10,000) Future Forecast With the city growing at such a fast pace analysis needs to be conducted regarding the staff and equipment capacity each of our buildings can absorb. After the City Hall remodeling project this fall (creation of 2 -4 work spaces) this building will reach its staff capacity. The Public Works buildings reached its equipment capacity some time ago and they continue to have issues regarding OSHA compliance due to the lack of space. Within the Key Financial Strategies it has been determined that a Space Needs Assessment take place in 2006 ($30,000). CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL. NEW INITIATIVE /PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative/Program Name Addition of a new precinct Department Primarily Responsible Adniiiusttation Brief Narrative of initiative/Program: Due to development east of Biscayne and soon in Harmony, Precinct 2 should be split into two voung distracts. Need moderate to high. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? Lines have continued to grow longer and waiting umes have increased for voting at Precinct 2. 'Wait tunes can be as long at 45 minutes and this precinct has the highest number of location complaints. In addition it already exceeds the County's recommendation of 1,500 registered voters per location If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? The wait lines will continue to grow and the complaints are expected to increase. Estimated Cost and Cost Details: Equipment $14,500, Forms and Paper $500, Miscl. Supplies $200, Other Supphes $100, Minor Equipment $400, Telephone $50, Other Contracted $200, Staff $3,000 Total $19,000 What are the funding options for this initiative/program? General Fund What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? Ongoing maintenance What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE /PROGRAM REQUEST initiative /Program Name Marketing activities enhancement Department Primarily Responsible Administration Brief Narrative of Initiative /Program: Purchase video camera, supplies, and staff time to expand marketing activities. We would like to create Informational programs for cable television viewing. The Cable Commission does not own a camera that Rosemount can use. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? No If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? NA Estimated Cost and Cost Details: $14,000 What are the funding options for this initiative /program? General Fund What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? Ongoing maintenance What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE/PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative /Program Name Enhanced staff training Department Primarily Responsible Adnunistratton Brief Narrative of Initiative/Program: As part of the HIPP initiative, Dakota County and cities within Dakota County are discussing joint opportunities to train staff. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? This imtiative would enhance city services If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? Unknown Estimated Cost and Cost Details: $10,000 What are the funding options for this initiative /program? General Fund What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? None What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE /PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative /Program Name Bi monthly newsletter Department Primarily Responsible Admimstranon (Council budget) Brief Narrative of Initiative /Program: Currently the City sends out a quarterly newsletter to residents. The Parks and Recreation Department and Administration Department have been discussing the possibility of splitting the pubhcanons in 2006. By increasing the dtstnbuuon of City pubhcanons going to residents and businesses, more timely information would be circulated and there would be an increase in marketing /pubhc relauons exposure. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? No If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? Estimated Cost and Cost Details: There is currently $8,000 in the Council budget to contribute to the cost of the newsletter The Parks and Recreation Department pays for a majority of the quarterly newsletter By creation of a bi- monthly newsletter Council's budget would need to be increased to $26,000. What are the funding options for this initiative /program? General Fund, or the selling of advertisements to offset the additional costs. What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? This will take additional staff tune by all departments. What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE /PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative/Program Name Community Forums Department Primarily Responsible Administration (Council budget) Brief Narrative of Initiative/Program: During the Council goal setting session the creation of community forums was discussed. It is anticipated that a consultant would be hired to work with staff m the creation of community groups to sohcit opinions and ideas. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? No If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? Estimated Cost and Cost Details: $10,000 to hold quarterly meetings with community members What are the funding options for this initiative /program? General Fund What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? Unknown, dependent on outcome of meetings What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE /PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative /Program Name Space needs Assessment Department Primarily Responsible Administration Brief Narrative of Initiative /Program: Space limitations in each City building will cause problems in the near future. Space needs m the Public Works buildings are nearing a cntical point. If this project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? Yes If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? There have already been some issues in relation to OSHS regulations, while the maintenance division has been able to address the problems with a "band -aid" approach, these issues will only continue to occur. The division could run more efficiently at tunes if there was adequate space for equipment. Estimated Cost and Cost Details: $30,000 What are the funding options for this initiative /program? General Fund What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? Unknown What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Status Quo Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 425,000 Trade -In Net Total Cost CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Admuustration Dept. Account No. 2 Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Removed from the 2006 CIP Budget S25,000 for records retention equipment Because of the need to expand Docuware capabilities in 2005, equipment has already been purchased. 3. Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. 4 If the item requires an mcrease in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request. 5 Indicate any xP 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. OVERVIEW: MISSION, VISION AND GOALS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Community Development Department plays an important role as the City moves toward its mission of providing a safe, healthy and pleasant community in a fiscally responsible manner. The Building Inspection and Planning Divisions play a key role in making Rosemount a safe and pleasant community. These divisions are also involved in reaching the City Council's goals in affordable housing and property maintenance. The Economic Development Division addresses the City's vision statement by fostering opportunities to live, work and shop. The division helps the City enhance its small town character and pride, for example, through downtown redevelopment. The division, along with the Rosemount Port Authority, plays a vital role in meeting goals of the City Council such as commercial enhancement and business growth. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Is responsible for providing the services of building permit review, building inspection, code administration, consultation and review on new and existing buildings and structures within the City Is responsible for the maintenance and enforcement of city ordinances and codes relating to building, health, life safety and environmental conditions and to assure local compliance with county, state and federal regulations relating to the same activities. Is responsible for the successful implementation of all structural development and assuring regulated and controlled standards within Rosemount. Is responsible for monitoring and permitting all individual sewage treatment systems within the City. Is responsible for reports submitted to all appropriate jurisdictions concerning building activities. CODE ENFORCEMENT Is responsible for enforcement of city ordinances and codes relating to PLANNING health, life safety, environmental, and nuisance conditions and assure local compliance with county, state, and federal regulations relating to the same activities. Is responsible for sign ordinance implementation and permitting. Is responsible for drafting of code text amendments to carry out Council goals and City initiatives. Is responsible for reviewing proposed developments for compliance with the zoning and subdivision ordinance and coordinating interdepartmental staff review of all residential, commercial, institutional and industrial developments. Is responsible for providing recommendations to Planning Commission and City Council on all deliberations concerning land use, zoning, variances, site plan reviews, platting and special permits (interim use permits, mining permits, etc.). Is responsible for maintaining zoning and subdivision ordinances and the City's Comprehensive Plan in compliance with county, state and federal requirements (statutes and rules). Is responsible for long -range planning and special studies that guide the physical development of the community. Is involved with state and regional activities affecting the City, including, but not limited to, land use, transportation, mining, housing and environmental services. Includes active participation by departmental staff in various committees and organizations. Is involved with issuance of development related permits such as grading and building permits. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Is responsible for marketing development opportunities within the City and creating an interest in Rosemount. Is responsible for creating and coordinating the establishment of tax increment districts and other economic incentives. Is responsible for coordinating the state, county and local approval processes to insure the proponent's requests are met in a timely fashion. Is responsible for staffing the majority of functions of the Rosemount Port Authority. Is involved with state and regional economic development organizations and functions. Revenue Enhancements At this time the community development department functions as a revenue source for the City due to permit fees. Given the political climate at the State Legislature additional revenue enhancements related to building or planning are not recommended. Currently the City must itemize the revenues and expenditures of these two departments and submit a report to the State. This is due public concerns about building permit revenues. There are also some ongoing lawsuits in other suburban communities relating to use of building permit revenues. We continue to review our fees annually and have revised as we fine tune the staff time necessary to complete certain tasks. In the building division, we have added some permits this year and have stopped requiring some, based upon issues that have arisen. These changes come about due to building issues and staff's desire to regulate a particular activity and are not related to a desire to enhance revenues. Budget and Service Volatility There are two issues that could impact department revenues. The first and more realistic is the reduction in building permits over the next several years as the City has limited developable land. Other the course of the last two years, there have been larger subdivision projects approved, however, there have been less projects overall. This means the number of building permits will be dependent upon fewer builders who may be hampered by sales, the ability to obtain materials, and the ability to construct only so many units annually. Previously there were more development projects, thereby reducing the City's reliance on the success of only one or two projects. For example the Harmony project was approved for 640 units; however, they anticipate constructing 100 new units in 2006. The rate of development in ongoing projects coupled with a reduction in the total number of approved projects within the City will lead to a decrease in residential building permits for next year and most likely 2007. Planning staff initiated the 42/52 study to address some of the land supply issues. It is anticipated that the Comprehensive Plan amendment will be approved in fall or winter 2005 However, there is an approximate 2 year lag time between land availability and home construction. Planning approvals need to be obtained and utilities installed. To permit new unit construction in 2007, planning approvals would be necessary this year so utilities could be installed the summer of 2006. In speaking with Arcon, one of the companies that control several hundred acres near Akron Avenue, they indicated they have no firm time commitment to begin planning and construction. The second issue is legislative. For the past two years there has been legislation that would allow builders to hire private building inspectors rather than use the city personnel. This would have a dramatic impact on the city, in terms of staffing and revenues. Efficiencies and Operational Change Staff has been making modifications to our organizational structure to better track building and planning permits. We will continue to review our procedures to increase efficiencies. Our department along with others in the City is reviewing potential software packages that will allow us to better track information, organize the parcel data in one location, and assist in asset management. New Initiatives While it is not a new initiative, expansion of the GIS capabilities of the City for Planning, Economic Development, Building, Parks, Engineering is a priority. With the hiring of a GIS Coordinator the will be a renewed emphasis on updating and expansion of the GIS program. The Community Development Department will rely on the GIS system for parcel data and neighborhood information. Additionally, mapping of land use and zoning information tied specifically to parcels will occur. Additional maps will be made for marketing and presentation purposes for economic development. A new GIS technician position is being requested in the budget for 2006. Presently there is a GIS intern position which has a $15,000 budget line item. If the new position is funded the internship funds would be folded into the new position It is estimated an additional $59,400 would be needed to cover 2006 salary and benefits. Future Forecast It appears that the residential building permits may be down slightly for the next two years until there is more available MUSA land for development. During that time period, it is expected that commercial and industrial development would increase from that experienced in the past several years. The valuation for non residential permits in 2006 should surpass 2005, especially if the Downtown redevelopment begins. We will be working on additional projects in the building division, such as follow up for permits never finaled. PORT AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATION The Rosemount Port Authority is the successor to the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the Rosemount Economic Development Authority (EDA). As such, the Port Authority is responsible for both redevelopment and economic development activities in the City. The Port Authority concentrates much of its activity on the redevelopment of Downtown Rosemount and will continue to work on other development related to commercial and industrial development. The Port Authority is implementing a marketing campaign to promote commercial and industrial development opportunities in the city as well as promote the Community. 1. Hours per Week 2. Department Cost Allocation 40 4, Position Title GIS Technician 8. List below the job duties to be performed m the requested position(s). 1. Prepares detailed computenzed maps from variety of sources and integrates into the County Geographic Information System (GIS) 2 Maintains and updates GIS databases 3 Provides techmcal support to other departments regarding GIS data and software. 4. Prepares maps for special projects and vanous departments mcludmg but not limited to Planning, Code Enforcement, Economic Development, Marketing, Parks and Recreation 5. Assist in troubleshooting computer software problems for other departments and other software packages 9. Specify how the above hsted job duties are currently performed. Presently we have a part-tune intern that works on GIS mapping on an as needed basis. She has done all the mapping work associated with the 42/52 study and has assisted m updating the city's land use, zoning, and address maps There is additional work needed for the above departiuent needs which would improve the caliber of information for the public and vanous agencies and city commissions Additionally, more mapping information would improve presentation of matenals for public and marketing purposes. The intern will not be able to complete the work desired within the hours she works at the City and a full -tune position is needed. 10. Explam the need for position(s) m detail. See above. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR REGULAR (FULL-TIME OR PART -TIME) PERSONNEL 3. Indicate need for position(s) New Operation X Expanded Services (X Increased Work Load 5. Number Required 6. Salary Range 7. 1st Year Cost Proposed (2005) 44,011 -55 665 $74,400 (includes 3% increase and all benefits at top of range) 11. Additional costs associated with requested position(s). Presently, the part -tune mtem position is funded at $15,000 /yr. This position would be eliminated and the funds transferred to the new position An additional $59,400 would be needed for budgetmg purposes, however, the actual outlay would be lower as the person filling the position would not be hired at the top of the salary range Existing Subdivisions Developer Total Units /Lots SF Vacants MF Vacants Total Remaining 6 Evermoor (25100) CPDC 99 6 Evermoor 2nd Addition (25101) CPDC 54 1 1 Evermoor 3 ,d Addition (25102) CPDC 30 11 11 Evermoor 4" Addition (25103) CPDC 97 19 19 Evermoor Drumchffe (25125) CPDC 47 0 0 Evermoor Wicklow (28900) CPDC 10 0 0 Evermoor Imsfree (25150) CPDC 17 6 6 Evermoor Imsfree 2 Addition (25151) CPDC 3 0 0 Evermoor Clare Downs (25115) CPDC 28 0 0 Evermoor Clare Downs 2n Addition (25116) CPDC 25 0 0 Evermoor Crosscroft (25120) CPDC 18 7 7 Evermoor Crosscroft 2 Addition (25121) CPDC 23 17 17 Evermoor Roundstone (65500) CPDC 119 18 18 Evermoor Glendalough (25140) Lundgren 46 14 14 Evermoor Glendalough 4'" Addition (25143) Lundgren 19 0 0 Evermoor Glendalough 5 Addition (25144) Lundgren 35 35 35 Evermoor Glendalough 6`" Addition (25145) Lundgren 42 42 42 Evermoor Waterford (83400) CPDC 36 1 1 Evermoor Bards Crossing (11390) CPDC 110 55 55 Rosemount, MN Lot Survey May 2005 Page 1 Biscayne Pointe 3` Addition (14502) Heritage Development 48 0 0 Biscayne Pointe 4 Addition (14503) Heritage Development 73 5 5 Biscayne Pointe 5 Addition (14504) Hentage Development 31 3 3 Bloomfield (14700) Centex Homes 157 Bloomfield 2 Addmon (14701) Centex Homes Z 0 Jr 0 Bloomfield 3.d Addition (14702) Centex Homes 41 0 0 Bloomfield 4t Addition (14703) Centex Homes 95 0 0 0 Bloomfield 5 Addition (14704) Centex Homes 54 0 0 Bloomfield 6 Addtnon (14705) Centex Homes 41 0 0 Bloomfield 7 Addition (14706) Centex Homes 54 13 13 Bloomfield Vineyards (14750) Centex Homes 54 0 0 Meadows of Bloomfield (48300) Centex Homes 236 le C (0 Z S2' era Meadows of Bloomfield 2 "d Addition (48301) Centex Homes 20 3 3 Meadows of Bloomfield 3rd Addition (48302) Centex Homes 118 118 118 Carrousel Plaza Townhomes Hentage Development 38 5 5 Geronune Pond 2nd Addition (30251) Heritage Development 52 0 0 Rosewood Estates (64900) Progress Land 55 1 1 Rosewood Village (65200) Progress Land 43 19 19 Rosewood Village 2 Addition (65201) Progress Land 56 18 18 Wensmann 11 Addition (83610) Wensmann 98 0 0 Wensmann 12 Addition (83611) Wensmann 45 0 0 Rosemount, MN Lot Survey May 2005 Page 2 Harmony (32075) CPDC 17S Z,'1 t7 1 Harmony 2 Addition (32076) CPDC 81 81 81 Manley Manley Brothers 2 2 2 Uitenbogerd 4 0 0 Connemara Crossmg Basic Builders 44 44 44 Rosemount, MN Lot Survey May 2005 Page 3 TREASURY The Finance Department is responsible to work with all departments of the City, especially the Administration Department, to ensure that all activities of the City are conducted in a fiscally responsible manner. GENERAL /ADMINISTRATIVE Provides for the fiscal management, processing and maintenance of all accounting transactions for all funds of the City, including budgetary controls, preparation of interim accounting reports and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. DATA PROCESSING FINANCE DEPARTMENT Provides for evaluation of appropriate computer hardware and software on a continuing basis. Coordinates efforts between departments to assure an integrated information system. Acts as an in -house consultant providing technical assistance when possible, and if not possible, coordinating the procurement of outside technical assistance when needed. Fund Management Collects and deposits revenues and manages the investment of idle funds. Budgetary Compiles historical and current expenditure and revenue data to facilitate budget preparation. Bonding Assists in the issuance, sale and record maintenance of indebtedness Insurance Maintains all records for property and worker's comp insurance requirements, handles all claims and prepares all documents for yearly renewals of policies. PAYROLL Receives employee time cards, coordinates insurance, pay rates and other applicable payroll information with personnel, prepares payroll checks, prepares all Federal and State required reports, prepares all employee withheld and employer promised obligation funds for disbursement to applicable organizations, and prepares all reports as needed, both internally and externally. UTILITY BILLING Coordinates the automated reading of all City water meters and the mailing and collection of all utility bills. Handles on the computer system, final bills and new accounts Fields and responds to utility billing questions and complaints Compiles operating statistical information, which is available to other departments as needed ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FINANCE DEPARTMENT Page 2 Processes purchase orders prepared by all departments, checking for accuracy and matching with invoices and all other supporting documentation so payments can be made in a timely manner. Also, prepares all checks and supporting reports that accompany each check run. Coordinates the review of bills by Council by providing applicable reports and supporting documentation. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE /CASH RECEIPTS Prepares invoices for all departments for items /services that must be billed to outside sources. Maintains records that allow for the timely collection of invoiced items /services. Receipts monies on a daily basis and deposits those monies daily in designated banking institutions. Maintains a system that allows for the appropriate reporting of all monies collected within the accounting system. DEPUTY REGISTRAR FIXED ASSETS STAFFING FINANCE DEPARTMENT Page 3 Maintains an office that handles vehicle license renewals, vehicle license transfers and DNR licensing transactions, consistent with the requirements of the State. Responsible for the maintenance of the fixed asset system. This includes all additions, deletions and changes in fixed assets for the City. Also responsible for the corresponding reporting requirements that go along with the system, including year -end information, insurance renewal information and individual department information. In 2005, the department will consist of six positions: Finance Director Accounting Supervisor Payroll Clerk Accounts Payable Clerk Utility Billing /Deputy Registrar Clerks (2) 1. Hours per Week 25 4 Position Title See the attached lob description 11. Additional costs associated with iequested position(s) Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR REGULAR (FULL -TIME OR PART -TJME) PERSONNEL 2. Department Cost 3. Indicate need for position(s) Allocation New Operation 101 100% Expanded Services X Increased Work Load (Roxie Maxa's allocation switched from 101-100% to 101 -50 601 -20 602 -20 603 -10 5 Number Required 6 Salary Proposed Deputy Registrar/ 1 21 09/hr 31,160 90 Utility Billing Clerk (Roxie's 101 share goes from $55,271 94 to $27,635 97 to absorb most of the cost) 8. List below the job duties to be performed m die iequested positron(s). 9 Specify how the above listed Job duties are currently performed. Two full -tune people currently handle all of the duties related to the job description. 7 1st Yea' Cost 10. Explain the need for position(s) in detail. The volume for both Deputy Registrar and Utility Billing has increased to the pomt that an additional person is needed We have been exploring the possibility to switch Utility Billing over to cycle billing but would piobably not be able to do so until we have another person available to help in both al eas Cycle billing would stabilize the woik load m Utility Billing but I don't believe that it would actually decrease the woik load 1 do believe that cycle billing could make our operations in that area more efficient Anothei reason to add another person is for backup to the existing peisonnel In the past our Accounts Payable Clerk, who has Deputy Registrar experience, has provided backup to the front counter Because of her increased woik load that is not possible anymore so backup has become an important issue to consider as well 5,000 1,200 (Office Space) (Computer) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JOB DESCRIPTION JULY 2004 POSITION TITLE: Utility Billing /Deputy Registrar Clerk DEPARTMENT: Finance ACCOUNTABLE TO: Accounting Supervisor SUMMARY OF POSITION This position is responsible for performing clerical and data processing work in the billing of utility services and for the operations of the deputy registrar office. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Receives and processes meter reading data, prepares and mails utility bills, maintains current customer account files, assists in reconciling utility billing activity with the general ledger, prepares assessment roll for delinquent accounts. 2. Receives telephone calls and citizen visits concerning utility bills; handles questions and responds to citizen complaints. 3. Responds to customers wanting license tab renewals and license transfers and general questions from customers, prepares deposits for submittal to the State; and prepares all reports required by the State and the City for submittal and filing. 4. Assists with the receipting of monies and insuring that all receipts are deposited in a timely, prompt and accurate manner. 5. Provides backup to the Accounts Payable Clerk for accounts payable, fixed assets issues, and other support services as needed 6. Provides support to the Accounting Supervisor for the fixed asset function. 7. Composes, types and edits a variety of correspondence, reports, and memoranda 8. Oversees the office supply inventory and assists other departments in meeting their office supply needs. 9. Performs other duties as needed or assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1. Two years of post high school training in accounting principles. 2. One year of relevant experience in accounting or any equivalent combination of education and experience. NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES 1. Knowledge of the principles and practices of governmental accounting administration. 2. Ability to use word processing, spreadsheet, database and financial accounting software. 3 Ability to communicate effectively and professionally with co- workers and members of the public in both written and oral formats. 4. Ability to work under pressure and/or frequent interruptions. 5. Ability to perform mathematic computations accurately and quickly. 6. Ability to gather information, maintain records and classify /organize multiple pieces of information. PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the position The employee is frequently required to walk, sit, talk and hear. The employee is occasionally required to use hands to finger, hand, feel or operate objects, and reach out with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to climb or balance, stoop, kneel or crouch The employee can occasionally be required to stand for extended periods of time The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds Specific vision abilities required by this job include vision, distance vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job Noise level in the work environment is usually fairly quiet while in the office, although the ability to work with constant noise distractions is required. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position This job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and the employee, and is subject to change by the employer as the needs of the employer and requirements of the job may change. STATUS Non exempt Reviewed by: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Quantity N/A Unit Cost $0 Total Cost $64,900 Trade -In $0 Net Total Cost $64,900 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Council Dept. Account No 2 Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired Final payment in the 1996 Lease Purchase for the Fire Department's Aenal Fire Truck #10 of 10). Payment is due June 1, 2006 3 Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savmgs expected from this item N/A 4 If the item requires an increase m personal services foi the activity, state the new lob title(s) contingent upon the item N/A 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. N/A 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of thus item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc N/A Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 2 $25,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 Department Finance Dept Account No 2 Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired 2 PC File Server Replacements (Both front 2003) Request purchase 1' quarter of 2006. 3 Describe the necessity for and/oi benefits or savings expected fiom this item The file servers foi our main operations should be replaced every three years to keep pace with our growth and changes in our network configuration We are able to minimize costs by utilizing the old file servers in other areas of the City that require file servers, but not to the degiee of our two main servers. 4 if the item requnes an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new.ob title(s) contingent upon the item. N/A 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request The costs for installation and setup are included m the Finance Department operating budget 6 List any item which will be replaced by this pin chase State iecomrmendations foi disposition of this item Foi example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc As discussed above, both file servers would be reused in other capacities. ESTIMATED COSTS Operating Budget The Fire Department operating budget for 2006 is proposed with approximately a 3° increase. The items in the proposed budget, which account for the increase, are primarily an adjustment of the fire marshal's salary, an estimated adjustment to the fire officers' salary (as city council suggested), increasing costs of some medical supplies which we supply for fire and police, items that rotate on a cycle and the approved increased contribution to the relief association Other changes to the Fire Department budget are more of a fine tuning aspect as numbers are increased in some categones and decreased in others. Capital Outlay The Fire Department does not have any items that we anticipate purchasing during the 2006 budget year. Radio replacement had been scheduled for 2006, but has been moved to 2007 to coincide with the 800 megahertz radio communication system. New Staff Additions The Fire Depail.uent over the past several years has always budgeted for approximately 4 new firefighters annually. We plan to do the same for 2006. Addmg 4 people annually and retiring less than that number, should allow us to increase staffing for both the current fire station as well as fire station No. 2. General Overview of Services MissionNision /Goals CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET 2006 The Rosemount Fire Department's mission is an intricate component of the overall mission of the City of Rosemount in that the Fire Department is dedicated to the saving of life and property. This component which the Fire Department provides compliments and provides a necessary service so that the City may reach its broader mission of providing a safe, healthy and pleasant community in which to live and work. This service is provided by paid -on -call firefighters, and is the most fiscally sound method of delivery at this point in Rosemount's development. The Rosemount Fire Department enhances the overall vision that is set for the City of Rosemount in that it provides the opportunity for individuals to demonstrate their pride in the community by serving on a "volunteer" fire department and assisting their neighbors. The "volunteer" fire department has historically been associated with the kind of small town character that Rosemount is striving to maintain Administrative /Management Provides for the overall administration and management of the Fire Department Included is the collection, preparation and dissemination of information, the preparation of operating budgets, CIP budgets and state reports; and planning for the long and short term needs m respect to training, fire protection, emergency medical response, facilittes, staffing, and the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, along with the coordination of efforts between other emergency response agencies and those of the City of Rosemount. Fire Suppression /Investigation Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of life and loss of property within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. Provides for the controlling and extinguishing of all types of fires in order to minimize injury, loss of hfe and loss of property within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota, along with the railroad right -of -ways. Provides for the provision of all of these fire services to all the cities in Dakota County and many in Washington County via a mutual aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis Provides for the investigation of fires by the local Fire Marshal. Also provides for the coordination of joint mvesttgations by the local Fire Marshal and the State Fire Marshal. Rescue Squad Provides for emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requiring emergency services within the City of Rosemount, both to its citizens and visitors. Provides for emergency operations pertaining to bodily injury or serious illness requtnng emergency services within the contracted areas of Coates and the University of Minnesota. Provides for the provision of all of these emergency operations to all the cities of Dakota County and many in Washington County via a mutual aid agreement by which these services can be reciprocated on an as needed basis. Hazardous Material Response /Confined Space Response Provides a team of Operations Level, Technician Level and Specialists, trained to respond to hazardous material accidents, identify, secure and coordinate the efforts of outside agencies that are trained to contain, mitigate and clean up the spill. Trains all firefighters to respond to confined space incidents, evaluate the situation and mitigate or coordinate the rescue effort. 2 Training /Education Provides for the necessary monthly and annual training requirements. Allows for training in areas above those that are required, in order that fire and rescue personnel may sharpen existing skills and acquire new skills. Allows for training of firefighters to prepare themselves for the acceptance of a position of leadership within the Fire Department. Provides for the training of the City Fire Marshal Health Testing Provides for the screening and medical certification of potential new firefighters. Allows for the continuous health monitoring of existing personnel. Provides for the protection of personnel from blood borne pathogens and communicable disease. Equipment/Maintenance Allows for the replacement or addition of equipment necessary for fire and medical response, including both consumable and non consumable items. Provides for the emergency contracting with outside providers for repairs of fire vehicles and specialized equipment. Staffing In 2004, the Fire Department consisted of 40 paid on -call firefighters serving m various capacities within the department This number is constantly changing due to retirements and new additions We have 5 people who have reached or exceeded full retirement requirements, but often people retire prior to the full 20 years. We hope to end 2005 with a department of not less than 44 firefighters and 1 fire marshal. Efficiencies and Operational Change In 2005, Healtheast Ambulance Service placed in service, from 10 a m until 10 p.m. daily, an ambulance at the fire station. This is probably the greatest operational change in service that the Fire Department supplements. We will continue to monitor this service provided by Healtheast and its impact on the need for the Fire Department rescue to respond Perhaps with the efficient service provided by Healtheast, the Fire Department could hmit some responses that are now necessary, thus saving the City some potential cost. 3 New Initiatives A new initiative, begun in 2005, was to bring more educational opportunities to the Fire Department instead of sending individual personnel to classes. This resulted in budget efficiencies, as well as offering the opportunity to become part of an officer certification program New people interested in becoming an officer can now earn a certificate through Hennepin Technical College. In the past, people have attended classes as needed to improve their performance but it was not a totally encompassing officer program as is now being offered Future Forecast The biggest impact on the future response of the Fire Department will have to do with the second fire station coming on line late 2006 Prior to that tune, we will be looking at how the operational structure of the Fire Department may change. Some changes can be anticipated, while others will have to be tried and tested. It does not appear that any operational changes will have an impact on the 2006 budget. Summary Fire Department personnel are looking forward to the challenges and the excitement that a second fire station will bring. At the present time, we have not looked extremely close at the new operational structure of the Fire Department, as most of the effort currently has been focused on the construction process. As construction plans are finalized, we will then turn our attention to what additional services the new location will allow us to provide. 4 -1 DATE: June 17, 2005 TO: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Jeff May, Finance Director FROM: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation Tr RE: 2006 Budget Memo PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Parks and Recreation Department works together with citizens to provide a safe, healthy and pleasant community Parks and recreation is an essential service, one that can impact health, crime prevention, the environment, the economy and the quality of life for Rosemount residents. Administration Provides for overall planning, coordination, management of personnel and admuustration of activities within the department of Parks and Recreation. This department provides a diversified range of programs for the residents of Rosemount. The long range planning, development and budget preparation of parks and coordination with other service agencies are ongomg activities Administrative services also provide the residents of Rosemount an opportunity to reserve facilities and register for programs Parks MEMORANDUM Provides the Rosemount residents a variety of recreational opportunities through a developing park system currently encompassing over 300 acres Offerings include athletic facilities, trails, open space, playgrounds, picnic shelters, and other special use facilities Staff work closely with the Parks and Recreation Commission to evaluate and determine the proper level of development needed to meet the needs of Rosemount residents Coordination with other senate agencies encourages a comprehensive, quality and efficient base of parks amenities. Recreation Provides the Rosemount resident a variety of recreational activities serving all ages. Program offermgs are based on the needs of residents as determined and evaluated by the Parks and Recreation Commission and staff Coordination with other service agencies encourages a comprehensive, quahty and efficient base of programs Community Center Provides for operation of a multi- purpose Community Center, which offers facilities for recreational programs, banquets, meetings, events, theatrical productions, seminars and exercise The Community Center provides services in the form of meeting space, gym space for community groups and sponsorship of community events. The Parks and Recreation Department provides ongoing, preventive maintenance and lamtonal services of the Community Center and National Guard fac ICE ARENA Administration The Parks and Recreation Department administer the Ice Arena. Scheduling and invoicing of ice are the main administrative duties of ice arena operations The scheduling of pnme time ice is coordinated with Independent School District #196 and Rosemount Area Hockey Association for practices, games and tournament play. The Parks and Recreation Department provides overall planning, coordination, management of personnel and administration of ice arena activities. Community Use Provides recreational open skating for the residents of Rosemount as well as learning to skate and figure skating programs. Maintenance Provides ongoing and preventative maintenance of the ice arena building structure and its mechanical components Ensures ice is maintained at optimal efficiency. Revenue Enhancements N/A Budget and Services Volatility N/A Efficiencies and Operational Changes The Parks and Recreation Department has discussed with the Administration Department the publishing of a parks and recreation activities brochure separate from the Rosemount City News. By pubhshmg our own activities book we could better met the needs of our customers by getting them the activities information m a user friendly timeframe. Many residents would like our current summer City Newsletter to be published in April. This would allow customers to start for planning their summer activities earlier than in years past. New Initiatives In the spring of the 2005 the Parks and Recreation Department hired a seasonal Horticultunst This position works 20 hours per week and is responsible for much of the work in the various City gardens that had been taken care of by the Rosemount Flower Club. This work is being done by the Parks and Recreation Department so that the gardens will continue to enhance the appearance of our City. Future Forecasts The Parks and Recreation Department will continue working to meet and surpass the goals of our City Council and needs of our residents. It appears that many of our recent discussions m the area of recreation have been about recreational facilities. The current staffing levels are sufficient to meet the programming needs of our community The recreational facility needs will have to be defined and researched to better understand the facility needs and both the operational and capital impacts to current and future budgets CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department p t a- /7e Dept Account No. 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. Y4-) Ay (a c -E 7 fry J'„., t.` 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits Ai e. Alf S n, U or savings expected from this item de /0", tic,' e II er. i `+-�-ad 4lvli m✓ ci 0 services for tie activity, state the new jbb title(s) contingent upon the item ilf6 f 4. If the item requires an increase in personal 4 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request G tf 2ccify J// iii d L M Skid/ c COLe c ecrea6 4, 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of tins item For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. 9 J7 s w ,w es A"s e (-fa Z y P-F IZ r O cJ C, /41dl.PI raeH€ Vnv ls ke y/ TED COSTS Trade -In Net Total Cost f 7 2- CS 01Z:::a Quantity 7 Total Cost 4 Unit Cost rf U)s Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost Q U oo /v drc) e 0 oa l�ro Sim 6 1. Department CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS Dept. Account No. 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. »/cv feat 6 6 Pte j/i-c /2 Cd.-zr tr. 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. ESTIMATED COSTS 7 L?" o ✓ale? Z- ot ![.c c sect/ a d a-te wa, r a c. 66e-,' ert iG rift 6/e_ ..f t >"-?Y• I_ -e 71 A Y u• c 4. If the item requires an increase m personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request 6. List any item winch will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -in, sa lvage, discard, etc. 7 ov h r Airy Scry 6 Jt� pcn kacare /9 9 3 ,an t d 6 e v44e.p (etcc 6 1. Department JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Dept. Account No. 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item 7/1 lord/ of seen., Cr ,o tiara. t it R eitg i IC i eN 774 r 6o v.• a e Pa r.-r1 a n 4 '4,f I42.4 tie 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. fle r t' S /I N G Coke, Zoos 6c- 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. Gnf24J 1 o 46r-etc /'.tom//' ESTIMATED COSTS A_ O®✓fa A'e gnrryr Quantity Unit Cost �Z SD, on Total Cost Ct? DO Trade -In Net Total Cost t z ro 0 0 r7 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY OR SEASONAL PERSONNEL AND/OR OVERTIME 4 1. Hours per Week 2. Department Cost 3. Indicate need for position(s) Allocation k) New Operation )c) Expanded Services }c) Increased Work Load 4. Position Tate 5. Number Required 6. Salary 7. 1st year Cost 5ea36-^J Proposed Seo ses fk�frcli /�r�4G Sale, rtt4 CO 8. List below the job duties to be performed in the requested posibon(s). 9. Specify how the above-listed job duties are currently performed. 'e a•---e 1. Iat-nis v g-.....-, y-t-e_ eetjsr -v-P ,W S'yFf�- 4,..� i O c :c Pei 3 0.-, .,a i+ S c l ne ctr.i, rig a-i 10. E xplain the need for position(s) in detail. y ...1Z' s� w rF' t`Ctv 7 dr 4� -7-4.,p CirTit at-, 4. b 'G�- fJT .s' A 1v f t„, Q,. -(e' 0/ f Arlie t mt,,v I 1 4 et ,e -e =v.r.., /t /Ce .el 11 Addition costs associated with requeste osition(s). t j .,T it Contractual Services r— Grf{ Gtr r' ,f et 4 Commodities la Capital Outlays Regular Calculation: Amount: OVERTIME REQUEST Temporary or Seasonal Calculation. Amount: SPaJc /74,-->e Ci k U -r 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Police Date: June 15, 2005 Subject: 2006 Budget Proposal Overview The Police Department provides general, full service law enforcement for the community. Specific functions may be broken down into Administration /Support Services, Patrol, Investigations and Emergency Management. Administration /Support Services Staff assigned to this area provides for the overall planning, coordination and management of the department. In addition, this includes the records management duties of the department. Secretarial staff is responsible for transcribing and filing the crime and administrative reports required of criminal justice agencies. Routing of criminal cases to the County Attorney's office or City Prosecutor must be completed in a timely manner. Reports must also be referred to other social service and related agencies. Crime data is also reported to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Animal control is also a function of Support Services. Community service officers have the primary responsibility for this duty but police officers handle this task when a CSO is not on duty. Patrol— This is the most visible function completed by the department. Officers provide response to emergency and non emergency calls regarding criminal activity and to other calls for service. Traffic enforcement and directed patrols also require a significant amount time of the officers Many of the officers assigned to patrol complete other specialized duties, for example, tactical team, use of force and firearms training, child passenger restraint inspection. Investigations— Officers assigned to investigations conduct follow -up on criminal cases which require travel outside Rosemount, are complex in nature or will require a significant amount of time to complete. Other cases are frequently investigated by the patrol officer originally assigned to the incident. Included in the function are the special assignments of officers to DARE and school liaison duties. These services are provided as a joint effort with the schools located within the community with some funding received from the school district to offset the costs of these programs. The DARE officer is also responsible for the department's crime prevention, �C ROSEMOLINT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M public education and outreach activities. This Includes the programs of Neighborhood Watch, National Night Out, Crime Free Multi- housing and presentations to community groups. Emergency Management The preparedness of the City's Emergency Operations Plan and management of the city's response to natural, technological, man -made or any other emergency situation is a function of the police department. This effort is coordinated with all other city departments to ensure that the staff is prepared when a disaster does occur. Budget and Service Vollity The Court Administrator of District Court has sent all cities a notice advising that the court staff will no longer process city parking citations beginning January 1, 2006. This change is being done because the Courts are now a state entity instead of county and the Courts do not receive any revenue from parking citations written under city ordinances. Revenue from the citations will still be received by the City; however, city staff will now need to process and track the receipt of the fine payments. Approximately 500 parking citations are written annually, with most being written during the winter months when the parking restrictions are in place. Because a process for handhng the citation payments has now been devised yet, it is unclear what the impact will be on the City. Efficiencies and Operational Change There have been a few changes made m the last twelve months to improve the efficiency of the department. Investigative Case Management Workflow— A function of the police records management system assists in tracking the assignment of criminal investigations to officers. This software has improved the officers' thoroughness in completing investigations and in documenting their work because there is an electronic file of the case assignment. The supervisor of investigations is able to check caseload, progress on assigned cases and actual quality of the work completed more easily than the prior method of relying on personal contact and knowledge. Communication between the supervisor and officers is done electronically and is managed regardless of the conflicting work schedules of officers and the supervisor. Both effectiveness and efficiency have improved. Police Report Processing The process of reviewing and approving the officers' written reports was changed to eliminate steps in the review process. By eliminating the initial review by the officer, it has reduced the turn around time on reports to within 24 hours of transcription. Previously reports could be in limbo for days while awaiting the reporting officer's approval if the report was completed on the officer's last workday and the officer did not return to duty until 4 or 5 days later. The process has also provided a greater involvement of the sergeants in reviewing the officers' work product. Future Forecast 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M Patrol Scheduling— Adjustments were made to the patrol officers' schedule modifying the manner in which the officers work fifteen days that are not part of their regularly scheduled days. These days are used to fill vacation, training and other leave requests to provide sufficient staffing. The changes should result in less overtime and more consistent staffing levels throughout the calendar year New Initiatives In 2006 the department anticipates making service enhancements in the area of school liaison services, drug enforcement and community outreach. School liaison Discussion has been held with Rosemount High School staff about assigning an officer as a full-tune liaison at RHS. Both the staff at RHS and the department's liaison officer have seen an increase in the amount of need for the liaison's services at the high school in the last couple of years. The student population will also increase for the next few years. Rosemount Middle School staff have also requested that a liaison be assigned more regularly to RMS than the current situation of having one liaison for the two schools allows. Drug Enforcement— The department has had a desire to increase the amount of hours devoted to drug enforcement through the Dakota County Drug Task Force. As staffing levels have increased, an effort has been made to allow officers to work more hours on drug investigations without officially committing to the greater comnutment of hours in the Joint Powers Agreement. Sufficient complaints from citizens are received to justify more time devoted to following up on the information provided by the concerned citizens. Community Outreach The department wants to continue working with the community on various efforts. Continuing to work with rental property managers, expanding participation in neighborhood watch and National Night Out are all efforts we hope to enhance. In the business community, one effort being considered to address bad checks is to parncipate in a check diversion program that is coordinated by the Retail Protection Association. This effort more quickly identifies checks that are actually fraud instead of insufficient funds. It may also be a means to get more businesses to purpose the criminal check cases that are happening in the community. As more retail development occurs it will be important to have resources available to assist the business community. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2006 BUDGET PROPOSAL NEW INITIATIVE/PROGRAM REQUEST Initiative/Program Name: School liaison services Increase staffing level from 1 FTE to 1.25 FTE during the school year by reassigning duties. Department Primarily Responsible: Police Brief Narrative of Initiative/Program: Liaison services have been provided to Rosemount High and Middle Schools for over ten years One (1) FTE provides services at both schools with equal time allocated to each school according to the contract. Contacts for criminal activity and peacekeeping duties at the high school result in the current liaison spending 90% or more of the officer's time at the high school. The contacts at RMS are more service and public relations related. Staff at RMS has requested that the liaison be available more often during the lunch periods to be visible to the students. This visibility will assist in familiarizing the students with the officer and staff and will hopefully lead to more interaction between students and the liaison officer. Although actual criminal conduct is minimal at RMS (—one assault annually), the presence of a liaison on a more frequent and scheduled basis will be beneficial to develop classroom prevention presentations, build relationships with students and staff and to familiarize students with the liaison officer philosophy prior to their movement to RHS. The RHS principal has requested a full -time liaison for the high school and the RMS principal has requested that RMS be provided at least ten hours (.25 FTE) of liaison staffing. If this issue /project is not pursued, will it affect city service levels? Yes If yes to previous question, when and to what extent? Because of the workload at RHS, the liaison will continue to have limited availability to provide services at RMS. This has been occurring for several years and will continue if additional staffing is not designated for assignment to RMS. Estimated Cost and Cost Details: No cost, this would be accomplished by reassigning personnel already employed. What are the funding options for this initiative /program? It is proposed to initially provide the hours by reassigning the DARE /Community Resources Officer to provide liaison services at RMS. This position would continue to also teach DARE and conduct other community education and outreach duties. But the reassignment of tasks would reduce hours available in other areas. Reassignment would result in no additional costs for this program. However, the DARE /Liaison Services agreement with ISD #196 has been based upon Rosemount providing 1 FTE for liaison services. In 2005 -2006, if the City contributes an additional .25 FTE to these services, the contract should provide additional 25% revenue from the district. The past year's contract was for $42,400 for liaison. This translates to approximately $10,900 additional revenue at 25% plus a 3% CPI adjustment. What additional costs will be obligated as a result of this initiative /program? None What other options exist related to this initiative /program? Services can continue to be offered at the same levels. This would not provide for the same level of service provided to other schools within the district. Rosemount schools are currently under serviced when compared to schools in Apple Valley and Eagan. 40 Police Officer 1.33 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR REGULAR (FULL -TIME OR PART -TIME) PERSONNEL 1. Hours per Week 2. Department Cost Allocation 4. Position Title 5. Number Required 6. Salary Proposed 11. Additional costs associated with requested position(s). Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay $8000 jUmforms and Equipment) *2007 Costs $35 ,000 (Squad and all equipment m '07) 3. Indicate need for posihon(s) New Operation (X) Expanded Services (X) Increased Work Load 7. 1st Year Cost 82,680.90 109,965.59 W/Benefits 8. List below the job duties to be performed m the requested position(s). The police officer position would perform the regular functions of a patrol officer. This includes responding to calls for service, patrol of community, traffic enforcement and other duties as assigned It is anticipated that each of these positions would be assigned to patrol duties, however, the assignment to patrol would allow the performance of other spectfic duties by other officers on a part -time basis. 9. Specify how the above listed lob duties are currently performed. Patrol duties are currently performed by ten (10) officers. Three (3) sergeants also handle some patrol duties in addition to their supervisory responsibilities. The special dupes drug task force and traffic enforcement are performed either as part of officers' regular patrol duties, reassignment for brief periods of time, and through overtime 10. Explain the need for posthon(s) in detail The community has continued to grow over the last several years and the growth is projected to continue for several more years. This has added additional streets and parks to patrol for visibility, added significantly to traffic levels on streets within the community and the Increase in population and retail development has resulted in a corresponding increase in calls for police service. The addition of an officer on approximately 1/1/06 and another officer on 9/1/06 would provide the opportunity to meet the increased demands on general patrol duties. It would also allow for officers to spend more tune on the special duties of narcotic and traffic enforcement Currently, Rosemount has committed to .20 FTE or 416 hours to the Dakota County Drug Task Force There is certainly more work that could be done in this area, but we have been constrained by staffing levels Additional staff would allow for the assignment of an officer to task force dukes full -time for days or weeks at a tune during certain times of the year when the patrol schedule allows Additional staff would also be beneficial in addressing traffic issues throughout the community Road and driving complaints continue to increase in frequency; this concern has also been reflected as a growing concern in each of the city surveys completed since 2001 An additional patrol position could be designated as a 'traffic car This assignment would focus specifically on traffic enforcement, both in general and targeting areas that are either frequently complained about by residents or have a history of higher accident rates than expected However, traffic enforcement would not be the only function of this position Additional staffing is needed at tunes to more efficiently cover officer leave time for vacation, training, court and sick leave. $8000 Quantity 3 Unit Cost $23,000 Total Cost $69,000 Trade -In o Net Total Cost $60,000 $9000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS s 1 Department Police Dept. Account No. If 2 Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired Marked Squad Cars Three (3) Approximately July 1, 2006 Dependent on mileage on current squads, attempt is made to take out of service at 100,000+ miles 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Based upon the operation of the squad cars, driving beyond 100,000 miles begins to require additional maintenance and repairs. Squads are purchased with extended warranties to reduce maintenance costs up to 100,000 miles Squads also decline in performance at approxunately this mileage. 4 If the item requires an mcrease m personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. N/A 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. Other expenses include the installation of the emergency equipment in the squads. This expense is included as a separate CIP item. 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. Three squad cars will be replaced by this purchase Each squad was purchased in 2003. The vehicles will be sold at auction when the switchover to the new squads has been completed. ce p V P,s/ if 7 r 9,e..980 Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 3 $5333 $16,000 $600 $15,400 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Police Dept. Account No. 2. Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. Emergency Equipment and Installation Three (3) Approximately July 1, 2006 Dependent on mileage on current (Light bars, sirens, siren boxes) squads, attempt is made to take out of service at 100,000+ riles. 3 Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Based upon the operation of the squad cars, dnvmg beyond 100,000 miles begins to require additional maintenance and repairs. The light bars, sirens and radios are switched to the new vehicles. The emergency equipment is approximately 10 years old and will is scheduled to be replaced as squads are switched out in the next three years. 4 If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. N/A 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. The equipment is installed by a private vendor and the mstallation cost is included m the budget request 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. Three light bars, sirens, and siren boxes will be replaced. They will be traded in to the installer for credit towards the installation and purchase of new equipment. Quantity 1 Umt Cost $3500 4000 Total Cost $3500 4000 Trade -In Net Total Cost $4000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 1 Department Police Dept Account No. 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired Laser Speed Detector One (1) By March 1, 2006 3 Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this Item. This item is needed to enhance the traffic enforcement efforts of the department. Lasers provide another means to enforce speeding violations and can often be used more effectively in some areas where radar use is limited because of road layout and site lines. 4 If the item requires an increase m personal services for the activity, state the new job fillets) contingent upon the item N/A 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. No additional expenses will be needed. An officer is already certified as an instructor and provides training for all officers. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. None Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department L Police Dept Account No. 6 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. Livescan Fingerprinting Station One (1) By September 1, 2006 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Fingerprints are not currently taken from persons booked and released from our facility. Fingerprints are required to maintain the official criminal history of persons on selected offenses. This is important for several crimes nhich are enhanced based upon prior convictions. If persons are not printed at the time of arrest, prints can be taken at court upon a judges order. Also, prints are needed for background checks on police officer and fire fighter employees and prints could be taken and processed from our facility with this station. 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. NIA 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request. No other expenses. Training of staff will be required, however, this will be included in the department's annual training plan. 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recoiinnendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. None D COSTS Quantity 1 Unit Cost $22,000 Total Cost $22,000 Trade -In Net Total Cost $22,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 Department Police Dept. Account No. 2. Give Descnpuon and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired Photo imaging software and hardware to take booking photos in our holding facility. One (1) By May 1, 2006 3 Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Booking photos are not currently taken of persons booked at our holding facility and released directly. This prevents us from obtaining photos of persons that may become suspects in the future. The proposed system is linked to a Dakota County imaging system and would link our system instantaneously to the County's mugshots. This allows the creation of photo line- ups to be shown to witnesses and victims of crimes with recent photos of suspects. Persons booked and released from our facility include misdemeanor DWI, assault, disorderly conduct and theft arrestees. 4. If the item requires an mcrease in personal services for the activity, state the new lob title(s) contingent upon the item. N/A 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request. All expenses are included in the budget request. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. None Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 2. Give Descnphon and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. Video Cameras for Squads Removed from CIP Item will be purchased through Department of Homeland Security grant. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Police Dept Account No 2. Give Descnphon and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. Video Cameras for Squads Removed from CIP Item will be purchased through Department of Homeland Security grant. 3 Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. 4. If the item requires an increase m personal services for the activity, state the new job tale(s) contingent upon the item. 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. ESTIMATED COSTS Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired VARDA Alarm Removed from CIP Item will be obtained through Department of Homeland Security Grant CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Police Dept. Account No 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired VARDA Alarm Removed from CIP Item will be obtained through Department of Homeland Security Grant 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contmgent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are mcluded in your budget request 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. ESTIMATED COSTS X <I! tO N r N N 24,463 HU O;W DW 1 £9►'►Z I VIM 1 1 IW I 191'L► 1 VV OR 1 doa 1 1 via 1 osP'LL 1 I lS 1191'L4 1 I AVM 1 C 1 9M I 1 1 1 0£9'0£94 1 evlod OVO 1 S003 papalwd 1 OW 09 18,7581 960'36 f 404'09 18,758 26,275 I SLZ'9Z LOL'09 I SLZ'9Z 404'05 I 994'94 1 SL3'9Z t 50,704 18,758 894'91 I 1 510,0001 $675,929 E. 1 aa,o Self Service 9002 Paiewlls3 1 000'Z 1 OOOY 000'3 000'3 I 000'3 1 I 1 aakoldws Self Service j Sooz 1 paPa 1 0 00'£ 000'E 1 ;rllothedRJH 900Z palewRs3 T I LOS'6£ I neat 099'44 I SSE'LE £96'£ SOL'6• ELZ'ZS 23,3081 1 6 04'43 96'£S 9SS'LE 1 Z9L'81j LLO'S I 398'£ sscoi 1 996'£1 499'££ i 4£4 29 9'O 3 950'43 063 1 Z II jlaiedlHH S00Z PalaaKod 044'04 1 T 949'4£ 066'64 I Z08'ES 1 489 1 9LL'4Z 21,255 19 SZ8'LE 1 804'61 1 Z9L'9 060'4 600'01 1 _994'91 4L6'4E _1 644 LL £'6l Z9Z'4£ E40'EZ EZZ'619$ I,! 1 paxid gassy 1 900Z papants3 0$ 1 slessy paxi j SoOZ papaload 009'L 009'1 009'4 OOS 009 009'1 r 00971. 009'1 OO O0S'L 009 009'1 0 09'1 J 521,000 Financial Estimated I 1 9002 1 1 84d4Z 1 L9E'£Z 1 1 LLL'94 1 490'4£ LSS'L£ A_ ££S'SL 1 491'54 668 LE Z1- OLS'8£ 639'9 1 4C9'SL 1 J L20'91 nle9 re1-9'9 I 6LZ'£Z 90E'L£ Z90'9Z 1 pepalwd Ieiaueuid s00Z 06L'6Z 1 69 1 1 LOZL'LP £ZL'99 LL£'LE I Z94'09 �EL'0£ IEZL'99 30,042 30,497 1 0 995'4£ flCZL'99 091'£_ 1 59.5931 16,052 438'91 j EVO OE 0 0 6lS'9 0 zoo's to 1 01 0 819'£3 10 9bz'EZ OZ6'949$ 10 I ZOZ'Z£ IU06'►►9$ palewlls3 8u0P8 1 AP19n 1 9002 o'. men 0 1 man LP19f1 9003 1 pepalwd ILL'69 I L6Z'OE 1 949'49 1 94 69434 j 949'49 I L6Z'OE 56.057 1 LS0'99 693 69Z'8Z 099'9E 1 1 i 1 a39W3W ALE AMBULANCE 1 BROOKLYN CENTER DAKOTA CTY SHERIFF 1 EAGAN 1 EDEN PRAIRIE FDINA HUTCHINSON 1 ,MAHTOMEDI 1 MAPLE GROVE METRO AIRPORT 1 1MN VALLEY TRANSIT I 1 NEW HOPE (PLYMOUTH 1ROBBINSDALE FIRE 1ROSEMOUNT 1ST LOUIS PARK 1 WHITE BEAR 'TOTALS CD 1�bN 0I, 6 11 8 l. 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116'981 333,746 188,409 1 n!LLZ 1 1 I ta Z44'OS£ 164.999 1 r-- 232,004 188'944 1 991'9 1 446'144 193,872 1 128,704_ 64,200 I LE4 1 491 Lyman 170'141 989'S r 989'S 1 1 L49'EZL'94 £O 1 r TOTAL APP 'lddns A30 SAS I SOOZ 461'9 E1O'niL 191,832 099'1ZZ ELO'4E4 347,270_; 287,317 158,9 226,443 1 9ZS'BL4 I OSL'E E91'1£4 F986 L 127,222 64,492 1 644 1_izL'E9 £49'ZE4 £9Zb91 4.6067 1 9094 1 OO r TOTAL I SYSTEMS 1 DVLPMT 9007 1 H L ODO'SL L99'91 1 L9s'9L ZPE'L 4EL'9L 1 989'61 23,827 24,620 L9S'£Z 1 OSE'6Z 1 921'2 L 640'8Z 946'92 664'4 L80'1 ZEL'11 L48'S 1 449.9 13,241 30,618 L dO 1 FUND 2 TOTAL I SYSTEMS I DVLPMT 900Z I J SE9'SL 9E O' 6 z swizz LI l ZO'L 41Z'SZ 9L9'81 SZCOZ 22,091 4BS'ZZ 199Z'BZ 27,046 L_ r 950'1 1 S86'SZ L94Z 1 49£'4 1 my'. i• 1899'S 96E'9 Lw'6Z 04L 11 00 1 1 SUBTOTAL I PROPOSED 1 APPL CHG L_ 9002 I Z68'L L_ 170,344 1_ 303,433 1 estssL I 1 L66'soz 1 994'LZ4 n 1£9 L S£L`6ZE 141,173 1 208,437 1 LB 13Z9'S 16 r— 991'0 L 926'991 691 464'94 122,857 I 52,469 [Z4'6ZL 11.04 LIZ9'9S £Z4'LL4 991'221 1 999'9 1269 "S_ 83 L sus TOTAL L PROJECTED 1 APPL REV s9oZ wt's 8LL'Z9L L66'SLL 7 1 69112 1 698'804 �Zw'B92 I S4Z'LZ£ LLL 4ZZ L98/9£L 1i 305,2981 L 2,000) 13,386 1 ogre 1 L£L'404 1 999'11 LOO'69L Z8s'L6 L 10'S4 121,5541 53,222i 1 69Z'04L 644 1 972'19 r961 1 EZS8El f 909'4 I A9 1 L :ternal Data suonsauuo0 L Estimated 9002 X9 I External Data 1 Connections 9040991.1d 1 9002 1L£ LLE 1 LLE Lir `LE u s 1 LLE pLLE No lawatur palewgsr I 9002 ZYL'ZL 989'S L Z4L'ZL I 1 944'91 1 4 6 46Z'4L 944'91 06613 ate' 741$1 r risen 989's R94'C r BES'L iabn'ai 1 46Z'4L i I BE8'L 944'91. 1 066'6 1 989'9 n9 lawe ul 1 1 Projected saoZ 1 s Z£0 909'4 6£1'41 1 61£'6 6E1'41 1 6E141 9Z17 1 71.11 1 6 I fi£L'bt 909'4 om'o i ZLLL 1z«'L RPCbl. 621'41 I ZLL 1 _9£1_14 97.4'6 1 909'4 1 909'4 Z AV dlv �A I .nI SR 03 as AO D =.32222 U Q m 00 Inas O a i ce LL s LL t 4 c. 1S Nc rig 1 swM 10 N- O N OLI s1. 1 N el V h a01 9t T O N N ZZ N N 1- N N co N N O- c CJ r n N fl N CO 1 m o OI H N Ih 1041 0 n 1 a a Revenue Bud U 1 1 J LL J 1> J ow mim UI a3 L QI =1J LL C7 1 Q 2 1 2,2,E 1 Q 0 O Q r Q> 21i m 2 212 r S U 6 OI LL O rc f t J 6 wIW u. f 3 m 3 1 MO m 7 I m E C 1111 OIC Y I- ICI W CM IV CO O W i A oo N S O W 'tH N 1.- v-.. CI M CD MI N CI 01.r ..pp I00<0 hAQ1.- mYI N fO I c-1 00/ co CO W CI r N mIN N0 NI NI I O00iW 01i'e CV hO NtN D� W J IM 1M V NI Or Cl r l.- O V es r COI N N M O T O co C N I M 1 r CS N Cir N1 O I t <a` N a V V m CO N W Will, o M.A. 1 r 01 I 0) V A w 1 AO II I 1 i L 11 1n° T ro 8 E m Y H 11. 1, m O o. 1 mO, Ib 04 g O n 0 m L C co D t d Y c N m a a I N W O m 1 109'6L £ss'tC r co N W m m A r 869'x4 J i 1 an W N O ulr 1 I r O J W •Ct 2 2 O O 011 1 N N Q0I NWNA W A r W m WIW W N ID in 1 W Or CIr O 7 Q O W 1 POaN AOWW co N j tit O Q in No M OI i WtpQO so ro 001 �N N VIM G C Q I tVi N a 1 L S£V'Y1 A y a 0 MIA T N V N r n r I N N W I CI W N M! at at O g W ye, N O9 H M 1 QW V (O lr n 4- O Q 9L2 1 L 1 J J QQQmm J C> UU a WWW d3 VA 1 1 O QI> U' M 21J Q O< 222222Z20O6 U 2 1S U IO1C J Q KCCC LL O O 2 ILL S J 6 i WO CO3 3 J co n m m tl IiL1 in to LgJ 1 161 Lgi 1 N (V of N Q N W (V r m N N N Id a7 N t7 set se eel LE m el m M a t1 Q IN Q CD Q<< a m Q r C tO a 0 91 CU 0 c t (0 O O Revenue Bud Verbrugge,Jamie From: Kalstabakken,Gary Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11.51 AM To: Verbrugge,Jamie, May, Jeff; Weitzel,Dawn Subject: FW. 2006 Budget Information LOGIS Jamie, Jeff and Dawn, Here is preliminary budget information for LOGIS costs for 2006 for ail cities. It appears that Farmington (a comparable city in size to Rosemount) uses virtually all LOGIS systems, including Internet access Farmington will pay about $100,000 for all non police costs in '06 Their police costs for '06 are $63,000 while are police costs are $56,000 FYI Gary Hello Everyone Here is the part of the budget you are anxiously awaiting the Preliminary Revenue Budget Detail. The full budget packet, including the narrative, will be sent out soon (before end of week Page 1 of 1 Original Message From: Chris Norton [mailto:cnorton @LOGIS.ORG] Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 4:12 PM To: LO Board of Directors; LO IT Management Subject: 2006 Budget Information A sincere thank you to all of you for not pressuring me to give you budget numbers before their time. It's now OK to call with your questions. O Chris 763 543.2637 !3/2005 Quantity 1 Unit Cost Total Cost 43,000 Trade -In 4,000 Net Total Cost 39,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 Department Dept. Account No 2 Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. 1 ton 4x4 pickup with dump box and snowplow 3 Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Replace pickup in fleet (snowplowing, etc.) Current vehicle will reach its 7 -year service life in 2006 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new lob title(s) contingent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. To replace pickup with dump box will need extra $10,000 from$33,000 206 C.I.P. to $43,000 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade in, salvage, discard, etc New 2006 truck will replace #340 1 ton pickup 1995 that is assigned to Park Rec Truck #306 1999 1 ton with dump box will rotate to Park Rec ?u3L.IC WORKS s Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 45,000 3. Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Replace utility truck current vehicle will reach its 9 -year service life in 2006 not used for snowplowing Auction 45,000 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. New 2006 truck will replace #342 1 ton 4x4 pickup 1997 (Take to auction or trade) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Dept Account No 2 Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. 1 Ton 4x4 Pickup with utility box and crane 2006 3. Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Replace utility truck current vehicle will reach its 9 -year service life in 2006 not used for snowplowing 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new Job title(s) contmgent upon the item. 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. New 2006 truck will replace #342 1 ton 4x4 pickup 1997 (Take to auction or trade) G \Capital Outlays Request \1 ton 4x4wduttlitybox &crane doc Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 33,000 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Replace pickup in Fleet (snowplowing, etc) Current vehicle will reach it's 7 -year service hfe m Public Works in 2006 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. New 2006 pickup will replace #307 1 ton pickup with plow #307 could rotate to replace Fite Marshal truck or Engineering pickup. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS I Department Dept Account No. 2 Give Descnpnon and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired 1 Ton 4x4 Pickup with snowplow 2006 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Replace pickup in Fleet (snowplowing, etc) Current vehicle will reach it's 7 -year service hfe m Public Works in 2006 4 If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. New 2006 pickup will replace #307 1 ton pickup with plow #307 could rotate to replace Fite Marshal truck or Engineering pickup. G Capital Outlays RequestU ton 4x4wdsnowplow doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Dept Account No. Trade -In Net Total Cost 2. Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. 1/2 Ton 4x4 Pickup 2006 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Additional pickup for Public Works fleet to support daily operations 4. If the item requires an mcrease m personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request C.I.P. budget for this item is $38,000. Pickup will be a smaller less expensive pickup $8,000 $25,000 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 25,000 25,000 ESTIMATED COSTS G: \Capital Outlays Request\halfton4x4 doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS Unit Cost 1. Department Dept Account No. Net Total Cost 1 2 Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. Groundmaster 580 -D Mower 15' cut 2006 3 Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Current vehicle will reach its 5 -year service life 4 If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contmgent upon the item. 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item m operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc New mower will replace #73 2000 Groundmaster 580-D Mower Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 73,000 $15,000 58,000 G \Capital Outlays Request \groundmastermower doc Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 49,000 4 If the item requires an Increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 6,000 43,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1. Department Dept. Account No. 2. Give Description and Quantity of Item Requested Indicate Date Desired. 75 HP Utility Tractor 3. Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Current tractor reached its 15 -years service life in 2003 4 If the item requires an Increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operahon and whether these expenses are included in your budget request. 6. List any item which will be replaced by this purchase State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc Current tractor is a 1988 Intemahonal that will be traded m ESTIMATED COSTS G \Capital Outlays Request \Utility tractor doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS Unit Cost 1 1. Department Dept Account No. Net Total Cost 1 2 Give Descnption and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. 15' 580 -D Mower Addition 3. Describe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Due to the increase in park land and green spaces, additional mower is needed to continue our current level of services. 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request. 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 73,000 73,000 0 \Capital Outlays Request \l5' -580D Mower doe CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 Department Dept Account No. Trade -In Net Total Cost 2 Give Descnphon and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. Portable Shop Hoist 3. Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item. Current shop hoist is 15 -years old is not being manufactured anymore. Current hoist will not hft dump trucks And fire trucks proposed hoist will be capable of lifting all City vehicles 4 If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new Job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5 Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included m your budget request. 2006 C.I.P. has budget amount of $9,000 proposed new shop hoist would cost approximately $30,000 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -in, salvage, discard, etc. Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 30,000 30,000 ESTIMATED COSTS G \Capital Outlays Request\portable shop hoist doc Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Trade -In Net Total Cost 1 28,000 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request New vehicle purchase $28,000 28,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT JUSTIFICATION OF CAPITAL OUTLAYS REQUESTS 1 Department Dept. Account No. 2. Give Descnpnon and Quantity of Item Requested. Indicate Date Desired. New Utility Vehicle for Engineenng/car pool 3 Descnbe the necessity for and/or benefits or savings expected from this item Vehicle will be used for new Engmeer position and used as a backup for car pool. 4. If the item requires an increase in personal services for the activity, state the new job title(s) contingent upon the item. 5. Indicate any expenses necessary to place this item in operation and whether these expenses are included in your budget request New vehicle purchase $28,000 6 List any item which will be replaced by this purchase. State recommendations for disposition of this item. For example, trade -m, salvage, discard, etc. ESTIMATED COSTS G•1Capttal Outlays Request luhhtyvehucle- engineenng.doc