HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Receive Feasibility Report/Authorize Plans & Specs/Set Public Hearing-Glen-Rose of Rosemount Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #39AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Authorize Plans and Specifications /Set Public Hearing GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineel4V AGEI 6 0 ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report; Resolution APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report, Authorizing the Preparation of Plans and Specifications and Setting a Public Hearng for GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397 4 ROSEMOLINT City Council Meeting: August 1, 2005 BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On June 21, 2005 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering- Feasibility Report for the GlenRose Addition Street and Unhty Improvements and Appurtenant Work project This project has been designated as City Project No. 397. Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report for the GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project. This report addresses the construction of street and utility improvements necessary for the development of the GlenRose Addition residential development located on the east side of TH 3 directly east of the Rosemount Community Center and west of Erickson Park. It also considers the extension of sanitary sewer and water service to existing properties located north of the development A brief review of the proposed improvements and funding is as follows. The proposed improvements include water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, concrete curb and gutter, and the addition of a right turn lane along TH 3. Additional improvements proposed to be completed as part of the GlenRose Addition include the extension of a bituminous trail from Erickson Park to the GlenRose Addition, the extension of trunk and lateral water main, as well as lateral sanitary sewer to existing properties, from the GlenRose Addition north to Connemara Trail. An existing property, located at 13930 South Robert Trail, has a failed septic system, and has previously requested that the City extend sanitary and water service to the non compliant property A second property, located at 13940 has also requested that the City extend sanitary and water service to the property. The total estimated project cost for the proposed GlenRose Addition and associated improvements is $1,488,800 Of this amount, the GlenRose Developer, Dean Johnson Homes, would contribute an estimated $1,292,700. An estimated $43,600 would be assessed to adjacent property owners along the east side of TH 3 benefiting from City water main and samtarc sewer unprovements. An estimated $94,600 would be contributed by the City of Rosemount through the City's Water Main Core Fund In order to install the proposed sanitary sewer and water main services to the GlenRose development, and extend sernces to existing properties, permanent utihty easements will need to be acquired The cost of these easements is estimated at $57,900, and has been included as part of the total project cost but not as part of the funding breakdown. The majority of the public improvements for the GlenRose Addition, mdudmg the first lift of bituminous pavement and all restoration items, are proposed to be completed m 2006. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of a resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the pubhc hearing for the GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project, City Project #397. Also, staff is requesting Council authorization for the preparation of plans and specifications for the GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project, City Project #397 to expedite the project schedule. G \ENGPROJ\ 397 \RecFR- AuthPlSpec- SetPHCC8 -1-05 doc 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, AUTHORIZE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit City Project #397, GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #397 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on July 19, 2005; and WHEREAS, Dean Johnson Homes has deposited the necessary funds with the City for preparation of the plans and specifications for City Project #397; and WHEREAS, Dean Johnson Homes acknowledges that this action does not imply or guarantee City Council approval of the final plat for GlenRose of Rosemount WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #397 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements of City Project #397 NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public heanng be scheduled to consider City Project #397, GlenRose Street and Utility Improvements, to be held on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ADOPTED this lst day of August, 2005. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor Motion by Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: G ENGPROJ 397 Receive FR- SetPHRESO8 -1 -05 doc August 1, 2005 GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 Prepared for: *ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Prepared by: s WSB ainia Associates, Inc easibi1i Repo WSB Project No. 1556 -43 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 City of Rosemount Feasibiliry Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 155643 FEASIBILITY REPORT GLENROSE ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY PROJECT NO. 397 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA AUGUST 1, 2005 Prepared By: WSB Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763)541 -4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) A WSB Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Associates, Inc Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763- 541 -4800 Fax 763 -541 -1700 August 1, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Re: Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report that addresses the street and utility improvements for the GlenRose Addition, located adjacent to Trunk Highway 3 directly east of the Rosemount Community Center and west of Erickson Park. Also included in this feasibility report are utility improvements along Trunk Highway 3 between Connemara Trail and the proposed GlenRose Addition. We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (651) 322 -2724 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc Anthony A. Aderhold, P.E. Project Manager Attachment bc/sb 4_ Arita Minneapolis 1St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date: August 1, 2005 Quality Control Review Completed By: Date: August 1, 2005 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 155643 CERTIFICATION I /ftk�Lc! ony A. Aderhold, P.E. Lic. No. 43422 TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2 2.1 AUTHORIZATION 2 2.2 SCOPE 2 2.3 DATA AVAILABLE 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3 3.1 PROJECT LOCATION 3 3.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4 4.1 SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 4 4.2 STORM SEWER 5 4.3 SANITARY SEWER 5 4.4 WATER MAIN 6 4.5 PRIVATE UTILITIES /STREETLIGHTS 6 4.6 SIDEWALKS /TRAILS 7 4.7 PERMITS /APPROVALS 7 4.8 RIGHT -OF- WAY /EASEMENTS 8 5. FINANCING 9 5.1 OPINION OF COST 9 5.2 FUNDING 10 5.2.1 DEAN JOHNSON HOMES 10 5.2.2 WATER MAIN CORE FUND 10 5.2.3 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 11 5.2.4 EASEMENT ACQUISITION 11 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE 13 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION 13 City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556-43 Appendix A Project Location Maps Street Typical Sections Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C Preliminary Assessment Roll Cost Distribution Calculations City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 155643 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Project No. 397 consists of the installation of public streets and utilities for the proposed GlenRose Addition, located on the east side of Trunk Highway 3 (TH 3) directly east of the Rosemount Community Center and west of Erickson Park. The proposed improvements include water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, concrete curb and gutter, and the addition of a right turn lane along TH 3. Additional improvements proposed to be completed as part of the GlenRose Addition include the extension of a bituminous trail from Erickson Park to the GlenRose Addition, the extension of trunk and lateral water main, as well as lateral sanitary sewer to existing properties, from the GlenRose Addition north to Connemara Trail. An existing property, located at 13930 South Robert Trail, has a failed septic system, and has previously requested that the City extend sanitary and water service to the property. A second property, located at 13940, does not have a failed septic system, but has also requested that the City extend sanitary and water service to the property. The total estimated project cost for the proposed GlenRose Addition and associated improvements is $1,488,800. Of this amount, the GlenRose Developer, Dean Johnson Homes, would contribute an estimated $1,292,700. An estimated $43,600 would be assessed to adjacent property owners along the east side of TH 3 benefiting from City water main and sanitary sewer improvements. An estimated $94,600 would be contributed by the City of Rosemount through the City's Water Main Core Fund. In order to install the proposed sanitary sewer and water main services to the GlenRose development, and extend services to existing properties, permanent utility easements will need to be acquired. The cost of these easements is estimated at $57,900, and has been included as part of the above total costs. The majority of the public improvements for the GlenRose Addition, including the first lift of bituminous pavement and all restoration items, will be completed in 2006. The final Lift of bituminous and any associated clean up and restoration items will be completed in 2007. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost- effective from an engineering standpoint, and should be constructed as proposed herein. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization On June 21, 2005 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for the GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 397. 2.2 Scope This report addresses the construction of street and utility improvements necessary for the development of the GlenRose Addition residential development located on the east side of TH 3 directly east of the Rosemount Community Center and west of Erickson Park. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, lateral sanitary sewer, a local sanitary sewer lift station, water main, and storm sewer systems. Lateral water main and lateral sanitary sewer would be extended from the GlenRose Addition north along TH 3 to Connemara Trail, thus servicing properties along the east side of TH 3 that are currently without City sanitary sewer and water service, as well as providing water main looping that is necessary to maintain fire flow requirements within the GlenRose Addition. Furthermore, trunk water main would be connected on the west side of TH 3 between the Rosemount Community Center and Connemara Trail, completing the trunk water main loop outlined in the City's Comprehensive Water Plan. Clearing and grubbing of trees and preliminary site grading will be completed privately prior to construction of the street and utility improvements. 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: City of Rosemount Utility Plans City of Rosemount Record Plans City of Rosemount Topography Maps Field Observations of the Area City of Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Field Survey Preliminary Plat information for GlenRose Addition prepared by Loucks Associates, Inc. Preliminary Grading Plans for GlenRose Addition prepared by Loucks Associates, Inc. City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Location The project is a proposed 76 -unit townhouse development to be located on a 10.76 -acre parcel. on the east side of TH 3 directly east of the Rosemount Community Center, west of Erickson Park, and north of the St. Josephs Cemetery. To provide sanitary sewer and water main service to the GlenRose Addition, additional work will need to occur within the TH 3 right of way north of the GlenRose Addition to Connemara Trail. Trunk water main is proposed for installation along the west side of TH 3 from near the Community Center north to Connemara Trail, while lateral sanitary sewer and water main is proposed for installation along the eastem property line of those properties fronting TH 3 north of the GlenRose Addition. A map showing the location of the project can be found in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of Appendix A. 3.2 Existing Conditions Currently, the area consists of both wooded and open areas, mainly covered with moderately sized trees and smaller brush. There is a delineated wetland located within the property, which will serve as a conveyance for storm sewer overflow once the property is developed. The developer will be clearing trees and grading the site prior to the final design of the proposed improvements. There is currently a private driveway that accesses the GlenRose property from TH 3. Due to the topography, temporary and permanent access will be obtained off of TH 3, approximately 1,200 feet south of Connemara Trail, slightly north of the existing driveway, and directly across from the south driveway to the Rosemount Community Center. The terrain in the project area is generally sloped to the east, toward Erickson Pond within Erickson Park. Storm sewer installed as part of the Rosemount Community Center project exists along the north property line and crosses the northeast corner of the property, and provides an outlet to Erickson Pond for the drainage pond located adjacent to the Community Center parking lot west of TH 3. There is currently no water or sanitary sewer service to the GlenRose Addition property. Lateral sanitary sewer installed as part of the Rosemount Community Center project exists along the east property line of the properties fronting TH 3, approximately 250 feet east of TH 3. This sanitary sewer runs from approximately 600 feet north of the GlenRose Addition north to Connemara Trail, and services three of the five properties located north of the GlenRose Addition Of the remaining two properties (13930 and 13940 South Robert Trail), the property at 13930 South Robert Trail has a failed septic system. The property owners of both properties have requested that City sanitary and water service be extended to service their parcels. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 3 A 12 -inch trunk water main currently runs along the east side of TH 3 in front of the Rosemount Community Center, but ends approximately 800 feet south of Connemara Trail, where a stub was previously installed for future connection to the existing 12-inch water main. The Rosemount Woods mobile home neighborhood, which is to the north of the GlenRose Addition, has existing water service via a private water main network, and as such, is not a feasible alternative for providing water service to the GlenRose Addition. There are overhead (aerial) private utilities located in the northwest comer of the proposed GlenRose Addition. These utilities service an existing building on the property, and will be removed by the property developer prior to preparation of final plans. 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4.1 Surface Improvements As part of this project, a City street will be constructed to provide access to the 76 proposed townhouse properties located within the GlenRose Addition. 140 Circle will be approximately 620 feet in length and end in a cul -de -sac. The street is proposed to be constructed to a width of 32 feet face -to -face with B618 concrete curb and gutter. The pavement section will be designed to accommodate a 7 -ton axle load, and will consist of approximately four inches of bituminous and six inches of Class V aggregate base, over a sand base with a minimum depth of two feet. As part of this project, private streets will also be constructed. It has been City of Rosemount policy to construct all private streets in new developments if public utilities are to be included within these streets as part of the overall development project. Pnvate streets and driveways will vary in width between 20 feet and 28 feet face -to -face with modified `S' (surmountable) concrete curb and gutter. Right and left turn lanes will be constructed for access to TH 3. The pavement section will be designed to accommodate a 5 -ton axle load, and will consist of approximately four inches of bituminous and six inches of Class V aggregate base, over a sand base with a minimum depth of one foot. Additionally, a right turn lane from northbound TH 3 to 140 Circle will need to be constructed. This turn lane will be approximately 300 feet in length, and will be designed to Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn\DOT) standards to match the existing section of TH 3, with approximately eight inches of bituminous, 12 inches of Class V aggregate base, over a sand base with a minimum depth of two feet. Figure 3 in Appendix shows the location of the proposed street and surface improvements for the GlenRose Addition. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556-43 Page 4 4.2 Storm Sewer The proposed storm sewer improvements include the construction of lateral storm sewer to serve the GlenRose Addition. The site storm sewer system will be designed for a 10 -year rainfall event. Stormwater will be routed in a manner consistent with Rosemount's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan (CSMP). The proposed improvements will route all of the site stormwater to a new stormwater management pond being constructed by the property developer in the south central portion of the property, adjacent to an existing wetland. From this new pond, an overflow Swale will be constructed to direct treated water into the existing wetland, where an emergency overflow outlet control structure will connect into an existing storm sewer pipe to the east and eventually flow into Erickson Pond (EP-P1770). Figure 3 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed storm sewer installation for the GlenRose Addition. 4.3 Sanitary Sewer Due to the topography of the area, sanitary sewer service for the GlenRose Addition can only be obtained through the installation of lateral service pipes and a local sanitary sewer lift station. The proposed lift station will need to be installed in the northeast corner of the property at the east end of 140 Circle, with a force main extending west where it will connect to a proposed fl- inch PVC sanitary sewer. As previously mentioned, three properties have received sanitary sewer stubs from a previous sanitary sewer installation project. The property owners of the two remaining parcels without sanitary sewer service have requested that City sanitary sewer and water service be extended to their properties. In order to provide gravity sanitary sewer to these parcels, it is necessary to run the sanitary sewer along the east property line of these two properties, due in part to existing topography and due to the location of their existing septic systems. As such, an 8 -inch sanitary sewer would run along the eastem property line of the private properties located north of the GlenRose Addition, approximately 300 east of TH 3, north approximately 650 feet, where it will connect into an existing sanitary sewer manhole. Sanitary sewer service stubs would be extended for two existing properties along the east side of TH 3 north of the GlenRose Addition, as well as for the buildings located within the GlenRose Addition. Figure 2 and Figure 3 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed sanitary sewer for the GlenRose Addition. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 155643 Page 5 4.4 Water Main Water service for the GlenRose Addition can be obtained by installing 8 -inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) from an existing 12 -inch DIP water main located on the west side of TH 3 into the GlenRose Addition. To do this, the new water main will need to be installed in a steel casing to be jacked under TH 3. In order to provide water service to adjacent properties located north of the GlenRose Addition, the 8 -inch DIP will be jacked across TH 3 north of the Rosemount Community Center, and will run east to the eastern edge of the adjacent properties, and then south to the GlenRose Addition. One -inch copper water service stubs will be provided for each of the five properties north of the GlenRose Addition, and 4 -inch DIP water service stubs will be provided for each building within the GlenRose Addition. Fire hydrants will be installed within the GlenRose addition in accordance with City Standards. In order to provide adequate fire protection to the GlenRose Addition, the 8 -inch DIP water main needs to be looped to another point within the existing City of Rosemount water main network. Due to the location of the development, only two options exist for water main looping. The first option (herein referred to as Alternate 1) is to connect back into the 12 -inch trunk water main located on the west side of TH 3. The second option (herein referred to as Alternate 2) is to connect to an existing 8 -inch water main located along Brazil Avenue, east of Erickson Park. Alternate 1 requires a second water main jacking across TH 3, while Alternate 2 would require additional tree removal and restoration along the north property line of Erickson Park. Both Alternates provide equal benefit, so the deciding factor is the cost of the improvement. Detailed cost estimates can be found in Appendix B of this report, and are summarized in the Financing section of this report. Finally, a 12 -inch trunk water main is proposed for extension from near the Rosemount Community Center north to Connemara Trail along the west side of TH 3. The extension of this trunk water main is in accordance with the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water Plan. It is anticipated that the trunk water main, while installed in the TH 3 ditch, may require temporary lane shifts on TH 3 to provide adequate staging areas for the water main installation activities. There is no impact anticipated to occur on the adjacent Rosemount Lutheran Cemetery property. Figure 2 in AppendixA shows the location of the proposed water main for the GlenRose Addition. 4.5 Private Utilities /Streetlights Xcel Energy will provide electrical service to the development area, phone service will be provided by Frontier Communications, and gas service by Aquila. Streetlights for the development will be incorporated into the private portion of the project and paid for by the developer. Overhead utility lines exist within the northwestern portion of the development. As previously mentioned, these utility lines will be removed by the private developer prior to construction of the proposed improvements outlined in this report. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 155643 Page 6 Underground utilities exist on both the east and west side of TH 3, and include, but are not limited to, telephone, cable television, gas, and aviation communications. The majonty of these utility lines are anticipated to remain in -place during construction. There is the potential for approximately 400 feet of utility relocation as a result of the proposed right turn lane being installed along the east side of TH 3 for the GlenRose Addition. 4.6 Sidewalks/Trails An 8 -foot wide bituminous trail is proposed to run from the eastern end of 140 Circle into Erickson Park, connecting with an existing bituminous trail located adjacent to Enckson Pond within the park. In addition, 5 -food wide concrete sidewalks will be installed along the north side of 140 Circle and in locations within the development to provide pedestrian access to Erickson Park. Figure 2 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed sidewalks and trails within the GlenRose Addition. 4.7 Permits /Approvals The anticipated permits and approvals that will be required and the respective regulatory agencies are fisted below: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Water main Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn\DOT) Access/Work within R.O.W. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Sanitary Sewer Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sanitary Sewer Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm -water Permit for Construction Activity (MN R100001) The final plat requires approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission and Board of Commissioners. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 7 Table 1: GlenRose Addition Easement Acquisition Summary PIN Owner Address Construction Easement (SF) Permanent Easement (SF) Total Easement (SF) 34- 02010- 010 -80 Michael Merla Peters 13930 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 1,450 2,900 4,350 34- 02010- 050 -80 Louis Tste Gramsey 13898 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 3,100 4,200 7,300 34- 02010 060 -80 Todd Henry Franz 13940 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 2,170 4,340 6,510 34- 02010- 012 -81 Hidden Valley Spellc 150 N. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 5,660 11,320 16,980 TOTAL 12,380 22,760 35,140 4.8 Right -of- Way/Easements The proposed street rights -of -way for all public streets and all necessary easements within the proposed GlenRose Addition will be dedicated by the developer as part of the final plat. In order to install water main and sanitary sewer service to the GlenRose Addition and the adjacent properties north of the GlenRose Addition, permanent utility and temporary construction easements need to be acquired from adjacent property owners. Total easement acquisition is estimated at 35,150 square feet. At $2.00 per square foot for permanent easement, and $1.00 per square foot for temporary construction easement, this totals approximately $57,900 in easement acquisition costs. This estimate is based on previous easement acquisition cost, and can vary based on easement use and cooperation with adjacent property owners. Easements will need to be acquired from the following properties: Prior to final design, negotiations for acquisition of permanent and construction easements will take place. It is anticipated that since easements are being requested primarily from property owners who have specifically requested the improvements, the Eminent Domain process will not be necessary. Funding for easement acquisition is detailed in the Financing section of this report. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No 397 WSB Project No. 155643 Page 9 Table 1: GlenRose Addition (Alt #1) Summary of Costs Schedule A Surface Improvements $312,060.00 Schedule B Sanitary Sewer $181,830.00 Schedule Cl Water Main (Altemate #1) $222,320.00 Schedule D Storm Sewer $171,960.00 SUBTOTAL $888,170.00 10% Contin.encies $88,817.00 SUBTOTAL $976,987.00 30% Indirect Costs $293,096.10 TOTAL ESTIMATED GLENROSE COST $1,270,100.00 Table 2: GlenRose Addition (Alt #2) Summary of Costs Schedule A Surface Improvements $312,060.00 Schedule B Sanitary Sewer $181,830.80 Schedule C2 Water Main (Alternate #2) 5239,870.00 Schedule D Storm Sewer $171,960.00 SUBTOTAL $905,720.00 10% Contin eg ncies $90,572.00 SUBTOTAL $996,292.00 30% Indirect Costs S298,887.60 TOTAL ESTIMATED GLENROSE COST $1,295,200.00 5. FL \DANCING 5.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions incorporate estimated 2006 construction costs and include a 10% contingency and 30% for all related indirect costs (legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items). Once all contingencies and indirect costs have been calculated, easement acquisition costs were added. The opinion of cost for the GlenRose Addition has been broken down into various schedules in order to facilitate funding calculations. The breakdowns include GlenRose Addition improvements (including both water main alternates), lateral sanitary sewer and water main improvements, and trunk water main improvements. Table 1 and Table 2 summarizes the proposed improvement cost for the GlenRose Addition comparing water main Alternate 1 and Alternate 2, respectively: City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556-43 Page 9 Table 3: Total Cost Summary GlenRose Addition, Altemate #1 $1,305,500.00 TH 3 Lateral Improvements $88,700.00 TH 3 Trunk Water Main Improvements $94,600.00 Easement Acquisition (Estimated) $57,900.00 GRAND TOTAL $1,488,800.00 As shown, Alternate 1 (2 °d water main jacking) provides a cost savings over Alternate 2 (water main through Erickson Park) of an estimated $25,100, or 2% of the total cost. As such, Alternate 1 is recommended for construction. Table 3 provides a total cost sun for all proposed GlenRose Addition, lateral sanitary sewer and water main improvements, and trunk water main improvements: 5.2 Funding Financing for this project will come from a combination of developer funds (Dean Johnson Homes), City of Rosemount Water Main Core Funds, and property assessments. Detailed assessment calculations and cost distributions can be found in Appendix C. 5.2.1 Dean Johnson Homes The GlenRose Addition property developer, Dean Johnson Homes, is anticipated to pay for all improvements within the GlenRose Addition, as well as for prorated portions of water main and lateral sanitary sewer improvements. Schedules A D include surface, sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements that are located within the GlenRose Addition, with a base cost estimated at $1,270,100. Additionally, in order to provide sanitary sewer service to the GlenRose Addition, lateral sanitary sewer needs to be extended from the north. Funding for this sanitary sewer (and associated easement acquisition) is prorated to benefiting properties. There are two existing properties along TH 3, in addition to the proposed 76 properties that would benefit from sanitary sewer extension. As such, the cost share for the GlenRose Addition is $22,600 for sanitary sewer improvements. Total contributions from Dean Johnson Homes are estimated at $1,292,700, or roughly $17,000 per property. 5.2.2 Water Main Core Fund The City's Water Main Core Fund is available to fund any trunk water main improvements throughout the City of Rosemount. Trunk water main improvements for the GlenRose Addition and associated improvements include extension of the aforementioned 12 -inch trunk water main along the west side of TH 3, as well as providing lateral water service across TH 3 to the GlenRose Addition and adjacent properties. Total trunk water main costs are estimated at $94,600. City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 10 5.2.3 Special Assessments Special property assessments are levied against properties within the City of Rosemount where a public improvement, such as utility extensions or street improvements, will increase the property value of that property. Of the five properties immediately adjacent to the GlenRose Addition, three properties currently have sanitary sewer service, and none of the properties have water service. For the two properties receiving sanitary sewer service, the prorated assessment for the sanitary sewer improvements associated with the GlenRose Addition are estimated at $3,700 per property. Lateral water main improvements are divided evenly among the five properties that would receive water service. Water main assessments are estimated at $7,240 per property. Total special assessments are estimated at $43,600. A preliminary assessment roll can be found in Appendix C. 5.2.4 Easement Acquisition As previously indicated, there will be a need to acquire approximately 35,140 square feet in permanent and temporary construction easements in order to construct the lateral sanitary sewer and water main along properties fronting TH 3. Since easements will be acquired strictly for lateral sanitary sewer and water main improvements from properties that would benefit from the proposed improvements, the costs for easements not dedicated to the City will be assessed back to adjacent properties. Assuming no easements are dedicated without compensation, the estimated cost for easement acquisition is $57,900. City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 Page 11 GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements Fundm Summary Dean Johnson Homes $1,292,700 PIN 34- 02010- 010 -80 Michael Merla Peters $10,940 PIN 34- 02010- 030 -80 Donna Semlak $7,240 PIN 34- 02010 040 -80 Thomas Joseph Lucking $7,240 PIN 34- 02010 050 -80 Louis Tste Gramsey $7,240 PIN 34- 02010 060 -80 Todd Henry Franz $10,940 Water Main Core Fund $94,600 Easement Acquisition $57,900 Total $1,488,800 5.3 Funding Summary A summary of the proposed funding for the GlenRose Addition and associated improvements is as follows: City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 39 WSB Project No. 155643 Page 12 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for these improvements is as follows: City Council Orders Feasibility Report June 21, 2005 Receive Feasibility Report Set Public Hearing Date Order Plans and Specifications August I, 2005 Public Hearing August 16, 2005 Approve Plans and Specifications /Order Ad for Bids October 4, 2005 City Council Receives Bids Award Contract November 1, 2005 Begin Construction November, 2005 Substantial Completion June 30, 2006 Final Assessment Hearing Fall, 2006 Final Lift of Bituminous Spring, 2007 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION City Project No. 397 consists of the construction of street, sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and appurtenant work as necessary to construct the GlenRose Addition. Additional improvements include the extension of trunk water main along TH 3 from the Rosemount Community Center north to Connemara Trail, as well as install lateral sanitary and water service to properties located to the north and adjacent to the GlenRose Addition. The proposed public utility improvements are in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Plans It is the recommendation of WSB Associates, Inc., that City Project No. 397, GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work, is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineering standpoint. We recommend construction of the proposed improvements as detailed in this report. City of Rosemount— Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556-43 Page 13 City ofRosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 APPENDIX A Figures 0 z C a N LI W 0 W W CC 30 w y zw W a N N W W 02QI Q W X zI B 0 00 3 0 0 0 w 7 i 00 0 00 W W W W W W W o 0 0 CD CO V) CO M as a as 00000 00 CCCCC C C 0.110_110_ as a E z 0 LL H z Z2 0 W E 0 Q Z o W z J Q 0 w w 1- H 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 A 70 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MG" UO W r,imrnm 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 Z M X M M -1 900g9 m T z w 0m ni 0 /1 I Pi's-- o 4 .1-2-------__tif I g 17 -r--r /t 5 -I m ri m 0 -0 lij, 0 0 r Z r D m 1/ 7, z X) 71 7) 71 -Ta mil M X in M 075 M m IA o //11 171 K -1 K m3 m w u) j- t/ n Z M X in m 1-^1 Z 0 Z-71 V) A) ch K M K .L.__ —I 2 mKH mmm it NJ -I c K >2 K z K i 0 cil- z m ri Z 0 z H z --I r' .I H o r‘...-._ 1 --7 7.)1_. I 1 1 1 hi--- WSB Associates, Inc —11 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 www wsbeng com 1 763- 541- 0- Favi91341 -1100 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING 'PLANNING ∎CONSTRUCTION GLEN ROSE ADDITION SROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA WSB Project No 01 556-43 July 26, 2005 Figure Number 1 J N ■m556-43ICarsE4NmswiG_01 Eay City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work Cit Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556-43 APPENDIX 13 Opinion of Probable Cost Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Projec: GlenRose Addition Design By BDC Project Location. City of Rosemount Checked By AAA City Project No.. 397 WSB Protect No 155643 Date 7/26/2005 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No Description Unit Estunated Total Quantity Unit Pncc Esumated Total Cost A. SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 S17,400 00 $17,400 00 2 2104 501 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 360 52 50 S900 00 3 2104 513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 400 S3 50 51,400 00 4 2105 522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 50 $10 00 S500 00 5 2105 525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) (PLACEMENT) CU YD 1,525 $3 00 54 575 00 6 2105 607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CL YD 50 S5 00 S250 00 7 2211 501 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON 4,600 S11 00 $50,600 00 8 2350 501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE (C TON 1,350 536 00 $48,600 00 9 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE (C TON 1,350 $35 00 547,250 00 10 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 660 52 00 $1,320.00 11 2360.501 TYPE SP -12 5 WEARING COURSE (E) TON 125 542 00 55,250.00 12 2560 502 TYPE SP-12.5 NON WEARING COURSE (E) TON 125 $41 00 $5,125 00 13 2502 541 4" PER PVC PIPE DRAIN LEN FT 550 510 00 $5,500 00 14 2521 501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 3,500 53.75 513,125 00 15 2521 501 CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH 6 $550 00 53,300 00 16 2521 604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 690 S14 -00 $9,660 00 17 2531 501 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER, DESIGN B618 LIN FT 1,200 S8 00 59,600 00 18 2531 501 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER, DESIGN MODIFIED S LIN FT 5,700 $825 547,025 00 19 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 52,500 00 $2,500 00 20 2564 531 F &I SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ F"F 40 525 00 $1,000 00 21 2564 602 F &1 SIGN PANELS TYPE D EACH 24 5250 00 $6,000 00 22 2564 602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE RT ARROW (POLY- PREFORMED) EACH 2 S50.00 5100 00 23 2564 602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE RT ARROW (EPDXY) EACH 2 $25 00 $50 00 24 2564 602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE LT ARROW (EPDXY) EACH 2 $25 00 $50 00 25 2564 603 12" SOLID LINE WHITE (EPDXY) LIN FT 36 $25 00 S900 00 26 2564.603 4'• SOLID LINE WHITE (EPDXY) LIN FT 300 $0 50 5 150 00 27 2564 603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE (POLY- PREFORMED) LIN FT 300 $1 25 $375-00 28 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN Fr 6,900 $2 00 $13,800 00 29 2573 602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 50 $60 00 $3,000 00 30 2573.603 BIOROLL LIN Fr 1 80 52000 $1,600 00 31 2575 501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 125 51,000 00 $1,250.00 32 2575 505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL FERT.) SQ YD 3,100 S3 00 $9,300 00 33 2575 523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 300 52 00 $600 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS $312,060 00 B. GLENROSE SANITARY SEWER 34 2451.602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 100 S2 00 5200 00 35 2503 603 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1 5800.00 $800 00 36 2503 602 8" X 6" PVC WYE EACH 14 585 00 $1,190 00 37 2503.602 LIFT STATION EACH 1 595,000 00 $95,000 00 38 2503 603 TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER LIN F7 1,800 SI 00 $1,800 00 39 2503 603 4" FORCE MAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LIN FT 480 $18.00 $8,640 00 40 2503 603 6' PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN FT 420 $15 00 56,300.00 4t 2503 603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN Fr 1,800 $20.00 536,000 00 42 2506516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 16 $400 00 $6,400 00 43 2506 603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 170 $150.00 525,500.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B SANITARY SEWER S181,830 00 K 901556- 321AdminWeasibditylOpin,on of Probable Cost 1 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project GlenRose Addition Design By BDC Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By AAA City Project No. 397 WSB Project No 1556 43 Date 7/26/2005 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost C1. GLENROSE WATERMAIN (ALTERNATE #1) 44 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH 12 $2,000 00 S24,000 00 45 2504.602 4" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 13 S500 00 $6,500 00 46 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 14 S700 00 $9,800.00 47 2504 602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 16 S900 00 $14,400 00 48 1 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 $250 00 $250 00 49 2504 603 4" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 400 $20 00 $8,000 00 50 2504 603 6" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 420 520 00 58,400,00 51 2504 603 8" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 4,780 S24 00 1 14,720 00 52 2504 603 16" STEEL CASING PIPE (SACKED) LIN FT 120 $ISO 00 $21,600 00 53 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD 30 S20 00 $600 00 54 2504.604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 9,200 51.50 $13,800.00 55 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 100 S2.00 $200.00 56 2575 501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 0.05 51,000 00 550.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C 1 WATERMAIN (ALTERANATE #1 $222,320 00 C2. GLENROSE WATERMAIN (ALTERNATE #2) 57 2101 502 CLEAR GRUB TREE TREE 10 $40D 00 S4,000 00 58 2504 602 HYDRANT EACH 14 52,000.00 $28,000 00 59 2504 602 4" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 13 $500.00 56,500.00 60 2504 602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 14 5700 00 $9,800.00 61 2504 602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 16 5900 00 514,400 DO 62 2504 602 2" CURB STOP BOX EACH 14 5130 00 51,820 00 63 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 $250 00 $250 00 64 2504 603 4" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 400 520 00 58,000 00 65 2504 603 6" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 460 520 00 59,200 00 66 2504 603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 4,850 524 00 5116,400 00 67 2504 603 16 STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT 120 5200 00 524,000.00 68 2504 604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD 30 520.00 5600.00 69 2504 604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 9,200 S1 50 513,800.00 70 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN Fr 1,000 $2 00 52,000 00 71 2575.501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 0.70 51,000 00 5700 00 72 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 200 52 00 5400 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C2 WATERMAIN (ALTERNATE #2) $239,870 00 K601555- 32AOminTeasibIIIty\Opinion of Probable Cost 2 d 6 Opinion of Probable Cost ri vz,' -r a >i iii,.i „�_a ak'4 x�`_ S4lwx1 1,�'a'dY, Laf y n' r'�pSP t t':e(,t •STf :.�it?n t'ILef WSB Project GlenRose Addthon Design By BDC Project Locatmn City of Rosemount Checked By. AAA City Protect No. 397 WSB Project No 1556 -43 Date 7/26/2005 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Descnption Unit Estimated Total Quantity Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost D. STORM SEWER 73 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 150 $2 00 $300 00 74 2501 515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 $425,00 5,425 00 75 2501 515 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH 4 $475 00 $1,900 00 76 2501 515 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5575.00 5575 00 77 2501,602 TRASH GRATE FOR 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 S250 00 S250 00 78 2501 602 TRASH GRATE FOR 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH 4 $350.00 $1,400 00 79 2501 602 TRASH GRATE FOR 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5475 00 $475 00 80 2503 541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FT 2,050 $22 50 $46,125 00 81 2503 MI 18' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT 900 524 00 521,600 00 82 2503 541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL HI LIN FT 160 S28 00 54,480.00 83 2506 501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 484020 LIN FT 162 5200.00 $32,400 00 84 2506 502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 1 (2 CB) EACH 15 $1,200.00 $18,000 00 85 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 2 EACH 2 55,000 00 510,000 00 86 2506 502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TYPE G EACH 5 5900 00 54,500 00 87 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 56 5400 00 $22,400 00 85 2506 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1 5750.00 5750.00 88 2511 501 RANDOM RIPRAP, CLASS IV CU YD 70 585 00 55,950 00 89 2511 515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV SQ YD 85 $5 00 $425 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D STORM SEWER $171,960 00 K101 5 5 6 -32Mdr n \FeaslbilitylOpinion of Probable Cost 3 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project G lenRose Additon Design By BDC Project Locahort City of Rosemount Checked By AAA Cety Project No. 397 WSB Project No 1556 43 Date 7/26/2005 Item 5o MN /DOT Specification No Descnptton Um[ Estimated Total Quantity Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost E. TH 3 LATERAL SANITARY SEWER 90 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $500 00 S500 00 91 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 50 $2.00 $100 00 92 2503 603 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1 5800 00 5800 00 93 2503 602 8" X 4" PVC WYE EACH 2 S85 00 5170 00 94 2503 603 TELEVISING SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 570 S1 00 S570 00 95 2503 603 4" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN FP 80 51500 $1,200.00 96 2503 603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN FT 570 $20.00 $11,40000 97 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 2 540000 $800 00 98 2506 603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 28 S150 00 S4,200 00 99 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 300 $2.00 5600.00 100 2575 501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 0 25 51,000.00 5250 00 101 2575 523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 200 52 00 5400 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE E TH 3 LATERAL SANITARY SEWER 520,990 00 F. TH 3 LATERAL WATERMAIN 102 2021 501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 5500 00 5500.00 103 2101.502 CLEARING TREE 11 5250 00 52,750 00 104 5101 507 GRUBBING TREE 11 510000 51,10000 105 2104 501 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 80 52 50 5200 00 106 2104 513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 48 S3 50 5168 00 107 2211 501 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON 25 511 00 $275 00 108 2350 501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE (C TON 20 560 00 51,200 00 109 2504 602 HYDRANT EACH 2 52,000 00 $4,000 00 110 2504 602 1" CORPORATION STOP EACH 5 $45 00 5225 00 111 2504 602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 5700 00 51,400 00 112 2504 602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 1 5900 00 5900 00 113 2504 602 1" CURB STOP &BOX EACH 5 S100 00 550000 114 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 1 5250 00 5250 00 115 2504 603 l" TYPE K COPPER PIPE LIN FT 250 58 00 52,000 00 116 2504 603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 60 S20 00 51,200 00 117 2504 603 8" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 230 524 00 55,520.00 118 2504604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 1,000 S150 $1,500.00 119 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 500 52 00 $1,000 00 120 2575.501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 0 40 51,000 00 j $400 00 121 1 2575 523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 100 52 00 5200 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE F TH 3 LATERAL WATERMAIN $25,288 00 K1 01556321Admm'FeasIbtIIty1Opinlcn of Probede Cost 4 of 6 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project GlenRose Addition Design By BDC Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By AAA City Project No 397 WSB Project No 1556 -43 Date. 7/26/2005 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Estimated Total Cost G. TH 3 TRUNK WATERMAIN 122 2021,501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 1 $1,400 00 51,400 00 123 2504,602 HYDRANT EACH 1 2 $2,000.00 54,000 00 124 2504 602 6' GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 $700.00 51,400 00 125 2504 602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 1 S900.00 S900 00 126 2504 602 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 2 51,400 -00 S2,800.00 127 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 3 S250 00 $750.00 128 2504 603 6" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 40 S20 0D $800.00 129 2504 603 8" WATER MALY -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 140 S24 00 53,360.00 130 2504 603 16 STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED) LIN FT 120 S180 00 $21,600.00 131 2504 603 12" WATER SLAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 800 S30 00 $24,000 00 132 2504 604 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 650 51.50 $975 00 133 2563 601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 52,000-00 134 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 800 $2 00 51,600 00 135 2575 501 SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 0.55 $1,000.00 $550 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE G TH 3 TRUNK WATERMAIN S66,135 00 1(.101556-321AdmInIFeasibely1Opinion of Probable Cost 5 Of 6 Cost Summary WSB Project GlenRose Addition Design By BDC Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By AAA Gty Project No 397 WSB Project No 1556 -43 Date- 7/262005 a GLENROSE ADDITION (ALT #1) SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 5312,060 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULES SANITARY SEWER S 181,830 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE CI WATER MAIN (ALTERNATE #1) 3222,320 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D STORM SEWER S 171,960 00 SUBTOTAL S888,170 00 10% CONTINGENCIES $88 00 SUBTOTAL S976,987 00 30°A INDIRECT COSTS S293,096 10 TOTAL ESTIMATED GLENROSE ADDITION (ALT #i) COST $1,270,100.00 GLENROSE ADDITION (ALT #2) COST SUMMARY SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS $312,060-00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B SANITARY SEWER 5181,830 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C2 WATER MAIN (ALTERNATE #2) $239,870 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D STORM SEWER S171,960 00 SUBTOTAL S905,720 00 10% CONTINGENCIES S90,572 00 SUBTOTAL $996,292 00 30% INDIRECT COSTS $298,887 60 TOTAL ESTIMATED GLENROSE ADDITION (ALT #2) COST! 51,295,200.00 TH 3 LATERAL IMPROVEMENTS COST SUMMARY SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE E -1113 LATERAL SANITARY SEWER $20,990 OD SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE F TH 3 LATERAL WATER MAIN $25,288 00 SUBTOTAL $46,278 00 10% CONTINGENCIES 54,627 80 SUBTOTAL $50,905 80 30% INDIRECT COSTS 515,27174 TOTAL ESTIMATED LATERAL IMPROVEMENT COST $66,200.00 TH 3 TRUNK WATER MAIN COST SUMMARY SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE G TH 3 TRUNK WATER MAIN 566,135 00 SUBTOTAL $66,13500 $6,613.50 10% CONTINGENCIES SUBTOTAL $72,748 50 30% LNDIRECT COSTS 521,824 55 TOTAL ESTIMATED TRUNK WATER MAIN COST $94,600.00 TOTAL COST SUMMARY GLENROSE ADDITION, ALT #1 (SCHEUDLE A -D) $1,270,100.00 TH 3 LATERAL IMPROVEMENTS SCHEUDLE E -F) $66,200.00 TH 3 TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS (SCHEDULE G) $94,600.00 EASEMENT ACQUISITION (ESTIMATED) S57 900 00 GRAND TOTAL 51,488,800.00 6 dB City of Rosemount Feasibility Report GlenRose Addition Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work City Project No. 397 WSB Project No. 1556 -43 APPENDIX C Preliminary Assessment Roll Cost Distribution Calculations Preliminary Assessment Roll WSB Project: GlenRose Addition Design By BDC Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By AAA Cay Project No 397 WSB Project No 1556 -43 Date 7/26/2005 Sanitary Water Main PIN Owner Address Assessment Assessment Total Assessment 34- 02010 010 -80 Michael Merla Peters 13930 S Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 $3,700 $7,240 $10,940 34- 02010- 030 -80 Donna Semlak 13836 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 $7,240 $7,240 34- 02010- 040 -80 Thomas Joseph Lucking 13830 S Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 $7,240 $7,240 34- 02010 050 -80 Louis Tste Gramsey 13898 S Robert Trail Rosemount, YIN 55068 $7,240 $7,240 34- 02010 060 -80 Todd Henry Franz 13940 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 $3,700 S7,240 $10,940 TOTAL $7,400 $36,200 $43,600 1 of t Cost Distribution Calculations WSB Project GlenRose Addition Project Location- City of Rosemount City Project No 397 WSB Protect No 1556 -43 Design By. BDC Checked By: AAA Date 7/26/2005 Dean Johnson Homes Direct Development Costs (Schedules A, B, C1, D): 51.271100 Lateral Sanitary Sewer Cost (Portion of Schedule E) Schedule B Cost x 1.10% x 1 30% $260,017 Schedule E Costx 1.10% x 1 30% $30,016 Total Sanitary Costs $290,033 Cost per unit S288,533 78 benefiting units $3,718 Developer Sanitary Cost $3,700 x 76 units $282,568 Developer Lateral Cost $281,200 Schedule B ($260,017) $22.600 11 Dean Johnson Homes TOTAL $1,292,700i1 Water Main Core Fund 594.600 TH 3 Trunk Water Main Improvments (Schedule G) 1 Water Main Core Fund TOTAL $94,6001 Special Assessments Lateral Sanitary Improvements (Portion of Schedule E) Schedule B Cost x 1.10% x 1.30% $260,017 Schedule E x 1 10% x 1.30% $30,016 Total Sanitary Costs $290,033 Cost per unit $290,033 78 benefiting units $3,700 Assessable Sanitary Cost $3,700 x 2 properties $7,400 Total Assessable Sanitary Sewer 57.400 Lateral Water Main Improvements (Schedule F) Schedule F Cost x 1.10% x 1.30% 5 Cost per Property $36,162 5 Properties $7,240 11 Special Assessment TOTAL $43,600 1 oft