HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of February 7, 2006 Regular City Council ProceedingsMotion by DeBetugmes. Second by Shoe- Cor Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 1 r. r e FC� a ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 7, 2006, at 7.30 p m in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with C ouncil Members Sterner, Baxter, DeBettigmes, and Shoe Corrigan attending. Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, City Attorney LeFevere, City Engineer Brotzler, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist, Project Engineer Dawley, City Clerk Jenunk, and Communication Coordinator Cox. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Motion to adopt the agenda with the addiuon of 6.r Receive Bids and Award Select Contracts for Fire Station II Project, and 9.b. Moratorium on Development of Uses that include Outdoor Storage m Certain Areas. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS Commendation for Eagle Scout Award —Kyle Manley Mayor Droste introduced Kyle Manley for his achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in scouting Kyle is a sophomore at Rosemount High School and has earned 21 merit badges Kyle explained his service project was planning a disc golf course on the old Brockway golf course in Rosemount Kyle obtained the building materials, built the markers, and supervised the installation. Mayor Droste presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Manley and Council, staff, and the audience applauded his accomplishment CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Sterner requested discussion oil Item 6. o. Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Glendalough 7th Addition, City Project 401. Motion by Baxter Second by DeBettigmes Motion to approve the Consent Agenda', items a. through n. and p. through r. a Minutes of January 17, 2006 Regular City Council Proceedings b. Minutes of January 11, 2006 Work Session c. Bills Listing d. Receive Donation Parks Recreation Dept. e. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account Parks Recreation Dept. f. Authorize the Recruitment Process for a Part -Time Utility Billing /Deputy Registrar Clerk g. 2006 Solid Waste Haulers Licenses h. Resolution and Consent Order Imposng Civil Penalty on American Legion Post 65 i Appointment of SKB Class II Trustee Steve Casey j. Charitable Gambling Permit for AMF City Limits Lanes, Community Charities of MN k. Vesterra, LLC and Stonex, LLC Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal, 05 -59 -ME 1. Approval of Interfund Loan Transfer m Joint Powers Agreement for Waste Abatement Community Funding n Approve Contract with Architect for Bloomfield Shelter q. r. Prof 101 (Pulled for discussion) Authorize Preparation of Alternate Urban Area -wide Review (AUAR) for 42 /Akron Area Approve "No Parking" Resolution Old County Road 38 Receive Bids and Award Select Contracts for Fire Station II Project Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.o. Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Glendalough 7th Addition, City Project 401 Council Member Sterner inquired if the street ahgnment in Glendalough 7 would be affected by the adjacent affordable housing project proposed on the agenda. Mr. Brotzler stated Glendalough 7d' street ahgnment would not be affected by the project proposed by the Dakota County Community Development Agency Motion by Sterner. Second by Baxter. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Glendalough 7d' Addition, City Project 401 Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: 132 Court West Street Utility Improvements, City Project 393 City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the project background for County Road 38 improvements and 132nd Court West street and utility improvements He stated that staff was directed to contact property owners on 132nd Court West to receive input on whether or not they desired improvements. Mr. Brotzler reported that a neighborhood meeting was held January, 2005 whei e residents indicated they were not in favor of the improvements with the CR 3S project Mr. Brotzler further explained that in July, 2005, a property owner contacted the City showing interest in having sewer and water extended to their property. On August 17, 2005 another neighborhood meeting was held informing 132nd Court residents of estimated costs and plans Mr. Brotzler received a Letter of Objection at that meeting. Following this meeting, on August 24, 2005, Mr Brotzler received a petition from property owners requesting the improvements The request was reviewed at the September Council Work Session and City Council on October 14, 2005 authorized the preparation of a feasibility report. Mr. Brotzler presented a map mdicating property owners for or against the water and sewer improvements and those which are using alternate septic systems. The 2 Motion by Droste. Second by DeBettigrues. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Motion by Shoe Corrigan. Second by DeBetugnies. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 map also indicated two properties have failing septic systems and two have non comphant septic systems The project includes street improvements without curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, and water service Mr. Brotzler reviewed the project costs, funding, and schedule. Mr Brotzler said the next step would be to prepare the final plans for 132 "d Court West and this would be included with the CR 38 Project bids Mr. Brotzler stated the current City Code requires property owners to connect within two years of when sewer and water services are available Mr. Brotzler proposed this ordinance be amended to allow a five to ten year period to connect or at the point a septic system or well failed. Mr. Brotzler also addressed the zoning change from Rural to Rural Residential 1. Mr Brotzler said a frequently asked question by residents was if the zoning would influence the County's assessed value Mr. Brotzler stated city staff does not report on property value. Mr. Brotzler pointed out the pohcy for assessment deferrals would require changing city pohcy to develop a procedure to allow assessment for qualifying senior citizens. Ms Shoe Corngan emphasized these changes would apply to residents of the 132 "d Court improvement project. Mr. DeBetugnies noted there would be fourteen lots affected by this project Mr Brotzler noted two corner lots may be assessed through the CR 38 project dependent on their choice of driveway location. Mayor Droste opened the pubhc hearing for audience input. No one spoke, however, Mayor Droste pointed out that letters from residents were included with the council packet mformanon. Motion to close the Pubhc Hearing for 132 "d Court West Street Utility Improvements, City Project 393 Mr. DeBetugnies inquired about a $9,000 difference m the assessment total. Mr. Brotzler reported that the assessment portion for a corner lot with a driveway both on 132 "d Court and CR 38 would change the total for that amount He further explained the property owner, Todd Henry, will receive a public notice alerting him of the necessary choice of driveway location. Mr. Baxter inquired how many property owners will be assessed with City Project 393. Mr. Brotzler reported1.2 property owners would be assessed, five were against it, five m favor, and two property owners did not respond Mr. Droste noted there are two properties with failed sewer systems which necessitates pumping every 40 days Mr. Droste pointed out these properties do not have room for an alternate septic site. Ms. Shoe Corrigan commented Keagen Lake could be negatively affected by failing sewer systems MOTION to adopt a Resolution ordering the project and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the 132nd Court West Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 393. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Mayor Droste further explained the future steps for this project. Mr. Brotzler noted the phone contacts for the City and the contractor are provided to the affected residents when the project begins. OLD BUSINESS Rosemount Interpretive Trail Corridor Plan Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reviewed the Interpretive Trail Corridor Plan Mr. Schultz explained Rosemount received a SEP Grant and has coordinated the plan with Hoisington Koegler Group Inc the Friends of the Mississippi River, and the surrounding property owners. The ten mile long trail will start at Central Park in Rosemount and follow the proposed trail to the Mississippi River, at Sprang Lake Park. The main goal of this project is to provide a pedestrian connection from the heart of Rosemount to the Mississippi River. A second goal is to provide interpretive and educational opportunities for trail users by creating stop -off areas along the trail. A third goal, is identifying opportunities for the preservation and restoration of natural resources along the trail to benefit the environment and make it a more enjoyable area to bike, walk, run or roller blade The trail would be constructed as development occurs to the east Mr. Schultz noted that it will likely take many years to complete the trail Bruce Chamberlam, from Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc., presented the corndor plan and interpretive themes for seven segments of the trail. He noted the cultural heritage and landscape links help to celebrate the connection to the nver. Signs and markers would point out natural facts or history. Mr. Chamberlain stated that wetlands, woodlands, a savanna and a prairie ridge are natural resources that property owners will be encouraged to restore. He indicated the trail could be 300 feet wide in some areas Mr Chamberlain believed this project is similar m concept to the Minnehaha Creek area in Minneapohs. Mayor Droste inquired how the project will be funded Mr Schultz stated funds may come from park dedication funds, DNR grants and by development as it occurs. Mr. DeBettignies pointed out the trails wind through a mining operation and Mr Schultz responded that the musing operation has the opportunity to comment on the plan and help m preparations. Mr. Sterner noted that park dedication funds occur when cash or land is received for a subdivision development as recjntred through the Subdivision Code. Motion by Sterner Second by Shoe Corngan. Motion to approve a resolution adopting the Rosemount Interpretive Corridor Plan. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 NEW BUSINESS Dakota County Community Development Agency Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, PUD Master Plan and Preliminary Plat for Rosemount Family Housing, Planning Cases 05- 50 -CP, 05- 51 -RZ, 05 -52 PUD, 05 -53 PP Community Development Director Lindquist gave a review of the affordable housing plan proposed by the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA). The location is the northwest corner of Highway 3 and Connemara Trail. Ms. Lindquist reported the buildable site is 4.8 acres and a 30 -unit townhouse development is proposed. The Planning Commission majority supported the concept because it is a transition area between Highway 3 and single family residential. City Engineer Brotzler explained three street alignment options to provide access to the townhome development All options would include a public street to the north connecting with 132nd Court. Option 1 Access: Allow a future street through the Glendalough neighborhood connecting to the cul -de -sac at Tara Commons Court Option 2 Access: Access to Connemara Trail from Tara Commons Court, connecting to the townhome project ehminating the cul -de -sac. Option 3 Access: A separate access street onto Connemara Trail opposite to the entry to Schwartz Pond Park and the Sports Dome. Mr. Brotzler stated that staff does not support Option 3. Ms. Lindquist recapped the public hearings where the public comments addressed concerns for access, density, crime, and the quality of the project Ms Lindquist noted that a flyer circulated by Evermoor residents spoke of nine vanances for this project, however, because this development is a Planned Unit Development (PUD) these modifrcauons are not considered variances. Ms. Lindquist commented on each port of the Es ermoor flyer. She pointed out that the Evermoor development was also a PUD and had incorporated many of these same issues into its development Staff recommends reguidmg the property to Urban Residential, rezoning to R -2 PUD, Prehuunary Plat approval and approval of the PUD Concept Plan The CDA development must have a master development plan review also which will require another pubhc hearing and Planning Commission and City Council approval. Mayor Droste pointed out that the public hearing requirements had been met, however, he would allow short statements by the public following City Council's clarification questions. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned if the proposed streets had room for a fire truck turn- around Ms Lindquist reported that the Fire Marshal had not reviewed the various options but the public streets would meet all City standards Council Member Sterner inquired if the Parks and Recreation Commission had reviewed the project for trails. Ms. Lindquist stated there were no trails requested for this project Mr. DeBettignies inquued about the density of the project. Ms. Lindquist stated that R -2 zoning allows for 6 units per acre and this project has 5.3 units per acre gross and 6.25 net. Mr Sterner inquired about densities in other housing projects Ms Lindquist reported the following Roundstone 8.7 units per acre GlenRose Harmony Bards Crossing Rosemount Woods 7.6 units per acre 6.2 units per acre 14.2 units per acre 3.4 units per acre ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Council Member Shoe Corrigan inquired what the density was in Glendalough which is R -1. Ms. Lindquist noted Glendalough is single family which would be 2 to 2.5 units per acre, however, she did not have the density of Glendalough Attorney VanCleve reported later m the meeting that the Glendalough density is 2 units per acre. Executive Director of the Dakota County CDA, Mark Ulfers, stated that one of the goals of the CDA is to provide high quality housing at an affordable price for those with modest incomes. He emphasized that this is not Section 8 type housing for extremely low income households, but for those families with incomes up to $46,000. Mr. Ulfers pomted out that this aids in job creation in retail and restaurant areas He stated the CDA has fourteen housing projects m Dakota County. Mr. Ulfers said the architect Mr. Kim, received an award for the design in Lakeville as the best new affordable housing. Mr. Sterner inquired as to how large a family would be allowed in a unit. Mr Ulfers said there a two and three bedroom units which would allow two to six member families. Mr. Ulfers commented that applicants are screened for criminal history, credit history, landlord references, and income verification. The CDA received 400 applicants for the last townhome project that opened Mr DeBettigmes inquired about Metropolitan Council's efforts to increase the number of affordable units in the Metro Area Mr. Ulfers did not have statistics on this but stated the goals have been hmdered by land availability with expensive and costs and reduced funding from federal and state sources. Mayor Droste noted that m 2002 Metropolitan Council reported that Rosemount had 534 umts of family rental housing. Mayor Droste opened the meeting for public comment. Kevin Strayton, 14335 Cormorant Way, stated he had been a resident for ten years and this was the first time he was disturbed by community comments. Mr. Strayton was concerned that Rosemount could not offer affordable homes for the young people raised here. Mr. Strayton visited Lakeville's CDA project and talked with Lakeville pohce All comments were very positive and he could see no reason to deny this project Scott Rohr, 3964.154th Street West, was in favor of this project Mr. Rohr stated Rosemount is a great coinrnunity with the best parks, a community center, a soon to come library, and great schools He did not beheve neighborhood covenants should control development. Kevm Carroll, 3325 147h Street West, stated he was troubled by what was m the newspapers. He noted this was an emotional issue for those who believed their home values were in jeopardy. Mr. Carroll stressed it is important to look at the facts. He summarized that the residents focused on increase m crime and lower aesthetics standards Mr Carroll visited nine of the CDA projects and then contacted residents that lived by three of the projects Mr. Carroll stated that not a single person told him they had any complaints about a current CDA project. Mr Carroll spoke about the progress in Rosemount and how some proposed projects had caused apprehension that now has 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 been dispelled Mr Carroll strongly supported the work force housing for residents of Rosemount. He urged City Council to move forward with this project. Maureen Bartz, 13566 Crompton Court, stated she had studied the zoning ordinance and the 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan for Rosemount. Ms. Bart questioned why this project is using a Planned Unit Development (PUD) process when it is not hsted m the R -2 District. Mayor Droste noted response to questions will be addressed following the comment period. Tracy Dougherty, 12370 Blanca Avenue, stated she has lived in Rosemount since 1973. She stated she is m favor of this type of housing but beheved that it should be within walking distance of city services and retail stores. Ms Dougherty explained she researched the bus system and found it would take over two hours to get to downtown St. Paul and there is a ten -block walk to get to the bus stop. Ms. Dougherty stated she was not m favor of the location of this project. Dean Smith, 13542 Crompton Court, stated he was in opposition to this project. Mr. Anderson stated that residents have become disengaged by the City process due to the impression that this project was a "done deal." He urged Council to change the process to keep it more positive He thanked City Council for their volunteerism. Gary Van Cleve, 7900 Xerxes Avenue South, Suite 1500, Minneapohs, from the Larkin Hoffman Law firm, representing Lundgren Brothers, addressed access to the site. He pointed out the cul -de- sac is included on the approved preliminary plat and he noted it had been suggested that future development may allow access through the cud -de -sac. Mr. VanCleve stated it was never envisioned that 30 units would be moving traffic through the Glendalough residential neighborhood. He stated the increased traffic flow would not be welcomed nor considered good land use planning and land use management Mr Van Cleve stated Option 2 granting access through the Lundgren development would likely involve additional expense and about 14 feet of fill. He commented that Option 3, with a separate access point, makes four lots m Glendalough undevelopable, which is not acceptable Mr Van Cleve presented two other options for road ahgnment with a private road to the north. Mr Van Cleve stated he and his clients support the project but would suggest exploring other access options. Dave Bruins, 4310 West 153rd Street, stated neighbors have seen a lot of development changes for expanding housing It is important to bring more people into the community with a wide variety of housing changes. This is within walking distance of many good things, schools from 0 -12. He fully supports 'this project. Paul Essler, 13800 Clare Downs Way, stated he is opposed to this project due to land use and precedent Mt Essler noted he develops land in northern Minnesota and understands the land requirements and the developers needs He acknowledged variances are the right of government to allow for. He pomted out the City does not want a law suit from the opposition or the developer. Mr. Essler noted he had requested a two -foot encroachment into an easement on the back of his lot. Mr. Essler explamed that staff did not support the variance due to the concern over settuig a precedent. Mr Essler asked City Council to consider how a court of law would rule on this 7 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Gene Rusco, 3553 Couchtown Path, reported at the last meeting the audience was asked to restrict comments to land issues Mr. Rusko noted that an alternate site had been offered by another developer at the last meeting which he felt should be considered. Marian Brown, 7754 142nd Street West, Apple Valley, commented she did not like hearing "these people and those people" labels by residents. Ms. Brown noted how in the past she could not find affordable housing in Rosemount. She noted she purchased a home in Apple Valley although wanting one m Rosemount and she considered herself as one of "those people." Ross Allen, 13539 Crompton Court, believed this is not about socio economic standing. Mr. Allen hked the small town feel of Rosemount and enjoys his neighborhood Mr Allen stated the location for this affordable housing is not beneficial for those who might hve there or the neighbors Jim Corrigan, 12990 Shannon Parkway, stated he supported the townhome development and looked forward to the new residents who will be an asset to Rosemount He also commented that he appreciated all those who spoke and the conc tone apphed. Mayor Droste stated that there will be another pubhc hearing in the future. He thanked everyone who addressed City Council. He noted that often project detail is determined before the pubhc hearing and this can leave the perception it is a done deal However, Mr. Droste stated that he has seen projects voted down, so it does happen that plans are changed Mr. Droste stated he agreed that bus service does not have adequate ridership to increase services. The Robert Street Corridor is being considered for future improvements. Ms. Lindquist addressed the Planned Unit Development (PUD) which allows other permitted uses. The Ordinance allows three uses under the R2 district that must be used with a PUD. There are also permitted uses like single attached housing which can be used with a PUD, but don't have to use a PUD. Mr Baxter inquired why this one qualifies Ms. Lindquist stated it is in a transitional area next to an arterial street which qualifies it for a PUD. Ms. Lindquist noted that City Engmeer Brotzler reported that a right -in and right -out access as in Option 3 would not be desirable and staff has not yet examined closure of the second access from Glendalough and if this configurauon could serve the entire neighborhood. Ms Lindquist also stated that Option 3 would also be expensive due to the need to lower a pipe line She stated there is no technical reason to support Option 3 and it would not be policy to have two streets so near each other just to create a barrier between developments. Ms. Lindquist noted design standards for local streets are 600 to 1000 trips per day. Ms Lindquist responded to Attorney Van Cleve that the dnveways to the south are all private roads and the curves do not meet the pubhc road standards. Council Member Shoe Corrigan asked for clarification on the access and the need to prevent any parcels to be land locked She noted the Comprehensive Guide Plan guides the property Transition Residential which means there is a potential of medium density. Ms. Shoe Corrigan pointed out the developer of Glendalough had access to this information. Council Member DeBettignies stated that each resident will have 2-1/2 parking spaces Ms. Lindquist stated there are 17 extra parking stalls for visitors and room for one car m a single garage and one parked m the driveway. Ms Shoe Corrigan inquired about the trails and Ms. Lindquist said 8 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 there are no trails within the affordable townhome development; however, the residents will have the same access to regional trails around the area Ms. Shoe Corrigan directed a quesuon to the City Attorney regarding a developer that offered a new site City Attorney LeFevere said the applicant has the right to be addressed under the current apphcation. An offer on another parcel is irrelevant to this proceeding. Ms. Shoe Corngan inquired if the City Council's decision could stand before a court Mr. LeFevere said that for rezoning and Comprehensive Guide Plan issues the courts will defer to the local government and apply City regulations to lot layout and subdivision regulations. Mayor Droste commented also on the site offered by a developer and stated that it is located beyond the MUSA line and would not be available for sometime. Staff and the Council have held to the City regulations and he stated he was m favor of the project. Mr. DeBettijmies stated he appreciates all the e -mails and messages The City is comphant within the guidelines allowed by law Ms Lindquist stated the same question came up at the Planning Comrission meeting and that all regulations were comphed with on notice requirements. She noted that in addiuon to the public hearing notice a sign was placed on the site to alert residents of the public hearing Mr. Verbrugge emphasized the City has set a higher standard by going beyond the requirements by law Mr. DeBetugnies stated that taxes should be a moot issue because everyone does pay taxes Mayor Droste encouraged residents to serve the community by considering applying for any of the four openings now on city commissions Mr Droste noted the 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan was developed five years ago and soon the 2030 plan process will begin. He encouraged residents to get involved. Council Member Baxter stated he favors approval for the Rosemount Family Housing He commended the audience for their interest m city government He noted he favors the concept and the diversity it offers the city. Mr. Baxter was dehghted to have the opportunity to have a partnership with the CDA who is a great landlord He continued by stating it is good to have transitional housing for many people who are the fabnc of the community. He also said it is consistent with his personal behefs not to judge people by the amount of money they make. And, this affordable housing is consistent with the development goals of Rosemount and it makes sense from a development standpoint Mr Baxter did not believe people were disengaged with this process. Mr Baxter explained that the perception might be that Council has not given enough consideration to a project, but in fact, most issues have been addressed at Council Work Sessions, then it goes to Planning Commission and then it comes back to Council There is a lot of information gathered and staff has no hidden agenda with these issues and the goals and objectives of Council are upheld. Mr Baxter stated he had read all the e -mails and comments which had concerns with property values. He researched the 2002 Maxfield Research Inc. document which reported no decrease m property values with CDA townhome projects. Mr Baxter said Council will continue to work on access issues He noted the job of government should be to find if it fits the law, does it benefit the community, and then let the private land owners and developers decide what they are willing to do. Mr. DeBettignies reported the Maxfield Research Inc. report is available at www.fhfund.org for those who wish to verify the facts. 9 Motion by Baxter. Second by Shoe- Corngan. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Motion by Baxter. Second by Shoe Corrigan. 10 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Ms. Shoe Corrigan commented that she would not want any citizens to become disengaged from the pubhc process. She noted she is a social studies school teacher and tnes to further the ideals of participating m local government The City Council represents everyone m the community and you can't always base a decision on the vocal minority. She has discovered that what implements change is usually based on personal experience and there is a great need for affordable housing. Ms. Shoe Corngan stated she beheves approval of this project is the right thing to do and favors the recommended motions Council Member Sterner was in favor of this affordable housing Mr. Sterner related how affordable housing had helped a fnend save for his first home and he later became a successful business man Mayor Droste reviewed the location and how transitional housing is the right selection for this site. Mr. Droste recalled how bus tours helped to determine the senior housing on Cameo Avenue in 1995 and how families were not in favor of the project at first Mr. Droste stated that since that time, no residents have complained about that CDA project. Mr. DeBetngrues thanked everyone in the audience for expressing their opinions. He noted there will be an opportunity to run for office for three City Council positions in November. Mr. Baxter thanked the Planning Commission for their hard work on this project to aid City Council. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Comprehensive Plan changing the land use designation for the site ftom Transition Residential to Urban Residential subject to approval by the Metropolitan Council and rezoning of the site from Rural Residential to R -2, Moderate Density Residential PUD. Motion to adopt an ordinance rezoning the site from Rural Residential to R -2, Moderate Density Residential PUD. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Sterner. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the prehnnnary plat, subject to conditions. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Motion by Shoe Corngan. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Planned Unit Development Concept, subject to conditions. Mr. Sterner commented that he would like Parks Recreation Commission to review conditions 9. and 10. for additional landscaping and trails. Ms. Lindquist said the process allows for another public hearing and review by the Parks Recreation Commission and Planning Commission Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Motion by Baxter. Second by Sterner. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2006 Mr. Verbrugge noted that a list of those who had commented by e -mail, letter, or phone will be prepared to add to receive notice of the next public hearing conceriung the CDA affordable housing. Moratorium Interim Use that includes Outdoor Storage in Certain Areas City Attorney LeFevere presented an ordinance preventing expanding uses that have outside storage within the Business Park for property zoned BP -1 while a zoning text amendment is being considered until May 1, 2006. Mr LeFevere stated if an amendment is not approved, the moratorium will expire, but in the mean time, it protects the planning process Motion to approve An Ordinance for Protecting the Planning Process and the Health, Safety and Welfare of the Residents of the City, Placing a Moratorium on Development of Uses That Include Outdoor Storage in Certain Areas of the City of Rosemount. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste noted that the Utilities meeting scheduled on February 13 had been cancelled. He reviewed the up corning regularly scheduled meetings. City Hall will be closed on February 20 due to Presidents Day. Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:12 p.m. Second by Mr. Baxter Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2005 -05. 11 Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary