HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Approve Council TravelAGENDA ITEM: Approve Council Travel AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGE i..cyoa ATTACHMENTS: Conference Brochure APPROVED BY: `fj/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Mayor Droste and Council MemYer Stemer's travel to the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference in Washington D C ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: February 21, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Mayor Droste and Council member Sterner have indicated their interest in attending the National League of Cites Congress of Cities conference in Washington D.C., March 11 -15, 2006. BACKGROUND In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 471 661, dealing with out -of -state travel conducted by elected officials, on December 20, 2006 Rosemount adopted a policy setting the guidelines for travel by the Mayor and City Council Members. According to the adopted policy, there would need to be adherence to the following guidelines when giving approval to out -of -state travel: The event, workshop, conference or assignment must be approved in advance by a vote of the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate of the cost of the travel. In evaluating the out -of -state travel request, the Council will consider the following: Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to the City or to his or her role as Mayor or as a Council member Whether the elected official will he meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to ideas on topics of relevance to the City or on the official roles of local elected officials. Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currently operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration of the full Council. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to visit another city for the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a "sister- city" relationship. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the City at the United States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the City. Whether the City has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. The estimated cost for airfare is $600; the conference cost is $735; and hotel fees are estimated to be $200 per person per night after taxes. The City currently follows a policy for employees, commissioners, and City Council members that governs applicable expense limits. According to this policy, "There shall be a maximum 'living' expense of $35 per day, or a higher amount as set forward by the IRS as an allowable deduction, for all individuals who attend meetings or conventions for a City purpose..." Due to the higher cost of living in the D.0 area, a per diem as outlined in www.gsa.gov would be more appropnate for meal expenses. The applicable "meals and incidental expense" rate is $64 per day. In addition to attending the conference and group functions involving members of Congress, City staff will be coordinating private meetings for Mayor Droste and Council Member Sterner with officials regarding the air cargo regional distribution center SUMMARY This conference is included in the 2006 Budget It is requested that Council approve Mayor Droste's and Council Member Sterner's travel to and attendance at the NLC Congressional City Conference. 2 ,C1 NO IHNONSVA1 ON 11K dad CFI id 2DVINOd Nn ONO 111023NON _!m_ntfge+ aw iatulaw ptuEnvcctu2d _mom m !t k act temunir 900t 2006 Congressional City Conference A United Voice for Cities and Towns n 2006, the 119th C ongiess and the I'tesident win focus on a range of issues that natter m Americas cities villages, and towns From telecommunications tax reform to emergency [a Lparedness and response, from federal 'anti reform to funding fo affordable housing, from prorating local programs m the federal budget process to managing rising health care cost, city and town leaders need to be well informed and well positional to ensure the best outcomes for tbeir communities on critical issues if he National League of Cotes provides the resources. the connections, and the collective power to help city leaders have an impact on Capitol Hill And, the 2006 National League of Cities Congressional City Conference, March 11 -15, 2006, in Washington PC offers 'he best opportunity to learn about the issues, present a strong and unified municipal voice rn Congress, develop and strengthen relationships with members of Congress, and advocate local positrons on key prtonties A NEW Schedule to Maximize Connections Waive adjusted the t;mfererce schedule rn 2006 toyne city (faders more time to connectwith their Congressional delegations Leadership meetings- policy discussions, and legislative briefings baum on Sunday; March 12, with general sessions and workshops scheduled on Monday, March 13, and Tuesday March 14. City Lobby Day will be held on Wednesday, March 15. he sr'nedtde offers two full days when members of Congress will be in Washington to connect with city officials both in general sessions at the hotel ape in meetings on Capitol Hilt, Leadership Ttandng institute Seminars winch provide value-added skill deveiopmmt opportunities when you come to Washington towork on federal advocacy u sues will be offered on Saturday, March 11, and enndav March 12, G,r r w Washington, DC, March 11 -1S 2006, to ,incite and adrecate on behalf of the 225 million people wea dlecduely-represent The strength of the National Fugue of Cities, as the verse in Congressfor titre, villages. and towns-throughout this wrath y, depends on thousands of toad officials including cg eh of you touring together o speak with a loud, clear and unified volec on e shared set of pi ion des, 'iheress n loran stake for cities and fawns anew. 1 09th Coccus ,loin with your cvtleaguea to demand a renewedfederaidocal partnership to address the issuescrihcal ter dries and towns across America r Americas The Action Plan Sunday, March 12 City officials gather at the Hilton Washington and Towers for leadership meetings, policy discussions, and legislative briefings to learn about current federal ]ssues and priorities for America's cities and towns Monday, March 1.3 NLC's leaders and general session speakers set the stage for the action to come by outlining the opportunities and challenges and building capacity to snake a difference on key federal issues TitescIa' March 14 President Bush and Congressional and administrative leaden, are invited to discuss their priorities and reactions to the National League of Cities agenda. The program a'dl wrap up with a closing general session to review the agenda and confirm plans for City Lobby Day. Skidr t>day, v1an:11 15 City l,o}:by Day Buses take all conference delegates to the Capitol for strategic meetings with Congressional leaders to talk about NI f.'s priorities for federal action and eaptrtations of Congress and the Admimstranon Be part of the nail o td.t voice or America's cinies and Itwins in 2006. he Conference will provide a range of education, networking. and strategy session, to maximize the value of this event for city officials. This preliminary schedule ptovides an outline of major events during the conference to help delegates make travel plans Saturday, March 11 9 00 a m 5 00 pm Leadership Training Seminars 5 30 p m 695 p m Orientation to the Conference for First Time Attendees 5 30 p m i 00 pis: Consutuency and Speual Group Meetings Sunday. March 12 9 00 a m 12 30 p m Policy and Advocacy Committee Meetings Community and Lcoeomlc Development (CED) Information Technology and Communications (ITC) Transportation Infrastructure and Set vices (TIS) 9 00 a m 5 00 pm NLC Board cf Directors Meeting NU' Advrnory Council Meeting Le,adon,hip 7iairtime Semmata Policy and Advocacy Committee Meetings Energy Er-vrromnent. and Natural Resources (FENR) Finance, Administration, and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) Hutrvn Development (HD) Public, Safety and Crime Pteventnm (PSCP) 51 i p m 7 00 pm. Constituency and Special Group h leetmes \Friday, Nlarclt 13 7 30 a m- 9 00 a m Steering Committee Work Sessions Community and Economic Development (CED) Information Technology and Communications (ITC) Transport taon 1 afiasti a, tore and Sers a es (T 15) 8.45 a.m. 10:15 a.m Celebrate Di. easily Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Noon Opening General Session Noon 1 30 p m Roundtable Networking Lunch Steering Committee Work Sessions Energy Environment, and Natural Resources (EENR3 Finance Admin•si ration, and In: :rigoeernineutal Relations (}'AIR) H•..man Development (HD) Publa Safety and Gana Prevention (PSCP) 145 p m 3:15 p m. Workshop Sessions 3.30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Genera: Session 4 00 pin 6 30 p m Stale Le.igae. Caucuses and Receptions Constituency and Special Group Meetings /Events }l :es'dal, March' 14 9:00 a.m. -10 30 aim iO4 :am- 1215pm 1230pm -200pin 215pm 330 pm 3.45p.m.- 4:30pm 515pin 610pm, 6.30 p rn, 8:00 p.m. General Session Workshop Sessions Roundtable Networking Lunch Workshop Se stons Closing General Session State League Caucuses and Receptions Reccption and The Capitol Steps We€1ne dai, March 13 7 00 a m. 11 00 a rn. City Lobby Day or. Capitol Hill Visit the NLC websne at ><a ww.n1c.org and read Nation's Cities Weekly for updates on specific program plans ?holiday, Marsh 13 Cca1- ft Divers:•. Art a -t 845 a m. -10.15 am. Fe $40 (S50 on sue) 1 he 20th annual Celebrate Divssity Breakfast win trance a key note speaker vsho w.11 pros isle s pmspearve on dncra tv issues taar,g Arnica's Coles and towns The breakfesc srxusored by fso 1\1.0 consntnency groups Tuesday, March 14 1 he C apitnl Siers 7:00 pin.- S.00 p.m. The Capitol Step will perform on Tuesday in part of a conference wrap up to energize the defegaua tor C'rty Lobby Da, on Wednesday morning This troupe of forma Congressional employees p,mides In-partisan fun for eyertrwt be :nu -Pa o 2606 Deadline for advance registration and housing requests All requests mail be post- :narked be this date After this date, all delegates most t egiste urterte at higher rates. he•rrn:et n 26nl_ Deadline for Cancellations. Ca IWO .on lette.. n,wt he rxnt vtked by thus late and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee There at no refund: for cancellations at:e, this date To It gater for the 2 Congressional Cay Conference. fill out die aeg.=trat on form and return n wah your check, ate purchase order, m cretin raid informatics to the NLC Meeting `,en:ces postmarked by February 6, 2006, or register onlne at w wwnle.org, rr Each delegate, guest speaker, member of the press, and sae other conference participant must agates There is a $75 youth delegates it e T}:rir is 0' barge for r .tm cegsnation: with Dupe_ pits credentials -R No ret:phone reg"tianons or cencrllattons will be accepted *Payment (check in purchase or de, cscredit card) most he inch dad alth a ace registrations People unalile to inset the Fele wry 6 deadline will he to registe, on -see at the meecng and make their own hotel resets et/1n5. Refunds wi:l he made fin cancellations recurred by February 6, 2004, subject to a $$50 cancellation charge Camerae on ietren must be postmarked by dus date Nu rekphane cant denims will be accepted No narti] i dunds will he made if you d«adr not to attend part:cuter functions *If yore need hotel roc mmndanons, please check the appropnate box on the regisfration Pint m it NLC call make a Intel resctvatwn fro you when you register tor the conference X Rrmnys will tie assigned on a first come, Ent served bass #All conterence sesso *s 01111 he held at the titan Washington Hotel I.eaders»p Training Institute owl City Ctr i These special institute itnmenan are offered to delegates far it separate registm- taoa fee Spade is limited and available on a first -come, first served bas 31 1 1 +`N ltte MIN WS `xte•uc.at Nitreb. II. 2X J.i:1 t.ra•.a e 1 :ec15.55px I": •14X15t`.175 C TJrlbt P111.15' F i:2Th} 400 am S Ica p m Regulranon Fee 1150 Competency Collaborator C plate Ixx, t, myade err :ens ma posdn•5 prcdumee brunt Lean practical tools, terhnlrI ,ea and rape lot eftednr-+ ^h c meet- J3S anL uogs are mn mein: ICmw how to pan su:urmha me"nngn ,i d how to make the sessions mire pmdlrn.veas you kam b3w W preperc ard design a mecum lmtractoot Pam Plumb, Pnnnpal Pam Numb avao,,, P"pland Ma•ro Dee K hey, F•mn•pal Dee Kelsey Alssnlate, Portland Maroc L01 B•..WPp: a valx tt ;tie ('.xmr.frmmr' I`'• RR." :OttCry ai 010a. LJl� 4U0am -500 pm Registration Few $160 Competence Comp to tPndihrner Broaden )oar eel of tools tot I71•Idne aauwrtabuty aci u u Ina-meant n rout mrnmw.ty as yea daeisp a read map fm era-MP a mhorz of a.t'w] ahnilv Iv k Lune Rcumll tuff way you m[ctra[e the luvr) anc'managu5' of you work is a 1•aa1 hider Leann rr•w het& lothugr the milt mato so In effe•1 you an chai.ge the mmmtrlty Inetratior Etil Brewer, Trainer and Diredc of bunt Relauons, Drtgiwl [tartan& Oxford, Clue Mt )RN NCI SEMNARS Satan tied, `ire eh 1's 21)ik1 li Labe 1•z ^c. P.,1 a011 ft, gar 9011 a m Nona Revetranon Fec 3100 Competency Competent Prat-Minna .030 eol*nlnc y lead✓' .'a mix r plan up- tndd- ami,1u3PI I to „=r -Lott rain nleratlom 0 c001neeta1 too_eototil ,w an 0” a; ael': es she long 'err. iocas of Ie t,.nng eta• 5 0=10034 155 a normal r. .rprceed col Lanurethe key coin p,nen 3 an Emd`rgmmIu,v :,e iret Ylzn .rd yoth repro dmnlev as a Lai tip sltcaaL F ha inn Robes 7.eeL,v..bn Cry Manage: Cot of Bm1s451C4, Ohio ,WITRNCION SEMINARS ti/3 tur at, Mar dt l :.2Oika IF N kb,s 2 utlt,rtft 0 11 rm. f --4€. 130pm -500pm Regntreho: Fee- 5100 Competency Cornerstone Lcad.ry a to e url ro win 101 oubhc trust o d,,o ht Eel 12 [v! unar¢ e:eslhs that matter tc ot,oell= any stakeholde. Fsaluatc v„ut own peetamance by asking yourself k.; euallon.. hat are we dome Haw Ire are do rg l low do we 1 zd rhmge Faanune [kw, key lad.rst.g an.ihum of nIsIo'a pamcipenan, mlLholanon aol Imp] r=titn n1 x effort ro bit I- puhht and m yam performance Leadership lmlructor Kec a Baum, Founlc: and Principal. InCentetgy, Auehn, fcxas Lit 000 ;.'L o LcadcaJu[. W:d SY. 130pm -5OOpm Acg.dralmn fa 5100 Competency Catalyst Too otter, enronwmr en lick on a atgtufi. eau change .nth the goal of mbuatrg sere Ices and suppotts to the community, only to ink, "When Jet iris mrul0e s„ d.ffit IC" Elected off oats are re eoeeed to lad a clangs protest Ixl are rarely gwaa tae toads to mien wane of Il tin error a Examine your ml: ac a kcal communly leader as you fern. on cerrert r Fame. and then chal Ien m yriul community Iniuttor (tars lieCatolle, I Ceuta for Canmuotty Leadership Butlmgrrn, k''ennoro y I fM too^} 1v.r rev *v(ae tars Juli3I"Ll art go (-30 p m -5 1)0 pm. Regsoanatt Feel $107 Competence Collaborator 1 up t'e marm' and a pis a the many dtfecmus that are present araurvd your every by e. penencn f Sie a Jeeper fool. al ba. 555 :erexrn and ao w't -.Ibis Craft an anon plan to hangs dcvcmmv both Itna.9.01 550oiir y,rr laly atitut:a es. local.iy leader luco.e, ul.que way, fo integrate dr army, making .1 a pass Mat as 1nrt an et to Jay way ut au ]biome m a city official 1n-lnidar Floyd 1,ort y' Massey III, Prmapal, SOKAK1& Agociat. Carina. Ceidoma 397 .lmegat( r.;tsmnuw.atcc, »e ia} }creme, 130 p.m 3 NI pm. It g tirutiml Fee. 5100 Cnmpetuta' Communicator plan retain also .L pt'dapstione awl pr•'teren.es l emrnlum anon styles p tlel- 1 illy w stnv.w ean0M_s ixsea yon• own exnuam.eatlon stvlc by c anuri.ng d•tferc•a "leo under burh ralrn' and 's,crm condl- Lir a Identify ditatrt u s,ru,watlaa .31 es, app00 :Idle rn =u unique co duh'rlum 33'd rh•dlmge. and hetatr4 1-1 re adept in prod icgwnt* fen to manage interactions w.th others 11 a cnnnru.trcc manner IDfnior Dr Net:Katz, lluatur of Ureznnahw•al fremmg and 1leuelupmeIL Lsecotl* Educarlw, M.xwci Schoo' d Crturnsllp and Puna. Affair., Syravoor U] evcretlb, Syracuse, New fork FL I,1,- 3,V S}: L \k Sunday, "N catch 1 .2, 21 [IS 9,00 a•m. -500 Rue. RegldrsIton Fee gibe) (.mnpetency Collaborator It 15 true drat 104h gailn', negotiation skills L ra a key racpl m me, ling needs, par racier 'Y In an 01' n41•11Ut of sane Ian :'gird and 1 cmn hxem:ne the soa.gtin and rmntatanx of 4rur carrot nego eeolote the alharrage, c•[ nego.anor prtoaahm, anI de 0mpe- tenx n. atdl,ing an mrere: based p=ail. foe negaetlona ro achieve suLsiantrrz, pro Isdurd and relaaonsnm mncrnes lvtru it Dr Nell Katz Docdm of Clrganlatvxai Teaming and Deveiopmer•, Eacculave Educabc, Maxwv!I S1 Few] of ('barn 1110 and Public At law, cyracu=a 1)r,eentry, Syracuse, hew York MOR\INI r '3" 1Pti AR, Sura&tJ, isslaich F]•5 vl o•„ Car +u` Y 9.1'0 I ✓Lilt P Pell bras,-. e'r r>f ury 400 a.m Noon Rrkl4rnnnn Fee, 3100 Competency Conte nroae Rnsemas:3a mvlarar-: or leading a great manly Lr ru'xw to Larldle loll the hole r...xnc.:paLmronap pu'cra to hat. dung notions anend oca.fe rkmg rote-. and ha eilrg deIaoe Fr oeyr rcrhe oppaturrtv m etemseludg to rc n pm0l md.m t cue Imps to o-.•4 soh: xs Mal. no ^e fmnryala rhd lave geared the aameeuc prcrau lratructot Walk Canon, 1 Great Mxung 1n. Amer Spring, Maryland 1(r, J rat :rig lr•'r C.mvnon•1 1 a cuvr S.rs Cr- 4, :15IO .0. ^at1 9'00 am Noon Regisimaan Fee, $100 Competenc Communicator Whether you are a veeera,, decel aka! or new L omit-. -am n e, 3m4tstdrt ng tlw 1n�•cmin ni nonage dceelopmea.nd the rcnlia can 3n "are sou are sr.zzsful m office Learn htrx 0 i n"I -p you mtae gv, mmmuniutewal the 'Leda, 4101 ueak effective inn mmuratlors carnpnga brans winabb etmtey1ea b, get your mzvnage inn to vm.r mmtuucr.cy anu opinion leaders to further y.rar po.lry agerda and ensure coo o mrce10 lnshuctar Marcelo Caste lapma, Senior Daatet of Prot calm, atnmvla v,&Louref Lam:, Ekded 031,09 Eau :men Font. 1 n lrgeleo, C alaorna r-iFC nrw]v Hl: cm, )d e. bi .4l. LB 41111 am -Noon Rrmstratmn Fee. $100 Crmrpetencl" Catalaat l.,ar., haw to -.alp e salt y'ur cnmmun•ly to ]r primed :'state tnroo.gh a community unity hr. clog Iron.rn e th,u maniaLL Ink rcaourccs of yew 1.00191051AN i :then bat roe, Llnoecani b and matter, ng, nboc t 155, an its take am cnyut epphnnon .,nlnnunlue Lear.. the -kit and steps nee sari m make yo .r crmmInry umq'le I .arm nm, Lee dud. a and ex,,fory Lae de zlooment of str.tegt- Inardmg a pua Pons for your mmmumn laswrfm Don McEanaetn, CEO, North Star :kslmeutm fn-ategle \'anhta�q Tennasec I.' €'1 I INt..HIrON cIncla fad 12, 2006 :Se 1,,,433 s.£.nxbtsx• Noon 1 30 p.m. Regrstvahnn Fee S40 Pamm, cis,), lette and Emu( [apt ems n•,eNLI. Certln.ate of A•.hle.emen( ]n: eaalna tp p,gtn wall be tagnual Facet :aio•s LmJrvemn 1ra:nmg C mind] 4I `1 I_INOAON SL'>'INARS Sutnda': \la ;d: ?-11r, iWe•1'li Cat :onuo.0n in Qt :r14 •pwde Ciut Ara: In tA(.(,.l.,4ia 1:30 pm. -5 00 pm. Regunut•rn F %L10 Cornpdenty, Competent Pradinaoer Red,eaa.er r •'nm :m, strvneths and assets ar the toundat,on for rn^tmuiury hu:ldug diner than focusing on the needs, pvbiems, and deficiencies Larn fmn.cal appmactna to mneaal;e clLazn involvement hulling remlent „wnenhlp and etrengtheln ^g neigh- borhood poie Inc. L maw wry go. ev-roe ltb can surface new community leaden aid engage (hem m rrxwnumly removal and taxl,mun.tt dip et development hitnaatrr Henn M a' Fat uity, ''feed -Basal Com:nwao, Dee eI,pncn. Imbrue, Northwestern Lnrerarry Hh1BC, Inc natanmh Georgia .q lLrl "ntli, r'.'rvan' hod, le blurt, ^:a 5 5 5 .51i. I5 155r12 1.30 p.rn -5:00 pm. Regtstmeon Fee 1100 Competency Communicator Lon! lade:. aced to handle meth .nqu•n s ee.rh toniide= h•, ban mnmuatmg amps and pm<t=elrl, a language.] at r,.-c ye leadenly:" •impend e an._uaeg:m Lear. l., ficas *n what Oho media wants and needs, Iran Ivry :0 work atcl Iap cte.n .o elute ycv cml.rnuruanun gta 55 Learn tech nl to IN p mane, p ",*de trek and arcuate facts .n. mold :Qwrten trays lnetmclm Beverly F adwdreg Pees:tient, Beverly Srhabrrr eommcnnaustO, lnc, Him :ss:ik, Marvlmd :'.t I n.c L •a9`n ^L3 it -p R∎50p55x1 -1 fa, Mao e a 1.30pm 5 00p rn Rea anuboa Fee 8100 Competency Cornerstone fh.coser e s•n.ple rroiet '1 what 11 takes to be a sun, a=ful pe fonnncc leader and eta hoe adluu :teem to enharce'your personal effete r lu, as ]leader Pe, mnaces huts mrrr,ae pswn POPTL s make] dMICIIIS dm muff e lmplemen through then raver and ale then held accountable 10 Lk remlls NM uc•rr Lyle Sum&L President, Lyle Annex Assouatn., inc Hee :Linea Florida f31P Cl "Aide£`L #`set f@ f 11 s£' :,:aifii' P3t5".zS■•.' e lIser 1x30 estete tierakia organized-en pro IMS around of mi icdh .elan :or,,• ft, effatse leal Ian fmgram 0 Lilt arwudle,c cote ltodur.h,p aoaattesca for Uc 1 a le aln(c1, tua, alto mph 1redenhtp "jraman3 !Aker: Stn ban addrecmgnut O £aa I 105 03'03 1) Cnrner$rute. (2) Ccv.pdaa P:aculioonp f i C.m•maslatar, Cttibbratorl (a) Catalyst. lb ^din mine mtnnt'anaN atoll is k3a Lcru fa.. :z cf A camel emrnl m Leadotoury 34 31am xmtas tic? L eadarsh.pl Irstatuly at 2r)24 42.9 1170. ISSUE `niMiNaK0• he 2006 Congressional City Conference will feature general sessions, workshops, and strategy meetings built around NLC's lobbying priorities for the second session of the 109th Congress. Key issues likely to be on federal agenda in 2006 include: Local Government Franchise Authority Local governments' authority to grant fianebu,es for the delivery of video programming is under artad. at both the state and federal ieveis At stake is the fundamental authority r manage and collect franchise fees for use of local nights of way City officals must be prepared to refute industry arguments that local f axicbsmg impedes competition and to make the case for local management of municipal rights et way Federal Tax Reform The Presdent•s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform included in its recommendations the eliminator. of the deduct'on for state and local property, income, and sales taxes If enacted, this would impose a fedaeally mandated double taxation on taxpayers m ties and tnwas throughout the country Congress is likely to address this and ether tax reform proposals during the coming year, and city leaders need to be prepared to protect local meenue in that process, 2: Errainent Domain for Economic Development Huh Congress aid many state legislatures are considenng legislative proposals to constrain heal govieatmrerttss 'se of eminent domain to the waxe of the Supreme Court derision sr the Kelo v Can• of New London case That decision affirmed that erercmtng eminent domain for ecenom•c des dopment is a "public" use hissrons will cover the latest developments en the federal and state levels and st atagt tin managing this pohtiaily charged issue Spectrum for P ublic Safety Lo•al recovery efforts dining flurnr age 3 ai -ma underscored the need for reliable, ureroperabia communication +a systems for heal emergeneg response Congress is addressing proposals to set a spec sic date for the release of broadcast spectrum that ran he designated exclusively for public safety purposes and to authorize funding for si, inter operable publa safety wnunun.cations equipment Community Development and Affordable housing Despte NLC's success in preserving the Comnumly Deselopmzrl Block Grant (CDB(3) program in the Department of pausing and Urban Development and securing increased funding fm Ssnon S Housing Vouchers this year, these ptogtams wall face continued challenges in the net tederai budget The 'Administration will continue to push its Strengthening America's Communities Imtratne to combine, cut, and move CDB0, and to reform the Section 8 program to contain its increasing costs The Fiscal Year 2007 Federal Bud The next federal h fidget veil face intense pressure in, hiding tat" coat of rebuilding communities devastated by recent hurricanes, continued support for the war in Iraq, the cost of implementing the Piesidenr, s proposedtaa cuts and Social Securr■ reform, and achrevmg the Pr esnlent's pronused deficit 'eduction goals This means that federal programs important to aims and towns including CDBG, housing public safety, homeland security, and education could be under art id `n the budget process Telecommunications 'Fax Re form The migration of telecommunications services to a non lased, Internet platform will continue to shrank traditional sources of revenue for reties and towns accoss thr country and lead to mequttable tax treatment of telecommunnarionr services based un the delnety 'tecnology rather than the senrce pi vrded At the same time, teiewmmurucanors companies argue that taxi, on tekxoinmunreatmns .arnica. are too luglt and that the coltection and administration of kind ieleco.ninuin auors taxes must be strewn hied arc centralized at the state level As a result, pressure for reform of t.eiecommummtwns taxes m increasing an both the federal ant state levels Health flirt: Reiorm The rang ccat of providing health care benefits to employees has had a dramatic impact on munupal budgets Rein :nmendauons by an NLC Health Care Task Force to address the cost of health earn will be the basis for increased Ceder rl advocacy for health care reforms in the coming year Educational Reform The No Child Left Behind Act IS scheduled to he reauthorized next year. An NI.0 Task Force has developed a set of recummamtlattons for tefolnung the Act to close the gap between its requirements and feasible implementation City atticals many of whom are blamed wham schools fad must le pr pled to ad«ate for Heeled refotma and for the funding required to meat keis rcquaeraents Visit the NLC website at ww tt.nic.carg for regular updates on key issues and advocacy priorities. L orzan ushingtsn Hilton Hotel and 7mxer5_ or Fume ReOstnadtn aotd Hautrs><,lieaevg& o Q as l:9; r9tatuf R.. r.tavt ne•M•1 suer. 'oh h• erooesee )1.xA ax. -i ranan:r rot Are you a ',nab daetd off al' Sacef city' Fame Set (,m, /Orgenvanon Gm SWAP Ztp Phone Fax Email Spawn/ Per row \amre ($55 feel .5po,tM( r? to, irn,1/4161.5o. 4epacate MW mm Chad Na.rr (I 4 uul unle no fat Age• Yo th Delegatee F $7 feel Age "ha h 51ak: r., ooeneol ie men' worn n waa pmMrmt u toot ear nm,z's,,o VLbk 5•N2.(2_y,u1 steak O:moust d,,ca'er:yon: 1144 aenw,dan roac tarn attach .,gmraean,b,mmn5 y rmrampid.iprm. Youth Cierzrunt Nano 1$2c fee) Age Special Conference Rates 5315 Contras, o f ,nix Cn on (must ern inform 4r COC) SG Ades ',noun/ Fanner (nun- repidahte) 7 $7 7ou:h jklegue 0 Sic hooch banana,^ (not upphwble in elected offwaals) Advance Regstration Fees fPommid eel by February 6, 2006) S $2 1•m c oot AP"ndae 1 SIGJ N71'hlvnler City (On -.art owed F {iJ aNe,: /6/151 2 $IP'r Ass2wte Mmist (On-mm rate .0$1 al nth' 2 /4/161 d $52e Staff_ \iernber Coy (Cln sit,.tate u$o30 alto 2 /5/051 4 Sh1 No Menthes/041a (Onsucratc s $t,65 afer 2 2 /3/06) Registration for Leadership Training Institute Seminars (.'Saturday, Mends 11, 21106) 1 au must he r potendjar thz conference LO ,rcdec In a&lend. G Si hl: Cnrrmun.ty Nfeemgo Ptamral Tools fa Edrexe Pubic Femur I_2 5161 Buildup Aavmtrhlity and Conmutnent The R°streaua, of Commerury LI 5101 Dategnng an Etteana Encoeiae Peepueinesa Hen I $163 Wnl'na l'ub;r Truss tins ng^ Pennimanna i,eadnatup 1.3 $100 Canmurrn Lind er -hop ant,Sys:em Clartg, L $100 Ds. mity Awarervw 'Ave Than J,st Flak and. Whir 1/ $100 Manag,,C "nm,u,ucation style life erns Registration for Leadeiship Training Institute Seminars 1Sunaay, Mard' 12, 2'O6) You must he ',petered hr the conference in order to attend IS ;15 Negotiation Skill, end Strategics $ Vj $:00 Tex Step h. a threat Ideating with T.RednePml.naentary }Impeders L10 $190 Leeathrg Your Comnnuur/ through cffcaneStrategic 5100 Cnmmun rations. oh L 5 L11 5100 Cam \VMxe J ino ey Branding 1.13 Si^0 Bmidmg Is.,m th, 0n dr Our An Atari %porauh 1.1a 51 Lnol Jinxed Olbaals Goal, ui Maragi.e Media Mani. LIe 51 Perfrmetm Leader Tammy Pvspmslvl•ty for Reap Special Events P1 340 Crlehrre lhoe:vry Breedas, (On -site rate is $50 after 2 /6/06) L12 541 l,earltralrplunr hem Constituency Group Events You must be registered for the conference in ostler lo attend A_ 555 Ai SMC ctnrl 5 GI $35 GI BI 0 Adotty Fe Ill 545 HLLO An elf pe- NI 5hc NIli lit) A. miry Re Ul $1 L'C :Chak If ASencbng) WI 945 W11,1G Lupclisc, Total Regihation Fee: Registration Cancellation Policy: A11 ralunts rat he rota e< ta.r-u..e, [anima—led )0 February 6, 2006, ants are -1ned to e Sao ,a, echaF n Ge .d ,etunos ua2 be .rode you der,oe onto attend [weenier fvnrnnns No regetlation or caneellators will he accepted by telephone. NI canrella- tionsu.11 h .ac:p ed after Fehman o, 2006 Office me nub Pet rnert,- Chrk# Amount Hotel Reservations: You moon h regatered to reserve a hotel town To gtnrantes your root, all hotels require one n,ght deposit pus 25 per mmrr 21 day, pnnrto your anval 'Ibo I./retraced teen d you plan to arose before 6 00 p: r h aroma e•;',t evaartra311 day e s, glance IC ■vreerem 5,3 be wxrDed Please milt my both tea rvawn m and cart.: belon 1 do n,,4 require heel t.umenthen ma at an of the hotels ind below 1 Please contatt me tryerd,r,g au to m(xroahw. Rome Data Arrival Date Departure Date 5a„0 fSMl„e m e•,lr n Goitre suraraa aid aryaeonddc amm�dxr nu Mining Sri na o llice,mym,w Roma Type J .mete (1 pasts /l t>dl Smoking Preference Dooble•'rnnple/: bedi 7 hm,Srmhng Doubi✓Doahle f 2 people /2 beds; Haw /oleos m,,me Lim, h,+r ant OW r secetma,ted Sharing Ni R,xan With /Pie a t puma, Spatial Housing Request (erg., whreld enr accesuble touns,etc If you have,pecai hoatame er'raao crtatten sits, prone contact NL; Mectmg Seances, Hotel Choices: Jeduete yarn drat- d,otu-hotd vertu the tamtLer "C" Numua AZ other Seib from '2' to I5" m order d you trefumnce The hotels plow am Intel .n order of 7xnnm:ty to lard had "Hdtar Wmha.g'm. t' Towns "Hilton Wash n the handemncu hotel. Sgl/Dhl Sgt/1 _Hilton Wash Std Roma $10'1'$2'9 _'Wrenn F,ndr.sey Row $190/$19C Bean Wash Club Level* $239/$259 _Cotta Shoreham $199/$199 ChurnkE $139/$209 _Renaissance Mayflower $214212 _Cwdyutd lay Nlarr.mt $175'$175 _Westin Grand $19.1/$190 _Jan Normandy $155 /$135 _St Gregor Hotel 5141/$194 J,rv, W'ahn.gton $100/$130 _Brat Haute $13a /$135 __Hann Wvh Embus) Row $I&3/$113 Cyntnllihon Sti lint $209 /$229 Cavil Hilton Chit. Lot $21 if $'59 Hotel D sit2 A:Irrsler crz,ft cards troth amnanan date of 03/06 or later AM' accepted a t she conferennu hotls A'4 checks, ernannrent Nu:h se mien, vouchers a dance must be vMaMed to the :reel web 6 digit RIG ill ,nd no NLC Manna Seama, confinnauon FOUR WEERS prior to yore arneal bur are subject to hotel apprm'd Registration Fee Pay'snent Iniirrmation i }'•u mat cheek one 41 the options below j Charge my RBDS.OTR''T1ON FEL,S to VI h, hlasterCatd us AMP_\ held below =l Check for REGIS1R5'f10N FEES male payable to Nation& League of Cites =lI RN_ase Order fur REGISTRATION FEES rop roust be en:hued& payment mar be nreanc ty March 3,1006 Hotel Deposit Payment Intbrmation: tYou mast check one of options brkw.] -.-i Charge my HO t "r DEPOSI l to the aedd rard hated below =t Check cot H0'J'EL DEPOSIT pleasenrbnnt to hete; Alms noted cm confirmation FOUR WEFM$ pea to yon ,nwa SO) Jeri to hotel approval 1&,n,•ane Occur for HOTEL DEP lT— submit to hotel addmu razed anantlrmauon FOUR WEF1(S porn to your peel— abject to Imtet appnsnnl Credit Card Authorization: NIL Menlo 7 Sen rx, m authorized to Janie card hemw to pa dl applicable rematration tees end guareaae my hate: rases neon I undo that are :agh' e noon has g e of ill he bolted fnnogh des ani d I fat w th "w op for my a' geed hnn•ng orr In 'rmtrrne_i .late, ewes; I lease ou,,rlleJ my re,evatmr,v tr tlx hotel at Iea,17t lwur m advance cw/MC/ Ahfrh at rep Date CAM Hal4ee N Dote Additional Credit Card Authorization For hotel dip it oil. 11 elf acnt than the rroit Lard nutter listed above (F.rprcomon mate mw1 he 03/06 or latter, per lintel requirement; l'sa /MF'i -9s lh'F, St Rap Date Card Holder Name Card HaddaSwnanue Return Conference Registration and Housing Form to: Fax '23 h71 tala(Crrdr lard and Purchase Ordc> On y \o- .lens) Mal N1.G hIsen. Serr'>ac c/o 1 Spueo hi Menem I t s LA1 :plee Mill F<ad, Suite ltd, Fa.rFax, V4 22010 For more infnvmadon .rod /or changes: Phone 393- 319- Jv,4or P —aec -6.13 En .1.1 nlce.eregandhouvngtiispargncvun Office use rmly: 1ltd a'thh7 Cate Rate For F S 1 F RI- G1STR.VI1ON, use your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express and FAXyour form to (703) 631 -6288.