HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. Expansion Site Plan Review 05-06-SPAGENDA ITEM: Case 05 -60 -SP Dakota Enterprises, Ltd., Expansion Site Plan Review AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGEN x A ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Revised Plans, Draft 03/14/06 PC Minutes, 02/28/06 PC Minutes 1 APPROVED BY: l/d G RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution granting site plan approval for Dakota Fence at 15953 Biscayne Avenue. 9 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Meeting: March 21, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. has requested site plan approval for an expansion of their building and relocation of their outdoor storage area located on 10 acres of land on the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 160t Street West (County Road 46) The Plan has been modified from that provided m the February 28, 2006 packet that was not supported by the Staff. The applicant has modified the outside storage area to be consistent with the area currently used for outside storage and has reused the landscaping and building elevations to address previous areas of non compliance The one area remauung non comphant is the requirement for foundation plantings Because the majority of the addition is located within the fenced area and will contain paving, it does not seem appropriate to require foundation plantings and staff supports a variance from that standard. BACKGROUND Apphcant: Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. Locauon. 15953 Biscayne Ave., Northwest corner of Biscayne Ave. and 160` Street West (CR -46). Zonmg: BP -1, Business Park Comp. Plan. Business Park Request: Site Plan approval for 12,000 sq. ft building expansion and 3.23 acres of outdoor storage. Site data: Site area 10 acres total Existing building 1,200 sq. ft., built m 1998 fronting towards Biscayne Ave. Existing outdoor storage approxunately 2.1 acres. Existing parking 40 spaces. The Dakota Enterprises site was developed m 1998 on a five acre site located on the northwest corner of Biscayne Ave., and 160 Street. In December 2003 the property owner received lot combination approval to combine two five acre parcels to create the existing 10 acre lot. The developed portion of the site is on the southern five acres, the original site. The Business Park zoning district allows for an administrative site plan review if all ordinance standards are met Because the site plan is inconsistent with current ordinance standards, the application is being processed through Planting Commission and City Council review process. PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission reviewed the amended application on March 14, 2006. The Commission supported the changes to the site plan and recommended approval of the request. During the public hearing there was no testimony The applicant agreed to the recommended three conditions and indicated they were prepared to make the modifications to the building materials and will have a new plan drawn soon. SITE PLAN REVIEW The site plan application doubles the footprint of the existing building by extending the rear of the building to the west, parallel to 160 Street Fxisting outside storage is being relocated to the northern portion of the site where it will all be consolidated and reotganized The area currently used for outside storage of materials will be converted to employee parking, pondmg, equipment parking, and will maintam the loadmg area function The remaining green area in the northeast portion of the site may be used for future building expansion. ACCESS CIRCULATION The site currently has a driveway to Biscayne Ave approximately in the middle of the site. A secondary gated access is available from the existing outdoor storage area that connects to the frontage road along 160 Street. The applicant has indicated that he would like to mamtain that accessway. That may requite some shifting of the new pond to permit vehicular access along the western property line A final grading plan is requested to ensure appropriate grading for the pond and this access issue will be resolved with that plan The site plan expansion proposes an additional driveway to Biscayne Ave. that aligns with the northeast corner of the expanded outdoor storage area, near the northern property boundary line. This second access is acceptable to the City Biscayne Avenue is currently a gravel road near this access point and will be upgraded sometime in the future The property owner will be assessed for the pavement upgrade through the 429 process when the upgrade occurs. BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS The existing building is constructed of a combination of concrete and metal. Rock -faced concrete masonry unit wall construction faces south (160` Street) and east towards Biscayne Ave with horizontal accent bands. The walls facing west and north have factory finished metal siding above the doors and windows. The north and west wall elevations are allowed to have up to 50% of wall surfaces faced with metal because they do not face public right -of -way, public or residential uses or districts The building has a standing -seam metal roof. (Zoning Section 11-5-2.A.3, Budding Type Construction, Business Park District). The building addition continues the theme of rock -faced concrete block and accent bands along the southern elevation facing 160 Street. Six windows, an overhead door and a pedestrian door break up the horizontal lines of the building. The west elevation facing the outdoor storage area has 40% rock -faced concrete block with an overhead door, four windows and a pedestrian door The northern elevation is open to the sides with a 20 ft. deep covered area The (recessed) building wall is 45% rock -faced concrete block with an overhead door and a roof overhang open to the sides and north. 55% of the wall surface is metal. The applicant has indicated that he will increase the block work on the western and northern elevations to meet or exceed the ordinance exterior matenals standard Given the short time to turn around the plans for the 14 meeting, the building elevations have not been revised from that nutially submitted. For that reason, recommended conditions of approval require changes to elevation plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 2 ENGINEERING COMMENTS Drainage from the new outside storage area will be directed to the southwest, where a catch basin is provided Run -off from the pipe will be directed to the ponding system located m the southwest corner of the enure site. The new outside storage area is required to have concrete curbing as illustrated on the plan. The applicant had submitted drainage and grading information as part of the initial submittal. The revisions have not included this updated information although it appears that it generally would comply with the City requirements. The applicant will have to submit final grading plans and drainage calculations complying with City ordinances and policies prior to issuance of a grading pernut. If approved Trunk sewer and water area charges are required for the northern 5 acres of the site and the proposed 12,000 square foot building expansion Trunk stormwater area charges for the entire 10 acre site are also required. LANDSCAPING The landscape plan has been modified to address the screening requirements of the ordinance. The current plan indicates that the outside storage will be screened with berms and landscaping spaced 15 feet or 20 feet on center, depending upon the location. In the west there is a single row of coniferous trees, in the north and east there is a double row All are atop of berms and outside of the fencing. In total 59 evergreens will be installed. In addition to the tree plantings, one foundation planting per 10 linear feet of building perimeter is also required (Zoning Section 11 -6 -3 B Minimum Number of Plantings BP). No additional shrubs are shown on the plan from that already installed on the site The ordinance requirement for foundation plantings is to place landscaping along the edge of buildings. The new addition to the site is located in the back of the existing structure and will be totally contamed within the existing screen fence Paving will be up to the building making it difficult to install and mamtam landscaping. Staff is recommending that the applicant receive a waiver from the foundation planting requirement, in recognition that the public views to the existing building are compliant with ordinance standards If in the future there is an additional building added to the northern parcel along Biscayne Avenue, staff would expect additional site landscaping and foundation plantings along with that protect. The site is required to be irrigated. The submitted plan indicates that indicates that the site will be irrigated (Planting Note #5). PARKING The site currently has 40 parking spaces. The application narrative indicates that the building addition is intended for storage of inventory Applying warehouse parking standards to the 12,000 sq. ft addition would raise the required parking to 32 spaces This amount is based upon an analysis of the existing office /display area added to a combination of production warehouse use in the balance of the building. The apphcant has indicated that they will convert some of the current outdoor storage area to employee parking to open up parking spaces m the front of the property for customer parking Additional parking for company vehicles is located in the rear (west) of the building addition. The plans illustrate 9 foot parking stalls which are too small for many of the company vehicles This area will be designated for the vehicles but would not have the number represented on the plans. OUTDOOR STORAGE The site currently has 2.1 acres of outdoor storage, which will be relocated to the north parcel. The current storage area is behind and along side the existing building, screened by a cedar fence with five masonry 3 piers along the southern elevation. The fenced area includes a pond m the southwest corner of the storage area. The site plan apphcation includes relocation of the outside storage from the southern to the northern parcel within the site The existing outdoor storage will be converted to a combination of pondmg, building addition, employee parking, company vehicle parking, and loading area. Under the current BP -1 ordinance outdoor storage is allowed under certain conditions. Specifically the ordinance states (11- 4- 15F1): Outdoor storage of materials, equipment or products, where allowed, may only be pernutted in this district where it is incidental or accessory to a principal use contained within a building. Outdoor storage areas, where feasible, shall be located m the rear of the building and not on a portion of the site with direct frontage upon a public street All outdoor storage areas accessible by vehicles or heavy equipment shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete to minimize dust and control erosion. The perimeter views of all outdoor storage areas shall be completely screened from ground level views on all sides, except at required access points Particular emphasis shall be placed upon maximizing full opacity from ground level views upon adjacent or nearby streets, all existing or potennal residential uses and any other pubhc use or areas. Such screen can be accomphshed through one or more of the following measures a The placement of the building on the lot. b Through the use of a combination of berming and a variety of landscaping Berming should consist of slopes not exceeding a four to one (41) ratio. Plantings used to specifically screen news shall, at a minimum, consist of six foot (6') high evergreen species spaced twelve (12) to fifteen feet (15') centers. A greater minimum height may be required where more than three (3) growing seasons are anticipated to accomplish required screening levels. These plantings shall be augmented by other varieties of landscaping offset along the berm. All plantings shall be installed according to the cit of Rosemount's landscaping standards. Required landscaping maintenance secunty for planting screening shall be for an additional two (2) years. c Screening walls may only be used when the above option are not deemed to be an effective method. They shall consist of durable materials consistent with the color and appear4ance of the principal structure. Screening walls shall be augment3ed by landscaping to reduce the visual impact and massing of the structure. In the recent past, staff has been approached by a lumber yard and a pipe company. In both cases the company proposed hale or small buildings with the vast majority of the site dedicated to outside storage of product. Staff raised the issue of outdoor storage with the City Council in February of 2005 to obtain clanficauon on unplementation of the zoning ordinance. As presented to the Council, outside storage would be allowed when it was incidental to the principal use of the site, which would be considered that use housed within the principal structure. Therefore outside storage could only be allowed which was less m area than the principal structure. This would be consistent with the Council goals for the community, to increase tax base and provide jobs. Without a principal structure, or one greater than the amount of land dedicated to outside storage, tax revenue from the site would be lower on the site than what was desired. Staff also indicated that the assumption was that the Business Park zoning district was a "higher" quality development area, consistent with the development pattern along County Road 42. After discussion the Council agreed with the staff interpretation. At that tune they felt the ordinance was clear and did not request modifications to the ordinance It was recognized that this interpretation was a departure from the actions of previous councils. While the current site has more outside storage than would be allowed under the Council's interpretation of the ordinance, staff is supportive of the proposed site plan as it shifts the outside storage to a less visible location. Further die site plan provides additional building on site which is consistent with the goals of the 4 City and brings the property more into compliance with the performance standard than the existing condition While typically, staff does not support expansion of a non conforming use, the construction of the building addition and the more advantageous Location of the outside storage leads staff to support the amended application. The Business Park standards set up expectations that storage areas are to be screened by buildings first, landscaping and berming second and screen fencing as a last resort. The applicant has modified the application to have berming and landscaping around the perimeter of the outside storage area However, due to safety concerns the plans continue to show a 6 foot board on board cedar fence with rock face block piers. This situation is acceptable to staff as the ordinance does not preclude fencing if the landscaping is proposed. Further the fencing is more aesthetically pleasing than many of the security fencing requests typically received which is often cham link fencing. OTHER The applicant's attorney has provided a significant amount of background matenal to the Planning Commission and City Council regarding Dakota Fence. Some of the issues raised in the memo are applicable to the current application and many are not. The item currently before the Planning Commission is the site plan only. Staff supports the curtent application and has worked closely with the applicant to come to a mutually acceptable solution. However, if the Commission and Council do not support the request the following findings of fact should be used for denial 1. The Zoning Ordinance Section 11 -4 -15 subd. F.1. specifies that outdoor storage of materials, equipment of products, where allowed, may only be permitted in the Business Park District where it is incidental or accessory to a principal use contained within a building. 2. The site plan proposes a building that occupies an area of 24,000 sq. ft. and an outdoor storage area of 91,476 sq. ft. 3. The proposed outdoor storage, which exceeds three tunes the area occupied by the building, is too large in area to meet ordinance standard that such uses be incidental or accessory to a principal use contained within a building, and therefore does not meet ordinance requirements. 4. The site plan with exterior storage is inconsistent with the Interim Ordinance approved by the City Council on February 7, 2006 which places a moratorium on development of uses that include outdoor storage m the BP -1 zoning district. SUMMARY The existing Dakota Enterprises site does not conform to standards for outdoor storage. However, the amended site plan proposed, increasing the existing structure and relocating the outdoor storage to a less visible location are consistent with the intent of the ordinance and are supported by staff The applicant has committed or has revised the plans to address other concerns over landscaping and building materials, therefore staff is supportive of the amended site plan with conditions. Because of previous actions by the City and applicant, the Planning Commission was asked to take action as the Board of Appeals regarding a denial of a building permit for Dakota Enterprises. Because the revised site plan has not been approved the Board took action to set the public hearing for April 25, 2006. Until such time as the appeal is withdrawn by the applicant, the Commission should continue forward with the appeals process Additionally, the moratorium recently approved by the City Council applies to the current application An amendment to the moratorium ordinance is also on the agenda for Council action. Staff recommends amending the moratorium ordinance only if this site plan is approved. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SITE PLAN FOR DAKOTA ENTERPRISES, LTD. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. Site Plan approval concerning property located at 15953 Biscayne Avenue and legally described as The south 656.14 feet of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying east of the west 1976.99 feet thereof WHEREAS, on February 28, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a Public Heating and reviewed for a site plan approval request for an expansion of its budding and relocation of outdoor storage area, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount continued the Public Hearing to allow the applicant time to modify the outdoor storage area plans to be consistent with the area currently used for outdoor storage and revised landscaping and budding elevations to address the previous areas of non compliance; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a Pubhc Hearing and reviewed the modified request for a site plan approval for an expansion of its budding and relocation of outdoor storage area, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount found the modifications to the outdoor storage area plans to be consistent with the area currently used for outdoor storage and the revised landscaping and building elevanons to addressed the previous areas of non compliance and recommended approval of the site plan, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commissions recommendations, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the site plan with variance from the foundation plantings landscape requirement fot Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. at 15953 Biscayne Avenue, subject to: 1. The apphcant submits a final grading and drainage plan and stormwater calculations for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. 2. The applicant submit revised building elevations to bring the west and north budding facades into compliance with ordinance standards for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. When development or construction occurs in the northeast portion of the site, additional landscaping consistent with the ordinance will be required. RESOLUTION 2006- ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: James D. Verbrugge, Deputy City Clerk William H Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 l rij II I a:bs �.�531JFi.. .N(IG4 =5A Uy c NOISNddX €00 '710>VC ®O a la s jr1 I d�4? =11 t a t aatti f itzYI I5 Y1053NVIL' 1hf10.+.i52 n §3 MO 3 NOISNt X9 500E ri 1 1 b"iO> VC a sa j 1g tivii 41.41- rl 4141 i >Q t 1 IA LEP l k .S q N gN aXE50 d ;c4 t!a >'C w 4 NO sN7dX9 €Ooz ?N-7-yd 71O>i'V 11;c1W1,1111 II S1,151R1 i l r 1 1111 1 I 1 9 s� i yy pp gg v10S3NNi Fq �12 u LNf1G4350d' 6�Io t �9 u; HI IZlai 9 N2d d10?'7a f.15 I 49111 r,l 0,; I S's s4i s 4a 411 Li64:4 3 �95 sI 9! d I ?6�ei n §ICI e r �a V1OS3NNILJ 1N10LJ2SO�J 55 t2 nG NOISN_7 X3 SOOZ Di e 2ONald C"JO>I'7C areAp, uui i; u €sa i Al 01 ;Ina �I .a3.elai F 1 �a ILI§ v.os =�uNu 'iNnousoa y p tia a 1 NOF2NVc1X; 5O0Z r It i Pia, ?ON_ `7/1O yd 1 s S p I 0 1- w N 0 1 1 su 11E eNfgx =Ja: gON ti >tC at zi ■gym J f mss s ■■■■■■■aNEMIL R 3 F; 1 1Nnowsw NOjSN'7dX2 GOO: 9::N2d tLO Excerpt of Draft Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of March 14, 2006 Public Hearings: 5.a. 05 -60 -SP Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. Expansion Site Plan Review. Community Development Lindquist reviewed the staff report. Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. has requested site plan approval for an expansion of then building and relocation of their outdoor storage area located on 10 acres of land on the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 160t Street West (County Road 46). The Plan has been modified from that provided m the February 28, 2006 packet that was not supported by the Staff. The apphcant has modified the outside storage area to be consistent with the area currently used for outside storage and has revised the landscaping and budding elevations to address previous areas of non comphance. The one area remaining non comphant is the requirement for foundation plantings. Because the majority of the addition is located within the fenced area and will contain paving, it does not seem appropriate to require foundation plantings and staff supports a variance from that standard Chairperson Messner invited the applicant to come forward. Jay Karlovich of LeVander, Gillen Miller, P.A., representing Dakota Fence, 15953 Biscayne Avenue, Rosemount, thanked City staff for working with Dakota Fence and offered to answer any Commissioner questions. Chairperson Messner questioned if the apphcant was in agreement with the three conditions placed on the apphcanon. Attorney Karlovich stated they were in agreement with the conditions Chairperson Messner opened the Public Hearing. MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: All. Nays: None Morton approved MOTION by Schultz recommend approval of the site plan with variance from the foundation plantings landscape requirement for Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. at 15953 Biscayne Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. The apphcant submits a final grading and drainage plan and stormwater calculations for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit 2. The apphcant submit revised building elevations to bring the west and north building facades into compliance with ordinance standards for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. When development or construction occurs in the northeast portion of the site, additional landscaping consistent with the ordinance will be required Second by Zurn. Ayes: All Nays: None. Motion approved. Ms. Lindquist stated the item would go before the City Council on March 21, 2006. Draft Excerpt of Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of February 28, 2006 5.e. 05 60 SP Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. Expansion Site Plan Review. Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the staff report Dakota Enterprises, Ltd. has requested site plan approval for an expansion of their building and outdoor storage area located on 10 acres of land on the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 160 Street West (County Road 46). Staff is working with the applicant on modificauons of the site plan and recommends this item be continued to March 14, 2006 so the details can be worked out. Chairperson Messner invited the apphcant to come forward. Jay Karlovich of LeVander, Gillen Miller, P.A., representing Dakota Fence mformed the Planning Commission that the plan is within the next two weeks the applicant and staff will reach a compromise. Tom Engelmeier, 1810 Faber, South Saint Paul, stated he plans to meet with Ms. Lindquist to draft a "Plan 13" for the protect to move the current 2 1 acres of storage to the north facility and not increase the outdoor storage. Mr. Engelmeier will look for approval of the new plan in two weeks. Chairperson Messner opened the Pubhc Hearing. Dennis Ozment, 3275 145 Street East, Rosemount., stated he did not remember discussing a moratonum on outdoor storage during the 42/52 meetings. Mr. Ozment believes the moratorium should have been addressed front and center during the 42/52 meetings. MOTION by Powell to continue the Public Hearing to March 14, 2006. Second by Schultz. Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.