HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Local Support for Lebabon Hills Regional Park - Stormwater Management Funding RequestAGENDA ITEM: Local Support for Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater Management Funding Request AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AGE -"lc) ATTACHMENTS: Lebanon Hills Regional Park Brochure, Letters APPROVED BY: 101/0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize the Signature of the Attached Letters. 4 ROSE MOUNT City Council Meeting: March 21, 2006 BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As the Council is aware, Rosemount has been participating with Dakota County and surrounding communities to work towards a solution to the surface water management issues within Lebanon Hills Regional Patk With the recent completion of a surface water management plan by Dakota County, the County is now requesting state funding for a large percentage of the estunated project cost Attached is a brochure that Dakota County has prepared highlighting the project and need for funding. Also attached are two letters of City support for the bills HF0557 and SF1022. G \ENGPROJ \Lebanon Hills \LocalSuppoa CC3 -21 -06 doc 4ROSFMOU\T Maich 21, 2006 Representative Dennis Ozment District 37B 479 State Office Building St Paul, MN 55155 Re Local Support for Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater Management Funding Request HF0557 SF1022 Dear Representative Ozment. We ate aware that the above referenced bills have been introduced for Legislative consideration of funding a portion of the much- needed Capital Improvements associated with the Surface Water Management Plan for Lebanon Hills Regional Pail: in Dakota Comm; As you know, surface water management is one of the most important mfiasuuctutcimprovements necessary ro insure a safe and healthy environment for the general public Please accept this letter as confirmation of support from the Cit, of Rosemount fot favotable consideration on these important bills. We appreciate our efforts and interest in helping to protect the natural resources and significant public investment that the State and County has aheady made in this highly used regional recreanonal facility. Please let us know if we can piovide further information of assistance to secure the successful passage of this proposed legislation Sincerely, William I Droste Mavor Cc. Kathleen Gaylord, Chau Dakota County Board of Commissioners PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (1 1!NGPROiAJ .nbanun 11111sVI ocalSupportl.utcr3 -16 -06 doc SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651 -423 -4411 TDD /TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 wow 0 rosernount Inc us 4ROSFMOUNT March 21, 2006 Senator Chris Gctlaeh Dtsatct 37 107 State Office Building St Paul, MN 55155 Re Local Support for Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater Management Funding Request HF0557 SF1022 Dear Senator Gerlach: We ate aware that the above referenced bills have been rnrtoduced for Legtslanvc consideration of funding a poi non of the much needed Capital Improvements associated with the Sutface AUatet Ivlanagemcnt Plan for Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Dakota Counrc As you know, surface watet management is one of the most nnpoitant mftasuuctute imptovemcnts necessary to msute a safe and healthy environment for the gencial public. Please accept this lettet as confirmation of support from the Cat of Rosemount for favorable consideiauon on these mzportant bills. We appreciate your efforts and interest m helping to protect the natural resources and significant public investment that the State and County has already made in this highly used tcgional recreational facility Please let as know if we can provide further information or assistance to secure the successful passage of this pioposed legislation. Sincerely, \YJilham H Droste May 01 Cc: Kathleen Gaylord, Chair Dakota County Board of Commissioners PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 0 \I ;ING PRO]ALebanon I fdl.ALocnlSupportl.crtcr3 -1G -06 doc SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651 -423 -4411 TDD /TTY 651- 423-6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.u.rosemount inn us c 2 lot E \r tr r j c 0 �0 ±F et 0 42 CA E 0 pa CD cel CD 0 1 CO CI -,-4 cn 0. \}z 0 W 0 f% $w a /2$/ cn V o a.\ y O C. k o a. CA r t r /J ƒ Ct c 0 Cip t o