HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Flint Hills Resources Relocation of Existing Trailer Complex Interim Use Permit 06-12-IUPAGENDA ITEM: Case 06 -12 -IUP Flint Hills Resources, LP Relocation of Existing Trailer Complex Interim Use Permit AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, Assistant City Planner AGE 6 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, 02/28/06 PC Minutes, Pine Bend Refinery Building Map (Location map), Crude Unit Revamp Office Trader Complex 2006 (site map), Structure elevations and footing detail, Correspondence APPROVED BY J J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve an Interim Use Permit for the'relocation of the contractor trailer complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of 8th Street in the Flint Hills Resources Refinery subject to: 1. The date of the expiration of the IUP shall be December 31, 2009. 2. Each building and trailer requires a separate building permit. 3. The permit is limited to the area shown on the attached drawing CBD -2006 titled Crude Unit Revamp Office Trailer Complex 2006. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: March 21, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Flint Hills Resources is requesting an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to relocate a trailer complex within the refinery complex. The trailers are currently located approximately 700 feet west of U.S. 52 and 700 feet south of the Administration building. The trailers will be moved to a new location 2,500 feet west of US 52; 2,750 feet east of County Road 71, and 800 feet north of the intersection of County Road 71 and 135 Street East. Some Council Members may recall recommending approval of another IUP in September of 2004 for several temporary buildings that would replace the functions of the trailer complex. The plan is to continue that replacement but reuse the existing trailers elsewhere on the site. The IUP will enable Flint Hills Resources to continue to utih7e the trailers for two pending construction projects that will be located deep within the refinery complex The site is not likely to be visible from the outer edges of the refinery, either from County Road 71 or U S. 52. BACKGROUND The IUP procedure was created to permit temporary structures such as construction trailers for extended periods of tune in excess of the normal 180 day period. Buildings used for less than 180 days can be considered temporary by the l3uildmg Code Flint Hills Resources has construction projects that are sometimes as much as several years in length and therefore, require special consideration under the IUP process. Applicant Property Owner Gary Schumann of Flint Hills Resources (FHR). Location. Approximately 1/2 mile east of County Road 71, '/z mile west of U.S. Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Zoning: Proposed Buildings: Planning Commission Action: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Commission held a public hearing to review this item on February 28, 2006. After hearing no public comment and a presentation by staff, the Commission vote 5 -0 to recommend the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit for the relocation of the contractor trailer complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of 8th Street in the Flint Hills Resources Refinery subject conditions. SUMMARY The current location of the trailer complex is near the intersection of private streets "A" and "10` within the refinery. Street "A" is parallel to U S. 52, approximately 870 feet west of the frontage toad at the refinery's border, The trailer complex will be relocated approximately 1,850 feet west and slightly north of the current location. In addition, up to 14 additional individual trailers will be located in support of various individual contractors. These individual trailers are not currently on site, they will be brought to the site as needed. Staff understands that the trailer complex is owned by Flint Hills and the individual trailers are owned or leased by specific contractors. The area that will be occupied by the trailers is about 2.5 acres and will be located on the west side of "C" street and north of 8` Street. Both streets are private streets within the refinery complex. Two construction projects will be served by the relocated and individual trailers: 1. The 43 Crude Unit Revamp project will utilize the trailers m 2006 and 2007; 2. The Coker project will use the trailers m 2008 and 2009, the projected completion date. An existing large pile of petroleum coke will completely screen the traders from views from County Road 71. 52, and 800 feet north of 135th Street East (County Road 38). General Industrial General Industrial 168 feet x 60 feet combined construction trailers and up to 14 individual 12 x 70 contractor trailers Recommended Approval Contractor parking will occur at the outer edges of the refinery, prunarily in the lot located near 117 Street in Inver Grove Heights Workers and contractors will be shuttled within the refinery by FHR owned vehicles. A temporary 180 ft. x 110 ft gravel parking surface has been provided for the FHR vehicles. The IUP granted to FHR for construction of the "Hydrocracker" umt is set to expire on September 1, 2006. As this project winds down, the parking demand by the Hydrocracker workers will diminish as new workers arrive for the #3 Crude Unit Revamp project. The Building Official has indicated that each trailer will require a building permit to ensure that they are installed m conformance with manufacture's specifications and for building footings. The IUP process waives the landscaping and building materials related zoning standards 2 FINDINGS FOR INTERIM USE PERMITS (Section 11 -10 -8) 1. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be substantially m compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Finding: The ate is designated for General Industral use in the 2020 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan. Rebuzldzrig of the #3 Crude Unit and construction of the Coker project supports the refining of petroleum, a permitted use in the General Industrial Dzstnct. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. Finding: The access to the site is from the existing private street system that serves the refinery complex. The parking area constnrcted in Inver Grove Heights will serve the parking needs of the contractors. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the =mediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. Finding: The refinery complex with its exposed equrpment, storage tanks and pipe racks has a heavy industnal character. The property is surrounded by other rndustnal uses such as Continental Nitrogen east of U.S. 52, the former Solberg mineral extraction permit area to the south, and vacant general zndustral land to the west. Public health, safety &general welfare are served with conformance with building, fire codes and the IUP being visually screened from any right %way by the refine?) complex and the piles of petroleum coke. 5. The use will not unpede the normal and orderly development in improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district Finding: The construction project related to the IUP zs expanding the capacity of the refinery complex as a permitted use zn the General Industrial Dzstnct. 6. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. 4. Fzndzng: The use is conszsten with applicable General Industrial District standards not waived by the IUP Including setbacks, utzlz rig existing perking facilztres, and as a temporary use, will be removed by the date specified TERMINATION The office trailer complex will be dismantled and removed from this site by the end of 2009, the projected finish of the Coker Project. According to the ordinance, the IUP shall terminate upon the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs. 1. The date stated on the permit. 2. Upon violation of the condition under which the permit was issued. 3. Upon change in the city's zoning regulation which renders the use nonconforming The City Council also may modify standards or condittons of the IUP after a public heating. CONCLUSION Staff is comfortable recommending approval of the IUP with an expiration date of December 31, 2009 and the condition repining a separate building permit for each trailer 3 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Flint Hills Resources, LP requesting an Interim Use Pernut (IUP) for the relocation of the contractor trailer complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of 8th Street located on Flint Hills Refinery Land, legally described as. The East '/z of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on February 28, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Interim Use Permit application for land located approximately /z mile east of County Road 71; '/z mile west of U S. 52; and 800 feet north of County Road 38; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit for the relocation of the contractor trailer complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of 8th Street located on Flint Hills Refinery Land, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the Interim Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's findings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Interim Use Permit for the relocation of the contractor trailer complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of Sth Street in the Flint Hills Resources Refinery subject to. 1. The date of the expiration of the IUP shall be December 31, 2009. 2. Each building and trailer requires a separate building permit. 3. The permit is limited to the area shown on the attached drawmg CBD -2006 titled Crude Unit Revamp Office Trailer Complex 2006. ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: James D Verbrugge, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIM USE PERMIT (IUP) FOR FLINT HILLS RESOURCES, LP William H. Droste, Mayor RESOLUTION 2006 Motion by Second by Voted m favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 Excerpt of Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of February 28, 2006 5.1 06 -12 -IUP Flint Hills Resources Relocation of Existing Trailer Complex Interim Use Permit. City Planner Pearson reviewed the staff report. Flint Hills Resources "FHR requested an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to relocate a trailer complex within the refinery complex. The trailers are currently located approximately 700 feet west of U.S. 52 and 700 feet south of the Administration building. The trailers will be moved to a new location 2,500 feet west of US 52; 2,750 feet east of County Road 71, and 800 feet north of the intersection of County Road 71 and 135` Street East The IUP will enable FHR to continue to utilize the trailers for two pending construction projects that will be located deep within the refinery complex. The site is not likely to be visible from the outer edges of the refinery, either from County Road 71 or U.S. 52 Chairperson Messner invited the application to come forward. The applicant, Gary Schumann of FHR, did not have comment. Chairperson Messner opened the Public Hearing. MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Powell. Ayes; All. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Powell Motion to recommend that the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit for the relocation of the contractor trader complex to the new 2.5 acre location on the west side of "C" street and north of 8th Street in the Flint Hills Resources Refinery subject to- 1. The date of the expiration of the IUP shall be December 31, 2009. 2. Each building and trailer requites a separate building permit. 3. The permit is limited to the area shown on the attached drawing CBD -2006 titled Crude Unit Revamp Office Trailer Complex 2006 Second by Zum. Ayes• All. Nays. None. Motion approved. o0C1 Ii; S,NI MC I ,N elk 1 r a: T,. LLj anon a961) 01 2570 t DT sa.,ipngG ta ii r: d ?1Co: ,.1; P r: N X2111103 331,00 ,0- 08 X „6 31 0610 69899 e I F Q SS12LLS11GNI 311773&LYS b H i ti U ake SW %IV 97 IA V au1 Sa14yJn1Jg da1PY1 JiV U. I (.1. V 11,1 riven .LI..V)C r X3181909 291880 ,0 X ,6 -j1(H) k9891 i.) S3IN.LSI7GNI 31177311 8 8 r 8 8 0 0 O okif 11 �S�j 11. Project Description for City of Rosemount Interim Use Permit Application A 7.0 Office Trailer for the #3 Crude Unit Revamp Project the Coker Project Flint Hills Resources (FHR) proposes to relocate an existing office trailer complex so that it can be used to support two planned capital projects. This office trailer complex was permitted with the City of Rosemount (Permit #9262) on February 26, 1998 for use as office space for the on site contractors. The current office trailer complex (168' X 60') is located near the intersection of refinery streets `A' and `10 (See refinery overview drawing). The occupants (and current functionality) of this trailer are moving to a new complex located north of the refinery. FHR would like to relocate this office trailer complex to a location further west, just west of refinery street `C' (See refinery overview drawing) and use these trailers as offices for personnel who are involved in two capital projects. Personnel for the #3 Crude Unit Revamp Project will use the trailer in 2006 2007 and personnel for the Coker Project will use the trailer in 2008 and 2009. The office trailer complex will be dismantled and removed from this site by the end of 2009, the projected finish of the Coker Project. The new trailer location is not visible from Clark Road or Highway 52 from the east. From County 71 on the west side, the new building is hidden from sight due to the trees lining County 71 and the coke pile in the plant. The relocated trailer complex will have concrete support piers, the same arrangement that was used at the previous location. The new trailer complex location is in an area of the plant that is covered under the refinery NPDS storm water permit (see drawing CBD- 2006). Utilities for the office trailer complex will be brought over from existing refinery sources. The sanitary system will consist of relocating the 4 existing 2500 Gal. holding tanks, with level indication, to the new site. The holding tanks will be pumped out weekly as they are currently. During the construction phase of the two projects, individual trailers will be brought in to serve as break/lunch trailers for the construction workers. These trailers will be monthly rental trailers that will be added or removed depending on the number of construction workers on site. The maximum number of breakilunch trailers will be 12.