HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Receive Plans & Specifications/AuthorizeAd for Bid - 2006 Pavement Management Improvements, City Project 396AGENDA ITEM: Receive Plans and Specifications /Authorize Ad for Bid -2006 Pavement Management Improvements, City Project #396 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Enginee AGE ■`i 6 L ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Maps, Memorandum APPROVED BY: ad RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement of Bids for the 2006 Pavement Management Improvements, City Project #396. 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: April 4, 2006 BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On January 17, 2005 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2006 Pavement Management Project This project has been designated as City Project No. 396 At this time, the plans and specifications are complete and copies are on file in the Engineering Department. A bnef review of the proposed improvements follows: 1. LOCATION The project is located m the southwest portion of the City of Rosemount. Streets included in this project are located south of Dodd Boulevard, west of Chippendale Avenue, north of 150 Street West (CSAH 42), and east of Colorado Avenue (property line 1300 feet west of Chippendale Avenue). 2. PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS Each street within the 2006 Pavement Management Project has reached a significant level of deterioration in its quality and performance. As part of the City of Rosemount's Pavement Management Program, each street or area of streets is to receive the appropriate improvement to enhance the design strength of the roadway and extend the useful hfe of each roadway Two separate improvements are proposed for the streets designated m the 2006 Pavement Management Project. The area of streets within the Btoback 10` Addition, including Chrome Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, Cimarron Avenue, 146` Street West, and 147 Street West, is proposed to have full depth pavement rehabilitation Since the existing public utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water man, and storm sewer) are all in place and in good working condition, and the existing concrete curb and gutter has not experienced significant cracking or settlement, it is proposed that these streets receive pavement rehabilitation m the form of pavement reclamation. The area of streets within the Edwin Rahn's 1" 2n and 3` Additions, including Cimarron Avenue, Chorley Avenue, 148'" Street West, Upper 148` Street West, 149` Street West, and Upper 149` Street West, will receive a full reconstruction to mclude the removal of the existing bituminous surface and all existing curb and gutter. G \ENGPROJ \396 \RecPISpc- AFBCC4 doc 3. STORM SEWER Currently there is storm sewer in the Broback 10` Addition only. Streets within the Edwin Rahn's 1" 2,.d and 3 Additions do not have an interconnected storm sewer system. The existing catch basins collect street surface runoff that infiltrates directly into the subgrade of the toadway. The proposed storm sewer improvements Include the installation of a subsurface collection and conveyance system throughout the Edwin Rahn's 1 2nd and 3r Additions. This will transport runoff into two existing infiltration basins located within the project area. One of the infiltration basins is located on the west side of Cimarron Avenue between 148 Street West and Upper 148 Street West. This basm has an existing storm sewer outlet. The second drainage basin is located on the south side of Upper 149` Street West between Cimarron Avenue and Chorley Avenue This basin does not have a storm sewer outlet. A proposed outlet is to be installed to the south, extending toward 150` Street (CSAH 42), where a connection would be made with the existing storm sewer system within the County right -of -way. 4. SANITARY SEWER The existing sanitary sewer system within the project is generally found to be m good condition. Some sanitary sewer manholes within the project area have been installed with excessive casting adjustment rings Pre -cast manhole sections will be installed on these manholes to reduce the number of adjustment rings and make manhole access safer for pubhc works personnel 5. WATERMAIN The water main over the entire project area is still well within its useful life. There are, however, portions of cast iron pipe (CIP) in the Edwin Rahn's 1 2n and 3 Additions. It is recommended that a leakage test is performed on the water main m these areas prior to construction to determuie if there are any pre- existing leaks or weak joints in the water main. Potential problems would be fixed as part of construction. All the fire hydrants that do not conform to the current City of Rosemount design standards will be replaced with new fire hydrants 6 PARK IMPROVEMENTS Pedestrian ramps adjacent to Chippendale Park located between Upper 148 Street West and 149 Street West will be replaced to comply with current American Disabihty Act (ADA) standards. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council receive the plans and specifications and authorize the advertising of bids for the 2006 Pavement Management Project, City Project No. 396. 2 ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 2006 ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR 2006 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #396 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount have ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2006 Pavement Management Improvements, City Project #396 and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project #396. 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state the bids will be publicly opened on April 28, 2006 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the Rosemount City Hall m said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5 percent of the amount of such bid. William H Droste, Mayor James D. Verbrugge, Deputy City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor Voted against: <2.-PV BM Mt 1 I L�y�' c T l idST Er q G 1 NOV e rn Mt s L-11iig nl Min Ile "nil' Rita Dimensions rounded to neerml foot SITE MAP pht 2006, Dakota County swing IS neither a leoelly recorded map nor a survey and Is not intended to be used es one ar me is a co-notation of records, information and Date located in venous city, county, and floes and othe sources, affecting the area stwwn, and is to be used for reference purposes )akota County Is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained If discrepancies are please contact, Dakota County Survey and Land information Department >manslons rounded to nearest toot t 2006. Dakota County ling is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not Intended to be used as one, rig is a compilation of records, information and data located in venous city, county and .es and other sources, afecjno the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes (ore County is not responsible for any inaccuracies nerein contained It discrepancies are lase contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department. SITE MAP WSB Associates, Inc Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction To: Andy Brotzler, City Engineer City of Rosemount From: Kevin Kawlewski, P.E. Sr. Project Manager Date: March 30, 2006 Re: Final Cost Estimate City of Rosemount 2006 Pavement Management Program City Project No. 396 WSB Project No. 1556 -45 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel; 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum We have completed the final design for the above referenced project and the associated cost estimate. The Engineer's Opinion of final cost based on the design to be approved by the City Council is $1,155,600. The estimated project cost presented in the Feasibility Report and at the public hearing held for this project was $1,090,000. The final estimate represents an increase in estimated costs of $65,600 (6% of original estimate). A review of the project design as it has progressed from the feasibility is summarized as follows: North Side (Broback): The final cost is $12,000 under the Feasibility Report estimate. ($238,500 Feasibility, $226,700 Engineers Estimate) o Bituminous cost is $20,000 greater (unit price increase) o Curb and Gutter is 54,000 greater (unit price increase) o Sanitary Sewer manhole modifications moved to Sanitary Sewer schedule $10,000) o Remaining differences from final design changes to quantities and industry unit prices South Side (Edwin Rahn Additions): Cost is $48,000 over the Feasibility Report estimate. (5658,800 Feasibility, $706,000 Engineer's Estimate) o Bituminous cost is 532,000 greater (unit price increase) o Curb and Gutter is $15,000 greater (unit price increase) o Concrete Driveway Pavement is $36,000 greater (unit pnce increase and quantity change associated with match points required during final design. ALSO, 90% of driveways in the area are concrete, which is unusually high) o Sanitary Sewer manhole modifications and Water Main valve box modifications moved to Sanitary Sewer and Water Main schedules 516,000) C Documents and Settnngskad\Local Settings \Temporary Interne) F0e, \OI.Ke43 \MEMO- abrotzler033006 doc Mr Andy Brotzlcr March 30, 2006 Page 2 of 2 o Modified plans for removal of bituminous and new class 5 aggregate base to bituminous pavement reclamation and using recycled bituminous pavement 513,000) Sanitary Sewer: Cost is $20,000 over the Feasibility Report estimate. ($25,200 Feasibility, $45,300 Engineer's Estimate) o Additional manhole barrel section repairs after inspection at the request of the City Public Works Director o Moved the cost of new castings with the manhole barrel section replacement from the Surface Improvements category as outlined in the Feasibility Report Water Main: Cost is $20,000 over the Feasibility Report estimate: ($23,300 Feasibility, $43,000 Engineer's Estimate) o Added additional hydrant replacements at the request of the City Public Works Director. o A portion of the cost can be attributed to unit price increases o Moved the costs of valve box replacements from the Surface Improvement category as outlined in the Feasibility Report Storm Sewer: Cost is $10,000 under the Feasibility Report estimate: ($144,200 Feasibility, $134,600 Engineer's Estimate) o Reduced necessary storm sewer pipe quantity through final design process It should be noted that umt price increases as discussed are based on actual bid prices received on projects bid in February and March. I would like to point out that concrete prices have increased approximately 20% in the last two months and oil prices continue to increase. Ultimately, the construction costs will be dependent on the bidding climate and prices that Contractors are completing the work for, which may vary with geographic locations in the metro area. Bids that are received for the work will need to be fully evaluated to insure that prices submitted are within reason and that the City is receiving the best prices for the work. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information contained in this memorandum, please feel free to contact me at (763) 287 -7193. C \Documents and Settings \cadtLocal Satins \Temporary Internet Dies \OL%B43VdEMO- abrotzler033006 doc