HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Review of AUAR Development ScenariosAGENDA ITEM: Review of AUAR Development Scenarios AGENDA SECTION: Work Session PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGE r r r u G A ATTACHMENTS: WSB Memo Dated 3/29/06, Three Development Scenarios 9 APPROVED BY: �(yC/ ii/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Development Scenarios; Move Forward on AUAR Process 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: April 4, 2006 Please see the attached memo and maps for further information. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE As part of the AUAR process different development scenarios must be developed to assess for the environmental review. WSB has developed three to use during the AUAR process based upon duectton from staff and the approved Comprehensive Plan. Staff would like to get the Council's approval on the three different scenarios so that we can continue to move forward with the process. WSB Associates Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount Kim Lindquist, City of Rosemount Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount From: Andrea Moffatt, WSB Associates, Inc. Date: March 29, 2006 Re: 42 /Akron Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) WSB Project No. 1556 -65 At a previous City Council meeting, the Council approved the scope of work for the preparation of an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the 42 /Akron development area. An AUAR is a State environmental review process and is essentially a hybrid between the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process. It can be used as a substitute for an EIS for some projects like residential development projects or commercial /light industrial projects. AUAR's are especially useful when exact development plans are unknown, there are a series of accumulating projects, there are different property owners, and /or a number of different development scenarios are possible. An AUAR can be prepared to review different development scenarios in the same document. As long as the final development completed in the area does not exceed the proposed density reviewed in the AUAR, an additional environmental review is not required. Therefore, it is important that the AUAR include a maximum development scenario and evaluate this scenario in the document. Development Scenarios As part of the initial tasks with the development of an AUAR, the different land use scenarios that will be analyzed in the AUAR need to be developed. Toward that end, three different land use scenarios have been developed based on City Staff direction. These scenarios are shown in the attached figures and described as follows: K \01556- 65\Admm\ Does MEMO 032906 hmcc doc Marcia 29, 2006 Page2of3 Acreage does not include known wetlands, roads, or railroad easements in the study area. Scenario 1: This scenario is consistent with the City's recent Comprehensive Plan amendment that was submitted to the Metropolitan Council for approval. It represents the lowest density as allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. Scenario 2: This scenario is mostly consistent with the Comprehensive Plan amendment. The difference between Scenario 1 and 2 is that Scenario 2 represents the highest density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan and the Public/Institutional use has been replaced with a commercial use. Scenario 3. This scenario is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and would require a Comprehensive Plan amendment. It includes more medium and high density residential uses along CSAH 42. This scenario is included to assist the City in developing an AUAR that addresses the possible proposed development that could occur in this area. These development scenarios are being presented to the City Council for review and input. It is important that these scenarios reflect not only the development goals of the City, but the highest impact scenario as well. The AUAR analyzes these development scenarios, rather than a specific development plan, and then any development that is proposed within the study area is cov ered by the AUAR environmental review and will not require a separate EAW or EIS. The AUAR will cover the environmental review for any development provided that the proposed development is consistent with the scenarios analyzed in the AUAR and the development conforms to the requirements of the AUAR. The City Council is asked to review the scenarios and provide input and/or approval. AUAR Process Upon selection of the development scenarios, work on the AUAR analysis will begin. This will include collecting background information and conducting studies such as a storm water management analysis, traffic analysis, and habitat assessment. A meeting with the state review agencies to review the development scenarios and obtain background information is scheduled for April 12. It is anticipated that two meetings with the agencies will occur during the AUAR development process. The AUAR will be developed with specific mitigation measures to address development impacts. This could include designation of open space for habitat mitigation, transportation K 101 5 5 6-651Admminocs\MEMO 032906 hmcc doc Urban Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Commercial (total acres) Public/ Institutional (total acres) Scenario Acres Number of Units Acres Units Acres Units 1 1,035 2,590 285 2,000 41 500 85 10 2 1,035 4,140 285 2,280 41 820 94 0 3 1,035 4,140 338 2,700 83 1,660 0 0 Marcia 29, 2006 Page2of3 Acreage does not include known wetlands, roads, or railroad easements in the study area. Scenario 1: This scenario is consistent with the City's recent Comprehensive Plan amendment that was submitted to the Metropolitan Council for approval. It represents the lowest density as allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. Scenario 2: This scenario is mostly consistent with the Comprehensive Plan amendment. The difference between Scenario 1 and 2 is that Scenario 2 represents the highest density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan and the Public/Institutional use has been replaced with a commercial use. Scenario 3. This scenario is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and would require a Comprehensive Plan amendment. It includes more medium and high density residential uses along CSAH 42. This scenario is included to assist the City in developing an AUAR that addresses the possible proposed development that could occur in this area. These development scenarios are being presented to the City Council for review and input. It is important that these scenarios reflect not only the development goals of the City, but the highest impact scenario as well. The AUAR analyzes these development scenarios, rather than a specific development plan, and then any development that is proposed within the study area is cov ered by the AUAR environmental review and will not require a separate EAW or EIS. The AUAR will cover the environmental review for any development provided that the proposed development is consistent with the scenarios analyzed in the AUAR and the development conforms to the requirements of the AUAR. The City Council is asked to review the scenarios and provide input and/or approval. AUAR Process Upon selection of the development scenarios, work on the AUAR analysis will begin. This will include collecting background information and conducting studies such as a storm water management analysis, traffic analysis, and habitat assessment. A meeting with the state review agencies to review the development scenarios and obtain background information is scheduled for April 12. It is anticipated that two meetings with the agencies will occur during the AUAR development process. The AUAR will be developed with specific mitigation measures to address development impacts. This could include designation of open space for habitat mitigation, transportation K 101 5 5 6-651Admminocs\MEMO 032906 hmcc doc f March 29, 2006 Page 3of3 improvements for traffic impacts, or consideration of new ordinances. These measures will be developed and reviewed with the City Staff and City Council. Once a draft AUAR is developed and reviewed with the City, it will be submitted for the first 30- day comment period. Reponses to written comments will be developed and the AUAR will be revised as needed. It will then be reviewed with the City and submitted for a second 10 -day comment period. Once that comment period is complete and if there are no objections to the AUAR from the state review agencies, the City Council will adopt the AUAR (anticipated in early 2007). The AUAR will then serve as the environmental and planning document for any proposed developments in the study area. To be specifically discussed with the City Council at this time with regard to process is the need for a public meeting. The AUAR process does not require an official public meeting. However, some cities chose to have an initial public meeting to review the AUAR process with the public and then have a second meeting towards the end of the process to review the findings of the AUAR with the public. Input from the City Council regarding the need for public meetings is requested. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (763)287 -7196. c. Dave Hutton, WSB Chuck Rickart, WSB K 101556- 65Wdmm\DocsMEMO 032906 hmcc doe Proposed Land Use Urban Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Legend Public /Infrastructure r, Project Area MI Commercial m '010 MUSA Line 1: Water mom 2020 MUSA Line erm Proposed MUSA Line Scenario 1 Urban Residential: 2.5 units/ac 2590 units Medium Density Residential: 7 units/ac 2000 units High Density Residential: 12 unitslac 500 units Commercial: 10,000 sflac 844,500 sf 2,000 1 000 0 135TH ST E (CR 38 l e Lll a a L- Development Scenario 1 Rosemount AUAR Dakota County, MN 'ROSEMOUNT WSB NtwNrsora Urban Residential: 4 unitslac 4140 units Medium Density Residential: 8 unitslac 2280 units High Density Residential: 20 unitslac 820 units ot Commercial: 13,000 sflac 1,222,000 sf Urban Residential Commercial Medium Density Residential Water mg High Density Residential Legend r-1 Public/Infrastructure y Project Area re 2010 MUSA Line Nom 2020 MUSA Line an Proposed MUSA Line Development Scenario 2 Rosemount AUAR Dakota County, MN r5THS TW Legend Proposed Land Use 11111 Public /Infrastructure p Project Area Urban Residential Commercial a 2010 MUSA Line Medium Density Residential na Water 2020 MUSA Line High Density Residential Proposed MUSA Line Scenario 3 Urban Residential: 4 unitslac 4140 units Medium Density Residential: 8 unitslac 2700 units High Density Residential: 20 units /ac= 1660 units 1 A h y E a I 1111 "it a 2 000 1000 0 135TH ST E (CR 3 Development Scenario 3 Rosemount AUAR 4 ROSEMOUNT line Dakota County, MN MINNESOTA A-