HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Joint Power Agreements with City of Eagan for Sewer ServiceAGENDA ITEM: Joint Power Agreements with City of Eagan for Sewer Service AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer NO AGE rs` ATTACHMENTS: City of Eagan Public Works Committee Report APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4 ROSE MOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session April 12, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In July 2004, the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (July 20, 2004) was adopted by Council. As part of this study, Sewer Districts A -1 and A -2 as shown on the attached exhibit are proposed to be served with sewer from the City of Eagan when necessary in the future. Council adopted a resolution on November 3, 2004 requestmg a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Eagan for the future extension of sewer service from Eagan to this area of Rosemount. Staff attended a Pubhc Works Committee meeting at the City of Eagan on March 6, 2006 to review the request for a Joint Powers Agreement. Feedback received from the City of Eagan's Pubhc Works Committee comprised of two Council members is a desire to have 120 Street extended to STH 3. Attached is a copy of the report for this meeting that includes two alternative ahgnments prepared by the City of Eagan to extend 120`" Street to STH 3. The Committee's direction for the proposed Joint Powers Agreement is a requirement that 120 Street be extended to STH 3 within 10 years from the date of a Joint Powers Agreement. At this time Staff would like to review with Council this request and associated impacts that would occur with a commitment to extend 120 Street to STH 3 within a certain period of ume. Staff is seeking feedback and direction from Council on how to proceed with this matter. G Salutary \JPAEaganSSCWS4-12-06.doc PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 7, 2006 II. ROSEMOUNT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER ISSUE• The City of Rosemount has submitted a formal request for Eagan to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to allow the planned extension of sanitary sewer into the City of Rosemount to serve approximately 166 acres of residential guided and/or zoned property located on both sides of TH 3 and south of 120` Street. BACKGROUND: This request was forwarded to the City Council for their consideration at the January 25, 2005 workshop. The staff report indicated that there was sufficient capacity and elevation to accommodate this request and the sewer has been constructed to the corporate limits as part of the Long Acres Development. The Council discussed the need for the 120 Street extension to TH 3 and the current issues associated with Lebanon Hills Regional Park (LHRP) storm water drainage Subsequently, there was Council consensus for the PW Cmte to work with staff on the various conditions that could be included within the JPA. The Council then directed the matter to the Public Works Committee for further consideration and recommendation of future Council action. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION: 1. The issues relating to Rosemount's drainage into and through Lebanon Hills have been addressed as part of the draft LHRP Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan adopted by the County Board on Dec. 13, 2005. 2. Eagan's interest in the extension of 120 Street from Biscayne Ave. to TH 3 should be addressed as part of a JPA. The alignment of this extension would be primarily routed within Rosemount to meet the existing 120 Street intersection with TH 3. However, Rosemount's Land Use Guide Plan designates the land area incorporating this proposed alignment as "Rural Residential" through 2025 precluding its construction as part of related land development. ATTACHEMENTS: Rosemount request letter General Location Map Rosemount Service Area Map 120 Street Concept alignment. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION OPTIONS: 1. Approve the preparation of a Joint Powers Agreement with Rosemount to include the following specific concerns: a. b. c. ROSEMOUNT February 1, 2006 Mr. Tom Colbert, P.E. Public Works Director City of Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: City of Rosemount Request for Joint Powers Agreement Dear Mr. Colbert: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RFCEIVED EF E S 09 2905 ENGINEErri E: DEPARTMENT I am writing you in regard to the City of Rosemount's request for a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of Eagan for sanitary sewer service from Eagan to Rosemount in the future. In 2004, the City of Rosemount completed a study entitled North Central Sanitary Sewer Study Quly20, 2004). This study was prepared to evaluate options to provide sanitary sewer service to areas within the notth central part of the City, areas that are primarily developed as small lots with individual septic treatment systems (ISTS) The study was completed in recognition that the study area may need municipal services in the future should property owners not be able to site new ISTS's on their properties. As part of this study, the feasibihty of providing sanitary sewer service to Sanitary Districts A -1 and A -2 as shown on the attached figure was evaluated. This evaluation included a review of the City of Eagan's existing sewer system capacity and determination that the City of Eagan's existing sewer system appears to have adequate capacity to accommodate up to 0.39 MGD daily peak flow from the City of Rosemount The primary advantage with this option to provide sanitary sewer service to this area of Rosemount is the ability to serve the area with a gravity system, thereby eliminating the need for a hft station in the future. At this time, the area within Sanitary Distracts A -1 and A -2 is zoned Rural ResidentiaL There is no indication that this zoning will change in the near future and the City of Rosemount's request for a JPA with the City of Eagan to accommodate sanitary sewer service to this area is solely for future planning purposes. Should a JPA between the Cities of-Rosemount and Eagan not be able to be developed, the City of Rosemount will need to make alternate plans to provide future sanitary sewer service to this area that will require modifications to systems that will be installed in the near future. Another aspect to this request is the understanding that the City of Eagan desires to have 120' Street extended to Trunk Highway (TH) 3. As we discussed, the extension of 120`" Street to TH 3 would typically occur with the development of this area. We also discussed the fact that the City of Rosemount has prepared a draft transportation plan that identifies Bacardi Avenue and 120 Street as collector roads in the City's street system. This transportation plan has been prepared concurrently with the City of Rosemount's recent adoption of a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment that, when approved by Met Council will make land adjacent to Bacardi Avenue available for urban development as City services become available. It may be feasible for the City of SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651- 423 -4411 TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www ci.rosemount.mn.us Rosemount to consider a commitment to develop the 120 Street connection to TH 3 at a predetermined threshold as development occurs along Bacardi Avenue. We also discussed the effects that development of the area within Sanitary Districts .A-1 and A -2 would have from a stormwater management perspective. Per the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Stormwater Management requirements, any development -within this area would be required to adhere to the following: Maximum peak stormwater discharge rate of 0.05 cfs /acre for a 100 -year, 24 -hour storm event. Storage of the runoff from the 100 -year, 24 -hour storm event on -site. Infiltration of 1/12 of an acre- foot /acre /day for the entire site acreage. Our experience is that the implementation of the above requirements in newly developing areas generally results in a reduction of rate and volume discharge from a site when comparing pre developed and post developed rates. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss the City of Rosemount's request for a JPA with the City of Eagan. Should you have any questions pnor to our meeung on February 7, please do not hesitate to contact me. Andrew Bro er, P E. City Engineer Cc: Jaime Verbrugge, City Administrator Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director 2 G Sanitary Rsmt expansion \JPALetter- Eagan2•i-06.doc WESCOTT ROAD DIFFLEY ROAD CLIFF M Q vn LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK Rosemount City of Evil Engineering Department Location Map Fig. 1 %Las lb Mr pktml I ape v 't i =TR art be Ma Connect to Eagan System (Long Acres) EAGAN ROSEMOUNT JPA SANITARY SEWER )1N112:11 3NY1 3NId 5.11-10I3H ZA0Y0 WWI 3Att IGed0V ti) 3Av 11 3NAVOSIG SLHOISH 2A0tIO ZUM17 1 c 3. 7S4Q t J 4 .ti %lam 1 1 I 1 1 C I s i u c litate ig I L1 �*Id 1 III a 1 111 a 11 �m �I �5 43 OM. .A_.a�s al CC CO CO t w 1=1 rr gure A -5 orthwest Sanitary Sewer Area osemount, MN ti 111 4 0,d id WP a dap'` 40114 G 411 Pi Fos 01 .2= tir gl lifIrfr m ce N Q r m w O o 0 C d m o m w D3 E _I y _fI fl 1`.. 41. Aill" vJ Il En nm E l Pr r AIN _1111 co a: it-