HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.r. Encroachment Agreement with Northern Natural GasAGENDA ITEM: Encroachment Agreement with Northern Natural Gas AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator AGE fl ATTACHMENTS: Agreement APPROVED BY: a RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the agreement between the y of Rosemount and Northern Natural Gas and authorize execution. 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: April 18, 2006 ISSUE Due to the lirruted space of the Fire Station II property, the building's parking lot extends approximately 33 -feet onto the Northern Natural Gas Easement. As a result, the City has been wotkmg with Northern to develop an encroachment agreement so that this portion of the easement can be used. BACKGROUND Northern Natural Gas has constructed and currently operates and maintains an 18 -inch pipeline through City property under construction for the new fire stanon. At the time that the City acquired the property for the fire station, water tower and future water treatment facility, Northern Natural Gas had a blanket easement over the entire property granted in 1932. As part of the City acquisition of the property, the Northern Natural Gas easement was reduced to an eighty -eight foot wide easement along the eastern side of the property This easement grants Northern Natural Gas the right to install additional pipelines and facilities across and through the prescribed area. The attached Encroachment Agreement stipulates the terms and conditions for the City locating the fire station's parking lot within the eighty -eight foot wide easement area. SUMMARY City staff, Northern Natural Gas representatives, and attorneys have created an "Encroachment Agreement" that addresses the needs of both parties. It is now requested that Council approve execution of the encroachment agreement with Northern Natural Gas. This instrument made and entered into this day of 2006, by and between NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Northern"), with principal offices at P 0 Box 3330, Omaha, Nebraska68103 -0330, and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNI, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Owners WITNESSETH THAT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT File No 05 -126 Line Tract No MNM 80101 -234 WHEREAS, Northern is the holder of an Easement granted by Andrew Rothi and Dolida Rothi, his wife on the 6th day of September. 1932 covering the following described premises in Dakota County, Minnesota The East One -Half of the Fast One -Half of the Southwest Quarter (E'/E%SWY) of Section 21, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, and which Easement was recorded the 3 day of October, 1932, as Document No 131184 -C in Book 193 of Deeds at Page 370 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Dakota County, Minnesota and was defined to a 86 -foot wide strip of land by a Modification and Amendment of Easement Grant executed the 11 day of December, 2003 and recorded the 23 day of December, 2003 as Document No 2155780 in the Office of the County Recorder for Dakota County, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Easement"), and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority contained in said Easement, Northern has constructed and currently operates and maintains an 18 -inch pipeline along with the right to Install additional pipelines and facilities from time to time (hereinafter referred to as "Pipeline Facilities across and through the above described premises, and WHEREAS, the Owners are the present Owners of the following described real property, with Pipeline Facilities simated upon the following described land in Dakota County, Minnesota (hereinafter refereed to as the "Owned Premises The South 880.00 feet of the North 1452 00 feet of the Fast 300 00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115 North, Range 19 West WHEREAS, the Owners plan to construct paving with curbing, extending approximately 33 -feet onto the Easement, 10 -feet from the pipeline with a minimal grade change, and a storm sewer (hereinafter referred to as "Encroachment") upon and within a portion of the confines of Northern 's Easement, as shown on Exhibit "A attached hereto and by this reference, made a part hereof, with this written consent, and 51313131 le pau1elureur aq 1 aer sanutae3 auttadld s,uuglloN3o uogaalozd rem 1313128 sraumj agy •saadojdwa ro `slua8e'sta0133o rpm srallmo amJo31egaq uo m}Ejo awes am ro3 ,fed o1 pannbar axe s1anm0 01111U1101118 /CUE SSO1 '99p raider° 'soun1e3S el0sauturN 131 guo3 405 scone 3m1I 0I 3o ssaoxa m 1111101138 Ate 131 ulaguoN XJiutuapul or pale2ggo aq 1ou jpM sraumo am. pue '99j laldeg0 `sa1mels E;osaumfl U1 quo3 1as Igrpgtlj uo suogelnlnj 1341 3o sraumo ag1 Xq 1311¢°v E pamaap aq pegs moral! 8mrpoM algnq XJJElanas pue XJW1of aq Hugs sraumo ay1 `4uamaar8y sup rapun 1e111 sawed ago Aq paal8e pup poolsrapun SI 11 SOOSO dula 1 tuaglION 3o a3U0N233U ssox8 alp 6q Sjalos pasneo ,ijalemlxosd sum asuadxa 10 Sg `45013 'ssoj Ions 0104M 3d0ox3 luaunjoEOrou3 am13o Iilta[Om 0111131 10 uodn saulrloE3 am[adld 5 3o aauosald 10 0Sn '031E001111PM `uollErado aq4 \013 10 `luamosuH 043 uodn pue 30 QIUTOrn 0144 131 JO uodn 'un{um luaualouoroug pros am 40 asn 10 `0011EUalmem 'uogErado `nog0n11suoo aq1 of jemaprom 10 'gum uouOauuoa 131 SIOUMO otp 3o U01550110 r0 U0130E5U814 '031102050U `1301108 30 a511E0 'U0140E `108 'Tuamotu due 30 4jnsar E 5t 10 81013 Tu1s11e `5003 ,&fatuoue 9g880se01 01 pa4tUI1I 4011 lnq 8uIpnJOul 'am18u 10 punj 10 1.01EIVIA 3o asuadxa 10 4500 luam8pnf `4urpaaaord 'ins 'Arnim `a8emep •ssoj 'sagg[gelj `spuemap 'Sm1glo `UO11OE 3o SasnE0 10 51101108 lj8 p118 XU8 lsureue pug mop ss04w1814 s411a4e pue `satigemasardal `soo&oldma `51001330 'sl0laailP slam pue `saumprsgns `solepi338 `wand su 'maluoN Nog pue `400401d 'Cjluulapul 01 aar48 sraumo 01J z •u1ag11ON Jo 411asuo0 uauum ssal(Xa loud alp. 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Should Northern need to remove any of the Owners' said Encroachment within its Easement m order to construct, maintain, operate, repair, remove, or restze Northern's existing or additional Pipeline Facilities, the Owners or its respective heirs, successors, and assigns shall pay the cost of removing and replacing or reinstalling said Encroachment In addition, all repair and maintenance work performed by Northern on its existing or additional Pipeline Facilities located on the Owned Premises shall be performed in a reasonable workmanlike manner and Northern shall restore the surface and grade of the Owned Premises where the work is performed, hut shall not be liable for loss, damage, or replacement to the Owners' said Encroachment or any associated equipment and facilities that exist within the Easement, and to this regard, the Owners hereby release Northern, its employees, agents. officers, and directors from any and all liability for any such loss or damage 5 The Parties hereto understand that this Agreement in no way constitutes a waiver by Northern of its rights to enjoy its Easement unencumbered by the construction of said Encroachment within Northern's Easement 6. It is expressly agreed to by and between the parties hereto that if the Owners are in violation of any terms or conditions set forth in this Agreement, Northern, at its option, may terminate this Agreement upon one hundred twenty (120) days' notice to the Owners In the event of such termination, the Owners shall immediately remove any and all of said Encroachment which may be situated on the Easement, or if the Owners fail to remove any and all of said Encroachment. Northern may, at its option, remove said Encroachment at the expense of the Owners and without any liability whatsoever It is further agreed that the failure by Northern to exercise such option as to any such violation shall not constitute a waiver of Northern's future right to exercise such option as to the same or any future violation 7 The provisions of the Easement, and all rights, powers, pnvileges, and duties, obligations, and liabilities created thereby, remain in full force and effect and are not affected hereby except to the extent and in the manner set forth above 8. The Owners agree to indemnify, defend and hold Northern, its parent and affiliated companies, and the directors, officers and employees of any such corporate entities harmless from and against any liability. damage, claims loss, cause of action, suit proceeding, Judgment, cost mcluding the cost or expense of env nonmental response, removal or remedration activities), fees or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees arising from (I) non- compliance with any laws, regulations and orders applicable to the ownership or the operation and maintenance of the said Encroachment on the Owned Premises described herein_ and (2) any incidents, acts, releases, negligence, transactions or omissions, or conditions on or affecting the Easement that would (i) contribute to or constitute a violation of any local, state or federal environmental rule, regulation. law or Judicial order, (ii) result in whole or m part, in any requirement to clean up or otherwise remedy or remediate a condition, (nn) give rise to any lien, liability, injunction, order. restriction, claim, expense, damage, fine or penalty. or (iv) adversely affect human health or the environment at or near the Easement Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver by the Owners of the limitations on lrabr set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, and the Owners will not he obligated to indetr mfy Northern in any amount in excess of the limitations set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466, less any amount the Owners are required to pay for the same claim on behalf of the Owners, their officers, agents, or employees This instrument and the covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties and the benefits of this Agreement shall run with the land sandxg uoisslmuloJ XN allgnd Axe loN tollgIodIOo alI'j3031Empaq 110 `uoi}EiOdzoa aaEMEIoQ E `duedmo0 sup IgmWEN maglzoN zo3 lat,g- UFeCatuouy put JuaXV a'1J •ssvg X "ID Ail `900t ;o 6Ep snn am azojaq paSpajMouxoE sEM IuawnJlsul SuloSalo; I0,CEN 31SOIQ H uremim rNRONIaSON AO A.L1D ANVdNIOO SVD 'IVWIIVN NIHHI2ION „SZIHNMO�� ,�NZI3Hi IONS, '11011UM OAOCIE lug =A pug App aql luaunulsul sap palnoaxa angq soiled aip `dOHSTHM SSHNIIM NI b£Z NINNI ON TOEII �8 acn7 9ZI v s) SV'IOROQ d0 AINR00 SSA V)ISV2IHHN AO aIVIS led XamofV pug IuaSV SSEH u uamm AEI STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by William 1-1 Droste, the Mayor of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation STATE OF (S E A L) COUNTY OF (SEAL) )SS )SS File No.: 05 -126 Line Tract No MNM 80101 -234 Notary Public My Commission Expires The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by James D Verbruggc, the City Administrator of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation Notary Public My Commission Expires Document Prepared by/Returned to Northern Natural Gas Co Al TN ROW Dept 1650 W S2" Street, Suite 1250, Bloomington, MN 55431 L �1\ 1 40 1 abed ”V, lIUIHX3 1.4t n U t IA 5 d R„ I e 1 i *1 t I 1 i h m 3 1 i 1 t 1 P 4. 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