HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. MnOPS City PolicyAGENDA ITEM: MnOPS City Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Enginee0 k% AGE 1 t Z ATTACHMENTS: Executive Summary from Utility Commission Meeting; July 11, 2005 Memorandum; MnOPS Policy APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt the MnOPS Policy. 5: ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: May 2, 2006 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE: Consider adoption of a City policy to establish procedures for complying with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 adopted by the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety MnOPS) effective June 13, 2005. BACKGROUND: In 2005, MnOPS adopted a rule change establishing new requirements for the locating of public utilities within public rights -of -way. This rule change requires Cities to maintain location information m a manner to be capable of horizontally locating public utihues within nghts -of -way within 2 feet either side of the lute. Prior to this rule change, Cities were only required to generally locate public utilities based on available as -built information. This matter has been reviewed with the Utility Commission on two occasions At the most recent Utility Commission meeting, the Commission approved a motion to recommend City Council adoption of the attached City policy. The policy outlines the background of the rules and the procedures that the City will employ to comply with the new MnOPS rule. At this tune, the City has acquired a survey grade GPS unit For all new service laterals installed m 2006, the City and representatives will establish and record data during construction to accommodate the development of GPS coordinates with as -built construction plans for all mam line connections, horizontal deflections and termination points at rights -of -way. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached City policy. G Utilities \Utility Commission Info \MnOPS POLICYCC5 -2 -06 doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: MnOPS (Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety) EFFECTIVE DATE: May 2, 2006 POLICY NUMBER P -5 PROPOSED BY: PUBLIC WORKS /ENGINEERING DATE APPROVED May 2, 2006 BY CITY COUNCIL: PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define the City of Rosemount's process and procedure for locating and marking public utilities within public rights -of -way m accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 BACKGROUND: Effective June 13, 2005, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 adopted by the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety modified the requirements for mumcipalines to locate underground utilities within pubhc rights -of -way. For service laterals installed prior to January 1, 2006, the new rules require the following: 1. Municipalities are requited to either locate or provide information as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records, on the location of a sewer and water lateral. 2 If no information is available on sewer or water lateral mstalled before January 1, 2006, then notifying the excavator that no information exists fulfills the requirements For service laterals installed after December 31, 2005, the new rules require the following: 1. Mumcipahties are required to maintain a map, a diagram, a drawing, or geospatial information regarding the location of its underground facilities within public rights -of -way. 2. Municipalities must install a locating wire or have an equally effective means of marking the location of each nonconductive underground facility within public rights -of -way. 3. Municipalities must locate the portion of the service lateral within public rights -of -way POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Rosemount to employ appropriate procedures outlined within this policy document to fulfill the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. 1 I \policy handbook mnopspohcy doc PROCEDURE: For the installation of service laterals installed after December 31, 2005, the City or its representatives will complete the following 1. Collect and record data for sewer and water service laterals installed within public rights -of- way at all main lute connections, horizontal deflections and termination at pubhc rights -of- way as necessary to develop geospatial data 2. Maintain a geographic information system (GIS) with geospatial data of sewer and water service lateral locations. 3. Utilize global positioning system (GPS) units or other methods deemed acceptable and accurate to locate sewer and water service laterals within pubhc rights -of -way in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. 2 1 \pohcy handbook \mnopspohry doc AGENDA ITEM: MnOPS City Policy AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Enginee 7b. AG ENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Policy APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend City Council Adoption of the MnOPS Policy. ROSEMOUNT UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: April 17, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Effective June 13, 2005, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 adopted by the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety, modifies the r ,equirements for mumcipahties to locate underground utilities within pubhc right -of- way. The attached pohcy has been prepared to outhne the City's pohcy approach to address these requirements. At the July 2005 Commission meeting, a copy of the rules and article by League of Minnesota Cities were provided and provides an overview of the new rules and requirements for mumcipahties. Staff will provide an overview of the rules and the proposed policy at the meeting. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Commission approval of the above moron. G \Utilmes \Guilty Como moon Info \MnOPSPohcyUC4 -17 -06 dot CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NUMBER: PROPOSED BY: DATE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: PURPOSE: BACKGROUND: POLICY: PUBLIC WORKS /ENGINEERING DRAFT MnOPS (Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety) The purpose of this policy is to define the City of Rosemount's process and procedure for locating and marking public utilities within pubhc rights -of -way m accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. Effective June 13, 2005, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 adopted by the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety modified the requirements for mumcipahues to locate underground utihties within public nghts -of -way. For service laterals installed prior to January 1, 2006, the new rules require the following: 1. Municipahnes are required to either locate or provide mformation as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records, on the location of a sewer and water lateral 2. If no information is available on sewer or water lateral mstalled before January 1, 2006, then notifying the excavator that no information exists fulfills the requirements. For service laterals installed after December 31, 2005, the new rules require the following. 1. Mumapahties are required to maintain a map, a diagram, a drawing, or geospattal information regarding the location of its underground facilities widen pubhc rights -of -way. 2. Municipahties must install a locating wire or have an equally effective means of marking the location of each nonconductive underground facility within pubhc nghts -of -way. 3. Municipalities must locate the portion of the service lateral withm public rights -of -way. It is the policy of the City of Rosemount to employ appropriate procedures outlined within this policy document to fulfill the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. 1 I \policy handbook \mnopspohcy doc PROCEDURE: For the installation of service laterals installed after December 31, 2005, the City or its representatives will complete the following: 1. Collect and record data for sewer and water service laterals installed within pubhc rights -of- way at all main line connections, horizontal deflections and termination at pubhc rights -of- way as necessary to develop geospaual data. 2. Maintain a geographic information system (GIS) with geospaual data of sewer and water service lateral locations. 3. Utilize global positioning system (GPS) units or other methods deemed acceptable and accurate to locate sewer and water sernce laterals within public rights -of -way in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. 2 I \pokey handbook \mnopspohcy doc 4 ROSE MOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Utility Commission Members Mayor Droste Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer I Date: July 11, 2005 Subject: New MnOPS Rules Included in the draft 2006 Utility Budgets is the acquisition of a survey grade GPS unit for use by City staff to meet new MnOPS requirements for locating public utility lines. Attached for additional information on this matter is a copy of the new MnOPS rules that went into effect June 13. Also attached is a summary of the rules prepared by the City of Columbia Heights and a copy of a recent article from the June /July issue of the League of Minnesota Cities publication. The article from the League of Minnesota Cities publication does a good job of summarizing the changes in the rules and the issues associated with City's complying with the rules. As outlined in the draft 2006 Utility Budget summary, staff is intended to utilize GPS technology to fulfill the requirements of the new rules to locate the City's infrastructure. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. H \ucnemo emop, 071105 doe 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 Department of Public Safety 2 Adopted Permanent Rules Relating to Pipeline Safety 3 7560.0100 DEFINITIONS. 4 Subpart 1. Scope. The terms used in this chapter have the 5 meanings given them. Terms not defined in this part have the 6 meanings given them in Minnesota Statutes, section 216D.01. 7 [For text of subps la to 3, see M.R.] 8 Subp. 4. Locate. "Locate" means to- provide an operator's 9 markings of an underground facility. 10 [For text of subps 5 to 6, see M.R.] 11 Subp. 7. Meet. When used as a noun in this chapter, "meet" 12 refers to a meeting at the site of proposed excavation requested 13 at the time of notice by the excavator with all affected 14 underground facility operators to further clarify the precise 15 geographic location of excavation, schedule locating, propose 16 future contacts, and share other information concerning the 17 excavation and facilities. 18 Subp. 10. Public right -of -way. "Public right -of -way" 19 means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, 20 street, cartway, bicycle lane, and sidewalk in which a 21 government unit has an interest, including other rights -of -way 22 dedicated for travel purposes and utility easements of 23 government units. 24 Subp. 12. Service lateral. "Service lateral" means an 25 underground facility that is used to transmit, distribute, or 26 furnish gas, electricity, communications, or water from a common 27 source to an end -use customer. A service lateral is also an 1 Approved by Revisor Pt; iptletCroc; C.--/ jr o 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 underground facility that is used in the removal of sewage 2 wastewater from a customer's premises. 3 7560.0150 PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY MAPPING AND INSTALLATION. 4 Subpart 1. Duty of operator to map. After December 31, 5 2005, an operator shall maintain a map, a diagram, a drawing, or 6 geospatial information regarding the location of its underground 7 facility within a public right -of -way installed after that date. 8 Subp. 2. Duty to install locating wire. After December 9 31, 2005, an operator shall install a locating wire or have an 10 equally effective means of marking the location of each 11 nonconductive underground facility within a public right -of -way 12 installed after that date. This requirement does not apply when 13 making minor repairs to an existing nonconductive facility. As 14 applied to this chapter, "minor repairs" means repairs to or 15 partial replacement of portions of existing service laterals 16 located within a public right -of -way for purposes of routine 17 maintenance and upkeep. 18 7560.0225 EXCAVATOR RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING A LOCATE. 19 [For text of subps 1 and 2, see M.R.] 20 Subp. 3. Use of locate. A locate is valid for 14 days 21 from the excavation commencement time stated on the excavation 22 or location notice, unless the excavator has made previous 23 arrangements with the operators affected to periodically verify, 24 refresh, or re -mark the locate. 25 7560.0250 LOCATE STANDARDS. 26 Subpart 1. Facility locate. Unless otherwise agreed to 2 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 (REVISOR RR /SC AR3501 1 between the excavator and operator, an operator shall locate an 2 underground facility using stakes, flags, paint, or other 3 suitable materials in varying combinations dependent upon the 4 surface. The locate must be in sufficient detail to clearly 5 identify the approximate route of the underground facility. The 6 locate must also include: 7 A. name, abbreviation, or logo of the operator when 8 more than one operator listed on the notice uses the same color 9 markings; 10 B. width of the underground facility if it is greater 11 than eight inches; and 12 C. number of underground facilities if greater than 13 one. 14 Subp. 2. Operator duties in no conflict situation. After 15 December 31, 2005, an operator who receives notice and 16 determines that an underground facility is not in conflict with 17 the proposed excavation shall complete one or more of the 18 following: 19 A. mark the area "NO" followed by the operator's 20 name, abbreviation, or logo in the color code of the underground 21 facility not in conflict; 22 H. place a clear plastic flag at the area that: 23 (1) states "N /C" or "NO CONFLICT" in lettering 24 matching the color code of the underground facility that is not 25 in conflict; and 26 (2) includes the operator's name, abbreviation, 27 or logo, the date, a contact telephone number, and the ticket 3 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 number; or 2 C. contact the notification center through procedures 3 required by the notification center and indicate that there are 4 no underground facilities in conflict with the proposed 5 excavation and that no markings or flags were left at the 6 proposed excavation site. 7 Subp. 3. Placement of flags or markings. If using N/C (no 8 conflict) flags or markings pursuant to subpart 2, an operator 9 shall place the flags or markings in a location that can be 10 readily observed by an excavator. When an area of proposed 11 excavation is delineated by the use of white markings, an 12 operator shall place the N/C flags or markings within, or as 13 near as practicable to, the delineated area. 14 Subp. 4. Duties of notification center. After December 15 31, 2005, the notification center shall make the information 16 received under subpart 2 available to the excavator before the 17 start date and time on the notice. The notification center may 18 fulfill this requirement by making the information accessible 19 through one or more Internet addresses, by transmitting the 20 information to a continuously working facsimile machine 21 maintained by the excavator, or by other methodology developed 22 by the notification center. The notification center shall make 23 et- least- one attempt -to- notify- the excavator -et- the -e -mail 24 address -or- facsimile- number provided -by- the excavator -on -the 25 notice available the information received by operators pursuant 26 to this section through an electronic means. The notification 27 center is not required by this subpart to contact an excavator Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 verbally via telephone. 2 7560.0325 EMERGENCY EXCAVATION NOTICES. 3 Subpart 1. Duty of excavator to provide notice. An 4 excavator shall provide notice to the notification center before 5 commencing an emergency excavation, unless subpart 2 applies. 6 All emergency notices, regardless whether made prior to 7 excavation, must be verbal or in a manner accepted by the 8 notification center. In addition to the information required by 9 the notification center, the notice must also contain: 10 A. a description of the situation requiring the 11 emergency excavation; 12 B. the precise location of the proposed area of the 13 emergency excavation; 14 C. at least one continuously staffed telephone number 15 where the excavator can be contacted by the operator throughout 16 the emergency; and 17 D. the excavation start date and time if the need for 18 excavation is not immediate. 19 Subp. 2. Excavating before notice. If an emergency is 20 such that providing notice or waiting for an operator would 21 result in an undue risk to life, health, or significant loss of 22 property, the excavator may excavate without providing prior 23 notice or waiting for an operator to mark an underground 24 facility. In this situation, the excavator shall provide notice 25 as soon as practicable and take all reasonable precautions to 26 avoid or minimize damage. Excavation prior to notice under this 27 subpart does not relieve an excavator from any responsibility 5 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 (REVISOR J RR /JC AR3501 1 for damage to an underground facility pursuant to Minnesota 2 Statutes, section 216D.05. 3 Subp. 3. Emergency notice requesting immediate response. 4 Upon receiving an emergency excavation notice requesting an 5 immediate response, an operator shall: 6 A. attempt to contact the excavator within one hour 7 at the telephone number provided in subpart 1, item C, to 8 provide any information concerning facilities at or near the 9 area of excavation including an anticipated response time; and 10 B. locate and mark the underground facility within 11 three hours of notice unless: 12 (1) otherwise agreed between the parties; 13 (2) the operator notifies the excavator that not 14 locating does not present an immediate danger to life or health, 15 or a significant loss of property; or 16 (3) there is an event or situation that cannot be 17 reasonably anticipated or controlled by the operator. 18 Subp. 4. Emergency notice requesting scheduled response. 19 Upon receiving an emergency excavation notice that does not 20 require an immediate response, and before the scheduled 21 excavation start date and time, an operator shall: 22 A. locate and mark the underground facility, unless 23 otherwise agreed between the parties; or 24 B. notify the excavator at the telephone number 25 provided in subpart 1, item C, that there is not an underground 26 facility within the area of proposed excavation. 27 For purposes of this subpart, a requested start time of 6 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR/SC AR3501 1 three hours or less from the time notice is provided to the 2 center is considered an emergency notice requesting immediate 3 response under subpart 3. 4 7560.0350 EXCAVATION NOTICE REQUESTING MEET. 5 Subpart 1. Excavator duties. When requesting a meet 6 through the notification center, an excavator must provide at 7 least one contact name and telephone number to assist in 8 facilitating the meet. An excavator shall contact the 9 notification center to cancel or reschedule the meet and the 10 notification center shall relay this information to the affected 11 operators. When a meet is requested, an excavator's notice must 12 include the entire geographic area of the proposed excavation 13 and the specific location of the meet. This part does not 14 relieve an excavator from the duty to provide a precise 15 geographic location of the proposed area of excavation, or to 16 use white markings except where it can be shown that to do so is 17 not practical. 18 Subp. 2. Operator duties. When a meet is requested, an 19 affected operator shall make a reasonable effort to attend the 20 meet at the proposed date and time, or contact the excavator 21 before the meet and reschedule for a mutually agreed date and 22 time. 23 Subp. 3. Excavation start date and time. When a meet is 24 requested, the meet date and time must be at least 48 hours 25 after notice is provided, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and 26 holidays, and the excavation start date and time must be at 27 least 24 hours after the proposed meet date and time specified 7 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 on the notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This 2 subpart does not apply if these matters are provided for in a 3 written agreement with all affected operators. 4 Subp. 4. Meet request documentation. An excavator shall 5 maintain written documentation of each meet with an underground 6 facility operator or representative. This documentation must be 7 kept for the duration of the excavation conducted under the 8 notice. The documentation must include: 9 A. the date and time of each meet; 10 B. the names, company affiliations, and contact 11 information of the attendees of each meet; 12 C. a diagram, sketch, or description of the precise 13 excavation locations, dates, and times; and 14 D. the agreed schedule of any future meets or 15 communications. 16 7560.0375 LOCATING A SERVICE LATERAL. 17 Subpart 1. Operator duties. Unless otherwise agreed, an 18 underground facility operator shall locate a service lateral 19 before the start date and time on the notice and in accordance 20 with items A through C: 21 A. An operator of a natural gas, propane, or electric 22 facility shall locate a service lateral up to the meter or the 23 connection to a customer's underground facility, whichever is 24 closer to the end -use customer. If the meter or connection to 25 the customer's underground facility is within a public 26 right -of -way, at a minimum the operator shall locate that 27 portion of the service lateral within the public right -of -way 22 8 Approved by Revisor 04/12/05 [REVISOR RR /JC AR3501 1 to the point where the service lateral first leaves the public 2 right -of -way. 3 B. An operator of a communication facility shall 4 locate a service lateral up to the entry of the first building. 5 If the service lateral does not enter a building, the operator 6 shall locate up to the utilization equipment, fence, or wall 7 that surrounds the equipment. 8 C. After December 31, 2005, an operator of a sewage 9 or water facility, at a minimum, shall locate that portion of 10 the service lateral within a public right -of -way installed after 11 that date up to the point where the service lateral first leaves 12 the public right -of -way. The operator shall either locate or 13 provide information as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or 14 other records, on the location of a sewer or water service 15 lateral installed before January 1, 2006. If no information is 16 available on a sewer or water service lateral installed before 17 January 1, 2006, then notifying the excavator that no 18 information exists fulfills the requirements of this section. 19 subp. 2. Exception. An operator is not required to locate 20 a service lateral of a customer who currently participates in 21 the statewide notification system, provided the customer is 22 notified -in- writing -ef- the- daty- to- locate- the- aerviee 23 iaterai and operator mutually agree that the customer will 24 assume locate responsibilities. The agreement must be in 25 writing. 26 RENUMBERING INSTRUCTION. Minnesota Rules, part 7560.0100, 27 subpart 5 is renumbered as subpart 8; subpart 5a as subpart 9; 9 Approved by Revisor 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS A SURVEYOR 2161101 DEFINITIONS. Subd. lb. Boundary survey. `Boundary survey" means a survey made to establish or to reestablish a boundary line on the ground or to obtain data for prepanng a map or plat showing boundary lines. 2161104 EXCAVATION: LAND SURVEY. Subd. 1. Notice required; contents. (a) Except in an emergency, an excavator shall and a land surveyor may contact the notification center and provide notice at least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and not more than 14 calendar days before beginning any excavation or boundary survey. An excavation or boundary survey begins, for purposes of this requirement, the first time excavation or a boundary survey occurs in an area that was not previously identified by the excavator or land surveyor in the notice. (b) The notice may be oral or written, and must contain the following information: (1) the name of the individual providing the notice; (2) the precise location of the proposed area of excavation or survey; (3) the name, address, and telephone number of the individual or individual's company; (4) the field telephone number if one is available; (5) the type and extent of the activity; (6) whether or not the discharge of explosives is anticipated; (7) the date and time when the excavation or survey is to commence; and (8) the estimated duration of the activity. Subd. la. Plans for excavation. (a) Any person prior to soliciting bids or entering into a contract for excavation, shall provide a proposed notice to the notification center to obtain from the affected operators of underground facilities the type, size, and general location of underground facilities. Affected operators shall provide the information within 15 working days. An operator who provides information to a person who is not a unit of government may indicate any portions of the information which are proprietary and may require the person to provide appropnate confidentiality protection. The information obtained from affected operators must be submitted on the final drawing used for the bid or contract and must depict the utility quality level of that information. This information must be updated not more than 90 days before completion of the fmal drawing used for the bid or contract. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 1 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS A SURVEYOR (continued) Subd. 4. Locating underground facility; excavator or land surveyor. (a) The excavator or land surveyor shall determine the precise location of the underground facility, without damage, before excavating within two feet on either side of the marked location of the underground facility. (b) If the excavator or land surveyor cancels the excavation or boundary survey, the excavator or land surveyor shall cancel the notice through the notification center. (c) The notice is valid for 14 calendar days from the start time stated on the notice. If the activity will continue after the expiration time, then the person responsible for the activity shall serve an additional notice at Least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, before the expiration time of the original notice, unless the excavator makes arrangements with the operators affected to periodically verify or refresh the marks, in which case the notice is valid for six months from the start time stated on the notice. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 2 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS A DESIGNER 216D.01 DEFINITIONS. Subd. 12. Utility quality level. "Utility quality level" means a professional opinion about the quality and reliability of utihty information There are four levels of utility quality information ranging from the most precise and reliable, level A, to the Least precise and reliable, level D. The utility quality level must be determined in accordance with guidelines established by the Construction Institute of the Amencan Society of Civil Engineers in document Cl/ASCE 38 -02 entitled "Standard Guidelines for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data." 216D.04 EXCAVATION; LAND SURVEY. Subd. 1a. Plans for excavation. (a) Any person pnor to soliciting bids or entering into a contract for excavation, shall provide a proposed notice to the notification center to obtain from the affected operators of underground facilities the type, size, and general location of underground facilities. Affected operators shall provide the information within 15 working days. An operator who provides information to a person who is not a unit of government may indicate any portions of the information which are proprietary and may require the person to provide appropnate confidentiality protection. The information obtained from affected operators must be submitted on the final drawing used for the bid or contract and must depict the utility quality level of that information. This information must be updated not more than 90 days before completion of the final drawing used for the bid or contract. (b) This subdivision does not apply to bid and contracts for: (1) routine maintenance of underground facilities or installation, maintenance, or repair of service lines; (2) excavation for operator of underground facilities performed on a unit of work or similar basis; or (3) excavation for home construction and projects by home owners. (c) A person required by this section to show existing underground facilities on its drawings shall conduct one or more preliminary design meeting dunng the design phase to communicate the project design and coordinate utility relocation. Affected facility operators shall attend these meetings or make other arrangement to provide information. (d) A person required by this section to show existing underground facilities on its drawings shall conduct one or more preconstruction meetings to communicate the project design and coordinate utility relocation. Affected facility operators and contractors shall attend these meetings or make other arrangements to provide information. (e) This subdivision does not affect the obligation to provide a notice of excavation as required under subdivision 1. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 3of12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN OPERATOR Rule 7560.0100 DEFINITIONS. Subp 4. Locate. "Locate" means an operator's markings of an underground facility. Subp. 10. Public right -of -way. "Public right -of -way" means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, cartway, bicycle lane, and sidewalk in which a govemment unit has an interest, including other rights -of -way dedicated for travel purposes and utility easements of government units. Subp. 12. Service lateral. "Service lateral" means an underground facility that is used to transmit, distribute, or furnish gas, electricity, communications, or water from a common source to an end -use customer A service lateral is also an underground facility that is used in the removal of wastewater from a customer's premises. 216D 04 EXCAVATION; LAND SURVEY. Subd. la. Plans for excavation. (a) Any person prior to soliciting bids or entering into a contract for excavation, shall provide a proposed notice to the notification center to obtain from the affected operators of underground facilities the type, size, and general location of underground facilities Affected operators shall provide the information within 15 working days. An operator who provides information to a person who is not a unit of government may indicate any portions of the information which are proprietary and may require the person to provide appropriate confidentiality protection. The information obtained from affected operators must be submitted on the final drawing used for the bid or contract and must depict the utility quality level of that information. This information must be updated not more than 90 days before completion of the final drawing used for the bid or contract. Subd. 3. Locating underground facility; operator. (a) Prior to the excavation start time on the notice, an operator shall locate and mark or otherwise provide the approximate horizontal location of the underground facilities of the operator and provide readily available information regarding the operator's abandoned and out -of- service underground facilities as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records used in the operator's normal course of business, without cost to the excavator. The excavator shall determine the precise location of the underground facility, without damage, before excavating within two feet of the marked location of the underground facility (b) Within 96 hours or the time specified in the notice, whichever is later, after receiving a notice for boundary survey from the notification center, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless otherwise agreed to between the land surveyor and operator, an operator shall locate and mark or otherwise provide the approximate horizontal location of the underground facilities of the operator, without cost to the land surveyor. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 4 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference. Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN OPERATOR (continued) (c) For the purpose of this section, the approximate horizontal location of the underground facilities is a strip of land two feet on either side of the underground facilities. (d) Markers used to designate the approximate location of underground facilities must follow the current color code standard used by the American Public Works Association (e) If the operator cannot complete marking of the excavation or boundary survey area before the excavation or boundary survey start time stated in the notice, the operator shall promptly contact the excavator or land surveyor (f) After December 31, 1998, operators shall maintain maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records of underground facility abandoned or out -of- service after December 31, 1998. (g) An operator or other person providing information pursuant to this subdivision is not responsible to any person, for any costs, claims, or damages for information provided in good faith regarding abandoned, out -of- service, or pnvate or customer -owned underground facilities. Rule 7560.0125 ABANDONED AND OUT -OF- SERVICE FACILITIES. Subp. 1. Duty of operators to provide readily available information. Operators shall provide readily available information, as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records used in the normal course of business, on the approximate location of abandoned and out of- service facilities to an excavator by the excavation date and time noted on the excavation or location notice unless otherwise agreed between the excavator and the operator. An operator fulfills an obligation to provide information on these facilities by doing on or more of the following: A. locating and marking the approximate location of the facility according to the current color code standard used by the American Public Works Association, as required in Minnesota Statutes, section 216D.04, subdivision 3, with an abandoned or out -of- service facility identified by an uppercase A surrounded by a circle, B. providing informational flags at the area of proposed excavation; C communicating information verbally; or D. providing copies of maps, diagrams, or records. Subp. 3. Verification of abandoned or out -of- service facility. Upon receipt of notification by an excavator pursuant to subpart 2, an operator shall venfy that an underground facility is abandoned or out -of- service, by either reference to installation records, testing, or other comparable standard of verification, before an excavator is allowed to move, remove, or otherwise alter an underground facility. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 5 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 2I6D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN OPERATOR (continued) Rule 7560.0150 PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY MAPPLNG AND INSTALLATION. Subp. 1. Duty of operator to map. After December 31, 2005, an operator shall maintain a map, a diagram, a drawing, or geospatial information regarding the location of its underground facility within a public right -of -way installed after that date. Subp. 2. Duty to install locating wire. After December 31, 2005, an operator shall install a Locating wire or have an equally effective means of marking the location of each nonconductive underground facility within a public right -of -way installed after that date, This requirement does not apply when making minor repairs to an existing nonconductive facility. As applied to this chapter, "minor repairs" means repairs to or partial replacement of portions of exiting service laterals located within a public right -of -way for purposes of routine maintenance and upkeep. Rule 7560.0250 LOCATE STANDARDS. Subp. 1. Facility locate. Unless otherwise agreed to between the excavator and operator, an operator shall locate an underground facility using stakes, flags, paint, or other suitable materials in varying combinations dependent upon the surface. The locate must be in sufficient detail to clearly identify the approximate route of the underground facility. The locate must also include. A. name, abbreviation, or logo of the operator when more than one operator listed on the notice uses the same color markings; B. width of the underground facility if it is greater than eight inches; and C. number of underground facilities if greater than one. Subp. 2. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Operator duties in no conflict situation. After December 31, 2005, an operator who receives notice and determines that an underground facility is not in conflict with the proposed excavation shall complete one or more of the following: A. mark the area "NO" followed by the operator's name, abbreviation, or logo in the color code of the underground facility not in conflict; B. place a clear plastic flag at the area that (1) states "N /C" or "NO CONFLICT" in lettering matching the color code of the underground facility that is not in conflict; and (2) includes the operator's name, abbreviation, or logo, the date, a contact telephone number, and the ticket number; or C. contact the notification center through procedures required by the notification center ad mdicate that there are no underground facilities in conflict with the proposed excavation and that no markings or flags were left at the proposed excavation site. Page 6 of 12 (7/2005) 2161) ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference. Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN OPERATOR (continued) Subp. 3. Placement of flags or markings. If using N/C (no conflict) flags or markings pursuant to subpart 2, an operator shall place the flags or markings in a location that can be readily observed by the excavator. When an area of proposed excavation is delineated by the use of white markings, an operator shall place the N/C flags or markings within, or as near as practicable to, the delineated area. Rule 7560.0325 EMERGENCY EXCAVATION NOTICES. Subp. 3. Emergency notice requesting immediate response. Upon receiving an emergency excavation notice requesting an immediate response, an operator shall: A. attempt to contact the excavator within one hour at the telephone number provided in subpart 1, item C, to provide any infouuation concerning facilities at or near the area of excavation including an anticipated response time, and B. locate and mark the underground facility within three hours of notice unless: (1) otherwise agreed between the parties, (2) the operator notifies the excavator that not locating does not present an immediate danger to life or health, or a significant loss of property; or (3) there is an event or situation that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled by the operator. Subp. 4. Emergency notice requesting scheduled response. Upon receiving an emergency excavation notice that does not require an immediate response, and before the scheduled excavation start date and time, an operator shall: A. locate and mark the underground facility, unless otherwise agreed between the parties; or B. notify the excavator at the telephone number provided in subpart 1, item C, that there is not an underground facility within the area of proposed excavation. For purposes of this subpart, a requested start time of three hours or less from the time notice is provided to the center is considered an emergency notice requesting immediate response under subpart 3. Rule 7560.0350 EXCAVATION NOTICE REQUESTING MEET Subp. 2. Subp. 3. Operator duties. When a meet is requested, an affected operator shall make a reasonable effort to attend the meet at the proposed date and time, or contact the excavator before the meet and reschedule for a mutually agreed date and time. Excavation start date and time. When a meet is requested, the meet date and time must be at least 48 hours after notice is provided, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and the excavation start date and time must be at least 24 hours after the proposed meet date and time specified on the notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays This subpart does not apply if these matters are provided for in a written agreement with all affected operators. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 7 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN OPERATOR (continued) Rule 7560.0375 LOCATING A SERVICE LATERAL. Subp. 1. Operator duties. unless otherwise agreed, an underground facility operator shall locate a service lateral before the start date and tune on the notice and in accordance with items A through C C. After December 31, 2005, an operator of a sewage or water facility, at a minimum, shall locate that portion of the service lateral within a public right -of- way installed after that date up to the point where the service lateral first leaves the public nght -of -way. The operator shall either locate or provide information as shown on maps, drawings, diagrams, or other records, on the location of a sewer or water service lateral installed before January 1, 2006. If no information is available on a sewer or water lateral installed before January 1, 2006, then notifying the excavator that no information exists fulfills the requirements of this section. Subp. 2. Exception. An operator is not required to locate a service lateral of a customer who currently participates in the statewide notification system, provided the customer and operator mutually agree that the customer will assume locate responsibilities The agreement must be in wntmg. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 8 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN EXCAVATOR 216D.01 DEFINITIONS. Subd 2. Damage. "Damage" means: (1) the substantial weakening of structural or lateral support of an underground facility; (2) penetration, impairment, or destruction of any underground protective coating, housing, or other protective device; or (3) impact with or the partial or complete severance of an underground facility to the extent that the facility operator determines that repairs are required. Subd. 3. Emergency. "Emergency" means a condition that poses a clear and immediate danger to life or health, or a significant loss of property. 2161104 EXCAVATION: LAND SURVEY. Subd. 1. Notice required; contents. (a) Except in an emergency, an excavator shall and a land surveyor may contact the notification center and provide notice at least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and not more than 14 calendar days before beginning any excavation or boundary survey. An excavation or boundary survey begins, for purposes of this requirement, the first time excavation or a boundary survey occurs in an area that was not previously identified by the excavator or land surveyor in the notice. (b) The notice may be oral or written, and must contain the following information: (1) the name of the individual providing the notice; (2) the precise location of the proposed area of excavation or survey; (3) the name, address, and telephone number of the individual or individual's company; (4) the field telephone number if one is available; (5) the type and extent of the activity; (6) whether or not the discharge of explosives is anticipated; (7) the date and time when the excavation or survey is to commence, and (8) the estimated duration of the activity. Rule 7560.0225 EXCAVATOR RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING A LOCATE. Subp. 2. Subp. 3. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Responsibility to protect and preserve. The excavator is responsible for reasonably protecting and preserving a locate until not longer required for proper and safe excavation near the underground facility. If the excavator has reason to believe a locate is obliterated, obscured, missing, or incorrect, the excavator shall notify the facility operator or notification center in order to have an operator verify, refresh, or re -mark the locate. Use of locate. A locate is valid for 14 days from excavation commencement time stated on the excavation or location notice, unless the excavator has made previous arrangements with the operators affected to periodically verify, refresh, or re -mark the locate. Page 9 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN EXCAVATOR (continued) Rule 7560.0325 EMERGENCY EXCAVATION NOTICES. Subp. 1. Duty of excavator to provide notice. An excavator shall provide notice to the notification center before commencing an emergency excavation, unless subpart 2 applies. All emergency notices, regardless whether made prior to excavation, must be verbal or in a manner accepted by the notification center, the notice must also contain: Subp. 3. A. a description of the situation requiring the emergency excavation; B. the precise location of the proposed area of the emergency excavation; C. at least one continuously staffed telephone number where the excavator can be contacted by the operator throughout the emergency; and D. the excavation start date and time if the need for excavation is not immediate. Subp. 2. Excavating before notice. If an emergency is such that providing notice or waiting for an operator would result in an undue risk to life, health, or significant loss of property, the excavator may excavate without providing prior notice or waiting for an operator to mark an underground facility. In this situation, the excavator shall provide notice as soon as practicable and take all reasonable precautions to avoid or minimize damage. Excavation prior to notice under this subpart does not relieve an excavator from any responsibility for damage to an underground facility pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 216D.06. Rule 7560.0350 EXCAVATION NOTICE REQUESTING MEET. Subp. 1. Excavator duties. When requesting a meet through the notification center, an excavator must provide at least one contact name and telephone number to assist in facilitating the meet. An excavator shall contact the notification center to cancel or reschedule the meet and the notification center shall relay this information to the affected operators. When a meet is requested, an excavator's notice must include the entire geographic area of the proposed excavation and the specific location of the meet. This part does not relieve an excavator from the duty to provide a precise geographic location of the proposed area of excavation, or to use white markings except where it can be shown that to do so is not practical. Excavation start date and time. When a meet is requested, the meet date and time must be at least 48 hours after notice is provided, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and the excavation start date and time must be at least 24 hours after the proposed meet date and time specified on the notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This subpart does not apply if these matters are provided for in a wntten agreement with all affected operators. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 10 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety.) DUTIES AS AN EXCAVATOR (continued) Subp. 4. Meet request documentation. An excavator shall maintain written documentation of each meet with an underground facility operator or representative This documentation must be kept for the duration of the excavation conducted under the notice. The documentation must include: A. the date and time of each meet, B. the names, company affiliations, and contact information of the attendees of each meet; C. a diagram, sketch, or description of the precise excavation locations, dates, and times; and D. the agreed schedule of any future meets or communications. 216D.04 EXCAVATION; LAND SURVEY. Subd. 4 Locating underground facility; excavator or land surveyor. (a) The excavator or land surveyor shall determine the precise location of the underground facility, without damage, before excavating within two feet on either side of the marked location of the underground facility (b) If the excavator or land surveyor cancels the excavation or boundary survey, the excavator or land surveyor shall cancel the notice through the notification center. (c) The notice is valid for 14 calendar days from the start time stated on the notice. If the activity will continue after the expiration time, then the person responsible for the activity shall serve an additional notice at least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, before the expiration time of the original notice, unless the excavator makes arrangements with the operators affected to periodically verify or refresh the marks, in which case the notice is valid for six months from the start time stated on the notice. (d) The excavator is responsible for reasonably protecting and preserving the marks until no longer required for proper and safe excavation near the underground facility. If the excavator has reason to believe the marks are obliterated, obscured, missing, or incorrect, the excavator shall notify the facility operator or notification center in order to have an operator verify or refresh the marks. 216D.05 PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID DAMAGE. An excavator shall: (1) plan the excavation to avoid damage to and minimize interference with underground facilities in and near the construction area; (2) use white markings for proposed excavations except where it can be shown that it is not practical; (3) maintain a clearance between an underground facility and the cutting edge or point of any mechanized equipment, considering the known limit of control or the cutting edge or point to avoid damage to the facility; (4) provide support for underground facilities in and near the construction area, including during backfill operations, to protect the facilities; and (5) conduct the excavation in a careful and prudent manner. Prepared by and for City of' Columbia Heights Page 11 of 12 (7/2005) 216D ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Reference: Minnesota Statutes 2004, Chapter 216D and Minnesota Rules 2005, Chapter 7560. (The Statute and Rules are not included in their entirety DUTIES AS AN EXCAVATOR (continued) Rule 7560.0125 ABANDONED AND OUT-OF-SERVICE FACILITIES. Subp. 2. Duty to notify operator. An excavator shall notify the operator: A. before moving, removing, or otherwise altering a facility that is thought to be abandoned or out -of- service; or B. if damage to the facility occurs, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 216D.01, Subdivision 2. 216D.06 DAMAGE TO FACILITY Subd. 1. Notice; repair. (a) If any damage occurs to an underground facility or its protective covering, the excavator shall notify the operator promptly. When the operator received a damage notice, the operator shall promptly dispatch personnel to the damage area to investigate. If the damage results in the escape of any flammable, toxic, or corrosive gas or liquid or endangers life, health, or property, the excavator responsible shall immediately notify the operator and the 911 public safety answering point, as defined in section 403.02, subdivision 19, and take immediate action to protect the public and property The excavator shall also attempt to minimize the hazard until arrival of the operator's personnel or until emergency responders have arrived and completed their assessment. The 911 public safety answering point shall maintain a response plan for notifications generated by this session. (b) An excavator shall delay backfilhng in the immediate area of the damaged underground facilities until the damage has been investigated by the operator, unless the operator authorizes otherwise The repair of damage must be performed by the operator or by qualified personnel authonzed by the operator. (c) An excavator who knowingly damages any underground facility, and who does not notify the operator as soon as reasonably possible or who backfills in violation of paragraph (b), is guilty of a misdemeanor. Prepared by and for City of Columbia Heights Page 12 of 12 /7nnnG\_ 6 11 cities with water and sewer facilities are directly affected by new state pipeline safety rules that went into effect June 13.The rules promulgated by the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MnOPS) impose a significant new duty on cities to provide information about the location of private water and sewer laterals located within public rights -of- way In particular, the rules impose new obligations depending on when the facilities were or are to be installed. Installations: Pre -Jan. 1, 2006 For service laterals installed before Jan.1, 2006, the rules require the city to "either locate or provide information as shown on maps. drawings, diagrams, or ocher records on the location of a sewer and water lateral "The rules also state that "lilt no information is avail- able on a sewer or water lateral installed before Jan 1, 2006 then notifying the excavator chat no information exists fulfills the requirements of this section;' The obligation of the city to locate or provide information noted in the rule quoted above must be carried out when responding to requests for locates that the city receives from Gopher State One Call (GSOC) beginning Jan 1, 2006, Installations: Post -Dec. 31, 2005 For service laterals installed after Dec.31, 2005, the new rules impose a three -part obligation First, cures are required to "maintain a map, a diagram, a drawing, or geospatial information regarding the location of its underground facilities within a public right -of -way Second, cities must "install a locating wire or H O T TOPICS F O R M I N N E S O T A C I T I E S New Utility Marking Rule The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety has adopted a new rule requiring cities to locate and mark private sewer and water service laterals. The rule imposes new city obligations depending on when the facilities were or are to be installed. By Tom Grundhoefer and Ann Higgins have an equally effective means of marking the location of each noncon- ductive underground facility within a public right -of -way installed after that date" Third, cities must begin locating "die portion of the service lateral within the public right -of -way" On April 1, the Office ofAdnun- istraove Hearings found that these rules are reasonable and that cities are expected to fully comply with what the League of Minnesota Cities views as some of the most far reaching changes to pipeline safety regulation in at least two decades The new rules announced in the June 6 issue of the State Register amend Minn Rules chapter 7560. MnOPS proposed the rule changes as parr of a "continuing effort to increase public safety?' In Ivlinnesota, a rule is generally found to be reasonable if it is related rationally to the end sought to be achieved by the governing statute (in this case, the Minnesota One -Call Excavation Notification System law, chapter 216D) The rule directly affects excavators, underground facility opera- MINNESOTA C I T I E S tors (including cities and utilities), and the GSOC Center The rulemaking was controversial and one which the League —along with the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA), the Minnesota Public Works Association, the City Engineers Association of Minnesota, the Minnesota Water Utility Council, the Minnesota Wastewater Treatment Operators Association, and the Suburban Rate Authority— argued for modifica- tions to address serious shortcomings in the new requirements proposed by MnOPS Cities urged the Office of Administrative Hearings to consider several issues, including who actually owns the facilities, who is responsible for the facilities, and whether MnOPS went beyond its statutory authority in attempting to regulate the locating/ marking of such facilities. MnOPS argued that cores would bear no costs under the nest require- ments because installation of service laterals in a public right -of -way is han- dled by and paid for by the installing contractor or by the property owner. MnOPS also concluded that tines should maintain information on the location of service laterals installed after 2005 because most local governments already regulate public rights -of -way within their Jurisdictions through con- nection fees and a permit process During lengthy rules advisory com- nuttee deliberations and a hearing before an administrative law Judge, the League, MMUA, and other organiza- tions expressed concern that providing locate information on service laterals increases the risk of costly litigation JUNE -JULY 2005 because some of the existing location data on which cities rely may be faulty MnOPS reasoned that local governments have sufficient indemnification under current statutes Perhaps the most controversial requirement of the new rules was the proposal requiring operators to install a locating wire (or have an equally effective means of marking) to locate nonconductive underground facilities installed within a public right -of -way The League and other municipal inter- ests argued that the use of locating wire is inherently unreliable MnOPS reasoned that cities have the right to require installers to inform them about, and provide information on, new service laterals Installed and connected to the city's water and sewer lac lines. MnOPS argued, therefore, that it is logical and reasonable to assume cities, as operators, can require installers to provide the necessary information for both cities and municipal utilities to maintain sufficient information on such laterals for future locate purposes MnOPS declined cities' and munici- pal utilities' suggestion of initiating a pilot project or study before imposing the requirement to locate nonconductive facilities. Cities said the requirement to install tracer wire or other means of locating sewer laterals was unreasonable because current technology often does not work, is not accurate, and locating wires are unreliable when used at the depths which water and sewer laterals are found in Minnesota. Cities also asked for a standard, statewide locating -wire installation standard These concerns were dsimssed MnOPS also rejected a recommen- dation by private utility contractors that the rule be expanded to include the entire length of the service lateral, from the water or sewer main to the build- ing The recommendation was rejected because "the Department's Jurisdictional authority may be brought into question with respect to codes, such as the Building Code" MnOPS acknowledged no current technology is 100 percent accurate, but that locating wire. as a minimum stan- dard, was reasonable The Minnesota Rural Electric Associ- ation (MREA) also opposed any service lateral locating and marking by electric utilities, because they do not own, install or maintain the lines beyond the meter The response from MnOPS was similar to the one it made to cities primary locating responsibility needed to be placed on the entity in the best position to maintain records and locate underground facilities. the operators. Recommendations To meet the new obligations, cities must develop a system to manage those installing facilities in the right -of -way Some cities have already done this through use of a right -of -way manage- ment ordinance For other cities, this will require adopting new local regu- lations At the very least, every city with water and sewer facilities needs to establish a right -of -way excavation permit process that meets its needs. At a minimum, such an ordinance should require notice to the city, a city approval process, and a requirement mandating the installers provide the city with required information on the loca- non of the facilities they have installed Ideally, cities would receive accurate as- built maps or records of the type used by the city. The city must develop a system to respond to excavators that will request information about the location of pre Jan. 1, 2006, installations through GSOC The city is only required to provide the best available information Some cities, however, may want to embark on a city-wide mapping effort in order to meet this obligation Other cities may only need to make their records, or copies of their records, more easily accessible. For installations occurring after Dec. 31, 2005, the city must develop methods to ensure sewer and water laterals are Iocatable.The city could choose to do this is in one of several ways Imposing requirements on the installer. For example, before the city approves a sewer or water connection, the city could rightfully require that the installer provide the city precise location coordinates, perhaps through construction grade as -built drawings. Ensuring the requirement to make facilities locatable is an explicit term of every development agreement To ensure this practice occurs, the city will need to develop an inspection program Consider contracting with a private locating firm and make sure that every new installation is inspected, mapped, and located by the firm The ctry must provide the means to develop a system for maintaining, stor- ing, and retrieving information about the location of the newly installed facilities (those installed after Dec 31, 2005, e g tie card system, GIS infor- mation, CAD maps, etc The city itself must begin locating and marking these newly- installed facil- ities after Dec 31, 2005. which may require training of existing staff or con- tracting with a private firm The city may want to consider developing more stringent requirements for firms and contractors undertaking trenchless excavation in the right -of- way For instance, at a minimum the city should. Require an excavation pernut Just hke other street excavations. Enforce the Minn Stat Sec 216D requirement that excavators "pot- hole" when crossing marked sewer and water laterals is Report excavators that are not appro- priately "pot holing" to MnOPS. The city should document and retain records of these reports. Consider requirements that prohibit trenchless excavations more than four feet below grade without specific perrrusston from the city Conclusion All cities must focus serious attention to the new rules While the rules con- stitute a significant unfunded mandate, cities should exercise their authority to pass along many of the costs as part of an excavation permit process Cities should also seriously consider increased regulation of trenchless excavators, since this type of installation would likely be the cause of hits to municipal facilities r Tom Grundhoefer is legal counsel of the League ofMinnesota Cities. Phone (651) 281 -1266 E -mail tgrundho @lmnc org .Ann awns u Intergovernmental relations representative with the League of Minnesota Clues Phone (651) 281 -1257 E mail. ahiggins @lmnc.org. JUNE -JULY 2005 MINNESOTA CITIES 7