HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.B. Minutes of the April 12, 2006 City Council Work SessionB ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 Pursuant to call and notice thereof, a City Council Special Work Session was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2006, at 6:33 p m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145`" Street West Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter and DeBettigmes attending. Council Member Shoe Corrigan was absent. Staff members present were City Admuustrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Adnumstrator Weitzel, City Engineer Brotzler, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Pohce Lieutenant Kuhns, Communications Coordinator Cox and Recording Secretary Domeier. DISCUSSION 2.A. Emergency Options Plan Overview Police Chief Kalscabakken summarized the staff report. Every municipality within Minnesota is required to have an Emergency Operations Plan "EOP which is prepared by the City's designated emergency manager. In Rosemount, the position of Chief of Police has been designated through lob description /responsibilities as the City's emergency manager. The City's plan has not been updated for 10 years. The plan is not incident specific as not every condition can be factored m. A benefit of Rosemount is the number of private businesses that have their own emergency plans and practice the plans. Police Lieutenant Kuhns added the plan is a supplement to each department's standard operating procedures. There was a great amount of participation on the rewrite of the EOP. A map illustrating the 302 facilities and facilities at risk was shared with the Council Members Mayor Droste questioned the number of sewer lift stations located in Rosemount because during the loss of power would there be alternate power available Mr Kuhns noted all lift stations have backup generators. Mr. Kalstabakken added the use of generators is something Public Works would take care of in a crisis situation Mayor Droste questioned if the bird flu epidemic would happen and people had to stay home to prevent spreading and how people would be notified. Mr. Kuhns noted the notification plan is m the EOP, you could use the cable override, and the County also has a plan to mstitute a plan for a pandemic flu. The County rehes on the City for the release of information Public Health has put together a public network to get the information out to mdividuals. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned if notification can be given to residents via the local telephone company through a recorded message or through the local cable company. Lt. Kuhns noted there is a fax media hit. Mr KaLstabakken noted that Rosemount does not have the reverse 911 capabilities. As part of the move to the joint dispatch system the question has come up regarding having access to reverse 911 capabilities. Mayor Droste questioned the use of sirens and if the City has looked into voice sirens. Mr. Kuhns noted that the City can use the cable overnde or outdoor warnuig siren to alert people to go inside and turn on their television ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 City Administrator Verbrugge questioned how far beyond the circle does the sound activate for the areas where a siren may not reach according to the map. Mr. Kuhns noted there may have to be some movement m where the sirens are located. The map shows the minimum coverage It is important to remind residents that it is an outdoor warning and you are not expected to hear it in your house over the sound of televisions or air conditioners. Council Member Baxter stated if nobody is designated to make the program more flexible does it make it less functional; outside of the police department are the other departments trained on their roles and if the rules are kept current. Department heads have had training on the safety programs. The Parks and Recreation Department has had members participate in county exercises for setting up a facility for a shelter in the event of an emergency The Community Development Department could assist in locating vacant land Lt Kuhns added that after a tornado the Community Development Department could figure out what type of home or where a home was located this is destroyed. Public Works and building inspectors are becoming more trained in these areas in the conferences they attend. Mr Kalstabakken noted the Council can decide the pohcy on the removal of debris and waste after a storm. Mr. Kalstabakken noted some City's do not charge building permit fees for homes that have damage and require permits to be restored. Mayor Droste noted the EOP is a wonderful document, DeBettigmes stated he appreciated the document being in a place and questioned if companies are required to notify the City of new hazardous matenals being used Mr Kuhns noted the State updates the City of hazardous products being used on a property. Council Member Baxter commented that hauling storm waste and debris it is a public safety concern. He felt the pohcy should be in event of the storm the City should haul the waste and debris away. Mx. Kuhns noted that when there is a disaster in another City, someone from our City would actually go there and assist to learn from the experience. Mr. Kalstabakken added that elected officials should not get involved in the process. Staff will keep elected officials apprised of a situation Council Member Sterner questioned who the communications officer would be since it is not listed in the plan. Mr Kuhns noted it would be based upon the situation. City Admnnstrator Verbrugge noted that depending upon the level on the emergency it would dictate what agency would be the communications coordinator. Council Member Sterner also questioned how a siren would be located m a development. Mr. Kalstabakken responded that the moving of a siren would take place when development occurs. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 Mr. Kalstabakken concluded that the document will be cleaned up and brought back to the Council for adoption in May or June and then will be passed on to the County for its approval. 2.D. Consumption of Alcohol in City Parks Parks and Recreation Director Schultz summarized the staff report. The Park Commission felt alcohol restrictions were too tainted to people who wanted to use the parks. An issue included that having alcohol at a park had to be at a park with a shelter. The Commission is requesting that beer and wine be permitted m all parks unless there is more than a group of 30. If the group is larger than 30, there would have to be a permit from the Parks Commission Parks Commissioner Johnson noted that they did not want to have alcohol at youth gatherings where alcohol would normally be permitted. That type of use would prohibit the use if suggested by the Council Mayor Droste noticed that Apple Valley and Lakeville allow only beer and questioned if the risk with wine is because of the glass bottles. Mr. Schultz stated no glass is allowed in the parks. Council Member Baxter stated that by allowing alcohol to be consumed in the parks the parks would become less faintly friendly. He did not agree with a general policy of allowing beer in the parks but would be fine with a party obtaining a permit. Mr. Verbrugge stated when people drink they tend to get louder and given the noise that will occur, neighbors would probably be complaining more about the amount of alcohol in the parks. Mayor Droste added that Erickson Park is more of an isolated park. In the neighborhood parks the noise would be more noticeable Mr. Verbrugge suggested a compromise of changing the B -2 language and taking the shelter language out and allowing an event by use of a permit. Council Member DeBettigmes believes by allowing permit only for large groups then you would have the tools to put an event to a stop and still have control. Council Member Sterner questioned the cost for a permit. Mr Schultz stated there would be an admmistradve fee for the permit that would be included in the fee list Mr. Verbrugge offered another suggestion taking the 3.21/4 language out of the ordinance. Council Member Baxter had no problem with having strong beer in the parks. Mayor Droste questioned how the City would relate the information to residents. Mr. Verbrugge stated the information could go in a brochure stating the Parks Commission would like to enhance the enjoyment of the parks for groups and families to have the chance to enjoy alcohol in the parks but would like to retain the family values associated with our City parks Mayor Droste requested that the language be modified shghdy and to come back ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 next year before the summer bulletin goes out listing the rules and regulation of alcohol m the parks Council Member Sterner felt the need is urgent to change the ordinance. Council Member DeBettignies stated to drop the 3.2 to use a permit only, keep the existing ordinance as hsted but dropping the use of alcohol only being allowed at parks with shelters. He added he would like to keep some enforcement regulations m place. Mr. Verbrugge stated by removing the shelter requirement the City will need to look at the setback from single family homes. Council Member Baxter requested to see the permit form once it has been drafted. 2.B. Work Plan for Outdoor Recreation Complex Parks and Recreation Director Schultz summanzed the staff report. During the recent City Council goal setting meetings, the Council asked staff to develop a work plan for developing an outdoor recreation complex Mr. Schultz updated the Council on the draft work plan provided in the packet. A letter was distributed that the City wrote to Flint Hills Resources to acquire property currently owned by Flint Hills Resources to construct an athletic complex that would serve youth and adults. Mr. Verbrugge stated a complicated factor with Flint Hills Resources is that the land desired is part of their buffer area Because it is a land issue, the process will take longer to go through the appropriate channels at Flint Hills Resources. Mr. Schultz outlined the eight steps in the work plan for the proposed complex. City Administrator Verbrugge stated the timeline would be to have a site selected and willing partner identified by the end of summer or early fall There will need to be aggressive communication of the project and process before the survey would take place. The best case scenario is looking for a referendum at the end of spring or beginning of summer next year. Council Member DeBettignies stated getting the public and organizations involved in the process are key to making the project possible. Council Member Baxter added that sharing the plans with the residents should happen long before Step 6. Mayor Droste noted RAAA should be driving this project. The Council needs to engage with RAAA in Steps 1, 2 and 3. Mr Schultz added that Steps 1 -4 would all happen at the same time. Mr. Schultz will reorganize the work plan to bring the residents on board earlier. Mayor Droste is concerned about having a single item issue. Mr Verbrugge stated they aie looking at the CIP funds and tying all the items together Council Member Sterner was concerned about the amount of public support that is expected Mayor Droste noted there is no requirement to have an athletic complex. Mr. Schultz added that while there are standards for requiring additional facilities we need to have the support from the residents to put the project together. Mr. Verbrugge noted the obligation on the City's part is to be creative m how the project is approached ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 Mr. Schultz provided copies of and explained the different alternatives for the athletic complex if the City would buy the Minnova parcel. Mayor Droste suggested meeting with RAAA and the Parks Commission to go forward with the project. Mr. Schultz stated he will set up a meeting with the groups. Parks Commissioner Johnson added that the site selection is important m determining the marketing and where to go with the project. He further added how important the need for the complex is but if it is not an immediate goal they will build the current needs into the existing parks. Mayor Droste noted the project is important but added a few options are still out there and available. Mayor Droste prefers to be strategic in moving forward with the project. Council Member DeBettigmes is expressly impressed with the vision of the plan Two major crossroads are located in the subject area and there would be excellent access to the site. Our options should remain open due to not knowing the future of UMore Park. Council Member Baxter stated an athletic complex does not hit his top five goals for the City. The Council is faced with so many different things that the citizens of Rosemount want to support. In his opinion, no one seems to be jumping up and saying this is a number one priority in the City. Council Member Sterner stated this project is his number one priority. He would prefer to see the Council working harder on this issue. Mr. Sterner supports looking at the Minnova parcel and the Flint Hills Resources properties. 2.C. Joint Power Agreements for City of Eagan for Sewer Service City Engineer Brotzler summarized the staff report In July 2004, the Council adopted the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. Also m 2004, the Council adopted a resolution requesting a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Eagan for the future extension of sewer service from Eagan to this area of Rosemount. The majority of the future extension of 120` Street to STH 3 hes in Rosemount and that part of the City is zoned rural residential The Joint Powers Agreement would have a time frame of extending 120` Street to Highway 3 within 10 years. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned if the City is building and paying for that 1/2 mule portion of 120` Street would the boundaries be assessed to the City. Mr Brotzler noted that was another item brought to the City of Eagan's attention regarding the boundaries being reahgned between Rosemount and Eagan. Council Member Baxter questioned the cost of upgrading the half mile section of the road at the present tune. Mr. Brotzler said the cost would be about a half million dollars. Council Member Sterner asked Mr. Brotzler his opinion of which option to use for the 120 Street extension Mr. Brotzler noted that option 2 would be a plan MnDOT would favor ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 due to how the road's would align at STH 3. Although, option 2 creates other issues including the upgrades to Highway 3 and the access to current properties on the west side of STH 3. Mr. Brotzler noted that moving forward with the road the City could identify an area for urban development Council Member DeBettigmes stated if the cost of the road falls on Rosemount why pursue the road until development would be occurring Mr. Brotzler noted that an option to the City of Eagan's requested time period of 10 years would be a commitment to construct the extension of 120` Street to STH 3 when urban development along Bacardi Avenue gets to a certain point. Mr Brotzler added that different developers have shown interest in developing this area. Staff has used the Council's standpoint to retain the rural residential character. Mr. Baxter stated if the time is tied into the developable land sunset date he is fine with that but he prefers not to be tied into a specific date. Mayor Droste asked Mr. Brotzler to bring the item back next month showing different options for capacity for the Bester parcel m relation to impacting the surrounding parcels. Mr. Brotzler noted it was suggested that both Councils meet regarding the 120` Street and Highway 3 issues. 2.E. Policy Review Assistant City Administrator Weitzel summarized the staff report The Council was being asked to consider the Travel and Conference Reimbursement and City Credit Card pohcies. Ms. Weitzel first outlined the City Credit Card Pohcy and the procedures followed when using a City credit card. Council Member Sterner questioned who the majority of the credit card users would be at City Hall Mr. Verbrugge noted the majority of the users would be the department heads. Ms. Weitzel outlined the Travel and Conference Reimbursement Policy. It mcludes a six-ter per diem rate system estabhshed by the General Services Administration and guidance regarding lodging and travel procedures. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned how the pier diem allowance will be policed m regards to attendance at a conference Mr Verbrugge noted that if a lunch is provided the attendee is expected to eat the lunch and it will be subtracted for the pier diem. Ms. Weitzel noted that any questions or interpretation of this pohcy would be determined by the City Administrator Ms. Weitzel added the lodging will be at a single rate. If a spouse is lodging as well, that expense will be paid for by the spouse and not the City If receipts could not be obtained, reimbursement of expenses would be at the City Administrator's discretion Mr. Verbrugge noted the policies will be on the April 18, 2006 agenda for approval. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 2.F. Council Compensation City Adnnnistrator Verbrugge summarized the staff report and distributed a handout depicting the setting of the Mayor and Council's salaries. Mr. Verbrugge explained the data distributed to the Council. The suggested compensation levels appear to be fair based on similar metro -area commutates and neighboring cities. The new compensation would take place on January 1, 2007. Council Member Sterner stated he felt the $6,000 is a reasonable increase. He suggested moving the mayoral salary to approximately $8,000. However, Council Member Sterner is not opposed to the mayoral rate of $8,400. Council Member Baxter agreed that $6,000 is fair compensation for the council members and the mayor's job requires more time and commitment and should be at $9,000. Mr. Baxter would like people to be aware that the mayor's job requires an enormous amount of time and effort. Mr. Verbrugge added the salary is also based upon the expectation of duties. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the special meeting pay and if other cities are receiving a stipend for attending special meetings. Mr Verbrugge confirmed he was correct and added it's the same stipend as with the Port Authonty. Council Member DeBettignies suggest a salary of $7,500- $8,000 for the mayor. Mr. Verbrugge noted the item will be before the Council again next month. UPDATES 3.A. Health Management Program Update Ms. Weitzel summarized the staff report. To perpetuate a shift towards a more conscious health care consumer, the Insurance and Benefits Committee members have proposed a weight -loss competition open to all employees as part of the City of Rosemount's Wellness Program. This contest would encourage employees to lose weight, become more physically fit, and become mote educated about issues affecting then own well being. The contest incentives will include small fitness- related items, with a grand pnze of one additional vacation day for each member of the winning team. The Council Members were on board with the plan and thought it was a great idea 3.B. GIS Tech Position Mr Verbrugge distributed an email regarding the new GIS Tech position. Community Development Director Lindquist requested retaining Shuang Ao as an employee during the transition of the hiring of the GIS Tech and the implementation of the new cartegraph system in the Public Works department. The Council Members were in support with the request. Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 10:39 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 12, 2006 Mr. Verbrugge received a call from a concerned resident regarding the Empire Outfall project. Mr. Verbrugge provided the Council with a quick overview of the project should a resident inquire. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, Recording Secretary