HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the April 18, 2006 Regular City Council ProceedingsA E V ary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 2006 CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and nonce thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, April 18, 2006, at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter, DeBettigmes, and Shoe Corrigan attending. Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Admunstrator Weitzel, City Attorney LeFevere, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Finance Director May, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Communications Coordinator Cox, Chief of Police Kalstabakken, Fire Chief Aker, and Recording Secretary Burr. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City Administrator Verbrugge stated there is one add -on item for consent, 6 -S, Mercury Contamination Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release He also noted Mr. LeFevere has worked with Council Member Baxter to resolve any final concerns as a result of Council discussion on this item. Mr. Verbrugge noted he has add -on items for Items 6.k 6.1., and 6 m., which are the maps Council Member Sterner has requested for these items. Mr. Verbrugge stated Item 5 a. concerns volunteer recognition. This is the third year the City has taken the opportunity to recognize National Volunteer Week by localizing it and bringing in the many people who contribute efforts to their community. He asked that because so many residents are in attendance for that portion of the meeting, that volunteer recognition should occur prior to public comment on the agenda. Motion by Droste. Second by Sterner. Motion to adopt the Agenda with the addition of 6 -S, the three add -on items, and the movement of Item 5.a., to earlier on the agenda. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS 5.a. Volunteer Recognition Mayor Droste stated this is the third year the City has held the recognition in conjunction with National Volunteer Week -which is April 24 through April 28. He noted on March 21, the Council passed a resolution which stated the City of Rosemount "benefits greatly from volunteers by their efforts to meet social needs." Additionally, "Volunteering promotes fellowship and unity, as well as increased community awareness and the maintenance of the quality of life." Mayor Droste noted the national survey estimates that approximately one out of four residents m a community volunteer. Using that estimate, about 4,600 Rosemount residents take part m some sort of volunteer work, though that figure is probably low given the efforts m churches and schools. Mayor Droste explained Council Member Shoe Corrigan will read the names of the volunteers and he will present each individual with a certificate from the City. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated the Council is honored throughout the year by visits from Rosemount's youngest people who have achieved a high level of ment in Scouting and who receive commendations from the City. Tonight there are a number of honorees who make those accomplishments possible by serving as leaders. Council Member Shoe Corrigan recognized Scout Leaders Patti Mohrland, Lmda Murray, Michelle and Kevin Rambo, Laurie Rumpza, Susan Snay, Jackie Speich She noted Kathy McCoy, Jan Holmes, and Theresa Johnson organized Girl Scout camps. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated the City is proud of its collection of parks for the benefit of its residents Many of those parks are maintained through the volunteer efforts of vanous groups, families, and a long standing Rosemount business The Council has asked representatives of each group to accept a certificate. Council Member Shoe Corrigan recognized Diane Sowokmos, Girl Scout Troop 1392; Barb Hester, Rosemount Moms Club, Steven Murphy; Julie Scribner; Connie Gilson, Ramona Murphy, the Murphy family; Roxann and Terry Duffy, Machelle Otto, Girl Scout Troop 649; Loren Sworski, Rosemount Knights of Columbus, Columbian Squires and Squirettes; Doreen Ulrich, Community Action Council Volunteers and Neighbors; Kathy Smith, Brownie Troop #187; Debra Lembecke, Browme Troop #2400, Kane Peterson, Haage, Peterson and Studley Families, Kin Mohrhauser, Fluegel Farm, Garden Pets; Angie Debctugnies; and Runa Mullin, Young Rembrandts. Council Member Shoe Corngan stated Rosemount's pubhc and nonpublic schools benefit from the assistance of scores of volunteers, who help in the classrooms and with activities and fundraising beyond The City asked each school that serves students from Rosemount to suggest volunteers who can stand m tonight for the large number of parents and other adults helping Rosemount students. Council Member Shoe Corngan recognized Elaine Benfante, Rosemount Middle School; Terry Slater, Rosemount Elementary School, Kay Zavala, Shannon Park Elementary, Melody Klein, Red Pine Elementary, Julie Bierbaum, Diamond Path Elementary; Cary Wenzel, Rosemount High School; Jan Manning, Rosemount High School; Gordon and Paula Phillips, Rosemount High School; and Laura Kessler, St Joseph School. Council Member Shoe Corrigan recognized Mackenzie Drutowski for work with Dakota Woodlands. She recognized Joe Walsh for serving, among other thmgs, during Teen Nights, Egg Hunt, and Winter Fest with help and supphes. Council Member Shoe Corrigan recognized Maureen Geraghty Bouchard for work on Rosemount history, Downtown design, and other civic efforts. Council Member Shoe Corngan stated the final group combines two large committees whose members organize and carry out Rosemount's two community celebrations: Leprechaun Days m July and the Haunted Woods Trail m October The Council combined the hsts because so many of the individuals devote time to both celebranons. Council Member Shoe Corrigan recognized Steve Ball, Mark Bigelow, Laura Davis, Dale Dose, Debbie Grimm, Doug Hagerty, Shelia Hathaway, Sam Roll, T J Hrbek, Becky Hunt, Gene Illg, Peggy Johnson, Tad Johnson, Enc Komorouski, Randy Komorouslu, Jamie Koronkiewicz, June and Bob Korthaurer, Forrest Krogh, Darhne Lehmann, Jerry Little, Tim Little and Christine Loberg. Council Member Shoe Corrigan continued with recognition of John and Ann Loch, Gerald Mattson, Betsy McMenomy, Amy Murphy, Jerry Noll, Josh Peters, Sally Revohnslu, Cheryl Ruud, Jane and Bob Schwartz, Kyle Snesrud, Gene and Cindy Stiles, Michele Stookey, Phil Tobey, Marsha Toombs, John Traeger, Lynda and Joe Webber, Shannon Weigland, Ahce Wenzel, and Tom Werner Council Member Shoe Corrigan noted the community celebrations were led last year by two busy volunteers: Mike Bouchard for the Haunted Wood Trail and Dorene Perkins for Leprechaun Days. Mayor Droste added he delivered the State of the City speech a month ago and noted it is the citizens and volunteers that work within the community to make it so strong and viable. He expressed appreciation for the volunteers' efforts. City Administrator Verbrugge added the people recognized this evening were all names submitted to the City. He encouraged anyone to contact Mr. Cox if any names were missed this evening Mr. Verbrugge added the efforts of all Rosemount's volunteers make the City staff's jobs a lot easier. Council Member Baxter expressed his appreciation for all the volunteers recognized this evening He continued that the City spends a significant portion of its meeting time on budgets, and he is struck by how much the volunteers contribute so that certain lobs do not have to be paid for by the City and schools. Council Member DeBettignies added there is a strong core of business owners that donate to organizations They give generously and donate things for these events as well He thanked the business owners in the community for their efforts and donations. PUBLIC COMMENT None. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT None. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS CONTINUED 5.b. Arbor Day Proclamation Parks and Recreation Director Schultz stated as part of participation m the Tree City, USA program, one of the requirements is that the City of Rosemount observe Arbor Day. The City has done this for 13 years. An Arbor Day celebration is proposed for May 6, 2006, at Central Park. Mr. Schultz continued the City intends to give away six to eight foot trees, one to each of the first 150 residents present The trees are bare -root and should be planted within 24 hours of receiving them. He also advised residents to call Gopher State One Call at least 72 hours prior to digging. Mr. Schultz added the sponsor for the event is Dakota Electric Association. He expressed appreciation to Dakota Electric for cash donations to help purchase the trees given away to residents. Motion by DeBettignies Second by Sterner. Motion to approve the proclamation naming May 6, 2006, as Arbor Day and the month of May as Arbor Month. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member DeBettigmes requested the removal of Item 6.b. from the Consent Agenda Council Member Sterner requested removal of Item 6.o. from the Consent Agenda. Motion by Baxter. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda, Items a. through s, with the removal of Items 6.b. and 6 0. a. Bills Listing b. Rcceivc D nation Fire Department c. 2006A G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness Authorizing Issuance and Setting Bond Sale d. 2006B G O. Improvement Bonds Issue Authorizing Issuance and Setting Bond Sale e. Appointment of Assistant Fire Chief; Acting Secretary; and Ratification of Fire Department Officers, Committee Members and Training Coordinator f. Authorize Hiring of Police Officer g. Hinng of a GIS Technician h. City Credit Card and Travel and Conference Reimbursement Policies i. Health Management Program j. Otto Ped (Solberg Aggregate Company) Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal 06- 21-ME k. Rosemount Industrial PUD Agreement Amendment 05 -42 -PUD 1. Receive Plans and Specifications /Authonze Advertisement of Bids Eva-moor Crosscroft 3` Street Utility Improvements, City Project #403 m. Receive Plans and Specificanons /Authorize Advertisement of Bids JJT Business Park 1" Addition Street Utility Improvements, City Project #402 n. Acquisition of Easements County Road 38, Phase 11, City Project #387 o. Mu p. Payment #5 Final 2004 SCADA System, City Project #377 q. Combining City Project #387 and #393 Old County Road 38/132 Court West Street Utility Improvements, City Project #387 r. Encroachment Agreement with Northern Natural Gas s. Mercury Contamination Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.b. Receive Donation Fire Department Council Member DeBetugnies thanked the Gist family for the donation to the fire department. He noted Mr. Gist was a retired firefighter and recently passed away, and his family wanted the donation to be made m his memory. Motion by DeBettigtues. Second by Baxter. Motion to accept a donation of $273.78 from the Kenneth Gist Memorial Fund. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.o. Municipal State Aid Mileage Amendments Council Member Sterner asked for further clarification of the road program City Administrator Verbrugge stated City Engineer Brotzler is here to provide an overview of the Municipal State -Aid streets. City Engineer Brotzler stated the City of Rosemount is a state -aid City, which means it has a population over 5,000 All cities over 5,000 are eligible for the Mn -DOT Municipal State Aid program The City receives annual monies from Mn -DOT called Municipal State _Aid funds, and is based on the combination of population, state -aid miles and needs The City is a developing community and adds roads every year The road mileage added every year means the City can add 20 percent of that mileage to the State -Aid system. Mr. Brotzler explained this year the City is proposing to revoke several state -aid routes that are existing routes and replace those with two new routes. He displayed a map showing state -aid routes. Mr. Brotzler discussed which roads will be added and the rationale behind the two new additional roads. Council Member Sterner inquired about the criteria used when roads are changed m the state -aid system. Mr Brotzler responded the first criterion is to determine if the City has spent state -aid dollars If the City has spent state -aid dollars m the past 20 years, the City is not allowed to take that road off the state -aid system. Regarding the roads the City is taking off, they were initially part of the City's state -aid plan. Mr. Brotzler explained the big reason for that is up until two years ago, the City did not have plans for development identified for east of Akron Avenue. Staff at the tune was trying to allocate all of the state -aid rules wherever they could Now that the City is contmumg plans for development east, there are a bunch of roads to be developed m the future and a need has been created for state -aid funds. Motion by Sterner. Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to adopt a resolution revoking Municipal State -Aid Streets and to approve a resolution estabhshmg State Aid Streets as stated in Item 6.0. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING 7.a. Mankato Rehabilitation Center Project (MRCI) Preliminary Approval to the Project and the Issuance of a Commercial Development Revenue Note Finance Director May stated this item is on the agenda for Council to conduct a pubhc hearing for the proposed project and financing for MRCI. This is the first financing that the City will have undertaken for these types of notes since the Council adopted a Private Activity Tax Exempt Financing Pohcy on March 6 of this year. The pubhc hearing is a step m the process for the company to work with the City to secure this financing Mr May stated this step involves the preliminary approval of the bonds by passing of the proposed resolution following the pubhc hearing. The pubhc hearing and approval are required by federal and state law. It is important to understand that this approval does not constitute approval or waiver of any other City regulations or requirements for the project, such as land use regulations. Mr May stated that the approving resolution authonzes and is contingent on the project receiving the approval of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Also, the project will come back to the City Council at a later date for the approval of a final resolution approving the terms of the financing documents. Mr. May stated the City's financial advisor, Spnngsted, and its bond counsel, Briggs Morgan, have supplied information included with the packet that addresses the project and the financing. He noted MRCI is in compliance with the City's Pnvate Activity Tax Exempt Financing Policy at this tune. Mr. May noted from the planning side, the Community Development issued the attached letter to MRCI giving them conditional approval of their site plan. He noted on that aspect, the project is moving forward Mr. May indicated Terri Heaton, a representative from Spnngsted, is present as well as Linda Leidmg from MRCI. Linda Leidmg, MRCI, provided background information about MRCI. She stated MRCI has been m business for over 50 years and provides support and services to people with disabilmes MRCI helps people with disabilities find day programs, volunteer, find gainful employment, and help them find leisure activities. Ms. Leading noted MRCI works closely with the communities it resides m; it is important to MRCI to partner with business and schools There are 12 different sites located around the southern part of the state and in the Metro area. In this situauon, two programs will be combined so that there is a nice site to work out of MRCI will have up to 35 staff working out of the site along with about 100 to 150 consumers who will work out of the site as well. Council Member Sterner asked if the 35 staff members on site are volunteers or are paid Ms Leid ng responded the consumers are paid along with the staff. MRCI brings in fight assembly work and packaging in the building Additionally, there are some volunteers that come into the organization. She noted the consumers also enjoy their own volunteering. Council Member Baxter asked for clarification on the site location. City Administrator Verbrugge explained the site is where Boulder Avenue ends Mayor Droste asked Terri Heaton to address the Council. Terry Heaton, Spnngsted, stated state- exempt private activity bonds are a wonderful economic development tool in that they provide tax- exempt rates for 501 (C)(3) corporations. The nsk for these bonds is negligible The City is serving as a conduit, but the loan is between Wells Fargo and MRCI, and the transaction is administered by Wells Fargo. She noted the memo outlines that MRCI has met the criteria of the policy. Motion by Droste. Second by Baxter. Motion to close the public hearing. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Council Member DeBettignies asked for clarification on the statement of activities He asked if MRCI is showing a decrease in total revenue and assets as far as income and loss statements compared to 2003/2004 He noted there is an increase in expenses and increase in revenue, but there seems to be a negative in 2003 m assets. Ms Leiding responded MRCI had a very difficult year m 2003 but was able to turn it around in 2004. Council Member DeBettigmes asked how that was accomphshed. Ms Leidmg explained it was done m a number of ways. MRCI's funding comes from a variety of sources. In 2003 state funding for some programs was cut by 1 percent, and in a couple of programs was cut by 3 percent. Staffing and other areas were adjusted to accommodate that Additional consumers were brought into the program at the time, and more consumers bring in additional revenues The trend now is that MRCI is having another positive year with that. Council Member DeBettignies asked if MRCI was involved with major corporations like 3M. Ms. Leiding stated MRCI does work for 3M, Kraft, and other companies. As some of those come and go, work contracts are lost for consumers Staff is always looking for additional contracts. Motion by Sterner. Second by Shoe Corngan. Motion to adopt the resolution reciting a proposal for a commercial development project, giving prelmunary approval to the project and the issuance of a Commercial Development Revenue Note pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section, 469 155 and authorizing the preparation of necessary documents (Mankato Rehabihtation Project (MRCI)). Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. ANNOUNCEMENTS City Admunstrator \'erbrugge noted he has one addition to the calendar. This Friday is the Business Excellence Luncheon hosted by the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce. A majority of the Port Authority will be in attendance, so it has been noticed as a pubhc meeting m accordance with State law He added the opportunity still exists to attend the meeting, and a seat can still be reserved by calling the Chamber at 452 -9872. Mayor Droste reviewed the scheduled meetings on the City calendar. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m. Second by DeBettigmes. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0 The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Allison Burr, Recording Secretary