HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Joint Powers Agreement with City of Eagan for Sewer ServiceAGENDA ITEM: Joint Powers Agreement with City of Eagan for Sewer Service AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer AGENDA ai ATTACHMENTS: Figure A -5, Property Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4 ROSE MOUNT City Council Work Session: May 24, 2006 BACKGROUND CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the April 12 City Council Work Session, Council discussed the proposed joint powers agreement with the City of Eagan to facilitate the extension of sanitary sewer service to a portion of the north central area of Rosemount. The areas proposed to be served with sewer from the City of Eagan in the future are Sewer Districts A -1 and A -2 as depicted on the attached Figure A -5 from the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (July 20, 2004). As discussed at the April 12 meetmg, the City of Eagan is requesting that the proposed joint powers agreement, m addition to providing sewer service to this area m the future include a provision for the extension of 120 Street to STH 3 within 10 years from the date of an agreement. Council discussed that a counter proposal would be a commitment to extend 120 Street to STH 3 based on development within the City rather than a specific time period. It was noted at the April 12 meeting that the City could provide sewer service to Sewer Distracts A -1 and A -2 from the south through the City's sewer system Staff has reviewed the downstream capacity of existing fac and has venfied that there is capacity to extend sewer service to Sewer Distracts A -1 and A -2 from the City system in the future While sewer service to this area can be accommodated m the future through the City system rather than the City of Eagan system, an additional hft station would be required as part of the City system and the City system would need to be developed to this area to facilitate service. With the original option to extend sewer service from the City of Eagan to Sewer Districts A -1 and A -2, service could be provided by gravity with no lift station and could be facihtated sooner if necessary. Another item briefly discussed with Council is a request from Mr Earl Bester for Council to consider extending sewer service to his property at the comer of 120`" Street and Bacardi Avenue as shown on the attached map Two items to consider with this request is the sewer capacity available in the City of Eagan system and the current zoning and land use designanon of this property. From a sewer capacity standpoint, the Bester property is located m a separate sewer district that is planned to be served from the City's system to the south Based on a cursory review of the sewer capacity available m the City of Eagan system and the projected flows from Sewer Districts A -1 and A -2, there is no additional capacity in the City of Eagan sewer system to facihtate the extension of sewer service to the Bester property without eliminating an equivalent area in Sewer Distracts A -1 or A -2. ,v The second item is the current zoning of the Bester property as Agricultural Preserve and the Comprehensive Plan designates the property as rural residential. Through discussions with Mr. Bester and Manley Development, staff has articulated our understandmg of the Council's direction to preserve this area as rural residential. At the Mayor's request, staff has invited Mr Bester to the Council Work Session to address Council with his request for the Council to consider re- guiding and rezoning his property for urban residential development SUMMARY Staff is seeking Council direction for negotiations with the City of Eagan to enter into a joint powers agreement for future sewer service from the City of Eagan to Sewer Districts A -1 and A -2. Enumerated below are options that have been discussed. 1. Enter into joint powers agreement and commit to extending 120 Street to STH 3 within 10 years from the date of an agreement. The construction of 120` Street to STH 3 would need to be funded by the City or funded with assessments to the adjacent property owners If the extension were to be funded with assessments, it would be hkely that the Council would have to consider re- guiding and rezoning the property for urban residenual development to support the assessment costs 2. Work to negotiate a joint powers agreement that would commit to the extension of 120 Street to STET 3 as development occurred in the City. As discussed at the April 12 City Council Work Session, urban residential development to the City's north MUSA line along Bacardi Avenue would be an option. As this area develops, Bacardi Avenue, which is a collector street will need to be upgraded and m the future, the extension of 120 Street to STH 3 will be necessary Again, at the time that 120 Street is extended to STH 3, the funding for the extension will be an issue that may result in the need to re -guide and rezone the area for urban residential development to support assessment costs 3. Not enter into a joint powers agreement with the City of Eagan and plan to provide sewer service to Sewer Distracts A -1 and A -2 from the City system to the south. As previously noted, this option would necessitate the construction of an additional hft station in the City sewer system and would require an extension of sewer service from the City system a longer distance than from the City of Eagan. 2 d I II§ m 1 I F i f F 1 '9 Ai j ujJ il 1111111111 7 0,' �Is am ice j A cc am a 1 al i it I Ir si a C a 10 R a. gure A -5 )rthwest Sanitary Sewer Area )semount, MN 411 1 11 G n was Ma AF F -c E4►ti� er g s �,wr o IE II lel 1 la 1 1,11 L i lir w t S m 0 G W O a 0 e m 0 W ow Lu iS 1 Ir it* ck Parcel Information MANLEY BROS ONALD KATHLEEN WELVAER MICHAEL J CYNTHIA BEAMISH JAMES A DIANE R SCHNOOR DONALD C MAROTZKE N A JOHN D BUEHLER DORIS M MAROTZKE DORIS M MAROTZKE DORIS M MAROTZKE 0 O STER EARL FLORENCE BESTER DORIS M MAROTZKE ZONING AGP Agricultural Preserve RR Rural Residential I W Water DORIS M MAROTZKE /OFROSEMOUNT y 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA